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What benefits does the mother of a disabled child have? Rights in the social sphere. Benefits for traveling on public transport

Bad ecology, poor nutrition, mass use of genetically modified products, annually mutating viruses and others unfavorable factors sometimes lead to the fact that even completely healthy parents may give birth to a baby that requires special care and attention. Such children are not only a grief for their parents, but also a heavy financial burden. A good help for them is the assistance of the state, which provides benefits and benefits to parents of disabled children.

Who is considered a disabled child?

The very definition of disability is fixed in Federal law(Article 1) “About social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation." It says: a disabled person is a person who has persistent violations any vital important functions the body, arising due to injuries, diseases or occurring from birth.

The activity of such a person is partially or completely limited, which consists of the inability to control his behavior, take care of himself, move without outside help, navigate in space, carry out independent labor activity or study. Persons falling under this category and under 18 years of age are defined as disabled children. A person can be recognized as disabled by designating medical and social examination, which is carried out by the relevant commission. Based on the degree of disorder, the disability group is determined.

The availability and procedure for providing benefits to the parents of a disabled child do not depend on the group; it can only affect the amount of monetary payment due to him by law.

Unfortunately, today there are more than half a million disabled children registered in Russia, and it is quite difficult to raise them without the help of the state. That is why the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for several types of benefits: benefits for parents of disabled children at work, upon retirement, treatment, education, children’s health, and some others.

Relaxations for working parents

Of course, maintaining and caring for a sick child always involves costs, and many mothers (not to mention fathers) are simply forced to go to work. Hiring a nanny who knows how to deal with such children is not only very expensive, but also virtually impossible. In addition, not every parent is capable of leaving a child who requires special treatment with a stranger.

In connection with this, the Russian Labor Code provides for some special rights and labor benefits for parents of disabled children. For example, the law directly prohibits refusing employment based on the presence of unhealthy children, and this applies not only to mothers, but also to fathers, guardians or guardians of minors. When applying for a job, it is required to indicate the presence of children and their age, and it is not at all necessary to inform the employer about the presence of a disability. Of course, in order to apply for benefits, working parents of a disabled child will have to provide documents confirming this fact, but this can be done after official registration.

You should know that the law also prohibits the dismissal of employees who support disabled children (under 18 years of age) without the consent of the employee and at the initiative of the company, except in certain cases:

  • liquidation of the enterprise;
  • in connection with the end of the contract (fixed-term employment contract);
  • in case of malicious violation by an employee labor discipline(like regular lateness);
  • based on the order disciplinary action(or, as people say, “under the article,” say, for theft).

It is also prohibited to leave such employees on overtime work or send on business trips without voluntary written consent.

A working parent has the right to additional leave “at his own expense” lasting fourteen calendar days, which can be used separately (at a time or in parts) or added to the next tariff. Also, one of the parents has the right to receive an additional four days off per month, and if both parents work, then these days can be divided between them at their request, and when only one is employed, they can be used individually. Payment for additional free days is made from the Social Security Fund.

To receive benefits, parents with a disabled child must provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • a certificate confirming the presence of a disabled child in the family, as well as the fact that he is not on state support (for example, in a boarding school);
  • a certificate stating that the other parent did not take additional days off at his place of work (if he took it, then how much);
  • if one of the parents works “for himself” (is individual entrepreneur, notary, private bodyguard, etc.), then a certificate is required stating that he is a person who provides himself with work independently.

Attention! If the parent of a disabled child works part-time in two places, then he can get four extra paid days off at both places of work.

Among other things, employees with disabled children have the right to count on part-time work (a week) with wages according to the time worked.

Features of retirement

The next question we will examine is: “Are benefits provided for parents of disabled children upon retirement?” Of course. Mothers who raised such a child at least until they reached the age of 8 have the right to include this time in their work experience. In this case, the retirement age is reduced to 50 years, provided that you have 15 years of work experience. Based on Article No. 28 FZ-173 “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation,” the father is entitled to such a pension from the age of 55 and with 20 years of experience. However, only one parent can use this benefit.

Raising and training such children

The legislation of the Russian Federation also provides benefits for parents of disabled children related to their socialization, upbringing and education. For adolescents and children with developmental disorders, correctional educational units (classes, groups in kindergartens, etc.) are created, where proper care, treatment, social adaptation and integration into society are provided. Children can be sent to such institutions only with the written consent of their parents (guardians) based on the conclusion of the medical-pedagogical commission.

Benefits for parents with a disabled child are also provided in the case when he can attend educational institutions with other children. For example, when a disabled child is enrolled in a kindergarten, parents are fully or partially (if the kindergarten is paid) exempt from paying for services, and also have the right to priority enrollment in a preschool institution.

If a disabled child cannot be in a group, parents can organize training in non-state institutions or at home, and also have the right to demand compensation for the costs associated with such training.

Sanatorium, medical and prosthetic and orthopedic services

Benefits for parents of disabled children also exist in the medical field. Obviously, such not very healthy guys often need very expensive medications, so some benefits in this area are provided for by law. According to Decree No. 890 of the Government of the Russian Federation, disabled children can receive free necessary medications according to your doctor's prescription. There is also a free supply of prosthetic and orthopedic products, wheelchairs, and those purchased in excess of the norm receive a 70% discount.

Disabled children have the right to receive sanatorium voucher for yourself and one of the parents, while the accompanying person is entitled sick leave for the entire period of the child’s treatment, including time spent on travel.

Using transport benefits

Benefits for parents of a disabled child and the transport sector were not spared. Such children are entitled to free travel on all types of public urban and suburban transport, excluding taxis, until they reach the age of 16. The persons accompanying them enjoy the same rights.

In the period from 1.10 to 15.05, disabled children, as well as one of the parents, are entitled to a fifty percent discount on the cost of travel by air, river, sea, rail and by car intercity traffic (excluding the number of trips). But in the period from May 16 to September 30, such a right is granted only once (round trip). Also annually free pass the child and his accompanying person for treatment and back.

Housing benefits

In order to slightly ease the burden of parents raising a disabled child, the state has provided measures designed to improve the living conditions of such families.

Listing the benefits for parents of disabled children regarding living conditions and payment for services, we can highlight the following:

  • families with disabled children are entitled to a discount of at least 50% when paying for housing maintenance services, rent (state and municipal funds), and subscription fees for use landline phone and others;
  • a 50% discount on the purchase of fuel materials if the house does not have central heating;
  • the possibility of priority acquisition of a plot of land for housing construction or farming or gardening;
  • right to separate room or an additional 10 square meters in the event that a disabled child is diagnosed with a disease included in the list established by Resolution No. 214 of the Government of the Russian Federation, and such living space cannot be considered excessive and must be paid in a one-time amount, taking into account all benefits;
  • priority right to improve housing conditions, especially for children suffering from severe forms of mental and chronic illnesses.

Tax benefits

For parents raising one or more disabled children, “discounts” are also provided in the field of taxation. Tax benefits parents of a disabled child are established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On income tax with individuals"and are provided on the basis of the following documents:

  • a medical certificate confirming the need for ongoing care;
  • decisions of guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • certificate of cohabitation, which is issued by the housing authority.

The total income for the taxable period is reduced by an amount not exceeding, for each full month during which the income was received, three times minimum size payment for the work of a parent who supports a disabled child living with him who requires constant care. In this case, you must provide an appropriate certificate stating that the second parent did not take advantage of this benefit.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation when calculating monthly wages a tax deduction of RUB 3,000 may be applied. for each disabled child under 18 years of age (student or full-time student, graduate student, intern, resident - up to 24 years old), if he is recognized as a disabled person of group I or II.

If a child is being raised by only one of the parents, the deduction is provided in a double amount, and after the latter marries, it returns to the original value. Also, one of the parents can take advantage of the double tax deduction if the other refuses to receive it.

Social benefits

In addition to all of the above, there are also some benefits for parents raising a disabled child, mainly related to obtaining financial resources.

Thus, a parent who is able-bodied but forced not to work in connection with caring for such a child is entitled to monthly compensation amounting to 60% of the minimum wage determined by law.

The disabled child himself, until he reaches 18 years of age, is also assigned a monthly pension payment and bonuses provided for by the law of the Russian Federation “On State Pensions”.

Are there any benefits on the contrary?

It is interesting to note the fact that benefits for children whose parents are disabled also exist, although in much smaller quantities. For example, children whose parents are disabled people of the first and second groups are entitled to a discount of up to 100% on the cost of preschool. And for teenagers receiving higher or secondary special education in educational institutions of contract form of education a discount of 40% of payment is provided. Once a year, children of disabled parents can also apply for a preferential health voucher.

In conclusion, I would like to note an important point. Many people do not distinguish between the concepts of “disabled child” and “disabled since childhood,” which leads to various misunderstandings. After reaching the age of 18, a disabled child loses his status and becomes simply a “young disabled person.” When passing a medical examination to determine the disability group, the reason will be recorded - “Disabled since childhood,” since the disease that led to such consequences arose before reaching adulthood. So the benefits for parents of a child with a childhood disability (and for our relatives we are always children) are no longer as extensive as those that were provided until adulthood.

Probably the worst thing for families with disabled children is to be left alone with their misfortune.

Categories of benefits provided to families with disabled children

The state helps families with disabled children. For this purpose, it was introduced a large number of subsidies. All benefits provided to such families are conditionally divided into a number of groups:

Pension subsidies. The law approves three main benefits in this area:

  • Establishment of a social pension and corresponding additional payments to it.
  • Payments to unemployed people who care for a disabled child. They make up sixty percent of the minimum wage. This is due to the inability to work because of the child.
  • The mother of a disabled person, who raised him until the age of eight, receives the right to retire early, at age fifty. But, at the same time, she must have at least fifteen years of work experience.

The pension amount can be increased at the regional level. But a reduction in this size is not allowed.

Benefits for mothers of disabled children labor code. Such subsidies are regulated by law:

  • The parent of a disabled child has the right to take four extra days rest per month, and this is paid time.
  • A person raising a disabled child is entitled to additional unpaid leave. It is fourteen days per year. It can be taken annually.
  • The parent of a disabled child has the right to work part-time.
  • People raising a disabled child have the opportunity to refuse business trips and work on weekends or holidays.

A person applying for the above benefits must write an application at work and provide paper confirming the fact of raising a disabled child. It is also necessary to bring a statement indicating that the other parent has not used these benefits during the year.

The exception is business trips and work on weekends. Such benefits can be provided to both parents at the same time.

Housing subsidies. In accordance with the law, families with disabled children can count on the following subsidies:

  • Allocation of housing if the family is registered as low-income.
  • Subsidy for half of the payment for utility bills and rent, in case of renting housing.
  • Free allocation of land plots.

Such families are provided with housing whose square footage exceeds the established norm. To use the above, you need to contact the administration of your region of residence.

Subsidies for the use of transport. Disabled children, their parents and guardians have the right to use the following state and regional benefits:

  • Free travel on public transport. This benefit is used by the child and the person accompanying him. In this case, you must provide identification and a document that confirms your identity. A parent and guardian can also use the subsidy by providing: a special certificate and a passport.
  • Starting from October 1 and ending on May 15, such children are given a fifty percent discount when purchasing a ticket for an intercity flight by any vehicle. It is possible to purchase a ticket with this discount and other dates, but only once a year.
  • Once a year there is an opportunity to travel to and from the place of treatment free of charge. An accompanying person can also count on free travel.

Deduction when calculating personal income tax (NDFL). Not all people know that for every child of a disabled person up to the age of eighteen, or a full-time student up to the age of twenty-four, such a benefit is provided. Only a working parent or adoptive parent can use it.

It allows you to increase your take-home pay. In fact, a deduction is an amount that is subtracted from total income. And only after that the personal income tax is calculated.

The amount of such benefit is determined as follows:

  • for a parent or adoptive parent - 12,000 rubles
  • guardian and adoptive parent can take advantage of a deduction equal to RUB 6,000

Amounts tax deduction are established by law. That is, their size may change.

This benefit has its own design nuances:

  • Provided by the employer based on the employee’s application.
  • It is independent of other benefits.
  • Issued annually, before the end of the reporting period.
  • When a child is raised by one parent, the benefit is double.
Benefits for travel to the place of treatment

Starting from 2016, such a deduction is provided for up to a month until the total income of the parent reaches three hundred fifty thousand rubles.

After this threshold, the benefit does not apply.

Its resumption will take place from the beginning of next year.

Benefits for mothers of children with disabilities from childhood for education and training.

If a child has passed the entrance exams, he is enrolled without taking into account the competition of certificates. But when it has no contraindications from the medical commission.

When a disabled person from childhood enters a university, he has the following benefits:

  • A chance to enter the free faculty without exams.
  • He will be accepted into the educational institution if he successfully passes the exams.
  • Has advantages in case of disputed points.
  • Provided free education in preparatory courses for entering a university.

You should be careful when choosing an educational institution, since such benefits are provided only once.

To enter an educational institution, the following documents must be provided to the dean's office:

  • The established sample application.
  • Passport or other identification document.
  • Documentation indicating the presence of a disability.
  • Certificate from the medical commission confirming the fact of disability.
  • A certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to study in such educational institutions.
  • For younger children, conditions are created to stay in preschool organizations on preferential terms. If the child medical indications cannot attend a general preschool institution; he must be provided with a stay in a specialized institution.
  • Another benefit is exemption from preschool institutions.
  • The right is granted to raise children at home and in non-state special institutions with reimbursement of costs. The benefit is given to parents and adoptive parents of disabled children.
  • For the education of disabled children with significant deviations, special correctional free organizations are created. They help with treatment, education and social adaptation children.
  • Benefit for medical care. The legislation of our country guarantees the possibility of rehabilitation for disabled children.
  • The state provides children with disabilities means and services according to a certain list free of charge. This list includes: wheelchairs, crutches, as well as their repair. General list contains twenty-six titles.
  • Every parent of a disabled child should know that their children can receive medical care at any level throughout the country. This includes: sanatorium, therapeutic and surgical treatment.
  • A child with a disability and his accompanying person are given free vouchers to the sanatorium. Travel is also paid for by the state for both.

A mother who is raising a disabled child alone can enjoy all the benefits and guarantees established for a single parent. Absolutely all categories of subsidies help parents and guardians of children provide them with everything they need.

Almost all benefits are issued through social protection or multifunctional centers (MFC). Each of them requires separate registration, as well as the submission of its own package of documentation.

You can watch the video about the rights and benefits of parents of disabled children:

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More on this topic:

The state takes care of its citizens, in particular, children, especially if they have serious problems with health. If a child is disabled, benefits are provided to parents or guardians without fail and apply to almost all areas of life.

Disabled child: benefits for parents or guardians. (The state shows increased concern for disabled children)

When we're talking about For children and adolescents under 18 years of age, disability is assigned without gradation by group. Serious health problems are considered as grounds for making such a decision. A conclusion on disability is made by a special commission and does this based on the results of a medical and sanitary examination.

In 5 tbsp. The rules for recognizing persons with disabilities clearly list all the grounds for establishing disability:

  • congenital or acquired pathologies, injuries that provoked a serious disruption of important body functions;
  • complete or partial absence abilities for learning, movement, self-care and other normal human activities;
  • established need for social protection.

Important! In order for the commission to make a decision on assigning disability, all three conditions must be met simultaneously.

If we talk about the timing of assignment of disability, they are determined by the severity of the disease and general condition health. When there is a chance of cure or significant improvement in the situation, disability is given for 1-2 years. If MSE is repeated, it can leave you with disability for up to 5 years. If the commission noted a deterioration in health or a persistent lack of improvement, disability may be granted until the person reaches 18 years of age.

Important! Full list diseases and disorders for which a child is given a disability are presented in the appendix to the above-mentioned rules. There are 23 points in total, including cancer..

We understand that when it comes to a disabled child, he needs special attention and care. At the same time, parents cannot fully work and require financial support from the state. Thus, benefits are provided in a fairly wide range.

Cash assistance and pension

Disabled children are required to receive a pension. You can learn about the procedure for calculation and payments from the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Pensions”, Art. 17, 21, 38, 113, 114, 115. On current time the amount of pension accruals reached 12,000 rubles. The size of the social pension can be increased at the regional level, but it cannot be reduced.

Additionally, in addition to the pension, children receive social benefits. Their value ranges from 2600 rubles.

Non-working persons (parents, guardians) who care for a child are accrued special compensation payments. They are produced monthly and amount to 60% of the officially approved minimum wage. On practice - this is approximately 5500 rubles.

If a woman raised a disabled child under 8 years of age, she begins to receive a pension from the moment she reaches 50 years of age. To do this, one condition must be met - the presence of a 15-year-old length of service. This period includes all the time the mother cared for a child with a disability. All these points are spelled out in the Law of the Russian Federation “On State Pensions”, Art. 11, 92(b).

To apply for compensation benefits, which are paid to persons caring for a disabled child, regardless of the degree of family relationship, it is necessary to collect the following documents for the Pension Fund:

  • application for benefits;
  • passport - copy and original;
  • SNILS of the applicant and the person requiring care;
  • birth certificate of a disabled child;
  • conclusion about disability;
  • certificate from the employment center. It should be noted here that the parent or guardian is not receiving unemployment benefits;
  • guardian's work record;
  • current bank account.

Submitted documents are reviewed within 10 days. Payments begin on the 1st of the month. If a decision is made to refuse, it is announced within 30 days.

Labor benefits

Working parents or guardians of disabled children are provided with the following labor benefits

A woman caring for a disabled child under 16 years of age has the legal right to work part-time and part-time. Labor is paid proportionally, depending on the time worked. This procedure is prescribed in the Labor Code.

Also, the mother cannot be left overtime or sent on business trips if she has not agreed to this herself.

An employer does not have the right to refuse to employ a woman or reduce her salary because she has a child with disabilities.

If a mother is raising a disabled child on her own, the Labor Code prohibits dismissing her from work. The only exceptions are situations when we are talking about the complete liquidation of the company. But, in this case, the woman must be given a new job. This procedure is prescribed in Articles 54 and 170 of the mentioned document.

Also, one of the parents raising a child with disabilities will receive 4 additional days off per month. They can be used by one person or each parent for 2 days.

Leave is granted to the father or mother at any time convenient for them.

Important! If one of the spouses plans to take additional days off or vacation, he must provide the employer with confirmation that the other spouse did not use these benefits. Both parents can simultaneously exercise only the right to refuse business trips or overtime work.

Tax benefits

They are provided to one of the parents. The procedure is regulated by clause 4 of Art. 218 part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It is noted here that either the father or the mother is given a tax deduction of 12,000 rubles. It is calculated every month. If a disabled child is raised by guardians or trustees, a reduced deduction applies to them, and its amount is 3,000 rubles.

Housing benefits

They are regulated by the law on social protection of disabled people. Information on the topic is indicated in article 17. It is noted here that families raising a child with disabilities can count on the following:

  • provision of housing. This is paid for by the state. The only thing that is required of parents is to register where persons in need of improved housing conditions are registered;
  • payment of 50% of utility bills. If a family rents premises for social rent, half the cost will be repaid;
    • provision of land for its subsequent use for personal purposes. Again, in order for parents to exercise this right, it is necessary to submit the appropriate application and documents to the social service.

Additionally, the family can count on expanding the living space. It is possible in a number of situations that are prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 817 of December 21, 2004. Since 2018, the updated list has come into force dated November 30, 2012 No. 991n.

Families raising a child with a disability are provided with benefits and payment utilities. The amount of payments is reduced by half. This benefit applies to housing from the category of premises for social rent.

Medical benefits

In accordance with Art. 9 of Law No. 181-FZ, every child with disabilities and problematic health has the full right to the necessary rehabilitation. Therefore, public medical and other institutions must provide free of charge:

  • some medications;
  • technical aids, such as crutches or wheelchairs;
  • rehabilitation or treatment.

All the benefits that you can count on in this situation are listed in Order No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005. On the topic of treatment, clarification is given by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 328 of December 29, 2004.

If a child is being raised by a single mother, she has the full right to enjoy all the necessary benefits provided for families with disabled children. Additionally, she is provided with preferential programs designed for single parents.

Transport benefits

A disabled child, as well as the person accompanying him (mother, father or guardian) have the full right to free travel in the city public transport. Only taxis do not fall into this category. To obtain the right not to pay the fare, you must present the driver with a disability certificate, as well as a document confirming family connection the child and the person accompanying him.

Additionally, the state has provided the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on any intercity transport except taxi;
  • free travel to the place of treatment. The trip is paid by the state both ways. The benefit can be used once a year.

Additional privileges may be provided, depending on the regional charter, as well as the health status of a particular disabled child.

Benefits for training

Every child with a disability has every right to attend kindergarten and school. These can be regular or special institutions. Benefits for parents include a simplified admission scheme, discounts or the complete absence of the need to pay tuition fees.

If a disabled child needs education and upbringing at home or in a non-governmental institution, in such situations parents can also count on preferential conditions. The detailed procedure is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 1996 No. 861.

Video - Benefits for disabled children. Rights and benefits for parents of disabled children

Hundreds of thousands of children in our country are disabled with congenital or acquired pathologies. In order to improve the comfort of life, their parents are given special rights and benefits that they need to know and use to the fullest. The rights of parents with disabled children are guaranteed by the state.

In addition to rights, for parents of disabled people there are legislative provisions regarding the maintenance of disabled children in order to protect them as much as possible until recovery or the onset of legal capacity.

Disability is determined by the ITU (social medical examination) based on different periods: one, two, five years, until reaching adulthood.

The specific period is reflected in the ITU certificate. At the end of the period determined by the commission, re-examination is carried out.

Conditions for recognizing a child as disabled:

  1. Age up to adulthood (18 years).
  2. Impaired health that caused dysfunction as a result of illnesses (from the special list of government decree No. 247), injuries, defects.
  3. Limitation of vital functions (loss of the ability to move, self-care, orientate); weakening of communication and control functions; inability to fully work and learn.
  4. The need for social protection measures.

Benefits for parents of disabled people

The rights of parents of disabled children are provided in the following areas:

  • labor legislation;
  • social protection;
  • housing policy;
  • tax deductions.

Rights in the field of labor legislation

The rights of parents of a disabled child at work provide for various allowances for payments and rest.

Additional weekends with content

Sick leave for care up to 15 years

Payments are made for the entire duration of treatment, both outpatient and inpatient (Article 6 of Federal Law No. 255).

Regulation of working hours

If there is a disabled minor child, his mother and father have the right to reduce the working day and (or) week (Article 264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) while maintaining the duration annual leave and accrual of experience in full. For this purpose it is additional agreement, an order is issued.

Important! The reduction of the working day (week) is not made at the discretion of the employer, but by agreement of both parties

Only with the written consent of the parent (if there is a disabled child) under Art. 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation may occur:

  • assignment of overtime hours;
  • business trips;
  • work on holidays;
  • going to work at night.

Dismissal (due to staff reduction) is not provided for such employees, only in case of gross non-compliance with labor laws or in case of complete liquidation of the enterprise.

Rights in the social sphere

The rights of parents of a disabled child apply to most areas of the social sphere.

Receiving a social pension for a child

A social pension is paid monthly to a non-working parent (5,500 rubles). Non-working parents caring for disabled people are transferred cash assistance(60% of the minimum wage).

The period of caring for a registered disabled person under 18 years of age is included in the length of service.

Old age pension age

The retirement age is reduced for a woman to 50 years old, for a man to 55, if:

  • she (he) took care of the child from birth until he was 8 years old;
  • The insurance period is 15 years for females, 20 for males.
Important! Only one parent receives benefits for reducing the retirement age

Benefits on transport

Guaranteed free travel on any public transport, except taxis.

When traveling by rail and other types of transport, a 50% discount is provided from 1.10 to 15.05 for both disabled children and their accompanying persons.

At other times, a one-time two-way discount is provided. Free travel to places of sanatorium treatment is provided.

Benefits in medicine

To provide medical care practiced:

During the period of such treatment, the parent is issued a sick leave certificate for the entire period along with travel.

Benefits in the public utilities sector.

Payment for utilities, telephone, radio is required in the amount of 50%, monetary compensation for non-main heating (purchase of fuel).

Educational benefits

Privileges in the field of education are present at all stages:

  1. Kindergarten. Skip-the-line enrollment and free attendance.
  2. School. Possibility of training according to individual program at home.
  3. University Admission without competition on a budget form to higher education educational establishments(one time).

Rights in housing

Parents of children with disabilities have special privileges. To improve their living conditions there are special lists(keeping records).

In the presence of diseases from the special list of the Ministry of Health ( mental illness and lesions of the central nervous system) provision of living space in the form of a room or an additional 10 meters is required.

Families with disabled children have the right to apply for land plot for the subsequent construction of housing, for a garden, a summer house or for a subsidiary plot. The priority for housing and plots is formed by the administration upon application.

Tax rights

Total taxable income decreases. When calculating wages to parents, a tax deduction is applied under Article 210 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (clause 3) in the amount of 3 thousand rubles for a disabled minor.

A tax deduction for the organization of treatment of children and their educational services is also applied.

How to apply for care allowance

The state helps to fulfill the responsibilities of parents to support disabled minor children by supporting them financially. For this purpose, a benefit is provided for caring for children with disabilities.

Features of its design

You must contact the regional office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence, having previously collected Required documents, to write an application. Documents and an application can be provided to the parent (guardian), with an authorized representative, via the Internet, using the State Services portal, or by mail.

Stages of applying for benefits:

  • After establishing the fact of disability using a medical examination, the following actions are carried out step by step:
    collection of documents;
  • examination of documents by employees of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a decision;
  • accrual of the benefit amount within the established time frame (10 days, as a rule).
Important! The amount of the benefit depends on the disability group and the financial wealth of the family.

List of documents:

  • identification card with registration of the applicant;
  • a statement confirming the fact of caring for the child;
  • work book confirming lack of employment;
  • the commission’s conclusion on the fact of disability and the need for care;
  • application from a child over 14 years of age to receive benefits;
  • child's identity card;
  • SNILS of the applicant;
  • bank account details.


The rights of parents with a disabled child cover almost all areas of life. They have the legal right to take advantage of the benefits due to them.

Other benefits may be provided in accordance with regional laws. It is recommended to find out their list at your local social security office.