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What documents are needed for a disabled person of group 1. New disability law

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Particularly severe physical limitations deprive a person of the ability to financially provide for his or her needs. To alleviate the situation of citizens with such health conditions, the Russian government has provided a number of privileges. Therefore, this category of citizens and their relatives should know what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has.

Issues of state support and assignment of disabled status are regulated by articles of Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation,” adopted on November 24, 1995.

Who is recognized as a group 1 disabled person?

The first disability group is the most severe. According to Federal Law No. 181, for people with disabilities Physical capabilities of this degree include citizens who:

  • cannot independently serve themselves, satisfying natural needs;
  • unable to move (even with the help of a wheelchair);
  • absolutely lose control and orientation in time and space;
  • are unable to communicate with other people;
  • cannot cope with the manifestations of the pathologies of their mental state.

Such consequences can be caused by a previous or current disease (including congenital, in which citizens receive the status of disabled children), or injury. Because of serious condition health, citizens with group 1 disabilities cannot be employed, which means it is not possible to ensure a decent standard of living. For this reason, the state provides them with a number of benefits and privileges.

Registration procedure

Receiving preferences does not occur automatically after diagnosis. To do this, it is necessary to go through the official procedure for their appointment, which is carried out in a certain order and consists of
several stages:

  1. Expertise. MSEC is carried out by referral from the attending physician (priority), social security authorities or the Pension Fund. It has the form of a medical examination, for which a bypass sheet is issued. It is filled out by designated doctors with test results.
  2. Preparation of documents (certificates, etc.).
  3. Official establishment of the fact of disability of the first group.
  4. Providing the commission’s conclusion and related papers to the social security authorities or Pension Fund at the place of residence.

According to the second stage, before contacting the appropriate institution and receiving the required preferences, you should collect a package of necessary documents. Their list is as follows:

  • a copy of the passport and its original (for verification);
  • conclusion of the commission (on assignment of disability);
  • application requesting the right to receive benefits;
  • prescribed rehabilitation program;
  • photocopy work book(on demand).

The decision on the assignment of benefits will be ready in 10 workers when applying to the Pension Fund and in 14 if the documents were submitted to the authorities social protection.

IMPORTANT! The time during which the medical commission’s conclusion is valid is three days after receipt of the document. In case of delay, the examination and determination of the fact of disability will be postponed until next year.

Types of payments and benefits

All citizens of the Russian Federation who are disabled people of the first group are entitled to certain privileges.


The average pension accrual is 13,000 rubles. This amount depends on the availability and length of work experience. If the budget allows, then regional authorities can increase it at their discretion (the size of the pension cannot be adjusted downward).

Social payments

Additional payments

If necessary, it is possible to replace social payments in cash in the amount of:

  • 500 rubles for the cost of the tour;
  • 350 rubles for travel to places of treatment and recovery;
  • 1000 rubles for medical supplies.

Additional payments are also available for other types of benefits. To issue monetary compensation, you must write a corresponding application.


Along with the pension, disabled people in this category are entitled to additional monthly payments in the amount of 3,400 rubles.

List of benefits and their characteristics

People with disabilities have the right not only to receive cash assistance, but also to receive benefits related to the daily activities of a person.


Everyone entitled to housing benefits is given a 50% discount on utility bills (valid only when living in a municipal or state house). If a disabled person has a private house with stove heating, it is provided with fuel at a reduced cost.

Those in need are guaranteed improved living conditions or new housing.


Free travel on city public transport on an ongoing basis. During the period 1.10-15.05 a 50% discount is provided on travel in all categories. During the rest of the year, such a benefit is provided only once, but in both directions.

Travel expenses for the purpose of health improvement in sanatoriums are also borne by the state in accordance with transport benefits.


After receiving the status of a disabled person of the first group, during the first three years from the date of registration, the citizen is allocated several vouchers to sanatoriums for the purpose of rehabilitation. For persons accompanying the patient, accommodation and travel are also free.

Free software is also guaranteed:

  • medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • prosthetics to facilitate the functioning of limbs;
  • dental services, including prosthetics (if the service is carried out using implants and crowns made of expensive materials, then they are paid by the patient at full cost).


Aimed at the adaptation of a disabled person in society. The main privilege of this type is assistance in finding a job, taking into account the health characteristics of the citizen. If necessary, social services will assist in burying family members (close relatives).

Professional nursing services and assistance with leisure activities are also provided. This may include obtaining books and other information for the visually impaired (literature published in Braille) and the hearing impaired (video recordings with sign language translation, the services of an interpreter, assistive devices that facilitate the perception of gestures when communicating).

Movement in public places is provided with the help of guide dogs and wheelchairs. The government also obliged to equip shops, places of culture and recreation with railings and pontoons. The traffic lights are already equipped with an audible signal to allow crossing for the blind, and designated parking spaces are provided for drivers with group 1 disabilities.


People with disabilities of group 1 are guaranteed priority admission to educational institutions of any level. But this privilege is not unconditional - for preferential enrollment in an educational institution, you must successfully pass the entrance exams.

Disabled students are paid a stipend up to 40% higher than the standard one.

IMPORTANT! Priority training for this category of citizens is provided only once.


The issue of taxation for people with disabilities of group 1 has been resolved as follows:

  • removal of property tax payments;
  • reduction of land tax by 10,000 rubles if the land is registered in the name of the disabled person;
  • 50% discount on transport tax if the car engine power does not exceed 150 hp, as well as a complete cancellation of payment if vehicle is specially equipped for physical features person and acquired through social security authorities;
  • tax benefits in the form of a 50% discount on notary services;
  • abolition of state fees for applying to judicial authorities on property issues (the total value of the subject of the dispute should be no more than 1,000,000 rubles).


The administration of many regions of the state provides people with disabilities with additional privileges.

In Moscow, every disabled person of the first group is issued a Moskvich Social Card. It is a universal instrument to which due payments are credited. The SCM bearer is guaranteed benefits.

In St. Petersburg there is a system of organizing transport (most often it is a social taxi), which is provided with a 90% discount.

In Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Ufa, the size of the pension depends on the regional coefficient, which in most cases increases the amount of payments.

Other help

If a disabled person of group 1 took part in the hostilities of the Great Patriotic War, then he is entitled to Additional Monthly Material Support in the amount of 500 rubles. This benefit is an additional payment to the basic pension and is paid along with it.

The subsidy also applies to prisoners of concentration camps and widows of disabled veterans of the Second World War.

Features for bedridden people

The first group of disability includes a wide list of diseases and their consequences. The bulk of disabled people in this category are bedridden patients. Their physical state requires special skills and
various types of costs. For this reason, additional subsidies are provided for such people:

  • financial incentives for relatives caring for a bedridden family member (1,200 rubles);
  • supplement to the disability pension (in such an amount that overall size payments did not exceed 13,500 rubles);
  • receiving free consumables intended for patient care (diapers, sheets made of highly absorbent materials, special mattresses, etc.);
  • free delivery of medications and other things (carried out by an employee of a social security institution).

When is a nurse available?

If a disabled person of group 1 needs additional care, then in this case the services of a nurse are provided (free of charge). Such personnel have medical care skills and appropriate education. But this benefit can only be used in cases where relatives, for objective reasons, do not pay due attention to the patient (caring for a sick child, inability to provide care due to a distant place of residence, etc.).

Federal legislation determines state policy to protect people with disabilities. What benefits does a group 1 disabled person have? The list of payments, compensations, and rights to social adaptation are not prescribed in one law, but a list of legal and regulatory documents. The acts provide for the implementation of economic rights, civil and political freedoms, taking into account the principles and norms of international law.

In Russia, people with disabilities enjoy benefits in the areas of social security, transport, healthcare, labor and others. Additional privileges are established at the regional level, ensuring a decent standard of living for people with disabilities in accordance with the system of benefits defined by law.

Persons belonging to disability group 1

The Americans with Disabilities Act defines disability as a permanent impairment. individual functions body caused by injuries and developmental defects. Health disorders lead to restrictions in life activities, loss of the ability to care for oneself independently, to study and to work, and requires social protection from the state. Citizens with serious health problems belong to disability group 1 and need outside help.

The disability group is established by the Institute of Medical and Social Expertise in the manner prescribed by the government. Depending on the magnitude of the impairment of vital functions, disabled people are assigned a group, and minors are classified as “Disabled since childhood.” The first disability group includes persons who:

  • serve themselves in everyday life only with the help of other people;
  • cannot move without assistance;
  • feel disorientated in space;
  • do not control their behavior;
  • it is difficult to contact and communicate with others;
  • cannot receive a full education;
  • can only perform certain labor operations.

Aspects of social protection

Support for people with disabilities and their protection in society is carried out by the state system, which provides legal, social and economic measures to compensate for the limitations in the functionality of the body. The activities are aimed at providing opportunities for people with disabilities to live a full social life on an equal basis with other citizens.

What benefits does a group 1 disabled person enjoy? The pension fund makes certain payments to vulnerable citizens. As part of social benefits, people with disabilities are given medicines free of charge or at a discount. They are provided with vouchers for treatment in sanatoriums, free travel on public transport in the city or suburbs. For disabled people, benefits are provided for the payment of land and property taxes. Vulnerable citizens living in Moscow receive a Muscovite social card, which expands a number of standard benefits.

Activities of public services in relation to people with disabilities

Legislation defines measures of social adaptation in accordance with the Constitutional provisions, Federal law about protection, others legislative acts and regulations. The federal government carries out the following activities:

  • determines the state’s attitude towards vulnerable sections of society;
  • adopts state laws in this area and makes changes to existing regulations;
  • controls measures to implement protection;
  • concludes agreements and treaties of Russia on the protection of disabled people;
  • determines the principles of work of the medical examination to establish a group and conduct rehabilitation; decides what benefits a disabled person of group 1 is entitled to;
  • produces standardization social services, technical methods of restoration, establishes rules and regulations for the accessibility of the social environment for people with disabilities, determines certification requirements;
  • establishes procedures and carries out accreditation of institutions and enterprises, regardless of their form of ownership, that help the recovery of disabled people;
  • develops and implements targeted programs for the protection of disabled people, determines benefits for disabled children of group 1;
  • finances and implements basic government programs rehabilitation;
  • creates and controls a network of state-owned facilities for the rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • determines the list of specialties in the field of rehabilitation industry and is engaged in their qualification training;
  • finances and coordinates scientific and research developments regarding the problems of people with disabilities;
  • develops methodological standards on issues of adaptation of disabled people;
  • establishes job quotas for vulnerable groups and monitors their distribution;
  • monitors the activities of public communities of disabled people and provides assistance;
  • establishes state benefits for enterprises, organizations and business partnerships that invest in the field of rehabilitation of disabled people and contain contributions from an association of disabled people in their authorized capital;
  • determines what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has, establishes state aid separate categories;
  • calculates indicators and expenses of the state budget on issues of adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled people;
  • contains single register accounting for vulnerable citizens, developing a system for collecting statistical information on the economic and social situation of disabled people.

The work of medical and social expertise

The Bureau of Social and Medical Expertise, within the framework specified by law, examines a disabled person and determines measures of social assistance and protection. Specialists assess the extent of disruption of the body, limitations in life activities and select an individual recovery program for the person.

Experts prescribe an extensive medical examination of the disabled person, and based on the results, they assess the condition of the body. An analysis of functional abilities, social and living conditions, professional and labor opportunities is carried out, and the data of a psychological examination is taken into account. The results obtained influence the conclusions about what benefits people with disabilities have the most essential, and a rehabilitation and habilitation program is drawn up.

The Medical and Social Bureau is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Social Research Service, which, in turn, is part of the structure of the social assistance system for the population. Medical research and rehabilitation system are included in the basic medical insurance system for Russian citizens, financed state fund and partly by regional insurance organizations of federal affiliation. Medical and social examination carries out the following work:

  • determines the degree of disability and assigns a group, determines the causes and timing of the onset of violations, identifies needs for specific types of assistance;
  • develops individual recovery measures, finds out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has;
  • processes and studies statistical data on the level and causes of disability among the population of the region and country;
  • develops and implements comprehensive measures of prevention, rehabilitation and protection of the population;
  • identifies the extent and causes of disability of individuals injured as a result of work or occupational conditions; Particular attention is paid to wheelchair users who have been injured at work;
  • within the framework of Russian legislation, determines the causes of death and provides the family with the required list of services, payments and benefits.

For all federal authorities, the conclusion of the medical and social examination service becomes a mandatory condition for work; this list includes organizations and institutions for rehabilitation work, regardless of ownership.

The essence of rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of a disabled person is a system of measures aimed at eliminating restrictions on life and activity or compensating for them. The goal of rehabilitation is to return the lost social status to a disabled individual, gain him independence in material terms and adapt to society. Disabled persons are provided with free Spa treatment, financial assistance, other benefits.

Rehabilitation from a medical point of view means restoration through therapeutic measures, surgical operations, orthotic and prosthetic techniques. If we talk about professional adaptation, then the activities include orientation in various fields of activity, obtaining new education for work, adaptation to production environment, employment for reserved places. In addition, disabled people undergo adaptation to the social environment and everyday life.

State basic rehabilitation program

Wheelchair users belonging to the first group receive guaranteed benefits, rehabilitation measures are aimed at them, services and technical equipment are provided free of charge at the expense of funds from the state budget. The federal program for the rehabilitation of disabled people is approved by Russian government bodies. Technical means, required services, and material compensation are provided to vulnerable citizens in kind.

Technical rehabilitation equipment includes wheelchairs, chairs, crutches and prostheses. In order to receive these devices for use, a disabled person draws up an individual recovery program at the regional medical and social examination center. After passing a set of necessary studies, the disabled person is issued a certificate of the technical device required for rehabilitation for movement or other purposes.

Repairs and replacement of spare parts on equipment are carried out at the expense of the state. Strollers and chairs that have become unusable are not returned, as was the case before 2008.

Individual rehabilitation and habilitation program for disabled people

An individual rehabilitation system for a disabled person is developed for each individual separately, taking into account the inherent impairments in the functionality of the body. The program includes information about changes in the work of a specific body and includes a list of activities for its partial or full restoration. System individual recovery helps the patient decide on the most effective way to solve the problem, find out what benefits a disabled person of group 1 has. One disabled person needs help in providing a job, another needs help in organizing special training, a third needs help social worker for organizing everyday life.

Habilitation is a new concept. It consists in adapting a disabled person to social sphere, includes the formation of business and social activity. The program includes complete or partial financial independence. For this purpose, specific activities are prescribed with the choice of a performer, be it the organization of work activities, the issuance of free medications, or classes in a sports complex. The previously existing idea that a disabled person is a person who has lost the ability to perform normal activities is being replaced by the fact that many people do not have such abilities from birth, for example in the case of cerebral palsy. The habilitation program not only restores lost abilities, but also teaches a vulnerable member of society those functions that the patient has not had since birth.

The program contains only recommendations; the disabled person refuses any activities related to at will without further consequences. In terms of choosing a provider of training or developing production skills, the disabled person or his guardian determines the one who will help more effectively. The form of ownership of the institution does not matter. A disabled person is given medicines free of charge, and if an individual buys medicines or technical equipment with his own money, he is paid compensation. The complete refusal of a disabled person from the individual recovery program releases the relevant authorities from responsibility and does not mean receiving compensation for free activities that were not carried out.

Communal benefits for disabled people of group 1

Benefits for paying for living space and services of utility organizations are provided by the state to disabled people in the amount of at least 50% of the full cost. Such benefits apply to municipal or public housing. Other forms of property of vulnerable citizens do not fall under the category of payment for living space. As for utility bills, the form of affiliation with other housing funds does not matter.

Heating in a private house with an individual boiler is compensated by a financial amount for the purchase of fuel in the amount of consumption standards determined by law. Disabled people are given the right to receive housing out of turn, provided that the person is recognized as someone who needs to improve their living space. If a disabled person has a disease that prevents family members from living together with him, then he is provided with additional living space.

Benefits and compensation for resort holidays and treatment

Disabled people of the first group have the right to free sanatorium-resort treatment once a year for three years after registration of the group. Once a year, travel to a sanatorium or resort is allowed free of charge. If accompanying persons who are directly needed are traveling with him, then they are also entitled to the benefit of free travel.

Disabled people of all three groups and vulnerable citizens have the right to receive rest at a resort and sanatorium without determining the degree of limitation. Disabled children enjoy such benefits without restrictions. Citizens receive vouchers for medical indications for such treatment in sanatorium complexes located throughout the country and included in the list of recommended resorts by health and social development authorities.

Instead of a sanatorium holiday, at the personal request of a citizen, outpatient treatment is provided at the resort without meals and accommodation on the territory. Vouchers for disabled people are paid for by the Russian Social Insurance Fund. The length of stay at the resort and the selection of applicants are determined taking into account medical indications or contraindications for treatment; data is provided by the Center for Medical and Social Research.

Pension benefits for disabled people

Disabled people of group 1 receive the highest payments pension payments compared to the categories of other groups. The standard pension amount is 9.5 thousand rubles. If a disabled person has a length of service at the time the pension is calculated, then this amount is added to additional funds. In addition, all disabled people are entitled to a fixed additional payment in the amount of 4.3 thousand rubles.

Some categories are assigned a state pension, the basis of which is social benefits, depending on the cause of disability. Disabled people who were injured during the Leningrad Siege are given a pension that is twice the social benefits of group 1 disabled people. Pensioners who lost their viability during wartime are entitled to three times more payments.

Help with choosing a job

Disabled people have the right to exercise labor activity, and the state provides significant assistance in this. Organizations and enterprises that employ disabled people in production are provided with financial assistance and preferential credit conditions. At enterprises that are able to employ disabled people, quotas are mandatory for employing socially unprotected citizens, regardless of the form of ownership of the institutions.

Reservations are made for places of work for people with disabilities in certain professions that are suitable for people with disabilities; in terms of employment, certain benefits are provided for people with disabilities (group 1). Moscow provides additional protection measures; for this purpose, a special card for a disabled person is issued in the city. A taxi service has been developed in Moscow to transport people with disabilities. Half the cost is paid by the city authorities, the rest is paid by the disabled person. You are allowed to carry one accompanying person and personal mobility equipment.

Education on preferential terms

For the admission of socially vulnerable citizens to state educational institutions of various categories, including higher education, non-competitive admission is provided. Benefits begin after passing exams and tests. Compliance with the chosen specialty plays a role medical report examination and recommendations of the social service. All disabled people enrolled in training receive a mandatory scholarship and use the necessary teaching aids.

In conclusion, it should be noted that disabled people in Russia are not left to their own devices. The state necessarily helps citizens with injuries or dysfunction of internal organs to recover. Care federal services promotes the gradual return of some lost functions, allows the disabled person not to feel like an outcast, restore social significance and status, improve financial situation and personal relationships.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 - federal and regional privileges, social compensation, payments, medical assistance for people with disabilities. Benefits cover the areas of healthcare, transport, labor (if a person wants to work), social protection, and taxation.

Group 1 is assigned to persons with the most serious pathologies. They cannot cope without outside help and are in dire need of social protection.

Disabled people in the Russian Federation are protected by law, so they can count on the opportunity to live with dignity on an equal basis with other citizens.

Who is eligible for benefits in 2019?

Disability is a congenital or acquired persistent dysfunction of organs or body systems. This or that disability group is assigned to adults depending on the degree of impairment of the individual’s vital functions as a result of injuries or developmental defects. If pathologies are detected in a child, he is considered disabled since childhood.

Benefits for disabled people of group 1 are provided to persons who meet the following characteristics:

  • complete inability to self-care;
  • inability to move without the services of other people and technical devices;
  • tendency to disorientation;
  • lack of self-control;
  • restrictions on various types labor activity;
  • inability to receive a full education due to difficult communication with others and the impossibility of normal learning.

Which disabled people are not entitled to benefits?

If ill health or injury was acquired by a person as a result of the use of drugs, alcohol, toxic intoxication, criminal acts and even intentional injury, the status of disability is not assigned to him and, accordingly, benefits are not accrued.

List of benefits 2019

Group 1 disabled people claim a number of preferences:

  • monthly cash payments in the amount of 9103 rubles,
  • free or discounted medications, as well as payment of compensation for independent purchase of medications,
  • free prosthetics and orthopedic shoes, as well as dentures (except for crowns made of precious metals),
  • 50% discount on and
  • free travel on municipal and suburban transport, as well as buses/minibuses, if a disabled person lives in a village,
  • sanatorium treatment at state expense,
  • material compensation,
  • insurance pension payments in the amount of about 13,857 rubles,
  • tax discounts on land and property fees,
  • means of technical rehabilitation: wheelchairs, chairs and crutches, prosthetics at the expense of the state budget,
  • free repair of these mechanisms, replacement of spare parts (and broken strollers do not need to be returned back, as was the case before 2008),
  • employment privileges,
  • the right to enter educational institutions without competition.

Parents or guardians of disabled children of group 1 are paid benefits.

Utility discounts

Disabled people of group 1 are entitled to a minimum 50% discount on utilities and living space (if it is municipal/state housing). Residents of private houses are partially compensated for heating costs (in the amount of consumption standards).

Disabled people who need housing are entitled to a priority right to receive housing (for example, if a person with disabilities has a disease that prevents them from living together with their relatives).

Every year for 3 years after registration of disability, a person can receive a voucher for recreation and therapy in a sanatorium, as well as compensation for travel by train, train, plane, or bus. If the patient needs an accompanying person, the latter is also provided with this travel benefit.

The sanatorium is selected from among those located on the territory of the Russian Federation and recommended by the Ministry of Health. You can replace a sanatorium stay with outpatient spa treatment without taking into account meals and accommodation.

Vouchers are provided for medical reasons, which determine the duration of such treatment.

Children with disabilities are given benefits for rest and treatment without restrictions.


Disabled people of group 1 are entitled to the largest pensions and fixed additional payments to them. If you have length of service, accruals are added to your pension.

In addition to these payments, some categories of citizens are paid pensions, the amount of which exceeds regular disability pension benefits and depends on the cause of the disability (for example, those who were injured during the war, the siege of Leningrad).

Benefits for studying

A disabled person has the right to enter any state educational institution without competition, and also receive a scholarship, but only after passing exams and successfully passing testing. When entering, it is important to comply with the chosen specialty and profile educational institution according to medical indicators and recommendations of social services.

Employment on preferential terms

At many enterprises different forms property has quotas for persons with disabilities. Workplaces for disabled people must be properly equipped. The working week of a disabled person should not exceed 35 hours maintaining the same salary as for a standard working week.

Hiring disabled people is also beneficial for the owner of a production establishment, because organizations that employ disabled people are financed by the state, and they also receive assistance with loans.

Tax preferences

Group 1 disabled people are fully or partially exempt from some taxes. For example, when contacting a notary, they pay only 50% of the cost of the state duty, and transport tax is not charged at all from the owner of only one car registered in his name. Also, this category of persons does not pay property tax.

How to get benefits in 2019

To receive preferences, a disabled person and his guardian need to contact Social Security, the pension fund, and the tax office. Here a disabled person can achieve the provision of care services, medical, legal services, employment, catering and in-kind assistance, assistance in obtaining socio-psychological support, providing funeral services, assistance in organizing leisure time.

Some benefits from the social package can be replaced with a ruble equivalent. The compensation includes expenses for medicines, travel vouchers and travel to the sanatorium.

To obtain the right to a free technical device for movement or other purposes, a disabled person must contact the medical and social center at his place of residence to undergo an examination. There is assigned for each citizen individual program rehabilitation and a certificate is issued about the required auxiliary technical equipment.

Rehabilitation and habilitation

The process of individual recovery includes monitoring the changes occurring in a specific organ or system. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a list of measures that are optimal for speedy recovery body. Also, the most necessary benefits are determined for a particular patient. For one person, assistance in finding employment is relevant, for another, professional education, the third - help from a social worker to improve their everyday life.

Habilitation of disabled people of group 1 – social adaptation, the inclusion of a citizen in active business and social life, providing for partial financial independence. For the purpose of habilitation, social workers organize events with the choice of a performer, which allows people with congenital developmental defects or lost abilities for normal activities to recover and acquire new skills.

A disabled person is free to refuse these activities without consequences. But complete failure from the recovery program is undesirable, since it removes the responsibility for the individual from the social protection authorities and their receipt of compensation for the proposed measures.

Preferences for people with disabilities in Moscow

Standard measures to compensate for inconveniences associated with disabilities are being expanded for Moscow residents who have a Muscovite card.

Muscovites can use a special taxi that transports disabled people with a 50% discount, as well as 1 accompanying person, wheelchair or other mobility aids. .