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Products containing zinc and selenium. Zinc-rich foods

In this article we will look at foods rich in zinc. A table will be presented.

Zinc is an essential trace element, a structural component of enzymes, protein, cell receptors and membranes. People need it for complete protein, fat and carbohydrate breakdown, the formation of genetic cellular material and metabolism. nucleic acid. Zinc is found in almost all cells of the human body, but it is most concentrated in bone, nerve and muscle tissue.

Many people are interested in foods rich in zinc and selenium. The tables below reflect such information.

Zinc: what effect does it have on the human body?

Zinc regulates the activity of more than two hundred enzyme structures, and it is also involved in the formation of important hormones, blood cells and neurotransmitters. This element creates for the cells of the body favorable conditions, helping to function fully.

The biological significance of this element is as follows:

  • Improving cognitive functions (attention, memory, mood).
  • Normalization of the cerebellum and brain.
  • Increased synthesis and hypoglycemic effect of insulin.
  • Promotion protective properties neutrophils and macrophages.
  • Improvement immune status body.
  • Stabilization of sugar levels.
  • Adjustment of oxidation reactions fatty acid.
  • Improved visual acuity and taste perception, as well as the sense of smell.
  • Potentiation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes.
  • Participation in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Stimulation of the regeneration of new tissues along with regulation of the activity of enzyme systems.

How much zinc does the human body need per day, depending on gender and age?

The table of zinc in food is simple and understandable to everyone.

Zinc intake rate

Zinc reserves in adults weighing seventy kilograms range from 1.5 to 3 grams, depending on gender, availability accompanying pathologies, intestinal conditions and so on. Moreover, 98 percent of this substance is concentrated inside cellular structures, and the rest in the blood serum. The daily requirement of people for zinc is:

  • Girls up to six months need 2 milligrams.
  • Boys up to six months need 3 milligrams.
  • Children under three need 3 to 4 milligrams.
  • Preschoolers four to eight years old need 5 milligrams.
  • Teenagers nine to thirteen years old need 8 milligrams.
  • Girls from fourteen to eighteen years old need 9 milligrams.
  • Boys from fourteen to eighteen years old need 11 milligrams.
  • Women between nineteen and fifty years of age require 12 milligrams.
  • Men from nineteen to fifty years old need 15 milligrams.
  • Mature males between the ages of fifty and eighty require 13 milligrams.
  • Women who are postmenopausal - from fifty to seventy years old - need 10 milligrams.
  • Pregnant women require 14 to 15 milligrams.
  • Nursing mothers need 17 to 20 milligrams.

What will the table show us? What foods contain zinc and in what quantity? More about all this below.

Upper limit

The upper permissible limit for zinc intake without obtaining negative consequences for the body is 25 milligrams. The need for this microelement usually increases with a lack of protein in the daily menu, and in addition, against the background profuse sweating, intensive sports, use oral contraceptives, mental overload and taking diuretic medications. Now let's find out in which products this element is found. Let's also look at the table of foods rich in zinc.

Foods that are rich in zinc

Considering that zinc supports the health of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, it is very important to ensure a daily intake of this microelement into your body. Next, let's look at foods that are rich in this element.

The product's name

Amount of zinc per 100 grams of product in milligrams

Wheat bran

Beef, lamb

Pumpkin seeds

Pine nuts

Beef tongue


Oat and buckwheat

Green onions

Veal liver

Beans, soy

Flax and sunflower seeds

Turkey, duck


Carrots, radishes, avocado

The table of the amount of zinc in foods is convenient to use.

In addition, zinc is found in small amounts (up to approximately 1 milligram) in almost all fruits, berries and vegetables. It is worth remembering that the cooking process plant food and the grinding of cereals results in the loss of fifty percent of the mineral.

This must be taken into account when using the table of zinc-rich foods.

Beneficial Impact

In order to maintain the health of the immune system, reproductive and nervous systems, the right food must be present in the daily menu.

Now we know which foods contain zinc. The table shows the exact amount of this element.

Its highest concentration is present in oysters, and in addition, in cereal foods, nuts, legumes, berries and fruits. Considering that this element is included in hormones, nerve endings and enzymes, its insufficient intake into the body threatens menstruation disorders, and in addition, prostate pathologies, severe manifestations of menopause, decreased immune strength and toxicosis during pregnancy. It should be remembered that zinc products must be included in the diet of expectant mothers, as they provide correct formation and fetal development.

However, it is not enough to eat foods containing large quantities of zinc. The table below shows foods rich in selenium.

Foods that are rich in selenium

An element such as selenium is very tasty, and paying attention to selenium content in your diet is a pleasure. The products that provide it are very diverse. Therefore, if a person does not like, for example, sea ​​fish, then he probably won’t be able to refuse mushrooms. Quite a lot of selenium is present in meat and especially in offal, namely in the liver of chicken, turkey, duck and beef. This element can also be found in pork and veal kidneys.

Animal food

It is worth noting that the amount of zinc and selenium in an animal’s meat is affected by the food it was fed. There are enough of these elements in grain crops that have not been peeled (much depends on their presence in the soil in which these grains were grown). Selenium is also present in wholemeal flour and sea ​​salt. IN chicken yolks You can find not just selenium, but also additional vitamins such as E and K.

Having decided to replenish the smell of selenium with the help of marine inhabitants, we must not forget that within heat treatment the content of this microelement decreases. Maximum benefit will bring, for example, tartare made from freshly caught tuna.

Where else is selenium found?

Selenium is found, among other things, in wheat bran, and also in rice, corn and wheat. By boiling these cereals for breakfast, you can provide yourself with a daily portion of the necessary element. In addition, selenium is found in garlic, mushrooms, onions, and also in black bread.

Many people are also interested in foods rich in copper and zinc. The table is shown below.

Foods that contain copper

Humans get copper from food. It is worth saying that the content of this element in products depends on its presence in the soil, and it can increase significantly if the soil is fertilized with copper sulfate. The leaves of a plant such as ginseng accumulate very high concentration this element, even though there was not enough of this metal directly in the soil in which ginseng grew. The plant also contains a high concentration of calcium and iron, but much less titanium, potassium, zinc, manganese, nickel, rubidium and molybdenum. Hence the conclusion is drawn that ginseng is a remarkable store of most important microelements and vitamins.

Plants take up no more than four percent of copper from the soil, and people absorb only about ten percent of this element from food. People do not require special copper therapy. Copper is abundantly found in the foods they eat, and infants have reserves of this element in their liver.

Toxic element

True, with the benefits that the human body receives from copper, it is also worth knowing that it is a toxic element. Copper compounds, especially with sulfur, are very poisonous. An excess of this substance can have reverse effect, causing diseases in the form of anemia, dysfunction of the respiratory tract and liver. At the same time, the body requires copper in order not to suffer from such diseases. The daily requirement for adults for this element ranges from 1 to 3 milligrams. Thus, too little is very bad, but too much is also not good.

In the diet, it is preferable to combine copper with molybdenum, since both elements form a whole complex, to which sulfur and protein are additionally added. It is worth noting that jam cooked in a copper basin completely loses vitamin C, against the background of this, at the same time, certain copper compounds harmful to the human body are quite capable of forming. You should also be aware that as part of the production of Swiss cheese, it is placed in a tub that contains copper, so that during oxidation the holes characteristic of this product are formed.

Foods that contain copper include liver, along with crab, shrimp, lobster and lobster. It is also found in nuts along with leafy vegetables, peas, beans, wholemeal flour and bread made from it. All these products contain copper and molybdenum in the amount required by the body. True, you should not overeat them more than the norm (100 grams per day); it is best to consume such products not all together, but separately. Then a person will not face harmful consequences and troubles from oversaturation of the body with copper.

We looked at foods rich in zinc. A table has also been provided.

Zinc is second only to iron in its concentration in the body. The microelement is contained in the cells of the whole body, continuously participating in vital processes. Support normal level Zinc levels in the body are helped by certain foods, such as meat, offal, nuts and other foods that are present on our tables every day.

The role of zinc in the human body is difficult to overestimate. It is responsible for immunity, actively forming lymphocytes and protective antibodies, increasing the antimicrobial activity of cells. The antioxidant properties of zinc have also been scientifically confirmed. The trace element is involved in the synthesis of enzymes responsible for digesting food, increases visual acuity and is an excellent remedy prevention of myopia.

Zinc is also required for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. With its direct participation, insulin is produced and, thereby, normalizes blood sugar levels. A sufficient amount of zinc in the body is a preventive measure joint diseases- arthritis, rheumatism and others. Without zinc, normal muscle contraction is impossible, which makes its use mandatory for athletes.

The cause of prostate adenoma and male infertility Often there is a lack of zinc. For male body microelement plays a leading role. It improves sperm activity, prevents hormonal disorders, caused by the undesirable activity of certain enzymes, is involved in the formation of male genital organs. That is why it is important to monitor a boy’s nutrition during puberty, enriching his diet with foods containing essential zinc.

Lack of this microelement in female body first of all reflected in the mirror. Dim, brittle hair, brittle nails, dry skin - all this indicates a lack of valuable microelements. It is especially important to support it normal amount during pregnancy. Zinc normalizes hormonal background woman in " interesting position", helps to cope with the stress that arises during this period. Among the complications that can arise due to its lack are gestosis, which disrupts the functioning of vital important organs and systems of the pregnant woman and fetus.

The formation largely depends on zinc bone tissue. It is important to monitor the diet of a child whose body is just forming, saturating his diet with essential microelements, which are found in sufficient quantities in familiar products nutrition. At the first symptoms of a microelement deficiency in the body of a child or adult, you should consult a doctor, get tested and review your diet, supplementing it with zinc-containing products.

Interaction with other microelements and vitamins

For better absorption zinc is necessary so that other microelements and nutrients enter the body in sufficient quantities. First of all, it is phosphorus and calcium. Vitamin A increases the absorption of the substance, as well as various amino acids. The combination of microelements with B vitamins is used in medicine to restore normal functioning of the nervous system - increasing concentration, improving memory and even treating schizophrenia. An excess of zinc makes it difficult to absorb other microelements, such as calcium.

Table of foods containing zinc, copper and selenium

The effect of selenium on the body is almost the same as the effect of zinc. That is why it is important to saturate the menu with products that contain both of these elements. Copper is also responsible for maintaining human health and beauty. Many pharmaceutical drugs often combine zinc, copper and selenium. Knowing the amount of these microelements contained in food, you can adjust your daily diet, making it truly nutritious and healthy.

Product Microelements content /100g
Zinc, mg Selenium, mcg Copper, µg
Oysters 60 77 15.7
Acne 12 25 4.8
Wheat bran 16 11 6.3
Veal liver 15.9 5 3.8
Dry yeast) 8.0 - 2.7
Sesame 7.8 - 4.08
Beef 7.6 2.5 0.3
Pumpkin seeds 7.5 9.4 1.8
Chicken hearts 7.3 4.3 3.4
Pine nuts 6.5 0.7 1.32
Cocoa powder 6.4 - 3.9
Chicken breasts 4.4 26.3 0.2
Egg yolk 3.9 5.6 0.7
Pork 2.7 33 0.5

This table contains foods that contain the maximum amount of zinc. In combination with copper and selenium, these products will help normalize the functioning of the body, maintain health and beauty, and prolong youth. The norm of copper per day is from 1.5 to 3 mg, the norm of selenium intake is 10-50 mcg.

The range of products containing these microelements in quantities necessary for any organism is quite wide. It also includes many vegetables (beets, broccoli, potatoes) and fruits (apricots, persimmons, watermelons). Contains the necessary microelements of cereals and wholemeal dishes. Only proper nutrition, based on sufficient consumption useful substances, will allow you to avoid problems associated with the lack of one or another valuable element.

Products with high zinc content

As follows from the table, various seafood, beef, lamb, pork, dark chicken meat and offal have the maximum content of valuable microelements. It is also found in sufficient quantities in products. plant origin- pumpkin and sunflower seeds, peanuts, pine nuts, sesame seeds. Yeast, cocoa powder, tahini and popcorn are rich in zinc.

But valuable substance, which enters the body from plant foods, is not as well absorbed by the body as microelements from animal proteins. That is why people who practice vegetarianism or regularly fast are more likely than others to suffer from problems caused by a lack of the most important micronutrient. If there are no seafood or meat on the table, it makes sense to contact a specialist who will prescribe effective complex microelements.

Daily intake of zinc

Zinc intake rates depend on the age and gender of the person. Doctors recommend consuming the microelement in the following dosage:

  • newborns (from 0 to 6 months) - 2 mg/day;
  • children (from 7 months to 3 years) - 3 mg/day;
  • children (from 4 to 8 years) - 5 mg/day;
  • adolescents (from 9 to 13 years) - 8 mg/day;
  • boys over 14 years of age and men - up to 15 mg/day;
  • girls from 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day;
  • women over 18 years old - 12 mg/day.

Often the microelement enters the body in sufficient quantities with food. If you adjust the diet, saturating it with containing essential microelement products is not possible and there is a lack of zinc in the body, the doctor may prescribe zinc-containing drugs in an individual dosage.

The following symptoms may suggest that foods rich in zinc are not being consumed in sufficient quantities by the body:

  • various skin diseases, acne, skin peeling;
  • hair loss and alopecia;
  • fragility, brittleness of nails and the appearance of white spots on them;
  • weakened vision in dark time days;
  • loss of familiar taste and smell sensations;
  • long healing of cuts and wounds.

It is not only the lack of a vital microelement that can lead to problems with well-being. Its significant excess, which can only be achieved through the use of zinc-containing preparations in large quantities, also negatively affects well-being. Among the symptoms that a person experiences when poisoning with a trace element are the following:

Chronic excess of the element can lead to slow bone growth and weakening tendon reflexes. The functions of the liver and prostate gland are weakened, and various autoimmune diseases. It is important to know that zinc that enters the body from food does not accumulate, so you can eat foods rich in this valuable element without the slightest restrictions.

About the effects of zinc on the human body in the following video:

The consequences of a lack of zinc in the body are quite serious. That is why it is important to balance your diet by filling it with foods with high content of this microelement.

In contact with

It is no coincidence that zinc is called the source of beauty and youth: healthy clean skin and strong hair is a clear result of its work in the body. This microelement is vital, because without it life itself is impossible: it actively affects reproductive function, primarily men.

Fortunately, nature itself has made sure that we do not experience a shortage of it: products containing zinc are easy to find in any supermarket or market.

Scientists began to deeply study the effects of microelements on the body quite recently: in the second half of the last century. Although, for example, its amazing wound-healing properties were well known in Ancient Egypt: even then an analogue of the modern one zinc ointment was held in high esteem by doctors! Zinc-bound selenium for a long time generally considered poison. And only in our days have both of these substances been appreciated.

Zinc and selenium are in second place after iron in terms of content in the body. Most of them are in the internal organs (kidneys, liver, spleen), in the genitals, especially in men, and also in the hair.

Almost all organs and systems of the body experience their beneficial effects:

  • zinc and selenium are involved in internal metabolic processes;
  • strong vision, a keen sense of smell and well-functioning taste buds are only possible if there is a lot of this substance in the body;
  • this trace element helps remove heavy metals from internal organs;
  • he is also capable of restoring damaged tissue and strengthen the immune system;
  • The great merit of zinc is that it kickstarts the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and maintains it throughout life. That is why men should have more of it in their diet than women;
  • zinc and selenium are involved in cell division and ensure their normal functioning;
  • the microelement is part of bone tissue and is involved in its renewal;
  • zinc is beneficial when combined with taurine. The lack of both of these substances is one of the factors in the occurrence of epilepsy;
  • vitamin A contained in the liver is released and absorbed only with the assistance of this substance;
  • more high mortality rate among men these days is associated by scientists with reduced level in the body zinc;
  • its antiviral effect is well known;
  • microelement is indispensable for mental stress. Moreover, he plays important role saturates the brain with oxygen and even helps cope with senile insanity;
  • A diet rich in zinc and selenium can reverse the development of diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • One of the causes of stomach ulcers is frequent stress and strain on the nervous system, which lead to a sharp loss of zinc. Replenishing its reserves helps cope with stomach ailments;
  • The occurrence of prostatitis is also associated with a lack of this microelement in the body. The more it is in the diet, the higher the chance of saying goodbye to the disease as quickly as possible.

When there is not enough zinc

Zinc, like selenium, does not accumulate in the body; its supply must be constantly replenished. Healthy image life and balanced diet– that’s quite enough.

The downside is that the microelement is easily washed out of tissues and organs. Alcohol, caffeine, nervous tension, frequent stress leads to its rapid loss.

Signs that should alert you:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases;
  • long wound healing;
  • loss taste sensations and the ability to distinguish odors;
  • white spots on nails;
  • night blindness (weak vision at dusk);
  • slow development in children.

Daily value: how much?

Undoubtedly, this depends on many factors. Irreconcilable coffee lovers, people living in constant psycho-emotional stress, athletes, expectant mothers need zinc and selenium to a greater extent than, for example, those who prefer healthy diet and doesn’t waste your nerves. For men, a high level of this microelement is more relevant.

And yet, scientists know certain average daily norms:

  • boys 0.5–3 years old– 3 mg; 4–8 years – 5 mg; 9–13 years – 8 mg. The indicators for girls are slightly lower than for boys - minus 1 mg for each age category;
  • boys 14–18 years old– 11 mg, for men 19–50 years old – 15 mg, over 50 years old – 13 mg. For the fair sex age groups, you need to subtract 3 mg;
  • expectant and nursing mothers under 18 years of age should ensure that their daily diet contains 15 mg of zinc, the indicators for women over 18 are 14 and 17 mg, respectively.

Mothers expecting boys need it most of all: they should know better than others what foods contain zinc. The first three months of pregnancy are critical, when internal organs and baby systems.

One of effective ways to give birth to healthy boys and raise real men from sons - to ensure that the level of zinc in the body of both mother and child does not fall below normal.

Eating right: what foods are rich in zinc

The easiest way to increase the level of this trace element is to go to the pharmacy for zinc-containing preparations. Simple, but far from the most useful and effective. Another way is much more environmentally friendly and natural - to take nature as an ally. Fortunately, foods rich in zinc and selenium are inexpensive and available to everyone today.

An excellent source of zinc is an infusion of birch buds. What other foods contain zinc? Vegetables include tomatoes, beets, garlic, radishes, and cabbage.

Oranges, blueberries, and raspberries are rich in it. Most of it is found in meat and seafood: oysters, eels, seaweed. Selenium paired with zinc is found in eggs, lentils, many types of nuts, and cauliflower.

Zinc storehouse – wheat bran and sprouted grains, as well as wholemeal bread. Moreover, the dough should be kneaded not with the usual yeast, but with dough. Why?

Opara neutralizes phytin, a substance found in many grains. It absorbs zinc, as well as calcium and iron, preventing them from being absorbed by the body. So it turns out that ordinary village bread, baked according to the recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, is many times healthier than what is produced today in factories and bakeries.

Create a balanced and rich in zinc The table below will help you with your diet.

The product's name Zinc content per 100 g of product, mg
Oysters 60
Wheat bran 16
Sesame seeds 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Boiled chicken hearts 7,3
Boiled beef 7,06
Peanut 6,68
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Boiled beef tongue 4,8
Pine nuts 4,62
Turkey meat 4,28
Egg yolk 3,9
Coarse wheat flour 3,1
Walnuts 2,7
Hazelnuts 1,9
Sardines 1,4
Boiled lentils 1,27
River fish fillet 1,2
Tuna in oil 0,9
Boiled mushrooms 0,87
Tofu 0,8
Dried apricots 0,74
Boiled brown rice 0,63
Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48
Prunes 0,45
Cow's milk 0,4
Green onions 0,39
Avocado 0,31
Cauliflower 0,3

Zinc and selenium are microelements that you cannot do without. It is very important to take care of their high levels in the body. This applies to men to a greater extent, but women too special diet should not be neglected. The reward will be a wonderful appearance and excellent health.

Products containing zinc must certainly be present in healthy diet. Zinc can rightfully be considered a microelement of youth, since its effect on the body as a whole is carried out at the cellular level. This follows from the fact that this element is directly involved in metabolism, as it is part of all hormones, enzymes and vitamins. Seafood is the richest in zinc.

The presence of zinc in the body is vital, since its deficiency can have a detrimental effect on the reproductive function of a person, his immune system, blood formation processes, healing processes. This is why it is so important to eat foods containing zinc. For children, zinc deficiency can have Negative influence on the process normal height, puberty, provision of taste and smell. 5-10 mg is the daily requirement of a child’s body for zinc.

Products containing zinc are primarily meat, poultry and seafood (in particular shrimp and seaweed- kelp), cheeses, soy. Vegetables containing zinc include beets, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, pumpkin seeds. Grain products containing zinc include legumes, some cereals, sprouted wheat, wheat bran, sunflower seeds, and corn. Fruits and berries also contain zinc - raspberries, blueberries, oranges.

However, only a minority of the zinc contained in food is absorbed by our bodies. Therefore, it should be remembered that the content of zinc in vegetables and fruits, as well as in dairy products, is very small when choosing a vegetarian or dairy diet. This form of diet can lead to zinc deficiency in the body. We emphasize that it is necessary to consume foods containing zinc!

However, excess zinc is no less destructive for the human body. You can get such toxic effects from long-term storage and cooking in galvanized dishes (especially acidic ones).

The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body are brittle nails, white spots on the nails, prolonged healing of wounds and abrasions, deterioration of growth, memory, attention, and weakened immunity. And only products containing zinc will help here.

You can compensate for the deficiency of zinc and other vital microelements in the body by taking biologically active additives. As a more affordable folk remedy To replenish zinc deficiency in the body, you can use an infusion of birch leaves.

Products containing zinc should always be in your diet, as this microelement interacts with other elements that are equally important for our life. To absorb vitamins A and B6 you need zinc and, of course, you should eat foods containing zinc. But in order for zinc to be properly absorbed by your body, it should be taken with fluoride and calcium.

From the table below it becomes clear which products contain zinc:

Zinc content in food products

The product's name The product's name

Amount of zinc in mg per 100g of product

Yeast for baking 9,97 Sesame seed 7,75
Pumpkin seeds 7,44 Boiled chicken hearts 7,30
Boiled beef 7,06 Peanut 6,68
Cocoa powder 6,37 Sunflower seeds 5,29
Boiled beef tongue 4,80 Pine nuts 4,62
Grilled turkey meat 4,28 Popcorn 4,13
Egg yolk 3,44 Coarse wheat flour 3,11
Walnuts 2,73 Peanut butter 2,51
Coconut 2,01 Sardines 1,40
Boiled beans 1,38 Boiled lentils 1,27
River fish cutlets 1,20 Boiled green peas 1,19
Eggs 1,10 Boiled peas 1,00
Canned salmon 0,92 Tuna in oil 0,90
Boiled mushrooms 0,87 Tofu 0,80
Boiled spinach 0,76 Dried apricots 0,74
Brown rice 0,63 Wheat porridge 0,57
Vermicelli 0,53 Oatmeal 0,49
Corn 0,48 Boiled white rice 0,45
Milk 1% fat 0,39 Green onions 0,39
Boiled broccoli 0,38 Boiled cauliflower 0,31
Avocado 0,31 Radish 0,30
Boiled carrots 0,30

The human body constantly requires not only vitamins, but also various microelements also contained in food. Balanced diet will help maintain health, improve well-being and even slow down aging. Therefore, you need to ensure that the composition of the food you eat includes necessary elements. The most important among them are selenium, silicon, and zinc.

Selenium in food

The first of these beneficial substances is selenium. Its importance for the body has been underestimated by scientists for a long time. Only in the fifties of the last century it was found that this element takes part in many important processes occurring inside a person.

Scientists note the following functions:

  1. Prevents the formation of tumors. And if they already exist, it slows down their development.
  2. Improves metabolism and provides correct work gastrointestinal tract. Promotes regeneration of the gastric mucosa, which is important for peptic ulcers.
  3. Increases human immunity to infections different types, protects the body from exposure to harmful substances.
  4. Along with other elements, it forms hormones, enzymes and proteins necessary for life.
  5. Stimulates the functioning of the endocrine system.
  6. Prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  7. Prevents premature aging.
  8. Prevents the occurrence of fungus and its proliferation.
  9. It has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of men and women and reduces the likelihood of miscarriage.
  10. Improves the condition of nails and hair.

The natural content of selenium in the body is 12 mg. It accumulates in different concentrations in human organs- kidneys, liver, heart - improving their functioning. However, some people experience a lack of this substance, which leads to disruption of the body’s biological reactions, decreased brain activity, as well as memory impairment and depression.

Often, a lack of a useful element is observed in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since the stomach does not absorb many nutrients, or when parenteral nutrition(via veins). The substance is poorly produced in people who are obese or alcoholic, as well as in those taking cholesterol-lowering medications.

There are symptoms of selenium deficiency:

  • Sudden decrease in immunity.
  • Loss of large amounts of hair, deformation of nails.
  • Deterioration in activity, performance, concentration and attention.
  • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle.
  • Decreased vision.
  • The occurrence of skin diseases, as well as kidney diseases.
  • Impotence.
  • Long healing of skin wounds.
  • IN childhood growth rate may decrease.

Selenium should be consumed daily along with food. Daily norms depend on a person’s age, gender and health status:

  • For newborns, the amount of microelement consumed should not exceed 9 mcg.
  • For children from one to six years old, the recommended dose is 20 mcg.
  • Children from seven years old – 28 – 30 mcg.
  • For adolescents from 12 to 14 years old, selenium is required in amounts of 38 to 43 mcg for boys, from 44 to 47 mcg for girls.
  • Adult women should consume at least 57 mcg, men - 74 mcg. During pregnancy, the daily norm increases to 70 mcg.

What foods contain selenium?

A person receives microelements from food (up to 90%) and water (only 10%).

When cooking food, the substance is not destroyed, but its content is significantly reduced.

Foods rich in selenium (table includes foods with maximum level substance content):

Tuna This fish is considered the record holder for the amount of the substance in question, but with any type of heat treatment its level is reduced by half. In addition, tuna contains mercury, so experts recommend eating it only once a week.
Pork A serving of bacon contains selenium, which completely covers daily requirement person.
Squid Seafood is also rich in this microelement. Cooked squid contains 90 micrograms per 100 grams.
Egg yolk Best for replenishment daily norm cook soft-boiled eggs.
Rice and corn A serving of porridge from any of these cereals contains selenium in the amount necessary for a person.
Brewer's yeast They are often used to prevent substance deficiency: two grams of yeast are diluted warm water and drink after meals.

In addition to those listed in the table, there are other foods containing selenium. However, it is not absorbed when consuming baked goods, canned food, and various semi-finished products. Some medications also interfere with absorption: paracetamol, laxatives, statins. If symptoms of a deficiency of a beneficial element appear, it is necessary to reduce their consumption.

However, an excess of selenium often leads to negative consequences. Such cases do not depend on nutrition. They occur in people living on land with a high content of this microelement or working in paint and varnish factories. Also, selenium can exceed the norm if a person has a metabolic disorder.

Often the following symptoms signal the problem of excess:

  1. Depression.
  2. Apathy, drowsiness.
  3. A pronounced odor of garlic emanating from the body.
  4. Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  5. Liver problems.
  6. Frequent nausea and vomiting.

If such signs appear, you should try to eliminate all factors that stimulate the accumulation of the substance and consult a doctor.

Other microelements necessary for humans

Nutrition should be balanced, including all useful elements. Foods rich in zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine and silicon improve well-being and help the functioning of all body systems.

Zinc is needed for normal functioning cells. In addition, it helps remove toxic substances from the body, as well as the production of sperm and eggs. Zinc deficiency leads to slower child development, poor vision and decreased immunity.

Nowadays, there are rarely cases of shortage of this element. If they do occur, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • Decreased appetite.
  • Complete hair loss.
  • Changes in sense of smell and taste.
  • Decreased vision at night.
  • The appearance of white spots on the nails.

People working with a welding machine, as well as those who use too much a large number of food additives containing zinc, experience problems associated with an overabundance of this element.

They often become serious:

  • Vomit.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • CNS depression and loss of consciousness.
  • Death.

Foods rich in highly absorbable zinc are of animal origin: oysters and mussels. 100 grams of fresh oysters contain up to 45 mg of the substance, while daily norm for an adult should not exceed 15 mg.

Plant foods also include zinc. However, the element obtained from it is poorly absorbed human body. High level zinc is contained in sprouted wheat and bran (up to 13 mg).

Another useful element– silicon – affects the condition connective tissue and bones. If the body receives an insufficient amount of this substance, then there is a danger of heart disease and tuberculosis, since the elasticity of blood vessels decreases, negatively affecting their function. Since silicon is responsible for the strength of bones, it is especially important to have enough of it children's body, as well as pregnant women. Silicon helps the skin remain elastic and slows down aging.

Silicon deficiency is observed mainly in older people, whose body does not absorb many microelements well. It's not hard to tell which products contain it. This is food of plant origin: various unrefined cereals (silicon is contained in the husk), green vegetables - onions, cucumbers, herbs, cabbage - and medicinal herbs, sold in pharmacies. Meat also includes this element, but the body does not absorb it.

In order to lead a healthy, active, and most importantly, long and eventful life, a person needs to receive useful microelements, promoting normal operation the whole body. Anyone who cares about their health should understand what foods contain selenium, zinc, silicon, and others important substances, and ensure that their quantity corresponds to the norm.

You need to carefully plan your diet to try to make it as balanced as possible.