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What kind of business to open in a shopping center. Opening an island in a shopping center: rules and secrets of design

  • Fast food - traditional hamburgers and hot dogs, pizza, pancakes
  • Refreshing drinks - cocktails, bottled water, soda
  • Gadgets and accessories - phone cases, headsets, keychains, wallets
  • Costume jewelry - watches, women's and men's jewelry
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Souvenir products - designer T-shirts, mugs, badges, themed souvenirs
  • Coffee shop - coffee to take with you or drink at the bar
  • Car accessories - key fobs, heated seats, souvenirs for the dashboard, any car device that is interesting to the client

When choosing an assortment, take into account the specifics of the shopping center. For example, accessories and perfumes will be in demand in clothing centers, and drinks or fast food are universal and suitable for almost any shopping center with good traffic. Also, when choosing, you need to take into account the requirements of the center itself; often in the shopping center charter there are bans on the operation of stalls selling exotic food or perfumes, since the smell will spread throughout the trading floor. Study the specifics of such trading platforms and the center where you are planning to open in order not to be disappointed in the business in the first month of work.

An important factor is the lack of competition, especially from large stores. For example, it makes no sense to sell shoes on an island in a shopping center that specializes in selling clothing. A much more profitable solution would be to sell accessories or clothing care products in such a place.

So, when choosing an assortment, take into account the interest of customers, the type and features of the shopping center, the presence of competitors who can offer a better assortment, more attractive prices or other advantages.

Where to place the island: choosing a shopping center

The location of the outlet directly affects. The choice of shopping center is made taking into account the following factors:

  • The target direction of the shopping center, whether the selected assortment fits.
  • Availability of convenient areas in the shopping center (foyers, halls, passage corridors between stores).
  • Availability of shopping center conditions for the design of a shopping island - the requirements boil down to the type of structures, the presence of glazed structures, lighting and other parameters corresponding to the general style of the stores.
  • There is a list of products allowed for sale from shopping centers; some centers prohibit the sale of food, souvenir kiosks and the distribution of some other goods.

The main factor of choice is the traffic of the shopping center. You can get acquainted with the numbers by studying the shopping center statistics published on official websites. It’s not always worth chasing high traffic. Rent of retail space in centers with high traffic is higher than that of competitors. At first, the cost of rent is a priority and it is better to give preference to a lesser-known establishment with an affordable rent price.

In addition, popular shopping centers place increased demands on the design of shopping islands. They require the provision of visual materials on the location of the island in the sales area. Making sketches and visualizations in a design office is expensive and these requirements are considered unnecessary.

When signing a lease agreement, check the possibility of installing additional islands on the territory of the shopping center. If the business goes well, expanding the business will allow you to generate additional profits and it is necessary to consider options for renting additional sites in advance.

Please pay attention to the presence of security in the shopping center, which will monitor not only individual stores, but also the island in the trading floor. The availability of goods makes them easy money for criminals.

When making your selection, focus on rental costs, opportunities to grow your business, and whether the mall has regulations.

Advantages of a shopping island

Trade Island is an optimal platform that does not require significant investments in rent. The island has the following advantages:

The positive features of the island make it a convenient platform for trading and working with clients. By ordering an island with bright decor, you will be the center of attention, attracting customers to you and not letting them just pass by.

Shopping center islands equipped with wheels, designed, for example, for selling food products, are convenient for moving around a shopping center. Having chosen such a site, you can agree with the shopping center on preferential terms of cooperation, because the rent will be minimal. In addition, the wheelbase will allow you to move after customers, taking into account the workload of various departments at different times of the day.

Possible disadvantages

In addition to the obvious advantages, a retail island has disadvantages that need to be taken into account when planning the operation of the site. In particular, the disadvantages include:

  • Lack of storage space in the island - it will not be possible to store a stock of goods or products
  • A decrease in trade due to the wrong choice of trading positions - a small area means there is little space for displaying goods, and if the showcase displays products that are uninteresting to customers and which are not yet updated, interest can quickly disappear
  • Strict requirements for the design and assortment of products from most shopping centers; the island must match the style of other stores and fit into the general

All the disadvantages come down to the limited space that needs to be used wisely. Test in practice which products attract customers' attention by displaying them in prominent places. Change layout options and assortment to find the best solutions and attract regular customers with new products. There is always room for experimentation in trading.

To avoid most problems, read the shopping center requirements for placing islands. Compliance with the requirements and norms of the landlord eliminates and will allow you to work calmly and make a profit.

We work independently or under a franchise

Starting a business on your own, selecting and purchasing goods can cost a relatively reasonable price, without exceeding your budget. But by working on your own behalf, you lose the main component of trade - brand recognition. Customers see your trading platform, but do not see familiar advertising or a familiar logo on it, the effect of trust in a trusted brand does not turn on, which means you risk being left without customers for a long time, until you have earned your own positive reputation.

To immediately start successful trading, you can take advantage of job offers for. Many large brands operating in the food, cosmetics, perfumes, clothing and jewelry trade offer franchise cooperation. In particular, there are many proposals for small sites, such as shopping islands for shopping centers.

By working as a franchise, you immediately get the opportunity to offer products from a trusted brand, and the opportunity to use a well-known logo when decorating the island. Working under a franchise of a well-known brand, you can ensure an effective and constant flow of customers from the very first days. Franchising companies offer their own options and solutions for the design of retail islands; the client can get a ready-made structure at his disposal, bypassing the stage of designing and manufacturing a custom-made site.

Regardless of the option chosen, consider your own financial capabilities and options for timely recoupment of the business.

Before ordering the production of a trading island, pay attention to the recommendations for starting a business:

  1. Weigh the pros and cons of islands - this trading platform is convenient for beginners, is easy to maintain and has a good level of profit if business is done correctly.
  2. Carefully select the assortment, take into account the interest of customers and the focus of the shopping center where the island will be located
  3. Do not chase high traffic numbers when choosing a shopping center; it is better to choose a favorable combination of rental cost and the number of clients per day and on weekends
  4. Choose an attractive design for the island, providing more space for displaying goods, an attractive design design, and create storage areas for product supplies.
  5. Consider opening a franchise business - a well-known brand will help you start successful trading from day one.
  6. Participate in sales - at first, you can work as a salesperson independently or supervise the work of salespeople, this will allow you to better understand the needs of customers and make changes to your business strategy.
  7. in other shopping centers, design features, methods of working with clients and other things useful in work.
  8. Update your assortment or replenish stocks before the weekend, when the influx of visitors is maximum.
  9. Consider renting warehouse space on the territory of a shopping center - a warehouse nearby will avoid delays in trade.


Judging by the fact that such “islands” are constantly closed after a couple of months of existence, not everyone manages to guess the assortment. And what taxes should the owner of such an outlet usually pay?


In the article, we will talk about what business to open in a shopping center and consider the most profitable and relevant business ideas with minimal investment. The big advantage of working on the territory of a shopping complex is that there are people here all the time, some purposefully came to shop, others just walk around the beautiful center, and still others come to visit a cinema, restaurant, children's room or something else.

Shopping and entertainment complex (SEC)- this is a place where a large number of potential clients and buyers gather, who, even during a simple walk, can enter a store or salon. In order for the profitability of a business to be stable and high, a constant turnover of goods or customers is necessary, and by opening in a shopping center, an entrepreneur has every opportunity to achieve this.

Open a business with minimal investment in a shopping center It’s also possible, you just need to carefully calculate the costs and benefits in the chosen area of ​​activity. To do this, you need a clear business plan, with all the nuances and details. Opening an enterprise in a shopping complex will not only attract more customers, but also take advantage of the following amenities:

o The centralized provision of utilities and security services will be dealt with by the employees of the shopping complex themselves;
o The ability to rent a retail space of any size, starting from one meter;
o Independence of business success from seasonality and weather;
o The presence of an impulsive factor in many citizens who walk in a shopping center.

Due to various entertainment facilities, such as a skating rink or a cinema, which are located in the shopping complex, the visitor can spend much longer in the shopping area. As for the disadvantages of this type of work, this is the high rent, as well as the line of dependence between visitors and the image of the shopping complex itself. In order to minimize costs, you should carefully analyze what kind of business to open in a shopping center. There is always a way to save, invest less and get the same amount.

What business to open in a shopping center?

1. Idea No. 1 – Opening a playroom for kids – a children’s playroom in a shopping center

The children's playroom is called island in the mall, where there are animators, various toys and entertainment for children, and parents can leave their kids here while shopping. Organizing a playroom is much easier and simpler than opening private kindergartens or development centers, and the profit brings almost the same. There is no need to look for teachers or spend money on obtaining a license - this allows you to start a business with minimal investment. So, three hundred thousand rubles will be enough to open a thirty-meter children's room, in which about twenty kids can stay every day. This amount will include payment for repairs, purchase of equipment, business registration and payment of employees, as well as rental costs. The average monthly expense is fifty thousand, but the profitability is one hundred thousand rubles, therefore, it will be possible to receive a net profit of fifty thousand.

If we talk about a larger area, for example, a seventy-meter room, then such a children's playroom in a shopping center will be able to serve seventy children daily. The implementation of such an idea will require a million, and the monthly expense will be at least eighty thousand, but the profitability indicators will increase to two hundred and fifty thousand. Children's business in shopping centers brings good income, but an entrepreneur should understand all the regulations before starting its development: these include sanitary standards, safety regulations, and much more.

In order for a children's playroom in a shopping center to start operating, you will have to complete five successive steps:

o Register your business with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company, and experts advise giving preference to the first option. This way, it will be possible to choose a preferential tax regime, and, in principle, save on registration costs;
o Select OKVED codes, 92.7 is best;
o Register with the pension fund, as well as with some non-budgetary organizations;
o Purchase cash register equipment, or replace it with strict reporting forms, which will be registered by tax department employees;
o Obtain approval from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate to use the premises as a playroom.

To start a children's business in shopping centers, the following equipment is required: a children's labyrinth, an area of ​​twenty meters and costing two hundred thousand rubles, a workplace for the animator - ten thousand rubles, lockers for things - several sections, eight hundred rubles each. This is the minimum equipment needed to start, and from the profit it will be possible to expand its equipment, add new items and toys.

When hiring workers, it is necessary to select those who know how to communicate with children and are not afraid of responsibility for children. The employee’s responsibilities include monitoring the safety of equipment, order in the room, and compliance with requirements for guests. Workers work alternate shifts, so you will have to find two people.

Business organization in a shopping center is based on the following principles:

o The work schedule is from nine to nine, and the payment for an hour’s stay in the children’s room is no more than one hundred and twenty rubles on a weekday, and no more than one hundred and eighty on a weekend. If the child has not reached the age of three, then parents can go with him for free, but to accompany older children they will have to pay an additional few tens of rubles.
o The child is in the room for four hours and no more, and the visitor is obliged to pick up the baby after this period, according to the rules of the playroom.
o Children are accepted into the room only if their parents present their passports, and only after entering the information in a special account book.
o It is forbidden to work with sick, unhealthy children, otherwise the presence of sick visitors may negatively affect the reputation of the room, and parents will not take their children to places where they can become infected.
o On a weekday, the maximum number of customers occurs in the evening, so to attract guests in the morning, you can offer various favorable conditions.
o This is a business idea with minimal investment, which depends on seasonality - in the summer there are always much fewer clients than in the cold season.
o To develop a business, experts advise organizing holiday events, opening a creative club, creating a cafeteria for kids, and so on.

2. Idea No. 2 - a manicure island in a shopping center

Nowadays in almost every shopping center you can find one or even several counters express manicure. This suggests that a business idea with minimal investment brings good profits, and we will talk further about how to properly organize such a business.

In order to, it is enough to have the status of an individual entrepreneur, but when organizing a whole network of studios, it will be much more profitable to use a limited liability company. When choosing an area in a shopping complex, it is better to give preference to one that is not far from busy alleys and passages, but at the same time, the place should not be noisy. As for the area, ten meters is enough to organize an express manicure, and three specialists can work on it simultaneously. You will have to pay at least twelve thousand rubles for rent; the price may vary depending on the region, the regional location of the complex, and other nuances that affect real estate prices.

There are special kits on sale for nail bars of this type, which cost from two hundred to two hundred and fifty thousand, and include all the basic equipment. You should not choose a cheaper kit, as this may affect the appearance of the studio, and an unattractive appearance will repel clients. In order to nail bar in a shopping center does not get lost, and is visible to clients from afar, it is necessary to decorate it in bright, original colors, but at the same time the studio must fit into the interior of the shopping center itself.

Another fifty thousand rubles will be needed to buy high-quality material for the work, and it is desirable that all products be produced by one company. It is important to look not so much at the popularity of the manufacturer, but at the quality indicators and reviews of the products, because one low-quality manicure can forever ruin the reputation of the studio.

Every studio must have a name, and express manicure- not an exception. Psychologists say that a well-chosen name plays a big role in consumers’ perception of each outlet. Another fifty thousand will be needed for advertising costs, printing calendars, banners, flyers, and so on. Employees are paid on a percentage basis; the more work they do, the higher the salary, but the salary itself is very modest. The average monthly attendance of a nail bar is two hundred clients, but you will have to invest at least six hundred thousand rubles in this business with minimal investment.

3. Idea No. 3 – selling watches in a shopping center

Some people mistakenly believe that the popularity of wristwatches has declined sharply since the advent of mobile phones, although in fact the situation is the opposite - the demand for watches has increased significantly in recent years. This is due to the fact that they are more of an accessory, a luxury item when it comes to expensive mechanisms, and an indicator of the status of their owner. That is why organizing a business in a shopping center selling watches is a very relevant idea, because the demand function in this area is characterized by its stability.

The assortment should be selected taking into account the preferences of a variety of segments of the population - wealthy citizens, the middle class, pensioners and children, youth and respectable businessmen. It is not particularly profitable for a business to sell models that cost less than five thousand rubles, and in the field of inexpensive accessories there are a lot of competitors, which cannot be said about the luxury watch market. But the difference is also felt in the amount of investment; it is one thing to purchase a batch of mid-price watches, and another to fill a showcase with Swiss watches from prestigious manufacturers.

It is necessary to register a watch store; if the status of an individual enterprise is chosen, then registration will be both easier and cheaper, but for official representatives of large companies, as well as for their distributors, it is often important to deal only with legal entities. The registration procedure will cost about twenty thousand rubles and will take about a month. Code value OKVED – 47.77.

You should choose an island in a shopping center, located in a walk-through area, near prestigious boutiques and places where there are large concentrations of consumers. The store should be located so that it is not adjacent to other similar retail outlets, even if there are already some in the shopping center; you must look for a place in another wing of the building, or on another floor. The minimum area of ​​a store is ten meters, but to increase the comfort of customers and expand the assortment, a larger area will be needed, for example, a twenty-meter store.

You will need to purchase a cash register, furniture, a computer, several shelves and display cases, as well as spend money on repair and design work, which will cost at least one hundred thousand rubles. You should work separately on the sign - it should interest the buyer and make him want to come into the store. The minimum rent for a store costs twenty thousand monthly. As for hired workers, you can limit yourself to one person who will work as a consultant and salesperson, and from time to time the businessman himself can replace him during weekends or vacations. It is important that the employee understands the products and can give a complete answer to the client’s question, and can also help with replacing straps, cleaning mechanisms and other minor work. Salaries should be set at twenty thousand and above.

You will have to spend about fifty thousand to create and promote your online store. After this, delivery issues should be resolved: select several courier and transport companies that can transport orders quickly and efficiently. Another expense item is the initial purchase of watches, if we are talking about Swiss products, then we can talk about amounts of several million. If we talk about the middle price segment, then several hundred thousand rubles will be enough to provide a decent assortment.

4. Idea No. 4 – selling chocolate figurines in a shopping center

Everyone loves chocolate - from young to old, and they buy various chocolate products both as gifts, and for the table, and just to treat themselves and loved ones. The sale of chocolate figurines in a shopping center will surely find many regular customers, because this is a relatively new business idea with minimal investment, the profitability of which directly depends on the imagination of the entrepreneur. In order to get started, you will need to create chocolate masterpieces and sell them at a branded outlet. For implementation, one hall is enough, divided into a production and frontal zone.

An entrepreneur can conduct business in two ways - either by working in a full cycle, from brewing chocolate to selling to a client, or by purchasing raw materials from suppliers. As for the goods themselves, preference should be given to:

o Thematic souvenir figurines;
o Unusual figured candies;
o Exclusive forms;
o Chocolate portraits.

The customer can be either a corporate client or ordinary customers who visit a chocolate store. A corporate client could be an organization that orders chocolate logos for a holiday, a hotel that buys sets of shaped candies for its guests, and so on. You can sell products not only in your own store, but also on small islands in a shopping center, as well as in an online store and through wholesale deliveries for individual clients.

The sale of chocolate figurines in a shopping center has a number of features:

o The business relates to the holiday theme of infrastructure;
o All products must be certified;
o From one island in a shopping complex a whole chocolate empire can grow, which will cooperate with a confectionery factory, a workshop, and produce its products on stream;
o The store specializes exclusively in chocolate products;
o Adjacent areas can be offered franchise work;
o One outlet may offer several types of goods, for example, exotic varieties of chocolate, traditional and experimental.

In order to start such a business, you will need to follow these steps sequentially:

o Select premises and workers for the production and sale of chocolate products;
o Purchase raw materials, consumables, equipment, develop an assortment, create designer packaging and think over a pricing policy;
o Obtain all necessary certificates and licenses, register a trademark;
o Design a retail outlet and online store, develop and launch an advertising campaign;
o Conclude agreements on the supply and sale of finished products to confectionery shops and large shopping centers;
o Start the production process and start directly opening the trading platform.

The advantages of this business are great prospects, aesthetics and high demand, size, and lack of dependence on other market participants. But there are also negative aspects, which include dependence on seasonality, experience and skills of production workers, the need for large start-up investments, as well as a high level of sanitary responsibility. Selling chocolate figurines in a shopping center will require capital investments in the amount of one million and four hundred thousand rubles, and this does not include monthly expenses, which consist of rent, wages, costs of raw materials and packaging materials, advertising and transportation costs, and organizational costs. The total is not nearly four hundred thousand.

As for equipment, it will be more economical to buy used equipment; even you will have to spend about a million on it. As for the profitability indicators of this business, they are very encouraging. The approximate number of sales is eighty products per day, depending on traffic, therefore, in a month you can sell almost two and a half thousand chocolate works, and each of them costs an average of three hundred rubles, with a cost of twenty-eight rubles. That is, the markup is nine hundred and fifty percent; it is difficult to find a business with such a profit level. You can earn more than seven hundred thousand in a month, and the business will pay off after six months.

A modern shopping center through the eyes of customers is not only a place for shopping, but often also an area for family recreation. A wide variety of shops and boutiques coexist here with cafes and food courts, cinema halls and children's playrooms, photo studios and video attractions. Where else, if not in a shopping and entertainment complex, can you get such an extensive base of potential customers?

Not every aspiring entrepreneur can afford to rent a place in a shopping center to open their own business: the cost of renting such premises is sometimes too high. This is compensated by a large flow of potential buyers, suggesting good turnover. But in order to turn potential clients into real ones, you should choose a suitable business idea and conduct an active advertising campaign. We’ll talk about this and what else needs to be done to start a business in a shopping center.

How to start a business in a shopping center

Before opening a retail outlet or service enterprise in a shopping center, you must first decide whether it will be an independent project or. If you want to open your own business from scratch, be prepared for the fact that you will have to independently comprehend the basics of entrepreneurship, develop a business plan, search for suppliers, train staff, etc. But at the same time, all your profit received as a result of entrepreneurial activities will remain with you.

A franchise involves opening and running a business using a ready-made model using proven and already working technologies. And this applies to everything: planning, marketing, logistics, personnel policy, etc. For a franchise, you will have to pay a lump-sum fee to enter a large network and regularly deduct a percentage of the revenue (or profit) to the owner of the trademark (franchisor). Most retail outlets operating in large shopping centers are franchisees (buyers of well-known franchises).


Regardless of whether you open your own company or purchase a franchise, renting an outlet in a shopping center will only be possible when you have documents confirming the legality of doing business.

To work in the field of law, you will need to go through the state registration procedure in a structural unit of the tax service. You can obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP) or register a legal entity. The most common form of legal entity today is a limited liability company (LLC).

If you decide to form an LLC, familiarize yourself with how it happens. Everything about what documents are needed, where to go and how to avoid possible problems.

After registering with the tax office, you will receive a certificate. Based on this document, you will be able to conclude a lease agreement with representatives of the shopping center. You may also be asked for your company's bank account details, since rent is usually transferred by bank transfer. Therefore, it is advisable to immediately (or LLC) in one of the banks.

Having dealt with the legal side of the issue, let's talk about what can be opened in a shopping center and consider some interesting ideas.

Ideas for business in a shopping center

The trade sector for small businesses is one of the most attractive. To open your own business, you don’t need to purchase expensive equipment and hire a large number of employees. It is enough to find good reliable suppliers, establish supply chains and make good advertising.

Sale of loose tea

You can open it in a shopping center if you have about 300,000 rubles to start. Investments are necessary for the formation of a commodity stock, the purchase and installation of commercial equipment (showcases, racks). To implement such a project, it is not necessary to rent a separate room, you can make an island-type point of sale. You will only need about 12-14 sq. m.

Operating costs include rent, salaries (requires 2 salespeople), and taxes. It is better to sell varieties in the middle price category. The assortment must include at least 40 varieties of black, 30 varieties of green and 20 varieties of herbal tea. The trade markup for tea is usually 100%. The return on the initial investment is achieved on average in 7-8 months.

Sales of vaping devices

Sale of electronic cigarettes and vaping accessories. Given the growing interest in such products of smokers who want to get rid of a bad habit, this business can become very successful, especially if there is no such point of sale on the territory of the shopping center.

Today you can find proposals to open a franchise of an electronic cigarette store. The cost of such transactions averages 300,000 rubles. (lump sum). However, in addition to this amount, the entrepreneur will need to allocate approximately the same amount of money to start a business (equipment, room decoration, inventory, etc.).

You can rent a retail space in a shopping center to open children's clothing and/or shoe store. However, it should be taken into account that this area is characterized by high competition, which you can defeat either with a loyal pricing policy, or a unique offer, or a well-promoted brand. In the latter case, we mean buying a franchise.

For example, a company known under the “Choupette” brand, which sells clothing for children aged 0 to 14 years, offers cooperation in which the lump-sum contribution is 2,600 US dollars, and the recommended investment amount, including the purchase of the first batch of goods, is 50,000 dollars. There are no royalties in this offer; the stated payback period is 6-12 months. Clothing from this brand is in good demand among wealthy parents, so if all processes are properly organized, the business can become successful.

A more modest option in terms of start-up costs is offered by the Russian manufacturer of children's knitwear "Ivashka". There is no lump-sum fee for joining the network, as well as royalties. The franchisor's mandatory requirement is the availability of start-up capital necessary to open a store, as well as the availability of premises with an area of ​​30 to 50 square meters. m. The product line includes clothes for children and teenagers in the middle price category. The trade margin is on average 40%. The return on investment is achieved in 14-18 months of work.

You can count on good profits by installing it in a shopping center. Read how much such devices cost and how to properly build a business using them.

If you intend to start your own business, then you should prepare for a large number of all kinds of expenses. Much depends on what kind of business you are going to do. In most cases, people go into trade or entertainment. In the first case, grocery stores and children's goods stores are highlighted. They are the most profitable. As for entertainment, children's entertainment centers also occupy a special place here. In addition to the main costs associated with purchasing or renting a particular premises, purchasing goods and hiring workers, quite often a fundamental factor is also the fact that you will have to think about the right choice of advertising. However, all this does not stand in the way of purposeful and self-confident people who have decided to create their own business.

For initial development, renting a small space in a large shopping center will be enough for you. And even if the right to rent there is quite expensive (sometimes prices reach such heights that you can even buy an apartment or a car with this money), then your point here will attract a huge number of people even without special advertising costs. Large shopping centers serve several thousand customers every day, so the profitability of such a project is obvious. It is these ideas that drive people who start their own business.

What business to open in a shopping center?

Initially, similar ideas for creating several retail or service outlets in shopping centers arose in the largest cities in the world - in New York and London. As role models, they helped their ideas spread to most countries of the world. And now in almost every city there are multi-storey centers with long “streets”, along which it is not only pleasant to walk, but also much more convenient than running from one store to another. Especially when the weather outside is not very favorable for walking. Well, and on top of everything else, there are a lot of people working in shopping centers, who will also come to you from time to time to buy something, get a manicure (if you open a salon), get your hair done, or have something repaired. Most often, retail outlets, nail salons, children's playrooms and small cafes and restaurants are organized in shopping centers.

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Stages of opening a retail outlet in a mall

Each opening of a particular store follows the same pattern. Separately from this, there is a mandatory procedure for registering individual entrepreneurship with mandatory registration with the tax office and the pension fund. When choosing an organizational form in this case, it is most often advised to indicate “individual entrepreneurship”, since it allows you to simplify the tax reporting procedure. And, in addition, this organizational form involves a lower percentage of income tax.

After this, the procedure common to all begins. First, you decide what kind of product you will sell. Then, according to this, you need to choose the right location that will provide you with a high level of traffic. In the future, depending on which location you have chosen, there may be 2 options. The first is that you purchase this territory for rent from the administration of the shopping center, and the second is that you repurchase the right to lease from the previous owner of this premises. Next, you deal with the interior decoration of the purchased store, recruit the required number of employees, purchase goods, install the necessary equipment (cash register, video surveillance) and reach the finish line.

More precisely, this will only be a start, which needs to be worked out as efficiently as possible. To do this, you hold the opening ceremony on a grand scale, ideally inviting all visitors to the mall, and organize all kinds of events and promotions. This initial support will allow you to attract initial customers, retain them, and subsequently they will attract everyone else. People demand attention. And the more often you target potential clients, the more often they will visit you.

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How to open a children's store in a shopping center?

Enterprises that involve providing any services to children's audiences are very profitable today. In addition, such a business is one of the leading ones and is at the level of development in our country. In other words, if you are going to implement ideas for children's clothing or some kind of entertainment center, then you will not be left at a loss. After all, parents are almost never able to refuse a child. Although it should be noted that children's stores require a certain approach that differs from many other stores.

Thus, most of the goods that will be placed on the shelves must undergo mandatory certification.

Such products include cosmetics and hygiene products for children, toys, children's clothing, furniture and much more that come into direct contact with children. Products such as fastenings for this or that item are subject to voluntary certification, as well as items with which only adults come into contact, such as canopies over cribs or playpens.

Each item here must be supported by documents confirming that its quality meets the current standard in the country. Therefore, make sure that the seller or store manager always has all the necessary documents at hand. After all, parents can inquire about such data at any time. Well, don’t forget that from time to time the tax office carries out inspections to identify all kinds of violations. The main requirements for a children's store is that it must be located on one of the lower floors, preferably on the first. This is due to the fact that the main clients of such an establishment will be future or real mothers with children. If your financial capabilities allow, then you should not lose sight of the fact that a small space in the store is allocated for a play area for children. This business, by the way, can also generate income. By installing a small labyrinth or a regular game room, you can “kill two birds with one stone” at the same time. Therefore, try to implement all possible ideas, and your business will flourish.

Opening a shopping island is an attractive idea for small businesses. This is an economical type of retail that does not require high start-up investments. One of the less risky options is working under a franchise.


In search of an economical, but convenient and functional place for sales, many entrepreneurs turn their attention to an island in a shopping center. This interest is understandable: if there is not enough money to open a store in a separate room, then an excellent opportunity to start a business without significant start-up investments is to install a lightweight modular structure in the central part of the hall, in a gallery or passage of a shopping center, where there are the most visitors. However, practice shows that this type of retail trade has its own characteristics that should be taken into account by those who are thinking about opening it.

Pros and cons of islands

Like any business, trading islands have their advantages and disadvantages, which future owners should be aware of in advance.


  • Compactness (on average from 2 to 15 sq. m), which allows you not to overpay for rent
  • Possibility of selling a wide range of both food and non-food goods and services. Here are just a few of them: ice cream, sweets, gadgets, perfumes and cosmetics, express manicure (nail bar), accessories, coffee, leather goods, watch repair, express payments, pawn shop, jewelry, etc.
  • Convenient location in the “pass-through” areas of supermarkets
  • Ease of assembly and disassembly, mobility (if there is a wheelbase)


  • Lack of storage facilities and fitting rooms (which narrows the range of goods for sale)
  • Limited display space (if there are miscalculations in determining demand for products, there is an excess of unclaimed items)
  • Strict standards for the type of retail structures, which are often introduced by the landlord.

To minimize risks and unplanned investments when opening a trade on an island, you need to carefully study the rental conditions, analyze the trafficability of the selected point and the presence of a target audience for your type of goods and services.

Selecting a location

When designing large stores or multifunctional centers, as a rule, the layout of free space already takes into account the presence of shopping islands. During the process of putting the facility into operation, their number may change, but only slightly. On the one hand, this allows future tenants to look in advance for the best places to open their own “point”; on the other hand, there is a need to take into account the interests of the landlord, who often makes demands on island owners to work in accordance with the general concept of the center.

An important criterion for choosing a location for a trading island is the traffic indicator (see Fig. 1)

But it would be a mistake to make a choice based only on the popularity of the shopping center. It has been noticed that in the most “pass-through” supermarkets, the more successful islands are those representing recognizable brands with big names: brand names of watches, ice cream, cosmetics, jewelry. If next to them there is an original, but “unfamiliar” manufacturer, “banner blindness” begins among visitors to the shopping center. It is difficult to influence it without special marketing tricks that require additional costs.

In addition, the more “serious” the landlord is, the more conditions he has. For example, the Arena shopping mall (Voronezh) requires that the islands do not exceed a height of 160 cm, be transparent and equipped with internal lighting, so as not to disrupt the perception of visitors to the main shopping galleries.

Representatives of centers with “famous names” often wish, upon approval, to receive a colorful booklet from the retailer with a detailed description of the shopping island and many of its images in the interior of the hall. This is an additional expense: design bureaus estimate such an order at 60-70 thousand rubles.

That is why experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to “start” in less pretentious and large retail enterprises, while choosing places with high traffic, but a minimum set of counter conditions from the landlord. This will allow you to show maximum imagination in decorating a shop window, product presentation, etc. And you will compete with neighboring kiosks mainly due to the originality of the idea and the profitable presentation of your product.

Which product should I choose?

One of the first questions a future retailer has is: what to sell in the sales area on the islands? What to prefer: edible products or non-food products? Who should you bet on: the public focused on consumer goods, or the discerning buyer of exclusives?

Magazine “Trade Practice. Retail Equipment" in 2014 published a forecast of the retail market until 2016 (see Fig. 2)

As you can see, the markets for food and non-food products are almost the same in dynamics: the economic difficulties of recent years are making themselves felt. Let's look at examples of successful projects from the TOP - 25 most profitable franchises of 2015 according to forbes.ru.

Cocktails Tea Funny Point

The original food brand for pedestrian areas. Based on the preparation of the “bubble tea” cocktail, invented in Taiwan, which includes tea, milk, syrup and jelly-like balls with juice inside.


  • the shopping island takes up little space - about 4 m²
  • royalty in the amount of 4% of revenue is paid from the second year of operation
  • starting capital (about 0.8 million rubles) can be obtained from Rosbank under the “Successful Start” program
  • the design of the retail island and equipment placement was developed by the franchisor and successfully implemented in large shopping centers, which helps to avoid additional approvals with landlords.

Designer t-shirts Provocation

Many visitors to the largest supermarkets remember the bright windows of the islands of the Provokatsia brand, where you can buy T-shirts with hooligan prints. The owner of the stores and creator of the franchise, Hasmik Gevorkyan, recalls that a buyer “threw this successful idea” to her. She opened her first store in Kursk, and now represents the brand’s products in large Moscow malls, and another 91 points are the result of a partnership with franchisees.

  • Estimated initial investment- 0.55 million rubles.
  • Profit: 3.57 million rubles.

Car device for “advanced” buyers

Those who plan to open trading islands in trading floors draw business ideas from successful projects. This is exactly how the business of Nizhny Novgorod entrepreneurs S. Seregin and M. Vakhrushev can be considered. In 2009, they began selling automotive electronics: navigators, video recorders, radar detectors and accessories - under the Autodevice brand.

Today it is one of the most profitable franchises, according to Forbes. The cost of the initial investment is 0.9 million rubles, the profit is 2.1 million rubles. The Autodevice offer for franchisees is interesting because the lump-sum payment is minimal - only 39,000 rubles, and there are no royalties.

Summary: The main rule when choosing a product for sale in a trading island format is targeting the target audience. For success, not only the idea is important, but also a well-executed concept, attractive display design, consideration of popular and non-traditional positions, and a clear promotion strategy. All these requirements are met by franchises that have already proven themselves to be a profitable business. By using them, you can minimize possible risks.

What to consider when opening a trading island?

Before you start your own business, take advantage of expert advice to help you avoid annoying mistakes:

  • When choosing a place to rent, do not limit yourself to the simplest solutions (“by acquaintance”, “closer to home”, “largest store”, etc.), arrange a small “tender” for landlords, indicating your wishes on the Internet. It’s better to choose from several offers - less likely to miss
  • Study the shopping center audience! Where the public lives, who come to buy food or furniture, gadgets are unlikely to be in demand
  • Don’t hope that the business will start working without your participation: at least for the first time, you will have to supervise the hired sellers. Consider the travel time factor to the store and back. For example, the owners of the Madrobots shopping island in the MEGA Belaya Dacha shopping center in Moscow estimated that it took them 4 hours a day to do this
  • Be extremely careful when choosing an island contractor! Study reviews about it on forums, get “live” recommendations, read the contract and project documentation in advance. You must be confident that the delivery and launch of the finished module will be met and that the supplier will not lose interest in you if you notice a design defect and ask for it to be corrected.
  • By approaching the organization of your business with due attention, you will get a competitive business that will bring you satisfaction and profit.