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How to gradually get out of binge yourself. Personal experience of a quick exit from hard drinking at home. Poplar buds and herbal sauna

In the life of every person there are holidays and occasional parties. For some people, the holiday drags on for weeks. With prolonged drinking of drinks, control is lost and it becomes impossible to stop. Understanding comes from feeling unwell. There is a desire to move away from hard drinking and stop drinking. A sense of shame and unwillingness to advertise their weaknesses prevent them from going to a narcologist. You can get out of binge at home by applying knowledge in the problem of alcoholism.

How to get rid of binge without consequences

Alcoholism is seen as a kind of disease. Alcohol addiction has a psychological component. This disease is considered based on the duration of drunkenness. Chronic alcoholism determined by the presence of characteristic features:

  • Alcohol resistance. No intoxication required large quantity alcohol to feel the effect of alcohol.
  • Constant craving for booze. Incessant thoughts about alcohol. Alcohol becomes an object of vital necessity.
  • Violations and psychological disorders after quitting alcohol.

Stages of alcoholism

Depending on the frequency of alcohol consumption and the amount drunk, the stages of alcoholism are distinguished.

initial stage. Drinking alcohol becomes the meaning of life. The very fact of drinking pursues the main goal - intoxication. The amount of alcohol drunk is no longer controlled and can have large volumes (vodka up to 400 grams). Stop drinking can only eliminate alcohol altogether. There is no concept of the norm of drinking.

Drinking continues to the last drop. A sober attitude to drinking is not addictive. When talking about drinking, interest is shown and mood improves. It is easy to quit drinking at this stage. Life is no different from normal existence. Work, family and hobbies prevail over the desire to get drunk. But alcohol is not seen as something bad and harmful to the human body.

On the contrary, alcoholic drinks are perceived as a medicine and an assistant against boredom. The body does not reject large amounts of alcohol. natural reactions become dull. Gagging is converted into the need for an additional dose of booze. The effect of ethanol is felt less and less. At this stage, drinking is not accepted by the disease and is not advertised.

Alcoholism in the first stage is hidden from friends and relatives. Each new dose is explained by the need to relax, to escape from the hardships of life. The amount of alcohol consumed is on the rise. clear sign drunkenness becomes a lack of mobile activity. Talk prevails over action. There are changes in the human psyche. After drinking, problems with the construction of logical expressions. There is cloudiness of consciousness.

A person in drunkenness does not realize the need for the help of deliverance. Binge drinking is rare and it is possible to get out of it on your own without harm to health.

Second stage. The volume of alcohol consumed exceeds reasonable amounts (more than half a liter of vodka per day). Steady resistance to the action of alcohol is replaced by a great need to increase the dose of alcohol. Long phases of binge are possible. In a sober state, fatigue and lethargy are observed. Develop depressive states. Reflections are in line with spirits and rarely deviate from the topic.

There is a pronounced dependence on alcohol. The circle of vital interests and surrounding persons narrows. Dating is dominated by people who consume alcohol, and teetotalers are blacklisted. Painful conditions provoke unbalanced behavior. Revitalization occurs after the first glass taken.

The presence of alcohol withdrawal syndrome helps to determine this stage of alcoholism. The popular name for the syndrome is a hangover. At this stage, the onset of a hangover is observed after a very a short time. Thirst to stifle disease state leads to an avalanche-like increase in alcohol consumption. Physiological manifestations second stage:

  • tingling in the heart;
  • manifestations of vomiting;
  • migraine;
  • shaking hands;
  • slurred speech when sober.

Third stage. Manifested total absence alcohol control. Changes in the human psyche. The manners of behavior of an alcoholic are inherent in lies and the absence of concepts of morality and responsibility for actions. The number one goal is to find a new dose of alcohol. The meaning of life is lost, develop mental disorders from a lack of alcohol per day. Drinking volumes are unlimited and drinking continues as long as there is booze.

Sobriety is utterly despised. Life rules are built around a pile of alcohol. In a sober state, there is no interest in the surrounding people and circumstances. Dependence on ethanol develops at the physical level. In the absence of alcohol, a painful breakdown of the body begins. The appearance gradually loses its human face.

There is a mental disorder of dependent persons. There is a growing sense of danger from abstinence alcoholic beverages. Third-stage alcoholics have chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system. The presence of poor health leads to a loss of orientation in space and time. There is no complete understanding of what is happening around the drug addict.

The third stage of alcoholism ends with a course of serious illnesses that do not allow drinking alcohol. Patients are not able to recover from binge on their own in this position. Drunkenness continues until the end of life and is accompanied by prolonged binges. A common drink of addicted people is vodka due to its prevalence and low cost.

Preparatory actions for getting out of binge at home

The way to get out of binge at home can be determined by a narcologist. The purpose of the method includes taking into account the state of severity of alcoholism and its stage, the state of health of the patient. At the same time, the type of psychological disorder is taken into account. The beginning of helping to get rid of hard drinking lies in preparatory measures. First of all, help begins with persuading the patient about the need to start treatment.

At the same time, drugs are prescribed that relieve the stress of the body while limiting alcohol. First of all, put a dropper. The dropper helps to remove the effects long binge and improve physical well-being. Some chronic diseases prohibit the use of this method. Self-administration of a dropper at home can cause irreparable damage to health. The use of a dropper is prescribed by a narcologist after examining the patient.

Measures that prepare the body for proper treatment:

  • The use of a large amount of liquid contributes to the accelerated removal of decay products from the body. As a liquid, you can use diluted juices, milk, mineral water or lemon. At home, you should ensure a constant supply of fluid at regular intervals.
  • The use of adsorbent preparations removes the resulting secretions of internal organs.
  • Application psychotropic substances the patient restores the normal course of sleep.
  • The use of aspirin thins the blood and normalizes intravenous pressure.
  • Nutrition in accordance with the patient's regimen. It has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the internal flora of the stomach and intestines. Nutrition reduces psychological stress and reduces negative development chronic diseases.

You should completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Do not extinguish a hangover in the morning with alcohol. deal with negative consequences alcoholism, preferably using folk remedies. Strong tea for headaches cold and hot shower to normalize the pressure. Herbal drinks before bed.

Binge treatment methods

For quick exit from a drunken state effective way is a visit to the clinic. The narcologist will choose a method individual treatment taking into account chronic diseases and the state of the psyche. Treatment will start with sedatives. The beginning of recovery is a turning point and the body is under tremendous stress. At such moments, the human psyche can not stand it and the subject will break into a new glass of alcohol.

Consider the methods of quick withdrawal from binge:

Of the considered methods of dealing with intoxication, a dropper is a fast-acting method. For many patients, it is enough to undergo one instillation under the supervision of a narcologist. In more advanced cases use several drops. The dropper helps with disorders in the liver and kidneys. Cleansing of toxins occurs bypassing internal organs. The stomach and intestines do not suffer.

Washing preparations act directly on the blood, diluting it. This normalizes blood pressure and has a relaxing effect. After the drip is recommended restful sleep. A person can sleep long time and get up with a feeling of clarity in the head. The alkaline composition in the intestines is normalized. Simultaneously with instillation, you can add vitamins to restore the body.

Substances used in the drip:

  • thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • magnesium and potassium;
  • glucose;
  • sodium chloride.

Each person's body reacts to drugs differently. It is not worth making rash decisions. Incorrectly chosen substances for a dropper can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. Kit medicinal substances determined by the narcologist. The selection is made on the basis of individual features person:

  • allergic reactions;
  • past illnesses;
  • chronic current diseases;
  • physiological characteristics of the body;
  • stages of alcoholism.

Proper nutrition reduces the risk of developing diseases when you quit drinking. positive action has the use of honey. Honey contains potassium, the replenishment of which reduces cravings for alcohol. hangover syndrome removed folk medicine own cooking- "brine". Brine is an anti-binge drug home production. The acid contained in the brine neutralizes substances harmful to the body.

Titova Valentina Romanovna

How to get out of binge at home: 3 features of a drunken state + 5 useful tips+ 3 main mistakes.

A drunkard is a great grief in the family, a drunkard is just a disaster that is difficult to compare with anything.

Perhaps people have some good reasons to ruin their lives and the lives of their loved ones, systematically drinking too much, but I somehow strongly doubt it. It's all about weakness and cowardice, and also about the unwillingness to take responsibility for one's own actions.

Let's agree: I will tell you, and you will promise (no, not to me, but to yourself and your family, who are worried about you), to finally leave such a strong friendship with alcohol.

This friendship will definitely lead to nothing good!

How to get out of hard drinking at home and how is hard drinking different from a regular hangover?

Alcoholics find it difficult to evaluate themselves adequately. They rarely admit that they suffer from hard drinking, attributing everything to a hangover and deceiving everyone in a row: “Yes, I can quit whenever I want.”

You can not!

If you, waking up the next morning, can’t think of anything but a glass of life-saving alcohol-containing liquid, that one is already here. we are talking not about, but about drinking. Getting out of this state at home is oh, how difficult it is.

1) Binge and hangover - what is easier to get out of at home?

I think among my readers there are many who have suffered from a hangover at least once. We are all living people, so it is not surprising that, consuming alcohol, albeit usually on a moderate scale, once he made a mistake and drank more than usual.

Since the evening I felt great, had fun, enjoyed life, felt that the sea was knee-deep to you. And in the morning, on the contrary: you feel disgusting and swear that you will never drink again.

A hangover (if, of course, it is a rare guest in your body) is not as terrible and terrible a condition as a binge. This infection is similar to insanity, and the consequences of a waste are s.

The binge got its name because a person begins to consume alcohol every day, that is, in fact, he does not have time to sober up, because his body, poisoned by acetaldehyde, requires a new and new dose of alcohol.

Acetaldehyde is a toxin that a healthy liver can handle fairly easily. But, if you ruined your liver with hard drinking, then get ready for all the delights of alcohol poisoning.

2) Binge drinking is a cunning enemy and in order to get out of it at home, you need to study it in detail

If you are reading this article and looking for advice for yourself and not for loved one you have serious problems. Drunken alcoholism - terrible disease, which needs to be treated, and not at home, but in specialized centers.

Here are a few features of binge to understand whether you can get out of it at home or not:

    binge at different people can last a different amount of time: as a couple of days - and a month.

    You must remember: the longer you partake of alcohol, the more difficult it will be for you to cope with the poisoning of the body at home.

    If continuous drinking has been going on for several weeks now, it is better to trust the doctors, otherwise the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

    Much depends on how much alcohol you consume per day.

    Even while drinking, you need to try to control the amount of alcohol that you absorb. The more daily rate, the more difficult it will be to get out of the binge on your own.

    The presence of diseases and injuries will only aggravate your situation.

    If you have a number of health problems without drinking, if you have had to recover from head injuries and other serious problems don't sing.

    You do not have the head start that people with good health, the binge will simply kill you, and if not, then you definitely won’t be able to get out of it at home.

5 tips to get out of a long binge at home

If you continuously drink for a long time (more than two weeks), then get ready for the fact that it will be very difficult to get out of hard drinking at home. Will you suffer terribly? And it’s better to have someone close to you at all times.

Useful tips to help you get out of a long binge:

    Don't stop drinking abruptly.

    Yes, no matter how scary it may sound, but drunken drunks should not abruptly refuse to consume ethanol, which their body requires.

    Just for three days, reduce the dose consumed until you reach zero.

    Drink plenty of fluids (alcohol-free, of course).

    Your body is dehydrated and needs to detoxify. To do this, you need a liquid, and - in in large numbers.

    The house should have large reserves of mineral water, juices, fruit drinks, kefir, tea (tea should be drunk weak with the addition of sugar and lemon).

    Food is your friend, don't reject it.

    When normal people they drink, they also eat - they have a snack. An alcoholic, on the other hand, does not need a snack (the picture of sniffing a drunk glass with a crust of bread, or even a neighbor’s head is not fiction of writers and directors, this is the harsh reality of alcoholic everyday life).

    If you're trying to get out of a binge, start eating. It should be light healthy food: soups, broths, eggs, vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, etc.

    Medicines are not a luxury, but a necessity.

    Experiment with medicines not worth it in large quantities, but here is activated charcoal for detoxification, aspirin, analgin, nosh-pa, to remove pain and spasms, it won't hurt.

    And you can drink herbal decoctions: thyme, wormwood, centaury, peony, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, etc. Ask the pharmacist - they will give you what you need.

    If possible, save yourself with a dropper.

    In hospitals, drunkenness is removed with the help of droppers with saline.

    You won’t be able to put it on your own at home, but if you have a doctor friend, invite him to your house and take this chance to cleanse your body.

How not to try to get out of binge at home?

Often people, trying to quickly get out of binge, make mistake after mistake and further aggravate their situation and worsen their well-being.

What not to do at home, trying to get out of their binge:

    One of the popular anti-hangover recipes is physical activity to improve blood flow and speed up metabolic processes in organism.

    But don't be confused hangover and getting out of drinking. Your body is already weakened, and the heart already has to cope with heavy loads.

    Don't kill him completely.

    Take a contrast shower.

    Your vascular tone violated due to overuse alcoholic beverages.

    Stress in the form of hot and cold water can lead to the most dire consequences- including a heart attack.

    Taking too many medications.

    It is clear that you feel bad, all processes are disrupted, you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, everything hurts.

    To improve their condition, some begin to swallow handfuls of painkillers, anti-hangover drugs, polishing it all with sleeping pills.

    The liver is already so difficult to cope with alcohol poisoning- don't finish it off completely.

But greatest danger lurking in fear of trusting doctors.

If you feel very bad, if vomiting and spasms do not stop, if the pain in the abdomen, chest, head does not want to let go, if it seems to you that you are dying, call an ambulance immediately.

Delay in this matter threatens you with the loss of not your reputation, but your life.

How to get out of binge at home and continue to live a full life?

It was not by chance that I began the article with a phrase about how terrible a tragedy befalls a family if a drunkard appears in it.

I had the misfortune to personally witness the picture that unfolded in the family of my close friend. Her own uncle from an exemplary family man and a kind, cheerful person turned into a drunken alcoholic embittered by the whole world.

Then the whole family fought for him for almost a year - they asked, supported, persuaded him for treatment. And the man seemed not to hear anything, plunging into binges over and over again. He ruined his health so much that it seemed - one more time, and he would no longer be able to get out of the state of alcohol poisoning.

At one point, the wife and children could not stand it and abandoned him, sending Uncle Mitya to his mother. There, drinking binges, despite all her requests, and tears continued. The last and most terrible lasted 12 days. The man could not get out of it at home and had to be hospitalized.

From the hospital, where Uncle Mitya's body had been cleansed of acetaldehyde for a long time, he went for treatment. Almost on the verge of life and death, he finally realized that he had to get out of hard drinking forever and more.

He has not been drinking for 2 years now. During this time, Uncle Mitya reconciled with his family, found Good work, in general - completely returned to life.

Alcoholism, even drunkenness, is not a sentence.

Quitting drinking is a serious decision that will only improve your life!

How to deal with this condition, see this video:

If you understand that you cannot cope with your problem on your own, then you need not seek advice, how to quit drinking at home and ask for qualified help.

If you do not, then sooner or later addiction will simply kill you.

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Sometimes it happens that due to frequent holidays or other reasons, a long binge sets in, from which it is very difficult to get out on your own. Experts can quickly help in this matter. With the help of medicines (droppers, injections), they will be able to put you on your feet in three days (depending on the duration of the binge). But on different reasons, not everyone has the opportunity to turn to narcologists, so today we’ll talk in more detail about how to quit drinking at home on one's own.

Stop drinking abruptly or gradually reduce the dose?

Expert opinions differ on this point. If the binge is less than a week, then you can choose any option that will be easier for you to endure. But if drinking lasts more than 2 weeks, then abrupt withdrawal can lead to grave consequences(epileptic seizure, delirium tremens, cardiac complications).

Also, for most people, it is simply psychologically easier to tolerate a gradual decrease in the amount of alcohol consumed. But you can not stretch this period, otherwise it is not a way out of hard drinking, but the usual continuation of drinking.

Therefore, the period until the complete rejection of alcohol should not exceed 3-5 days.

Drinking mode when exiting binge

To quickly get out of binge at home, you need to drink enough water (at least 30 ml per 1 kg of your weight), i.e. an adult man needs an average of 2.5-3 liters. It is advisable to use non-carbonated mineral water High Quality, if this is not at hand, then it is better to drink the usual filtered one.

Also at self exit Drinking the following fluids will help you get out of your binge:

  • green tea (preferably with lemon and honey / sugar) - lemon will cleanse the blood, sweets will saturate the body with the missing glucose, green tea will remove toxins;
  • decoction of linden- a good diaphoretic that will help to quickly remove all toxins and alleviate the condition;
  • coconut water- it contains everything essential trace elements to restore the body.

  • by the most the best remedy, which quickly helps to get out of hard drinking at home, is Enterosgel. It will draw out all the toxins from your body and purify the blood. To do this, take it for 3 days maximum dosage indicated on the tube.
  • Polysorb also cleans the blood quite well, it is often taken with prolonged drinking.
  • These funds can be replaced with another cheaper drug, for example, activated carbon. But the effect will be much weaker.

How to normalize sleep

Often in such a dire state nervous system, and the whole organism, are at the limit, so sleep is disturbed, and a person cannot fall asleep, or sleep is short and intermittent. And in order to get out of binge on your own at home, you just need to sleep more. Therefore, in such situations, a drug is often prescribed. Donormil.

You can also soak in a warm bath (not hot!) with the addition of sea ​​salt. The duration of admission is no more than 15-20 minutes.

How to support the nervous system and remove cravings for alcohol

Many narcologists, in this difficult period of getting out of a long binge, prescribe drugs Biotredin And Glycine. In the first 2 days after giving up alcohol, you need to dissolve 4 tablets of Biotredin under the tongue, after 15 minutes 2 tablets of Glycine. And so 3 times a day. Further, the dose is reduced according to the instructions. Thanks to these drugs, the nervous system returns to normal, sleep normalizes, tremors go away, the psyche calms down, craving for alcohol decreases.

According to the observations of doctors, a person can be in a state of binge for a long time. It can be observed for several days, several months, sometimes up to six months. Binge drinking is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to delirium tremens, and in some cases, to death.

There are many recommendations on how to get out of binge at home. You should be careful when using certain drugs and drugs, as they can have side effects. Withdrawal from hard drinking at home is best done under the supervision of a specialist, after complete diagnosis. This will exclude backfire. To withdraw from hard drinking at home, drugs are most often used to detoxify and strengthen the body, increase immunity, and folk remedies.

Exit from hard drinking at home can be carried out only after talking with the patient, with his consent. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain. It is difficult to get out of hard drinking at home, but it is real. It is necessary to carry out the procedure gradually, in a gentle mode. The patient needs proper rest and sleep. The support of relatives and friends is very important, and contacts with drinking friends should be excluded during treatment and after. Withdrawal from hard drinking at home should be phased, so it will be easier for the patient to adapt to environmental changes. You may need the help of a psychologist, as given state often accompanied by depression, psychosis and neuroses.

How to get out of drinking at home? If the binge does not last for a long time, you can help the patient yourself. Get out of the binge at home will help the use of common drugs and folk remedies. Best for removing toxins from the body activated charcoal and alkaline solution . purified water from lemon juice and salt will help eliminate nausea and vomiting. You need to drink plenty of fluids for several days. When you get out of binge at home, it is recommended to support bed rest, good sleep. The patient needs to take a break from negative thoughts, do a pleasant thing, watch any movie. Beneficial walks on fresh air and gentle physical activity.

Treatment of binge at home includes solutions for blood purification, vitamins, herbal teas. There are many ways to eliminate hangovers and drinking alcohol. Several ways to relieve binge at home:

Drink the juice of 1 lemon on the first day. For the second - from 2 lemons, and increase the dose to 7 days. Then lower the rate to reverse order. drink juice plain water or tea, so that the stomach does not suffer. For gastritis or ulcers this method does not fit.

Put a cleansing enema with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Use increased amount vitamin C in tablets and together with products: greens, rose hips, onions, lemons, oranges, lingonberries. It is useful to drink fruit drinks and fresh juices.

At severe poisoning Reopoliglyukin and Riboxin should be administered intravenously. The first medicine helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Riboxin helps to strengthen the heart muscle. It is useful to introduce glucose for strengthening general condition.

Drink tinctures of equal amounts of sage, rosemary, violet flowers, thyme and leaves peppermint. Add 15 drops to a glass of water and drink once a day. Tincture helps to quickly get out of hard drinking.

Eat more fresh vegetables, sauerkraut, tomatoes or cucumbers. You can drink brine to maintain electrolytes in the blood.

Exit from binge at home includes special diet. The most useful are fermented milk products, broths, cereals, strong tea, fruit drinks, soups. To prepare a milkshake, you will need 100 grams of milk, 10 grams of honey and 1 banana. All you need to beat until smooth in a blender. Honey reduces the effect of alcohol, banana contains magnesium and potassium, which are necessary to strengthen the heart muscle. Milk can be replaced with kefir.

Broths are best to help relieve and binge. Fatty poultry, beef, or lamb broths bind alcohol in the blood and help sober up. lemon tea speeds up recycling nutrients and quickly removes toxins from the body. For such tea, you need to squeeze the juice from 2-3 lemons and dissolve in warm water. Lemon tea should be drunk without sugar 3-4 times a day. You can add some honey to it.

Getting out of the binge at home on your own

You can stop drinking at home using the "3 days" method. Within 3 days, you must completely give up alcohol, and then you can get out of the binge. One of the tips for getting out of binge on your own is complete failure from alcohol and gradual cleansing of the body.

How to get out of binge on your own? The cleansing procedure at home should take place in the evening, on the eve of a hangover day.

In the evening, you need to drink 0.5 liters of kefir and take activated charcoal, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. In the morning, the patient needs to drink 1.5 liters of any liquid: brine, mineral water, Fresh Juice or kefir. In no case should you drink alcohol, even beer. Then you need to take a capsule of Essentiale Forte, 20 drops of valocordin and 2 tablets of activated charcoal.

good remedy is glycerin, which, when taken, reduces the symptoms of withdrawal, creates the illusion that the patient is drunk. It also reduces intracranial pressure and heartbeat. You need to buy 1 bottle of glycerin, dilute with saline or distilled water so that you get 1 part of glycerin to 2 parts of water or saline. Use 30-50 ml of solution 2-3 times a day.

After 2 hours, you need to eat the broth, preferably with dried bread. You must eat, otherwise you will not have the strength to fight. You can take a cold bath or a contrast shower to improve your tone. The patient is advised to lie down or take care of the lungs. physical activity.

After 4 hours, you need to take 2 tablets of activated charcoal and 2 tablets of Essentiale forte. If the heart hurts, drink valocordin. Then eat again meat broth, drink tea with honey and lemon and lie down to rest. When you get out of binge on your own, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. This will speed up blood circulation and alleviate the condition. In the evening, you need to drink drugs again and eat. Take a contrast shower and go to bed. If the patient cannot sleep, give him a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm or sage.

On the third day, you can already move more and do what you love. The patient needs to drink liquid in the same amount and drink drugs 3 times a day. Depression, panic, aggression and fear can occur when you leave the binge at home. In this case, it is necessary to take sedatives, 1-2 tablets of Phenazepam or other sedative.

Getting out of drinking on your own strictly prohibited in acute psychoses, epileptic seizures, heart rhythm disorders, headaches, migraines, nervous disorders. You should seek help from a doctor if the patient has experienced the following conditions: myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, angina attacks, transient disorders cerebral circulation, stroke, exacerbation peptic ulcer, acute pancreatitis, liver dysfunction and other diseases.

A way out of binge at home can be used with a short intake of alcohol for several days. However, if the binge is observed for a week or a month, it is worth contacting a narcologist for more effective treatment.

Alcoholism affects 3% of the Russian population. If we consider only adults, the figure will be even worse.

In an alcoholic frenzy, it is difficult for a person to adequately assess the situation, his condition, the amount of alcohol he has drunk. The more difficult it is to find a way out of the situation.

Even after oversleeping and realizing that it is necessary to stop drinking, a person prone to libations is not able to do this. He makes a promise to himself that he will take only one dose on his chest, and the day again goes down the drain. This can last more than one day, but several, depending on the health of the person, the quantity and quality of the drink.

If the patient is resolute, it is possible to get him out of continuous drunkenness. It will only take one day.

Drink a lot

An emergency withdrawal from binge should begin with the replenishment of household supplies with all kinds of drinks. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances from the body poisoned by alcohol. The choice of drinks when you get out of binge is varied: fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water.

To bounce back in one day, doctors recommend using fermented milk products: fermented baked milk or kefir. They contain lactic acid, it is rich in proteins and amino acids, which ensure the removal of poisons accumulated in the liver and intestines.

As a result, metabolic processes are normalized, intoxication is reduced, well-being improves. Dairy products can give laxative effect which makes it less painful to get out of the binge. For better assimilation it is good to add carbonated mineral water to kefir or fermented baked milk.

If you ask drinking man, how to quickly get out of hard drinking, he will most likely answer: you need to drink brine. And it turns out to be right. This liquid is life-giving moisture for a person suffering from hard drinking, because it contains potassium and magnesium salts, which are washed out of the body by alcohol.

The absence of these substances adversely affects cardiovascular system, causing tachycardia, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.

Apply medicines and preparations

Remove the patient from serious condition Activated charcoal will help in one day. This effective remedy refers to the type of sorbents.

Activated charcoal provides excretion harmful substances that entered the body with alcohol. It does not allow poisons to be absorbed into the intestinal walls, preventing toxins from entering the bloodstream, and provides a milder way out of a difficult condition.

The number of tablets must be sufficient, otherwise they will not give the desired effect. 8-10 tablets.

But should not be taken with activated carbon other drugs, they can be neutralized by it. It's better to wait two hours.

Sometimes a person suffering from a hangover is sick, he is tormented by vomiting all day, the stomach turns inside out, spewing out only water and bile. In this case, take a tablet of metoclopromide, using the minimum amount of water. If it helps, repeat the reception after 15-20 minutes.

After prolonged libations, a person may feel an increased heartbeat, rapid pulse. For these symptoms, take an atenolol tablet.

Take hot broth

A popular remedy that can remove intoxication in a day is the use of hot stews. With prolonged drunkenness, the body loses a lot useful substances required for normal operation.

The condition of a person is aggravated by the fact that during drinking he neglects a snack.

As a result, instead of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, toxins enter the body. In such a situation, hot soup - real find. It will invigorate the patient, make the way out of a difficult condition less painful.

Better to use chicken bouillon. The advantages of this dish are obvious: it does not cause disgust even with severe poisoning, it is not fatty and is easily digestible. The broth will saturate the body essential minerals, stir up the stomach, make the intestines work, help remove harmful substances.

Do not take cold showers, avoid unnecessary exercise

There is an opinion that a contrast shower will soften the emergency. Allegedly, a sharp change in temperature increases the tone blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart, stimulates other organs and systems.

The danger of this approach lies in the fact that a person suffering from hard drinking is in a far from ideal condition. His heart is already working hard.

Extra stress can lead to a heart attack and death. The vessels of the brain are also not in good shape. It is not known how they will react to the unexpected shock. Stroke is not ruled out.

Not an option - to resort to walking or running. Excess load for a person who abuses alcohol is very dangerous.