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What is the cognitive function of the body in women. Symptoms of cognitive impairment. What do cognitive functions include?

Cognitive personality disorders– these are specific disorders that occur in the cognitive sphere of an individual and include the following symptoms: decreased memory, intellectual performance and a decrease in other cognitive processes of the brain in comparison with the personal norm (baseline) of each individual. Cognitive or cognitive functions are called the most complex processes originating in the brain. With the help of these processes, a rational comprehension of the surrounding world, interrelation and interaction with it, characterized by purposefulness, is carried out.

Cognitive functions include: perception (reception) of information, processing and analysis of data, their memorization and subsequent storage, data exchange, development and implementation of an action plan. The causes of cognitive disorders can be many ailments that differ in the mechanisms and conditions of occurrence and course of the disease.

Causes of cognitive disorders

Cognitive impairments are functional and organic in nature. Functional disorders in the cognitive sphere are formed in the absence of direct brain damage. Overwork, stress and constant overexertion, negative emotions - all this can be the cause of functional cognitive disorders. Functional cognitive disorders can develop at any age. Such disorders are not considered dangerous and always disappear or their manifestations are significantly reduced after the cause of the disorders is eliminated. However, in some cases, drug therapy may be required.

Organic conditions in the cognitive domain arise from brain damage resulting from disease. They are more often observed in older people and usually have more stable features. However correct therapy even in these cases, it helps to achieve improvement in the condition and prevents the increase in disorders in the future.

The most common causes of organic pathologies in the cognitive sphere are: insufficient blood supply to the brain and age-related decrease in brain mass or atrophy.

Insufficient blood supply to the brain can occur due to hypertension, cardiovascular pathology and strokes. Therefore, timely diagnosis of these diseases and their correct treatment are very important. Otherwise there may be serious complications. Blood pressure, maintaining normal blood sugar and cholesterol levels should be given Special attention. There are also vascular cognitive disorders that develop as a result of chronic ischemia brain, repeated strokes or a combination thereof. Such pathologies are divided into two options: disorders arising as a result of pathology small vessels, and disorders due to pathology of large vessels. Neuropsychological features of the detected conditions, reflecting their relationship with disruption of the frontal lobes of the brain, will indicate the vascular etiology of cognitive disorders.

Vascular cognitive personality disorders are quite common today in the practice of neurological pathologies.

With brain atrophy, due to age-related changes, more pronounced pathologies of cognitive functions are formed. This pathological condition is called and is considered a progressive disease. However, the rate of growth of pathologies in the cognitive sphere can vary significantly. Mostly, symptoms are characterized by a slow increase, as a result of which patients can maintain independence and independence for many years. Of great importance for such patients is adequate therapy. Modern methods Therapy helps to achieve improvement in the patient’s condition and long-term stabilization of symptoms.

Also, the causes of pathologies in the cognitive sphere may be other brain diseases, cardiovascular insufficiency, diseases internal organs, metabolic disorders, abuse alcoholic drinks or other poisoning.

Symptoms of cognitive disorders

Cognitive dysfunction is characterized by specific symptoms, which depend on the severity of the pathological process and which parts of the brain it affects. Damage to individual areas causes impairment of individual cognitive functions, but disorders of several or all functions at once are still more common.

Cognitive dysfunction causes decreased mental performance, memory impairment, difficulty expressing one’s own thoughts or understanding someone else’s speech, deterioration in concentration. With severe disorders, patients may not complain about anything due to a loss of criticality towards their own condition.

Among the pathologies of the cognitive sphere, the most common symptom memory impairment is considered. Initially, progressive disturbances arise in remembering recent events, and gradually, distant events. Along with this, mental activity may decrease, thinking may be impaired, as a result of which the person cannot correctly evaluate information, and the ability to generalize data and draw conclusions deteriorates. Another equally common manifestation of cognitive impairment is deterioration in concentration. Individuals with such manifestations find it difficult to maintain energetic mental activity, concentrate on specific tasks.

The term mild cognitive personality disorder usually refers to a disruption of one or more cognitive processes that goes beyond the boundaries of age norm, but at the same time not reaching expression. Mild cognitive impairment is mainly considered pathological condition, the result of which transformations at this stage are not limited to age-related involutive processes.

According to a number of studies, mild cognitive impairment syndrome is observed in 20% of individuals over 65 years of age. Research also shows that dementia develops in 60% of individuals with this pathology within five years.

Moderate cognitive impairment in 20-30% of cases is stable or slowly progressive, in other words, it does not transform into dementia. Such disorders can go unnoticed by individuals for quite a long time. However, if several symptoms are detected during short term, then you should contact specialists for advice.

The presence of a cognitive disorder is indicated by the following symptoms: difficulties in performing ordinary counting operations, difficulties in repeating information just received, disorientation in an unfamiliar area, difficulties in remembering the names of people new to the environment, obvious difficulties in finding words during normal conversation.

Moderate cognitive disorders, identified in the early phases of their development, can be quite successfully corrected with the help of medications and various psychological techniques.

In order to assess the severity of cognitive impairment, special neuropsychological testing is used, which consists of answering a number of questions and performing certain tasks by the patient. In accordance with the test results, it becomes possible to determine the presence of deviations in certain cognitive functions, as well as their severity. Test tasks can be in the form of simple mathematical operations, such as adding or subtracting, writing something on paper, repeating a few words, identifying objects shown, etc.

Mild cognitive impairment

The pre-dementia condition is a mild cognitive impairment. In other words, mild cognitive impairment is a pathology higher functions brain, which are characterized, first of all, by vascular dementia, which goes through a number of stages in its development, determined by a consistent increase in symptoms - starting with mild impairments of the cognitive sphere, mainly memory, and ending with severe impairments - dementia.

According to recommendations international classification diseases, a diagnosis of mild cognitive disorder is possible in the presence of the following symptoms: deterioration in memory function, attention or decreased learning ability,

When performing mental work, high fatigue is observed. At the same time, a disorder of memory function and disruption of other brain functions does not lead to atrophic dementia and is not associated with. The listed disorders are of cerebrovascular origin.

The clinical manifestations of this disorder correspond to a stable cerebrasthenic syndrome, which essentially refers to psychopathological conditions reflecting disorders of various areas of the psyche, including cognitive functions. However, despite this, cerebrasthenic syndrome is characterized by the external safety of patients, the absence of severe impairments of mental, critical and prognostic processes, the illusion of instability, patency of asthenic disorders.

Diagnosis of this disorder is based on the results of clinical examinations and the findings of experimental psychological research.

Mild cognitive impairment is differentiated from organic disorders by the fact that disturbances in the functioning of the cognitive sphere do not occur in conjunction with emotional (affective instability), productive (!paranoia) and behavioral disorders(inadequacy).

Cognitive disorder in children

The development of cognitive functions mostly depends on wealth human body vitamins and other useful substances.

Today, unfortunately, the problem of hypovitaminosis in children is becoming quite acute. The consumption of refined food products, shelf-stable products, and goods that have been subjected to prolonged temperature treatment makes it impossible to replenish the required amount of essential micronutrients through diet alone.

According to the last years Studies of the vitamin and mineral state of children’s bodies can conclude that the lack of ascorbic acid(vitamin C) among the country's child population reaches almost 95%, approximately 80% of children were found to be deficient in thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), niacin (vitamin B4 or PP) and folic acid (vitamin AT 9). Cognitive functions are a complex phenomenon that is not fully understood today. However, a whole range of studies conducted assessing individual cognitive processes, for example, such as reproduction, memory, clarity of mental perception, intensity of thought processes, ability to concentrate, learning, problem solving, mobilization, made it possible to trace a clear relationship between the cognitive functions of children and their provision of certain micronutrients .

Today, cognitive impairment is one of the most important problems in psychiatry and neurology. Such pathologies, unfortunately, are observed in approximately 20% of children and adolescents.

The prevalence of speech and language disorders, which include writing and reading disorders, ranges from 5% to 20%. Autism spectrum disorders reach almost 17%. Lack of attention combined with increased activity is observed in approximately 7% of individuals in childhood and adolescence. Psychological developmental disorders are also widespread, emotional disturbances, syndromes mental retardation and behavioral disorders. However, most often one can note the occurrence of a disorder in the development of learning skills, motor processes, and mixed specific developmental disorders.

Cognitive disorders in children most often occur due to past diseases characterized by dysgenesis of the cerebral cortex, congenital metabolic disorders affecting the nervous system, degenerative diseases, lesions of the nervous system during fetal formation.

To damage to the nervous system perinatal period include: brain hypoxia, trauma received during childbirth, intrauterine infection. Therefore to this day important issue What remains is the diagnosis of the initial phases of cognitive dysfunction in children. Its early results will contribute to more timely prescription of appropriate therapy and the prevention of early disability in children. Today, the diagnosis of childhood pathologies in the cognitive sphere is possible only through a comprehensive clinical examination, clinical-psychopathological examination, psychometric, neuropsychological research methods.

Treatment of cognitive disorders

Disorders of the cognitive sphere in our time are perhaps one of the most common neurological symptoms, since a significant part of the cerebral cortex is directly connected with the provision of cognitive processes, therefore almost any disease that involves the brain will be accompanied by cognitive impairment.

Cognitive personality disorders combine disorders of five main brain processes: gnosis, memory, speech, thinking and praxis. Often, to these five processes, a sixth is added - attention. Today the question remains open whether attention has its own content or is still derivative. The problem of cognitive impairment is primarily a problem of the aging population.

Cognitive disorders can be mild, moderate or severe.

Mild disorders of cognitive processes are detected only as a result of a thorough neuropsychological examination and, as a rule, do not affect everyday life, although they can sometimes give rise to subjective anxiety of the individual.

Moderate cognitive disorders go beyond the age norm, but do not yet lead to restrictions in everyday activities and only affect its complex forms. Individuals with moderate pathologies of the cognitive sphere, as a rule, maintain independence and autonomy.

Severe cognitive impairment has a significant negative impact for everyday life. Patients experience significant difficulties in daily activities, professions, activities, social sphere, and at later stages - in self-service. Dementia is a severe cognitive pathology.

The choice of therapeutic strategy depends on the cause of cognitive impairment and the severity of such impairment. If possible, treatment should be carried out, which will be aimed at correcting the pathological processes occurring in the body. In order to directly treat disorders of cognitive processes, centrally acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used.

Psychotherapy methods are also used to treat personality disorders. For example, in their book A. Beck and A. Freeman “Cognitive Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders” highlighted the problems of diagnosing and individual approach in the treatment of personality disorders using methods of cognitive psychotherapy, revealed the impact of cognitive structures on the formation of personality disorders, views and attitudes that characterize each of such disorders, reconstruction, transformation and reinterpretation of structures.

On early stages development of disorders, cognitive psychotherapy for personality disorders is considered in many aspects to be “insight therapy,” which has in its arsenal introspective methods designed for the patient’s personal transformations.

Cognitive therapy aims to help patients learn about their cognitive structures and their ability to modify their own behavior or thoughts. Study of structures and diagrams cognitive processes and learning adaptive responses to negative thoughts and self-deprecating attitudes are ultimately key goals of psychotherapy. You should strive for consistent transformations, not immediate results. Setting sequentially more complex tasks, successive small steps, assessing responses and responses from the perspective of desired transformations, gradual adaptation to stress factors and anxiety, and psychotherapeutic support allow the patient to make an attempt with the goal of his own change.

Once cognitive impairment occurs, most will progress relentlessly. That is why the main task in the preventive measures of cognitive disorders is to slow down and stop the further course of the destructive process.

To prevent the progression of cognitive impairment, you should regularly take medications(acetylcholinesterase inhibitors). It is also necessary to try to maintain broken processes. For this purpose, you should perform various exercises aimed at training certain functions (for example, in case of memory impairment, you need to learn poems). In addition, it is also necessary to avoid influence stressful situations, since during anxiety, disturbances in cognitive processes become even more pronounced.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Probably most of you have discussed whether your friend or neighbor can be called an intelligent person. After this question, as a rule, a discussion begins, but by what criteria should we judge?

Is a smart person someone who has a lot of knowledge? But he is simply a carrier of information, and may not use it in practice and in life.

When scientists try to define intelligence, they always talk about human cognitive abilities– cognitive functions. What are they, how to develop them, and what to do if they “break down”? We will figure it out and become smarter for our friend.

Cognitive functions, abilities and processes

Cognitive functions are processes in the brain that are involved when we learn about our environment.

The information that comes through our analyzers is processed. We translate it into knowledge. They are stored in memory and accumulate over time, becoming life experience.

Cognitive abilities are:

  1. attention;
  2. memory;
  3. thinking;
  4. imagination.

If a person throughout his life develops these cognitive characteristics, then he can be considered smart and intelligent.

Since he is able to perceive information from different sources in large volumes and for a long time; remembers it, reproduces it; draws conclusions; It has logical thinking; can imagine the most vivid images based on what he saw or heard.

How to develop cognitive thinking

Immediately after birth, the child begins to perceive and explore the world. But he does this at his own level, depending on his age and whether his parents work with him.

There are the following types of cognitive thinking:

  1. Visually effective(up to 3 years) – the child examines everything around, touches it, sometimes even tries to lick it. That is, it uses all the simplest ways to find out about the objects around it. The role of mom and dad at this stage is to show the child various interesting objects, name them, tell them in an accessible language about their properties and method of use, and let them study it themselves.
  2. Visual-figurative(up to 7 years) – the child learns to complete assigned tasks and solve problems using logic. Parents should play educational games with him for fine motor skills, memory, attention and imagination. Also teach rules of behavior, which also develops cognitive thinking.
  3. Abstract(after 7) – the student learns to understand and imagine things that cannot be seen or touched.

But what should an adult do? Is it really possible that the level of development of memory or thinking that exists in this momentthis is the limit? No, even at 40 or 60 years old you can continue to work on your cognitive abilities.

The love of learning about the world around us and ourselves contributes to the improvement of these brain functions.

  1. Learn a foreign language.
  2. Choose a different road to get to work or school.
  3. Do familiar things with your other hand (for right-handed people - left, for left-handed people - right).
  4. Do crossword puzzles.
  5. Draw even if you don't know how. Make it more difficult: take the pencils in both hands and continue to draw something.
  6. Say different words out loud or silently in reverse.
  7. If you need to calculate simple equations, do it in your head, without the help of a calculator or paper.
  8. In order to train your memory, before going to bed, you need to remember in detail how the whole day went. You can also reproduce an autobiography from childhood. Or in reverse order: from today until the moment they crawled on the floor for a toy. You can remember either simply in your head, or by telling someone, or writing it down in a notebook.
  9. Watch various films and read books, of course.
  10. There are many applications on our smartphones that are directly aimed at developing certain cognitive functions.

Cognitive impairments and disorders

How more people is engaged intellectual development, the more connections appear between neurons, which, in turn, also develop. This creates cognitive reserve.

If one part of the brain stops working adequately due to injury or aging, then another will take over to perform important functions.

An experiment was conducted at Harvard where 824 people were observed over many years. They were social welfare and intellectual development.

The result showed that people who actively developed their cognitive abilities were able to think logically in old age, remembered the smallest details, and behaved adequately.

Cognitive disorders possible for the following reason:

  1. injury;
  2. infectious diseases of the brain itself (meningitis);
  3. infectious diseases of other systems, in which toxins are released and cells of the nervous system are damaged (syphilis);
  4. oncological formations;
  5. diabetes;
  6. stroke;
  7. aging.

Depending on what caused the dysfunction, will different symptoms and cognitive deficits. Let's look at an example.

Dementia that appears after age 65 is called Alzheimer's disease. The main symptom is the development of forgetfulness. Subsequently, memory deterioration progresses to the point that a person may not remember his name or where he lives. Problems with orientation in space also begin. Therefore, such patients require constant supervision.

Speech is impaired. It is difficult for a person to pronounce words and repeats them. Then there are problems with logical thinking, which are also noticeable when talking with the patient. They become embittered by everything around them, very sensitive and whiny.

Vascular dementia develops due to insufficient blood circulation in the brain, ischemia, and strokes. Memory impairment does not come to the fore as in Alzheimer's. A decrease in attention and concentration is immediately noticeable. Patients have difficulty identifying similarities and differences between objects, slow thinking, and difficulty pronouncing words.

Treatment is prescribed only after a thorough diagnosis of the cause. If this is a consequence of diseases such as infectious diseases, cancer, diabetes, then therapy is aimed at eliminating or correcting the underlying disease.

For Alzheimer's disease, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used. At vascular disorders Doctors' attention is aimed at improving blood circulation: phosphodiesterase inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, a2-adrenergic receptor blockers.

In order to improve the state of intelligence for diseases, drugs with metabolic and antioxidant properties are often used. Experiments have also proven the positive effect of nootropics. But it is worth remembering that they only help when there is a problem. Does not improve cognitive abilities in healthy people.

Cognitive distortions (dissonance)

Not just a fancy phrase that relates only to scientists and professors. Ourselves in everyday life we often encounter this.

This is a condition in which contradictions arise:

  1. knowledge;
  2. opinions;
  3. beliefs.

During a cognitive distortion, a person experiences confusion, anxiety, embarrassment, feelings of shame and guilt, or even anger - psychological discomfort. For example, there is a beggar sitting in a pedestrian crossing to whom you gave some money. She reaches for them, and an expensive watch is shown on her hand.

You are confused at first because you thought the person needed financial support. But it turns out that he may be richer than you yourself. At first you find yourself in a stupor, which can then turn into aggression because you have been fooled.

occurs for the following reasons:

  1. the discrepancy between a person’s knowledge of an object, phenomenon, other people and really what they are;
  2. discrepancy between the acquired experience and the situation that was repeated, only in a different way;
  3. discrepancy between personal opinion and the point of view of others, which pops up randomly;
  4. maintaining traditions and beliefs, if you yourself do not sincerely respect and believe them;
  5. logical inconsistency of facts.

What to do if this strange cognitive dissonance happens to you? First you need to reduce the significance of this condition. After all, there is an explanation for everything that is simply not available to you at the moment.

To do this, you need to look for new information about subject of cognitive distortion. Study it in more detail, or talk about it with other people. Perhaps you just had a small piece of knowledge and this was a great opportunity to expand it.

Not worth having very constrained beliefs. You must absorb and notice information of various formats, study everything around you. With this approach to life, it is unlikely that anything will surprise or greatly offend. You will simply stumble upon new knowledge that you will immediately take note of.

Cognitive psychology

There are many areas of psychotherapy that are individually selected for the client depending on his personality type and the current problem. One of the frequently used methods is cognitive behavioral therapy.

The essence of the direction is that the cause of the problem, most likely, lies in the person himself, and not in the world around him. In his thinking in particular.

Therefore, the psychologist and the client try to study it, find out what statements it is based on and what experience formed the basis of the problem.

Psychotherapist finds a false installation, which causes negative feelings in a person, a feeling of inability to overcome existing difficulties. And he shows it from the outside. Explains why it is wrong and how to think more effectively. But at the same time, the specialist does not impose his life position.

Cognitive therapy suitable for such situations:

  1. obsessive-compulsive disorders;
  2. violation eating behavior ( , );
  3. mild depression;
  4. relationship difficulties;
  5. addiction.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Cognitive functions of the brain are the ability to understand, cognize, study, realize, perceive and process (memorize, transmit, use) external information. This is a function of the central nervous system - higher nervous activity, without which a person’s personality is lost.

Gnosis is the perception of information and its processing, mnestic functions are memory, praxis and speech are the transfer of information. When these mnestic-intellectual functions decrease (taking into account the initial level), they speak of cognitive impairment, cognitive deficit.

Decreased cognitive function is possible in neurodegenerative diseases, vascular diseases, neuroinfections, severe cranial brain injuries. In the mechanism of development, the main role is played by mechanisms that separate connections between the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures.

The main risk factor is considered arterial hypertension, which triggers the mechanisms of vascular trophic disorders and atherosclerosis. Episodes of acute circulatory disorders (stroke, transient ischemic attacks, cerebral crises) contribute to the development of cognitive disorders.

There is a disruption of neurotransmitter systems: degeneration of dopaminergic neurons with a decrease in the content of dopamine and its metabolites, the activity of noradrenergic neurons decreases, and the process of excitotoxicity is launched, that is, the death of neurons as a result of disruption of neurotransmitter relationships. The magnitude of the damage and location matter pathological process.

Thus, with damage to the left hemisphere, it is possible to develop apraxia, aphasia, agraphia (inability to write), acalculia (inability to count), alexia (inability to read), letter agnosia (failure to recognize letters), logic and analysis are impaired, math skills, voluntary mental activity is inhibited.

Damage to the right hemisphere is manifested visually - by spatial disturbances, the inability to consider the situation as a whole, the body diagram, spatial orientation, emotional coloring of events, the ability to fantasize, dream, and compose are disrupted.

The frontal lobes of the brain play an important role in almost all cognitive processes - memory, attention, will, expressive speech, abstract thinking, planning.

The temporal lobes provide perception and processing of sounds, smells, visual images, integration of data from all sensory analyzers, memorization, experience, and emotional perception of the world.

Damage to the parietal lobes of the brain leads to a variety of cognitive impairments - disorder spatial orientation, alexia, apraxia (inability to perform purposeful actions), agraphia, acalculia, left-right orientation disorder.

The occipital lobes are the visual analyzer. Its functions are visual fields, color perception and recognition of faces, images, colors and the relationship of objects with colors.

Damage to the cerebellum causes cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome with blunting of the emotional sphere, disinhibition inappropriate behavior, speech disorders - decreased speech fluency, appearance of grammatical errors.

Causes of cognitive disorders

Cognitive impairments can be temporary, after a traumatic brain injury, poisoning and recover in a time interval from days to years, or they can have a progressive course - in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and vascular diseases.

Vascular diseases of the brain are the most common reason cognitive disorders varying degrees severity from minimal disorders to vascular dementia. The first place in the development of cognitive impairment is occupied by arterial hypertension, then occlusive atherosclerotic lesions of the great vessels, their combination, aggravated acute disorders blood circulation - strokes, transient attacks, systemic circulatory disorders - arrhythmias, vascular malformations, angiopathy, disorders rheological properties blood.

Metabolic disorders in hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, renal and liver failure, vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid, with alcoholism and drug addiction, abuse of antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers can cause the development of dysmetabolic cognitive disorders. With timely detection and treatment, they can be reversible.

Therefore, if you yourself notice any intellectual deviations that have appeared in yourself, consult a doctor. The patient himself may not always realize that something is wrong with him. A person gradually loses the ability to think clearly, remember current events and at the same time clearly remember old ones, intelligence and spatial orientation decrease, the character changes to irritable, mental disorders are possible, and self-care is impaired. Relatives may be the first to notice disturbances in daily behavior. In this case, bring the patient for examination.

Testing for cognitive impairment

To determine the presence of cognitive dysfunction, the baseline level is taken into account. Both the patient and relatives are interviewed. Family history of dementia, head injuries, alcohol consumption, episodes of depression, and medications taken are important.

During examination, a neurologist can detect the underlying disease with corresponding neurological symptoms. Analysis mental state carried out according to various tests, tentatively by a neurologist and in depth by a psychiatrist. Attention, reproduction, memory, mood, following instructions, imagery of thinking, writing, counting, and reading are examined.

The short MMSE (Mini-mental State Examination) scale is widely used - 30 questions for an approximate assessment of the state of cognitive functions - orientation in time, place, perception, memory, speech, performance of a three-stage task, reading, drawing. MMSE is used to assess the dynamics of cognitive functions, the adequacy and effectiveness of therapy.

Mild decline in cognitive functions - 21 - 25 points, severe - 0 - 10 points. 30 – 26 points is considered the norm, but the initial level of education should be taken into account.

A more accurate clinical rating scale for dementia (Clinical Dementia Rating scale - CDR) is based on a study of disturbances in orientation, memory, interactions with others, behavior at home and at work, and self-care. On this scale, 0 points is normal, 1 point is mild dementia, 2 points is moderate dementia, 3 is severe dementia.

The Frontal Dysfunction Battery is used to screen for dementias with predominant involvement of the frontal lobes or subcortical cerebral structures. This is a more complex technique and determines disturbances in thinking, analysis, generalization, choice, fluency of speech, praxis, and reaction of attention. 0 points – severe dementia. 18 points – the highest cognitive abilities.

Clock drawing test - a simple test where the patient is asked to draw a clock - a clock face with numbers and hands indicating a specific time can be used to differential diagnosis dementia of the frontal type and with damage to subcortical structures from Alzheimer's.

For a patient with acquired cognitive deficit, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory examination: blood test, lipid profile, determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone, vitamin B 12, blood electrolytes, liver tests, creatinine, nitrogen, urea, blood sugar.

For neuroimaging of brain damage, computer and magnetic resonance imaging, Dopplerography of the great vessels, and electroencephalography are used.

The patient is examined for the presence of somatic diseases - hypertension, chronic diseases lungs, heart.

A differential diagnosis of vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease is made. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by a more gradual onset, gradual slow progression, minimal neurological impairment, late impairment of memory and executive functions, cortical type of dementia, absence of walking impairment, atrophy in the hippocampus and temporo-parietal cortex.

Treatment of disorders

Treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory!

Donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine, memantine (Abixa, Mema), nicergoline are used to treat dementia. Dosages, duration of administration and regimens are selected individually.

To improve cognitive functions, medications of various pharmacological groups that have neuroprotective properties are used - glycine, Cerebrolysin, Semax, Somazina, Ceraxon, Nootropil, Piracetam, Pramistar, Memoplant, Sermion, Cavinton, Mexidol, Mildronate, Solcoseryl, Cortexin.
Treatment of hypercholesterolemia is mandatory. This helps reduce the risk of developing cognitive dysfunction. This is a diet with reduced content cholesterol - vegetables, fruits, seafood, low-fat dairy products; B vitamins; statins – liprimar, atorvastatin, simvatin, Torvacard. Avoid smoking and alcohol abuse.

Consultation with a neurologist on the topic of cognitive impairment

Question: Is it useful to solve crossword puzzles?
Answer: yes, this is a kind of “gymnastics” for the brain. You need to force your brain to work - read, retell, remember, write, draw...

Question: it is possible to develop cognitive impairment when multiple sclerosis?
Answer: yes, the structure of cognitive function deficits in multiple sclerosis consists of disturbances in the speed of information processing, mnestic disturbances ( short term memory), disturbances of attention and thinking, visual-spatial disturbances.

Question: What are “evoked cognitive potentials”?
Answer: The brain's electrical response to performing a mental (cognitive) task. The neurophysiological method of evoked cognitive potentials is the recording of the bioelectrical responses of the brain in response to the performance of a mental task using electroencephalography.

Question: what medications can you take on your own for mild absent-mindedness, attention and memory problems after emotional overload?
Answer: glycine 2 tablets dissolve under the tongue or ginkgo biloba preparations (Memoplant, Ginkofar) 1 tablet 3 times a day, B vitamins (neurovitan, milgamma) for up to 1 month or nootropil - but here the doctor will prescribe the dosage depending on age and diseases. It’s better to see a doctor right away - you may underestimate the problem.

Neurologist Kobzeva S.V.

Today in our article we will talk about such an important function, which is called cognitive functions. In fact, these are the most important functions in everyone’s life, because it is thanks to them that a person can think, compose meaningful speech, express his thoughts in writing, make plans and holistically perceive the world around him.

In other words, we will consider what distinguishes man from animals, making him human.


The term “cognitive” itself is a scientific term, so it is not very often found in everyday vocabulary. And yet, this term reveals such human abilities that are familiar to everyone. It is cognitive functions that help a person find connections with the environment and build his ideas about the world as a whole.

Cognitive functions, also known as cognitive functions, are brain processes that enable an individual to interact with others.

Human life largely depends on such a unique and important skill as the ability to remember and store information. Of course, the point of view according to which only memory is included in this definition is erroneous.

Cognitive functions are complex mechanism, this is the interconnection of complex mental processes, the level of which differs among different people.

It is important that they can be developed and trained, but it is also important to remember that these processes can be disrupted due to various factors and personality disorders.

Naturally, the ability to perceive, store and reproduce information is very important, but these processes are impossible alone; the interrelation of different processes is important here.

Higher brain functions

In order to better understand this issue, it is necessary to consider cognitive functions separately.

  1. One of the most important functions is attention. It can be characterized as the ability to concentrate mental processes on a specific object. Each person has individually expressed characteristics of this process, such as:
    • Sustainability;
    • Concentration;
    • Way to switch;
    • Concentration;
    • Volume.

    All these characteristics change the quality of attention in different people. It is because of them that it turns out that some people easily remember something, while others cannot concentrate their attention. But all these characteristics can also be developed by working on yourself.

  2. Another important function is human perception. It is compiled based on information that a person receives from the senses in the form of unified images. For this function, constancy is important, in other words, an object that is perceived by a person regardless of changing conditions is always perceived as the same. For example, a person can recognize an acquaintance no matter how he is dressed or where he is. Animals are deprived of this quality, which is why a dog cannot recognize its friend who will be standing in the dark or if he is wearing different clothes.
  3. Gnosis is the ability to recognize, visually identify images and compare them to categories.
  4. Memory is this cognitive function makes it possible to capture, save and right time reproduce previously received information.
  5. Intelligence is already the ability to “work” with the information received: to analyze, compare facts, evaluate, generalize, and so on.
  6. Speech is a unique skill through which people can communicate using symbolic signs.
  7. Praxis is a complex of abilities that form and include motor skills in a person’s activities and help him build, learn and automate the sequence of his movements.

Below we will look at some of the functions in more detail. Since they are deeper and broader concepts, it will also help to better understand the nature of cognitive impairment.

A few words about intelligence

Speech and intelligence can be distinguished as cognitive functions of the brain. After all, thanks to this, a person can pronounce meaningful sounds that develop into speech. The cognitive functions of the brain give an individual the opportunity to conduct a monologue even without a speech apparatus, only pronouncing words in his thoughts.

Using symbols that correspond to sounds in humans, appears and written language. And how rich a person is lexicon and whether he can construct more complex phrases is related to his intelligence. One could even say that it is a person's unified cognitive ability, which relies on human functions such as attention, perception, memory and representation.

It was intelligence that separated humans and animals. However, intelligence itself is general concept, the implementation of which requires a number of mental functions, such as: the ability to plan, predict various events, taking as a basis environment and gained experience.

In order to determine a person’s intelligence, it is necessary to take into account such person’s abilities as: learning ability, logical thinking, the ability to analyze various information, as well as compare and find patterns in different phenomena.

And to characterize intelligence, the breadth and depth of thinking, logic, flexibility of mind, criticality and evidence of one’s conclusions are taken as a basis.

One of the important components of intelligence is erudition. Many people mistakenly assume that erudition and intelligence are the same thing, but this is far from true. Since an erudite merely has a large stock of knowledge, however, without intelligence, a person cannot use this “baggage” in any way, draw logical conclusions, and so on.

In order to measure intelligence today there are a number of tests. These tests are created based on a proven pattern, which says that if a person can solve certain type tasks, then he will successfully cope with other tasks.

Praxis or unique human ability

Humans have a number of important and unique cognitive abilities, one of which is praxis. This is a person’s ability to maintain a conscious sequence of his actions and movements. Praxis is the ability that appears in a person in infancy by giving the baby a rattle on his hand, thereby the parents lay the foundation for this function.

There are several types of praxis:

  • Finger - when a person learns to use his fingers, then, as a result, gestures appear.
  • Symbolic is already a complex of gestures that give an idea of ​​what a particular person wants to say. This is in some way reminiscent of the principle by which deaf people communicate: thanks to a set of special gestures, they can communicate without words.

Violation of this function in humans can lead to a number of undesirable consequences.

It’s probably no secret to anyone that each function is associated with a specific part of the brain. And this is natural, because every separate function has its localization in the brain. This represents separate areas of the brain that have a group of neurons, and they in turn are responsible for a certain type of nerve transmission.

For example, cognitive functions are located in the cerebral cortex. There are 3 sections:

  1. Sensory – which processes signals emanating from the senses.
  2. Motor – which is responsible for motor functions different parts human body.
  3. Associative - it can be considered a kind of intermediary that provides communication between the sensory and motor areas.

They are responsible for thinking, both logical and abstract, for speech, planning their movements. frontal lobes cerebral cortex.

Processing information obtained using visual analyzers, is carried out in the occipital lobe, in the same way as the temporal lobe analyzes information received from hearing aids.

There are more ancient areas of the brain that help provide basic skills for human survival.

Human memory, smell and emotions are expressed through the limbic system.

The thalamus provides redirection of impulses from different organs: vision, hearing, balance and tactile senses.
The hippocampus helps remember new information.

Awareness of one’s own “I”, consciousness, in the adaptation of the individual and in the feelings of existence - important role midbrain.

And all departments are closely connected with each other and interact by transmitting impulses by neurotransmitters: serotonins, dopamine, adrenaline, acetylcholine, etc. These neurotransmitters themselves can inhibit or accelerate cognitive tasks in humans.

From the above, it becomes clear that any disturbances: blood flow, brain damage or tumors in one area or another can cause cognitive disorders in a person.

Cognitive disorders

Even the slightest injuries can ultimately lead to various cognitive impairments. Naturally, these disorders vary in severity from mild to severe.

If you look closely at the reasons for the appearance of these violations, the factors leading to the violations can be divided into:

  1. Degenerative diseases - Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease.
  2. Vascular diseases - heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis.
  3. Metabolic problems - hypoglycemia, hepatic or renal encephalopathy, drug use (benzodiazepines, anticholinergics), hypo- or hyperthyroidism.
  4. Neuroinfections.
  5. Various brain injuries.
  6. Brain tumor.

As for the type of violation, it will depend on the location of the influencing factor. However, this does not mean that if a violation occurs, you should give up. Not at all, because the violations are mild and even moderate severity Even older people can recover if correct and timely measures are taken and treated.

A few final words

Cognitive functions are abilities that are associated with the human brain and depend on the human body as a whole. This is precisely the reason why in various violations, damage to the brain or body and under the influence of strong emotions, disruptions in the quality of cognitive functions are observed. When these failures reach noticeable limits, these decreases in quality are called cognitive impairment.

And this, in turn, affects a person’s entire life, affecting his various spheres: from simple everyday life to the social and professional spheres of the individual.

Fortunately, today there are many ways to combat cognitive impairment. Therefore, if you feel that you have some problems, minor impairments in cognitive functions: memory lapses, difficulties with perception, etc., then you need to fight it using one method or another.

Among the symptoms indicating the presence neurological disorders, the most common cognitive disorders that arise due to pathological changes in the structure and functioning of the brain.

This problem mainly occurs in older people. The high incidence of cognitive disorders in this category of patients is explained by age-related changes organisms that negatively affect the functioning of the central nervous system.

Cognitive impairment refers to mental capacity and other intellectual functions. Such changes are identified by comparing current indicators with the individual norm.

Cognitive brain functions - what is it?

Cognitive (cognitive) functions are the most complex processes occurring in the brain. They provide a rational perception of the surrounding reality, an understanding of the events occurring around a person. Through the cognitive abilities of the brain, people find connections between themselves and what they encounter in everyday life.

Cognitive activity consists of the following functions:

Problems with memory and intelligence occur when any part of the brain is damaged. Violations of other cognitive functions occur when certain parts of the central nervous system are damaged (parietal, frontal, temporal and other lobes).

Three stages of cognitive impairment

Such violations are usually classified according to the severity of the consequences. Cognitive disorders may be of the following nature:

  1. At lungs violations, minor changes are observed that fall within the established norms for a specific age group. Such disorders do not create problems for a person in everyday life. At the same time, people themselves or those around them may notice such changes.
  2. For moderate disorders are characterized by changes in cognitive functions that go beyond existing norms. However, such disorders do not affect the person’s condition and do not cause maladjustment in his everyday life. Moderate disorders usually manifest themselves as problems in performing complex intellectual tasks.
  3. The most dangerous type of cognitive personality disorder is , or dementia. This condition is accompanied by significant changes in memory and other brain functions. Such disorders are pronounced and have a direct impact on a person’s daily life.

Complex of provoking factors

There are more than 10 different factors that can lead to cognitive disorders of brain function. The most common reason for the development of such disorders is considered. This pathology is accompanied by the gradual death of brain neurons, as a result of which its individual functions are suppressed.

The first and most striking sign of Alzheimer's disease is memory loss. At the same time, motor activity and other cognitive functions for a long time remain within normal limits.

In addition to Alzheimer's disease, a decrease in a person's intellectual capabilities is observed in the following neurodegenerative pathologies:

  • corticobasal degeneration;
  • and others.

Quite often, cognitive disorders can appear with. These include:

Clinical picture

Intensity clinical picture determined by the severity of the lesion and the location of the pathological process in the brain. In most cases, several types of cognitive disorders of varying severity and intensity are observed.

Neurological diseases manifest themselves in the form of the following phenomena:

  • problems with the perception of third-party information;

With dementia, patients lose the ability to critically assess their own condition, and therefore, when interviewed, they do not complain about the above symptoms.

The first sign indicating a cognitive deficit is memory loss. This symptom occurs even with mild forms of brain dysfunction. At the initial stages, the patient loses the ability to remember information that was received relatively recently. As the pathological process develops, he forgets events that happened in the distant past. In severe cases, the patient is unable to name given name and identify yourself.

Symptoms of disorders with moderate brain damage often go unnoticed. Such disorders are sluggish in nature and do not transform into dementia. The presence of moderate disorders can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • difficulties in performing simple counting operations;
  • problems repeating recently learned information;
  • disruption of orientation in a new area;
  • difficulty finding words during a conversation.

On light form cognitive disorders indicate:

  • memory loss;
  • problems with concentration;
  • high fatigue when performing mental work.

Cognitive impairment must be differentiated from other forms neurological disorders. In particular, for staging correct diagnosis it is necessary to establish the presence or absence of pathological changes in a person’s behavior and his emotional state.

Brain dysfunction in children

Children experience cognitive dysfunction due to a deficiency of certain vitamins.

Modern research has proven the relationship between cognitive impairment and lack of useful microelements in organism. Vitamin deficiency negatively affects the ability to memorize new information, concentration, intensity of the thought process and other types of brain activity.

Pathologies caused by a lack of microelements occur in approximately 20% of children and adolescents. In most cases, problems related to speech and language functions are observed.

In addition to vitamin deficiency neurological diseases in children occur for the following reasons:

In the latter case we are talking about:

  • birth injuries;
  • infection of the fetus during gestation.

In this regard, one of the main tasks facing modern medicine is the development of methods early diagnosis cognitive disorders in children.

Diagnostic criteria

Diagnosis of malfunctions in brain functions is carried out if the patient or his immediate relatives consult a doctor with complaints of memory loss and deterioration of mental abilities.

A study of a person's current state is carried out using a brief mental status assessment scale. In this case, it is important to exclude the presence of emotional disorders(depression), which leads to temporary memory impairment. In addition to screening scales, the patient’s mental status is assessed using dynamic observation behind him and his behavior. Repeated examination is scheduled approximately 3-6 months after the first one.

To assess the degree of dementia, the patient is asked to draw a clock

To quickly analyze the patient’s mental state, the so-called Montreal Cognitive Impairment Rating Scale is used today. It allows you to test many brain functions in about 10 minutes: memory, speech, thinking, counting ability and more.

The assessment is carried out by testing the patient. He is given tasks and a certain time to complete them. At the end of the tests, the doctor calculates the final results. Healthy man must score more than 26 points.

The MMSE scale is used in stroke to detect cognitive impairment

How to improve the patient's condition?

When selecting a treatment regimen for a patient, it is important to first establish the cause of the development of cognitive disorder. Therefore, after assessing the mental status, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out.

Treatment tactics for disorders are determined based on the severity of the disease and the cause of the brain dysfunction. In the treatment of mild to moderate dementia caused by Alzheimer's disease or vascular pathologies, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or. However, the effectiveness of these drugs has not yet been proven. They are prescribed mainly to prevent further progression of the pathological process and the development of dementia.

In case of diagnosis vascular pathologies that provoked a failure of brain activity, the following are used:

  • phosphodiesterase inhibitors promote vasodilation, which leads to normalization of blood circulation;
  • α2-adrenergic receptor blockers suppress the actions sympathetic division nervous system, which led to narrowing of blood vessels.

To restore the neurometabolic process, it is used. The drug increases the plasticity of brain neurons, which has a positive effect on cognitive functions.

In addition to these medications, in the presence of neurological disorders, various therapeutic tactics are used to correct the patient’s behavior. This task takes a lot of time because similar treatment involves a consistent transformation of the human psyche.

Tactics for managing a patient with impaired cognitive functions:

Prevention and prognosis

A general prognosis for cognitive disorders cannot be made. In each case, the consequences are individual. But provided that you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner and follow all medical instructions, it is possible to stop the development of the pathological process.

It is important to note that there are two types of cognitive impairment: reversible and irreversible. The first form can be corrected, but the second cannot.

Prevention includes measures aimed at reducing and increasing a person’s mental and physical activity. To avoid the occurrence of such disorders, it is recommended to regularly perform intellectual tasks from a young age.

In addition, in order to prevent dementia, vascular pathologies and liver diseases should be treated promptly, and the deficiency of B vitamins should be regularly compensated.