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Oncology in animals is theatrical. Why do animals get tumors? – At the Veterinary Center of Dr. Bazylevsky A.A. You specialize in veterinary medicine. Let's talk about this topic. When should animal owners sound the alarm if they suspect cancer?

At the Biocontrol clinic forum, increasingly concerned dog and cat owners are seeking advice on cancer issues. We talked with veterinarian, leading oncologist of the clinic, candidate of biological sciences Alexander Aleksandrovich Shimshirt, and asked him the most frequently asked questions from owners.

When should pet owners sound the alarm if they suspect cancer? How does cancer manifest in cats and cancer in dogs? What are the symptoms?

In fact, for the owner of any animal, cat or dog, there must be a guideline. This guideline for concern is everything that suddenly appears in the animal, is abnormal and does not grow symmetrically on the body. Everything that grows quickly, that changes over a short period of time, that has signs of inflammation - swollen, hot, painful. All this requires control and mandatory inspection by a specialist.

Regarding a specific tumor. In males, after reaching a certain age, it is necessary to monitor the testes, control everything related to urination and the prostate gland. Females have mammary glands. Ideally, from an oncological point of view, as in a person after forty years, after the animal reaches the age of six, it is advisable to undergo routine inspection. Blood tests, ultrasound, general examination, examination of the mammary gland in females.

What are the most common tumors or neoplasms you identify?

In the first place are neoplasms of the skin, mammary glands, tumors oral cavity.

Cases of neoplasms after vaccination have become more frequent. What is this connected with?

This problem is very relevant, especially for cats. Chronic inflammatory process, with its long-term existence, it transforms into tumors (tissue features). If after vaccination the granuloma (lump) exists for more than two months and its size is more than two centimeters, it is recommended to surgically remove it. Even if the inflammation is local and the neoplasm itself is benign.
Complications after vaccination are more common in cats. Dogs also have a risk of developing post-vaccination sarcoma, but it is not as great.
How to prevent it? Immediately show the animal to the doctor, go with any neoplasm. If something bothers you, if you notice something and it’s still small, show it to your doctor. It's a lipoma or not a lipoma - let the oncologist find out. The sooner you notice this and contact a specialist, the more likely it is that the doctor will help.

Is histology and tumor biopsy always required?

The choice of cyto or histo - this issue is decided by the doctor. For example, in a situation where there is already inflammation or there are changes in the skin, a biopsy is not advisable. But I repeat - only a doctor can assess the place where the neoplasm is located and, guided by his practical experience, will suggest solutions.
There are tumors when it is preferable to take a biopsy from a lymph node rather than from a neoplasm, for example, in the case of melanoma. If the melanoma is actively growing and ulcerated, then in order not to seed everything around with its cells, so as not to cause more pronounced inflammation, we take a biopsy from a regional lymph node. This way we will not “disturb” the primary focus. And then we answer the question: is the lymph node affected? This is important, since the answer to this question will help us determine the stage of the tumor process.

Owners often describe situations where swelling occurs after tooth loss or extraction. Should I be afraid to bring animals for scheduled removal?

It happens that a tumor grows along the dental alveolus and, by and large, this tumor itself pushes out the tooth. So here you need to understand what was primary – the tumor or the prolapse. If an animal spontaneously loses a molar, or if a tooth needs to be removed and the doctor is confused about something, then a piece of tissue is taken from the tooth socket for histological examination.
The best way to prevent such problems is to prevent oral diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis): regular inspection, oral cavity sanitation, dental health monitoring.

Is osteosarcoma common?

Osteosarcoma is actually not that common. According to statistics, there is one dog in ten thousand. The fact is that this tumor is very aggressive. And the problem of osteosarcoma itself worries people greatly and is often mentioned on the Internet and in specialized literature. That's why she's popular.

Is sterilization a reliable cancer preventative? Is ovarian cancer and subsequent neutering a standard situation for cancer in cats?

To some extent, castration can also be included here. In males, after castration, the problem with the prostate gland goes away, and the possibility of developing a skin tumor, which in males is hormone-dependent (the so-called adenoma of the hepatoid glands), is reduced. In females, the mammary gland is at risk. Ovarian cysts - there is, of course, only one way out - sterilization. Both dogs and cats.
It is believed that spaying cats before their first heat significantly prevents both mammary and ovarian cancer. If the animal is not planned for reproduction, then after 6 years, both females and males are recommended to undergo sterilization and, accordingly, castration.

The animal is older than six years. What to do with the tumor? Treat or leave the animal to live out its life? Or is it still euthanasia?

There are situations in which surgery is not recommended, but only a doctor can decide this. The concept of “oncological disease” is very broad, and the development tumor processes sometimes it can be unpredictable. The tactics of treatment and management of the patient are chosen by a specialist after examination. Tumors are different and diverse, they behave the same way. Eat general rules, but treatment tactics are chosen individually. There is no need to hack rashly, you need to get research results.
An important point is that by this age animals already have a certain number of chronic diseases. Yes, there are situations when you don’t need to do anything radical. Again, cats are different. One feels great at 12 years old, but the other has arrived - and at 12 years old she is dehydrated, can barely walk, and has chronic renal failure and breast cancer. Such a cat cannot be treated urgently; even if the tumor is removed, it will not live longer.
The main goal of treating a cancer patient is not to achieve an oncological result, not to “cure the tumor.” The main task is to treat the patient with the tumor. And here the question is this: a few months of relatively quality life or a few months of torment or suffering? Here a person already has a choice. For a veterinary oncologist, the primary task is to provide the animal with such therapy so that it can live its quality life. last days.

Timely clinical examination, examinations by a doctor, an attempt to catch the disease by initial stage. After all, curing cancer is a relative matter. Often, especially in serious stages, it is almost impossible to recover completely. We slow down, stop the process, pause, suppress, in a word, we do everything to ensure that the remaining life of the patient passes well.

What is the life expectancy of animals with cancer?

Radiation and chemotherapy are considered the “heavy guns” against cancer. Many owners immediately ask for such treatment. Should everyone be irradiated and undergo chemotherapy courses?

Owners must understand that this is very serious. And constant medical supervision, constant examinations and consultations are required. The methods listed are additional therapy, when we no longer have the initial stages of the disease. In such situations, the owner needs to make a decision - to go to the end or not to go. Simply because there are no absolute guarantees of how the tumor will behave. And if you decide to go all the way, then you must scrupulously follow the recommendations and prescriptions of your doctor, see your doctor regularly and believe in the good!

Veterinary Oncology- a phrase that was unusual for veterinarians around the world just 10 years ago, but now the 4th annual conference on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in small domestic animals is being held in Russia.

Why did we post this article here?

Because it is important and relevant for any of us. To dismiss what awaits us is to bury our heads in the sand, believing that the threat has passed. In this case, you can lose valuable time when doctors can still do something.

Why do animals get tumors?

There is no clear answer to this question, but it is influenced by a huge number of factors, including, oddly enough, not only pollution environment, but also improving the quality of life of our patients. Fifteen years ago, most of our patients died in infancy from infectious diseases, in adulthood due to improper feeding, some died under the wheels, and only a few lived to an old age.

Now we are faced with the consequences of our civilization - we know how to raise weak puppies and kittens, we prevent infections, we feed our pets well, love them and take care of them. One of the results is a decrease in immunity and prolongation of life. Our animals have begun to live to see our illnesses, and are dying from cancer, heart, liver and kidney failure.

Over the past 10 years, veterinary medicine in Russia has made an amazing leap in its development. We have many clinics operating at the world level; we can completely cure or prolong the lives of patients whose visit to the doctor 5 years ago would have ended in euthanasia.

Who is a veterinary oncologist?

Most of us are between 30 and 50 years old. We are dedicated and animal-loving people who are constantly improving our skills. We were not taught in universities how to treat cancer, and we were forced to study it ourselves - with the help of colleagues, books, doctors, trips abroad, participation in conferences and through extensive practical experience.

As a rule, general surgeons become oncologists who have first mastered their profession perfectly. The oncologist surgeon is the top of the pyramid, consisting of the clinic administration, which supplies him with equipment, premises and medications. Next come the assistants who directly care for the patients, feed them, clean up after them, and carry out the orders of the attending physicians.

Primary care doctors are the ones who are the first to encounter a tumor, recognize it and promptly refer the patient for consultation.

Specialists - cardiologists, ultrasound specialists, radiologists, laboratory assistants - they help determine how seriously ill the patient is.

Other surgeons - general surgeon, plastic surgeon- their assistance in carrying out complex operations invaluable. Chemotherapists and radiation specialists are non-operating oncologists whose role in saving the life of your animals is very important.
Hospital doctors caring for post-operative animals around the clock - without their hard work, surgery would often make no sense. Sincere thanks to you all.

Our clinic sees up to 400 patients diagnosed with a tumor per oncologist per year, and most of them die within 2 to 24 months.


For many reasons at once, the main ones are the following:

  • Late visit to the clinic - the earlier the diagnosis is made, the easier it is to treat. Don't brush the problem aside - it won't go away
  • lack of faith in the strength and skills of doctors. Our oncologists are able to operate on cancer of many other organs. Don't listen to those who say - put him to sleep so he doesn't suffer. Even for incurable patients, we can prolong life and alleviate suffering.

Chemotherapy- one of the methods complex treatment, malignant tumors. It is carried out using cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs, that is, medicines, damaging cancer cells, disrupting the process of their division. As a result of the action of these drugs, the formation of new cells in tumors sensitive to them stops, the growth of the tumor stops, and it begins to decrease in size or completely disappear, and its metastasis is prevented.

In the clinic " White Fang", in most cases, doctors use chemotherapy as additional method treatment after removal of the main tumor focus surgically. In this case, the target of chemotherapy is micrometastases (clinically undetectable daughter tumor cells) that enter the various organs and tissues in the process of metastasis of the main tumor. The goal of chemotherapy is to delay the appearance of relapses (re-growth of the tumor) and macrometastases (daughter cells of the tumor clinically diagnosed in other organs).

Why do you still have to resort to chemotherapy?

The thing is that a malignant tumor, unlike a benign one, does not have a capsule; it is characterized by infiltrating growth, that is, like a tree with roots, the tumor grows into the surrounding healthy tissue and very quickly begins to metastasize, trying to spread its cells throughout the body. Besides, modern methods Research is impossible to identify absolutely all metastases in the body. Therefore, in the process surgical intervention It is possible to completely remove the main tumor; rarely, within one operation, it is possible to remove all metastases, and micrometastases are completely beyond the control of surgery. Chemotherapy is precisely aimed at combating hidden metastases. It is always necessary if the histological conclusion suggests the presence of distant metastases and this type of tumor is sensitive to chemotherapy.

In some cases, chemotherapy is given before surgical intervention. And then, the goal of chemotherapy is to reduce the tumor to a size where it is possible to perform organ-preserving surgery and reduce the spread of cancer cells.

There is another way chemotherapy is used when it is used as independent method treatment of cancer in animals.

As monotherapy, it is prescribed for unresectable tumors that cannot be surgically removed, or for tumors that are sensitive to chemotherapy. For example, with lymphoma, extensive tumors of the tongue, oral mucosa, esophagus, common tumors in the lungs, in abdominal cavity(carcinomatosis). A fairly common disease that can be cured with chemotherapy is venereal sarcoma in dogs.

Chemotherapy is quite a serious test for the animal’s body, since these drugs pharmacological groups have a number of side effects, and the process of eliminating the consequences of tumor cell destruction itself - huge pressure for the body. Therefore, the decision to prescribe chemotherapy is made by the attending physician, but the final word always remains with the owner. In order for you to be able to at least somehow orient yourself at the time of making a decision, you need to have a certain amount of background information.

How soon after surgery do you start chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is usually prescribed 1-10 days after surgical removal tumors. During this time, the doctor is already ready histological analyzes, confirming or not confirming the malignancy of the removed tumor.

What factors influence the timing of chemotherapy initiation?

Before each course of chemotherapy, it is necessary to examine the blood for general and biochemical parameters. This applies to all animals without exception, both postoperative and inoperable, and elderly. The doctor also takes into account the owners’ observations of their pet’s condition; any deviations must be reported to the attending physician. If there are no significant deviations from the norm according to the tests and the animal feels well, then chemotherapy can be carried out. If serious disturbances in the patient’s general condition are observed, the course of chemotherapy is postponed for a period determined by the attending doctor or the dosage of drugs is reduced.

What side effects can chemotherapy cause?

Side effects and their severity depend on the choice of drug and its dose. Chemotherapy often uses more than one drug. If the drugs have the same side effects, then the toxic reaction to the body intensifies. By timing of occurrence side effects can be divided into immediate, immediate and delayed.

  • Immediate complications appear immediately or within the first 24 hours: vomiting, loose stools, fever, lethargy, decreased or lack of appetite.
  • Immediate side effects occur within 7-10 days: deterioration of blood counts, primarily a decrease in red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, impaired liver and kidney function, inflammation of the oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract, changes in the peripheral nervous system, inflammation Bladder etc.
  • Delayed side effects manifest themselves in the form of hair loss (baldness), decreased immunity, suppressed hematopoiesis, and heart damage. Unfortunately, it often happens that the higher the dose of the drug and its effectiveness against the tumor, the stronger manifestation side effects And toxic effect on the body.

Is chemotherapy indicated for patients with stage IV cancer?

The fourth stage of cancer means that the tumor has grown deeply into the surrounding tissues, regional lymph nodes are affected, and there are distant metastases to other organs. At stage IV it is used symptomatic treatment, i.e. treatment aimed at making the animal’s life easier. Chemotherapy is usually not used, since intensive tumor destruction can lead to acute tumor necrosis syndrome. This syndrome is caused by the destruction large quantity rapidly dividing tumor cells. In this case, the animal may die in a short time.

What is histology in oncology

Before you order this laboratory test at a significant cost, it is necessary to understand whether it is required in a particular clinical picture. If this is a suspicion malignant tumors, the answer is clearly affirmative. Cytology and histology are the basis of comprehensive diagnostics, since such studies detect cancer cells at an early stage of their formation. Deciphering helps to quickly begin treatment and ensure a sustainable therapeutic effect.

Price for histology

All patients are interested in how much histology costs. The cost of the study depends on the suspected source of pathology. The price for histology varies, for example, from 3,000 rubles and above.


Chemotherapy is not a panacea for cancer, and as for cancer, in 50% of cases, sooner or later it ends in death, no matter how sad it sounds. But with the help of chemotherapy you can try to prolong your life. pet, improve the quality of his life, prolong the pleasure of communicating with him, and your attending physician will always help you with this.

Today we will talk about what cancer is in a cat and what its signs are. Methods of treatment and prevention of this disease will also be discussed.

What kind of disease is this?

Cat cancer is a pathological process in which some cells in the body grow very quickly. They can grow into neighboring tissues and organs. Cancer in animals, like in humans, has different shapes. It can affect only one area, or maybe several at once. Squamous cell carcinoma is also common in cats.

What types are found in cats?

Animals get the same types of cancer as people. Periodic inspections and correct diagnosis allow you to detect cancer in a cat in a timely manner.

The most common types in animals:

1. Usually occurs in old dogs, but cats are also affected. Most skin tumors tend to become malignant. Any suspicious signs should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian.

2. Lymphomas. Both cats and dogs are affected. In cats, it is usually caused by the leukemia virus in 26% of cases. This one is mainly striking digestive tract animal. You can suspect it by the pet's weakness and dyspeptic disorders.

3. Breast cancer. Typically, this species affects older animals. This tumor ranks third in prevalence various types cancer. About 86% of neoplasms turn out to be malignant. This tumor is localized in tissues, usually found in unsterilized animals, but there are also cases of it affecting sterilized representatives of the cat family.

4. Tumor of the abdomen (abdominal). This type very difficult to identify early stages development. In this situation, you need to pay attention to a sharp decrease in the animal’s body weight, repeated vomiting, diarrhea or bloating. It is worth visiting a veterinarian if these signs occur periodically.

If you notice any of the above manifestations, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Having identified cancer in initial stages, manages to achieve complete cure by using combined method therapy:

What is this disease? Is cat cancer dangerous for humans?

A photo of a sick animal does not evoke positive emotions in anyone. Why does cancer appear? The disease can be caused by many factors. There is no single reason. It is known that they influence internal factors organism, for example, heredity, and external, for example, under the influence of the sun, a cat can develop squamous cell carcinoma.

The disease we mentioned affects the ears, eyelids, and nose.

Lymphosarcoma is the most dangerous and common species cancer in a cat. It affects lymphatic system animal, causes disease - FeLV. This cat cancer is dangerous to humans. Since it is a retrovirus transmitted through the saliva of an animal and direct contact with it. It is asymptomatic. To prevent the spread of the disease, you need to periodically examine and get tested by a veterinarian. This type of cancer in a cat is as dangerous to other cats as it is to humans. There is now a vaccine against it.

Types of cancer in cats

It is impossible to say specifically which organ systems and tissues will be affected by cancer. Malignant neoplasms can develop anywhere; usually the attack is on the organ or system that is most vulnerable or weakened by something. Of course, benign neoplasms also occur. But, unfortunately, they are much less common.

A benign process, of course, is more easily tolerated by animals, and its removal entails the cat’s recovery.

So what is the difference between a benign tumor?

Unlike malignant, it:

  1. Concentrated in a capsule that prevents cancer from getting out and growing into a neighboring organ.
  2. This process develops very slowly, which gives more time to take any action to eliminate the pathology.
  3. Does not cause pain.

Malignant tumors can be characterized as follows:

The most common ones are:

Stage of cancer

Pathological neoplasm has its own stages.

There are four:

  1. First, initial. At this stage, a small tumor nodule appears; no metastases have yet been observed.
  2. Second stage. The tumor nodule continues to increase in size, most likely the size of the nodule is already 5-6 cm. The tumor begins to grow into neighboring organs. As a result, it metastasizes to the nearest lymph nodes.
  3. Third stage. The tumor becomes mobile, metastases increase.
  4. Fourth stage. The most severe cat that leaves virtually no hope for recovery. The tumor grows more and more, affecting even more organs. As a rule, at this stage the animal faces inevitable death.

What does cancer look like in cats?

Manifestations of cancer are as follows:

  1. "Bumps" on the animal's body. Of course, it's not necessarily cancer, but it's worth checking out. Because they don’t just appear, any lump on a cat’s body must have an explanation.
  2. Neoplasms. Long time non-healing wounds, sometimes with purulent discharge of them.
  3. Unexplained discharge of pus from any part of the animal's body.
  4. Bad breath.
  5. Change in animal behavior towards weakness and drowsiness.
  6. Sudden loss of body weight.
  7. Intermittent claudication.
  8. Dyspeptic disorders.
  9. The spots on the skin are red or have dry scales.
  10. Refusal to eat or eats, but very little.
  11. Problems with respiratory system, genitourinary, digestive.

Diagnosis of cancer

1. When there is a lump on the skin of an animal, the first step is to do a biopsy. This method involves removing a small piece of tissue, which is taken for cell microscopy.

2. X-ray.

4. Blood and urine for analysis.

These diagnostic studies are basic. But if necessary, they can be supplemented with others.

All studies are needed to determine whether the animal has cancer. If so, what form is it and what stage is it?

Which cats are more likely to get cancer?

Many cats are diagnosed with cancer. But most often it still occurs in old animals.

Thoroughbreds are more susceptible to it than others. For example, cats with light-colored faces and ears are more often affected by squamous cell skin cancer.

Is it possible to prevent cancer?

Yes, it is quite possible to prevent some forms. If you keep your pet indoors only, you will protect it from skin cancer.

Breast cancer ranks 3rd among other forms. And it can also be prevented by spaying your cat before she matures.


Types of treatment vary depending on the type and stage of cancer.

These include:

  1. Surgical methods;
  2. Chemotherapy;
  3. Beam therapy;
  4. Immunotherapy.

Sometimes you have to combine several options at once. The success of treatment will also depend on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the animal's immunity. Therefore, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chances of coping with it.

Cancer in a cat. Last stage

A photo of an animal at this stage of the disease evokes nothing but pity and a great desire to help him. True, during this period it is unlikely that anything can be corrected.

Here everything depends only on the owner of the animal. Most of people at latest form cancer stops treating them and puts them to sleep. Although this decision is often premature. After all, you can try your luck using another method, you just need to talk to the veterinarian about it and consult with him. And then, perhaps, it will be possible to do something.

Whatever you decide to do, try to stay with him until the last days of the animal’s life, love him the same way as before. After all, animals are like people, and we have the same diseases.

After all, you wouldn’t, for example, put your elderly relative to sleep? Likewise, a cat is a full-fledged member of the family. So try to give her all your love in the last days of her life.

Some types of cancer are completely curable, others are not, but you can try to help the animal (by alleviating suffering, etc.). So don't be afraid to try new ways. Worse for the pet This won’t make it better, but it might get better.

When should you go to the vet?

Immediately, as soon as at least one of the above-mentioned signs is detected. Delay threatens the animal's death.

How long will a cat with cancer live? Answering this question is extremely difficult. Because everything depends on many factors. But on average, cats can live with cancer for about 4 years.


It is very difficult to prevent the occurrence of cancer, but there is still a small opportunity for this. It consists of following all the rules normal life animal, as well as timely vaccinations.

It is important to undergo a full examination of the animal periodically. Then you will be able to recognize the beginning in time pathological process and take it together with your doctor necessary actions to cure a cat. If your pet is sterilized before puberty, this will help avoid breast and uterine cancer in the future. Of course, if you own an animal rare breed, then sterilization is unlikely to be possible, since most of these species are kept specifically for reproduction.

Another option to protect your pet from cancer reproductive organs-- do not get carried away with taking hormones for contraception. Since it is they who often give impetus to the development of the pathological process.


Now you know what cancer is in a cat and what its symptoms are. Monitor your pets closely for any signs of illness. And then everything will be fine.

Mammary cancer. Stages of cancer.

Mammary cancer- one of the most common malignant neoplasms in animals. Mostly female animals aged 10 years are affected.

Cancer Risk Factors mammary glands:
- Genetic predisposition;
- Late offensive menarche and pregnancy;
- Hormonal status(excess production of estrogens or some of their fractions);
- Use of hormonal contraceptives.

Stages of breast cancer:
Stage 1 - a single node is identified, small in size, soft in consistency, painless. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. There are no metastases.
Stage 2 - tumor size is less than 2-5 cm (depending on the size of the animal), compacted, painless. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. There are no metastases.
Stage 3 - tumor disintegration and metastasis occur. It is possible to open the tumor. Enlarged lymph nodes.
Stage 4 - tumor growth spreads to various organs and tissues, necrotization appears.
According to histological examination malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands is divided into carcinomas, sarcomas and mixed (carcinosarcoma).

From benign neoplasms They distinguish mastopathy (the most common forms are local and diffuse fibroadenomatosis), but they are very rare in animals, unlike in humans.
The growth of tumors can be local (i.e., the process is clearly limited, encapsulated). Otherwise, the process can be widespread (metastasis), lymphogenous, hematogenous, or direct infiltrative.
Any tumor-like process can be accompanied by inflammation.

Clinical picture:

Most often it consists of the appearance of a lump in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Clinical signs may not appear for a long time(up to several years). Single glands or multiple glands may be affectedns. With an inflamed tumor clinical picture most clearly expressed. During the examination, by palpation you can detect dense formations with clear boundaries (sometimes painful) in the area of ​​the mammary glands. Hemorrhagic exudate is released from the affected surface, purulent in nature With unpleasant smell. In this condition, the animal experiences suffering. Often refusal to eat, weight loss, lethargy, decrease or increase in body temperature.


- general clinical blood and urine tests,
- (for the diagnosis of chronic concomitant pathology),
- mammary glands,
- chest and abdominal cavity.
To determine the tumor classification, a biopsy of the breast material with histological examination is required.

The main type of treatment for a tumor process is surgical method. The extent of the operation (called mastectomy - removal of the breast) depends on the stage and grade of cancer, the size and location of the tumor, the presence of ulceration, the presence of metastases and the involvement of lymph nodes.
After surgical treatment Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal and immunotherapy may be required to prevent relapses and metastases.

On late stages Cancer treatment, unfortunately, is impossible. In such cases, you can only make the animal’s life easier by carrying out antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic therapy.

The prognosis of tumors depends on many factors, such as histological type, the presence of metastases, enlarged lymph nodes, tumor size, tumor growth rate, age of the animal, and the presence of concomitant pathology.
One of preventive measures mammary gland cancer is in females after the first estrus cycle (estrus), annual preventive examinations and.

In modern practice, veterinarians are increasingly encountering oncological diseases small pets. Diseases of a tumor nature are most common in animals over 7 years of age. Among tumor diseases the most common tumors are breast, bone, skin, internal organs, although tumor development is possible in any tissue and from any organ. The exact causes of tumor development have not been identified, but this moment The main theory is the genetic origin of tumors. Besides big influence influence the development of tumors viral infections, physical ( different kinds radiation) and chemical factors(exposure to carcinogenic substances), hormonal disorders.

When a neoplasm is detected in an animal veterinarian conducts comprehensive examination patient:

To determine the extent of the process (presence of metastases of the primary tumor in lymph nodes and other organs) and general state body. The main type of diagnosis in veterinary oncology is histological examination - examination of the tumor site at the cellular level. Based on the results of this analysis, it is possible to determine whether the tumor is benign or malignant, from which tissues it originates, and based on these indicators, the prognosis of the disease can be determined. Histological examination requires a significant amount of material, which can only be obtained during surgery. An alternative to histology is cytological examination. This analysis is less indicative, since it shows only what cells the tumor consists of, but its reliability does not exceed 50-70%. Plus cytological examination is that it does not require surgical intervention, and the analysis is taken from the surface of the tumor or through a small puncture.

For treatment in veterinary practice two main methods are used:

1. Chemotherapy is the introduction into the body of animals medicines, stopping the growth of pathologically multiplying cells. To carry out chemotherapy, regular examination of the patient’s condition is mandatory, since many chemotherapy drugs cause complications. As a rule, these complications are not life-threatening timely diagnosis and treatment.

2. Surgical treatment - consists of removing the tumor and is the main method of treatment. Unfortunately, despite modern advances in oncology, our patients die in most cases within 2 months to 3 years. Most common reasons This means that owners refuse treatment and turn to a specialist in the later stages of the disease, when any treatment is no longer possible. Nevertheless, cancer in animals can and should be treated, because timely diagnosis and treatment therapeutic measures prolongs the joy of communicating with your pet, often for a long time.

Question answer

Good day. In your clinic, a dog (Labrador) underwent ACL surgery using the TPLO method. 04/16/2019 will be a month. There will be a similar one on the second paw. But there is a desire to sterilize the dog endoscopic method As soon as possible. We need to come to you on May 16, 2019 for a follow-up appointment and x-ray. Is it possible to have a dog sterilized on the same day? Or is it early? And all these manipulations can harm speedy recovery dogs (taking into account the fact of the frequency of use of anesthesia, etc. medical supplies), as well as a recovery course for the development of the operated paw. Thank you! Irina

Question: Is it possible to do TPLO surgery and sterilization at the same time?

Hello! Yes, everything can be done at the same time. This does not affect the recovery process in any way.

Hello! The dog had acute renal failure after anesthesia 2 years ago. For two years now, the tests have been normal. The dog is now 8 years old. After each heat, she has severe cramps. The dog has not given birth. Can she be sterilized? What anesthesia is best to use? Now I'm very afraid of anesthesia. Tatiana

Question: is it possible to sterilize a dog if there was acute renal failure after anesthesia?

Hello! Sterilization is indicated. Risks taking into account normal tests no more than in other planned patients. Propofol anesthesia is used.