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Viburnum ordinary Latin name. Biologically active substances of viburnum. Description of viburnum red

Viburnum ordinary

Name: Viburnum ordinary. In autumn, the berries turn red, become as if red-hot, hence the name - viburnum.

Latin name: Viburnum opulus L.

Family: Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae)

Kinds: Honeysuckle family - usually shrubs, rarely trees or herbaceous plants. The leaves are opposite. Flowers cleft-petaled, 5-dimensional, ovary inferior; the calyx fuses with the ovary, forming teeth or limb at the top. Corolla regular or two-lipped (Lonicera), stamens 5 (4). The fruit is a juicy berry or plant with 1-5 seeds or seeds, less often the fruit is dry.
The family contains several genera; medicinal value have viburnum - Viburnum and elderberry - Sambucus.
Plants contain various glycosides.

Lifespan: Perennial.

plant type: Shrub or tree.

Trunk (stem): The bark is greenish-gray, the branches are bare.

Height: Up to 5 meters.

Leaves: The leaves are three-lobed, serrated along the edge, bright yellow or purple in autumn.

Flowers, inflorescences: Flowers white or pink-white, fragrant, in umbellate panicles.

flowering time: Blooms in May-June.

Fruit: The fruit is a bright red drupe.

ripening time: Ripens in September.

Smells and tastes: After the first frosts, the taste of fruits changes - bitterness and acid disappear, and they become edible.

collection time: The bark is harvested in early spring (April), during the period of sap flow, the fruits are harvested in September-October.

Features of collection, drying and storage: The bark is harvested in the spring before the leaves bloom: on young branches at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, make ring cuts, connect them with two longitudinal cuts, remove the bark with two tubes, dry without inserting the tubes into each other, in the sun or in a well-ventilated room. Drying is stopped when the bark becomes brittle. The yield of dry bark is 38-40%. Shelf life - 4 years.
The fruits are harvested in September-October, when they are fully ripe. Dry them in the shade on the street or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C. Dry fruits are threshed, sorted, separating twigs and stalks.
The flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, freed from twigs and pedicels, quickly dried in the shade and stored in paper-lined boxes.

plant history: This is a popular berry plant. She was always seen as a symbol of girlish beauty and tenderness, glorified in songs and legends. Since ancient times, the wedge has been considered a symbol of beauty, virginity, love and joy, a tree of life, youth, fun and health.
It is no coincidence that in the old days they put a bouquet of blooming viburnum on the wedding table in front of the bride and groom as a symbol of love, beauty and great trust in each other. Kalina was even called the wedding tree. At weddings there were always bouquets of viburnum branches.
In the old days, viburnum was credited with the miraculous possibilities of a love spell for a loved one - you just need to decorate your head with a wreath with its flowers. Village girls washed themselves with viburnum juice, believing that they would become more beautiful.

Spreading: In Russia, common viburnum is found throughout the European part, except for the Far North, in Western and Eastern Siberia. Kalina is common throughout Ukraine and the Crimea.

habitats: Grows in damp deciduous forests, mostly along edges, clearings, clearings and meadows overgrown with shrubs, found in mountains. Grow viburnum in gardens and parks.

Culinary use: Berries are consumed in fresh. Kissels, compotes, jelly, marmalade are prepared from them. It is used as a filling for pies and sweets, drinks, liqueurs, sauces are prepared, canned and frozen. From dried berries or seeds, a coffee surrogate is made, which is able to regulate the digestion process. Juice is used to color some foods.
For a long time, stewed viburnum porridge has been a favorite peasant food. And there was also a proverb: "Kalina boasted that she was good with honey." But even without honey, viburnum is good. Especially after frost. fragrant, delicious berry! Kalinnik pies have been baked in central Russia since time immemorial. The mashed viburnum fruits were placed between cabbage leaves and baked. This pie looked like a black cake and was very fragrant.

Use in cosmetics: In dermatology and cosmetics, fresh fruit juice is a good remedy against acne, various rashes and age spots on the face, for the treatment of wounds and eczema.

Signs, proverbs, legends: There are many legends about viburnum. One of them tells about how village girls lured enemies into the thicket in order to save loved ones and relatives from inevitable death. The girls died. And where their blood was shed, viburnum bushes with red berries grew.

Puzzles: In haymaking - bitter, and in frost - sweet, what kind of berry is this?

medicinal parts: WITH therapeutic purpose bark, flowers and fruits are used.

Useful content: The bark contains glycosides, tannins, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamins C and K. The fruits are rich in pectins, organic acids, tannins, carotene and vitamins C and P. The seeds contain up to 21% fatty oils.
Remember, there is more vitamin C in viburnum than in citrus fruits!

Actions: Herbal preparations of viburnum have a hemostatic and weak diuretic effect, have astringent and soothing properties, increase the tone of the uterine muscles, increase the duration of action sleeping pills.

Bark used to prevent involuntary abortion when planning a pregnancy. A decoction of the bark is used to wash the vagina with painful uterine bleeding and leucorrhoea in women.

viburnum fruits (fresh, pureed with sugar, processed into jam, juice, etc.) are used for nervous excitement, hypertension, atherosclerosis and vasospasm.

Fruits of viburnum boiled with honey eaten for coughs, hoarseness, shortness of breath, liver disease, jaundice, and diarrhea.
Juice from viburnum fruits with honey is used in traditional medicine for treatment breast cancer, for the prevention of stomach cancer with gastritis with low acidity. It is believed that the systematic use of viburnum fruits improves the well-being of patients with malignant tumors.

An infusion of viburnum fruits is drunk as a remedy for boils, carbuncles, eczema, various rashes, and also as a vitamin, tonic, diaphoretic and laxative.

Infusion of flowers in folk medicine is used for coughs, colds, shortness of breath, sclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis and stomach diseases. They wash their wounds and gargle with sore throat.


Dosage forms:

Liquid viburnum extract . 1 part viburnum fruit, 1 part 50% alcohol. Drink 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

bark decoction . 10 grams or 1 tablespoon of bark per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals.

Infusion of fruits . 10 grams or 2 tablespoons of fruit per 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

Decoction for douching . 50 grams of bark per 1 liter of boiling water.

Infusion external . 1 teaspoon of flowers per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Use for washes and rinses.

Healing recipes:

Raw mashed fruits take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals for stomach ulcers, colitis and constipation.

Red viburnum (Vibúrnum ópulus) is a deciduous shrub of the Kalina genus.

Kalina red description

Viburnum red (common) is a plant widely known and widespread in the wild throughout the forest zone of Russia. Most often it grows in the form of a small spreading tree or a large bush 3-4 meters high, it can also be found in the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests, along the banks of rivers and reservoirs.

Kalina red (common) is a fast-growing melliferous shrub. The annual growth reaches 40-80 centimeters. Lives up to 50 years. It blooms from late May to mid-June, the fruits ripen in August-September and hang on trees until the first frost. Interesting inflorescences of viburnum red. At first glance, it seems that in most of the flowers in the inflorescence, the petals have already fallen off, or have not blossomed. But these are real flowers that can produce berries. And the beautiful, large white ones - located around the inflorescence - are barren. They only attract insects. The flowers are collected in flat, round, umbellate inflorescences, reaching a diameter of 5-10 centimeters.

The fruits of viburnum resemble bright red berries, spherical or oval in shape. Inside they have one flat seed, the flesh is yellowish and bitter in taste. In the inflorescence there are about a hundred fruits weighing 70-80 grams. The yield of a selected bush of viburnum red can reach 25-30 kilograms.

Viburnum red (common) frost-resistant plant, loves well-lit places and moisture-loving. Requires fertile soil for planting. Red viburnum leaves are strongly affected by aphids, which can lead to their destruction. That's why Special attention should be given to insect control.

Kalina red useful medicinal properties

The fruits of red viburnum contain up to 32 percent invert sugar, 2 percent acids, up to three percent tannins, ascorbic acid. The bitter taste of the berries is due to the glycoside viburnin, which has therapeutic effect. Obviously, therefore, selected forms of red viburnum with sweet fruits have a lesser therapeutic effect.

The bark of red viburnum contains up to 6 percent resins, they include various organic acids, tannins, flavonoids, vitamins C and K.

Preparations from viburnum red lower blood pressure, accelerate wound healing and have a hemostatic effect, improve heart function, have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Kalina red application

In medicine, the fruits and bark of red viburnum are used. The fruits of red viburnum are used in medical practice as a palpitation soothing agent, tonic, vitamin and light diuretic. They are included in the vitamin collection. Harvested after frost, the fruits are used for treatment initial stage hypertension and cough. Extract and decoction of the bark of red viburnum is used for internal bleeding, and also as an antispasmodic and sedative in gynecology.

Especially useful viburnum juice, it normalizes blood pressure, has beneficial effect with stomach ulcers, coughs, diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Viburnum fruits are widely used in home cooking. The fruits are preserved, juices and kissels, jams, jelly, marmalades, pie fillings, fruit drinks are prepared.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum red

The use of viburnum red is contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting and prone to blood clots. Its use is contraindicated in hypotensive patients - people with low blood pressure. Contraindicated for use with hyperacidity gastric juice. It should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Before use, a consultation with a doctor is necessary !!!

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Viburnum ordinary: description and characteristics

In the wild, viburnum is found not only in Europe, but also in Asia. This representative of the honeysuckle family can grow near streams, on the banks of rivers, near swamps, in clearings, forest edges. As a culture, it is planted in park areas, squares and gardens. Depending on the variety and conditions of detention, viburnum can turn into a lush multi-stemmed one and a half meter bush or a large tree, sometimes up to four meters high. In the bush form or tree, you can count about 15 thick powerful skeletal branches, the bark of which is light gray. The leaves are dark green, large-toothed, simple (three- or five-lobed). Their lower part is lighter, with a slight pubescence. Thin stipules are visible on petioles. Flowering viburnum ordinary falls on May-June. Then it is especially good: the whole bush or tree is covered with caps of delicate white flowers, located in large corymbose inflorescences. The inflorescence in diameter reaches 15 centimeters. Small inconspicuous flowers are placed in the center, it is from them that berries will form after pollination. And along the edge of the inflorescence there are large white (or slightly pinkish) flowers, they are sterile (asexual) and are needed only for beauty and to attract various pollinating insects. Flowers on Viburnum vulgaris last for 15 days. In autumn, viburnum is also noticeable from afar, it has an outfit of reddish, purple, yellowish foliage and a lot of bright weighty tassels with red berries. Hence another popular name among the people - red viburnum. In order for the viburnum to produce many fruits every year (one or two large buckets each), one more bush is definitely needed near it, since the plant is cross-pollinated. The fruits are juicy, bright red drupes, their shape is spherical (rarely oval), diameter is from 7 to 12 millimeters. Inside is a large bone that looks like a flat heart. There is a characteristic specific smell. The pulp tastes sour-bitter after ripening berries. If clusters with berries are left on the bush until frost, then the bitterness will decrease. In the fruits of viburnum vulgaris found:

  • organic acids (eg isovaleric, malic);
  • fructose, glucose, xylose, mannose;
  • pectin compounds;
  • tannins;
  • P-active compounds;
  • steroids, viburnin;
  • dyes;
  • carotene, vitamin C;
  • calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, iodine, iron.

It is advisable to collect the fruits not immediately when they turn red in September, but after frosts, in dry weather, with whole brushes (together with the stalks). Then they can be processed (juice, jelly, marshmallow, pie filling, jam, jelly, tincture, liqueur), dried in a dryer or frozen in a freezer, put into bags.

When will the fruits of the common viburnum come in handy?

  1. With coughing, colds and hoarse voice.
  2. With gastritis (namely with low acidity) and polyps in the stomach.
  3. With neurosis and hypertension.
  4. With eczema and diathesis eruptions.
  5. With oncological diseases.

In medicine, not only berries are used, but also bark, seeds. They contain tannins, saponins, sitosterol, myricyl alcohol, vitamin K, flavonoids, coumarins, and most importantly, viburnin glycoside. The bark has good hemostatic and antispasmodic properties.

The root system of the red viburnum is highly branched, powerful. A bush or tree grows quickly, endowed with a high shoot-forming ability. Already in the third year of life, the first fruits appear. In one place, viburnum can bear fruit well up to 25 years.

About varieties of viburnum ordinary

Some gardeners bring wild viburnum to their site, and then take good care of it. Then, after a few years, such a viburnum gives rich harvests (up to 20 kilograms per tree). And you can buy good varieties of common viburnum in the nursery:

  1. "Zholobovskaya" is a small shrub that in the fall gives 7 kilograms of dark red, oval berries. Their taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, the bitterness is not so pronounced. Another plus is resistance to various pests and diseases.
  2. "Vigorovskaya" is a beautiful shrub, reaching a height of three meters in a few years. The weight of red spherical berries is from one to one and a half grams. Their taste can be described as bitter-sour.
  3. "Zarnitsa" - especially beautiful in autumn, when the foliage becomes golden crimson. The fruitlets are ellipsoid-pointed, their color is light red, the taste is also bitter-sour, it improves after frost.
  4. "Salairskaya" - low bushes, in which young leaves have anthocyanin color. Red berries are endowed with good taste, bitterness is weak.
  5. Souzga is a compact shrub with many large leaves. Berries ripen late. At first they are pink, with the presence of strokes and specks of dark red. A sign that the berries have reached full maturity is a change in their color to crimson red. But the taste of these small fruits is bitter, they are usually allowed for processing. This variety definitely needs moist soil.
  6. "Red Bunch" - grows as a small tree or bush of medium size, gives little fruit (up to 4 kilograms). They are rounded, bright red, weighing within one gram. If the berries are ripe, then they are sweet and sour, the bitterness is barely caught.
  7. "Taiga rubies" - grows up to four meters (like a tree or a large bush). Its leaves are strongly pubescent on the underside. By autumn, it “changes clothes” into bright purple “clothes”. Ripe fruits are small, dark red, have a sweet-sour, spicy taste. But there is a drawback - this variety is very popular with leaf-eating pests.
  8. "Shukshinskaya" - it turns out a vigorous bush, the shoots of which are thick, drooping. In autumn, the leaves turn bright red, clusters with crimson-red berries hang on the bush, ripening in September (second half). The bitterness is barely noticeable. Pros: Shows resistance to frost, frost, diseases and pests.
  9. "Ulgen" - grows in the form of a tall tree (up to four or more meters). After ripening, small berries acquire a rich red color, bitterness in them is only slightly noticeable. Every year from such a tree you can collect from 9 to 11 kilograms. It really needs moisture, shows resistance to harmful insects and diseases.

If you don’t like bitter viburnum berries, then grow varieties that breeders call sweet-fruited: Red Coral, Maria, Early Michurinskaya, Taiga Rubies, Ryabinushka, Pomegranate Bracelet, Sunset, Red bunch".

There is another spectacular form of common viburnum called "Xanthocarpum". It does not form red berries, but yellow ones. By autumn green leaves of this low sprawling bush become golden.

There is a very attractive decorative form of common viburnum - "Buldenezh". It was brought out by a breeder from France Lemoine, giving the name, which is spelled “Boulle de Neige. Which can be translated as "snowball". But the thing is that when the time for flowering comes (and this is June), the whole plant is strewn with white openwork inflorescences, similar to large (15 centimeters in diameter) balls of snow. And all this against the backdrop of bright green foliage. The flowers are large, only sterile, so this viburnum does not have fruits. At first, the color of the flowers is greenish, then it becomes snow-white. And by the end of the flowering period (after about 20 days), it becomes with a pinkish tint. Therefore, another name for the variety is Roseum. The height of this lush bush, forming a spreading crown, is about three meters. In summer, the three- or five-lobed leaves are green in color, and by autumn it changes to orange-red. Reproduction of this variety is carried out by cuttings or layering.

Viburnum ordinary "Roseum" looks good in parks, as well as against the backdrop of multi-storey buildings, fences. If you wish, you can create a whole composition by planting Japanese spirea, holly mahonia, lilac, golden vesicle, tree hydrangea, mountain ash, linden next to this decorative viburnum.

The following varieties are less common: "Compactum" (does not grow more than 150 centimeters), "Variegatum" (the bush has variegated leaves), "Nanum" (a low bush, whose "growth" is 60 centimeters).

About the reproduction of viburnum vulgaris

Wild-growing viburnum is usually spread by birds, spreading its seeds over different distances. In addition to this method, there are also vegetative ones:

  • root suckers;
  • vaccinations;
  • cuttings (both green and lignified);
  • layering;
  • overgrowth on stumps.

Much less often, red viburnum is propagated by dividing the bush.

Seeds can be sown either in autumn or spring. If you want to sow them in the spring, then stratification is required (keep them at a temperature of +3 to +5 ° C for some time, for example, in the refrigerator). Fill the containers with substrate in April (sand and peat in equal proportions). Then place the stratified seeds into it to a depth of about three centimeters. In the future, seedlings need weeding, watering, loosening the substrate, top dressing.

Steps for propagation by horizontal layering:

  • select a few young branches and cut them "to the stump";
  • shorten the annual shoots that have grown by next spring and lay them in grooves (their depth is 6 centimeters), pinning there;
  • when the shoots from the awakened buds grow 15 centimeters high, fill the grooves with fertile soil so that only the tops of the young shoots remain;
  • over the summer, spend two or three more hillings to grow the root system;
  • in autumn, the branch can be separated from the bush, and then the rooted shoots can be separated.

Green cuttings should be cut in June so that they have 3 internodes, 10 centimeters long. Leaves should be cut in half. Rooting is carried out in mini-greenhouses, in a substrate consisting of peat and river sand. The stalk is buried in this soil by 3 centimeters. Every day, spend 3 watering cuttings, then after 14 days the first roots will already grow.

Cutting lignified cuttings should be done with the onset of spring. Their length is about 20 centimeters. Then they must be put in a bag and sent to the refrigerator. When April comes, treat the lower parts of the cuttings with root formation stimulants ("Heteroauxin" or "Kornevin"). In solution, they should stand for a day. After washing, such cuttings are sent to the soil (rich nutrients and loose), placing at an angle. The soil must be kept moist.

Less often, viburnum is propagated by root growth, which is formed very abundantly. When its height is 20 centimeters, carry out three hillings for summer season to form more roots. Then in the fall (and possibly in the spring of next year), separate the shoots and transplant to the right place.

Planting viburnum vulgaris

The bush can be placed near the gate, bench or gazebo in the garden. You can use several viburnum bushes when forming a hedge on the site. Viburnum is also suitable for a front garden near a high-rise building. The bush will also grow on poor soils, but it will show itself better on moist fertile loams, black soil. It is advisable to give viburnum a bright place, but she will not be offended by partial shade. Usually planting is done in the fall, but it can also be done in the spring, you just need to have time before the buds swell on the shoots. So, dig a hole (on average 50 cm deep and 60 cm wide). Pour river sand (half of a large bucket) and compost (you can rotted manure) to the bottom, its amount is a whole bucket, ash (300 grams). Mix everything. If the soils are infertile, then apply fertilizer (for example, Nitrophoska). Place the roots of the seedling in the hole so that the root collar is flush with the ground. It is allowed to deepen the neck, but not more than four centimeters. Then carefully tamp the place near the seedling and pour generously with water. AND final stage- Mulching, which will help retain moisture in the ground. Yes, and weeds will be much less. A number of experts recommend shortening the shoots. But you can not do this.

There will be no special troubles with viburnum. In dry times, it should be watered more often abundantly, and if it rains periodically in summer, then the soil will be moistened even without your efforts. Sometimes weeding and loosening are carried out, and in the fall, digging of the trunk circle, mulching with compost (in the amount of one bucket) is obligatory. Approximately once every three years in the fall, add four kilograms of compost, superphosphate (50 grams), potassium salt (30 grams), lime (200 grams) under a bush under a bush. The yield will increase if you feed the viburnum bush with ammonium nitrate (30 grams) in the spring. In June, irrigate by adding to the water mineral complex. To make a good bush, six or seven branches must be laid in it when forming different ages. Inspect the bush every year, remove damaged, frail, old branches, as well as those that grow incorrectly and thicken the central part of the bush.

And now we will list the possible pests of viburnum vulgaris:

  • aphids - viburnum and honeysuckle (insects stick around the underside of leaf plates, suck juice from them, stick around shoots, weakening the plant);
  • viburnum leaf beetle (eats all the flesh of the leaf, leaving only the veins);
  • sawflies (feed on the juicy pulp of the leaves, penetrate the shoots, causing them to dry out);
  • viburnum flower beetles (their caterpillars gnaw on buds and flowers, so there are few full-fledged berries);
  • caterpillars of rose and viburnum leaf rollers (nibble the edges of the leaves, then twist them into a “roll” and wrap them in cobwebs);
  • green moth lobed (gnaws out flower ovaries);
  • lilac hawk moth (its caterpillars also spoil the edges of the leaves).

It is better to approach pest control in a comprehensive manner, using both folk methods (infusions hot pepper, garlic, celandine herbs, onion husks, yarrow herbs), the biological product "Bitoxibacillin", and chemical preparations. In the spring (before the leaves unroll), experts recommend spraying along the green cone in order to destroy the wintering phases of harmful insects. Then carry out two more treatments before flowering, using "Karbofos", "Chlorophos" and "Copper Chloride". Instead of these funds, you can do Inta-vir treatments. After flowering, chemicals are no longer used.

Against aphid colonies, try spraying with this solution:

  • water - 10 liters;
  • tobacco - 50 grams;
  • grated laundry soap - 50 grams.

Leaf beetles usually lay eggs on the tops of shoots. Therefore, it is recommended that with the advent of spring, cut off all the tops of the branches and burn them. The method is simple, does not harm the plant, allows you to reduce the damage caused by leaf beetles.

Viburnum rarely gets sick, powdery mildew or spotting can harm it. To prevent the development of powdery mildew in early spring, when the buds on viburnum have not yet swollen, spray it with copper sulfate (it is enough to take 150 grams of this powder for 5 liters of water). In the future, several treatments are made for a bush or tree with colloidal sulfur.

Ripe fruits in early varieties can be harvested in September, in late ones - in October. Simply cut each bunch at the base with scissors and place whole bunches in a bucket. You can leave the viburnum brushes in the garden on the table for several days, covering them with a net (so that the birds do not peck). Then the berries will be slightly frozen, their taste will improve significantly. We offer a simple recipe for delicious and healthy jelly. Pass clean fruits twice through a juicer. Pour 800 grams of sugar into a liter of the resulting juice. Stir the composition patiently so that all the sugar dissolves. Fill small sterile jars with this jelly, seal and place on a shelf in the refrigerator.

Viburnum ordinary, photo

Description of common viburnum

The bark of this plant is characterized by a grayish-brown color and longitudinal cracks. The minimum height of a shrub is 1.5 m, the maximum height is 4 m. The life expectancy of viburnum can reach 50 years or more. The opposite petiolate leaves are 5-10 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. The shape is round and ovoid. The leaves are dark green above and grayish green below. In autumn, the color can be red-orange and purple. The leaves have a more or less dense velvety surface. Furrowed one- or two-centimeter petioles are characterized by the presence of two stipules at the base.

Bare or ribbed rounded shoots with large lenticels are characterized by a grayish-white, yellow-brown and red color. The hexagonal core has a white tint with an admixture of red. The reddish-green ovoid buds have two fused, hairless, slightly shiny and sticky scales. They are red-brown on top, and gray or greenish at the base. On the fruit shoots there are two pseudo-terminal buds, and on the barren shoots - one.

Heteromorphic flowers are collected in umbellate ray panicles in the amount of 6-8 pieces. Their diameter ranges from 5 to 8 cm. Parts of the inflorescence located on the tops of young branches are either with very small scattered glands or bare. Five stamens have yellow anthers. The pistil is characterized by a lower three-celled ovary of a cylindrical shape, a three-parted stigma and a conical style. The flowering period begins at the end of May and usually lasts one and a half to two weeks.


Bright red viburnum berries have a spherical or oval shape with a diameter of 8-10 mm. A flattened large bone (7-9 mm) has an uneven surface and a sharp point at the top. 1,000 seeds weigh 20-30 g. They can be stored for a year.

The taste of the juicy fruits of viburnum vulgaris is characterized by viscosity and slight bitterness, which disappears after the first winter. Berries ripen in August and September.

Range and methods of reproduction

Despite the fact that viburnum copes well with waterlogging, frosty and dry weather, it can most often be found in countries of Asia and Europe, characterized by a temperate climate. It is a common plant in the Caucasus, Crimea, Kazakhstan, North Africa, Eastern and Western Siberia. In the steppe area, it mainly concentrates near rivers, in forest areas it prefers moist soil of edges, glades and clearings. Viburnum is seen in spruce, fir, pine, oak, hornbeam, black alder, birch and aspen undergrowth. In the northern and forest-steppe zones, shrubs form floodplain thickets.

Viburnum vulgaris is an insect pollinated plant. They are attracted to barren marginal flowers. The function of pollination is performed mainly by beetles, Hymenoptera and Diptera. Also, the plant reproduces with the help of fruits that are carried by birds, seeds, root offspring and layering.

Bone processing

Before planting, the seeds of viburnum vulgaris must be subjected to a two-stage stratification. First, the bones should be kept indoors for 18 hours at a temperature of 20 ° C, then 6 hours at 30 ° C. At this stage, the embryo develops and the root system germinates. During the second step, the seeds are exposed to a temperature of 5-10 °C for 2-4 months, during which a shoot is formed and the dormancy of the epicotyl is eliminated.


Viburnum vulgaris is a rich source of medicinal. Its bark contains carbohydrates and a large number of related compounds: pectin, myricyl alcohol, cellulose, flobafen, resin and phytosterol. The essential oil contains formic, caproic, acetic, valeric, caprylic, linolenic and phenolcarboxylic acids; saponins, iridoids, alkaloids, coumarins, vitamin C, triterpenoids, glycoside, viburnin, flavonoids, leucoanthocyanins and anthraquinones. The woody composition of viburnum vulgaris includes tannins.

The fruits of the plant contain carbohydrates, namely glucose, polysaccharides, fructose, xylose, mannose, rhamnose, sucrose, galactose and arabinose. The berries also contain acetic, isovaleric and derivatives of phenol carboxylic acids, pectins, triterpenoids, steroids, carotene, vitamin C, tannins, sambucin, catechins, flavonoids and a large amount of potassium salts.

Viburnum roots are rich in triterpenoids, essential oils, vitamin K and C. The branches contain tannins and salicin. The composition includes peonozid, kaempferol, astragalin and other flavonoids. The leaves contain saponins, phenols, viopuridal, iridoids, vitamin C, steroids, alkaloids, coumarins and anthocyanins. They also include phenolcarboxylic and higher fatty acids (coffee, chlorogenic and neochlorogenic, oleic, linolenic, behenic, myristic, stearic, arachidic, cerotinic and others).

Pharmacological properties

Viburnum vulgaris, namely its bark, is widely used in practical medicine. In the form of an extract and decoction, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, menopause, hemorrhoids and algomenorrhea. An infusion of the bark has a sedative effect in epilepsy, essential hypertension, hysteria and neuroses. Externally used for periodontal disease and herpes. Acute and catarrhal rhinitis and tracheobronchitis are treated with bark remedies in the form of inhalations, irrigations and drops.

Infusion and fresh viburnum berries are used in practical medicine as a vitamin, laxative and diaphoretic. The extract from the fruit produces a wound-healing effect. The use of the collection enhances myocardial contraction. In veterinary medicine, a decoction of the bark is used as a means of improving digestion. An infusion of the flowers cures foot-and-mouth disease in large horned animals.

Preparation of raw materials

Medicinal properties are contained in the berries and bark of the common viburnum. The latter should be collected from cut plants before bud break and during sap flow, that is, in early spring. Pieces of bark must be dried, crushed and dried in the open air or under the influence of high temperatures, namely 50-60 ° C. If the raw material breaks easily, then the preparation process has been successfully completed.

The berries fully ripen in September and October. The collected drupes must be withered and dried to a solid state at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. At the end of the process, the stalks are separated. Flowers and leaves of viburnum are also considered medicinal. They are collected and harvested in late spring and early summer. Suitable for drying flowers and leaves heat air (about 50 °C), and a well-ventilated place. The finished raw material is well preserved in a cotton bag.

Use in traditional medicine

Residents of many countries have long believed in the healing properties of common viburnum (in Latin, the plant is called Viburnum opulus). A decoction of the bark was used for neurosis, epilepsy, respiratory and female diseases, cardiac and renal edema. An infusion of the leaves is used for sore throats. A decoction of the branches helps with hemorrhoids, respiratory infections, scrofula, sore throats, and also externally with conjunctivitis. The inhabitants of China used the fruits and leaves of viburnum as a laxative and emetic.

The infusion and decoction of the flowers of the plant have a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic and astringent effect. It is also used externally for washing wounds and as a fight against skin tuberculosis and sore throats. Infusion of berries has a hypotensive, choleretic, sedative, restorative and anti-inflammatory effect in convulsions, insomnia, hysteria, eczema, boils, carbuncles and stomach ulcers. A decoction of seeds helps with dyspepsia. Berry juice was used to treat bronchial asthma, headache, carcinoma and skin cancer.

Kalina and cooking

Berries have a special aromatic bouquet. The first frost relieves them of bitterness. From the fruits of viburnum, tasty and healthy juices, jelly, extracts, wines, tinctures and liqueurs, which have a peculiar sour taste.

Berries are suitable for cooking meat seasonings and pie fillings. The fruits contain a large amount of pectins, due to which natural marmalade is obtained from them. Many convert berry juice into vinegar. The seeds of the plant have a tonic effect, so they are often replaced with caffeine.

Red viburnum in garden decor

Beautiful flowering shrubs are often grown in parks and gardens. Especially popular are the cultivated ornamental varieties, which differ from each other in height, color, leaf shape, intensity and duration of flowering. Viburnum is able to withstand prolonged frosts (−35 ° C or more). Smoke and industrial gas practically does not affect the vital activity of the plant.


This ornamental variety of common viburnum is used as a solitary profusely flowering shrub near buildings and hedges. The height of an adult plant is approximately 4 m. The shape of the crown is rounded. During the year, viburnum increases by 30-70 cm. In autumn, the light green color of the leaves is replaced by yellow-red. Snow-white flowers form a large number of large spherical caps that cover the entire bush.

Grows well in moist, nutrient-rich soil. Able to tolerate short-term waterlogging of the soil. It is useful to carry out anti-aging pruning. The plant has an average resistance to pests and diseases. It blooms equally abundantly and for a long time both in sunny places and in partial shade. The shrub has a fairly high frost resistance. For example, in the field of the Vnukovo nursery, viburnum survived harsh winters without any damage.


This ornamental shrub is a small (about 1.5 m), but dense plant with light green leaves and a wide rounded crown. Creamy white flowers. In August and September, the viburnum bears fruit with numerous light red drupes that form clusters. Berries, the diameter of which is not more than 1 cm, can remain on the shrub for a long time.

young common viburnum"compactum" grows slowly, but over the years the process is greatly accelerated. The bush begins to bloom about five years after planting in May and June. The plant prefers slightly acidic or strongly alkaline fresh fertile soil. In general, the shrub is unpretentious in care. It tolerates shaping pruning in the spring. Constantly in need of fresh air because it protects the plant from aphids.

As for fertilizer, the introduction of organic-mineral substances always benefits viburnum. Decorative variety "compactum" is grown singly or in groups to create mixborders, hedges and other landscape compositions. It has high frost resistance. One of the main features of the viburnum of this species is flowering and fertility at a young age. The drupes remain on the plant throughout the winter, while retaining their color. These properties are very useful for many birds.

Fruit selections

A bush of the “taiga ruby” variety with an oval crown has a height of no more than 3.5 m. The mass of spherical dark cherry fruits is 0.5 g. The taste of berries is characterized by a slight sweetness and pleasant bitterness. More than 9 kg of drupes can be collected from a bush during the fruitful season. Delicious sweet and sour berries weighing 0.74 g, which can be consumed fresh, grow on the viburnum of the "red bunch" variety. The average yield of a bush is 4 kg.

The fruits of the Zarnitsa variety have a bitter and sour taste. Ripe light red drupes are characterized by an ellipsoidal-pointed shape. yield medium size shrub does not exceed 5 kg. The weight of the berry is 0.7 g. The "red coral" variety differs from other viburnum selections in its high yield. The total weight of fragrant berries on one shrub often exceeds 10 kg.

On the viburnum variety "pomegranate bracelet" grow maroon oval fruits with a rather dense skin. The weight of one berry usually exceeds 1 g. Slightly bitter pleasant fruits can be eaten fresh. Distinctive feature"garnet bracelet" is considered to be highly resistant to aphids. From one bush you can collect about 15 kg of berries.

Viburnum vulgaris is a shrub, less often a tree, with a grayish-brown bark, 1.5-4 meters high, from the honeysuckle family. The leaves are opposite, broadly ovate or round, three-five-lobed, slightly wrinkled, the lobes are unevenly toothed, the petioles are stellate, 4-5 times shorter than the blades. The flowers are five-petalled, white or white-pink, collected in corymbose semi-umbels. The fruits are an oval or spherical red drupe with a large flattened stone. Juicy, but have a bitter astringent taste, after the first frost the bitterness disappears or becomes less. Blooms in May-July. The fruits ripen in August-September. Most common in temperate Europe and Asia. In the steppe regions, it usually grows in the mouths of rivers, in the forest zone it prefers moist soils, it is found both on the banks of reservoirs and in forest clearings, edges, and clearings. It is also found in the mountain forests of the Caucasus and Crimea. Kalina is undemanding to conditions, easily tolerates drought and frost.

It has long been known about the healing and nutritional value of common viburnum. In folk medicine, viburnum fruits were used for medicinal purposes. Fresh viburnum fruits weaken, relieve headaches. An infusion of viburnum berries is used in the treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum for pain in the region of the heart. Viburnum berries are useful for metabolic disorders, including diabetes. In folk medicine, flowers, fruits, bark and stems of viburnum are used.

In terms of its usefulness, common viburnum is superior to raspberries. In the fruits of viburnum, vitamin C is 2 times more than in raspberries, and in terms of iron content, it exceeds raspberries by 1.5 times. There is about as much iron in viburnum as in rose hips, blueberries, and stone berries. The content of vitamin C and provitamin A is higher in viburnum than in citrus fruits. The content of iron in it is 10 times, phosphorus is 4-6 times higher than in tangerines, oranges, lemons. The fruits of viburnum are used in official medicine to improve cardiac activity, they have a vasodilating effect, a tonic and diuretic effect. Hemostatic preparations are obtained from the bark of viburnum. An infusion of viburnum flowers is used for coughing and hoarseness, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, as well as for cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

After the first frost, the bitter taste of viburnum softens to a large extent, so it is hung in whole bunches in attics and verandas until it freezes. A wide range of applications of viburnum in nutrition is juice with honey (for 1 kg of berries - 200 g of water, honey to taste), various sauces and seasonings. During the viburnum ripening season, you can prepare juice, preserve it with honey (such preparations are stored in the refrigerator). It is enough to eat only 1 tbsp daily. viburnum berries to normalize metabolism, satisfy the body's need for vitamin C. It is advisable to stock up on viburnum for the winter: freeze 1-2 kg in the freezer and gradually use it starting in early spring.

But remember that viburnum, although a healer, however, be careful with it with increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, during pregnancy, and because of the high content of purines, it is contraindicated in gout and kidney disease.

Tree and fruit of common viburnum (Viburnum opulus). Another species: V. Lantana, black viburnum, proud, proud, proud. Viburnum ordinary in the color of the berries generally appears necessarily with red clusters. Among its species there are also chokeberries, for example: viburnum pride, viburnum Burenskaya, or Buryat, Canadian viburnum. And, what is important, their fruits are quite edible, only there is less viburnin in them, and besides, when the fruits are overripe, it is quickly lost.

Previously, there was such a wedding custom in Rus': on the table at the young ham and a damask of wine, but stuffed with a bunch of viburnum with a scarlet ribbon, which indicates the purity of the bride; the young are raised, and the regale goes on, they go around the houses of the bride's parents, relatives, travelers, and returning, the friend destroys the ham and, splitting the viburnum, spreads the wine. A viburnum drink is good for a wedding and as a refreshing drink.

Viburnum drink. Sort a kilogram of viburnum, rinse with cold water, put in a deep bowl, knead, pour in the finished sugar syrup, prepared from six hundred grams of sugar and let it boil. To taste, you can add citric acid or the juice of a lemon or two. Cool, strain and until time to put in the cellar or refrigerator. Drink "Kalinushka". Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of blackcurrant leaves, mash a pound of viburnum, a tablespoon of mint, two tablespoons of honey and bring everything to a boil. Let stand. Drink with colds of the upper respiratory tract, hoarseness. Pouring viburnum. 200 g of viburnum juice, 150 g of sugar, 1 liter of vodka, 1 glass of water. Dissolve sugar in water, add viburnum juice, vodka, let stand for 2 days.

From ancient times, jelly was prepared from the fruits of viburnum, and steamed viburnum was used to stuff pies or ate with sugar and honey. The seeds were overcooked and their decoction was used instead of coffee.

Kissel from viburnum. 100 g of viburnum juice, 280 g of sugar, 90 g of potato starch, 2 liters of water. Dilute starch with a small amount of coda, pour into hot juice diluted with water, add sugar, stirring, bring to a boil. Viburnum juice. 1 kg of berries, 200 g of granulated sugar, 200 g of water. Squeeze juice from berries. Pour the pulp with water, boil for 5-10 minutes, strain. Combine the broth with squeezed juice, add sugar, stir, cool. Juice can be used as a basis for preparing various dishes and drinks. Morse from viburnum. Half a glass of berry juice, 1 liter of water, sugar to taste. Mix the juice with hot boiled water, add sugar to taste and leave for 3-5 hours. Serve cold. Healing fruits and berries

viburnum vulgaris

Viburnum ordinary (Viburanm opulus L.)

Honeysuckle family - Caprifoliaceae.

For medicinal purposes, its bark and berries are used.

It grows in forests and among shrubs in central Russia, including Ukraine (in particular in the Crimea), as well as in the Caucasus, Siberia, throughout Western Europe, Japan, Mongolia and North America.

Viburnum ordinary shrub or small tree. Reaches a height of 5 m. The leaves are three-lobed, the branches are bare, the inflorescence is sparse, the corollas are white. The fruits are berry-shaped, oval, bright red - drupes with one stone. The smell is weak, the taste of the berries and the bark is bitter, astringent. The bark is greenish gray in color.

In scientific medicine, a liquid extract is used, less often a decoction of the bark of the common viburnum as a hemostatic (with uterine and other internal bleeding) and as an antispasmodic and sedative. No side effects were noted with the use of these drugs.

In medicine, the bark of the trunks and branches of viburnum was used orally for various bleeding, especially in gynecology, as an antispasmodic and sedative, in hypertension. Outwardly - to stop parenchymal bleeding. Preparations from the bark (with the addition of flowers and fruits) were used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of foot and mouth disease in cattle.

Viburnum fruits increase heart contractions, are a weak diuretic. Due to the high content ascorbic acid they are used as a vitamin remedy.

Essence from the fresh bark of viburnum is used in homeopathy.

In folk medicine, a simple decoction of viburnum bark is used for internal and nasal bleeding. As a tonic and sedative, a condensed decoction (instead of a ready-made extract) is used to prevent pregnancy.

Adults drink a decoction of viburnum bark for colds. In addition, patients with scrofula use a condensed decoction of the bark mixed with a decoction of chamomile (in a ratio of 1: 4).

A decoction or tea from viburnum berries is used for coughing.

Viburnum vulgaris was widely used in folk medicine in various countries: the bark - inside with bronchitis. tracheitis, allergies, as a hemostatic agent for nasal and uterine bleeding, for malaria. Outwardly, viburnum was used for diathesis, eczema, and sweating. skin tuberculosis; seeds - for dyspepsia and as a diaphoretic.

Application. The bark is included in the pharmacopoeias of many countries of the world. In folk medicine, decoctions of the bark, flowers and fresh fruits are used for insomnia. respiratory infections, as a sedative, astringent, diuretic, laxative, with scrofula in children, as a choleretic, cardiostimulating, anti-inflammatory and hypotensive.

IN medical practice viburnum preparations are used to enhance the tone of the uterus, as an antiseptic, hemostatic, analgesic.

In the experiment, viburnum preparations exhibit an adaptogenic effect, have a sedative, antiestrogenic effect, and exhibit a diuretic effect. They lower the amount of cholesterol in the blood, regulate the level blood pressure, normalize lipid metabolism and renal circulation, stimulate blood clotting, have a cardiotonic effect. Bark preparations have a pronounced hypotensive and sedative effect.

Infusions and decoctions of flowers are used for painful menstruation, threatening miscarriage, as an antiseptic and expectorant. The fruits of viburnum increase the contraction of the heart, increase diuresis, are a vitamin, diaphoretic, laxative. They are taken for gastritis, low secretion and for the prevention of ulcers and stomach cancer, bronchitis, liver disease, pneumonia, cough, hoarseness, colds, jaundice.

Fresh Juice leaves and flowers is a general tonic after serious illnesses; used as an anti-inflammatory, with tonsillitis and laryngitis (hoarse voice). They lubricate the affected areas of the skin with various skin diseases, hemorrhoidal cones, also whiten the skin of the face darkened and coarsened in the sun and in the wind with juice, freckles and dark spots- chloasma.

Juice is taken 20-30 g3 times a day.


To prepare the infusion, take 20 g of flowers or leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 30-45 minutes, filter. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day

For a decoction of 15 g of bark or fruit, pour 180 ml of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter, bring to the desired volume. Take a decoction of the bark for 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day. Fruit decoction is taken 50 ml 3-4 times a day after meals.

At home, you can prepare an extract of viburnum bark. To do this, take bark powder (1 part) and 10 parts of 50% alcohol, insist 10 days in a warm place, filter. It should be taken 30-40 drops per reception 3-4 times a day.

Viburnum juice is prepared in autumn. The berries are washed, passed through a juicer. Juice is mixed with sugar (preferably in a mixer), at the rate of 1 kg (juice, not berries!) For 2 kg of granulated sugar. The resulting mixture has a bitter taste for 5-10 days, then the bitterness disappears and the juice becomes pleasant to the taste. They drink tea with it, prepare fruit drinks and kissels, add it to herbal infusion. If you put the freshly prepared viburnum juice in the refrigerator, then the bitterness disappears after 1-2 days.

Homeopathy. Homeopathic Viburnum 3x, 3, 6 is prepared from fresh viburnum bark and is used mainly for the treatment gynecological diseases: for painful periods, threatened miscarriage, postpartum pain, for the treatment of dysmenorrhea.

Flowers, berries and leaves of viburnum are used for rashes, tonsillitis and for washing wounds; fruits - with bronchitis, shortness of breath, sclerosis, boils, eczema, as a wound healing, with pulmonary tuberculosis.

The fruits of viburnum with honey are used as an antitussive for colds, hypertension, heart disease, liver, jaundice.

A decoction of viburnum roots is used for scrofula, convulsions, hysteria, insomnia.

Viburnum fruit juice - for gastric ulcer, edema, hypoacid gastritis, as a means of increasing appetite and astringent.

Fresh fruit juice was used in the past to remove freckles and acne. for skin whitening. The fruits give red, the bark - black-green dye for wool.

Raw berries act as a laxative, pimples on the face are removed from them with fresh juice: Unsteamed fresh berries, crushed and mixed with honey and diluted with water, are drunk for colds.

Viburnum berries are used as a tonic, diaphoretic, with edema of cardiac and renal origin, arterial hypertension, neuroses, gastritis with low acidity, liver diseases, the berry extract has a wound healing effect.

In medicine, the bark of viburnum is also used, which is harvested from young shoots (2-3 years old) in May-June during the sap flow. It contains viburnin glycoside, tannins, resin complex composition, which contains numerous organic acids and phytosterol. In addition, it contains saponins and vitamin K, carotene and ascorbic acid. The preparation of viburnum bark is used as a hemostatic agent in gynecology, as well as for nosebleeds and pulmonary bleeding, as a disinfectant for sore throat, stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Viburnum seeds are roasted and get a substitute for coffee, according to some reports, it is not only tasty, but even, unlike all other "coffee drinks", has a weak tonic effect.

Infusion of viburnum

Infusion of viburnum is prepared from dry berries - 2 tbsp. spoons (10 g) of viburnum are placed in an enamel bowl, rubbed, gradually pouring a glass of hot boiled water, then close the lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool, filter, squeeze, add up to 200 g of boiled water and drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. This pharmacy method use.

An infusion of viburnum berries with honey is used as a blood purifier, choleretic, anti-inflammatory agent, they are treated with vascular spasms, hypertension. Insist a tablespoon of berries in a glass of boiling water, wrapped for 2 hours, strain. Add a tablespoon of honey. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day ... This is just one of the recipes for the use of medicinal plants in folk medicine along with honey. And in the book “Bees and Herbs Treat” (Moscow, 1993) there are a lot of them.

The use of viburnum juice

In practice, it is also convenient to use viburnum juice. To do this, wash 1-2 brushes of berries, pour boiling water (200 ml) and let stand for 5 minutes, then knead the viburnum with a spoon and strain or squeeze the juice in a juicer and add water in which it was wet. The resulting hot juice is drunk instead of tea for colds and digestive disorders, especially after overeating or with poor liver function.

A decoction of the bark of viburnum

A decoction of the bark of viburnum is useful for eczema and dermatosis. In addition, it is used for hemorrhoids. A decoction of the bark of viburnum is prepared at the rate of 10 grams of raw materials per 200 boiling water. Heated under the lid in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes, strained, squeezed and topped up with boiled water up to 200 ml. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day after meals.

Application methods. Decoction: 10.0 - 200.0; one tablespoon three times a day.

Extract (available in pharmacies): 20.0; 20-40 drops three times a day.

Mode of application

Boil 10 gkora viburnum in 1 glass of water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day

Infuse 1 tablespoon of viburnum berries for 2 hours in 1 cup of boiling water, strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals.

Methods of preparation and use

1. Bark (15 g) is poured with 2 cups of boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, filtered. Assign 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

2. Five tablespoons of viburnum berries are ground in a mortar, poured, gradually stirring, with 3 cups of boiling water, insisted for 4 hours, filtered. Take half a glass 4-5 times a day before meals (sedative).

3. Finely chopped bark (50 g) is poured with 1 boiling water, boiled for 30 minutes, filtered. Apply a decoction of the bark externally for baths and douching.

Its berries are useful for hypertension, as an antipyretic for colds, as a tonic, for kidney stones. with hoarseness and cough, with sclerosis, viburnum bark is a good hemostatic. Its extract is sold in a pharmacy. A decoction of branches is used for exudative diathesis (scrofula) in children. Beauticians have not forgotten about it either - an infusion of fruits and flowers gives the skin freshness and velvety.

There is a lot of it along the banks of taiga rivers, but it would not hurt to plant it more often in summer cottages, in gardens, parks, on the streets. It is very beautiful and resistant to smoke and gas.

For the future, it is better to harvest it in a candied form. Take 1 kg of viburnum, chop in a meat grinder, mix with 2 kg of sugar and eat in winter for health - tasty and very healthy.

Kalina has more than a hundred species and comes from the honeysuckle family. Viburnum vulgaris is a shrub, from one and a half to three to four meters high. The crown of the shrub is rare. Common viburnum grows in places with well-moistened soil. Flowering period - May-first half of June. The European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Crimea, East Kazakhstan, Western Siberia - these are far from all the regions where you can find common viburnum. Viburnum has a grayish-brown bark, berries (fruits) have bright red color, spherical shape, their diameter is 12 mm. Inside each berry are flat bones (seeds). Berries ripen in August-September.

Harvesting and storage of common viburnum

Viburnum vulgaris is a medicinal plant, therefore, bark, roots, leaves, flowers, and berries are used to harvest raw materials. The raw materials are laid out on cardboard or paper in a thin layer under a canopy for drying. Berries are dried in a special way. They are collected already in frost, folded into bundles and hung in a dry, ventilated room, with a temperature not higher than + 50ºС.

Viburnum berries can also be frozen in the freezer. To do this, they are put in plastic bags, and the berry retains its useful qualities year, as well as flowers and seeds. Viburnum bark is stored up to 4 years.

Application in everyday life

At any time, viburnum was used for landscaping household plots and creating hedges. Kalina is a late spring pollen and honey plant. A decoction of viburnum berries can be used to dye fabrics (red), and a decoction of the bark can be used to dye fabric dark green color. Viburnum juice is used as food coloring. Viburnum berries are used to make drinks, compotes, juices, liqueurs, jelly, fruit drinks. The fruits are used as a filling for pies, making marmalade, jam. You can wipe your face with viburnum juice to make your skin clean, elastic and fresh.

The composition and medicinal properties of viburnum

    Viburnum vulgaris has many beneficial properties, thanks to the vitamins and minerals it contains. Vitamin A slows down the aging process, contributes to the preservation of vision, healthy teeth and bone tissues. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation of cholesterol in the blood and blood clots. Vitamin E helps prevent atherosclerosis and oncological diseases. Vitamin K strengthens the heart, activates mental activity. Vitamin P strengthens blood vessels, reduces pressure serves as a prevention of edema, regulating urination. In addition to vitamins, common viburnum is rich in iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and other useful elements. Kalina contains acids such as valeric, acetic, formic, butyric, linoleic. There is a lot of viburnin glycoside in the bark, in leaves and roots - tannins, pectin, essential oils and resins. All these substances explain the use of viburnum not only in folk medicine, but also in pharmacology. Kalina has many healing properties. It has a calming effect, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent, hemostatic effect.

Growing and using useful properties, recipes for viburnum vulgaris

Botanical characteristics of common viburnum

Kalina is a tall shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family. The plant has a rare crown with irregular shape. The bush grows about 4 meters in height.

Viburnum leaves are opposite, serrated along the edges, green in color. At the tops of young branches are fragrant flowers of white or white-pink color, collected in inflorescences. The fruits of viburnum are red oval drupes, inside of which there are pointed bones.

The taste of the fruit is bitter-sweet and tart. The fruits of viburnum ripen in late summer - early autumn. Kalina is found in the forests of Russia, in the forest-steppe zones, in glades and edges, near lakes and rivers.

Growing and caring for viburnum

Viburnum can be propagated by layering, cuttings and shoots. Viburnum is propagated by cuttings in the following way. Take scissors and cut off viburnum cuttings, plant them in a greenhouse. Every day it is necessary to water the cuttings 3 times. Hardening is very good for viburnum, it is for this reason that the frames of the greenhouse should sometimes be opened. And over time, the frames are generally removed. Viburnum cuttings take root very quickly. As soon as the cuttings take root, they need to be dug out of the greenhouse and transplanted. To do this, you need to make a trench or bed. The cuttings are transplanted into a bed or into a trench so that they are fully formed and strengthened. In the summer, the cuttings need to be watered and the soil loosened. When the plant is 2-3 years old, it can be planted already in a permanent place.

Reproduction by layering - too good way for viburnum. For this method, you need to take 3-5 seedlings, you can also from one bush. It is a little more difficult to propagate viburnum with seeds. In early to mid-autumn, it is required to collect green viburnum berries and extract seeds from them. In the spring, you need to stratify the seeds before planting them.

Before planting viburnum, the soil must be prepared, namely loosened, cleaned of weeds and fertilized with peat, sawdust and humus. Old and broken shoots of the plant should be cut off. In autumn, the soil around the bush needs to be dug up. Every 2 years it is recommended to do fertilizing with organic fertilizers. In the spring, you need to apply mineral fertilizers.

Kalina is very fond of the viburnum leaf beetle, so in the spring it is necessary to cut off all the tops of the plant, since it is on them that this pest lays its eggs.

Useful properties of viburnum

Many useful substances have been found in the bark of viburnum, such as tannins, vitamins, organic acids, resins and flavonoids. Viburnum fruits contain pectin, tannins, organic acids and carotene.

Preparations from viburnum have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, and they are also used as a means that stops bleeding. In addition, viburnum calms the nervous system and relieves the feeling of pain. Long term use drugs from viburnum leads to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood, improve blood circulation in the kidneys. Kalina is an excellent diuretic. Means based on viburnum increase the tone of the uterine muscles and contribute to a better fat metabolism.

The use of viburnum and recipes with it

For a long time, viburnum has been used in folk medicine due to its beneficial medicinal properties, which are possessed by berries, seeds, bark, branches and flowers of the plant.

Fresh viburnum juice is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, edema and poor appetite. Viburnum berries with honey are a very good antitussive for colds, hypertension. jaundice and diseases of the liver and heart.

Viburnum bark helps with allergies, bronchitis and malaria. In addition, the bark has a hemostatic property.

Viburnum berries contain a lot of ascorbic acid, for this reason they are recommended to be taken as a vitamin remedy. Preparations from the fruits of viburnum are a means that enhances heart contractions.

A decoction of the berries or flowers of the plant is taken as a rinse for sore throat or the presence of a hoarse voice. Fresh juice from viburnum leaves is an excellent tonic for restoring the body after a serious illness.

Infusion of the bark of viburnum with scrofula. To prepare it, take 10 grams of viburnum bark and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Leave the composition in a thermos for 6 hours so that it is infused. After straining, you can apply the medicine. Take the infusion before meals, 50 ml no more than three times a day. In addition to scrofula, this infusion is used for the following diseases: bleeding, convulsions, insomnia and spasms in the vessels.

Infusion of viburnum fruits with honey. You need to take 1 glass of viburnum berries and crush them, put everything in a glass liter jar, into which 700 ml of boiling water is poured. Next, close the composition tightly with a lid, wrap it up and leave it alone for 6 hours. After this time, we take a colander and filter everything through it, and then through cheesecloth. Pour the prepared strained infusion into an enamel bowl, into which then add 150 grams of any honey. The medicine is ready. Take this infusion of 70 grams three times a day before meals for a month. After a month of taking the infusion, the course is stopped, and after 10 days it is restored again and this is repeated again. The medicine is used for heart problems.

Fresh viburnum juice. From fresh berries viburnum squeeze juice, which is used for asthma. liver disease, hypertension and pain in the heart. A single dose of admission is 50 ml, and juice is taken three times a day. Also, this juice is used to treat sore throats, wipe the skin from acne and rashes.

A decoction of the bark of viburnum. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 grams of viburnum bark with 250 ml of boiling water and leave the product to brew for 2 hours. Take a decoction of 50 ml three times a day before meals. Indications for the use of this medicine are scrofula, spasms in the vessels and neuroses.

Contraindications to the use of viburnum

Viburnum contains a large amount of glycosides, so preparations from it cannot be used. long time. For people with gout, viburnum is generally contraindicated for use.