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Sanitary standards for keeping dogs in the private sector. Pet law passed

It’s a paradox, but by 2018 Russian legislation there was never a place for the long-awaited and sought-after law on the treatment of people both with their own pets and with street animals.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 245 provides for liability for cruelty to animals, meaning the infliction of pain and suffering. But liability for negligent treatment of pets is still not regulated, nor has a law been adopted that prescribes the rules for keeping them by citizens and owners of “living areas”, zoos, dolphinariums, circuses, etc.

Legislation of the Russian Federation on the responsible treatment of animals

The draft federal law “On the responsible treatment of animals and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"was submitted for consideration back in 2010(!). The document includes a conceptual apparatus, establishes powers government agencies local government and constituent entities of the Russian Federation for supervision in the field of treatment of animals, provides for the prohibition of baiting stations, mobile dolphinariums and petting zoos in shopping centers. The bill also talks about the creation of shelters, castration and microchipping of stray dogs and cats. Finally, the text of the law names the requirements for the maintenance, treatment of domestic and stray animals, and their use.

Read the latest version of the Federal Law on Wildlife

Read the Federal Law on Guardianship and Trusteeship in 2018

In March 2011, the draft was adopted by deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the first reading. But for some reason the process stopped.

ABOUT latest changes read in competition law

After footage of the brutal massacre of cats and dogs by two girls from Khabarovsk, which shook society, thundered on the Internet in the fall of 2016, the issue of speedy adoption of the law was raised again by the President. Consideration of the normative legal act in the second reading was initially scheduled for mid-June, then at the end of July 2017. Later it was stated that the bill was “almost at the exit stage” and would be adopted in the coming months simultaneously with the corresponding by-laws (we are talking about government resolutions). As of early March 2018, the law has still not been officially published.

Please also read the main provisions Federal Law No. 73 in the new edition

However, progress is being made on this issue. At the end of December 2017, amendments to Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were approved, tightening human liability for cruelty to animals. Now the law provides for punishment in the form of a large fine, correctional or compulsory labor, arrest, and imprisonment for up to three years. The same acts committed under aggravating circumstances threaten, in best case scenario, - a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, in the worst case - imprisonment for a term of 3 to 5 years.

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At the end of December 2017, in order to prevent cruelty to animals, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted amendments to the Federal Law on hunting and conservation hunting resources. After adjusting the bill with the participation of the commission, the document was approved on February 28, 2018. According to content adopted law, preparation and training of dogs to participate in hunting is allowed only in relation to hunting breeds. It can only be carried out in designated hunting grounds. Animals in captivity and used in the process of baiting hunting dogs should not be harmed physical harm. Cruel treatment unacceptable. Fences must be used to prevent a hunting dog from harming the animal.

Read about the main provisions of Federal Law 311

In the article we will consider the provisions of the mentioned bill, which sooner or later will be adopted by Russian legislators.

9. Responsibilities of owners;
10. Registration;
11. Transportation;
12. Shelters;
13. Pets.

Rules for keeping dogs in an apartment

The dog is the property of the owner, therefore the owner bears responsibility for both life and health, and for its actions.

Let's summarize rules for keeping dogs in apartment buildings:

  • It is allowed to keep dogs in an apartment building not only privatized apartments, but also in communal ones, if your neighbors have no medical contraindications. At the same time, they are prohibited from being kept in common areas of an apartment building: in the stairwell, attic, basement, etc.
  • The maximum number of dogs living in one apartment is not regulated by law. However, their number must be correlated with living conditions and the owner’s ability to comply with the rules for keeping all pets.
  • Dogs must not disturb public peace at night, the limits of which are set by local laws (the national average is the period from 10 pm to 8 am). Including, when outside the house, the owner must take care that the pet does not whine or bark at this time (more about the Federal Law on silence)
  • Dogs must not pollute public places and local areas. Almost everywhere in Russia there are local laws providing for special conditions for walking dogs.
    Owners should remember the following:
    1. When walking, the pet must be on a leash and muzzle. You can only release the dog in uncrowded places;
    2. A card (token) with the contact details of the owners is attached to the collar;
    3. Children under 14 years of age and persons in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication are not allowed to walk;
    4. Walking the dog in public places ah (parks, squares), as well as near children's institutions and children's playgrounds is prohibited;
    5. It is necessary to clean up after the animal.

Read more on our website.

Procedure and conditions for keeping dogs in a private home

We have described how to legally keep dogs in an apartment. Now let's look at the rules for keeping dogs in a private home.

Walking, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous breeds, without a muzzle and a leash, regardless of the place of walking, is prohibited. An exception is the situation when the dog is in a fenced area belonging to its owner on legally(ownership, lease agreement). The presence of such a dog is indicated by a warning sign at the entrance to the property.

The following rules apply to pets living in both apartments and houses.
Owners are obliged:

  • Register dogs with local veterinary supervisory authorities and receive annual vaccinations against rabies and other “local” infections (upon receipt of appropriate orders at the regional level).
  • Apply for it in a timely manner veterinary care. If a dog dies, its body is handed over to the veterinary service.
  • Keep the dog in conditions appropriate to its biological features. It is prohibited to leave dogs on long time unsupervised and physically punished.

What breeds are prohibited from being kept in an apartment?

There are more than a thousand dog breeds in the world. Some of them were in a natural way formed by nature. Others, due to their proximity to humans, were bred artificially through crossing. Among the variety of breeds there are companions, shepherds, guards, wolfhounds and others.

Some of the bred breeds are considered dangerous to humans. In most countries, they are banned or the law imposes certain restrictions on their content. the main objective such regulation is to prevent injuries and deaths from dog bites.

In Russia, the following breeds are recognized as dangerous:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • South African Boerboel;
  • Karelian Bear Dog;
  • Anatolian Karabash;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Alabai;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Mestizos (crossbreeds) of the listed breeds.

Dogs of especially dangerous breeds are subject to mandatory registration. Their keeping and walking is prohibited:

  • Persons with disabilities;
  • People who do not have a certificate of completion of special training;
  • Minor citizens.

Restrictions related to the place of residence of a pet are not established by current laws. You can keep any kind of dog in apartments, if living conditions allow you to meet the legal requirements for keeping them.

Where to go if your neighbors dog is constantly barking?

What to do if the source of noise in an apartment building is endless barking or howling? For objective reasons, this question is quite ambiguous and sensitive. Many animals experience anxiety when left alone in an apartment, even for a short period of time. To solve this problem, first have a conversation with the owner.

If the neighbors are sure that the howling or barking is caused by the fact that the dog is being physically punished (screams, blows, noise are heard), they have the right to write a complaint to the police against the dog’s owner, citing Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on cruelty to animals. Photo and video evidence, as well as testimony from neighbors, will not be superfluous. Police officers are required to visit the owner of the apartment and check the conditions in which the dog is kept.

Download the text of the law for dog owners

The truism that says “we are responsible for those we have tamed” will never lose its relevance. Our little brothers are completely dependent on us; we are responsible for their maintenance, care, education, health, treatment, behavior and other aspects.

In Russia there is still no clear legislative regulation the issue of keeping dogs and other pets. There is hope that the bill, which has been at the approval stage since 2010, will soon be adopted. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the provisions in advance normative act about keeping dogs.

and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" in the latest edition published today.

Hello Dmitry!

I have given you the Rules for keeping animals in St. Petersburg dated January 15, 1998. You can read and act in accordance with them.

Veterinary and sanitary rules for keeping pets in St. Petersburg


APPROVED by the Chief Veterinary Inspector for St. Petersburg ___________N.I.Batsanov “January 15, 1998”

1. “Rules for keeping pets on the territory of St. Petersburg” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, sanitary and veterinary rules In Russian federation.

2. For purposes information support sanitary-epidemiological and veterinary-epizootic welfare of the population and wildlife in St. Petersburg, the State Veterinary Supervision authorities maintain a unified register of fauna in St. Petersburg by species and breeds with simultaneous registration in the surveillance and laboratory control network. The specified register contains data on all animals in St. Petersburg older than 3 months, indicating the address of their place of detention or habitat - for stray animals. Registration in the surveillance and laboratory control network is carried out by the State Veterinary Supervision authorities simultaneously with the registration of animals.

3. Animal owners are required to submit animals for registration to bodies authorized by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector for St. Petersburg, and pay for entry into the register and issuance of documents. When changing the place of residence, the owner of the animal is obliged to inform about this so that appropriate changes can be made to the register.

4. All registered animals are assigned an identification number, which is retained throughout their life.

5. Simultaneously with registration, animals are vaccinated against rabies and for other epizootic indications.

6. For dogs, cats and horses that have been registered, in addition, an veterinary passport.

7. Dogs and horses, large cattle(as well as cats, at the request of their owners) are subject to annual re-registration.

8. Persons engaged in keeping and breeding domestic animals or who have taken in ownerless animals are obliged to provide them with conditions in accordance with zootechnical requirements for species and breeds and comply with veterinary and public safety requirements.

9. Premises used for keeping animals must comply with veterinary and sanitary requirements.

10. It is not allowed to keep or keep animals in the common areas of communal apartments if there are medical contraindications from any of the persons living in this apartment.

11. It is prohibited to keep agricultural productive livestock in residential premises, as well as to organize shelters and nurseries for any types of animals in them.

12. Owners are obliged to provide their animals with the necessary amount of food and water, walk them in accordance with the needs of the species and breed, and observe zoohygienic rules of keeping.

13. In case of illness or suspicion of illness in an animal infectious disease the owner of the animal is obliged to immediately contact a veterinarian and strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations based on the examination results.

14. Animal owners are obliged to ensure that the animal behaves in such a way that it does not cause disturbance or pose a danger to others.

15. With the written permission of the authorized body of the State Veterinary Supervision, the keeping of zoo animals is permitted.

16. Dog owners who own or use land plot, may keep dogs free-ranging only in a well-fenced area or on a leash. A warning sign about the presence of a dog must be made at the entrance to the site.

17. The purchaser of an animal on the territory of St. Petersburg has the right to demand from the seller of the animal a veterinary certificate and other veterinary documents established by these rules.

18. Trade in animals is allowed only in places specially designated by the authorized body of the Administration of St. Petersburg. The authorized body of the Administration of St. Petersburg notifies the State Veterinary Supervision authorities about each case of providing a place for trade in animals on the territory of St. Petersburg.

19. Events involving large quantity animals (exhibitions, shows, competitions) are carried out with the written permission of the State Veterinary Supervision Authority.

20. Moving, walking and transporting pets on all types of ground transport in St. Petersburg is permitted if there is an accompanying person over 14 years of age and a veterinary passport for the animal. In the subway it is possible to transport small animals in bags or other containers.

21. In public places and in transport, dogs accompanied by the owner may be on a leash. Without a leash, dogs may only be in permitted free-roaming areas. For guard, large, fighting and aggressive animals, a muzzle is required even when free-ranging. The list of dogs by breed and other characteristics that are classified as large, guard, fighting and aggressive is approved by the Chief Veterinary Inspector of St. Petersburg.

22. Dogs of guard, fighting, large and aggressive breeds can be moved or walked only with a muzzle and with a separate escort for one or two individuals.

23. The movement and transportation of animals by persons in a state of intoxication is not permitted.

24. The movement of animals outside of St. Petersburg and to St. Petersburg is allowed only if there are permits from the State Veterinary Supervision Authority with a note on the vaccination of the animal no more than 12 months and no less than 30 days before entry or exit and no more 2 adults with one accompanying person.

27. It is prohibited to walk animals in places that have prohibitory signs from the State Veterinary Supervision Authority, as well as on playgrounds, areas of preschool and kindergartens. educational institutions, hospitals.

28. In case of defecation of animals in entrances, on all asphalt and paved surfaces, playgrounds, on railway platforms and subways, during transportation of the animal by transport, the accompanying person evacuates the animal’s excrement to the nearest lawn or a container installed for these purposes.

29. During all movements of the animal, the owner is obliged to comply with safety rules, sanitary standards and veterinary requirements.

30. All stray animals in St. Petersburg are subject to capture and transfer under the supervision of Gosvetnadzor specialists in compliance with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the treatment of stray animals.

31. If an animal dies, the owner is obliged to report this to the State Veterinary Supervision authorities in order to exclude the animal from unified register, as well as the removal and cremation of the animal, which is carried out at the expense of the animal owner.

32. Only a licensed person can kill an animal for vital reasons. veterinarian. Exception from of this rule constitute actions in emergency situations provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

33. Persons guilty of violating these Rules are held accountable in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”.

34. These Rules come into force on the date of their official publication.

Many people have pets in their apartments. Most often these are cats or dogs, but you can also often find different kinds rodents, birds and aquarium fish. Sometimes unusual and even exotic representatives of fauna are kept at home: hedgehogs, snakes, lizards, poisonous spiders and many others.

Despite such diversity, they apply to all certain rules maintenance and walking. Every owner needs to realize that a pet is, first of all, a huge responsibility.

WITH legal point In terms of view, there are several conditions under which an animal can be considered domestic:

  • the pet is required to be registered, some of them are issued a veterinary passport;
  • must be vaccinated against rabies;
  • need to be carried out regularly preventive measures, which include treatment for fleas, ticks, deworming and other procedures to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

If these procedures are not carried out in relation to the animal, then it is not recognized as domestic and appropriate measures may be taken against its owner.

The law defines some rules regarding pets in an apartment building, which must be observed.

  1. Pets may only be kept in the owner's living space. Placing dogs and cats in common areas (attics, basements, stairwells) is strictly prohibited.
  2. The law prohibits cruelty to animals, which implies any harm to health or threat to life. The owner is obliged to provide proper care, food, walking and other necessary conditions.
  3. In cases where an animal causes damage to property stranger, compensation for damage lies entirely with its owner. In addition to paying for material losses, an administrative fine is imposed.
  4. Each owner is obliged to carefully monitor their pets and avoid situations in which they could harm the health of others. If such an incident occurs, the owners will also bear full responsibility. In this case, the fact that the animal could have been provoked is absolutely irrelevant. In addition, the law prohibits owners from using their dogs as a means of intimidation and deliberately setting them on someone.
  5. When a dog is in a public place (on the street, in a store, on a playground or in transport), it must be wearing a muzzle and a collar. It is necessary to walk an animal only in specially designated areas, and owners are obliged to clean up after their pets waste products left on the street.
  6. If there is any suspicion that the animal is sick and may be contagious, it must be immediately isolated and the shortest possible time take to a veterinarian for examination.
  7. In the residential premises of an apartment building, the law categorically prohibits establishing nurseries or organizing shelters for homeless animals.

If the listed maintenance rules are not followed, then the owners will face liability, from administrative to criminal.

Possible problems associated with keeping pets

Of course, an ordinary apartment is not the most suitable place for keeping pets. If for cats and small ones ornamental breeds For dogs, this option is in principle acceptable, but for large animals, cramped space can cause poor health.

Large dogs need long walks every day and need plenty of space to rest. active life. In standard apartment buildings, such conditions are almost impossible to achieve.

This has a negative impact not only on physical health animal, but also on its psycho-emotional state. Any dog, regardless of its size, can disturb neighbors with its loud barking, and this is a direct violation of the rules regarding noise levels in an apartment building.

Keeping cats in an apartment is much easier due to the fact that their size is small enough and they do not need daily walking. The most significant drawback is bad smell, but it can appear in the owners’ apartment and spread beyond its boundaries in the house only in case of improper care.

If there are too many cats in a small space and most of them are not litter box trained, then such consequences are almost inevitable.

Some rules for keeping dogs

The Russian Federation has not yet adopted a law aimed solely at regulating the breeding and keeping of pets. But this does not mean that certain conditions should not be created for animals. In addition to the already agreed timely walking of dogs, it is necessary to ensure that some other requirements are met.

It is imperative to get vaccinated in a timely manner and make a corresponding entry in the veterinary passport. In the event of conflict situations related to the pet’s health, it will be the main evidence of the pet’s condition.

Documents indicating the dog's pedigree are not mandatory; they are required exclusively for participation in competitions, contests and exhibitions.

If the dog is purebred, it is important to keep the purchase and sale agreement in case you need to prove the owner's ownership. It is very important to train and educate an animal in order to avoid future conflict situations related to its behavior.

Many owners trust their children to walk their dogs. In this case, you need to remember one thing important rule– if the dog’s weight exceeds 15 kilograms, then only persons over 14 years of age can walk it.

If the owner has more than two dogs, then he will have to either walk them one at a time or resort to the help of other family members. A maximum of two dogs can be walked with one person, regardless of their breed and size.

Rules traffic They do not allow crossing the roadway with a dog that is not on a leash. This could lead to a serious accident.

If you need to take your dog on public transport, it must also be on a leash. Small animals can be placed in a basket or a special carrier bag.

The best option for keeping a dog is a country house. However, if the pet is not kept in an enclosure, but moves freely throughout the entire area of ​​the site, then care must be taken to ensure that it cannot independently leave the boundaries of the local area.

If a dog breaks out and bites someone, the law provides for a significant fine for its owner.

The legislation does not limit in any way the number of animals that can be in an apartment or private house. If they do not disturb their neighbors in any way, walk on time and do not show aggression, then the owner cannot be held responsible just because there are too many dogs.

Conditions for keeping cats in an apartment

It is not difficult for cat breeders to take care of their maintenance. These animals are very clean; they do not need to be washed (except special occasions, when the pet is dirty or is being treated for fleas or ticks), toilet training is also quite simple and quick.

You should pay attention to the cat's nutrition. This must be special food, purchased in a store or prepared yourself. Cats should not be allowed to feed food containing common table, this can seriously harm their health.

The small size of cats does not mean that they can be kept in close quarters. This is a fairly active pet and for normal life he needs space. Otherwise, the pet's life expectancy may be sharply reduced.

Sending a cat living in an apartment to roam outside is not always a good decision. In our country, stray animals are subject to regular catching. Therefore, if a pet is in a public place unattended, then its life is in serious danger.

If an animal scratches or bites a stranger for no reason, you should contact a veterinarian to determine whether your pet has rabies.

If it is necessary to transport a cat on public transport, it is not allowed to hold it in your arms. To do this, you need to use a special carrying bag.

Violation of conditions and liability

There are quite a few articles in Russian legislation concerning the keeping of cats and dogs. A separate law covering this issue has not yet been adopted.

The Criminal Code provides penalties for those who abuse animals. The law defines cruelty as the intentional infliction of harm committed out of hooligan motives, which leads to irreparable injury or death.

It also refers to sadistic behavior or selfish motives in relation to animals. Punishment may include correctional labor, compulsory labor, or a large fine. In some cases, deprivation or restriction of freedom is provided.

If it is proven that such a fact of ill-treatment was carried out not by one person, but by a group of people, the punishment is significantly increased. The court may impose a sentence of imprisonment for up to two years.

The Civil Code provides for the application of certain measures in cases of improper care of a pet. The current law provides for situations where a pet can be seized from its owner by court decision.

If the owner does not provide adequate conditions for keeping his pet, there is the possibility of purchasing the pet by another person who has filed a corresponding statement of claim.

There is also a law regarding sanitary standards. If the owner does not maintain cleanliness in the premises where animals are kept and in the surrounding area, he may be held accountable.

Depending on whether an individual or a legal entity violates hygiene and sanitary rules, a fine in the amount of one hundred to twenty thousand rubles is imposed.

What to do with careless owners

Each owner must clearly understand that he is responsible not only for the way in which the pets are kept and cared for, but also for all their actions.

If neighbors do not look after their pets properly, do not follow the established rules, and thereby disturb the peace of the residents, then you can file a complaint with the relevant authorities.

The following points may serve as a reason for this.

  1. The neighbors started big dog who regularly walks without a leash and muzzle and shows aggression towards strangers, and the owners do not react to comments in any way - you can safely contact the local police department.
  2. It is not uncommon for animals to produce constant noise- they bark, whine, meow, and run around the apartment around the clock. If it was not possible to peacefully agree with their owners to take any measures, then you can contact the local district police officer to solve this problem.
  3. Perhaps the most unpleasant case is keeping a large number of animals, which the owners simply cannot cope with. The result is complete unsanitary conditions and a constant smell throughout the entire entrance. If this happens, then you need to contact the police and local administration to take measures to evict the animals.

To avoid problems associated with keeping pets in the house, it is necessary to provide them with proper care, take care of their health and devote enough time to raising pets.

(Approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Agriculture of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Justice of the RSFSR and Rospotrebsoyuz - June - July 1981)

1. General requirements

1.1. These rules are established in accordance with Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated September 23, 1980 N 449 “On regulating the keeping of dogs and cats in cities and other populated areas of the RSFSR.”

The rules apply to enterprises, institutions and organizations (except for enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense, the State Security Committee of the USSR (RF) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (RF), as well as citizens who own dogs and cats.

1.2. Keeping dogs and cats in separate apartments occupied by one family is allowed subject to sanitary, hygienic and veterinary requirements sanitary rules and these Rules for keeping dogs and cats in cities and other localities of the Russian Federation, and in apartments occupied by several families, moreover, only with the consent of all residents.

It is not allowed to keep dogs and cats in common areas of residential buildings (stairwells, attics, basements, corridors, etc.) and communal apartments, as well as on balconies and loggias.

1.3. In cities, workers, resort and holiday villages, dogs belonging to citizens, enterprises, institutions and organizations are subject to mandatory registration and annual re-registration in veterinary institutions of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of citizens, location of enterprises, institutions and organizations - animal owners.

Dogs from three months of age, regardless of breed, are subject to registration and re-registration. Newly acquired dogs must be registered within a week.

1.4. When registering and annual re-registration of dogs, partial reimbursement of costs associated with the construction and maintenance of areas for walking dogs, maintaining the sanitary condition of the territory in cities and other populated areas, with the provision of utilities and other services to the owners of these animals, a fee may be charged in the amount established by local governments , depending on the general agreement provided. As an exception, special groups citizens are given the right to reduce in some cases the fee charged for registration and re-registration of dogs or completely exempt citizens from it, taking into account their financial situation, the purpose of the dog and other circumstances.

1.5. Registration (re-registration) is carried out upon presentation by the owners of the dogs of the animal's metric, if available, in the RKF (Russian Canine Federation) and/or according to the veterinary passport in veterinary clinic when dealing with the prescribed registration fee.

Veterinary institutions that register dogs are required to issue a registration certificate (veterinary passport), as well as familiarize dog owners with the rules for keeping animals if they are unaware of this issue. Currently, it is possible to carry out microchipping with the assignment of an individual number.

1.6. For sanitary reasons, taking into account local conditions Local governments have the right to limit the number of dogs and cats whose owners are allowed to keep and, in exceptional cases, to prohibit the keeping of these animals.

1.7. Dog owners who own a plot of land may keep their dogs free-ranging only in a well-fenced area (in an isolated room). A warning sign must be posted at the entrance to the site regarding the presence of dogs.

1.8. Dogs that are on the streets and other public places without an accompanying person, and stray cats are subject to capture. The procedure for catching these animals and keeping them is established by the Instructions approved by the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry Agriculture, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

1.9. The purchase, sale and transportation of dogs to other cities, rural areas, regions (territories, republics) by any means of transport is permitted only if there is a veterinary certificate with a note in it that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies for no more than 12 months and no less than 30 days before export.
Transportation of dogs and cats in public transport is carried out in compliance with the established rules for the use of appropriate vehicles.

2. Responsibilities of dog and cat owners
Owners of dogs and cats are obliged to:
2.1. Ensure proper maintenance of dogs and cats in accordance with the requirements of these Rules. Accept necessary measures ensuring the safety of others.

2.2. Do not allow dogs and cats to pollute apartments, stairwells, elevators, basements and other common areas in residential buildings, as well as courtyards, sidewalks, streets, etc. Contamination of these areas is immediately eliminated by animal owners.

2.3. Take measures to ensure silence in residential areas.

2.4. Do not allow dogs and cats into playgrounds, shops, canteens and other similar public places.

2.5. Register and re-register dogs in a timely manner. When changing your place of residence, inform the housing maintenance organizations at your new place of residence about the presence of dogs.

2.6. Do not allow more dogs and cats to be kept than those established by local authorities.

2.7. Treat animals humanely (do not throw them away, do not leave them without supervision, food, water, do not beat them, etc.). If you do not want to keep dogs and cats in the future, hand them over to organizations involved in catching, or transfer them in the prescribed manner to other organizations or citizens, or sell them.

2.8. Present dogs and cats for examination at the request of veterinary specialists, diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and therapeutic and prophylactic treatments.

2.9. Immediately report to veterinary institutions and health authorities about all cases of dog or cat bites of a person or animal and deliver the animals to the nearest veterinary institution for examination and quarantine under the supervision of specialists within 10 days. When returning dogs and cats, reimburse veterinary institutions for the costs associated with keeping animals during the quarantine period in the amounts established by the executive committees of local Councils of People's Deputies.

2.10. Immediately report cases of sudden death of dogs and cats or suspected cases of rabies in these animals to veterinary institutions and isolate the sick animal until veterinary specialists arrive.
Do not allow carcasses of dogs and cats to be thrown away. (Dead animals are subject to disposal or burial in places and in the manner established by local authorities).

Hand over the registration certificate and registration plate dead dog to the veterinary institution where she was registered.

3. Dog walking routine
When walking dogs, owners must comply with the following requirements:

3.1. Take dogs out of residential premises (houses), as well as isolated areas, into common yards and outside only for short leash or wearing a muzzle, with the owner’s phone number, including puppies up to three months of age.

3.2. Walk dogs only in areas specially designated for this purpose. If the area is fenced, dogs are allowed to be walked without a leash or muzzle.
In the absence of a special area, walking dogs is allowed in vacant lots and other places determined by local authorities.

3.3. Walking dogs is usually between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.
When walking dogs at other times, their owners must take measures to ensure silence.

4. Monitoring compliance with these rules

4.1. Housing maintenance organizations:
- carry out systematic monitoring of the timely registration and re-registration of dogs by their owners. This work is carried out with the assistance of veterinary authorities;
- allocate on the territory of households in agreement with the veterinary and sanitary inspection authorities and equip areas for walking dogs, and also ensure the maintenance of the sanitary condition of these areas;
- ensure the maintenance of basements, attics and other utility rooms in accordance with the rules and regulations for the technical operation of the housing stock;
- inform organizations involved in catching about the presence of stray dogs and cats on their territory;
- assist veterinary service workers in carrying out anti-epizootic measures.

4.2. Veterinary authorities:
- carry out registration (re-registration), issuance registration certificates and license plates;
- together with sanitary inspection authorities, housing maintenance organizations, service dog breeding clubs, nature conservation societies, hunters and fishermen, house committees and others public organizations carry out educational work among the population in order to prevent animal diseases and comply with sanitary and veterinary rules.

4.3. Health authorities (together with the police):
- monitor compliance with sanitary rules for maintaining streets, courtyards and other areas settlements in accordance with the Regulations on State Sanitary Supervision

5. For failure to comply with these Rules, owners of dogs and cats are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law.

6. Damage caused by dogs and cats is compensated by their owners in accordance with current legislation.

7. Rules for keeping dogs and cats, addresses of veterinary institutions that carry out registration, re-registration and treatment of animals, and organizations that catch stray dogs and cats, as well as signs of dog walking areas should be posted by housing maintenance organizations in a visible place for wide familiarization of citizens.

Moscow City Code on Administrative Offenses
Chapter 5. Administrative offenses in the field of treatment of animals

Article 5.1. Violation of rules for keeping pets

Keeping pets in common areas of communal apartments and apartment buildings will result in a warning or penalty administrative fine for citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.
Allowing domestic animals to pollute common areas in apartment buildings, as well as public places, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.
Violation of the rules for walking dogs established by legal acts of the city of Moscow, including appearing with a dog without a leash and muzzle in shops, institutions, playgrounds, markets, beaches and in transport, as well as walking dogs in the territories of healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, other educational institutions and institutions working with minors - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens or officials in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles.
Appearing with a dog without a leash in natural and green areas, as well as in specially protected natural areas, if this act does not contain signs of an administrative offense provided for in Article 4.2 of this Code, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.
Allowing an attack by a domestic animal on another domestic animal, resulting in injury or death of the latter, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens or officials in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles.
Causing injury or death to a wild animal by domestic animals shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens who own domestic animals in the amount of two thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles.
Allowing a negligent attack by a domestic animal on a person causing harm to human health, if this act does not contain signs of a crime provided for in Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to thirty thousand rubles.
Setting a domestic animal against people or animals - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand five hundred to five thousand rubles.
Causing damage to someone else's property physical impact pet - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for legal entities - from three thousand to five thousand rubles. Note. Within the meaning of this article, wild animals do not include animals in respect of which preventive actions(disinfection, deratization, disinsection).

Article 5.3. Violation of the procedure for transporting pets
Violation of the procedure for transporting pets by city officials public transport, as well as the procedure for their transportation (except for the cases provided for in Article 5.2 of this Code) in the city of Moscow - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.4. Violation of the procedure for holding events involving animals
Violation of the procedure established by the Moscow Government for holding events with the participation of animals in the city of Moscow - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of five hundred to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles.

Article 5.6. Evasion of registration and vaccination of dogs and cats
Evasion of registration and vaccination of dogs and cats against rabies in veterinary institutions - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Article 5.7. Committing cruelty to animals
Cruelty to an animal resulting in its death or injury, if this act does not contain signs of a crime provided for in Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles.
Keeping or transporting an animal in conditions leading to the loss of its health, not corresponding to its biological characteristics and the requirements of veterinary and sanitary rules, termination by the owner of the animal of its life support - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles.
Carrying out an experiment on an animal without anesthesia or removing an animal from an experiment using painful methods - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles.
Killing an animal, with the exception of cases in which the legislation of the city of Moscow allows the killing of an animal, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles.
Keeping domestic animals for the purpose of using their skins and meat (with the exception of farm animals), as well as conducting animal fights, including with human participation, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from four thousand to five thousand rubles; for legal entities - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles.

Article 5.8. Violation of the procedure for burial or disposal of carcasses of domestic animals
Violation of the procedure established by legal acts of the city of Moscow for the burial or disposal of corpses of domestic animals - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles; for officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles.

In addition, criminal penalties are also provided for:

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Causing grievous bodily harm through negligence

Causing grievous bodily harm through negligence is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or compulsory work for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or restriction of freedom for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months.
The same act committed as a result of improper performance by a person of his professional responsibilities, - is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to four years or imprisonment for a term of up to one year with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Animal abuse

Cruelty to animals, resulting in their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or for mercenary motives, or using sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors, is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or correctional labor for a period of up to one year, or arrest for a period of up to six months.
The same act, committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or an organized group (for example, dog hunters), is punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one year to two years or imprisonment for up to two years.

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The law establishes new rules for walking pets. If, according to the old, still Soviet, law, all dogs had to appear in public places wearing muzzles and on leashes (whether this rule was followed or not is another question), now the muzzle is abolished.

It is enough to “keep the animal on a leash when crossing the roadway.” highway, in common areas of apartment buildings, on playgrounds and sports grounds.” Each animal “on a collar or bridle” must have a tag with the owner’s phone number.

Instead of a muzzle, dog owners will have to get a scoop: the law obliges “to prevent contamination of public places and territories with waste products of animals.” Otherwise, “responsible persons are obliged to ensure their immediate cleaning.”

Dog poop on the road, lawn, or playground now faces a hefty fine. The first time the owner will be held administratively liable and fined from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. A relapse within a year will cost from 10 to 20 thousand rubles.

By the way, walking a pet by a drunk owner risks a fine of “one to five thousand rubles.”

Those who forget to enter their tailed pet into the Animal Register will face a fine of “one to three thousand rubles.” However, the registration of animals is given three years from the date the law comes into force. So even the most leisurely ones will have plenty of time.

To register an animal, you will not need any documents about its purchase - it will be enough to verbally identify yourself as its owner.

The long-suffering bill on the responsible treatment of animals, which has lain in the Duma offices since 1999, is finally planned to be adopted this spring. What to expect for owners of dogs and cats, “Mir Novosti” figured out.

Russian President Vladimir Putin demanded that work on the bill be completed, saying that “the lack of rules and regulations in this area worsens the sanitary situation, and in some egregious cases results in cruelty to animals.”


The law will finally prohibit keeping wild animals in apartments - deputies promise to register each type of animal specifically, drawing up a whole list. But if you bought a wild animal (for example, a tiger) before the law came into force - January 1, 2018 - then no one will force you to get rid of it.

Many expected the law to limit not only the types of animals that can be kept at home, but also their number. However, this did not happen. Maximum number of dogs and cats per one city ​​apartment is not specified in any way.

“The number of pets kept is determined by the possibility of providing them with proper living conditions, compliance with veterinary and sanitary standards,” the law vaguely states.

But now it will be possible to place a dog in a kennel near the entrance only with the written consent of all (!) residents registered in this entrance.

To prevent irresponsible citizens from throwing annoying dogs and cats out onto the street, each animal will be listed in a state register created specifically for this law. information system"Animal Register".

“If ownership of an animal is relinquished, the owner of the animal is obliged to find a new owner for the animal or transfer it to an animal shelter,” the law says. Moreover, you will have to keep your former pet in the shelter at your own expense - shelters are not required to accept an abandoned animal for free.


The most revolutionary idea of ​​the new law is the ban on “regulating the number (population) of stray animals by killing them.” The exception is “the need to stop the suffering of a non-viable animal, if it cannot be stopped in any other way, or if the animal has rabies.”

Let us remind you that today the killing of stray animals is officially prohibited only in two cities of the Russian Federation - Moscow and St. Petersburg. In Moscow, animals are caught and placed in shelters, in St. Petersburg they are sterilized and returned to their habitats.

New law obliges all regions to build shelters. Construction will have to be carried out at the expense of regional budgets. However, if there is no money for construction, the region has the right to follow the path of St. Petersburg.

It is also allowed to transfer captured animals “for maintenance individuals, individual entrepreneurs And legal entities”, give to private shelters.

If an animal “accidentally” dies during the capture process, the capture workers will be held responsible for this - this is stated in the law. The same goes for shelter workers.

The law prescribes a new status - “public inspector for animal protection”. Anyone who has expressed a desire to provide assistance to the authorities can sign up to become a controller. state supervision assistance on a voluntary and free basis.” Each inspector will be issued a certificate.

Inspectors will have the right to seize material evidence of “offenses in the field of animal treatment and send relevant materials ... to state supervisory authorities.” They are also allowed to take photographs and videos of such offenses. However, ordinary citizens are also not prohibited from filming violations.

There are also several ambiguous aspects in the law. Thus, when selling an animal, the seller will have to provide the buyer with information about the animal “in writing": you will need to indicate the breed of the animal, describe its character, habits and conditions in which this animal must be kept.

Giving an animal to a minor is prohibited. Now it will be possible to give a turtle only to the child’s parents, having received their written consent to accept the gift.

The most strange was the chapter on bites by dogs with suspected rabies - legislators thoroughly disguised it: “Immediately report to the state supervisory authorities in the field of animal handling about all injuries caused by an animal belonging to the responsible person to a person or another animal, and deliver the specified animal that caused the injuries , to the specified authorities for inspection and quarantine.”

The result is absurd: if one horse, for example, kicks another, then it turns out that it must be urgently dragged “to the state supervisory authorities” and quarantined.