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Where is selenium and zinc. Products with zinc to improve immunity - how a noble metal helps build human DNA

Why are the important microelements selenium and zinc so necessary for humans? Long time these microelements were not included in the list of vital components.

Only towards the end of the 20th century did scientists change their opinion and admit that without zinc and selenium it is impossible good nutrition And healthy life person.

Selenium is considered a poison, but it's all about the dosage. Let's remember the words of the brilliant man, the Middle Ages physician Paracelsus: everything is poison and everything is medicine, only the dose distinguishes one from the other.

If more substance enters the body than required, it will act as a poison. Even if it is less than necessary, then in this situation the action is no better. Our body needs a tiny dose - only 0.000010 g per day.

Selenium, like the well-known vitamin E, is an oxidizing agent. But together they do not work and act separately. But they perfectly replace each other in biological processes.

The main activity of selenium is to protect nucleic acids from harmful effects, damage.

Why are nucleic acids so valuable? They are a part of all living systems, participate in protein biosynthesis, and are carriers of hereditary information.

What is zinc used for? Zinc is necessary for maturation and bone development.

People tirelessly reproduce their skeleton; this process is associated with metabolism. If this process is disrupted, the bones become fragile.

Also, thanks to the microelement, skin cells are renewed.

What does a lack of selenium and zinc lead to?

His main enemies are empty carbohydrates:

  • cakes;
  • cookie;
  • soda;
  • various sweets.

If we do not eat sweets, then we retain selenium in the body. But sweet soda completely kills a valuable microelement.

As a result of research, it was found that zinc deficiency is observed in patients with the following diseases:

  • alcoholism;
  • ulcers on the body;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • heart diseases;
  • atherosclerosis.

The following factors reduce zinc in the blood.

  1. Taking medications, such as birth control pills containing the hormone cortisone.
  2. The food is very salty and very sweet.
  3. Alcohol.

Professors conducted experiments with rat pups, giving a dose of alcohol every day and measuring zinc. As a result, zinc decreased in the blood and liver.

The rat pups grew slowly, developed poorly, and their skeletons were deformed.

Think about it, the same thing happens to young people who drink alcohol.

What can cause zinc deficiency?

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. Liver diseases.
  3. Taking birth control pills.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Poor digestibility.
  6. Mineral deficiency in water.

Zinc is best absorbed in its natural form. There will be no overdose, the mineral is not toxic and does not accumulate in the body.

The norm for zinc is 15 mg per day.

Why are selenium and zinc important?

Why do we need zinc and selenium?

What does selenium do?

  1. Increases our body's resistance to harmful environmental conditions.
  2. Helps us fight viruses.
  3. Helps treat diabetes.
  4. Strengthens immune defense.
  5. Good for the heart blood vessels, helps the heart muscle work.
  6. Selenium intake from food reduces the likelihood of developing cancer by 40%.
  7. Needed to combine iodine-containing thyroid hormones.
  8. Necessary for men as it supports health reproductive system and has a positive effect on sperm quality.
  9. For women, the microelement helps to bear fruit healthy child. Selenium affects the quality of milk.
  10. Protects cells from exposure to carcinogenic poisons.
  11. Resists damage to chromosomes carrying genetic material.
  12. Kills mold and dangerous aflatoxins.

Now let's look at why zinc is important.

  1. Zinc helps recovery soft tissues and skin.
  2. Colds are relieved and the duration of illness is reduced.
  3. Zinc supplements may be useful for children to help them get sick less often.
  4. Performs a regenerative, antitoxic function.
  5. Zinc also has a great effect on intelligence.
  6. In people with rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis examination reveals a deficiency of this element.
  7. It has a positive effect in the treatment of psoriasis and acne.

If zinc in food or in the form vitamin supplements enough then:

What foods contain selenium and zinc?

Where is such an amazing element selenium found?

  1. Sea salt and rock salt.
  2. By-products (kidneys, liver, heart).
  3. Chicken and quail eggs.
  4. Seafood.
  5. Wheat bran.
  6. Corn grains.
  7. Mushrooms.
  8. Garlic.
  9. Olive oil.

But it should be remembered that when cooked, selenium is halved, and in canned food there is none at all.

Products containing zinc:

  • apples;
  • lemons;
  • figs;
  • grapefruit;
  • green vegetables;
  • mineral water from natural sources;
  • berries;
  • lean beef;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • celery;
  • radish;
  • green tea;
  • lentils;
  • bran;
  • sprouted wheat grains;
  • pumpkin seeds.

Conclusion: selenium and zinc are important microelements, be sure to add products with these minerals to your menu.

Best regards, Olga.

In this article we will look at foods rich in zinc. A table will be presented.

Zinc is an essential trace element, a structural component of enzymes, protein, cell receptors and membranes. People need it for complete protein, fat and carbohydrate breakdown, the formation of genetic cellular material and metabolism. nucleic acid. Zinc is found in almost all cells human body, but most of all it is concentrated in bone, nerve and muscle tissue.

Many people are interested in foods rich in zinc and selenium. The tables below reflect such information.

Zinc: what effect does it have on the human body?

Zinc regulates the activity of more than two hundred enzyme structures, and it is also involved in the formation of important hormones, blood cells and neurotransmitters. This element creates for the cells of the body favorable conditions, helping to function fully.

The biological significance of this element is as follows:

  • Improving cognitive functions (attention, memory, mood).
  • Normalization of the cerebellum and brain.
  • Increased synthesis and hypoglycemic effect of insulin.
  • Promotion protective properties neutrophils and macrophages.
  • Improvement immune status body.
  • Stabilization of sugar levels.
  • Adjustment of oxidation reactions fatty acid.
  • Improved visual acuity and taste perception, as well as the sense of smell.
  • Potentiation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes.
  • Participation in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Stimulation of the regeneration of new tissues along with regulation of the activity of enzyme systems.

How much zinc does the human body need per day, depending on gender and age?

The table of zinc in food is simple and understandable to everyone.

Zinc intake rate

Zinc reserves in adults weighing seventy kilograms range from 1.5 to 3 grams, depending on gender, availability accompanying pathologies, intestinal conditions and so on. Moreover, 98 percent of this substance is concentrated inside cellular structures, and the rest in the blood serum. The daily requirement of people for zinc is:

  • Girls up to six months need 2 milligrams.
  • Boys up to six months need 3 milligrams.
  • Children under three need 3 to 4 milligrams.
  • Preschoolers four to eight years old need 5 milligrams.
  • Teenagers nine to thirteen years old need 8 milligrams.
  • Girls from fourteen to eighteen years old need 9 milligrams.
  • Boys from fourteen to eighteen years old need 11 milligrams.
  • Women between nineteen and fifty years of age require 12 milligrams.
  • Men from nineteen to fifty years old need 15 milligrams.
  • Mature males between the ages of fifty and eighty require 13 milligrams.
  • Women who are postmenopausal - from fifty to seventy years old - need 10 milligrams.
  • Pregnant women require 14 to 15 milligrams.
  • Nursing mothers need 17 to 20 milligrams.

What will the table show us? What foods contain zinc and in what quantity? More about all this below.

Upper limit

The upper permissible limit for zinc intake without obtaining negative consequences for the body is 25 milligrams. The need for this microelement usually increases with a lack of protein in the daily menu, and in addition, against the background profuse sweating, intensive sports, use oral contraceptives, mental overload and taking diuretic medications. Now let's find out in which products this element is found. Let's also look at the table of foods rich in zinc.

Foods that are rich in zinc

Considering that zinc supports the health of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems It is very important to ensure the daily intake of this microelement into your body. Next, let's look at foods that are rich in this element.

The product's name

Amount of zinc per 100 grams of product in milligrams

Wheat bran

Beef, lamb

Pumpkin seeds

Pine nuts

Beef tongue


Oat and buckwheat

Green onions

Veal liver

Beans, soy

Flax and sunflower seeds

Turkey, duck


Carrots, radishes, avocado

The table of the amount of zinc in foods is convenient to use.

In addition, zinc is found in small amounts (up to approximately 1 milligram) in almost all fruits, berries and vegetables. It is worth remembering that the cooking process plant food and the grinding of cereals results in the loss of fifty percent of the mineral.

This must be taken into account when using the table of zinc-rich foods.

Beneficial Impact

In order to maintain the health of the immune system, reproductive and nervous systems, the right food must be present in the daily menu.

Now we know which foods contain zinc. The table shows the exact amount of this element.

Its highest concentration is present in oysters, and in addition, in cereal foods, nuts, legumes, berries and fruits. Considering that this element is included in hormones, nerve endings and enzymes, its insufficient intake into the body threatens menstruation disorders, and in addition, prostate pathologies, severe manifestations of menopause, decreased immune strength and toxicosis during pregnancy. It should be remembered that zinc products must be included in the diet of expectant mothers, as they provide correct formation and fetal development.

However, it is not enough to eat foods containing large quantities of zinc. The table below shows the food rich in selenium.

Foods that are rich in selenium

An element such as selenium is very tasty, and paying attention to selenium content in your diet is a pleasure. The products that provide it are very diverse. Therefore, if a person does not like, for example, sea ​​fish, then he probably won’t be able to refuse mushrooms. Quite a lot of selenium is present in meat and especially in offal, namely in the liver of chicken, turkey, duck and beef. This element can also be found in pork and veal kidneys.

Animal food

It is worth noting that the amount of zinc and selenium in an animal’s meat is affected by the food it was fed. There are enough of these elements in grain crops that have not been peeled (much depends on their presence in the soil in which these grains were grown). Selenium is also present in wholemeal flour and sea ​​salt. IN chicken yolks You can find not just selenium, but also additional vitamins such as E and K.

Having decided to replenish the smell of selenium with the help of marine inhabitants, we must not forget that within heat treatment the content of this microelement decreases. Maximum benefit will bring, for example, tartare made from freshly caught tuna.

Where else is selenium found?

Selenium is found, among other things, in wheat bran, and also in rice, corn and wheat. By boiling these cereals for breakfast, you can provide yourself with a daily portion of the necessary element. In addition, selenium is found in garlic, mushrooms, onions, and also in black bread.

Many people are also interested in foods rich in copper and zinc. The table is shown below.

Foods that contain copper

Humans get copper from food. It is worth saying that the content of this element in products depends on its presence in the soil, and it can increase significantly if the soil is fertilized with copper sulfate. A very high concentration of this element accumulates in the leaves of a plant such as ginseng, even though there was not enough of this metal directly in the soil in which the ginseng grew. The plant also contains a high concentration of calcium and iron, but much less titanium, potassium, zinc, manganese, nickel, rubidium and molybdenum. Hence the conclusion is drawn that ginseng is a remarkable store of most important microelements and vitamins.

Plants take up no more than four percent of copper from the soil, and people absorb only about ten percent of this element from food. People do not require special copper therapy. Copper is abundantly found in the foods they eat, and infants have reserves of this element in their liver.

Toxic element

True, with the benefits that the human body receives from copper, it is also worth knowing that it is a toxic element. Copper compounds, especially with sulfur, are very poisonous. An excess of this substance can have reverse effect, causing diseases in the form of anemia, dysfunction of the respiratory tract and liver. At the same time, the body requires copper in order not to suffer from such diseases. The daily requirement for adults for this element ranges from 1 to 3 milligrams. Thus, too little is very bad, but too much is also not good.

In the diet, it is preferable to combine copper with molybdenum, since both elements form a whole complex, to which sulfur and protein are additionally added. It is worth noting that jam cooked in a copper basin completely loses vitamin C, against the background of this, at the same time, certain copper compounds harmful to the human body are quite capable of forming. You should also be aware that as part of the production of Swiss cheese, it is placed in a tub that contains copper, so that during oxidation the holes characteristic of this product are formed.

Foods that contain copper include liver, along with crab, shrimp, lobster and lobster. It is also found in nuts along with leafy vegetables, peas, beans, wholemeal flour and bread made from it. All these products contain copper and molybdenum in the amount required by the body. True, you should not overeat them more than the norm (100 grams per day); it is best to consume such products not all together, but separately. Then a person will not face harmful consequences and troubles from oversaturation of the body with copper.

We looked at foods rich in zinc. A table has also been provided.

Zinc takes part in enzymatic reactions, stimulates growth processes, helps remove harmful substances, eliminate fat metabolism disorders, and improves cardiovascular activity. Products containing zinc are necessary for skin and hair.

Benefits for the body

Approximately two hundred enzymes that participate in the reactions of cellular metabolism, growth and division contain zinc. Its intake with food is necessary for healing processes and anti-inflammatory effects.

A sufficient amount of zinc in food prevents the formation of free radicals, which destroy cell membranes. The antioxidant effect it provides slows down the aging process, which is especially necessary in unfavorable environments.

The element is involved in the formation of the structure of insulin in the pancreas before it enters the blood, helps normalize glucose levels, reduces the level, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Products containing zinc are included in the diet to improve reproductive function, the birth of healthy children, in case of their growth slowdown, for removal from the body harmful substances, providing restorative action, increasing resistance to infections, for the prevention and inflammation of the skin, improving activity of cardio-vascular system, in case of poor hair and nail growth, fat metabolism disorders - with atherosclerosis, excess weight, .

The element is especially necessary for the body when everyday activities require attentiveness and sharpness, correct color perception (drivers, pilots, athletes).

Daily requirement

Absorption from products occurs in small intestine. A significant amount of zinc is contained in sperm, prostate gland, pituitary gland, retina, liver, pancreas, The lymph nodes, hair, skin, bones, as well as the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for memory.

Up to 90% is excreted from feces, up to 10% - with urine, 2% - with sweat.

For men, it is especially important to receive zinc, which is lost during intimacy. Products high in it help support reproductive ability.

List and table of foods containing zinc

Most of the element is found in oysters, brewer's yeast, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, cocoa.

Significant amounts of zinc in beef, poultry, liver, kidneys, egg yolk. It is contained in plant and dairy products - cereals, bread, cheeses, as well as legumes.

Table 1. List of foods containing the most zinc
Product (100g)Zinc content, mg
Legumes, mushrooms
Rye germ20,8
Wheat germ13
Wheat flakes4
Fish and seafood
Crab meat2,3
Meat products, poultry
Egg yolk2,5-4
Turkey meat1,8
Green pea3,8
Brussels sprouts0,87
Red beetroot0,59
Pine nuts3,2
Pumpkin seeds7,4
Sunflower seeds5,2
Fruits and berries
Raspberries, blackberries0,56
Other products
Brewer's yeast8-30

For lovers of vegetarian or low calorie diets To prevent deficiency, you should take multivitamins or dietary supplements.

Zinc for men and women

During intimacy, men lose several milligrams of the element, so to prevent or eliminate its deficiency and maintain sexual activity, foods high in zinc are needed. The element is necessarily included in popular diets and means to enhance potency.

The supply of zinc-containing products is necessary for the production male hormone testosterone, prostate gland. Deficiency can cause delayed sexual development in adolescents, loss of the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg ( male infertility), decreased potency, increased risk of prostate adenoma.

In women, deficiency can lead to fetal malformations and decreased maternal instinct due to reduced production of sex hormones. Future mom gets sick more often, gets tired faster. Zinc deficiency can lead to premature birth, the birth of a weak premature baby.

Causes and symptoms of shortage

Modern research has shown that zinc deficiency is common, especially in women.

Even with the intake of foods rich in zinc, a deficiency can develop when the dietary intake of its antagonist, copper, increases.

Other causes of deficiency in the body: lack of protein products in the diet, liver disease, kidney disease, malabsorption in the intestines, chronic, alcohol abuse.

Studies have found that zinc deficiency increases the susceptibility to alcoholism in childhood and adolescence.

In women during gestation, a deficiency may be due to the transfer of a significant amount of the element into the fetus.

Insufficient intake of zinc from food leads to an excess of copper and iron in the body.

In case of zinc deficiency, taking increased doses does not bring results, which cannot be released from the liver in order to enter the tissues through the blood and restore the skin.

The following signs may indicate a deficiency:

  • decline ;
  • anemia, allergies;
  • hyperactivity;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, erosions and ulcers of the mucous membranes;
  • slow wound healing;
  • pimples, acne on the face;
  • splitting of nails;
  • decrease, frequent colds and infectious diseases, delayed recovery;
  • deterioration of memory, attention, appetite, taste.

Increased risk diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, the body ages faster.


Eating foods that contain zinc reduces the amount of copper and iron in the body.

In metal form, the element is neutral; its compounds are dangerous.

Poisoning occurs when 150-600 mg of the element enters the body daily. Nausea, weakness, and other signs of intoxication.

Modified: 02/10/2019

Modern people are susceptible to stress due to the fast pace of life, so it is useful to consume foods high in zinc. This mineral affects metabolism and improves well-being. Without a microelement it will be damaged cellular metabolism which will lead to fatigue, increased fatigue And nervous breakdowns.

What are the benefits of zinc in food?

Doctors say that zinc in food and diet does following functions for the health of the human body:

  • improves metabolism - takes part in the creation and breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, proteins;
  • supports the functioning of the immune system - affects leukocytes, antibodies to diseases, hormones;
  • improves the body's resistance to infections;
  • affects the growth of the child, participates in the process of cell division;
  • in adolescence it is necessary during the formation of the reproductive system, the production of sperm and eggs;
  • cleanses toxins, removes heavy metals;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • normalizes the condition of hair and skin.

The following list may occur due to zinc deficiency: unfavorable factors:

  • neuropsychiatric disorders(epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia);
  • allergies, dermatitis;
  • disruptions in immunity;
  • decreased blood circulation, anemia;
  • pregnant women experience difficult labor, fetal growth retardation, even miscarriage;
  • difficulties with wound healing;
  • decreased growth, delayed puberty;
  • hair loss – the result is immediately visible in the photo and in life;
  • frequent colds;
  • absent-mindedness, decreased concentration;
  • in adolescents, a lack of an element causes a craving for alcohol;
  • in men after 50 years – increased risk prostate adenomas.

The maximum amount of the microelement is found inside the male genital organs, blood cells and the retina of the eye. Mineral deficiency is caused by a lack of substance in incoming food, due to active physical activity, as a result of which there's a lot going on sweat separation. If consumed a large number of carbohydrates and diuretics, then the microelement will not be enough, so it is useful to remember which foods contain zinc.

It is important to know that the mineral is better absorbed with big amount protein and vitamin A. Phytates - derivatives of phytic acid - slow down absorption. Foods rich in iron, calcium and lead should be avoided. It is better to consume these microelements separately to improve metabolism within important tissues and organs throughout the body. For children and adults, regular intake of the element with food is recommended. Daily value in mg:

  • the first six months for girls – 2;
  • six months for boys – 3;
  • 0.5-3 years – 3;
  • 4-8 years – 5;
  • 9-13 years old – 8;
  • 14-18 years old for girls – 9;
  • 14-18 years old for boys – 11;
  • 19-59 years old for women – 12;
  • 19-50 years old for men – 15;
  • after 50 years for women – 10;
  • after 50 years for men – 13;
  • daily requirement during pregnancy under 18 years of age – 15;
  • during pregnancy over 19 years – 14;
  • nursing mothers under 18 years old – 15;
  • those who are breastfeeding after 18 years – 17.

Useful facts about the mineral:

  1. The use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the concentration of the element.
  2. Zinc toxicity starts at 150 mg per day.
  3. If you have intestinal diseases or are taking diuretics, then you need to get more zinc from foods that contain it.
  4. Dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol wash out the element, preventing it from being absorbed.
  5. The element is better absorbed with legumes, peanuts, baking powder, and soy products that have undergone fermentation (for example, miso - Japanese soup).

What does zinc contain?

When searching for information about which products contain zinc, you can find facts confirming the leadership in the content of this element in grains, beans, and nuts. The leaders are oysters, boiled fish, wheat bran. Meat products and meat will be the answer to the question of which foods contain zinc. Dry and pressed yeast is abundant in minerals. Rich in zinc:

  • bird;
  • onions, garlic, green vegetables;
  • potato;
  • buckwheat, lentils, soybeans;
  • barley flour, bread;
  • dry cream;
  • radish;
  • citrus;
  • nuts (peanuts, cashews);
  • apples, figs, dates;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • green tea.

What foods are high in zinc?

Highest content You will find zinc in products in the table below:


Fried liver calf

Wheat bran

Boiled eel (fish)

Beef stew

Pine nut

Zinc-containing animal products

When asked what foods contain zinc, nutritionists give the answer – the most mineral is found in foods of animal origin. The table shows products enriched with the element:


Boiled chicken hearts

Fried lamb liver

Boiled beef tongue

Fried lamb kidneys

Dry yeast

Plant foods with zinc

When understanding what foods contain zinc, do not forget about food plant origin. The table contains information about them:



Brazilian nut


Coconut pulp


Dried apricot

Dried plum


Pumpkin (seeds)

Sunflower seed

Soya beans


Coarse wheat flour

The macronutrient zinc is essential for vital performance important functions in the human body.

It is necessary for people of any age category, regardless of gender and living conditions.

Therefore, it is necessary to include foods high in metal in your diet every day to prevent metal deficiency.

The macroelement is used in most metabolic processes and chemical reactions. It takes part in the construction of protein compounds, in the processes of blood formation, and in more than two hundred enzyme reactions.

In addition, the metal ensures the normal functioning of the glands internal secretion and the immune system.

The most important biological functions of zinc for humans include:

In addition, the metal is involved in the formation of protein compounds, which improves the processes of tissue repair, restoration and healing. The metal also takes part in the formation of the heme enzyme, located in hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen through the blood.

  • Zinc is essential for proper hormonal functioning in the human body.

It affects the production and functioning of insulin, affects insulin-dependent processes, and is indispensable for men, as it helps produce testosterone, thereby increasing potency. In addition, the macronutrient prevents inflammation of the prostate and has a preventive effect against cancerous tumors.

  • The metal is necessary for good immune function, affecting the functioning of the thymus.

In addition, together with vitamins A and C, it stimulates anti-inflammatory processes, improves the synthesis of antibodies against bacteria and viruses.

  • The wound-healing abilities of zinc are determined by the synthesis of collagen and other building proteins involved in the regeneration and restoration of organs and tissues.
  • The metal regulates the processes of blood formation and formation bone tissue, therefore it is especially necessary for expectant mothers, young children and the elderly, who sometimes have porous bones in their skeletons. structural changes, making the bone skeleton fragile.
  • Scientists have proven the relationship between regular use zinc and improved memory and intelligence.

In addition, it is able to improve the processes of touch, smell and vision.

  • Metal regulates secretion production sebaceous glands, therefore necessary for teenagers and people with problem skin.

It relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of acne and acne.

  • For arthrosis and rheumatism, doctors recommend constant consumption of foods rich in zinc.

Thus, it is possible to reduce pain syndrome, take off inflammatory process, and on early stages the disease will be completely cured.

  • During pregnancy, zinc is especially necessary in the first trimester, when the placenta is maximally forming and storing nutrients and microelements.

A lack of metal at this time causes changes in taste and sensitivity, lack of appetite and nausea in pregnant women.

The relationship of zinc with other elements

When entering food, the metal interacts with enzymatic proteins, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals. The absorption processes and balance of the metal are also affected by the entry into the blood of certain medicinal compounds, as well as alcohol and toxins.

Good absorption of the metal occurs with protein foods, and with an excess of copper, cadmium and lead, its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract worsens, resulting in a lack of zinc.

In addition, harmful compounds of phytic acid - phytates, can cause difficulties in transporting the macroelement through the blood vessels.

The metal is well absorbed and participates in many processes along with vitamin A and B6. At the same time, the vitamin is absorbed faster and better, and zinc can freely move through the bloodstream to all tissues, especially to the brain.

Daily norm

Men need to consume more zinc per day, approximately 20 - 30 mg. For women, it is enough to take 8-10 mg daily.

Due to the fact that zinc is involved in almost all vital processes, it should definitely be taken in sufficient quantities during pregnancy, when the fetus develops skeletal system, brain, hematopoietic organs.

Therefore, it is important to use as much as possible more products With high concentration macroelement in the first trimester, when the placental system is being formed.

At the age of about 12 years, at the time of maturation of the genital organs and a surge in sex hormones, a large supply of zinc is necessary for boys. In total, about 2 grams are concentrated in a person. macronutrient, so it needs to be supplemented regularly by eating foods with zinc.

  • For children infancy 3 mg is enough. per day.
  • Up to 8 years of age, it is necessary to increase the zinc concentration to 5 mg.
  • During adolescence, the required daily requirement for vital metal is about 11 mg.

For an adult, it is difficult to calculate the exact intake of macronutrients; it all depends on a number of factors: weight, height, age, rhythm of life. On average, it is enough for women to consume 10 mg per day, increasing its concentration during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Zinc deficiency - causes and symptoms

Insufficient intake of metal into the body leads to its deficit state, and consequently, disruption in many vital processes.

Poor metal absorption can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • liver diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • poor absorption by the body due to a lack of enzymes;
  • consuming large amounts of phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of zinc.

A lot of phytin is contained in the bran and cake of cereals.

Due to zinc deficiency in the human body, pathological disorders Therefore, it is necessary to know the first signs and symptoms of metal deficiency in order to prevent diseases in the early stages.

  • First of all, patients experience impaired hair growth and nail plates, the upper layer of the epidermis is affected.
  • Secondly, the digestive processes are disrupted, which makes absorption difficult. nutrients into the blood.
  • Thirdly, it gets worse general state and memory suffers.
  • Fourthly, zinc deficiency can provoke the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum.

Replenishment of macronutrient deficiencies is carried out by following a special dietary program, rich in products with a high content of zinc, and doctors also prescribe a number of medications for speedy recovery metabolic processes in the body.

Main vitamin preparation, which contains 45 mg of zinc, is Cintrecal. It is prescribed to elderly people, pregnant and lactating women. In addition, people need to replenish zinc concentrations after injuries and surgery.


The primary parameters of excessive metal concentrations in human blood are weakness, lethargy and regular bouts of vomiting and nausea. In addition to the general deterioration in condition, the intestines stop absorbing other micro- and macroelements, especially copper and iron.

The main cause of excess zinc concentration is uncontrolled consumption of food and biological active additives along with vitamins and other medicines containing a high concentration of metal.

Therapeutic treatment of excess zinc in the human body is aimed at eliminating symptoms, first of all, restoring work gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the patient is prohibited from taking zinc-containing drugs until full recovery all metabolic processes.

Foods that contain the most zinc

Every person should know about foods high in zinc, while making proper nutrition with them.

It is necessary to eat foods containing metals every day, since during eating only a small proportion of the macroelement is completely absorbed into the blood.

All products can be divided into sources of plant and animal origin:

  1. Plant sources of zinc are:
  • of vegetables rich in metal, in first place are , and , and also cauliflower and spinach;
  • from cereal plants - rice, oatmeal and wheat;
  • legumes also contain zinc - beans, peas and;
  • walnuts, peanuts and pine nuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds;
  1. Among animal products, the highest concentration of zinc in the composition is:
  • seafood, especially oysters, as well as river fish;
  • meat of animals and poultry;
  • offal and offal, in particular liver, heart, lungs;
  • egg yolk.

Garden plants - and horseradish are capable of accumulating large amounts of zinc in their leaves, so since ancient times they have been considered ideal folk remedy to increase potency in men.

Table: zinc content in food

Product name Zinc, mcg/100g % of daily norm for 100g.
1 Pumpkin seeds 7460,0-20200,0 115,3
2 Wild rice 5960,0 49,7
3 Dates 510,0-9600,0 42,1
4 Peas 3100,0-4900,0 33,3
5 1100,0-2300,0 14,2
23 Parsley (greens) 1100,0-1460,0 10,7
24 Kelp 1230,0 10,3
25 440,0-2000,0 10,2
26 Long grain rice (non-glutinous) 1090 9,1
27 Basil 810,0 6,8
28 Short grain rice (sticky) 410,0-1100,0 6,3
29 Coriander (cilantro) 500,0-900,0 5,8
30 Dried figs 500,0-900,0 5,8
31 Chives 460,0-560,0 4,3
32 480,0-560,0 4,3
33 Green onion 450,0-560,0 4,2
34 Tarragon 469,9 3,9
35 Arugula 470,0 3,9
36 Leek 110,0-730,0 3,5
37 Raisin 220,0-520,0 3,1
38 Rhubarb (stalks) 61,0-630,0 2,9
39 Dried apricots 200,0-390,0 2,5

Thus, foods with high concentrations of zinc are very beneficial for the human body, so they should be eaten regularly to restore metabolic processes and increase resistance to aggressive environmental factors.