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Amoxicillin for dogs: full description of the drug, dosage, contraindications. What antibiotics can be given to dogs?

(Amoxicillin 15%)


Long-acting antibacterial drug containing 1 ml as active substance 150 mg amoxicillin trihydrate and oily filler. Available in the form of a sterile injection suspension white in dark glass bottles of 10 ml and 100 ml, which are placed in cardboard boxes.


Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic from the penicillin group. Has a wide spectrum of bactericidal action against gram-positive ( Actinomyces spp., Bacillus anthracis, Clostridium spp., Corynebacterium spp., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp.) and gram-negative microorganisms ( Actinobacillus spp., Bordetella bronchiseptica, E. coli, Salmonella spp., Fusobacterium spp., Haemophilus spp., Moraxella spp., Pasteurella spp., Proteus mirabilis). The drug does not act on penicillinase-forming strains of microorganisms from the genera Klebsiella And Enterobacter, and Pseudomonas. Amoxicillin interferes with the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall, inhibiting the enzymes transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase and causing an imbalance in the osmotic balance, which leads to the death of the bacterium during the growth stage. The oily filler included in the drug gradually releases micronized amoxicillin into the blood, thereby providing long action antibiotic. At parenteral use amoxicillin 15% is well absorbed into the blood from the injection site and is quickly distributed in the body, reaching highest concentration V muscle tissue, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract due to insignificant connection with plasma proteins (17 - 20%). Amoxicillin penetrates into the brain and bone fluid to a small extent, except when meninges inflamed. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved 1 - 2 hours after administration of the drug and remains at a therapeutic level for 48 hours. Amoxicillin is practically not metabolized. It is excreted from the body mainly in urine, and to a lesser extent in milk and bile.


Prescribed to cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats for treatment bacterial infections gastrointestinal tract(including enteritis, gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis), respiratory diseases(including bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, rhinitis), surgical diseases (including wounds, abscesses, joint inflammation), diseases genitourinary system(metritis, endometritis, cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), skin and soft tissue diseases (including umbilical infections), as well as complications caused by microorganisms sensitive to amoxicillin. For the treatment of leptospirosis, mastitis, agalactia in pigs, actinomycosis, swine erysipelas, parainfluenza and paratyphoid fever.


Amoxicillin 15% is administered to animals intramuscularly or subcutaneously at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg of animal weight (15 mg of active substance per 1 kg of body weight). For animals with renal failure It is recommended to accurately adjust the dose of the drug. Before use, shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. If necessary, the drug can be re-administered after 48 hours. To administer amoxicillin suspension, use only dry, sterile syringes and needles. If the administered dose of the drug exceeds 20 ml, it is recommended to administer it in several injections into the different points. It is recommended to lightly massage the injection site after administering amoxicillin 15%.


Animals may have allergic reactions to amoxicillin, which quickly subside after discontinuation of the drug. Intoxication due to overdose is almost impossible. Whenever allergic reactions It is advisable to administer corticosteroids and adrenaline to animals.


Hypersensitivity to amoxicillin and other penicillins. Do not administer intravenously. Not allowed for use on rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils. Amoxicillin should not be mixed with other medicines in one syringe, and cannot be used simultaneously with bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic agents. The drug should not be prescribed for infections caused by bacteria that produce penicillinase.


Slaughter of animals for meat is permitted 14 days after cessation of drug administration. Meat of animals forcedly killed before expiration specified period, can be used for feeding fur-bearing animals or producing meat and bone meal. Milk from animals that have been administered a 15% amoxicillin suspension can be used for food purposes 48 hours after the end of treatment. Milk obtained from animals during the period of amoxicillin use and until 48 hours after the last administration of the drug is used for feeding animals.


With caution (list B). In a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C. Shelf life: 2 years.


Every year the need for antimicrobials is only increasing. New strains of microorganisms that are resistant to some old types of antibiotics are emerging. But there are still “deserved” drugs that are quite effective against new types of infection. For example, Amoxicillin.

So called a rather “old” antibiotic from the penicillin group. Currently considered one of the simplest and comparatively safe means. Applies to drugs wide range action, that is, it is effective (relatively) against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces Amoxicillin for animals in several forms: solution for injection, suspension for injection and for internal use(Please note, these are completely different dosage forms), tablets and powder. The latter must be diluted in water and given to animals internally. IN veterinary practice The 15% solution is most often used, as it is much easier to dose.

After administration, the drug is quickly absorbed into the blood. A special feature of Amoxicillin is its long-lasting therapeutic concentration in the blood, which can last up to two days from the last time the medication was taken. Note that the maximum possible content of the drug in the body is observed in the liver, kidneys, bladder, as well as muscle tissue. Excreted from the body in urine (more than 90%), very small doses- with bile. Considering the method of breeding, one should not be surprised high efficiency medications for cystitis. Of course, this is only true if there are microorganisms sensitive to it.

Every year, completely new ones are born in the world. pathogens, under the influence of which animals can be exposed infectious diseases. For their treatment, modern antibacterial drugs, one of which is amoxicillin. Unlike most other antibiotics, it copes well with infections, and is distinguished by its availability and safety in the treatment of animals. Following the instructions for use will help avoid adverse consequences.

Description and action

Penicillin was the first antibiotic made available to people during World War II. It was effective against gram-positive bacteria, but its effect was relatively short-lived: due to its susceptibility to stomach acid, it quickly lost activity within the body.

Amoxicillin, a new and improved version of penicillin, lasts longer by resisting stomach acid, killing not only gram-positive but also gram-negative bacteria. Often used to prevent infections in cuts and wounds, oral cavity, upper organs respiratory system. Amoxicillin has better absorption compared to its predecessor, Ampicillin.

It kills bacteria by preventing the synthesis of their cell wall during growth. This action is achieved by inhibiting the binding of peptidoglycan chains, which is a major constituent in bacterial cell walls.

Main features of the drug:

  1. The medicine is quickly absorbed after oral administration. It is absorbed into most animal tissues and fluids.
  2. The oily component allows the antibiotic to enter the bloodstream in a micronized state, thereby achieving a long-term effect on the animal’s body.
  3. In the case of treatment with amoxicillin injections, the medicine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, evenly distributed throughout the tissues of the body. Achieved maximum concentration at the site of infection, be it an internal organ or muscle tissue.
  4. Most amoxicillin is eliminated naturally with urine.

Instructions for use

In veterinary medicine, amoxicillin is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • pigs;
  • cows;
  • dogs, etc.

Thus, the drug can be used in most pets and large cattle. The necessary antibacterial effect is achieved for the following animal diseases:

  1. Gastrointestinal disorder as a result of an infectious process.
  2. Inflammation of soft tissues and skin bacterial diseases, including infected wounds.
  3. Infections respiratory tract, throat and ear (bronchitis, tonsillitis, tracheobronchitis, etc.).
  4. Inflammation genitourinary tract(cystitis).
  5. Respiratory diseases due to bacterial infection.
  6. Prevention of infections in the background surgical intervention.
  7. Also effective for dental disease.

Advice! Using antibiotics is a serious decision. Their appointment should be carried out by a specialist.

Tell your veterinarian if your pet has ever had an allergic reaction to another drug. penicillin group or cephalosporin, and also if your pet has kidney, stomach or intestinal diseases.

Dosage and side effects

Amoxicillin is available in tablets of 250 or 500 mg. A 15% injection suspension is also available.
According to the instructions for use, amoxicillin in the form of a suspension is administered to the animal intramuscularly at a dose of 1 ml per 10 kg of the pet’s weight. If he suffers from serious kidney diseases, then it is possible to reduce the dose of the drug.

Attention! If the dose of amoxicillin exceeds 20 ml, it cannot be administered at a time. It is necessary to divide it into several injections into different areas bodies. After which it is advisable to perform a light massage of the injection site.

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic version of penicillin and can cause allergies. If a severe reaction occurs, accompanied by swelling, adrenaline or steroids are prescribed. Therefore, the use of this drug is contraindicated in animals with an allergic reaction to penicillin. Major side effects include gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Attention! The use of amoxicillin on animals that are raised for food production is not recommended. If the use of amoxicillin is necessary, then stop taking it 2 weeks before slaughter. In the case of using milk, its consumption is possible 2 days after the end of the course of treatment.

The use of amoxicillin can suppress the spread of most bacteria leading to infectious diseases of external and internal organs animals.

Amoxicillin: video

Amoxicillin is a synthetic penicillin (antibiotic) effective against a range of infections caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. This medication may be prescribed to cats, dogs, and other pets to treat a bacterial infection.

How to use this drug?

  • Use amoxicillin only with a prescription from your veterinarian. Read the instructions carefully.
  • When using amoxicillin in liquid form, shake it in advance and calculate carefully required dosage.
  • Use the drug for as long as prescribed by your veterinarian, even if the animal seems to be feeling better. This will help ensure complete removal of the infection.
  • Do not use the drug more often than prescribed.
  • Do not use drug in large quantities what he was assigned to.
  • Try not to miss a single dose.

What to do if one dose is missed?

Give the required dosage to the animal as quickly as possible. If it's time for next appointment, then simply continue to use the drug on a regular schedule. Do not give your pet two doses at once.

How to store amoxicillin?

  • Keep it out of the reach of children.
  • Store capsules and tablets in a cool, dry place at room temperature, away from heat and direct sunlight.
  • The drug in liquid form should be stored in the refrigerator. If more than 14 days have passed since amoxicillin was opened, it must be discarded.

What are the possible side effects?

  • Amoxicillin may cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you experience stomach upset, try giving the drug with food. These symptoms should decrease with treatment. If symptoms continue, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Rarely, symptoms such as shortness of breath, rash, fever, puffiness and swelling around the face may occur. In case of these symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
  • Other side effects may also occur. If you notice anything unusual about your pet, again, contact your veterinarian.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Be sure to inform your veterinarian about any other medications your pet is taking.
  • The following drugs may affect each other and interact with amoxicillin: chloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, and probenecid.
  • Contact your veterinarian if your pet exhibits any unusual reactions to various medications.

Unfortunately, pets can get sick too. And in some situations it is simply impossible to cure them without the use of antibiotics. The drug will be discussed in this article.

Let's talk about it pharmacological properties, indications and contraindications for use, as well as reviews from people who tested the effect of the product on their pet.

general information

"Amoxicillin" (for cats) is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug. It is produced in Spain by the Invesa company.

There are three forms of release of the drug:

  1. Suspension for intramuscular administration.
  2. Powder for mixing with food or water.
  3. Pills.

All types of products are equally effective and differ only in the method of application and the dosages required for treatment.

Amoxicillin tablets must be kept in a dry, dark place. The suspension is stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of an open bottle is 14 days. At the end of this period, the drug is not suitable for use and must be disposed of. Many people consider the powder inconvenient to use, so they rarely buy it.

Pharmacological properties

"Amoxicillin" (for cats) is able to slow down the formation of the cell wall of the microorganism, interfere with the synthesis of the enzymes transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase, which leads to the death of the bacteria that caused the development of the disease.

The drug is distinguished by its rapid onset of action (already 1-2 hours after its introduction into the body) and its duration (up to 48 hours), which is achieved thanks to a special oily filler.

The product can accumulate in the body. The highest concentrations are achieved in the muscles, intestines, stomach, kidneys and liver. A slight accumulation is also observed in blood plasma.

The active substance of the drug is capable of penetrating into the brain and bone fluid, so the drug is not prescribed if there is suspicion of inflammatory diseases meninges.

The drug is excreted from the animal’s body with urine, bile and milk.

Indications for use

In what situations do veterinarians prescribe Amoxicillin for cats? Its use is necessary in the presence of bacterial infections in an animal with the following diseases:

  • in the respiratory system: bronchopneumonia, rhinitis, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • in the gastrointestinal tract: enterocolitis, enteritis, gastroenteritis;
  • in the genitourinary system: pyelonephritis, urethritis, endometritis, metritis, cystitis.

In addition, the drug is used as a prophylactic after surgery, as well as for actinomycosis, leptospirosis, abscesses, agalactia, various wounds, diseases of soft tissues and skin, inflammation of the joints, and mastitis.

Contraindications for use

In some cases, Amoxicillin (for cats) may be contraindicated for use. This occurs when the animal has hypersensitivity to the main active substance or any other

It is also undesirable to use the drug during lactation, since it is also excreted through milk. The only exception is.

Side effects and overdose

Amoxicillin is usually easily tolerated by animals. Side effects can only manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions, which disappear soon after discontinuation of the drug. In some situations, it is possible to administer corticosteroids and adrenaline to the cat to eliminate unexpected symptoms.

An overdose of the drug is not accompanied by intoxication of the animal's body.

in the form of a solution

How to properly use Amoxicillin suspension for cats? The instructions provide the following information.

Immediately before use, the bottle with the drug should be shaken well.

Needles and syringes must be dry, and moisture should not get into the drug.

The injection can be given to your pet subcutaneously or intramuscularly. After this you need to do light massage at the injection site. It will prevent the appearance of a post-injection abscess and at the same time promote rapid resorption of the suspension.

How much of a drug like Amoxicillin is needed for cats? The dosage required for the injection depends on the weight of the animal; it is equal to 1 ml of suspension for every 10 kilograms of its weight.

If such a need arises, a second injection can be given after 48 hours.

Method of using Amoxicillin tablets

If for some reason you cannot treat your pet with the drug described, the veterinarian can recommend analogues such as Amoxin, Xiclav, Amoxiclav, and so on.

Tablets differ from suspensions in the presence of clavulanic acid in their composition, which enhances effective action facilities.

This form of release is especially convenient in the treatment of small kittens and aggressive animals.

As for tablets such as Amoxicillin, the dose for a cat should be carefully calculated by the veterinarian according to the attached instructions. This is done taking into account the weight of the animal: 12.5 mg of the product per kilogram of weight. For example, if a cat weighs 2.5 kg, she will need only 1/4 of a tablet, if 3-5 kg ​​- 1/2, if 5-7.5 kg - 3/4, if 8-10 kg - a whole pill.

You can give medicine to your animal both during and after meals.

special instructions

Worth paying Special attention on several important points.

Firstly, intravenous use Amoxicillin is strictly prohibited.

Secondly, the drug cannot be mixed in the same syringe with any other drug.

Thirdly, the use of the medication cannot be prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms that produce penicillinase.

The fourth point concerns the administration of a drug such as Amoxicillin to a pregnant cat. It is known that penicillins are able to penetrate However, there is no information about whether they harm the fetus in any way. Therefore, the use of antibiotics of this type should be approached with the utmost caution, and the pros and cons must first be weighed.