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Causes of decoy in aquarium fish. How to treat semolina in fish? How to treat fish from semolina at home

Semolina or ichthyophthyriosis is specific disease fish, which has an infectious nature and is caused by ciliates. The main manifestation is the appearance of tubercles-spots on the body similar to semolina. Treatment of semolina should begin as early as possible, since ichthik (another name for the disease) depletes the fish’s body every day, as a result of which it dies. Ichthyophthiriasis can occur in any species, so treatment in a community aquarium is recommended. In the aquarium industry, it has been verified that a fish can become infected with semolina once in its life.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • restless behavior;
  • fish rub their bodies against objects, plants and soil;
  • when internal organs are damaged, pets become passive to external stimuli, appetite disappears, they are often on the surface of the aquarium, swallowing air;
  • when the cornea of ​​the eye is damaged, blindness develops;
  • the color of the scales and body fades;
  • the scales are covered with a white coating.

Without immediate action, the inhabitants of the aquarium may die as a result of lack of oxygen and damage to the epithelium of a large area.

The most frequently affected species are viviparous individuals. This bacterium is harmless to humans.

Causes of fish infection with semolina:

On initial stage infection before the appearance of Ichthyophthirius tubercles (another name for the disease) cannot be seen with the naked eye.

How to treat ichthyophthyriosis

It is possible to cure fish either by moving them to another container or by leaving them in the aquarium.

Treatment methods for whiteheads:

  1. Treatment of ichthyophthyridiosis with salt
  2. Hydrogen peroxide
  3. A mixture of the medicine “malachite green” with other

Treatment of ichthyophthyridiosis with salt

This method is suitable for treating ciliates brought from local waters, since tropical bacteria tolerate salt water well. Salt should be taken at the rate of one tablespoon per 10 liters of water, while gradually raising the temperature to 32 degrees. The duration of treatment is 14 days. After therapy for 30 days, it is necessary to change the water by 30% every week. Efficiency is achieved as a result of reducing the amount of oxygen for the life of ciliates, and elevated temperature water prevents their reproduction.

"Malachite green"

The effectiveness of the drug is reduced by the fact that a concentration of 0.09 mg/l is unfavorably tolerated by fish and plants, and a decrease in concentration leads to a decrease in effectiveness. And also an indicator of no more than 0.06 mg/l is recommended if the aquarium contains young fish and representatives without scales. It is administered gradually until the rash disappears, and for several days after elimination visible signs. With each new addition of medicine, it is necessary to change the water.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is recommended to add 3% peroxide solution to 1 ml per 10 liters of water. It will saturate the water with oxygen, and the inhabitants will breathe easier. It is recommended to carefully observe the dosage; excessive concentrations of hydrogen peroxide can harm the fish or burn their fins.

A mixture of the medicine “malachite green” with other

The combination is intended for effective fight with infection, it is important to carry out such treatment only in aquariums, since the use of these means disrupts biological filtration.

Apply the following drugs for the treatment of semolina in fish:

  • anti-steam;
  • nitrofurans;
  • Furacilin.

Combination of malachite green, methylene blue and formaldehyde effectively help fight ichthyophthyriasis. The mixture of these drugs is called anti-steam treatment.

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis with furatsilin is also good antimicrobial agent. Furacilin is sold in pharmacies. You need a medicine produced in the form of tablets in a dosage of 0.02 g. To carry out therapy you need to put 1.5 tablets in warm water, for complete dissolution. Add the previously described solution of malachite green to the liquid. This composition is enough for an aquarium with a volume of 20 liters.

If furatsilin is used without combination with other drugs, then 6-8 tablets per 100 liters of water are calculated. Every day for 4–6 days, the water must be changed by 20% and half of the dissolved tablet added.

Branded drugs for ichthyophthyriosis aquarium fish:

  • Manufacturer Sera;
  • manufacturer Tetra;
  • Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API);
  • JBL Punktol ULTRA (with acute stages illnesses).

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is available in capsule and liquid form. Liquid medicine has a different composition from capsules and is used after capsule therapy or replaces them in acute forms of the disease.

Semolina on fish responds well to specialized therapy pharmaceutical drugs. Tablets are produced by different manufacturers, the list of medications for fish from semolina is periodically updated. This is due to the fact that the drugs that were previously treated lose their effectiveness, the bacteria acquire immunity, so the means for treating fish are constantly being improved.

Before using a medicine for ichthyophthyriosis, it is important to carefully read the instructions; each drug has its own composition and medicinal properties which have different effects on the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Along with carrying out therapy for the inhabitants of the reservoir, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips for the treatment of ichthyophthyridiosis:

  • additional increase in aeration;
  • maintain the required water temperature.

After treatment, the aquarium should be emptied of fish and left for several days. The water temperature should be within 32 degrees. For filtration, use carbon for removal medicines from the reservoir. There is no need to remove snails and plants from the aquarium.


To prevent the disease, it is necessary to follow safety measures:

  • quarantine for new inhabitants of the aquarium, including plants;
  • ensuring hygiene of the aquarium; for this there must be a separate siphon, net and other accessories.

When purchasing a new pet, it is forbidden to immediately place it in community aquarium. Even a careful inspection before purchase does not guarantee health; fish do not always show white spots in open areas. Ciliates can be in a state of hibernation on the skin or in oral cavity and in the gills. During transportation and placement of a pet in new aquarium, the fish experiences stress, as a result of which the disease becomes more active and begins to actively develop.

The new pet must be placed in a special quarantine aquarium, one pet should be added to it and wait a few days, after which the newcomer can be placed in a common reservoir.

To avoid contamination of the entire aquarium, it is important to monitor the behavior of the inhabitants when something new appears in it. Outbreaks of the disease occur regardless of the time of year, all year round. However, it has been noted that the disease is especially common in spring and summer.


Disease aquarium fish, namely semolina, is one of the most dangerous and fast developing diseases. White dots on fish are main feature infection. Having noticed the first symptoms, it is important to start treatment as early as possible to prevent acute form and the death of all inhabitants of the reservoir.

Fish, like other domestic animals, have diseases. The most common is ichthyophthyriosis or “semolina”. At first it looks harmless and goes unnoticed, but if measures are not taken in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ichthyophthyrus development cycle:

  1. After maturation, the trophozoite leaves its shelter and falls into the ground, where it secretes a cyst.
  2. Within 24 hours, 600-1000 tomites (daughter cells) are formed inside the cyst.
  3. After growing up, the tomita turns into a theront, which leaves the cyst and goes free swimming, looking for a host among other fish.

The causative agent of the disease under a microscope.

Causes of the disease

Ichthyophthyrus ciliates live in all aquariums in moderate numbers. As soon as breeding conditions suitable for the microorganism appear, the fish begin to get sick with “semolina”.

White specks on the body of the catfish are foci of the disease.

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis

Raising the temperature to 28-30 ⁰C is possible only in an aquarium with tropical fish. Cold-loving species do not tolerate this range well, so for them you need to set the temperature 1-2 degrees higher than usual.

Methods for treating ichthyophthyriosis:

The easiest way is to buy a drug at a pet store that is specially designed for the treatment of diseases of protozoal etiology.

Ichthyophthyriosis is a disease of aquarium fish that is caused by ciliates. The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of small whitish bumps, no larger than a grain of semolina.

The success of treatment will depend on two factors:

  1. The degree of neglect of the disease;
  2. A specific species of ichthyophyrius.

As with any disease, early detection of the disease increases the chances of successful treatment. Do not think that you can get rid of this disease very simply. In fact, some species are resistant to drugs and lead to fatal outcome 5 days after infection.

Life cycle of Ichthyophirius

At the beginning of the life cycle, ichthyophyrius colonize the skin and gills of fish. After this, dermioid tubercles appear at the site of their dislocation. A large number of tubercles are located in a chaotic manner throughout the host’s body. Not common among aquarists official name this disease "semolina".

A grain can reach a size of 1 millimeter in 3-5 days if the water temperature in the aquarium is around 24-25 degrees. When it reaches this size, it leaves the body of its owner. After this, the ichthyophirius settles to the bottom and forms a cyst for reproduction. There the cells begin to actively divide. One grain can produce up to 2000 living organisms. The process of appearance of daughter cells occurs very quickly (6 hours at 25 degrees). Within two days they try to find the owner; if the body does not have time to find the donor, then it dies. Thus, life cycle Ichthyophirius I. Multifiliis about 4 days.

It is important to carefully monitor the behavior of the fish after moving in with a new neighbor. You can suspect the presence of ichthyridus on the body of a fish if:

  • Fins tuck in;
  • They shudder;
  • They cower;
  • They itch on the ground;
  • Appetite decreases;
  • They become fearful.

Treatment of ichthyophthyriosis

Most The best way for the treatment of semolina - malachite green. The convenience of the drug lies in its organic origin without suppressing biofiltration, so it can be used directly in the aquarium. A big plus of malachite green is that it does not harm aquarium flora. The universal concentration is 0.09 milligrams per liter of water. If your aquarium contains fish without scales, then stop at a dosage of 0.04 milligrams. True, in such a concentration the desired effect does not occur. In practice, it has been proven that these fish can tolerate 0.06 milligrams. Add a solution of malachite greens until all the semolina is destroyed plus two days. Before treating fish with a new portion, change about a quarter of the water. After six sessions, change half or ¾ of the aqua.

The effectiveness of malachite green can be enhanced by adding 5 percent iodine. Add to water at the rate of 5-6 drops per 100 liters. Treat fish at a temperature of 27 degrees.

Another method of treatment using furazolidone is described. This drug can be found at the pharmacy. It is not expensive, but there is a high risk of poisoning with ammonia or nitrate compounds. To control, you need to have special equipment that can track indicators. However, it is not cheap, and the expenses are not always justified.

You can make your task easier and not make a solution, buy special drugs, which promise relief from ichthyophthyriosis at the earliest short time. But the pitfalls of this method lie in unifying the product for all types of fish. Therefore, scaleless fish may not withstand such treatment. They must be treated with two applications of half the prescribed dose, 12 hours apart.

Popular drugs:

  • Sera Omnisan;
  • Sera Omnisan + Micopur;
  • CapsulesAquarium Pharmaceuticals Super Ick Cure.

Thus, it is necessary to treat semolina in the shortest possible way, in a way accessible to you. Try to carry out the manipulations as quickly as possible, otherwise there will be no one to treat.

Surely every aquarist has encountered this in his life. unpleasant illness, as ichthyophthyriosis, or as they call it in professional jargon - ordinary semolina. It's really serious problem, since the disease spreads quickly and affects the entire aquarium with its inhabitants, so measures must be taken as soon as you notice the first signs. Those who have been keeping aquarium fish for a long time are already familiar with it and know how to treat fish from semolina. But for beginners this can become a really serious problem. Let's now look together at where to start to quickly get rid of alarming symptoms and not harm the fragile ecosystem that develops in a confined space.

What is "semolina"

To determine this formidable disease, you must first carefully examine your aquarium and each of its inhabitants. You should be alerted by the appearance of small tubercles up to 1 mm in size on the body of the fish. The disease spreads very quickly, and literally after a few days all the fish swim as if sprinkled with semolina. Moreover, you can bring it into your aquarium with new soil or decoration, along with algae or food, therefore, how to treat fish for semolina is very actual question, the answer to which everyone who works with an aquarium should know.

The causative agent of the disease

Life cycle of ciliates

Environmental change

What do ciliates like? This is primarily stagnant water and heat. However, the warmer it is, the faster its life cycle occurs. That is, before thinking about how to treat semolina in fish, you can simply increase the temperature in the aquarium for a few days. Firstly, the larvae will emerge and die faster, and secondly, such conditions will activate the very immune system fish. That is, the fish itself will actively fight the simplest organisms. However, you cannot completely rely on this method alone, because it can only help in the very first stages of the disease. Therefore, in order to be completely sure that the aquarium is free of invaders, you need to add a dose of a specialized medicine to the water, which we will talk about a little later.

Secondary infection

Table salt is the first remedy for ichthyophthirosis

Remember, back in the biology textbooks for the fifth grade, an experiment was described. Two drops of water with a thin isthmus between them, an amoeba was placed in one and salt was added. The amoeba immediately moved to where the water was fresh. That is, salt is harmful to microorganisms. Therefore, we want to tell you how to treat fish from semolina with salt. In fact, the method is good, twenty years ago I was the leading one, there was simply nothing else. The technique is simple: add one tablespoon of salt to 10 liters of water. The fish should survive in this solution for 3 to 5 days. There are methods for making a more concentrated solution, up to 1 tablespoon per liter. The fish are placed in it for 3-5 minutes, and then released into quarantine, where the salt concentration is normal. At this time, the main aquarium is cleaned and disinfected, that is, completely restarted.

"Bicillin-5" - an antibiotic to fight the disease

This is normal human antibiotic penicillium group. However, if you are looking for options on how to treat fish from semolina at home, you will probably come across a recipe like practical recommendation. The dosage when placing fish in a separate container is 500,000 units, that is, a third of a bottle per 10 liters of water. They need to be placed in this solution every day for 30 minutes for 6 days. In addition, the same portion is added to the general aquarium, only for 100 liters of water. This procedure is repeated for 6 days. However, I would like to note that this drug helps fight only secondary bacterial infection, and not at all with the semolina itself. Therefore, do not expect that you will be able to cure your pets this way.

Classic treatment regimen

It is not always easy to answer how to treat fish for semolina at home. The fact is that it is necessary to constantly monitor, and if the treatment does not give an obvious effect, then radically change the regimen, that is, switch to specialized means, which can be purchased at pet stores. Change the water and start treatment again. Usually the full dose of Sera Costapur is filled in and repeated every day. Additionally, you need to add Sera mycopur in half the dose, but every day (the dosage is indicated on the package insert from the manufacturer). Since it takes more than one day to treat semolina in aquarium fish, be patient.

If there is no result

First of all, do a water change again. This is very important because it is endless to add different drugs into the same closed system is fraught with the complete destruction of life in it. If you have still not been able to achieve positive changes, try the following scheme. This is Sera Costapur in full dosage, and a nitrofuran drug is added to it. This is regular furazolidone. Almost all microorganisms, bacteria and protozoa are sensitive to it. Its dosage must be very carefully controlled, no more than one tablet per 15 liters of water. This is very strong remedy, but it completely destroys all microflora. For about two to three weeks, the water will have an unpleasant yellowish tint, but since it is necessary to treat aquarium fish for semolina, it will not go away on its own, so you will have to be patient. Now for several days you can only monitor the condition of your pets. If there is an improvement, then you can calm down. However, in in rare cases it happens differently.

Last resort when all else fails

If the disease continues to progress, by this time the fish usually begin to lie down on the bottom and stop paying attention to the food. There is usually no living space on the body anymore. Surely there is a temptation to stop their torment, flush them down the toilet along with the water and forget about the aquarium. But let's think about what else can be done than treating aquarium fish for semolina in the most severe cases. Only copper remains. Buy the most common copper-containing “Formamed”. This is one of the cheapest and very effective medicines. Don't forget to change the water in the aquarium. Copper is harmful to invertebrates, algae, and beneficial microflora. It is very easy to overdose on this drug, so carefully measure the amount you add to the aquarium, otherwise you will kill the fish. If you do everything correctly, you will soon see how the disease will recede and the fish will begin to recover. You will have to introduce new snails, plant plants, and your living corner is guaranteed a new life.

How to treat fish from semolina with furatsilin

It is a yellow powder that dissolves easily in water. Its effectiveness has not been proven, but there is an opinion that the solution can help in the treatment of semolina. To do this, prepare a working solution at the rate of 0.2 g per 100 liters of water. Treatment continues for 14-16 days, a new dose of the drug is added every day, and the filters can work. After this, the water is completely changed to fresh. If you place the fish in a separate aquarium, then add 3 mg per liter of water.


Analyzing all the experience that is posted on specialized forums, we can come to the following conclusions. You can bring ciliates into the aquarium with anything; moreover, they live freely in tap water and can simply doze in your aquarium and wait suitable conditions. When the aquarium is clean, the fish are healthy strong immunity- nothing shines for the simplest. Therefore, your goal is to maintain exactly this state. I love it new fish quarantine. If, due to stress, she does not get sick within 4 days, you can transplant her into a community aquarium. Introduce only proven brands of food into the aquarium, and in such quantities that the fish will eat in no more than one minute. Such simple rules will allow you to protect your aquarium from the development of dormant ciliate cysts, which means they will give you the opportunity to admire its beauty for many years.

Many aquarists are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as ichthyophthyriosis. The disease spreads very quickly and affects all inhabitants of the aquarium. Semolina in fish is a disease infectious nature, which is caused by equiciliated ciliates. As soon as its first signs are noticed, measures must be taken immediately, since ichthic depletes the fish’s body every day, which can lead to their death.

Semolina in fish appears as white dots on the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom that indicates the onset of the disease is white dots on the pet’s body. At first they appear in small quantities, but with each subsequent day they become more numerous. The dots are so small that they can be compared to semolina, which is how the disease got its name. Ichthyophthyriosis bacteria enter the common pool with water, food, and soil, after which they attach to the scales of the inhabitants.

  • pets begin to behave restlessly, rubbing their bodies against various items in the aquarium, soil and plants;
  • If internal organs are amazed, then the fish become indifferent to surrounding stimuli;
  • pets lose their appetite;
  • they often float on the surface, swallowing air;
  • eye damage can lead to blindness;
  • the body turns pale and becomes covered with a white coating.

If measures are not taken urgently, the fish will die due to oxygen starvation and damage to a large area of ​​the epithelium.

Main reasons

Semolina fish disease can attack different types fish, so therapy must be carried out throughout the entire aquarium. It has been proven that a pet can get ichthyophthyriasis once in its life. Then immunity is developed.

Viviparous individuals are most prone to the disease. As for humans, this bacterium is not scary for them. The following causes of semolina infection are identified:

  • live food that was brought from a tropical area (it is quite difficult to remove ciliates from plants);
  • a new resident has appeared in an artificial reservoir;
  • contaminated soil;
  • poor-quality cleaning of the reservoir (you should regularly remove plaque from the aquarium and clean the filter);
  • the appearance of new fish in the aquarium;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • stressful situations for fish.

When the infection occurs at the first stage and there are no white tubercles yet, it is impossible to see it.

Methods for treating semolina

It is important not only to treat pets, but also to carry out measures aimed at disinfecting the aquarium itself. Previously, it was believed that the disease of aquarium fish, semolina, could be cured very easily. Nowadays, it has become more difficult to get rid of it, because ciliates have developed immunity to means of combating them.

As soon as the first symptoms are noticed, need to start treatment, otherwise within a week the inhabitants of the aquarium will begin to die. Therapy can be carried out in two ways. The first is to move the infected individuals to quarantine in a separate container, the second is to carry out treatment in a common aquarium.

You can get rid of whiteheads using salt, peroxide, brilliant green, antibiotics, as well as a mixture of brilliant green with other drugs.

If semolina is found in fish, you need to not only treat them, but also disinfect the aquarium itself.

Home Remedies

You can treat semolina in fish with malachite green. First, the drug is added to the aquarium at the rate of 0.09 mg per 1 liter of water. After a couple of days, the concentration is reduced to 0.06 mg per 1 liter of water. At the same time, it is worth changing the water in the artificial reservoir by ¼ every day. Treatment lasts until the white spots disappear, and then another 2-3 days to consolidate the result.

Treatment of semolina in aquarium fish with salt is suitable in cases where the bacteria were introduced by local water. For two weeks, use 10 grams of salt per 10 liters of water. During treatment, it is necessary to increase the temperature in the aquarium to 32 degrees. At the end of therapy, once a week you need to change the water by 1/3 for a month. Ciliates die due to the fact that the oxygen necessary for their life becomes less. A heat prevents reproduction.

You can also treat semolina in aquarium fish with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add a 30% solution of the drug to water at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters. It is important not to increase the concentration, otherwise this may cause fin burns.

Malachite green will help cure semolina in aquarium fish.

Other control methods

Furacilino - water-soluble powder yellow color. Treatment is carried out with a solution prepared from 0.1 grams of the drug and 50 liters of water for two weeks. After each procedure, the water in the aquarium must be changed.

Semolina responds well to treatment with branded drugs from the pharmacy. Among them it is worth highlighting Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Tetra, Serra. Before using them, you should carefully study the instructions.

To avoid mass infection, you need to pay close attention to the behavior of your pets and adhere to safety measures. You should also quarantine new fish and monitor the cleanliness of the aquarium.