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Vitamins to improve mental performance. Vitamins for memory and concentration for schoolchildren. Memory improvement pills, freely available in pharmacies

It is advisable to take vitamins for the brain after consulting a doctor: some drugs affect blood circulation in tissues, so it is better to calculate the possible impact in advance. IN childhood the brain is actively developing and requires additional support, the acquisition of knowledge is associated with increased mental activity, the daily worries of an adult are also directly related to thought processes. Older people have different needs - tissues lose their tone, blood vessels become less elastic, and special vitamins are required to support brain activity.

Vitamins for the brain affect the quality of thought processes, ingenuity appears, attention is sharpened, memory and speed of thinking improve, the patient becomes calm, balanced, less irritable and does not worry about trifles. Such a “magic” effect is possible due to the dependence of all brain abilities on proper blood circulation, timely tissue regeneration, oxygen saturation of cells - all this can be improved by taking special vitamins, which can also slow down the aging process of the body as a whole.

Vitamins that affect brain activity

Let's take a look at the main vitamins greatest influence for brain function:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin R.

Each vitamin plays an important role and acts as efficiently as possible in combination with the others.

Let's take a closer look at the effect of individual vitamins on brain function.

Vitamin B1 (another name is thiamine). Helps with memory problems, improves coordination, reduces fatigue, unmotivated anxiety, fights insomnia and depression. Vitamin B1 is found in oatmeal, hazelnuts and walnuts, green peas, buckwheat, beef, pork, eggs and fish (river and sea).

Vitamin B2 (another name is riboflavin). The main function is acceleration mental reactions. It counteracts drowsiness, weakness and headaches. Most riboflavin is found in dairy and meat products.

Vitamin B3 (another name is a nicotinic acid). Regulates the speed of recovery of memories, the ability to focus and alertness. Milk, liver, fresh herbs, egg yolk, chicken, yeast, any nuts, buckwheat - nicotinic acid is present in all these products.

Vitamin B5 (another name is pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate). Participates in the transmission of information impulses between neighboring nerve cells of the brain, that is, is responsible for long-term memories. Antibodies that help fight the effects of alcohol and nicotine are also produced with this vitamin. Despite the fact that vitamin B5 is found in many foods (fish caviar, hazelnuts, buckwheat, eggs, milk, cabbage, and others), one must take into account its ability to decompose during heat treatment.

Vitamin B6 (another name is pyridoxine). Accelerates thought processes and increases intelligence in general. Irritability, unreasonable anxiety, depression are the main signs of vitamin B6 deficiency. This vitamin is successfully synthesized in the body itself, but to ensure normal life it is important to additionally saturate the diet with products containing pyridoxine: liver, beans, milk, White cabbage, chicken eggs, potatoes, bananas.

Vitamin B9 (another name is folic acid). It has a positive effect on the stability of memorization, the absence of insomnia and apathy, fatigue. The synthesis of folic acid is accelerated by eating bifidobacteria. A particularly pronounced deficiency of vitamin B9 is observed when smoking or drinking alcohol. In these cases, it is imperative to reconsider the diet and eat more. fresh vegetables, hard cheese, mushrooms, milk, pumpkin, apricots, meat and fruits.

Vitamin B12 (another name is cyanocobalamin). Involved in switching body modes between sleep and wakefulness. It is noticed that the period of getting used to a different time zone becomes shorter if you increase the level of this vitamin in the body. Sources of cyanocobalamin include meat, properly processed seaweed and shellfish, as well as cheese and fresh milk.

Vitamin C (another name is ascorbic acid). Helps to absorb vitamins from group B, has antioxidant properties, protects the body from destructive physical and emotional overload. Most of the vitamin C in citrus fruits, but it is present in many other fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D (another name is calciferol or cholecalciferol). It prevents oncological diseases of the brain, maintains the elasticity of the walls of the smallest capillaries and large vessels, and prevents oxidative processes. It is formed in the skin under the influence of ordinary sunlight, and also comes into the body from a variety of dairy products, fresh parsley, eggs and, of course, from fish oil.

Vitamin E (another name is tocopherol acetate). Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, restrains Alzheimer's disease, fights destructive processes. Found in natural unprocessed sunflower oil, beef and pork liver, milk, beans.

Vitamin P (another name is bioflavonoids). Prevents fragility of capillaries and hemorrhage in the brain. The main outward sign of deficiency is bleeding from the nose and gums. Vitamin P is found in young green tea leaves, chokeberry, lemon, rosehip, blackcurrant.

Foods that are good for the brain

Vitamin complexes for the development and maintenance of brain activity

Multivitamin complexes, specially created to maintain the health and performance of the brain, allow you to live full life maintaining clarity of mind even in old age. The drugs differ from each other: some of them are suitable for several categories of patients at once, others are designed specifically for the elderly (women, children of students, and so on). Before you start taking the chosen remedy, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

So let's look at the most famous vitamin preparations for the brain...

Vitamins to improve memory function: "Vitrum Memory"

It improves blood circulation in the tissues of the brain and throughout the body, which helps to saturate the cells with oxygen and supply them with glucose. Actively influences blood vessels, strengthening the walls and making them elastic, reduces the likelihood cerebral hemorrhages. Prevents thrombosis, edema of brain and peripheral tissues.

The cost of funds - from 460 to 500 rubles.

Vitamin preparation for the brain "Active day" (man "s formula)

The drug is designed to maintain brain activity modern men in the midst of constant troubles and problems. Contains extracts of various plants (ginseng root, kola nut, green tea leaves, cayenne pepper, ginger and echinacea roots, hawthorn, ginkgo biloba leaves) that provide energy to the brain. The cost of this drug ranges from 480 to 550 rubles.

Vitamins for the brain "Submit"

The tool is a complex consisting of vitamins and biologically active substances that affect the work and condition of the brain. plant origin. "Direct" reduces the likelihood of hemorrhages, saturates tissues with oxygen, speeds up thought processes. The price of the vitamin complex is from 66 to 80 rubles.

Dietary supplement for improving brain function "Forever Ginkgo Plus"

Forever Ginkgo Plus is biologically active additive to food, sharpens thoughts, improves memory and concentration, relieves irritability and excessive excitability, prevents premature aging.

The composition of the drug includes an extract of the Ginkgo Biloba plant, powder from the crushed berries of Schisandra chinensis, the Reishia mushroom of the root of the Highlander multiflora. These natural substances gently and positively affect the higher nervous activity. The cost of a package of 60 tablets is from 1280 to 1350 rubles.

Natural vitamin preparation for the brain "Memofem" (for women)

A natural preparation created especially for women. "Memofem" is included in the "Woman's Happiness" product line, designed to improve the quality of life of the beautiful half of humanity. Special additives lecithin and choline bitartrate stabilize the activity nervous system, increase stress resistance, improve mood. Eleutherococcus and Gotu Kola extracts reduce fatigue and irritability while boosting immunity and improving oxygen supply to the brain.

The tool has a rejuvenating effect. The cost of packaging is from 520 to 550 rubles.

Vitamins for the brain "Grifonia"

The drug "Grifonia" optimizes the functioning of the brain and the nervous system as a whole. It consists of an extract of a tropical plant (from which it got its name) and actively influencing thought processes, mood, sleep and wakefulness cycle. The tool allows you to fight depression, improves memory, has a calming effect.

The cost of packaging is from 620 to 690 rubles.

Vitamins to improve brain function "Phosphatide-complex" (Astrum)

The drug creates conditions for the normal flow of metabolic processes in the brain tissues, promotes better learning and rapid mental development, affects overall work nerve cells. Significantly improves long-term and short-term memory, reaction speed and concentration.

100 capsules of the drug have a cost of 850 to 900 rubles.

Vitamin complex for the brain "Orthomol Mental"

Refers to orthomolecular vitamin complexes, designed to have a beneficial effect on the structure and performance of the brain. The improvement in the state of the nervous system, which these vitamins provide, also leads to an improvement in the quality of life: sleep is normalized, sleep is stabilized. emotional condition irritability disappears.

Orthomol Mental accelerates the formation of neural connections and increases the speed of adaptation of consciousness to a sharp change in the situation.

The cost of funds is from 4000 to 5000 rubles.

Diet, crosswords or special vitamins for the brain?

To keep active brain activity You can use a wide variety of methods and techniques. Changing your lifestyle and giving up bad habits is, of course, very important: every cigarette you smoke or an extra sip of alcohol leads to premature destruction of nerve cells.

Another necessary item in the brain health program is a balanced diet, which should be rich in vitamins and microelements.

Foods that kill the brain

Gymnastics for memory and ingenuity will bring no less benefit than a well-thought-out diet: crossword puzzles, intellectual programs, reading educational literature, and even simply counting change in the mind will have a beneficial effect on mental abilities.

Each of these methods can be supplemented by taking special vitamins for the brain. You just need to understand that vitamin complexes should be only an addition to competently organized diet nutrition and lifestyle; they are not able to replace the body's need for a healthy variety of food, movement, fresh air and good sleep.

Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones comprehensively!

for normal development and good health every child needs vitamins. And especially if we are talking about schoolchildren. Getting enough vitamins, baby school age easily copes with the study load, freely concentrates on tasks and quickly learns new material. What vitamins are required for schoolchildren and are they needed at this age vitamin supplements from a pharmacy?

Vitamin complexes are a real salvation when it is impossible to have a balanced diet.



Vitamins are not given in case of:

  • The development of hypervitaminosis (usually we are talking about an overdose of vitamin D or A).
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Severe illnesses The child has.

Vitamin supplements should only be prescribed by a doctor

Why stimulate the brain and improve memory?

  • Vitamin B1 improves brain nutrition and activated cognitive activity and the child begins to remember the material better. Lack of this vitamin leads to memory problems, irritability and fatigue.
  • With significant mental stress, a schoolchild needs more vitamin B2, because it is responsible for generating energy. The lack of this vitamin is manifested by weakness, poor appetite, dizziness.
  • Vitamin B3 is involved in the production of energy in nerve cells, due to which the work of the brain is activated. Without adequate daily intake, a child's memory declines and fatigue gradually builds up.
  • The state of long-term memory depends on vitamin B5. Its deficiency leads to constant fatigue and sleep problems.
  • Vitamin B6 is also very important for the work of the central nervous system. Symptoms of its lack are the appearance of insomnia, memory loss, mental retardation.
  • Sufficient intake of folic acid is important for the regulation of the excitability of the nervous system, preservation of memory and speed of thinking. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to apathy and problems with both long-term and short-term memory.
  • Vitamin B12 is important for cognitive function brain, as well as changing sleep and wake patterns. With its lack, the child will be constantly drowsy and will begin to complain of dizziness.
  • Vitamin C is also important for memory, since a sufficient intake of ascorbic acid is required for the absorption of B-group vitamins.
  • Vitamin E is also important, which has the ability to protect nerve cells. from action free radicals and toxic compounds. In addition, its use strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which also improves memory.

Ensuring adequate amounts of vitamins is very important for the full development of the child.

Is it worth it to strengthen the immune system?

It should be noted that the schoolchild's immune system is really under high stress and it should be supported with vitamins. In the diet of a school-age child, there should be enough sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamins E and D. It is these vitamins that play the greatest role in protecting the body from attack by viruses and bacteria.

If it is not possible to ensure the intake of such compounds with food, you can resort to the use of special complex vitamins, for example, give your child VitaMishki Immuno + or Immuno Kids from Multi-tabs.

Release form

Vitamins for school age are produced in different form- sweet gel or syrup, chewable hard tablets or gummies, coated tablets, capsules, dragees and even injections. At the same time, the most popular vitamin supplements for schoolchildren are chewable.

The choice of vitamins is very wide and allows you to choose the right option for even the most fastidious child.

What vitamins are better to give: an overview of popular

Most often, students buy such multivitamin supplements:

Name and release form

Application age



Daily dosage

Alphabet Schoolboy

(chewable tablets)

The supplement has all 13 vitamins, supplemented with 10 minerals

In the creation of the complex, scientific recommendations were taken into account on the compatibility of vitamins and minerals affecting their absorption.

The additive rarely causes allergies.

The drug helps to increase mental performance, improve the tolerance of sports loads and strengthen the immune system.

There are no synthetic flavors, colors or preservatives in the tablets.

3 tablets

Pikovit Forte 7+

(coated tablets)

11 vitamins

The supplement gives the student a good dose of B vitamins.

The tablets have a pleasant taste of mandarin.

The complex helps poor appetite, seasonal hypovitaminosis or increased loads.

The supplement is often prescribed after antibiotic treatment.

There is no sugar in the preparation.

1 tablet

VitaMishki Multi+

(chewable lozenges)

13 vitamins

2 minerals

Pastilles have an original shape and a pleasant taste of fruit.

Thanks to choline, the drug improves brain function.

The complex has a positive effect on the attention and memory of the student.

The lozenges do not contain synthetic flavors and flavors.

1 lozenge

Vitrum Junior

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

10 minerals

The tablets have a pleasant fruity taste.

High doses of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium will help strengthen the teeth and posture of the student.

The complex has a stimulating effect on mental development.

The supplement is indicated for significant physical and mental stress.

1 tablet

Sana Sol for schoolchildren

(effervescent tablets)

10 vitamins and magnesium

A delicious drink is prepared from the tablets.

Due to the presence of vitamins C and E, the complex increases the resistance of the student's body to external negative factors.

Due to the high doses of B vitamins, the drug has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to absorb new material.

Drink from 1 tablet and 150 ml of water

Multi-tabs Junior

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

The supplement is a tablet with a berry or fruit flavor.

This is a balanced formula for schoolchildren, helping to quickly adapt to a new team and cope with stress.

Due to the high content of iodine, the complex stimulates both immunity and mental development.

1 tablet

Multi-tabs Teen

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

The supplement normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates the development of intelligence.

The drug contains a full dose of iodine.

1 tablet

(chewable tablets)

10 vitamins

Schoolchildren like the shape and taste of this drug.

The complex strengthens the immune system and positively affects the metabolism in the child's body.

1 tablet

Kinder biovital

From the first year of life

10 vitamins

3 minerals

Children love the taste and texture of these vitamins.

Twice a day, 5 g

Centrum Children's

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

5 minerals

The supplement provides the child with the right combination of B vitamins to support the nervous system, activate memory and thinking.

The complex is noted positive impact on the condition of teeth, bones and immune system.

Tablets do not contain sugar and dyes.

1 tablet

Many doctors insist on the need to introduce vitamin supplements into a child's diet. As an example, you can watch the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

We insist on a balanced diet and providing the student with the necessary amount of vitamins from food.

Power adjustment as an alternative

If parents want to use vitamins that will help their mental development to improve the health of a student, they should first review the child’s diet, because we get almost all vitamins valuable for the brain from food.

With balanced rational nutrition vitamin supplements from a pharmacy will not be needed. To do this, make sure that the student's menu contains:

  • Dishes from oily fish (pink salmon, salmon, trout). They are a source of iodine and easily digestible proteins.
  • Different vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. Of these, the child will receive vitamin E.
  • Dishes from whole grain. They are a source of B vitamins.

It is equally important to get enough minerals. For memory and attention, the child needs:

  • Iron. Its source will be veal, rabbit meat, liver, beans, eggs, cabbage.
  • Magnesium. His child will receive from peas, beans, dried apricots, nuts, cereals, sesame seeds.
  • Zinc. To get it, the child needs to eat dried fruits, liver, meat, mushrooms and pumpkin seeds.

Read another article about the correct diet for a student. Learn the principles of a balanced diet and see an example menu for the week.

At balanced diet and lack negative symptoms vitamin complexes will not be needed

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician calls vitamins important substances for a child’s health, but he is sure that an ordinary child vitamin pharmacy complexes Not needed. Komarovsky invites parents to more carefully control the child's diet so that all the necessary vitamins come into children's body with food.

As for improving memory, a popular doctor reminds that this function should be trained through the study of poetry and other activities, and not at all by taking vitamins.

  • Looking after multivitamins for a child, first of all, you need to pay attention to the recommended age of use. Both lower dosages in vitamins for smaller children and high doses in complexes for adults are not suitable for schoolchildren.
  • It is worth buying vitamin supplements at a pharmacy, choosing a complex from the assortment of a well-known manufacturer. Then you will be sure of the quality of the vitamins received by the child.
  • When choosing a vitamin complex for a student, they often prefer a supplement that contains other nutrients in addition to vitamins. In such complexes, pay attention to the dosage of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, and omega fats.
  • If you are interested in a complex with great content calcium, pay attention to supplements such as Calcinova, Pikovit D and Sana-Sol with calcium and magnesium.
  • If you are interested in vitamin preparations with a high iron content, you should buy Vitrum Circus or Doctor Thais Multivitamol. Vitamins are supplemented in these complexes high dose iron to stimulate hematopoiesis and prevent anemia.

The ability to memorize and master information is an ability that absolutely every person needs. It is possible to possess such a skill only when memory does not fail. If incoming data is quickly processed and remembered, a person has a clear mind and can achieve a lot.

Everyone needs a good memory. It helps schoolchildren and students to quickly master educational material and successfully pass exams, employees of various fields to cope with their duties and qualification tests, and the elderly to maintain active brain activity and arrive in good physical shape.

Daily loads do not go unnoticed. They have a direct impact on the thought process when there is too much information, most of which is unnecessary. As a result, a person begins to forget most of the important “little things”, for example, when going shopping, they don’t remember what they intended to buy, or whether the gas was turned off in the house when they left. Forgetfulness cannot be ignored at any age, as the situation will only get worse with age.

Among the available ways to improve memory and brain activity, the following are considered the best:

  • Enrichment of the diet with carbohydrates. The structure of these nutrients is converted into glucose. To replenish the supply of this substance, it is enough to have breakfast with an omelet, a slice of bread baked from whole grains, and an omelet.
  • Dances and sports. You don't have to practice for hours. It is enough to perform some exercises that allow you to stimulate blood flow to the brain. Scientific research showed that in people who actively move, the assimilation of information occurs 20% faster than in those who neglect physical exercises.
  • Typing. Memory development is well facilitated by texts typed in unusual text, but the effect is noticeable not immediately, but gradually.
  • Search for information. You should not miss the chance to comprehend more, and not just fulfill your official duties. This will undoubtedly help stimulate brain activity.
  • Fix places in memory. People parking their car in the parking lot can stand nearby for a while, look to the left or right to remember where the car is.
  • A small amount of quality alcohol. A small portion before dinner is good for memory development, as it stimulates blood circulation.
  • High-quality teeth cleaning with dental floss. During the day, a large amount of bacteria remains on the gums from the food consumed during the day. And if you do not get rid of them carefully, they have a bad effect on the work of all organs.

These simple and available ways to improve memory is quite simple to implement in your life.

Pills to improve brain activity - TOP10

Modern pharmacology offers many medicines that stimulate the brain and memory:

The tool normalizes brain activity, metabolic processes, reduces intoxication. These tablets improve the quality of sleep. They are a kind of vitamins that have a certain metabolic effect, contributing to the transformation of reactions occurring in the body, support the basic processes of life.

Taking pills increases concentration, improves memory, and normalizes brain activity. The drug contains piracetam and other auxiliary compounds, is a nootropic. Its reception helps to memorize information well, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves consciousness. Tablets do not lead to excitation of the nervous system.

Tonic preparation, which contains natural minerals and vitamins. Regular intake of these tablets stimulates metabolism, enriches the brain valuable substances, reduces the degree of fatigue, is indispensable during depression, stress and anxiety.

Drug with nootropic effect, which is used to improve concentration, restores memory, relieves dizziness, hypertension, atherosclerosis, lethargy. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing the work vestibular apparatus, reduction of depressive states.

These nootropic pills improve the state of memory, the functioning of brain cells, greatly facilitate the process of mastering and remembering new incoming information, help in passing exams, reports and certification. The drug supports the rapid exchange of information between the right and left hemispheres, as well as cells in an active state, improves mood.

It is a phytopreparation that helps improve blood circulation, as it nourishes the cells of the body with glucose. Tablets prevent thrombosis, eliminate tinnitus, restore visual acuity. They normalize blood circulation, which helps to increase the brain's ability to process learning.

Refers to nootropics and is taken to normalize the blood supply after suffering head injuries, strokes, migraines, and glaucoma. The drug helps to withstand mental and physical stress, and also reduces the manifestations of irritation and anxiety.

It is a pill prescribed to improve memory and brain activity who have suffered diseases of cardio-vascular system and suffer from high blood pressure, as well as from constant dizziness, atherosclerosis, developmental retardation in childhood, panic attacks, intoxication from consumption alcoholic beverages and medicines. Like many other drugs, it is a nootropic.

This medication, which is prescribed to people suffering from epilepsy, schizophrenia. The drug is also taken by those who are constantly exposed to great physical exertion, have diseases associated with changes in the vessels of the brain. Nootropic pills can be prescribed to children with mental retardation with attention deficit disorder and stuttering.

The drug is an angioprojector. The tool is developed on the basis of components of plant origin. It tones blood vessels, normalizes metabolic functions. They take Memoplant to relieve headaches, dizziness, noise not only in the ears, but also in occipital region, as well as insufficiency of blood supply to the extremities.

Drugs sold in pharmacies improve memory, brain activity and increase the capabilities that the body has.

Pills that stimulate memory and brain activity can bring much greater efficiency and no harm if you follow some of the nuances:

  • Glycine has no toxic side effects, so you can purchase the product without a prescription from your doctor.
  • Nootropil, on the contrary, cannot be bought on the open market. The body of a person who has suffered an injury or some kind of illness may react differently to taking the drug, which requires careful and careful handling.
  • Without consulting a specialist, you should not drink pills such as Intellan. It is better to start taking this remedy after consulting a doctor, following all the recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of Piracetam directly depends on the regimen of administration. It is recommended to take this drug only according to the recommendations of a specialist. The remedy is released exclusively by prescription.
  • Taking Phenotropil stimulates the work of brain cells responsible for memorization, but has many contraindications. Only a specialist is able to determine the effect of tablets on the body, so the remedy is dispensed by prescription.
  • Tanakan, produced in tablets, is dispensed by prescription, and in liquid form can be purchased over the counter.
  • Dosages of Memoplant from 40 to 80 mg can be bought without prescription from a specialist. When the amount of the purchased product is 120 mg or more, it is not released without a doctor's prescription.

In a pharmacy in free sale, you cannot buy drugs such as Pantogam, Picamilon and Aminalon.

Folk ways to improve brain function

You can activate and stimulate the work of memory not only with the use of tablets, but also with various folk remedies:

  1. Clover tincture. To prepare a home-made preparation, it is necessary to pour 500 ml of vodka into clover inflorescences, put in a cool place for 14 days. a tablespoon of this home remedy before going to bed is enough to improve the clarity of consciousness and mind, getting rid of the noise in the head.
  2. Horseradish with lemon. The tool is easy and simple to prepare. It cleanses the blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Juice made from 3 lemons is mixed with a jar of horseradish and 3 tablespoons of honey. This mass is left in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, and then taken in a teaspoon twice a day.
  3. Pine young buds. They bloom in the spring. You don’t need to cook anything from the kidneys, they just chew before eating, which allows you to restore memory and slow down the aging process.

Nutrition has a positive effect on the body and memory. It should be rich in protein. The diet must contain dried fruits, baked apples or potatoes, stewed carrots, walnuts, sunflower seeds, salads cooked in olive oil, and dark chocolate. Frozen blueberries and fresh berries blueberries render positive influence on visual acuity and cerebral circulation.

It is useful to start doing exercises for the mind at absolutely any age. There are quite a few simple tricks for brain training:

  • Say words starting with each letter of the alphabet from the first and so on. This must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Repeat foreign words, which were memorized while studying at school or institute.
  • Count numbers in reverse order. You can start over from fifty to zero, and then gradually expand the limits.
  • Play towns when they call names by the last letter of the previous one.
  • Come up with synonyms for a variety of words.

It is useful to solve crossword puzzles, memorize poems, solve complex problems.

There are many unconventional ways to restore memory. They sound rather strange, but some speak of them quite well.

"Golden Water" is one of the non-traditional means, the effectiveness of which many speak quite positively. Scientists do not confirm the fact of entry noble metal reacts with water, but people who have taken it speak positively about this remedy.

To feel the effectiveness precious metal, you can prepare a special remedy. In a half-liter bowl filled with water, put golden decoration without any gemstones. Further, the container is put on fire, the liquid is boiled so that the volume is halved, the resulting remedy is taken three times a day, one teaspoonful. Already after two weeks, according to reviews, memory improves and the heart muscle strengthens.

What factors negatively affect memory?

The abundance of information and the huge amount of advice that a modern person has to deal with daily, for the most part, do not carry anything useful. Understanding this, unfortunately, usually comes much later. The abundance of information flows overloads the brain, which begins to malfunction, expressed in the fact that useful information begins to be forgotten.

  • Do not eat a large number of flour and sweet products, pickles, which lead to the fact that the accumulated fluid in the body is poorly excreted, constipation and headaches begin. These Negative consequences lead to the fact that the blood supply to the brain is disturbed.
  • Stop leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, as the blood begins to circulate poorly when internal organs and the brain is no longer getting enough nutrition.
  • Don't spend all your time at home as your brain needs enough oxygen.
  • Refuse to take medicines that are not prescribed by a doctor, because side effects adversely affect health and can be addictive.

The use of large amounts of alcohol also has a negative effect on memory.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to a good memory

Regular physical activity, a well-balanced diet, and avoiding bad habits, especially smoking, have been shown to improve and stimulate memory.

Correct posture also plays an important role. Try to keep your back straight even when there is some stoop. Straightened shoulders and a neck tilted back improve blood circulation in the brain. Digestion should be carefully monitored, which largely depends on proper nutrition.

live healthy and long life allows you to work exclusively on yourself, when necessary, even overpowering yourself, to engage in regular sports, take walks, eat fresh food, develop mental potential. And if you stay healthy, it means to be always happy.

Vitamins and minerals for brain activity

To keep memory in excellent condition, focusing on right level, and the efficiency is high, the brain needs to receive the necessary substances that promote mental activity.

What vitamins to increase mental performance needed by the body?

  • Vitamin B1 helps brain cells absorb glucose, removes products carbohydrate metabolism from the body, which provoke inhibition of thought processes. Thiamine improves mood and calms the nervous system. If vitamin B1 is not enough in the body, brain cells are depleted, which leads to nervousness, fatigue and depression.
  • Vitamin B2 is especially important during physical and mental stress, as it supplies energy to the brain. With a lack of riboflavin, the nervous system is depleted, the reaction to external stimuli, eyes hurt.
  • Vitamin B3 improves memory up to 40%, prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. In the case of a lack of niacin, concentration of attention is disturbed, dementia develops, memory impairment and rapid fatigue are noticed.
  • Vitamin B6 normalizes the body's nervous activity, helps to absorb amino acids, and can increase brain performance, attention and memory. Pyridoxine deficiency causes sleep disturbance, apathetic states.
  • Vitamin B12 performs protective function central nervous system (CNS), preventing cell depletion and improving the conduction of nerve impulses. Cobalamin helps the human body adapt to changing times. Lack of intake of vitamin B12 causes fatigue, dizziness, impaired orientation and vision, and in the elderly senility.
  • Vitamin C neutralizes the work of free radicals in the brain, is involved in the structure of neurotransmitters.
  • Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect on brain cells, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vitamin D activates the brain and prevents disorders of the nervous activity of the body.
  • Zinc increases the support function of brain cells, acts as powerful antioxidant, contributes to the active work of the brain.
  • Iodine affects work thyroid gland and the pituitary gland, which produce hormones that affect intellectual function.
  • Selenium prevents the development of brain disorders, improves mood and activity of brain cells.
  • Coenzyme Q A substance that acts on the body in a way similar to vitamins. It inhibits the activity of free radicals, counteracts the development of atherosclerosis.

What foods to eat with active brain activity

  • Seafood. Seafood contains a sufficient amount polyunsaturated acids Omega-3s that neutralize bad cholesterol and tones the blood vessels. They are found in highest concentration in salmon, tuna and herring. Shrimps, oysters and mussels contain B vitamins, zinc and iron.
  • Berries. Almost all small fruits contain flavonoids and fisetins, which improve memory and prevent aging. Blueberries are good to eat to increase concentration. Raspberries, currants, blackberries and other berries are a direct source of antioxidants. Cranberry tones blood vessels and ensures the transport of oxygen to the brain.
  • Egg yolk. Amino acids and vitamins contained in the yolk of an egg resist the destruction of brain cells, negatively affect the development of heart attacks and strokes, and increase a person’s mental activity.
  • Products containing glucose. Lack of glucose causes brain exhaustion, fatigue, nervous disorders. This substance is present in large quantities in dried fruits.
  • Cereal crops. Bran, wheat, oats, brown rice and barley contain vitamins B1 and B9, which are important for the brain.
  • Nuts are rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins B6, B9 and E. Eating walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds or hazelnuts daily, you charge your brain with energy.
  • Cabbage. Any kind of cabbage has a beneficial effect on brain function. Useful elements Brussels sprouts prevent neuronal damage and neutralize free radicals. Laminaria is famous for its abundance of iodine. Blue cabbage is a storehouse of antioxidants.
  • Spinach. This plant is considered the champion in the number useful substances. Spinach contains vitamins B6, B9, B12 and iron, which have a beneficial effect on memory, tone up and preventively act on brain cells.
  • Dark chocolate will bring vivacity and new strength to the brain. Chocolate provides blood supply to the brain, increases mental abilities.
  • Green tea. This drink contains antioxidants kakhetin, fighting impotence, drowsiness and weakness. A cup of green tea will energize the brain for a long time.

Vitamin complexes to increase mental performance

If the body of a child or an adult does not receive the necessary substances with food for the full functioning of the brain, this deficiency must be compensated for with vitamin complexes. In pharmacies, you can find special pills or medicines to improve brain performance. The most common and effective are:

  • Alphabet;
  • Multi-Tabs;
  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Will direct;
  • Fish fat.

Before choosing and using the drug, consult your doctor.

The brain works continuously throughout a person's life. For the normal performance of all functions and tasks, this thinking organ needs a sufficient amount nutrients. The first source of vitamins and minerals is food. But if, under conditions of intense stress, the body lacks these substances, it is worth taking additional vitamin preparations to ensure the full functioning of the brain. What else contributes to increased mental performance, find out from the video below.

All positive emotions that a person experiences throughout life are associated with specific chemical processes occurring at that moment in the brain.

With an imbalance of microelements or a lack of vitamins in the body, the emotional and mental environment is disturbed, which is expressed in malfunctions of the nervous system, deterioration of brain activity. To restore balance, it is recommended to take special preparations- vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adulta person must be taken in certain courses. You can not limit yourself to the use of one vitamin, because. the body is a system of chain reactions, therefore, the state of all human organs should be taken into account.

Among the many vitamins, for the fruitful work of the brain, the main attention is paid to vitamins B, D, K and E. The rest of the vitamins are also involved in chemical processes, but with a shortage of these, a person begins to quickly feel the symptoms of a number of disorders.

Here they are:

  • failure to memorize new information - lack of vitamin E, B1;
  • Frequent headaches- lack of vitamin E;
  • Causeless fatigue, apathy - vitamin D deficiency;
  • When excited, inability to quickly restore mental balance - lack of vitamin K;
  • Numbness extremities - vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult, for the most part, should be ingested with food.

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Minerals needed for the functioning of the brain and nervous system

Minerals are an essential component of cell nutrition. Brain tissues consume minerals not only as nutrients, but also for their own regeneration and for the transmission of nerve impulses.

The most important minerals for the brain and nervous system are:

  1. Calcium. Calcium orotate promotes a clear transmission of electrical brain impulses.
  2. Potassium. Participates in the processes of blood circulation, strengthens the bloodstream, contributes to the rapid saturation of cells with oxygen.
  3. Magnesium. Provides support for active processes in brain cells. It is a necessary link in the production of the hormone serotonin.
  4. Zinc. With a lack of this mineral, the process of degeneration of brain cells begins.
  5. Lithium. It is a stress barrier, with a long overstrain of the nervous system, lithium is quickly consumed, the balance in the work of brain cells is disturbed.
Chronic stressful conditions The nervous system of an adult is often due to a lack of important macro- and microelements. In this case, you need to take biologically active food supplements.

Important! Minerals, as part of vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult, are recommended to be consumed at least 1 time per year.

Overview of vitamin complexes for the brain

Vitamin complexes to improve the activity of the brain and nervous system of an adult are conventionally divided into two groups.

Here they are:

  • Preventive;
  • Restoring.

The restorative ones include vitamin complexes such as: Brain-o-flex, Vitrum memory, preparations that include nootropic plant components of gingko biloba, St. John's wort extract, etc.

When taking these drugs, the work of brain cells is restored. due to the presence in their composition of the restoring complex of vitamins A, E, beta-carotene and unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3.

Vitamin E and beta-carotene are antioxidants that protect the cell from the effects of free radicals. With a lack of these vitamins, the processes of oxidation of fatty acids that make up the cell membrane begin.

The elasticity of the cell membrane is lost, which leads to a decrease in all metabolic functions in the cerebral cortex. Preventive vitamin complexes: Supradin, B vitamins with glycine, Doppelgerz Lecithin, etc. are taken during periods of stress, severe physical activity during the recovery period.

These drugs support stable brain function by improving overall circulation. body, toning blood vessels, replenishing the lack needed by the body components.

Tocopherols are the most important active substances for human brain. Natural products containing vitamin E and artificial preparations have differences in composition.

Good to know! When taking these drugs, not only the vitamin balance is normalized, but also the transmission of neural impulses is significantly improved, which ensures good memorization and storage of information by the brain.

vitrum memory

A special complex for the active work of the brain, consisting of vitamins and all minerals. The drug was developed taking into account the increasing pressure that the brain experiences modern man due to information overload.

Vitrum memory contains vitamins of groups B, K, A, E, D, beta-carotene, folic acids and all trace elements, in concentrations that provide complete daily nutrition for the cells of both the whole organism and the brain.

Pharmacists this complex is considered the best among restorative drugs, to prevent forgetfulness, brain fatigue and overexertion.


As vitamins for the brain and nervous system, in the prevention of beriberi, the Supradin complex is useful for an adult. The composition of the drug, in addition to the active substance, includes vitamins B1, B6, B12, A, E, trace elements and minerals: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, lithium, iron, etc.

Supradin is available in the form of tablets, either effervescent, dissolving in water before taking, or in a shell.

Indications for use:

  • Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition;
  • High physical activity;
  • The recovery period after surgery;
  • Seasonal prevention of respiratory diseases.

The shell of the tablet preparation contains lactose.
At allergic reactions on this product, Supradin is used in effervescent tablets. In addition, the recommended daily dose should not be exceeded, hypervitaminosis is possible, which is no less dangerous for the body than vitamin deficiency.

Gerimaks Energy

A vitamin complex developed by German pharmacists to strengthen the cells of the brain and nervous system. Designed primarily for students and people who are constantly engaged in intellectual work.

Includes everything essential minerals, vitamins and active ingredients, for the stable operation of the circulatory system. The increased content of iron in the preparation contributes to good saturation body cells with oxygen, which stabilizes mental work.

Featured site article: Vitamin B3: what foods contain


The guarana plant is native to South America and is the most caffeinated food in the world. Drinks, which include guarana, have a tonic, invigorating effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems of a person. Compared to coffee, guarana does not deplete the nervous system.

Vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult often contain guarana extract in their jelly shell, which allows not only nourishing cells, but also additionally stimulating the circulatory system.

Guarana drink can be prepared at home brewing it like tea. Contraindications to the use of this plant have not been identified, except for purely individual intolerance.


A drug that is prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of a number of severe pathologies.

  • dementia syndrome;
  • Violations of mental activity;
  • encephalopathy.

Helps increase concentration, improve memory, reduces fatigue.
Cannot be taken as brain vitamins, but when complex therapy can be prescribed by a doctor to quickly restore brain activity and cell regeneration.

Overview of vitamin complexes for the nervous system

The main function of the human nervous system is clear and fast transmission of signals from all organs to the brain and vice versa. The human nervous system is the first to respond to changes external environment : temperature, Atmosphere pressure etc.

For the full-fledged work of this complex organ, the body must receive all the necessary chemical substances and vitamins for the brain and nervous system. In an adult, a deficiency of substances is found in 90% of cases.

Vitamin B12 is the most important for the proper functioning of the nervous system., which provides nutrition and protection to the myelin sheath of the nerve fiber. B12 is synthesized by the body in the stomach intestinal tract. In case of any violations of this organ, the vitamin must enter the body through vitamin complexes.

B vitamins are indispensable substances for the nervous system at any age. Some vitamins of this group are more effective for the body to receive from a combination of diet and the use of specialized drugs.

B vitamins provide protein synthesis, which is important for the regeneration of nerve cells. Vitamins D, K, A, E ensure the full functioning of the nervous system, which is important for a clear transmission of the nerve impulse.

Glycine Forte

As food additive glycine is registered under number E640 as a modifier of taste and aroma. This enzyme is required by the body to produce nucleic acids, which are the main ones in the composition of the cells of the brain, nervous system and liver.

A healthy human body is able to synthesize glycine itself, but with any disease, the reproduction function decreases, and the body needs additional glycine production.

Glycine as a vitamin for the brain and nervous system is necessary for an adult from the age of 30. At this age, the first disturbances in the process of biosynthesis of keratin, a protein that gives energy and increase in muscle mass, are noted.

Glycine Forte is a balanced drug that allows you to restore and maintain biosynthesis processes. The drug in question significantly increases the resistance of cells of the nervous system to stress, reduces nervous tension improves blood circulation processes.

Vitabalance Multivit

Vitamin complex that contains vitamins and minerals: C, B1, 2, 6, 12, A, magnesium, etc. Provides fast recovery body during periods of strenuous physical activity. allows you to cope with stress.

In the treatment of immune pathologies, the drug is prescribed as maintenance therapy. A balanced combination of trace elements allows the body to short time restore the full functioning of the nervous system.

Useful site article: What to do if you can't sleep to fall asleep quickly.

Vitrum Superstress

Complex Vitrum superstress is perfectly matched vitamins for the brain and nervous system adult person. Calculated to the microgram daily dose of all necessary vitamins And chemical elements, allows the cells of the body not to experience nutritional deficiencies and function well.

Saturation of cells with the necessary minerals allows the human nervous system to restore the sensitivity of all nerve endings, improve blood circulation, saturate brain cells with additional oxygen, respectively, numbness of the limbs stops, headaches disappear.

It is recommended to take Vitrum Superstress during the spring-autumn period. This reduces the risk of seasonal viral infections due to the good functioning of the immune system. Taking the full course (90 tablets) allows you to fully recover from heavy physical exertion and emotional stress in a short period of time.

Multi Tabs-V complex

Multi Tabs B is a complex of vitamins that provide nutrition to the brain tissues of adults and children over 12 years old. A course of therapy with these vitamins will calm the nervous system., remove the syndrome chronic fatigue, stress, eliminate neuralgia. Recommended amount: 1 tablet 1-3 times a day, the course of therapy is 2-3 months.


The drug Milgamma is designed as an analgesic and restorer of nerve fibers.

It is used for diseases such as:

  • Neuritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Paresis of the facial nerve;
  • Polyneuropathy.

The composition of Milgamma includes vitamins B1 - thiamine, B6 - predoxin, B12, lidocaine, nootropic components that have a regenerating effect on nerve fibers, relieve inflammation, normalize blood flow and the hematopoietic system.

For quick treatment and restoration of the body, it is necessary not only to use these vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult, but also to use other therapeutic methods of healing and prevention.

Carefully! Do not take Milgamma to children under 16 years of age, women during pregnancy and lactation.

For example:

  • Provide enough sleep and proper rest.
  • Balance nutrition. Increase consumption lean fish and vegetables.
  • To not allow hypothermia in the treatment of neuropathy.

How to take vitamins for the brain and nervous system

In order to properly take vitamin complexes, it is necessary to determine which vitamins are deficient in the body. The opportunity to take tests for vitamins today is provided in many clinics.

For the prevention and prevention of seasonal beriberi, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes in the spring-autumn seasons. In spring, the body experiences a lack of nutrition after the winter period, autumn is the time for the development of viral infections. Besides, it is useful to take the drugs in question during the recovery phase, after surgery.

During a period of stress or a long emotional, physical overstrain, a rapid consumption of minerals occurs. Therefore, to maintain a balance in the chemical composition of cells, it is imperative to take complexes aimed at restoring and maintaining the nervous system.

It cannot be assumed that without additional food cells of the brain and other systems will be able to work in a balanced way for a long time. Only vitamins for the brain and nervous system for an adult, with correct reception and dose, ensure the activity of the body until old age.

Useful videos about vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult

Additionally, a selection of videos has been collected for you, from which you will learn important details about vitamins for the brain and nervous system of an adult - their names, how to take and what can be replaced:

Be always healthy and cheerful!