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Antimicrobial drug Furagin: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues of drugs from the nitrofuran group. Indications and contraindications for the use of Furagin: course of treatment and dosage

Furagin is a synthetic antibacterial drug that has a bactericidal effect against a large number of microorganisms. It is completely absorbed in the intestinal lumen and transported through the bloodstream to the kidneys. It is excreted unchanged in the urine, which allows the creation of high concentration Furagin in urine. It has a damaging effect on the components of the microbial cell, which leads to its death. Used to treat diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. It does not accumulate in the body and does not lead to the development of complications typical for antibiotic therapy.

1. Pharmacological action

Broad spectrum antimicrobial agent. Therapeutic effect Furagin is due to his chemical structure- the drug belongs to nitrofurans and contains a molecule capable of binding to biologically active substances of a microbial cell, capable of transferring a hydrogen molecule, thereby preventing its further activity.

In addition, Furagin is distinguished by the lowest concentration required to achieve a positive result. The greatest activity of the drug is observed at acidic urine pH.

Bacterial activity:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Enterobacteriaceae;
  • Staphylococci of various groups;
  • Pathogens of pneumonia.

2. indications for use

  • Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland and urinary system;
  • Prevention of development infectious process during long-term treatment of recurrent diseases.

3. Method of application

Furagin is taken with meals in the following dosage:
  • When treating diseases in pediatric patients - 5-7 mg per kg of body weight per day with usual treatment and 1-2 mg per kg of body weight for prolonged periods;
  • When treating diseases in adult patients, on the first day Furagin is taken 2 tablets 4 times a day, then the amount of drug taken is reduced to three times at the same dosage;
  • When preventing the occurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases - 1 tablet once in the evening.
While using the drug, patients are recommended to eat a protein diet.

The duration of treatment in all cases is no more than a week.

While taking Furagin, false positive reactions to the concentration of glucose in the urine are observed.

Long-term use of the drug should be accompanied by regular monitoring of liver and kidney function, as well as the percentage of leukocytes.

The drug does not have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system and is approved for use by persons whose activities are related to reaction speed and control complex mechanisms, including any vehicles.

4. Side effects

5. Contraindications

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Use of Furagin during pregnancy and lactation contraindicated. In case of urgent need, the use of the drug is possible only after stopping breastfeeding until it is completely eliminated from the body.

7. Interaction with other drugs

  • Simultaneous use of Furagin with drugs of Nadlidixic acid, with drugs that increase the content uric acid in the urine (Probenecid, Sulfpyrazone), there is a significant decrease in the therapeutic effect of Furagin and an increase in its concentration in the blood plasma;
  • Simultaneous use with drugs that reduce acidity gastric juice and containing magnesium trilixade, there is a significant decrease in the absorption of Furagin.

8. Overdose

  • Disorders of the nervous system (inflammation of peripheral nerves, persistent depression of mood, psychosis);
  • Digestive system disorders (nausea, liver dysfunction);
  • Various allergic reactions (bronchial spasm,).
If these symptoms occur, patients are prescribed gastric lavage and drug treatment. In particular severe cases mechanical blood purification (hemodialysis) is used.

9. Release form

Tablets, 50 mg - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 pcs.
Capsules, 25 mg or 50 mg: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 80, 90, 100, 120 or 150 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

Furagin is stored in a dry, dark place at room temperature.

Shelf life - no more than 4 years.

11. Composition

In 1 tablet of Furagin:

  • furazidin - 50 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

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* Instructions for medical use to the drug Furagin was published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Furagin (furazidin) is an antibacterial drug of the nitrofuran series. It has a damaging effect on the components of the microbial cell, which leads to its death.

It is used to treat diseases genitourinary system and prostate gland (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis). It is necessary to take the tablets with a meal rich in protein so that the urine has an acidic environment for better absorption Furagina.

For prevention, you need to take 1 tablet once a day before going to bed. For the treatment of diseases - 2 tablets three times a day for 7-10 days, and on the first day you need to take 2 tablets 4 times a day. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated after 2 weeks.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antibacterial drug, nitrofuran derivative. Uroantiseptic.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How much does Furagin cost in pharmacies? The average price in 2018 is 250 rubles.

Composition and release form

According to the instructions, Furagin is produced in tablets and capsules of 50 mg, as well as in the form of a soluble powder in jars of 100 g.

Each tablet contains 50 mg of the active ingredient - Furazidine, as well as a number of additional auxiliary components.

Pharmacological effect

Furagin is a representative of nitrofuran antimicrobial agents. The mechanism of action of furazidin, the main active substance of the drug, is aimed at inhibiting the formation process nucleic acids in bacteria, and this in turn prevents their reproduction. Under the influence of furazidin, the cytoplasmic membranes and outer membranes of bacteria are destroyed. When using Furagin, the most important biochemical cycles in microorganisms are inhibited, in particular the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the respiratory chain. Thus, further vital activity of bacteria becomes impossible and the amount of toxins released by bacteria and other products of their vital activity is sharply reduced.

The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is the main one. Furagin is active against gram-positive (streptococci and staphylococci) and gram-negative bacteria (in particular salmonella, E. coli, Klebsiella and Shigella). However, its use is ineffective against infections caused by enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and some other microorganisms.

The use of Furagin activates the immune system and stimulates the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic bacteria. When using the drug, patients experience an increase in nonspecific protective proteins in the blood. Thanks to such a multifaceted effect on the body, it is considered one of the most effective antimicrobial drugs. After oral administration Furagin's drug is quickly absorbed by the intestines and furazidin enters the lymph, stopping the further spread of bacteria through the lymphatic system, thereby blocking the development of infection. A few hours after taking the drug, furazidin enters the urine, with which it is excreted from the body.

The main difference between Furagin and other antibiotics is the absence of systemic effects. That is, furazidin, entering the body, penetrates the urinary system and produces an antiseptic effect on its organs (in particular the kidneys, urethra and bladder). Therefore, Furagin is also indicated for use as an antiseptic for purulent wounds and certain gynecological diseases.

Indications for use

An antimicrobial agent of the nitrofuran group is prescribed in the following cases:

  • infectious and non-infectious inflammatory process of the prostate gland and urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis,);
  • in pediatric practice for young patients with congenital developmental anomalies urinary tract;
  • as a prophylactic for chronic forms diseases of the genitourinary system, during catheterization of the bladder over a long period of time (to prevent the development of microorganisms that accidentally entered the urethra during the procedure).

Furagin for cystitis

Furagin is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs for.

This popularity is due to the fact that this medicine has a local effect on the organs of the urinary system, stopping the growth pathogenic microorganisms, increasing overall immunity and eliminating inflammatory processes. Furagin has a specific composition, and it does not affect all microorganisms, but since it belongs to the group of nitrofurans and has a targeted effect, in many cases it is more effective than systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics.

In addition, strains of microorganisms living in urinary system, resistance to the drug does not develop, as happens with the use of many antibiotics, and therefore Furagin can be effectively used repeatedly, or as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of relapses.


The drug has a number of contraindications, so before you start using the tablets, you should carefully read the included instructions. Furagin tablets should not be taken orally if one or more conditions are present:

  • kidney diseases accompanied by dysfunction of the organ;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • the child's age is less than 1 year;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • intolerance to nitrofuran derivatives.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Furagin during pregnancy is contraindicated. If taking pills is necessary during lactation, breastfeeding is stopped and continued only after the drug is completely eliminated from the body.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, the dosage for adults at the beginning of treatment is 2 tablets 4 times on the first day after the onset of the disease. On the second day, you can reduce the dosage to 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days, and is determined individually, depending on the disease and the general condition of the body. If necessary, treatment is repeated according to the above scheme after 10-15 days.

For children, dosages are determined at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Taking Furagin by a child must be combined with protein foods and a sufficient amount of water. If indicated, the course of treatment is repeated after 10-15 days.

Furagin can also be used to prevent relapse of urinary system diseases. For this purpose, it is enough to take 1-2 tablets once a day, preferably in the evening.

All information provided is general requirements to taking Furagin, and cannot be used for self-medication. It is imperative to consult a doctor before starting therapy and adhere to the regimen prescribed by him.

Adverse reactions

When taking Furagin tablets in patients with increased individual sensitivity to nitrofurans, side effects may occur:

  • allergic reactions - skin rashes, urticaria, skin itching, angioedema, anaphylactic shock;
  • from the nervous system - headaches, polyneuritis, dizziness, irritability, sleep disturbances, aggression, apathy, lethargy;
  • from the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, impaired liver function, flatulence, diarrhea.

If one or more side effects occur, you should stop taking the pills and consult a doctor for advice.


Overdose symptoms:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system: inflammation of peripheral nerves, psychosis, deterioration of mood;
  • allergic reactions: angioedema, urticaria, bronchospasm;
  • nausea;
  • liver dysfunction.

If the drug is used in excess doses, gastric lavage is prescribed, as well as drug elimination overdose symptoms. In severe situations, hemodialysis is indicated.

special instructions

To avoid nausea after taking the drug, the tablet should be taken after meals and not on an empty stomach.

In order to prevent side effects from the digestive tract, the tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Experience with the use of the drug in pediatric practice is sharply limited, but if necessary, Furagin tablets can be prescribed for the treatment of children over 1 year of age. The doctor calculates the dose of the drug and the duration of the course of therapy individually for each patient, depending on his body weight.

Compatibility with other drugs

A decrease in the effectiveness of the drug and an increase in the concentration of its active substance in plasma is observed when combined with nadlidixic acid agents, as well as drugs that increase the level of uric acid in the urine.

Interaction with drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice and include magnesium trilixade can lead to a marked decrease in the degree of absorption of the drug.

"Furagin" is often used in the practice of urologists, as it helps to cure bacterial infections of the urinary system. This medicine helps out in case of resistance to common antibiotics and acts quite quickly, eliminating unpleasant symptoms urological diseases from the first days of therapy. It is usually prescribed to adults, but can also be used for children if there are reasons for such treatment.

Release form

Furagin is produced by several domestic pharmaceutical companies (Obolenskoye, Ozon, etc.) and the Latvian manufacturer Olainfarm. Sometimes the name of the drug is written with a prefix indicating the manufacturer, for example, “Furagin-LekT” or “Furagin-SZ”, but all such drugs are tablets containing 50 mg of the active substance.

They are usually small in size, round form and yellow coloration with an orange or greenish tint. Tablets "Furagin" are sold in boxes of 10, 20 or more pieces. It is either packaged in blisters of ten or twenty tablets, or placed in plastic bottles.

Additionally, the Obolenskoye company produces capsules with the same ingredient, which are called Furagin-Aktifur. Unlike the tablet form, they are presented in two dosages - in addition to the standard 50 mg, there are also 25 mg capsules, which are also smaller in size. This medicine is sold in blisters of 10-30 pieces, and one box holds from 10 to 150 capsules. They have a yellow, dense shell and an orange powder inside.


The active substance of Furagin is furazidin. As noted above, its amount in one tablet is 50 mg, and capsules are additionally presented in a dosage of 25 mg. It is this component that provides the medicine with the ability to influence harmful microbes.

Among the auxiliary ingredients presented in tablet form, you can see polysorbate, microcrystalline cellulose, lactose, stearic acid, sucrose and other compounds. They differ between tablets different manufacturers, therefore, if a child has an intolerance to any substances, then the detailed composition should be specified in the instructions supplied with the medication.

In the powder content of the drug "Furagin-Aktifur" the active substance is supplemented with talc, starch, aerosil, croscarmellose sodium and magnesium carbonate. To make the capsule shell, gelatin, dyes (they give the medicine a yellow color) and titanium dioxide are used.

Operating principle

Although the medicine acts on bacteria, it is not an antibiotic, but represents a group of antimicrobial agents called nitrofuran derivatives. According to its mechanism of action, furazidin can disrupt metabolic processes in microbial cells, and the spectrum of influence of such a substance on bacteria is called wide.

The medication is active against various types of gram-positive microbes (strepto- and staphylococci), and also acts on many gram-negative bacteria (klebsiella, shigella, salmonella, escherichia, etc.). In many cases, "Furagin" allows you to destroy pathogens that are resistant to sulfa drugs or antibiotics. Resistance to furazidine develops rarely and very slowly.

After absorption into digestive tract patient, the drug enters excretory system(kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra), and its concentration in urine is very high, which allows us to call such a remedy a uroantiseptic. The medication does not suppress the patient’s immune system, but rather stimulates it to fight the infectious agent more actively.


One of the most common reasons for prescribing Furagin to children is cystitis. This disease can occur in a child of any age and its most common cause is the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder. As a result, an inflammatory process develops, which is indicated by symptoms such as frequent urination and pain when going to the toilet. Some children also have a fever and urine that is cloudy and foul-smelling.

“Furagin” is no less in demand for urethritis of a bacterial nature. This disease is more often diagnosed in boys, since their urethra is longer, but it can also develop in girls. The disease manifests itself as discomfort and pain when urinating, frequent urges to the toilet, itching in the genital area.

The drug can also be prescribed for pyelonephritis, if pathogenic bacteria have entered the renal pelvis or renal calyces. In addition to frequent urination, lower back pain and changes in the type of urine, such an infection is manifested by chills, nausea, sweating, fever, vomiting and other signs of intoxication.

Without timely treatment, this disease can have serious consequences for the health of children, so you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

"Furagin" is also used for infectious lesions of the genital organs, as well as for infections of soft tissues and skin, for example, with complicated burns. If the patient is undergoing any diagnostic or medical procedure on the organs of the genitourinary system (for example, cystoscopy), “Furagin” is prescribed for prophylactic purposes in order to prevent infectious complications after manipulation.

At what age is it prescribed?

The instructions for some Furagin tablets indicate that they are approved for patients over 3 years of age. In other annotations, children's age is listed among the contraindications. This can be confusing for parents if a urologist has prescribed this medication for their son or daughter. In fact, the drug is used in the treatment of children, but only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly observing the dosage of the medicine.

Since all variants of “Furagin” are presented in a solid form, which is difficult for children to swallow, they are not used in children in the first years of life. If an antimicrobial agent is required for infants or patients aged 1-3 years, together with the doctor, they select an analogue approved for them.


"Furagin" should not be given to patients with hypersensitivity to furazidine or any of the auxiliary components of the drug, as well as if they are allergic to other antimicrobial agents of the same group. The medicine is also contraindicated in renal failure, porphyria and serious liver dysfunction, and in others serious illnesses it must be given with caution. Children with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency also require medical supervision during treatment with Furagin.

Side effects

After taking tablets or capsules, the color of the patient’s urine often becomes dark yellow or brown, which should not frighten parents and does not require cessation of therapy. In some patients, treatment with Furagin may negatively affect the digestive or nervous system, for example causing nausea, dizziness, decreased appetite or inflammation of the nerves. Sometimes the medication provokes an allergic reaction in the form of skin rash. If such side effects occur, treatment should be stopped.

Instructions for use

To reduce the risk of side effects of the drug, Furagin is given to the child after meals and is offered to be washed down with plenty of water. Single dosage should be determined by the doctor taking into account the patient’s body weight. Usually the medication is taken three times a day, and the duration of treatment (depending on the severity of the infection) is 7-10 days. If there is a need for re-therapy, it is permissible to take the medicine again 10-15 days after completion of the first course.

If Furagin is prescribed for prophylactic purposes, then the medicine is given once before the procedure on the urinary tract.


Unnecessarily high dose"Furagina" can have a toxic effect on the nervous system, as well as on the patient's liver. If an overdose is detected, you should immediately show the child to a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

"Furagin" is often used together with B vitamins and antihistamines, since such drugs can prevent the side effects of tablets or capsules. Substances that alkalize urine will reduce the effect of Furagin (accelerate its elimination), and acidifying agents, although they will increase effectiveness, will also increase the risk of toxic effects.

It is not recommended to give the drug with sulfonamides, chloramphenicol (the risk of hematopoietic inhibition increases) and with quinolones (they show antagonism). When used together with antibiotics therapeutic effect"Furagina" will intensify. If a child is prescribed antacids, they will slow down the absorption of furazidine.

Terms of sale

“Furagin” is a prescription drug, so before purchasing it you need to consult a doctor who will write a prescription for it. The cost of the medicine is influenced by both the size of the package and the manufacturer, but on average the price of 30 tablets is 240-280 rubles.

Storage conditions

To prevent the drug from losing its properties, it must be kept at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius in a dry place. In addition, the medicine must be securely hidden from small children. The shelf life of the tablets depends on the manufacturing company and can be 3 years, 4 years or 5 years. It should be specified on the medicine packaging so as not to accidentally give a small patient an expired medicine.

Furagin is classified as a synthetic antimicrobial drug. The product is considered effective; its use helps to get rid of cystitis once and for all. Unfortunately, the availability of many drugs leads to the fact that people prefer, relying on the experience of their friends or advice from the Internet, to treat themselves. In many cases this leads to unpleasant consequences. For example, bacteria often develop resistance to drugs, the disease can take chronic nature. This complicates therapy, harms a person’s health, and subsequently forces them to make a lot of effort for healing. Therefore, despite the abundance of information and the seeming frivolity, it is important to remember that cystitis is an inflammatory process, and treatment in this case should be selected and monitored by a specialist.

The drug "Furagin"

The active ingredient of the drug is furazidin. It is a derivative of nitrofurans, a special group of antibacterial agents.

The question often arises whether furagin is an antibiotic or not. Based on the information above, the answer is yes. Although it is a synthetic product, it has a natural analogue. However, such a perception of the drug is possible with some stretch, since the drug has a local effect - strictly on the organs of the urinary system.

The big advantage of nitrofurans is that they destroy a wide range of microorganisms. At the same time, the development of microflora resistance to such agents is almost never observed.

Among the disadvantages are a large number adverse reactions, some of which are quite serious and hazardous to health. Also, nitrofurans can only be taken orally. There are no forms that would avoid entry into the digestive tract.

Description of the drug

"Furagin lect" is a tablet. Each of them contains a clear dose of furazidine. It is 50 mg, and based on this, the daily dosage is determined medicine and treatment regimen - how many tablets and when should be taken.

Furagin tablets are sealed in blisters and packaged in paper packages. For the convenience of users, there are options with different numbers of tablets. It should be borne in mind that the treatment in which furagin is used lasts at least a week, and in most cases longer, so it is simply not profitable to buy packages with a small amount of medicine; they are good when it comes to prevention.

Tablets "Furagin"

Indications for use

"Furagin lect" is an excellent antimicrobial agent. It is inexpensive, so it is often used by doctors. It is advisable to take furagin for various inflammatory problems in the organs of the urinary system:

  • first of all, this is cystitis, which we are talking about;
  • secondly, urethritis, which is very similar to inflammation of the bladder, but in this case the infection does its dirty work in the urethra, that is urethra men or women;
  • thirdly – ​​pyelonephritis. Here we are talking about a problem related to the kidneys;
  • The drug is also used in the presence of infection in the female genital organs.

Furagin is also actively used to combat possible infections during operations on the human genitourinary system. It also helps to avoid troubles during some specific studies. However, in all these cases, the decision on the need for such prophylaxis is made by the specialist who works with the patient.

The specific use of the drug is for conjunctivitis and keratitis. In this case, the tablets are dissolved in water and the eyes are washed. Despite the fact that the medicine is used in this form even in newborn babies, this must be done very carefully and only under the supervision of a doctor.

The product is also often used for burns and purulent wounds.


The drug furagin is generally well tolerated by the human body. Its undoubted advantage is that it does not depress immune system, as other antibiotics do, but on the contrary, activates it. This is very important when fighting cystitis. However, no medicine is indicated for everyone and is not absolutely safe.

Among the reasons to refuse to take these pills for cystitis are the following:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • renal failure;
  • previously observed allergic reactions to nitrofurans
  • enzymatic deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • peripheral nerve damage;
  • period of pregnancy and feeding of the baby in women;
  • children's age less than a week.

Before prescribing a drug, the attending physician must review the patient's medical history and take everything into account. possible contraindications. Collaboration between the doctor and the patient is also important here. You cannot remain silent about any important points, this can lead to irreversible consequences.

When using, pay attention to contraindications

Side effects

A person taking Furagin Lect must remember that even taking into account qualified medical care, he is not immune from various side effects when being treated with a certain drug, therefore you need to very carefully monitor your own condition, evaluate it correctly and contact a specialist in a timely manner.

The medicine we are considering can have the following negative effects:

  • allergic reactions. Most often it is urticaria or similar rashes, itchy skin;
  • weak appetite;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • temperature above 37 degrees and, accordingly, chills. It may seem like a cold has started;
  • drowsiness, dizziness;
  • a sharp drop in visual acuity.

Any of the above manifestations is a signal to immediately consult a doctor so that he can select another medicine. Symptoms most often disappear soon after stopping the drug. However, you cannot do this on your own, because you must undergo a full course of treatment.

Application diagram

Furagin is prescribed quite often for cystitis, so doctors know it well and easily calculate the treatment regimen. It is given in the instructions for the drug, but you must understand that this information is for informational purposes only. Much depends on the degree of development of the disease, its stage, the health status of the patient himself, his age, and so on. A man without medical education is unlikely to be able to correctly assess and take all this into account. Moreover, even a doctor must rely on data from examinations and tests.

Furagin for cystitis is most often taken for a week, but it is likely that the course will be extended. Usually on the first day a kind of attack is carried out on the causative agent of the disease - the dosage of the drug is increased (taken four times, 2 tablets at a time). The next day there are only three pills, and the rest of the days the same.

After completing the first course of treatment, the doctor may prescribe a second one. This is usually done after two weeks. Again, at the discretion of the specialist.

How should children take the drug? According to the instructions, the dosage is calculated depending on the weight of the child; for each kilogram you will need to take 5 mg of the active substance. The tablet may have to be divided into parts, so you must carefully follow all your doctor's recommendations.

It is important to drink plenty of liquid when treating with Furagin. Also a necessary condition is the intake of protein foods. This is especially true for young patients.

To avoid relapses of diseases, it is enough to drink two (and sometimes one) tablet of the drug before going to bed.

In most cases, furagin helps with cystitis quite well. It is very convenient and useful that the drug acts only in the organs of the urinary system, thereby eliminating its negative impact on the organs of other systems, which often happens with other drugs. The low cost makes the drug accessible to everyone, and you should not think that this circumstance indicates low quality. In this case, no such connection is observed.

The drug "Furagin"

Pathologies of the urinary system affect not only adults, but also children. Moreover, bladder inflammation may occur baby. Fighting a disease often involves taking antibiotics, which have a number of side effects. However, treat childhood cystitis It is possible with less safe drugs. It is “Furagin” that is often prescribed to children by doctors, provided complex therapy. The drug is depressing pathogenic microflora, preventing it from reproducing. The medicine provides antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.

"Furagin" is prescribed in the case of gram-positive and gram-negative cocci.

Its advantage over antibiotics is that it is not addictive. For effective treatment, the drug must be taken in combination with other methods of treating cystitis.

The drug helps fight staphylococci, streptococci, and enterobacteria.

Prescribed for:

  • kidney pathologies;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • sexual diseases in girls that are infectious in nature;
  • festering wounds and burns;
  • inflammatory processes in joints;
  • conjunctivitis.

The medicine Furagin can be used as a prophylactic against infections in the bladder.

Effect of the drug

The main substance of the medicine in tablets is furazidin. Additional components include stearic acid, potato starch, sugar.

The medicine is a derivative of nitofuran. Due to the main component, the formation of nucleic acids in bacteria is reduced, which prevents their further reproduction and leads to damage to the surface shell of bacteria. The drug negatively affects important biochemical cycles of microorganisms. This is what inhibits their vital activity and prevents them from releasing toxins. Treatment with this drug has a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. "Furagin" helps strengthen the immune system, due to which leukocytes are able to resist pathogenic bacteria.


A doctor should monitor the use of the drug

The drug has a number of contraindications. People with renal failure should not take Furagin. chronic form, diseases of the nervous system. Treatment with this medication should be abandoned if the patient suffers from diabetes mellitus, a congenital metabolic disorder.

There are also age restrictions. The drug is prohibited for newborns up to one month old, but many pediatricians are inclined to believe that it can be given to babies from 7 days.

A doctor should prescribe the medicine to patients aged 1-3 years, as there is a risk of adverse reactions. These include the following manifestations:

  • headache;
  • skin rash;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • bowel disorder.

If the dosage is exceeded, this risks hepatitis and liver pathologies. Uncontrolled use of medication can cause apathy in the patient, anemia, edema, and bronchospasms.

The younger the child is, the more likely the risk of encountering the above complications. If adverse reactions occur, you need to reduce the dosage of the drug or completely abandon therapy with its participation.

Reception scheme

To prevent vomiting and nausea, it is advisable to take Furagin after meals. In many cases, in combination with this drug, the doctor can prescribe vitamins B and E to the patient, which help prevent side effects.

Furagin therapy should not be carried out along with the use of drugs that reduce the acidity of urine. This applies not only to medications, but also mineral waters with an alkaline composition.

Therapy for cystitis involves compliance drinking regime which contributes accelerated elimination microbes from the bladder.

"Furagin" is advisable to take after meals

It is worth noting that agents that increase the acidity of urine enhance the effect of the drug, so they can cause an overdose, even if Furagin is taken according to the instructions. This is why you need to be extremely careful with such products as ascorbic acid and so on.

The action of Furagin can be activated by antibiotics from the tetracycline group. It's about about "Kanamycin" and "Amikacin".

Furagin instructions for its use in children imply a calculation of 6 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts a week. 14 days after the end of therapy, it must be resumed.

If a longer course is planned, the dose should be reduced to 1-2 mg per 1 kg of weight per day.

The longer the drug is taken, the stronger the control over leukocytes in the blood and the functioning of the liver and kidneys should be.

For children under one year old, the tablet is crushed to a powder consistency and diluted in a small amount of water.

Is the drug classified as an antibiotic?

For many, the pressing question is whether the drug “Furagin” is an antibiotic. This medication is classified among a number of antimicrobial drugs that are considered derivatives of nitrofurans. Medicinal substance is created through artificial synthesis, and therefore has no relation to antibiotics. Unlike the latter, the drug does not have a systemic effect. After taking the medicine, the active substance will penetrate the urinary system to act as an antiseptic.

Use of the drug for cystitis

A disease such as cystitis can make itself felt when summer comes. This is due to the child’s hypothermia while swimming in unheated bodies of water and staying on the beach in wet swimming trunks.

There are many medications available for the treatment of cystitis. One of the most effective is Furagin, which has a local effect on the organs of the genitourinary system and prevents the development of pathogenic microbes in the future. This medicine of synthetic origin has antimicrobial properties and gives a positive therapeutic effect compared to systemic antibiotics.

Main advantage of this medication The problem is that microbes develop resistance to it extremely rarely, which cannot be said about antibiotic drugs. Furagin can be used at the first signs of illness, as well as to prevent relapses.

Furagin is an antimicrobial drug. The pharmacological composition of the drug includes the main component - furazidin.

A distinctive feature of Furagin from antibiotics is that this drug does not have a systemic effect on the human body

Sensitivity to the drug of bacteria and viruses

In order to overcome a bacterial infection in the body, it is necessary that the microbes are sensitive to the drug and its effect. The following bacteria react to the drug Furagin:

  • streptococci;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • E. coli infection;
  • enterococcus bacterium;
  • bacteria that cause peptic ulcer stomach and intestines;
  • staphylococcal bacteria;
  • Klebsiella microbes;
  • bacteria in the genitals;
  • gonococci;
  • meningococcus;
  • salmonella.

Properties of the drug Furagin

The pharmacological composition of the drug Furagin includes the main component - furazidin. This drug helps inhibit microorganisms and prevents their proliferation. In this case, the shell of these bacteria itself is destroyed and the bacterium dies.

At the same time, the drug also affects the bacterium from the vital activity of this molecule - its viability is impaired, and the bacterium produces less toxins, which in turn poisons the body significantly less. You feel better immediately after taking the medicine, even at a time when the microorganism itself is not destroyed.

The bacteriostatic effect of the drug is designed to quickly remove the drug from the body, which contributes to the lowest concentration of substances in human organs.

Furagin activates the immune system and when using immunomodulators in combination, positive result comes much earlier.

For what diseases is Furagin used?

Furagin: for what? ? Diseases in the body of a child and an adult are caused by microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi. Bacteria that cause infections are quite sensitive to the antibacterial agent Furagin. They consumemedicine Furaginfor the following diseases:

  • infected burns;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • infectious sore throat and oral infections;
  • infectious pneumonia;
  • diseases pyelonephritis;
  • bacterial cystitis;
  • acute and latent form of urethritis;
  • endometritis disease;
  • diseases caused by E. coli;
  • salmonellosis;
  • purulent meningitis;
  • acute urogenital infections;
  • postoperative use;
  • purulent sepsis;
  • erysipelas of the skin;
  • purulent skin diseases.

The therapeutic effect of using this drug shows a positive result - already from the second day of taking the medicine, positive dynamics are observed. Is Furagin an antibiotic or not?The properties of this medicine are very similar to antibacterial drugs, only Furagin is not a systemic antibiotic.

The drug is absorbed by the intestines and excreted in the urine. Is Furagin a diuretic or not?? The drug does not have a strong diuretic effect; it only helps remove toxins from the body.

Furagin for bladder inflammation

Furagin is one of the best drugs used for cystitis. This drug affects the urinary and genital organs locally. In case of cystitis Furagin acts directly on bacteria, relieves inflammation in the bladder. Unlike systemic antibacterial drugs,Furagin for cystitisprovides best effect in treatment.Furagin for prostatitis And Furagin for pyelonephritishas proven itself quite well - the treatment of these diseases is much faster and more effective.

Very good Furagin for cystitishelps with relapse of this disease, as well as other infectious diseases. It is recommended to take it to prevent these diseases.

Use of Furagin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Furagin instructions for use does not recommend taking the medicine during pregnancy and when breastfeeding a small child.

Furagin during pregnancy prescribed in an extreme situation, if the benefits of taking the medication will be much higher than the threat of side pathologies for the developing fetus.

During pregnancy, the second trimester, you can use Furagin sz once, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

If you take Furagin during pregnancy, then the unborn child may experience inflammation of the large intestine.

Furagin during pregnancy does not lead to fetal pathologies, but it should be taken only if other less dangerous drugs are not suitable.

If there is an urgent need to take Furagin during lactation while breastfeeding, then you need to stop breastfeeding.

Dosage of the drug Furagin

The dose of the drug for adults at the very beginning of the drug course is Furagin tabletstwo pieces at least 4 times a day. From the second day, a dose of the drug Furagin 50 can be reduced to three times per day. The course of treatment lasts up to 10 calendar days. If there is no positive dynamics, you can continue taking the drug for up to two weeks.

Furagin for children - the permissible dose is 5 mg of the drug per kilogram of the sick child’s weight. Overdose is unacceptable. Incorrect course of treatment may provoke acute hepatitis. The drug course of treatment with Furagin is no more than two weeks, with positive dynamics and improvement in the body’s condition. During treatment, the child must be provided with complete protein nutrition and a large amount of purified water. Taking the drug for up to three years must be done very carefully.

For the treatment and prevention of relapses of sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory processes in urinary organs, you need to take 2 Furagin tablets before going to bed, but not more than two weeks.

Drug Furagin has properties that allow the body not to get used to this drug.

Take an antibacterial drug Furagin antibiotic, it is necessary according to the strict instructions of the attending physician. Self-medication is not acceptable.

Furagin treatment of pets

Furagin indications for use in veterinary medicine - treatment of bacteria, microbes and viruses in domestic animals. Furagin works well in the drug treatment of diseases in animals:

  • acute staphylococcal infection;
  • infectious protozoal acute enterocolitis;
  • bacterial feed infections;
  • inflammation and erysipelas of pigs;
  • viral dyspepsia;
  • bacterial infections of the urinary organs;
  • microbial colisalmonella infection;
  • swelling in small animals;
  • bacterial dysentery;
  • bacterial pyogenic and gas infection.

The treatment regimen and dosage of the medication are prescribed by the veterinarian. Use this drug without consulting with veterinary doctor- unsafe for the animal.

Side effects from using Furagin

Furagin instructions clearly indicate the side effects of the medicine. After using the antibiotic Furagin, a number of side effects occur:

  • changes in taste buds;
  • constant nausea, vomiting after eating;
  • painful diarrhea, constipation;
  • acute form of dysbacteriosis;
  • overexcitement;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • cramps in the legs and body;
  • state of confusion; partial memory loss;
  • manic depression;
  • sharp pain in the head;
  • severe morning dizziness;
  • acute conjunctivitis;
  • anaphylactic shock and possible coma;
  • candidomycosis of the vaginal mucosa;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • thrombocytosis;
  • bleeding.

Before you start taking this medication, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

An allergic reaction to the drug manifests itself in angioedema, rashes on the skin, anaphylactic shock, as well as conjunctivitis and rhinitis.
Dyspeptic indicators are disturbances in appetite, severe nausea, belching, vomiting after taking or while eating.

Side effects are reversible even if you stop taking this drug side symptoms go away on their own.

Furagin and alcohol are not compatible.

Contraindications to the use of this medication

Like any medicine, Furagin has a contraindication for various diseases of the body:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • allergy to substances contained in the product;
  • insomnia;
  • myocardial infarction and heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous excitability;
  • convulsions;
  • chronic and acute liver diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • lymphocytic leukemia and mononucleosis;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Overdose with Furagin

In case of an overdose of the drug Furagin, symptoms occur: painful nausea, severe vomiting, aching abdominal pain and stomach cramps. Signs from the nervous system: drowsiness, depression and irritability. Overdose symptoms may also occur if you take Furagin and alcohol.

From the internal organs there is acute renal and liver failure, which can lead to long-term drug treatment.

Furagin analogues - Furasol, Furazidin. These medications contain the active ingredient potassium furazidin in different doses.Furagin analogue- Furamag has the same dosage as this drug, only it contains magnesium carbonate. Analog of Furagin - Furadonin has the active ingredients nitrofurantoin and furazidin.

Furagin is a synthetic drug that has an antimicrobial effect. Available in the form of enteric-coated tablets.

Pharmacological action of Furagin

In accordance with the instructions for Furagin, the active ingredient of the drug is furazidin. The excipients included in the tablets are milk sugar, Tween-80, stearic acid, potato starch, sugar.

Furagin is a derivative of nitrofuran. The mechanism of action of the active substance of the drug is due to the inhibition of the formation of nucleic acids in bacteria, due to which their reproduction is blunted, the outer shell of bacteria and their cytoplasmic membranes are damaged.

Furagin helps to suppress the most important biochemical cycles of microorganisms, which leads to disruption of their vital functions and a decrease in the release of toxins. As a result, the patient's condition improves.

When used, Furagin exhibits bacteriostatic properties. The drug is effective against gram-positive (streptococci and staphylococci), as well as gram-negative (klebsiella, shigella, salmonella, E. coli) bacteria. Furagin is not sensitive to Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Protea, enterococci, serration.

The medicine improves the functions of the immune system, increases the content of nonspecific protective proteins in the blood, thereby activating the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Indications for use of Furagin

Indications for Furagin are:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (,);
  • Secondary infectious complications after surgical operations on the organs of the genitourinary system.

Methods of using Furagin and dosage

According to the instructions, Furagin tablets are intended for oral use after meals (without big amount water).

For adults, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. For children, the daily dosage of the drug is selected at the rate of 5-7 mg per 1 kg of the child’s body weight, with long-term treatment– 1-2 mg per 1 kg of weight. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

If necessary, a second course of therapy is carried out, but not earlier than after 10-15 days.

Side effects of Furagin

According to reviews, Furagin can cause a number of side effects from the body:

  • Gastrointestinal tract: liver dysfunction, loss of appetite, nausea, epigastric pain;
  • Central nervous system: development of polyneuritis, headaches,;
  • reactions: skin itching, burning, swelling.

In the described cases, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug or discontinue it.

The occurrence of side effects is reduced by drinking large amounts of fluid during therapy.

Individuals may experience chills, malaise, and increased body temperature.

At long-term use tablets, neuritis is possible. Treatment is symptomatic.

Contraindications to the use of Furagin

The following are not indications for Furagin:

  • Hypersensitivity to its components;
  • Pregnancy period;
  • Children under 1 year of age;
  • Lactation;
  • Liver and kidney dysfunctions.

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Overdose of Furagin

In case of an overdose of Furagin, according to reviews, in most cases headaches, dizziness, psychosis, nausea, and peripheral polyneuritis are observed.

Furagin's analogs

By therapeutic effect And chemical composition analogues of Furagin are Furamag, Furasol, Furadonin.

Additional Information

To prevent the development of side effects during drug therapy, drink plenty of fluids.

At joint use Furagin with drugs belonging to the tetracycline group may potentiate (increase) the properties of the drug. There is a decrease in the total effect when combined with fusidine, erythromycin, nystatin, chloramphenicol, levorin and with ristomycin, polymyxins, nalidixic acid, prolonged and ultra-long-acting sulfonamides. Antacids significantly reduce the activity of the drug by reducing the absorption of furazidin.

The instructions for Furagin indicate that the tablets should be stored in a dark, dry, cool place out of reach of children.

Dispensed from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life – 4 years.

An effective antimicrobial agent of synthetic origin is the drug Furagin. What does this remedy help with? The medicine has bacteriostatic properties. Furagin instructions for use prescribes use for cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis.

Composition and release form

Furagin is produced in the form of capsules and round tablets of bright yellow color (containing 50 mg of active substance). This drug is also available in the form of capsules and as a powder for preparing a solution in 100 g jars. The main active component of the drug Furagin, on which its properties depend, is active substance furazidin. Furagin tablets also contain various auxiliary components: monohydrate, lactose, potato starch, sugar, polysorbate-80, stearic acid.

Pharmacological properties

Furagin belongs to the group of nitrofuran antimicrobial agents. The active substance of the drug is furazidine. Its mechanism of action is based on inhibition of the formation of nucleic acids in bacteria, which makes it impossible for them to reproduce. Destroyed outer shell bacteria and their cytoplasmic membranes.

In addition, the most important biochemical cycles in microorganisms are suppressed (including the respiratory chain and the tricarboxylic acid cycle), and this disrupts their vital functions, as a result of which the bacteria begin to secrete fewer waste products and toxins. This leads to an improvement in the condition of patients even before the death of the pathogens.

The main action of Furagin according to the instructions is bacteriostatic; achieving bactericidal concentrations is possible at a dosage 2 times higher than the bacteriostatic one. It is the bactericidal concentrations of the drug that are achieved in the urine when the drug is excreted from the body. Furagin, which helps with infections of the genitourinary system, is active against gram-positive (staphylococci, streptococci) and gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella).

The use of Furagin is ineffective in cases where the causative agents of infection are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, enterococci, Proteus, serration and some other microorganisms. This drug is able to activate the immune system. Furagin increases the content of nonspecific protective proteins (complement) in the blood and enhances the ability of leukocytes to destroy pathogenic bacteria. These distinctive abilities determine the advantage of using Furagin over other antimicrobial agents.

Medicine Furagin: what helps

Indications for use include:

  • preventing the occurrence of an infectious process during the treatment of recurrent diseases;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases genitourinary system;
  • cystitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • for the prevention of infections after operations.

The synonym Furagin Lect is popular. He also has antimicrobial effect wide spectrum. Indications for use of Furagin Lect include:

  • infections skin and soft tissues;
  • urogenital infections;
  • prevention during urological operations;
  • gynecological infections;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth and pharynx;
  • severe infected burns;
  • infected wounds.

The drug Furagin: instructions for use

Tablets and capsules are taken after meals with plenty of water. Adults are prescribed an average of 50-100 mg 3 times a day, a course of 7-14 days, after which a break of 10-15 days is required. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a break. For children, the dose of Furagin should be calculated based on body weight - 5-7 mg/kg/day in 3 doses, the duration of the course is the same.

To prepare an aqueous 0.5% or 1% solution for topical use, 0.5 g or 1 g, respectively, is dissolved in 100 ml of hot water for injection. Then the resulting solution must be filtered through special antibacterial filters, poured into glass bottles and sterilized.

This solution is used in ophthalmology at a dilution of 1:13000 (2 drops are instilled into the eyes every 4-6 hours), as well as for washing cavities. At home for local treatment For purulent wounds and burns, you can prepare a 1% Furagin solution in a 0.9% NaCl solution.


The instructions prohibit taking Furagin tablets for cystitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in case of a negative reaction of the body to the drug and kidney failure. In addition, this remedy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • congenital enzymatic deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • if the patient is less than a week old;
  • allergies to drugs belonging to the nitrofuran group;
  • multiple lesions of peripheral nerves;
  • Furagin is not used during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

When taking Furagin tablets, the instructions and patient reviews indicate this, the following adverse reactions are possible:

  • gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite, upset stool, painful sensations in the stomach, vomiting, nausea;
  • allergies: skin itching, rash;
  • Central nervous system: dizziness, neuritis, blurred vision, drowsiness, multiple lesions of peripheral nerves;
  • malaise;
  • increased body temperature, chills.

Analogs and price

The following drugs have a similar effect: Furadonin, Furamag, Furasol. These medications cannot be replaced at your own discretion, without consulting your doctor.

You can buy Furagin in the Russian Federation for 210 rubles. The cost of medicine in Ukraine reaches 70 hryvnia. The price of Furagin tablets in Belarus varies from 7.5 to 11 rubles.

Read the official instructions for use of the drug in an abbreviated version. It includes: composition, action, contraindications and indications for use, analogues and reviews. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Furagin is drug from the group of nitrofurans - an antibacterial and antimicrobial agent that has an active effect on streptococci, staphylococci and many other types of microorganisms. Furagin for the kidneys, when used internally, reaches the urinary system, disinfecting the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Some people mistakenly assume that it is an antibiotic. However, Furagin is not an antibiotic, since it is not capable of having a system-wide effect. It does not belong to the group of antibiotics, emphasizing its local antibacterial effect on the genitourinary system.

Composition and release form of the drug Furagin

Enteric-coated tablets, 50 mg. 10, 20, 30 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Composition of the product

  • Active substance: 50 mg furazidine in 1 tablet.
  • Excipients: [lactose monohydrate, potato starch, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch (sodium starch glycolate), hyprolose (hydroxypropylcellulose), crospovidone, calcium stearate];
  • Excipients for the shell: [methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer (collicut MAE 100 R), propylene glycol, povidone, talc, titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow dye, Ponceau dye 4R].

Furagin - instructions for use in various dosage forms

Furagin: use in the form of tablets and capsules

Furagin in capsules and tablets is used during meals with plenty of liquid. Recommended rich in proteins food to acidify the urine, this also helps to enhance the effect of this medicine. B vitamins and antihistamines are prescribed simultaneously. A four-time dose of 10 mg of Furagin (two tablets) is prescribed on the first day. From the second day until the very end of the therapeutic course, three times the use of two tablets is prescribed. The course is repeated according to indications after 10-15 days. For prevention, adults will only need to take one tablet in the evening.

The instructions note that Furagin is prescribed to children when calculating the dose based on the child’s weight. The recommended daily dose of the drug is calculated by multiplying the weight by 5.6 or 7 mg, depending on the expected duration of treatment and the patient’s condition. For a presumably long course of treatment, it is necessary to take the smallest factor. On average, Furagin is prescribed to children in courses of 7-8 days with possible repetition.

Use of Furagin in the treatment of pyelonephritis

Furagin is most often prescribed for drug therapy pyelonephritis, as it stops the growth of bacteria in the organs of the urinary system, increases overall immunity and relieves inflammation. Directed local action The drug makes it more effective than all kinds of antibiotics that have a systemic broad effect. Reviews of the use of Furagin for pyelonephritis are definitely positive character. Among the advantages of treating pyelonephritis with this drug, unlike various antibiotics a significant place is given to the adaptation of strains of microorganisms living in the urinary system to Furagin. Therefore, it is quite possible to reuse the drug and use it to prevent inflammation in the kidneys.

Indications, contraindications, side effects of Furagin

Indications for use of Furagin

According to the official instructions, Furagin is used to treat diseases of the urinary system in chronic and acute forms, as well as to prevent relapses:

  • With prolonged use of a bladder catheter;
  • In children, congenital anomalies of the urinary tract;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Urethritis;
  • Cystitis.

Furagin powder solution is used for cytoscopic and surgical urological procedures to prevent infection. The attending doctor will help you figure out what Furagin tablets are used for and what the powder is for, but, in principle, diseases of the urinary system are treated with capsules or tablets.

Contraindications for the use of Furagin

According to instructions pharmaceutical drug Furagin is not recommended for use in some cases. Treatment with this drug is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • Allergic reactions to drugs in this group;
  • Urosepsis;
  • Infectious lesions of the kidney parenchyma;
  • Child up to seven days old;
  • Late pregnancy;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • congenital deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • renal failure;
  • polyneuropathy of any origin.

Side effects from using Furagin

The instructions say that the use of Furagin and its overdose can result in undesirable effects in the form of:

  • general reactions: malaise, fever, chills after using the product;
  • reactions of the nervous system: blurred vision; drowsiness, dizziness, occasionally – polyneuropathy;
  • digestive disorders: vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspeptic symptoms;
  • allergic reactions: itching, rash, rarely – problems with the lungs and bronchi.

Furagin: symptoms of overdose

An overdose of Furagin can cause megaloblastic or aplastic anemia, and allergic reactions can take the form of bronchospasm, urticaria and angioedema. In case of overdose, gastric lavage and infusion therapy are used, in cases of extreme severity - hemodialysis. This drug may be ineffective in combination with probenecid and sulfpyrazone, which reduces the concentration of Furagin in the urine and increases its concentration in the blood serum, which can result in a toxic effect. Antacids containing magnesium trisilicate reduce the absorption of Furagin in the digestive system.

The drug is prescribed to patients with great caution diabetes mellitus. With prolonged use, kidney and liver functions should be monitored. This medicine does not affect the ability to drive in any way. vehicles and complex mechanisms.

How long can you take Furagin?

In the instructions, as well as a large number reviews about Furagin say that it should be taken in courses of treatment for 10 days, if there is a need for a second course, then it should be done after a two-week break.

Use of Furagin during pregnancy

Pregnant women very often ask whether it is possible to take Furagin for their treatment. various infections genital tract. The answer will be simple: you can’t!

According to some data, the Furagin brand drug is relatively safe for pregnant women, but no specific scientific studies have been conducted on this matter. After all, this Furagin is used only in countries post-Soviet space, as well as some countries of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, we do not allocate money for research, which can have a negative result for the manufacturer. It's just not profitable. And the main reason for the lack of specific data on the effects of the drug Furagin on pregnancy is the ban by international agreements on carrying out any experiments and studies with expectant mothers. Which one will risk the child’s health?

Cystitis is a fairly common pregnancy companion, but there are other drugs that are recommended to treat it in expectant mothers. You need to contact your treating gynecologist for this and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Considering that the side effects of using this drug are nausea and vomiting, it will be difficult to determine whether this is toxicosis or a real side effect.

So, this drug should not be taken by pregnant women, as there are alternatives. safe means for the treatment of urinary tract infections. These medications are effective during pregnancy, but they should only be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics the course of pregnancy. He will also inform you about the dosages.

Today, many pregnant women refuse to take medications such as Furagin while carrying a child. They give preference to safe and long-proven folk recipes. This is the right of every expectant mother. But the recommendations of the attending physician should not be ignored, since he is interested in the physiological course of pregnancy, as well as in the successful birth of his patient.

Furagin: use for children

In different medical reference books The answer to this question is interpreted in different ways. But one of the most authoritative ones states that Furagin is contraindicated for children under three years of age. Although doctors often prescribe it in pediatrics.

Medicinal effects of Furagin

The instructions for the product say that Furagin is based on active ingredient– furazidin, which in its structure has an aromatic nitro group. The active substance inhibits the formation of nucleic acids in bacteria, and also interferes with the proliferation of microorganisms, destroying their cytoplasmic membranes and outer shells. Furagin is considered as a drug that is capable of suppressing important biochemical cycles in microorganisms, as well as disrupting their vital functions. Bacteria, under the influence of the active substance, reduce the release of toxins, as well as waste products, which makes patients feel better even before the bacteria are completely killed.

Bactericidal concentrations are twice as high as bacteriostatic concentrations and are reached in urine by the time it is excreted from the body. Furagin is effective for the kidneys if the disease is caused gram-positive bacteria:

  • Staphylococci;
  • Streptococci.

And gram-negative bacteria:

  • Shigella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • Escherichia coli;
  • Salmonella.

The drug Furagin is not considered as a means of influencing microorganisms:

  • Enterococci;
  • Proteas;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Serrations.

The instructions for taking Furagin say that this drug has the additional ability to activate the immune system, increasing the amount of nonspecific proteins in the blood and enhancing the ability of leukocytes to defeat all kinds of pathogenic bacteria. This makes the use of this drug more preferable to other antimicrobial agents.

The drug is absorbed first in the intestine, then the active substance enters the lymphatic system, while blocking this path for the spread of infection. After several hours, the active substance enters the urine, killing bacteria in the urinary system, after which the drug is completely removed from the body.

Furagin's analogs

Online pharmaceutical pharmacies You can find a number of drugs that have a similar effect and are similar in composition. The drug Furagin has the following analogues:

  • Algipor (analogue);
  • Furagin's analogue is Furadonin;
  • Lifuzol (analogue);
  • Furaplast (analogue);
  • Furagin's analogue is Furasol;
  • Klefurin (analogue).

In some cases, pharmacies offer to buy Furagin Lect instead of the drug Furagin. These two drugs have the same indications, as well as the same active substance (furazidine), but with different additives and different concentrations. Instructions for use of Furagin Lact have some differences. This drug is strictly contraindicated for children under at least three years of age, and for adults the dosage may be reduced compared to Furagin, so you should not decide on your own to replace the drug.

Feedback on use: Furagin
Date of: 12/26/2016 at 03:01:58

When an exacerbation of pyelonephritis was observed and the main antibiotic therapy was completed, the doctor prescribed the use of Furagin as an antibacterial agent. The duration of the course of application was two months. I noticed that my urine darkens a little when I take it, it turns orange and the number of urinations increases. Of course, this drug tastes very bitter; it should be washed down with plenty of running water. There was no diarrhea, vomiting, or other side effect after using the product. The cost of the medicine is a very significant advantage. That is, this drug is a budget drug, and anyone can afford to buy it.