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Diseases of rats and their treatment. Infectious diseases accompanied by abdominal symptoms. Diseases of decorative rats and their treatment

What diseases of domestic rats are dangerous for these animals. Pets come in all different shapes and sizes. Among them are rodents: hamsters, chinchillas and, of course, rats. Caring for rats requires not just ordinary knowledge of keeping them, but also specific conditions for keeping and caring for them. It is important to consider the cage, food, bedding and many other factors that affect the health and immunity of the animal.

Important do not diagnose and treat yourself, this will have a bad effect on the health of the rodent, which is already susceptible to disease. ethnoscience- not the best The best way rid your pet of pathology and deviations. It is better to entrust this matter to a professional veterinarian who knows how to treat the disease. IN veterinary center“Ya-Vet” an experienced expert is ready to respond to a call within an hour at a time that the owner chooses himself. The veterinarian also has all the necessary tools and papers with him, which means He will conduct diagnostics and tests upon arrival.

In this article we will look at the basic methods of keeping rats, diagnostics, rat diseases and their treatment.

Diseases of domestic rats: keeping and caring for a rat

As already mentioned, keeping and caring for a rat includes knowing how to choose the right cage, bedding and food wisely. The cage must be appropriate size, it should have several floors and space to run around. Instead of a cage, you cannot use various aquariums and homemade products. Also worth considering presence of a running wheel and a house. in which she can build a nest and sleep. It is also worth remembering that rats love to mark territory, which is accompanied by strong odor, therefore h Clean the cage and change the bedding every day. If you have increased sensitivity to odors, then you should take a closer look at more sterile and hypoallergenic rodents.

It is worth noting that sometimes the rodent is kept outside the cage, at the level of other domestic animals. He also has a corner where he lives. It consists of a bowl, a drinking bowl and a bed, possibly a wheel. Such cases are rare and are not recommended for the safety of the animal and to prevent it from chewing the wire from the TV or otherwise causing mischief. It is impossible to toilet train rodents.

Exist special cell fillers, and there is ordinary sawdust. It is worth trying several options to see which one is most suitable for your rat. After all, they all have specific tastes and individual characteristics. Also, an allergic reaction develops to some types of bedding.

The same conditions should be taken with food, select optional food that the animal will like. It must contain necessary vitamins and microelements for healthy immunity and strength. Costs dilute food with organic and natural food , and in summer and spring give clean and washed grass as food.

Worth considering main characteristics of the rodent and maintenance features:

  • The body of a domestic rat can reach twenty-five centimeters.
  • A rat weighs up to half a kilogram, and females are always smaller in size than males.
  • Lifespan varies, some say that a rat can live for more than four years, while others say it only lives for three years. There is a recorded case where a rat lived for seven years and four months.
  • The color of the coat varies from snow-white to black.
  • It is worth noting once again that rats are predators, so it is worth feeding them boiled meat. They should also always have access to clean drinking water.
  • You should not place the cage on a window, because drafts and sunlight will have a bad effect on the health of the animals and their life expectancy.
  • The food must be selected according to the specific personality of the animal. We have to give it a try different types feed, and then draw a conclusion. In general, such an experiment can last for a month. You can ask your veterinarian for advice, who will definitely tell you which food is best to use and what food should be diluted with it.

Rat Intelligence

Not everyone believes, but Rats are quite smart creatures. They are even trainable and are taught to do various elements and obey commands. If you work with an animal for a long time and reward it with treats, it can learn a lot, for example:

  • Find out your nickname and respond to it.
  • Get up on hind legs and obey such commands.
  • Go to the cage or bedding on command.
  • Do different tricks and jumps, pretend to be dead and so on.

Training an animal is not that difficult, it just requires skill and time. For example, after the animal’s name is heard, it is given a treat. Helped complete the element - the rat gets food. And so on with all the tricks that the owner wants to teach the animal. It is worth considering that their memory is not the best, so the nickname should be short, and it is also worth practicing all the tricks that she can forget after a month of life. After all For domestic rats, a month is like a human year.

It is very important at such moments to show affection and care. The rat should live with the owner for some time, after which it will feel safe and cared for. It’s also worth choosing healthy treats, which your veterinarian can help you decide on.

Diseases of domestic rats: diet of a decorative rat

Diet The diet of a decorative rat does not differ much from the diet of any predator. Otherwise, we can say that rats eat almost everything that is given to them. However should be limited smoked, fatty, fried and, of course, sweet and salty. It will affect them gastrointestinal tract V negative side and not avoid gastrointestinal diseases.

You should also avoid the following products: Bread and anything related to flour, sausages, fruits or vegetables that have already become overripe or, on the contrary, are underripe, should not be fed with radishes, raw potatoes, beets or cabbage. Animals will happily eat all of the above, but if the owner wants his pet to live as long as possible long life and made you happy for as long as possible - it’s worth giving up these products. In principle, this applies to all animals that live at home.

To prevent a decorative rat from having an upset stomach and its health deteriorating, it is worth feed the following products power supply:

  1. Cereals such as oats, barley and so on.
  2. Ripe fruits, especially apples and the like.
  3. Ripe vegetables and cucumbers are especially good.
  4. It is worth giving fish, preferably once a week.
  5. Dairy products, of course the most important thing are milk and cheese.
  6. IN summer periods You should pick herbs and clover, wash and dry them thoroughly and give them only after that.
  7. Specialized feeds that are already prepared and contain a lot of nutrients and minerals. However, you should not dwell only on them and feed only food from the store. There must be a proper balance of food products.

A mineral stone is always placed in the cage of a decorative rat, on which the rats sharpen their teeth and clean them. Thanks to this, you can even let them go for a walk around the apartment or house, because they will not touch the wires after they have sharpened them. This method also helps saturate their body with useful calcium.

It is always worth keeping in mind that rats get fat quickly and are prone to obesity. This means that you cannot overfeed them. Goodies with common table are allowed extremely rarely. There should also be access either to a walk around the apartment (they need to be walked almost like dogs) or access to a wheel in which the rat can run and dispel accumulated fat.

Homemade rats are active and love an active lifestyle, but for this they need to be helped and not fed. In just a couple of months the pet will gain weight large sizes, and this, obviously, will negatively affect his life time and the number of years that he will delight his owners.

The domestic rat and its diseases

Even such a small animal as a rat has many diseases. They have common symptoms of appearance, which are not so difficult to notice. The typical rodent is always active, with sparkling eyes, with soft, pleasant fur, his ears and nose are clean, his nose is slightly wet, there is no redness anywhere. If this condition changes, you should immediately call a veterinarian at home. Just call, because an extra trip can make the situation worse. The immune system is weakened, which means the infection can enter the body much more easily and secondary infection will occur. Excess stress can affect the immune system even more.

Next is a list of diseases that domestic rats can suffer from. Not to say that there are a lot of them, but the rodent’s body is quite fragile in itself, so the treatment is specific and can only be entrusted to an experienced veterinarian.

Diseases of domestic rats: Mycoplasmosis

The disease is caused by a bacterium called Mycoplasma pulmonis. Moreover, most rats are carriers of the disease, but those who come into contact with a relative sick with mycoplasmosis become ill. Another reason could be weak immunity or the age of the rat if it is three years old or older.

Signs of the disease mycoplasmosis the following: wheezing, discharge appears from the nose that was not there before, it looks like blood, the rat sneezes and attacks of suffocation appear.

The disease affects the rat's lungs; if it is a female rat, there is a risk of infection in the uterus. If the disease was detected early and the owner made a fuss by calling a veterinarian, then the disease goes away quickly and has no strong consequences. If at later stages, then antibiotics and strong remedies, recovery and prevention after which is much longer and higher.

At the age of three years and above, no veterinarian can guarantee a complete recovery. However, they can determine a course of treatment and stick to it in order to achieve the results that the owner could not achieve.

Diseases of domestic rats: Listeriosis

Listeriosis is a disease that is dangerous for humans as well. A person becomes infected after contact with a rat or through objects with which the animal has been in contact. It is not so important whether it is food or bedding for your pet. It’s not for nothing that they say that rats are carriers of diseases. Domestic rats can also spread this disease.

Signs of listeriosis It’s not difficult to see: the animal stops feeding, its body temperature rises, it loses coordination in space. The females have damage to the uterus and will not be able to bear offspring.

Exists acute phase of listeriosis, in which the veterinarian will not be able to help in any way, because death occurs literally within two to three days. It is worth saying that sometimes the symptoms are not visible at all, but the disease is there. Only a veterinarian and his tests can confirm the diagnosis of the disease.

Treatment is carried out very rarely; most often the animal is simply placed in a quarantine zone and try to do everything possible, but more often than not it dies. A dead animal should be disposed of as soon as possible, because it is extremely dangerous to human health.

Diseases of domestic rats: Ectromelia or rodent pox

Ectromelia or rodent pox - there is an acute form and a chronic one. During acute extromelia The disease is asymptomatic and extremely rapid; the animal dies within a couple of days. Chronic rodent pox It manifests itself in that the skin and muscles are affected. The cause and cause is a virus that exists in the skin, spleen, liver and some other organs.

The skin is susceptible to ulcers and swelling. When chronic, the disease lasts several months, but if it is cured by the competent actions of a veterinarian, the rat acquires immunity for all subsequent years of life.

It is worth disinfecting all surfaces that the animal touches, and also spend several days in quarantine. Quarantine sometimes reaches thirty days, it all depends on what the doctor says. If the pet dies, then the body should be burned or disposed of in a similar way without harm to surrounding people and animals. After all, they may become infected as well.

Diseases of domestic rats: Infectious diseases

Even domestic rats and rodents are exposed to infectious diseases, viral diseases and also common microbes. The virus enters the body through water, food or the hands of the owner. In general, symptoms can vary greatly, but if the slightest deviation from the norm is noticed, it is worth calling a veterinarian at home from the Ya-Vet clinic. An experienced expert will conduct a competent diagnosis, take tests and receive their results immediately. Within half an hour, a course of treatment will be prescribed, which will determine the fate of the animal. If you follow the instructions, your pet will “get back on its feet” very quickly.

Treating your pet yourself is not the best best idea. The owner only needs to recognize the disease and call help at home. And then follow the instructions. This is done for the benefit of not only the animal, but also the owner. After all, there is a risk that the rodent’s condition will worsen, a secondary infection will occur, which is dangerous for humans, and then the whole family will have to be treated.

Diseases of domestic rats: Salmonellosis

Salmonellosis is a common disease in summer, early autumn and late spring. The disease itself enters through food or water, and then spreads its effect through feces and urine. Acute illness accompanied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this is visible through the specific color of stool and its smell. The rat becomes larger due to the gases accumulated inside.

The rat itself should be killed and the body disposed of by burning, and those who have been in contact with it for a long time should be quarantined for a month.

If the rat is sick, First of all, you should put aside your emotions aside and remember that diseases of rats in most cases are extremely dangerous for people as well. Therefore, if the veterinarian talks about euthanizing and disposing of the pet’s body, you should listen to him. After all there is a risk of putting the whole family at risk; treatment of some viruses and infections will be expensive. After all, everyone knows that rats spread diseases. And it doesn’t matter that these are decorative rats. If there is another pet in the house, then such actions are even more necessary.

The infection itself occurs through the mucous membrane or through the blood after insect bites. That's why If you suspect any disease, you should contact a veterinarian at the Ya-Vet clinic..

Costs maintain personal hygiene, including. Protect the animal, do not allow the rat near larger pets if there is a suspicion that they are sick or if they have returned from a walk and have not washed themselves. After all, on the hands or fur of other animals there is a risk of bringing an infection that will fall on the food or bedding, which means it will enter the body of a rodent, whose immunity and body are already fragile.

WITH It is worth keeping in mind that self-medication in this case is not an option. Traditional medicine will not help, but will only aggravate the situation or hasten the death of the pet. An extra few words should be said about water procedures, which are so important in caring for rats and rodents.

Decorative rats swim from birth and love bathing. It is allowed to bathe rats every other day, but not more often. The water should be regulated and ensured that it is clean and warm. Use specialized shampoos for rodents. After bathing, the animal should be dried and allowed to dry, but not in a draft.

Diseases of domestic rats. Conclusion

Decorative rats are the same pets as cats and dogs. And they also need care and attention in order to avoid the disease of domestic rats. It is important to monitor your health and pay attention to the slightest deviations and unusual behavior. The sooner the owner notices the disease and deviation, the sooner a course of treatment will be prescribed by a veterinarian, who will certainly help and do everything possible to preserve the life and health of the fragile creature. In addition, the veterinarian will tell you about the degree of danger of the disease and whether it is necessary to examine the owner and other inhabitants of the house, including dogs, cats, and so on. If the disease is contagious, then quarantine and strict treatment will be prescribed, because infections are often very serious.

IN veterinary clinic"I-Vet" will provide animals with professional help. After arrival, which is carried out around the clock, due to the fact that there are several reference points of the clinic in Moscow, the doctor will examine the pet and conduct a thorough diagnosis. Thanks to express analyses, he will reveal what is hidden from view.

The veterinarian always carries with him not only the necessary tools, but also documents that confirm qualifications and quality assurance. All this means that pets are in safe and loving arms professionals!


Domestic decorative rats

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Even such unpretentious pets like mice and rats sometimes get sick. Why does this happen, what diseases can threaten your pets, and is it possible to fight them? we'll talk in our article.

Listeriosis. A disease that poses a danger not only to rats and mice, but also to humans. Transmitted through infected food, bedding, and care items. There are three forms: chronic, acute and subacute. The main symptoms are apathy, fever, damage to the nervous system (impaired coordination). Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic, and the animal dies within a matter of hours. The diagnosis is made after analysis, sick animals are euthanized, and a quarantine regime is established for the rest. People also need to be extremely careful and thoroughly disinfect their hands after contact with sick rodents.

Ectomelia.This disease is also called smallpox; its causative agent is a virus, which, after entering the body, begins to multiply in cells internal organs and skin. The form is acute and chronic. Acute practically does not appear, but the animal dies within 24 hours. Chronic begins with the appearance of ulcers, swelling, spots on the skin, then progresses to necrosis or gangrene. Rare rodents survive, so it is recommended to euthanize them. The cage and all its contents are disinfected with a 2% formaldehyde solution.

Tail syndrome with rings.Symptoms are the appearance of redness and ulcers at the base of the tail, shaped like rings. This occurs due to drying out of the skin, so the cage with the rodent must be moved to a room where the air humidity is 50-55?%. After a few days, the skin will return to normal.

Colibacillosis (wet tail).Many rodents are susceptible to this disease, the causative agent is coli. The first symptoms are refusal to eat, liquid and foul-smelling stool, exhaustion, dehydration. A veterinarian can confirm or refute the diagnosis after receiving tests. Treatment is carried out with tetracycline, metronidazole, ersefur. Subcutaneous injections of chloramphenicol (5 mg per 100 g of body weight) can be given to reduce the effect of toxins on the intestines. Vaseline oil, bifidobacteria. For additional food to prevent dehydration, drink a saline solution and give glucose injections (1 ml of 5% glucose per 100 g of weight).

Salmonellosis.The disease is bacterial in nature and is manifested by the following symptoms: diarrhea, apathy, intermittent breathing, and subsequently damage to other organs, swelling, paralysis. If the form is acute, the animal dies within 2 days, with chronic form the rodent becomes a carrier of the bacteria. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed (biseptol, chloramphenicol, sulfadimethoxin), probiotics can be given (bifidumbacterin, bifitrilak), saline is injected subcutaneously to avoid dehydration, and the veterinarian will also give recommendations regarding diet.

Pneumonia.It can be caused by two types of viruses: Coronavirus or Sendai. Main symptoms: sneezing, discharge from the nose and eyes, difficulty breathing with wheezing, swelling under the throat, redness of the eyes, tonsils and salivary glands, animals lose weight and behave apathetically. A course of antibiotics is prescribed (baytril, tetracycline, amoxicillin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, amoxiclav, cefkin and others). Additionally, they give anti-inflammatory corticosteroids - ibuprofen, prednisolone, a course of immunomodulators and vitamins.

Mycoplasmosis.It can be respiratory and genital, but more often the infection is mixed. Lymph nodes enlarge, nasal discharge is observed, then otitis media begins, inflammatory processes in the lungs. Genital infections are hidden, but can lead to infertility or inflammatory processes. Treatment - a course of antibiotics (tetracycline, baytril, cephalosporins, chloramphenicol and others), additionally need to be given vitamin complexes, immunomodulators.

Coccidiosis.The intestines and liver of rodents are affected by single-celled coccidia and are transmitted in feces. Signs of coccidiosis - frequent disorders stomach, exhaustion, jaundice, cramps, anemia. Accurate diagnosis can be diagnosed only after a stool test. For treatment, phthalazole, norsulfazole, sulfonamides, acidophilus broth cultures, and whey are given. The rest of the animals are also given acidophilus broth cultures for prophylaxis, the cage is thoroughly disinfected, and everything in it is thoroughly disinfected.

Scab.It is transmitted through contact with a sick animal or through the bite of fleas and ticks. Fungal disease, which appears as grayish blisters, scabs and round sores around the paws, nose, eyes, ears. The hair falls out, the disease is accompanied by itching and burning. Treatment is local; the crusts must be removed, first softened, and then lubricated with creolin, isol, a solution of salicylic or picric acid, or 10% iodine. Treat the skin until symptoms disappear completely, disinfect the cell and everything in it, and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Actinomycosis.It is transmitted through food (seeds or cereals can be infected with the fungus). The disease strikes skeletal system and muscles. Symptoms are abscesses on the jaw, in the masticatory muscles, curvature and abrasion of teeth. Rodents simply cannot eat food and die from exhaustion, effective medicine not developed.

Timely prevention - best medicine: feed rodents only proven food, clean and disinfect the cage in a timely manner, select a complete diet, follow the conditions of detention, then your pets will not have any health problems!

Withdrawn ornamental breeds rats specifically for keeping at home. Today, some breeders are happy to engage in selection, thereby constantly increasing the range possible colors rats Due to the fact that these animals are very unpretentious and adapt well to living conditions, they are quite easy to keep as pets. However, it is not enough to know only about it at home. There are several other factors that are no less significant, for example, you need to be aware of what to feed domestic rats, and how to cure this or that disease of the animal.

Rat disease: how to identify and what to do?

domestic rat diseases can be very different and you need to be able to identify them. The first sign of a pet's health is a good appetite. Also important factors are the activity of the animal, the shine and smoothness of the coat. If a rat lacks one of these signs, then the first thing to do is take care of its diet. The food should always be fresh, and it is best to give your pet only his favorite food. In addition, it is necessary to create a warm place for your pet, in which he would feel protected and could rest comfortably. If the animal’s condition is very alarming, then you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Types of rat diseases

A domestic rat can have a variety of diseases, as already mentioned. Let's look at the most common ailments of these pets.

Viral diseases are very common in rats. In young rat pups, diarrhea is characterized by droppings with a yellow tint, and a strong weakening of the animal is also observed. In addition, sometimes there are deaths after similar diseases. The worst diseases a domestic rat can have in this category are those associated with pneumonia. For example, enzootic pneumonia is almost never cured in rats, and the animals die from this disease.

For example, infectious pneumonia appears in weakened animals and is characterized by symptoms such as fever, ruffled fur, followed by a runny nose and cough. Bacteriosis causes the animal to weaken, the fur becomes disheveled and matted, and the rodent also loses a lot of weight. If an animal suffers from salmonellosis, then its temperature rises sharply, its appetite disappears, and this disease is incurable.

Lack of food can have a negative impact on the animal's condition. Intestinal disorder and may result from a lack nutrients.

These are the most common diseases found in domestic rats, but, as already mentioned, rodents suffer from them quite rarely.

Everyone is used to feeling disgust at the word “rat”, remembering rodents running around garbage dumps, from whose bite you can catch a bunch of diseases, even fatal ones. Let us warn you right away - a domestic rat in no way belongs to the category of absolutely non-domestic animals! It's like comparing a wolf and a shepherd. Our rat is a very affectionate, kind, intelligent pet, which will never harm its owner, and in terms of affection it is not inferior to any other domestic rodents, or cats, or anyone else. The word “rat” will only conjure up good images in your mind, and we’ll tell you why next.

domestic rat

Keeping pet rats does not require any special knowledge or conditions; all that is needed is a cage and communication with the animal. The only thing worth warning about right away is that rats mark their territory. specific smell. There is no escape from this, so if you are allergic, or simply don’t like the smell of animals, then take a closer look at other, more hypoallergenic ones, fortunately there are such things.

Multi-level cage

Although you can often find families in which there are no cages, and the rat is perceived at the level of cats and dogs - it has a bed made from a cardboard box, and all day long it is free to walk around the apartment wherever it pleases.

This is acceptable, but still the rodent must have a cage; animals of this level of intelligence and size require control, and if you are not at home, then you must be calm that your animal will not chew the wires or misbehave. But we’ll come back to the level of intelligence, there’s a lot to talk about, but for now we’ll give the pet’s characteristics:

  • Body up to 25 cm long;
  • Weight up to half a kilogram, females weigh slightly less than males;
  • A domestic rat lives up to 4 years, although a case of life expectancy of 7 years and 4 months has been recorded, but for a decorative rat this is an exceptional case;
  • Coat color - all sorts of colors from black to snow-white albino.

Two-color rat

The cage should be both a home and a place for eating - equip it with a feeder and a drinking bowl, which should always be filled only with fresh, clean water.

You should not install it on a windowsill, because... rats are afraid of drafts and direct sun rays, like any rodent.

House Rat Intelligence

For many it will seem incredible, but the rat can be trained and learned! Over time, if you take care of the animal, it will be able to:

  • Respond to nickname;
  • Stand on hind legs on command;
  • Return to the cage at your sole request;
  • Perform simple tricks and tricks.

Don't believe me? Watch the video:

The learning process is simple - call the animal by name and give it a treat. Spun it around your finger and give it a treat. They poured food into the cage's feeder and called him by name. And so it is in everything. It is better to give a shorter name, so the rat will quickly learn to distinguish it.

Training will take a lot of time, this is not a dog. Exercise daily, treat the rat with treats, pet it, generally show that it is safe, otherwise it will go wild.

Speaking of tasty treats.

Diet of a decorative rat

As for the question of what to feed domestic rats, domestic rats are no different from their wild relatives - they eat everything. But still, they have a delicate, so to speak, gastrointestinal tract, so refrain from feeding:

  • Fried, smoked, fatty;
  • Sweet and salty.

If you want to prolong your pet’s life, you should also avoid:

  • Bakery products;
  • Sausages;
  • Overripe or unripe fruits;
  • Rare, raw potatoes, beets, cabbage.

All these ingredients cause stomach upset and poor health. Here's what you can feed:

  • Millet, oats, barley;
  • Vegetables fruits;
  • Chicken meat;
  • 1 time a week – a little fish;
  • Milk.

Rat treat

There are also many already ready-made feed, you can buy it at any pet store. You need to feed the animal a couple of times a day, during the day and at night. Cubs need to be fed more often - 4 times a day.

You need to put a mineral stone in the cage, they will sharpen their teeth on it (the rats will leave the wiring alone), and it will saturate their body with calcium.

It is very important not to overfeed rats! They are prone to obesity!

If you don’t keep an eye on this, a rat at home will become fat in just a month, this will shorten its life significantly.

Domestic rat and disease

A healthy rodent is very active, its eyes are shiny, its coat is clean and shiny, its ears and nose are clean, without red spots. Although small, there is still a list of their diseases:

This is where the illnesses of domestic rats can end.

If you have suffered from the latter illness, then you should pay more attention to water procedures.

Water procedures

The pet rat loves water, and bathing is just a holiday for her.

You can bathe her often, even every other day. The water should be warm and comfortable; for foam you can use children’s water or special water for animals.

Rat's attitude towards other animals

The domestic rat is very timid by nature, and it will take a long time to get used to other animals in the house. But over time, when she realizes that there is no danger, the animals will become friends like brothers.

Rat and cat

The only thing is how your second pet treats rats. If it is a fighting breed of dog or an evil breed of cat, then it is better to give up the rat. But there may be exceptions, the photo above is an example of this. The main rule of relations between animals and people is kindness, care, love and attention, and there is simply no need for a cat to kill a rodent, the main thing is that the instinct does not awaken.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

All animals, including rats, are susceptible various diseases. Therefore, it is necessary not only to observe the rules of hygiene when maintaining them, but also to constantly carry out preventive actions(quarantine for newly acquired animals, preventive examination of animals, etc.) so that the pets are healthy.

In order for rats to feel good in captivity, it is necessary to observe a certain sanitary regime. This primarily concerns the hygiene of keeping animals, that is, the cage must be cleaned on time, water and food must be fresh and of good quality, the air must be clean.

It is very important to notice the animal’s discomfort in time and contact a specialist. Advanced disease can be dangerous not only for the animal itself, but also for the owner. Therefore, when caring for a sick pet, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are those that are caused by pathogenic microbes and viruses. Animals can become infected with them through contaminated food, water, insect and arachnid bites, or through contact with sick animals. Only a veterinarian can determine the type of disease and prescribe treatment.

Paratyphoid fever, or salmonellosis

This disease is caused by a microbe from the Salmonella group; it is most often transmitted through food and water. Since high temperatures stimulate the development of the disease, infection with it usually occurs in the summer. The main symptoms of paratyphoid fever are yellowish-green diarrhea with a foul odor, bloating due to the accumulation of gases and, in the early stages of the disease, high temperature, which then drops below normal. Rats with obvious signs of the disease are destroyed.

After acquiring an animal, it must be kept in quarantine, especially if it was caught in the wild.

When caring for sick rats, you should wash your hands more often. hot water with soap. Heat and that's all disinfectants kill paratyphoid microbes. Cell disinfection is carried out with a 5% creolin emulsion, a 5% carbolic acid solution or a 1–2% formaldehyde solution. After treatment, after 4–6 hours, the cell is washed with hot water and soap and dried. For animals that have been in contact with a sick animal, the quarantine period is 20 days.


This disease is very dangerous for humans. Animals become infected with this infectious disease through care items and contaminated food. It is distributed by wild rats and mice.

The acute form of the disease is accompanied by decreased appetite, decreased activity and increased temperature, which within 24 hours lead to the death of the animal.

In subacute or chronic form it suffers nervous system animal, as a result of which its coordination of movements is impaired, and in pregnant females the uterus is affected, which is accompanied by abortion.

The latent form of the disease occurs without visible signs, but at the same time the sick rat becomes a carrier and distributor of listeriosis pathogens.

Animals that become ill with the first two forms of listeriosis are killed, since the disease is also dangerous for humans. When caring for a sick animal, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene.

The rat must be carefully examined regularly, at least once a month. Irritability, aggressiveness, lethargy, changes in posture or gait may be a symptom of the disease.

Ectromelia (mouse pox)

Pathogen of this disease is a filterable virus that is resistant to low temperatures and quickly dies at high temperatures, affecting almost all internal organs.

At acute form the disease is practically asymptomatic for half a day and almost always leads to the death of the animal.

The chronic form lasts for several months, and animals that have suffered this infection acquire stable immunity to it. External signs Ectromelia are lesions of the skin and muscles of the limbs, ears, tail, and sometimes other parts of the body. As a result, necrosis or gangrene forms. The skin becomes covered with ulcers and tissue swelling occurs.

To prevent the disease, you need to periodically disinfect the cage and equipment with a 2% formaldehyde solution and maintain personal hygiene. During the period of illness of the animal, food for it should be subjected to heat treatment. Since the virus is dangerous to humans, if a pet dies, its corpse must be burned.

In fact, rats are very resistant to infectious diseases, and when properly kept and fed, they very rarely get sick. If your pet is sick regularly, try changing its diet, regularly change the water in the drinking bowl, make sure that the cage with the rat is not in a draft or in a cold room, etc.

If there is more than one animal in the house, the rest must be placed in another cage. The quarantine period for this disease is 30 days.


This disease is caused by bacteria and can occur in three forms: chronic, subacute and acute.

Acute (septic phenomena and hemorrhagic inflammatory processes) and subacute (bronchopneumonia) forms are very transient (up to 3 days) and, as a rule, end in the death of the animals. Characteristic signs of the disease are high temperature, up to 41°C, damage to the lungs and intestines.

The body temperature of rodents is measured rectally (in the anus) using an electronic contact or small mercury thermometer. After lubricating the thermometer with Vaseline, carefully insert it and leave it for a few minutes.

Chronic form (pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, abscesses), the so-called infectious rhinitis, or contagious runny nose, is accompanied by profuse serous and mucous discharge from the nose, which over time takes purulent character(a crust forms around the animal’s nostrils, making breathing difficult). Sometimes the disease is complicated by inflammation of the eyes, subcutaneous abscesses, etc.

For the purpose of prevention, animals that have been in contact with the patient are isolated and their cages and apartment are disinfected. Dead individuals are destroyed.

The chronic form of pasteurellosis is treated intramuscular injection penicillin 3 times a day and lubricating external wounds with penicillin ointment.

Infectious pneumonia

This viral disease, inflammatory lung tissue, extremely contagious. It is transmitted by airborne droplets through the upper Airways and is practically incurable in the acute form, which lasts only 3–4 days. Sick animals are destroyed, and those in contact with them are isolated for a 20-day quarantine period. The cage of the infected animal and the place where it stood are thoroughly disinfected.

Measuring rodent body temperature

The chronic form of the disease lasts up to 2 weeks and is completely curable.

Chronic pneumonia

Almost 75% of all white rats are infected with this disease. Despite the fact that the disease is sluggish, with mild severe symptoms(periodically appearing bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), the mortality rate of animals from it is quite high.

An infected female infects her young immediately after their birth, as chronic pneumonia is transmitted through the upper respiratory tract.


Animals are infected with the virus of this disease through the bites of blood-sucking insects and intestinal secretions. Characteristic signs of the disease are paresis of the hind limbs, and less often of the forelimbs. The illness lasts from 1 to 4 days. Infected rats must be destroyed. For animals that have been in contact with them, the quarantine period is 30 days.

The owner needs to know the body weight of his pet. Weight loss is often one of the symptoms of a particular disease.


This chronic illness is caused by human and bovine tubercle bacilli and is transmitted, as a rule, through the milk of cows with tuberculosis or from other animals. Therefore, milk fed to animals must be boiled. Tuberculosis has several forms: pulmonary, intestinal, etc. Characteristic symptoms of this disease are cough, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, diarrhea and emaciation. Sick animals are destroyed, and those in contact with them are transferred to quarantine. The cage of a sick animal is disinfected.


In the acute form of the disease, animals die after 3–4 days without any clinical signs. With a longer course of the disease, damage occurs lymph nodes that become swollen and hard to the touch.

A sick rat usually does not leave its nest.


When treating coccidiosis, norsulfazole with milk and phthalazole are used, which are given with concentrated feed for 4–5 days.

Prevention of the disease consists of periodically treating the cell with an alkali solution or boiling water. A good remedy prevention and treatment is whey that can be given to rats.


A sick animal must be isolated, the cage must be disinfected with a 2% hot solution of formaldehyde or a solution of bleach. Affected areas of the skin should be treated daily with green soap, remove crusts and lubricate with a 10% iodine solution or alcohol solution creolin, picric or salicylic acid.

The quarantine period for animals that have been in contact with the sick person is 30 days.


Ringworm is a chronic fungal disease. His characteristic feature is damage to the skin and hair of the head, neck and limbs. First, small nodules appear, which over time turn into round scabs, and bald spots form. Hidden incubation period lasts up to 30 days.

Treatment of the disease is the same as for scab.


This disease is caused by a radiant fungus that enters the animal's body when it eats contaminated cereals. In case of the disease, the jaw bones of animals, teeth are affected, and abscesses appear in the masticatory muscles. The mortality rate of animals from this disease is almost 100%.

It is known that domestic and wild animals, including rodents, get rid of helminths by eating certain herbs.


Most often, rats are infected with helminths through green food and poorly processed root vegetables, water, etc.

Treatment of the disease consists of using medicines, and for the purpose of prevention, sanitary and hygienic requirements for keeping animals must be observed.

The most common infections in rats are tapeworms, roundworms and pinworms.

Hymenolepus nana occurs in 5% of white rats, very severe damage causes exhaustion in animals. Worms of this species have four suckers on the head, length from 1 to 4.5 cm and width of 0.1 cm.

For treatment, lead arsenic acid (100 mg) is used, which is fed to rats, mixed with 20 g of crushed dry food.

For treatment, phenothiazine (1 g) is used, which is added to crushed dry food (20 g).

Piperazine adipate is used to treat rats.

250 mg of the drug is dissolved in 50 ml of water. This amount of solution is designed for 10 animals.

Non-communicable diseases appear due to non-compliance sanitary standards: dirty cages, poor quality food, dirty water. Most often they occur in the summer.

Avitaminosis tympanitis (intestinal bloating)

The disease develops due to a lack of B vitamins in the animal’s body, resulting in changes in the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall and disruption of the digestive process. The disease often ends in the death of the animal.

A similar disease can also occur as a result of feeding large quantity fresh greens at night, eating poisonous plants and spoiled (fermented) feed. The disease is characterized by a lack of appetite in the animal, rapid breathing, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. The death of the animal, as a rule, occurs after 2–3 days.


The disease develops when foreign particles enter the eyes or due to bruises and wounds of the eyelids and is characterized by lacrimation and redness of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the disease is complicated by pyogenic microflora, resulting in purulent discharge from the eyes, which, when dry, stick together the eyelids. This is how it develops purulent conjunctivitis, striking cornea eye. On early stages eye diseases are washed with a 2% solution boric acid and instill a 0.25% solution of zinc sulfate into them - 2-3 drops into each eye. At purulent form wash the eyes with a solution of boric acid, put 2–3% boric ointment under the eyelids.