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What vitamin is missing and what should I take if my nails are brittle and my hair is falling out? What vitamins are the most effective for hair? Hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin - look for iron in foods

Modern lifestyles are fast-paced, with busy schedules, high stress levels, sleep deprivation and tons of daily responsibilities.

The first thing the body does when health is at risk is send early signs and symptoms that indicate you should do something to prevent further complications. These signs include insomnia, hair loss, thin and brittle nails, dry skin, frequent headaches, fatigue, etc.

These are the most common symptoms of health problems due to unhealthy diets and frequent stress:

  • poor immune system
  • insomnia
  • junk food
  • decreased energy levels and constant fatigue.
  • bad mood and irritability
  • difficulty focusing
  • slow metabolism and weight gain
  • fragile and dull hair, skin and nails
  • upset stomach, gas, bloating

They indicate nutritional deficiencies or bowel dysfunction, including:

  • vitamin D deficiency
  • iron deficiency
  • protein deficiency
  • deficiency B 12
  • magnesium deficiency
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • liver dysfunction

If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, it means your body needs to be supplied big amount nutrients to optimize its functions.

If symptoms are occasional and mild, the following smoothies and juices will help you eliminate deficiencies and improve general state health. All of the following recipes are packed with nutrients that will improve your health in a variety of ways.

Spinach + banana + apple + lemon


  • 2 bananas
  • 1 large spinach
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 glass of filtered water

This drink is high in iron and potassium content, and will thus improve your mood and energize the body.

Banana + apple juice + carrots + lemon


  • 1 banana
  • 1 glass unsweetened apple juice
  • 2 tablespoons chopped carrots
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

Nutritional value and benefits: This drink will hydrate and energize the body, detoxify it, and increase potassium and beta-carotene levels.

Carrots + tomatoes + celery + olive oil + salt + pepper


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 celery
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 pinch salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil

Nutritional value and benefits: the ingredients are filled with vitamins and minerals, and olive oil also rich in vitamins E and K, and essential monounsaturated fatty acids, which moisturize hair and skin and also help absorb nutrients.

Carrots + beets + celery + cucumber + apple + parsley + ginger


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 beet
  • 1 celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 apples
  • bunch of parsley
  • 1 ginger
  • filtered water

Nutritional value and benefits: This shake is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that provide powerful anti-inflammatory and fight-fighting benefits. It will also provide energy to the body and support healthy skin.

Bananas + almonds + cinnamon + salt


  • 1 banana
  • 15 pcs. raw almonds
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pinch sea ​​salt or pink rock salt
  • 1 glass of filtered water

Nutritional value and benefits: Cinnamon is powerful antioxidant and suppresses appetite, while salts and bananas balance levels of the key electrolytes sodium and potassium. In addition, almonds are high in protein and healthy fats.

Orange + grapefruit + lemon + green tea + banana + honey


  • 1 peeled orange
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cup chilled green tea
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Nutritional value and benefits: This refreshing drink detoxifies the body with green tea and citrus fruits, improves skin health, helps you lose excess weight and activate the body.

Celery + spinach + lime + banana


  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 large spinach
  • juice from 1/2 lime
  • 1 banana
  • filtered water

Nutritional value and benefits: This smoothie is a rich source of vitamin C, iron and potassium, so it strengthens your hair and skin and provides energy to the body.



  • 2 bell peppers
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

Nutritional value and benefits: Lemons and peppers are loaded with vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant and improves appearance skin, helps digestion, strengthens immune system, activates and improves mood.

Avocado + orange + banana + herbs + lemon


  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • 1 avocado
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • small handful of herbs
  • filtered water

Nutritional value and benefits: Avocado contains in abundance healthy fats, which improve the quality of your skin, hair, brain function and other body systems, and also help absorb nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins.

It is very important for women how they look, because men, as you know, “love with their eyes.” Therefore, by going on all kinds of diets, the beautiful half of humanity pursues its main goal - to become even more beautiful! What a disappointment it can be if, along with extra pounds suddenly the once lush hair will begin to “go away”, the nails will become fragile and brittle, the skin will become pale and dry, and cracks will appear in the corners of the mouth - the main signs. And if you add the fatigue and irritability that has appeared, it turns out that the image Beautiful Lady we are far enough away. The symptoms listed above indicate that we got carried away in our pursuit of an ideal figure and ended up with a deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

A woman should receive per day at least 18 mg of iron. A pregnant woman needs 30-35 mg, and during breastfeeding - 25 mg.

“Iron character” is not at all what makes a woman beautiful. But a sufficient amount of such an element as iron in the diet is simply necessary for female beauty! By limiting calorie intake and refusing to eat meat, we inevitably reduce the intake of iron into the body, the lack of which leads to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in the development of iron deficiency anemia. With anemia, general immunity is weakened, memory deteriorates, performance decreases, drowsiness, dizziness, shortness of breath appear, heart rate increases, deterioration psycho-emotional state, hair, nails, skin suffer. Therefore, those who want to not only lose weight, but also maintain health and a thriving appearance, need to take measures aimed at preventing iron deficiency.

Meat dishes are best consumed together with vegetable salads: vitamin C contained in vegetables and fruits significantly improves iron absorption. Tea, coffee, nuts, and legumes interfere with the absorption of iron.

Where to look for iron?

Women are most susceptible to iron deficiency reproductive age(especially those keen on weight loss diets), pregnant women, children and adolescents. For example, women, due to physiological characteristics, every month they lose 2 times more iron than men, so they need to make up for the loss of this element. The main step in preventing iron deficiency anemia is proper diet. When compiling your daily menu, consider what... various forms required element The easiest to absorb is heme iron, which is found in animal products. Iron from cereals, vegetables and fruits is absorbed much less well. For example, the absorption of iron from beef is 17-22%, while from fruit it is no more than 3%. It is necessary to take into account not only what we eat, but also the characteristics of the combination of products. For example, after eating a meal rich in iron, it is useful to drink a glass orange juice- the amount of iron absorbed can double. But there are cases when, without special drugs iron cannot be dispensed with (this need will be determined by the doctor), since the absorption of iron from modern medicines 15-20 times higher than from food.

Based on materials from the magazine "Diet"

(trichoclasia) in most cases are a symptom of diseases internal organs and/or a consequence of improper hair care, and only small part patients suffer congenital anomaly hair – nodular trichoclasia. Dry and brittle hair can be a consequence of chronic gastrointestinal pathology, disturbances in the urinary system, chronic infection(tonsillitis, tuberculosis), helminthic infestation, frequent use procedures such as hair coloring and perm. Treatment of brittle hair must begin with the abolition of procedures that have an aggressive effect on the hair and correction of the causative disease.

General information

– a hair condition caused by a lack of sebum secretion. It manifests itself as a lack of shine, softness and elasticity of the hair, its cross-section, the presence of dry fine dandruff, and a feeling of tightness of the scalp. Hair looks lifeless, dull, and easily tangles with each other. Dry hair leads to increased hair loss. When eliminating the cause of dry and brittle hair (frequent washing, using the wrong shampoo, using a hot hair dryer, dyeing and curling, poor nutrition etc.) the condition of the hair is normalized.

Causes of hair breakage

Skin appendages reflect the state of the body as a whole. Dry and brittle hair is observed in iron deficiency and sickle cell anemia, as a result of which all cells of the body suffer from hypoxia. The microcirculation of the scalp deteriorates, the nutrition of the follicles is disrupted, this leads to a change in the structure of the hair, it becomes dry and brittle.

Diseases gastrointestinal tract, which occur with impaired absorption of vitamins and microelements, as well as pathological conditions organism, in which the absorption of vitamins is impaired, are the second cause of dry and brittle hair after anemia.

However latest research in the field of trichology confirm that the main exogenous cause of hair breakage is improper care after them. The main misconception is that oily hair cannot be dry. Dry hair is caused by dehydration, and the use of aggressive degreasers further aggravates the problem. As a result, hair becomes not only dry, but also brittle.

Frequent hair coloring, perm, and use of curling irons and curlers lead to brittle and dry hair. Ultraviolet, salty sea ​​water, swimming in pools with chlorinated water, and the use of certain medications worsen the condition of the hair, making it brittle and split. Neglecting hats during the cold season or wearing hats when part of the hair is outside is the main cause of hair fragility in the spring and winter, especially with concomitant hypovitaminosis.

Stressful situations, overwork, severe mental and physical exercise, dry and dusty air, hard water and incorrectly selected hair care products also have an adverse effect on them. Hair fragility can be explained by the abuse of styling products with incomplete removal and the use of metal combs. Per share congenital pathologies The hair shaft and follicle account for no more than 3% of all cases of hair fragility.

External manifestations of brittle hair and diagnosis

Brittle and dry hair is diagnosed visually. Hair looks dull, some of it is broken off different heights, which makes the overall mass of hair untidy. In case of brittle and dry hair, a detailed analysis must be carried out and biochemical research blood. Questioning the patient helps determine what chronic pathologies, leading to brittle hair, are present in him. In cases where a general examination is uninformative or it is necessary to find out the exact condition of the hair, resort to spectral analysis hair for the content of microelements and spectrometry of dry brittle hair.

Treatment for brittle hair

First of all, you need to eliminate the root cause of hair breakage. Correcting the underlying disease and using medicinal cosmetics for dry, brittle hair is optimal method therapy. In each specific case with symptoms of dry and brittle hair drug correction and medicinal cosmetics are selected individually during a consultation with a trichologist.

A course of vitamins with a high content of iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamins B, C, A, E is prescribed. It should be borne in mind that the intake complex drugs is not always advisable, since some vitamins need to be taken after meals, and some of them are not absorbed when taken together. If vitamins are not absorbed due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is often found in iron deficiency anemia caused by gastritis, then B vitamins and iron supplements are prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections.

Correction of nutrition and lifestyle is no less important in the treatment of brittle and dry hair; food should be rich in protein and vegetables; strict diets are not acceptable at this time. Use large quantity liquids, mineral water help eliminate dry hair. If the air in the room is too dry, then it is necessary to install humidifiers and ozonizers. Quitting smoking, drinking too much coffee and drinking alcohol has a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.

The treatment program, despite its simplicity, copes well with the problem of brittle and dry hair. Before starting to use medicinal cosmetics, it is recommended to cut off part of the hair, as the structure of the hair can be improved, but the broken ends of the hair shaft can only be long time will acquire normal condition. Hair care products should contain trichosaccharides seaweed, which have a structure similar to keratin, easily integrate into the hair shaft and, strengthening it, prevent fragility. Nutritional and restorative complexes included in the hair treatment program strengthen and moisturize mature hair and stimulate hair follicles to growth.

Conventional shampoos are not able to restore dry and dull hair to its original appearance due to its low concentration. active substances. In a clinical setting, it is recommended to use mesotherapy with the introduction of therapeutic cocktails under the skin and physiotherapy. Exposure of the skin to high-frequency pulsed currents and cryomassage improves microcirculation and stimulates follicle growth.

For dry, brittle hair, scalp massage at home and frequent combing with a wooden comb are recommended. But in any case, if you do not change your lifestyle, you will often subject your hair to mechanical and thermal effects, then the problem of dry and brittle hair will not be solved.

Which doctor should I contact: see a dermatologist.

Skin health is ensured by the epidermis or, as it is also called, keratinizing epithelium. The stratum corneum of the epidermis plays a major role in this process, since it helps maintain the finest balance of moisture content on the surface of the skin.

The stratum corneum of the skin has a unique structure that helps maintain an optimal moisture balance in the epidermis. The postcellular structures of the stratum corneum (corneocytes) are like tiny bricks that are held together by intercellular lipids, much like cement holds bricks together. Such lipids include ceramides (sometimes called ceramides), fatty acid, phospholipids, cholesterol, glycosylceramides, as well as cholesterol sulfate and ssphingoid bases.

The listed substances are synthesized in the cells of the granular layer of the epidermis, which are called lampellar bodies. As a result of the synthesis of honey by corneocytes, bilipid layers are formed from these substances. The process described is the process of forming the main barrier to water. This barrier prevents the loss of water from the surface of the skin (transepidermal surface water).

Very often, many people noticing symptoms such as increased dry skin, brittle nails and hair do not go to the doctor, not considering this a reason to contact them. And, by the way, in vain. With such symptoms, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. What could be the cause of brittle hair, nails and dry skin:

Reasons why skin becomes dry and hair becomes brittle

Dry skin is skin that often flakes, becomes covered with small cracks, often the owner of such skin feels as if it is being tightened, often such skin is damaged, accompanied by a feeling of itching. Dry skin can be this way either from birth or acquired due to some factors.

Dry skin can be caused by a number of factors. First of all, this is the constant influence of direct sun rays, as well as other natural phenomena, for example, wind, frost, dry air. In addition, the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, constant use of makeup and decorative cosmetics, as well as very frequent presence in rooms that are equipped with air conditioning. Another reason for dry skin is a reaction to use. medicines. Not only dry skin, but also thinning and persistent erythema can result from regular peeling, dermabrasion and laser resurfacing procedures.

If you have increased dry skin, brittle nails and hair, you need to do the following tests:

It is very common to hear from many vegans or raw foodists that the reasons for such things as hair loss, or manifestations brittle nails- this is a cleansing harmful substances, they say, on the last diet it “accumulated” so much that now the body is urgently trying to get rid of something “very harmful”.

We will leave the issue of purges, crises, etc. for next time, because the topic is far from clear-cut and requires serious parsing.

If we just go logically, then it arises simple questionif it's all about cleansing, then why do many women (less often men) often lose hair? , even if they are on a regular diet?

And everything is actually simple - more often these things happen because hormonal imbalances which arise, as a rule, due to changes in the phases of the menstrual cycle (men naturally do not have this moment), nervous tension and stress, overtraining in sports, lack of sleep, bad habits and inadequate nutrition (lack of nutritional supplements, calories in general and vitamins), bad work internal organs and, as a rule, all this happens simultaneously, enhancing the overall effect.

Now tell me - if a person switches to veganism or a raw food diet, especially abruptly, then how well could he study the topic, how much correct literature I read how well he knows how to build his own diet, etc.?

That's right - only a few are well-versed in information, because there are few thinking people in general, in general my personal experience says that people who competently, gradually and consciously switch to veganism or a raw food diet - few.

Most often people believe in tales about that 2-4 apples a day completely satiate you, that protein in any quantity rots in the gastrointestinal tract, that even raw fats in the diet are “absolute evil”, that calories are a “fiction”, that you can be a “non-eater-pranoeater”, that b12 is a myth (or that it is a “bacterium”!), that tanning in summer is “not so important” and similar things.

The truth is that guys with weight problems often write to me, hormonal system, with hair, nails, skin and they would avoid these problems if they were more carefully to yourself and read more from different sources.

  • You need to eat enough calories, read about this here A little about calories, poor metabolism and health consequences..

  • Admit in adequate quantity vegetable (raw) fats, important for the entire functioning of our body - from the brain to the skin. Best sources vegetable fats - ground flax, avocado, coconut, fresh nuts (in moderation), raw, fresh, cold-pressed oils, preferably flax, etc.
  • Of course, we must allow at least minimal amount of protein in the body and I strongly advise against calorie-restricted fruitarianism, especially for beginners.
  • It's very important to eat more at first, more varied diet.
  • Still very important The parameter is that almost everyone who switches (especially abruptly) to veganism or a raw food diet has a worse absorption of plant foods, especially on a raw food diet. After several months, the intestinal microflora, digestive system and biliary system - much They will better adapt to raw food and will more effectively absorb the necessary microelements from it. This has been noticed in almost every raw foodist I know who is vegan. That is, be sure to move smoothly, no sudden changes in diet. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.

    Also Very good will cleanse the liver and biliary system - choleretic herbs and products for more than 1-2 months.

  • Next, you need to check b12 and vitamin D, also general analysis blood, hormones - to understand possible problem. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common in northern countries, regardless of diet.

  • Also - very important do not be nervous, to not allow frequent stress, they also greatly affect hormonal background in general and adequate cortisol levels. remember, that adequate sleep, a diet good in fast carbohydrates, sports or yoga (and similar practices) can greatly help you in the fight against stress.

In general, to summarize, for the health of hair and nails (like all body systems), primarily affects - food quality, his diversity (especially on a sharp transition), absence bad habits, nervous overload, stress, as well as sports " overtrained". Of course it is also important adequate approach to analyses. Also affects sleep quality And correct work hormonal system, absence diseases of internal organs and external, pathogenic factors.



Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. (2002lkmnlnl). Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-09. ISBN 0-07-303120-8.


What should be done?

It would be good if these deteriorations were not protracted, but were associated, for example, with seasonal vitamin deficiency. It's not scary, it's fixable. Well, what if there are no vitamins, no baths, no rubbing? various oils after a long time they don’t give desired effect, then you should dig deeper into the problem. We will have to think about what factors could have worsened their condition so dramatically. Why do strands of hair begin to remain on the comb and pillow, and why do nails constantly break, peel and do not grow back? The ideal option, of course, would be to go to a dermatologist, who will prescribe examinations and, accordingly, a comprehensive course of treatment. If you undergo treatment correctly without interrupting it, then the healthy shine of your hair and the strength of your nails can be restored very quickly and, most importantly, for a long time.

Most often the main and common reasons Such changes in nails and hair may include:

This series of problems is mainly internal in nature. Let's try to understand some of them in more detail, how they affect and how to eliminate them.

Poor nutrition

Diets and poor nutrition - all this directly affects our health. The body stops receiving the required amount of vitamins, which causes vitamin deficiency. The problem is obvious - nails are peeling, hair is thinning.

In this case, you should stop “sitting” on diets and reconsider your diet. You need to add as much as possible to your menu. fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat dishes, dairy products, nuts, legumes, in general, you should fill your body useful microelements and missing fats. It is calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon that can stop brittle nails and hair loss.

You can take a vitamin complex, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy, and most likely the doctor will also advise you to take a vitamin course.

The influence of nervous shocks

Stress does not have the best effect on the psychological and physical condition person. Also against its background there arise various dermatological diseases skin, namely, itching, rashes on the body, and dandruff in the head may appear. Changes also occur with the nails, they peel off, become soft and weak.

It is also worth paying attention to genetic predisposition. If relatives have the same situation, then there is no escape from it. In this case, you should take more careful care of your nails and hair. You will have to give up building up both of them, and more often you will have to pamper them with all sorts of massages, baths, masks and rubbing.


Very often, the deterioration of the hairstyle on the head and nails can be directly related to some internal diseases. These may be cardiovascular diseases, deterioration in work digestive tract, various infectious diseases And inflammatory processes, hormonal disbalance and decreased immunity, as well as metabolic disorders in the body.

If you can determine the problem yourself, then this is very good, but if it is not clear, then it is better not to delay and ask a doctor for advice.

Environmental influences

Sometimes problems can be external character. Among people there are those who can bite their nails without noticing it at all. This bad habit, from which the nails weaken and deteriorate. You shouldn’t do this, you need to gradually get rid of it.

  1. Water does not spare our hands. Frequent stay hands in the water will undoubtedly affect their condition negatively. Because of this, nails become softer and more susceptible to splitting. If you can’t limit yourself in contact with water, then first of all, rubber gloves and protective creams can come to the rescue. Creams should be used daily;
  2. Harm detergents . Recently, housewives very often use all kinds of detergents and cleaning products in their everyday lives. Under the influence of these chemicals, nails peel and lose healthy looking, are made thinner and softer.

You should always remember to use protective gloves when working with household chemicals.

Proven methods for restoring damaged nails and hair

As mentioned above, if the reasons lie deep and are internal in nature, then it is useless to do anything externally. What is meant is that cosmetic procedures there will be no help to correct the situation.

If the reasons are not serious, then it is worth taking some measures to restore your curls and nails.

DIY hair care

There are a lot of useful and effective advice which will help stop their loss. Previously, our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were only folk remedies saved their curls. The recipes are not complicated and you can easily make them yourself at home. The most common means used to prepare infusions and masks are:

And this is not the entire list of funds that have therapeutic effect, used in recipes for life-giving masks.

Anti-hair loss mask based on burdock oil

This mask will help strengthen the roots, increase blood flow to the scalp, nourish weakened strands, as a result of which they will stop crumbling and will return life force, shine and beauty. You need to do this mask twice a week for a month.

To prepare it, you need to mix two tablespoons of oil and onion juice thoroughly with egg yolk. The resulting mass must be rubbed into the scalp and distributed over damp strands. Wrap your head in plastic and a terry towel and walk like this for a couple of hours. After which you should rinse your hair well and rinse with water and lemon juice.

Onion and aloe mask

This “grandmother’s” recipe is very effective and can eliminate hair loss and strengthen hair follicles. To prepare it, you need to use young aloe leaves up to three years old, or buy aloe extract in ampoules at the pharmacy.

It is necessary to mix onion and aloe juices in equal proportions with burdock oil and liquid honey. Rub the resulting mask into the roots, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Leave for one and a half to two hours and wash off warm water, then rinsing with water and lemon to eliminate the smell of onions.

Resuscitation of nails with folk remedies

When they peel off, you can help them become well-groomed and strong. Everyone knows folk recipes will help you deal with this. The results will be immediate. You just need to complete the course of procedures.

Sea salt baths

So, the most common and frequently used method is ordinary warm sea salt baths, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is enough to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in one glass. warm water. It is better to take baths before bed, sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite series. Two to three times a week will be enough.

Gelatin baths

A good effect will follow from such baths after the first two procedures. It will take less than a tablespoon regular gelatin and a glass hot water. Gelatin should be diluted in this water, and the nails should be kept in the warm solution for 10-15 minutes.


The main causes of hair loss and brittle nails


Vitamin deficiency is another common cause. Vitamins such as A, B, C, E, biotin, inositol and folic acid necessary to ensure normal blood circulation in the scalp and the formation of healthy subcutaneous fat, which is necessary for work to reduce harmful effects free radicals, ultraviolet, smoke and pollution environment directly affecting the condition of the skin and nails.

The effect of stress on the condition of hair and nails

  • Stress is the most common reason that negatively affects not only the physical and psychological state, but also causes various dermatological problems, such as acne, brittle nails, hair loss, etc.
  • Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause increased sweating, which leads to excessive oily skin scalp and hair loss.
  • Brittle nails are external manifestation stress, which often occurs due to bad habit- nervously biting your nails.
  • Also the habit of nervously rubbing your fingers over your nails thumb leads to distortion nail plate, and subsequently to brittle nails.


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder caused by excessive production of hormones produced by thyroid gland. Since hormones have a major impact on hair follicles, hair loss and brittle nails can occur due to changes in hormone levels.

Different types of radiation

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy not only kill fast-growing cancer cells, but also affect healthy and normal cells body. This may cause various problems such as hair loss, yellowing and brittle nails, skin rashes and etc.


Iron deficiency anemia is a disease that develops when there is a lack of healthy red blood cells. These cells have the function of delivering oxygen and iron to all parts of the body, hence iron deficiency can lead to brittle nails and hair loss.

What to do if you have excessive hair loss and brittle nails?

One of the best ways overcoming this problem is to learn to live freely, without stress and tension.

  • Using hand lotions and choosing to wear gloves when washing dishes will go a long way to preventing brittleness and splitting of your nails. It will also be useful to do a regular nail manicure using special varnishes for treatment. When choosing nail polishes and nail polish remover, you need to choose products good quality from a reliable brand.
  • Treatment for hair loss with oily scalp may include something as simple as frequent washing heads. This reduces the level of subcutaneous fat, which contains quite high level dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, which directly affect hair follicles. Regular scalp massage and hair masks have a positive effect.

Everything you need to know about hair loss...