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Treatment of folk remedies for mental disorders. Mental disorders

Mental illnesses are very common these days. Violation of the mental state is accompanied by a number of symptoms: a person ceases to perceive reality, memory and mental processes are disturbed.

Science classifies mental illness into the following types:

  1. Endogenous. Diseases provoked by internal processes. Occur at the gene level, hereditary disposition. That is, diseases of this type can be transmitted along a hereditary line, and the pattern does not always go in order, sometimes the manifestation of the disease occurs through a generation.
  2. Exogenous. The onset of the disease is triggered by factors external environment- getting a traumatic brain injury, intoxication of the body, psychological trauma.

Treatment for depression

Every person knows the state. This issue should not be taken lightly. Consequences this disease can be very serious. With depression, a person's thinking slows down. Bad mood, sleep disturbance, lack of appetite. The state of peace of mind is oppressed and depressed.

The causes of this disease are:

  • change of life situation;
  • severe emotional shock caused by death loved one;
  • problems with work or business, family conflicts.

Depression can be treated without resorting to help pharmaceuticals. A course of herbal medicine will not only improve well-being, but also bring the emotional state back to normal, and without any side effects.

For cooking you will need:

  • immortelle grass - 100 g;
  • birch buds - 100 g;
  • St. John's wort and chamomile - 10 g each.

All components must be crushed and mixed. Place the resulting collection in a glass container and close the lid. Steam 1 tablespoon of herbs with boiling water (500 ml) and leave for 30 minutes. Before use, the broth must be filtered. Take at night in an amount of 200 ml with the addition of a teaspoon of honey.

Nowadays, people strive to improve their standard of living, so they work hard, acquiring breakdown and consequently, loss of sleep. With regular sleep disturbance, the work of organ systems deteriorates significantly, metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, which contributes to excess weight gain. The amount of time for rest depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Someone needs 8 hours of good sleep, some manage 3-4 hours.

There are several options for dealing with insomnia. The first is to contact a specialist who, with the help of research, will establish the cause and prescribe a treatment that will restore normal mode. The second is to resort to traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Valerian roots and oregano are taken in a ratio of 1: 2. The components are thoroughly mixed.
  2. To prepare the broth, you need 10 g of the collection, which is steamed with boiling water (100 ml), place the container on moderate heat and then simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. After removing the fire, the liquid must be left for another hour. The entire volume must be consumed some time before bedtime.
  4. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

Panic attack treatment

  1. 3 g of lime flowers are steamed with boiling water (200 ml).
  2. Leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Consume as a tea. You can add honey.

This treatment should be avoided by people with stomach problems.

Neurosis is a disease of the central nervous system caused by prolonged mental stress. Usually this disease occurs in people who have a weak nervous system, which is congenital and acquired.

Increased emotionality is called excitability. A person with such a diagnosis is easy to identify in a crowd of people by the following signs:

  • asymmetry of facial muscles;
  • chaotic eye movement;
  • disorientation in space;
  • awkwardness, lack of assembly;
  • sleep disturbance.

You can treat neurosis and increased emotionality with herbal infusion. For cooking you will need:

  • chamomile, ;
  • , oregano;
  • blueberry, peony;
  • elecampane, wild rose;
  • St. John's wort, lingonberry;
  • Ivan tea - all in an amount of 50 g.

Place all components in a 3 liter jar and fill with vodka or alcohol. Leave the tincture for 30 days. It must be filtered before use. Take 10 tablespoons daily before meals.

Treatment of psychosis

Psychosis is a distorted perception of the surrounding space. With such a diagnosis, a person inadequately responds to life various situations. Objectivity is lost, a feeling is created constant fear for my life, it’s as if there are some voices in my head that say what needs to be done. These internal changes provoke immoral behavior of the patient.

Psychosis affects both adults and children. Most often, the disease occurs in women. Typically, the peak occurs at postpartum period, menopause and menstruation. This is due to the instability of the hormonal background.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • hallucinations. Usually there are sound ones, when a person is sure that he hears some voices;
  • naschivaya idea, that is, nonsense. In this state, it seems to a person that they are watching him and want to harm him;
  • manic state (increased activity, good mood, high self-esteem);
  • violation motor activity, which can be represented as a stupor, or vice versa, a strong excitement.

Get rid of the symptoms of psychosis will help. To prepare the leaves of the plant, steam with boiling water and take as tea several times a day. Melissa can be replaced with oregano, valerian or sage.

Bulimia treatment

Bulimia - serious illness caused by a disturbance in the perception of food. Bulimia attacks are explained by the fact that a person breaks down and uses a large number of calories, after which he feels guilty and induces vomiting on his own.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • slightly overweight;
  • swollen face;
  • obsession with proper nutrition and counting calories
  • ruined tooth enamel provoked by systematic vomiting;
  • after eating, the patient goes to the toilet to "get rid of the excess."

Usually, relatives notice the presence of the disease late, as the patient carefully hides his inclinations.

Herbal tea will help to establish the process of digestion and calm the nerves.

  1. You need 1 g of fennel seed, 1 g of lemongrass herb, a small part of ginger root.
  2. Steam all components with boiling water and add cardamom.
  3. Leave the tea for 10 minutes, filter before drinking. Honey can be added to the drink.

Treatment of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that is difficult to treat. The signs that characterize schizophrenia are as follows: personality breakdown, hallucinations, incoherent speech. To make such a diagnosis, a medical symposium is needed!

Treatment of schizophrenia must be under the supervision of a physician. Medicinal decoctions should not preclude the use of pharmaceuticals. In this case, they will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.

You need to take:

  • pine buds - 50 g;
  • elderberry roots - 50 g;
  • green pericarp walnut- 100 g.

Steam all components with boiling water and leave for half an hour. Add a decoction to a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees. Accept water procedures no more than 10 minutes.

The modern rhythm of life puts the human brain and his consciousness in front of constant tests, and it is not always possible to withstand them. The practice of treating mental disorders in patients involves, in addition to medications, psychological therapy. Mental damage has long ceased to be a frightening diagnosis that led to a specialized hospital. Modern medicine successfully solves most of these problems.

What are mental disorders

Medicine today cannot even decide on a clear formulation of how to determine permanent or regular changes in consciousness. In the most general sense, such disorders are a state of mind, a behavioral profile, mental health different from normal. Under the "norm" it is customary to take into account the behavioral model that is characterized for the surrounding society. The key problem is that the standard of existence among people can vary depending on the culture and area of ​​​​residence.

In this regard, nationwide and characteristic for all people mental disorders that can be diagnosed and treated are formally distinguished:

  • clinical - schizophrenia, manic states;
  • depression, anxiety for no reason, anxiety states;
  • low brain activity;
  • neurasthenia;
  • consequences of drug and alcohol use;
  • gambling addiction;
  • mental disorders caused by trauma or serious illness.


The usual disease of the body is determined by a complex of tests and examinations. Diagnosis of mental disorders is much more difficult. The definition of the health of consciousness is based on testing mental, cognitive, behavioral factors. The specialist is obliged not only to determine the psychotype of the patient, but also to establish a specific disorder, and they may differ minimally from each other. In addition, the violation may be hidden inside the consciousness, and only an experienced psychologist or psychiatrist will find it.

How to treat

Most episodes cannot be self-treated. The help of loved ones and setting oneself to striving for the norm can help to some extent, but without an experienced psychotherapist, full recovery remains unattainable. It must be remembered that most psychosomatic disorders have a very high recurrence. This means that it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the former patient. Treatment of such diseases includes the following:

  1. Understanding the causes of illness. It is important that the patient himself understands that he is unwell, wants to find the root of the disorder. At this stage chief assistant- family and friends.
  2. Consultations with a doctor. The specialist specifies the disorder, selects a treatment method, and prescribes, if necessary, tranquilizers or stimulants.
  3. Strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions. During this period, support and control from loved ones is also important.
  4. After recovery, follow up emotional background, any deviation from normal state. Most disorders can recur if the conditions of their first appearance coincide.

Who treats

It is important to remember that self-treatment does not actually bring results. To determine the disease, to distinguish, for example, neurosis from depression can only experienced doctor. There is also a diagnostic physiological signs, since many diseases are provoked or supported by organic causes. Mental disorders are treated by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and neurologist: this gives the maximum accurate diagnosis in each specific case.

With everyday neuroses and problems in the family, you should contact a psychologist. It will help prevent the development of serious mental pathologies on initial stage. Main danger appeal to such specialists in that they do not have a mandatory medical education they do not have the right to prescribe medication. Among such doctors there are a large number of charlatans and outright scammers.

Features of therapy

The main features are that there is no universal approach even to one disease. Individual variability of personality imposes its own limitations on each course of treatment. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to contact specialists. Self-determination of the disorder often led patients to suicide, starting from banal depression.

Depending on the intensity of the manifestation of the disease, the patient's behavior, therapy at home or in a medical facility is possible. If the case is related to ongoing physical illness(for example, cancer), then psychological therapy is mandatory in most cases. We must not forget that after recovery, one should not leave a person without support - mental illnesses often return in a more severe form.

Treatment Methods

There are two main methods (they differ in the way they affect the patient, but their ratio in the treatment process is important):

  1. Psychopharmacotherapy. Involves the use of biologically active substances plus physical impact on the patient. All pharmaceuticals are divided into groups of directions of action: antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, psychostimulants, nootropics, mood stabilizers (lithium salts), insulin shock treatment. We should also mention ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). Its use is almost not common due to unstable, unpredictable results.
  2. Psychotherapy. Treatment of the mentally ill through the word. There are a lot of varieties of this method: from family communication to hypnosis. All of them aim to identify hidden reasons mental illness helping the patient to deal with them rare cases(suggestive therapy) the imposition of a behavioral model on a patient if other methods do not help.


The most common medicines in this segment in domestic medicine and their purpose:

  1. Antipsychotics. They allow to reduce the level of dopamine in the central nervous system and have a pronounced calming effect during exacerbation of psychosis: Haloperidol, Promazine, Risperidone, Quetiapine, Tiaprid. Use in combination with Artan or Cyclodol.
  2. Tranquilizers. Aimed to stop fear, anxiety, emotional stress without affecting the mechanics of thinking and memory: Diazepam, Phenazepam, Alprazolam, Buspirone.
  3. Antidepressants. Cause an emotional upsurge, improve mood without euphoric states: Clomipramine, Gepral, Bupropion, Prozac.

All groups of drugs are dispensed only by prescription or do not belong to the open sale. Any use psychoactive substances must be agreed with a specialist. Otherwise, if you use them uncontrollably, a radical deterioration in the condition is possible, up to the development of serious mental illness (for example, schizophrenia). Those antidepressants or tranquilizers that are presented in pharmacies have an underestimated dose of the active substance, but are dangerous if the instructions are not followed.

Hypnosis treatment

Hypnosis is considered proven effective way therapy of various psychosomatic disorders. The problem with using it is that a very small percentage of patients are predisposed to hypnotic treatment of disorders. Hypnotic influence is individual for each specific person. Most of the people do not perceive it, and some are subject to an instant trance. In addition, among the "hypnotists" a large number of charlatans.

homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic medicine is probably the most controversial phenomenon in the healing community. Treatment of mental disorders with homeopathy is quite possible if the patient himself believes in the remedy. For patients with impaired perception of reality, it would be more appropriate traditional therapy. Interesting fact: obsession with homeopathic treatment and a categorical rejection of the traditional, is considered a kind of mental disorder.

How to treat at home

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but to treat such diseases at home is more effective technique than hospitalization. Proper organization of the therapy process in a familiar environment gives every chance to quickly eliminate the disease. At the same time, the disease itself is not so important, but the regularity of procedures, the general mood of the patient, his desire to stabilize and return to normal.

It is worth mentioning folk remedies that help overcome mental ailments:

  1. Nervous and mental states removed by taking decoctions of herbs (mint, lemon balm, valerian, thyme, geranium). They have a calming effect headache and help you sleep.
  2. Depression and schizophrenia are compensated by teas with cardamom, ginseng, sage.
  3. Take in a minimum amount of coffee, alcohol, sugar, white flour, plants with stimulants. It is permissible to increase the consumption of honey.
  4. Stressful tension will be well relieved by massage and aromatherapy.


Unfortunately, prevention is mostly aimed at observing and eliminating relapses of conditions that have already occurred. It is possible to predict the development of depression or psychosis with a low degree of probability. There are methods for identifying predisposition to serious mental disorders, but they all have a very large error.

To prevent the onset of these disorders, daily quality sleep is important, correct physical exercise, do exercises, daily routine, stable family (taking into account the regular intimate component). Right Attitude to your life environment will allow you to avoid stressful situations, depression and fully enjoy life. It is important to protect yourself from the effects of psychological manipulators, of which a huge number have appeared in the past few years (personal trainers, sectarians, psychics, psychocorrectors, and others).


Under definition psychoses fall pronounced manifestations mental disorders, in which the perception and understanding of the surrounding world is distorted in a sick person; behavioral responses are disturbed; various pathological syndromes and symptoms appear. Unfortunately, psychotic disorders are a common type of pathology. Statistical studies show that the incidence of psychotic disorders is up to 5% of the general population.

A person may develop a transient psychotic state due to the use of certain medicines or drugs; or due to the impact of severe mental trauma ( "reactive" or psychogenic psychosis).
Psychic trauma is stressful situation, illnesses, loss of work, natural disasters, threat to the life of loved ones and relatives.

Sometimes there are so-called somatogenic psychoses ( developing due to serious somatic pathology, for example, due to myocardial infarction); infectious ( caused by complications after infectious disease ); and intoxicants ( e.g. alcoholic delirium).

The manifestations of psychotic syndromes are very extensive, which reflects the richness of the human psyche. The main signs of psychosis are:

  • Mood disorders.
  • Delusional judgments and ideas.
  • Movement disorders.


Hallucinations differ depending on the analyzer involved: gustatory, auditory, tactile, olfactory, visual. They are also differentiated into simple and complex. The simple ones include apparent calls, noises, sounds. To complex - voices, speech. The most common hallucination is auditory: a person hears voices inside his head or from outside that can order, accuse, threaten. Sometimes voices are neutral.

Commanding voices are the most dangerous, since patients most often absolutely obey them and are ready to fulfill all orders, even those that threaten the life and health of other people. Sometimes, due to illness, the main psychological mechanisms, for example, the instinct of self-preservation. In this case, a person under the influence of voices can harm himself. It is not uncommon for patients psychiatric clinics trying to commit suicide because the voice said so.

Mood disorders

Mood disorders are manifested in patients with manic or depressive states. A depressive state is distinguished by a triad of main symptoms from which all the others follow: decreased mood, decreased activity, decreased libido. Depressed mood, melancholy, motor retardation, cognitive decline, ideas of guilt and self-blame, pessimism, suicidal ideas - all this characterizes the depressive state.

The manic state is manifested by opposite symptoms: increased libido, increased activity, increased mood. A person who is in the manic stage shows increased ability to work. He can stay awake at night, and at the same time look active, cheerful, cheerful and tireless. He makes plans, shares fantastic projects with others. Particularly characteristic of a manic state is the disinhibition of the sphere of inclinations: a person begins to lead a disorderly sexual life Drinks a lot, abuses drugs.

All of the above manifestations of psychotic disorders belong to the range of disorders called "positive". This name was given to them because the symptoms that appeared during the illness, relatively speaking, are added to the pre-morbid behavior and state of the human psyche.

Sometimes a person who has had a psychotic disorder, despite the apparent disappearance of symptoms, manifests negative disorders. They have such a name because the character of the patient undergoes changes in which everything that was characteristic of him is violated: behavior, habits, personal qualities. To put it simply, a lot of things disappear from the totality of his behavior and habits inherent in him. Negative disorders can lead to even more severe social consequences than positive ones.

Patients with negative disorders become non-initiative, lethargic, apathetic, passive. Their energy tone decreases, dreams and desires, aspirations and motivations disappear, emotional dullness grows. Such people fence themselves off from the outside world, do not enter into any social contacts. The previously existing good traits how sincerity, kindness, responsiveness, benevolence are replaced by aggression, irritability, rudeness, scandalousness. In addition, they develop disorders of cognitive functions, in particular, thinking, which becomes rigid, amorphous, non-purposeful, empty. Because of this, sick people lose their labor qualifications and work skills. Such unsuitability for professional activity is a direct road to disability.

crazy ideas

Delusional judgments, various ideas and conclusions of patients with a psychotic syndrome cannot be corrected by explanation and persuasion. They take over the mind of a sick person so much that critical thinking is turned off completely. The content of delusional obsessions is very diverse, but most often there are ideas of persecution, jealousy, external influence on the mind, hypochondriacal ideas, ideas of damage, reformism, litigation.

Delusions of persecution are characterized in the belief of patients that they are being chased by special services, that they will certainly be killed. The delusions of jealousy are more typical for men than for women, and it consists in ridiculous accusations of treason and attempts to extract a confession about it. The delirium of influencing the mind is characterized by the assurances of patients that they are affected by radiation, conjure, that aliens are trying to telepathically penetrate their minds.

Hypochondriacal patients claim they have an incurable disease. terrible disease. Moreover, their psyche is so convinced of this that the body “adjusts” to this belief, and a person can really show symptoms of various diseases that he is not sick with. The delusion of damage consists in damaging the property of other people, often those who live in the same apartment with a sick person. It can go as far as adding poison to food or stealing personal belongings.

Reformist nonsense consists in the constant production of impossible projects and ideas. However, a sick person does not even try to bring them to life, as soon as he comes up with one thing, he immediately abandons this idea and takes on another.

Litigious nonsense is constant complaints to all instances, filing lawsuits in court, and much more. Such people create a lot of problems for others.

Movement disorders

Two options for the development of movement disorders: agitation or inhibition ( i.e. stupor). Psychomotor agitation makes patients stay in active movement, talk incessantly. They often mimic the speech of the surrounding people, grimace, imitate the voices of animals. The behavior of such patients becomes impulsive, sometimes foolish, sometimes aggressive. They may commit unmotivated acts.

Stupor is immobility, freezing in one position. The patient's gaze is fixed in one direction, he refuses to eat and stops talking.

The course of psychosis

Most often, psychotic disorders have a paroxysmal course. This means that during the course of the disease there are outbreaks of acute attacks of psychosis and periods of remission. Seizures may occur seasonally ( that is predictable.) and spontaneously ( not predictable). Spontaneous outbreaks occur under the influence of various traumatic factors.

There is also a so-called single-attack course, which is most often observed at a young age. Patients endure one long attack and gradually come out of the psychotic state. They have a full recovery.

IN severe cases psychoses can pass into a chronic continuous stage. In this case, the symptomatology partially manifests itself throughout life, despite maintenance therapy.

In unopened and uncomplicated clinical cases treatment in a psychiatric hospital lasts approximately one and a half to two months. During the stay in the hospital, doctors select the optimal therapy and relieve psychotic symptoms. If the symptoms are not relieved by selected drugs, then it is necessary to change the treatment algorithms. Then the terms of stay in the hospital are delayed up to six months and even more.

One of the most important factors that influence the prognosis of therapy for psychotic disorders is early start treatment and effectiveness medicines in combination with non-drug methods of rehabilitation.

People with psychotic disorder and society

For a long time, a collective image of mentally ill people has been formed in society. Unfortunately, many people still believe that a person with mental disorders is something aggressive and insane, threatening other people with his presence. Sick people are afraid, they do not want to keep in touch with them, and even their relatives sometimes refuse them. Indiscriminately they are called maniacs, murderers. It is believed that people with psychotic disorders are absolutely incapable of any meaningful actions. Not so long ago, during the USSR, when the treatment of such patients did not differ in diversity and humanity ( they were often treated and subdued with electric shocks), mental illness was considered so shameful that they were carefully hidden, fearing public opinion and condemnation.

The influence of Western psychiatric luminaries in the last 20 years has changed this view, although some prejudices against patients with psychoses remain. Most people think that they are normal and healthy, but schizophrenics are sick. By the way, the frequency of occurrence of schizophrenia is no more than 13 people per 1000. In this case, the opinion that the other 987 people are healthy is statistically justified, but 13 that stand out from the total count are sick. However, not a single psychologist and psychiatrist in the world can give an exact definition: what is normal and what is abnormal?
The boundaries of normality change all the time. Even 50 years ago, the diagnosis of "autism" in children was a sentence. And now many doctors consider this condition as a different way of the child's relationship with society. Facts as proof phenomenal memory such children, their abilities for music, drawing, chess.

Social rehabilitation involves the use of a whole range of corrective measures and skills for teaching rational behavior. Teaching social skills of communication and interaction with the environment helps to adapt to the everyday aspects of life. If necessary, such everyday skills as shopping, distribution of finances, use of public transport are worked out with the patient.

Psychotherapy enables people with mental disorders to better understand themselves: accept themselves as they are, love themselves, take care of themselves. It is especially important to undergo psychotherapy for those who experience shame and a sense of inferiority from the realization of their illness, and therefore vehemently deny it. Psychotherapeutic methods help to master the situation and take it into their own hands. Communication in groups is valuable, when patients who have undergone hospitalization share with other people who have just got to the hospital their problems and personal ways to solve them. Communication in a close circle, implicated in common problems and interests, brings people together and gives them the opportunity to feel supported and needed.

All of these rehabilitation methods correct use, greatly increase the efficiency drug therapy, though not able to replace it. Most mental disorders are not cured once and for all. Psychoses tend to recur, so after treatment, patients require preventive monitoring.

Treatment of psychotic disorders with neuroleptic drugs

Antipsychotics ( or antipsychotics) are the main, basic drugs used in psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice.
Chemical compounds that stop psychomotor agitation, eliminate delusions and hallucinations, were invented in the middle of the last century. In the hands of psychiatrists, an effective and very powerful remedy for psychosis appeared. Unfortunately, it was the excessive use of these drugs, as well as unjustified experiments with their dosages, that led to the fact that Soviet psychiatry received a negative image.
She was called "punitive" because of the use of shock therapy. But in addition to shock therapy, doctors used antipsychotics such as stelazin, chlorpromazine And haloperidol. These are very powerful tools, but they only affected positive symptoms and did not touch the negative in any way. Yes, the patient got rid of hallucinations and delusions, but at the same time he was discharged from the hospital passive and apathetic, unable to fully interact with society and engage in professional activities.

In addition, classical neuroleptics gave a side complication - drug-induced parkinsonism. This complication appeared due to the drugs affecting the extrapyramidal structures of the brain.
Symptoms of drug parkinsonism: tremor, muscle stiffness, convulsive twitching of the limbs, sometimes - a feeling of intolerance to being in one place. Such patients are constantly moving and cannot sit in one place. To eliminate this symptomatology, it was necessary complementary therapy preparations-correctors: akineton, cyclodol.

In addition to extrapyramidal disorders, autonomic disorders were observed in some severe cases. In addition to tremor, the patient may have experienced: dry mouth, increased salivation, diuretic disorders, constipation , nausea , rapid heartbeat, fainting, jumps in blood pressure, decreased libido, pathology of ejaculation and erection, weight gain, amenorrhea, galactorrhea, cognitive decline, fatigue, lethargy.

Antipsychotics are effective treatments, especially when combined with other methods of mental rehabilitation, however, according to statistics, 30% of people with psychotic disorders treated with antipsychotic therapy respond poorly to treatment.

One of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of treatment may be the fact that some patients who deny their illness violate the doctor's recommendations ( for example, they hide pills behind their cheeks so that they spit them out when the medical staff will not see it). In such cases, of course, any therapeutic tactic will be ineffective.

Over the past few decades, a new generation of antipsychotics have been discovered - atypical antipsychotics. They differ from classical antipsychotics in their selective neurochemical action. They act only on certain receptors, so they are better tolerated and more effective. Atypical antipsychotics do not give extrapyramidal disorders. The main drugs in this group are Azaleptin, seroquel, rispolept and etc.
Rispolept is the drug of first priority, and Azaleptin is used when the ineffectiveness of the previous treatment is revealed.

In the treatment of acute stage of psychosis atypical antipsychotics have the following advantages:

  • The effectiveness of the treatment of negative symptoms, and not just positive ones.
  • Good tolerability, and as a result, the admissibility of the use of these drugs in debilitated patients.

Preventive and maintenance therapy of psychosis

Psychosis tends to recur, and patients with this diagnosis require regular preventive monitoring. Therefore, international psychiatric conventions give clear recommendations on the duration of basic treatment, as well as preventive and supportive.

Those patients who have experienced a first episode of acute psychosis should take low doses of antipsychotics for two years as a preventive therapy. If they have a re-exacerbation, then the period of preventive therapy is increased by 2-3 years.

With a continuous course of the disease, maintenance therapy is carried out, the terms of which are established by the attending physician.

Practicing psychiatrists believe that during the initial hospitalization of a patient with acute psychosis, treatment regimens should be covered as extensively as possible and full-fledged, long-term socio-psychological rehabilitation measures to reduce the risk of disease recurrence.

Reducing the risk of relapse of psychosis

To reduce the risk of exacerbation psychotic disorder medical advice should be followed:
  • Measured orderly lifestyle.
  • Healthy physical activity, gymnastics.
  • Balanced diet and avoidance of alcohol and smoking.
  • Regular use of prescribed maintenance drugs.
Any change in the habitual rhythm of wakefulness and sleep can lead to a relapse. The first signs of relapse: poor appetite, insomnia, irritability. Such signs require examination of the patient by the attending physician.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Represents pronounced form mental disorder, which is characterized by inadequate perception of reality and disorganization of the personality, as well as sharp drops moods, hallucinations, delusions. With psychosis, a state of uncontrolled excitement occurs or, on the contrary, deep depression, in addition, psychosis is accompanied by profound disturbances in the thought process, in which there is no critical attitude to one's condition.

Causes of psychosis
Depending on the source of mental imbalance, all psychoses can be divided into the following:
1) exogenous psychosis - psychosis caused by the influence of external environmental factors
2) endogenous psychosis - psychosis caused by internal disorders and speculation
3) organic psychosis - psychosis caused by traumatic brain injuries, as well as diseases and tumors of the brain.
Thus, the cause of psychosis can be internal, as well as external factors. Manifestations of an internal nature are, as a rule, neurological disorders, as well as endocrine diseases leading to the development of an endogenous disease. The external causes of the disease are infections such as tuberculosis, typhus, influenza, syphilis, as well as alcohol, narcotic substances, industrial poisons, psychotrauma, and stress. It should be noted that among external causes the first place belongs to alcohol, it is he who leads to the so-called alcoholic psychosis.
Endogenous psychoses in humans develop due to age-related changes, and are often the result of schizophrenia, hypertension, and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Endogenous psychosis, as a rule, is long-term and with it a tendency to relapse is often found.
In general, psychosis is a rather complex human condition, which has its own difficulties in diagnosing both internal and external causes. So, external factors can serve as the beginning of the development of psychosis, and only then internal problems join.
According to the occurrence and nature of the course of this disease, reactive and acute forms of the disease are distinguished. Reactive forms are reversible mental disorders that occur as a result of mental trauma. Whereas acute form disease develops as a result of a sudden and rapid development of events. For example, sudden news of the death of a loved one or the loss of property can serve as the cause of psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis
How to distinguish a person with psychosis from a healthy person?
Early symptoms psychosis are expressed as follows:
1. A person experiences changes in character: irritability, nervousness, anxiety, hypersensitivity, lack of appetite and sleep disturbance, as well as a sudden lack of interest, an unusual and strange appearance.
2. Changes in working capacity are observed, namely: there is a sharp decline in activity, impaired attention, reduced stress tolerance and a sudden decline in activity.
3. Feelings change in a person: various fears, mood swings, depression appear.
4. There are changes in the social life of a person, which are expressed in isolation, distrust, withdrawal into oneself, problems in communicating with people and ending contacts.
5. There is a change of interests, there is a sudden interest in some unusual things: for example, a person goes deep into religion, he develops an interest in magic, etc.
6. A person's experiences and changes in perception become aggravated, for example, a color or sound can be perceived by him intensely or distorted, there may also be a feeling of surveillance and a feeling that everything around has changed.
It should be noted that regardless of the cause of the origin of psychosis, all of its symptoms are similar to each other. A mentally disturbed person is easily distinguished from a normal person. He can perform various unpredictable acts that defy any explanation, the movements of a sick person become unnatural and are often not controlled even by himself.
Symptoms of psychosis are also a person's overexcitation during the commission of a particular action or inaction (symptoms of manic psychosis), as well as mood swings, which are characterized by the length of stay in a particular state (depressive psychosis).
In addition, his speech can tell a lot about the state of the mentally ill - as a rule, the patient's phrases are not connected to each other and do not make sense, he is delirious, talking to some invisible people (delusional, hallucinogenic, acute psychosis). Or the patient gives incoherent answers to questions, often speaks in the third person or refers to himself (schizophrenia). Another symptom of psychosis is hallucinations, which can make a mentally disturbed person behave inappropriately and provoke personality disorganization. That is, a person ceases to identify himself as a person and can present himself as some object or creature, for example, a cat or a tree.
A mentally ill person is not able to realize what is happening, and also cannot appreciate how much his psyche has changed. Often, because of their depressed state, patients do not want to receive medical care and completely refuse hospitalization.

Diagnosis of psychoses
As a rule, the diagnosis of psychosis includes a psychiatric examination of the patient, as well as the use of other neurological research methods, which are carried out according to indications.

Treatment of psychosis
How to cure psychosis? How to get rid of psychosis?
The most important thing in the treatment of psychosis is to eliminate the cause of the disease or the psychogenic situation that takes place. I must say that the affective-shock reaction of a person to a psychogenic situation, as a rule, does not need medical help. Whereas in other forms of this disease, the patient must be hospitalized in order to prevent unconscious harm to himself or others. Medical assistance to the patient should be provided taking into account correctly established diagnosis, before treatment, psychopathological symptoms must be identified, the individual characteristics of the patient's personality must be taken into account, and the severity of the patient's condition must be determined.
Treatment of psychosis, as a rule, consists in the fact that the patient is:
1) Drug therapy. In this case, in the treatment of psychosis, psychotropic drugs are used, in most cases neuroleptics, and sometimes tranquilizers, antidepressants and restorative drugs are also used. Nowadays, there are many drugs that can selectively act on certain types and psychotic groups. So, for example, if psychosis is a consequence of intoxication, then drugs are used that help cleanse the body.
Drugs for psychosis, drugs for psychosis should be prescribed only by a specialist, moreover, each patient individually. When prescribing drugs for psychosis, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the cause of psychosis, as well as the presence of other diseases and, of course, contraindications. In the case of a state of excitation, the patient is given tranquilizers in injections (Seduxen) and antipsychotics (Triftazin and Aminazin). Crazy ideas in psychosis are also stopped with the help of neuroleptics (Etaperazine, Stelazin, Haloperidol). A reactive depression treated by taking antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Pyrazidol, Gerfonal). It should be noted that drug therapy for psychosis should be dynamic - depending on the stage of the disease, as well as changes in the patient's condition.
2) Psychological rehabilitation. The effectiveness of drug therapy for psychosis can be enhanced by psychological rehabilitation. In this case, during the treatment, the main task of the psychiatrist is to find contact with the patient, inspire him with the idea of ​​his speedy recovery and explain to the patient that the drugs will not cause any harm to his body. In this case, the patient must be guaranteed the anonymity of his treatment. Good result in the treatment of psychosis complex treatment: medication combined with psychological rehabilitation. The rehabilitation course of classes also includes training sessions, during which the patient is taught to respond differently to the world and develop new forms of behavior in his life. After rehabilitation, a person suffering from psychosis should feel equal in society, he should go to shops, take care of his own hygiene, etc. With the help of psychotherapy, people who experience feelings of inferiority due to mental illness, as well as denying the presence of the disease, relate to themselves much better than before.
3) Physiotherapeutic methods. The treatment of psychosis may also include various physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrosleep, physiotherapy with psychosis, Spa treatment, acupuncture, occupational therapy and others. Thanks to physiotherapy for psychosis, emotional overstrain and fatigue are removed, as well as working capacity increases and metabolism improves significantly.
4) Electroconvulsive therapy. This method treatment of psychosis lies in the fact that the patient is artificially caused seizures through the action of an alternating electric current. The effect of this method is the direct effect of current on the subcortical centers of the brain and metabolic processes in nervous system sick.

Alternative treatment psychosis
Traditional medicine in the treatment of psychosis also plays an important role. There are many recipes that help in the treatment of this disease.
1) To get rid of psychosis, you can use grass or lemon balm leaves, from which a decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 g of dry raw materials per 500 ml of boiling water. Then the broth must be insisted in a tightly closed container for 2 hours and filtered. Take 2/3 cup 3 times a day.
In cases of strong nervous excitement you can prepare an infusion - 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
2) You can cure psychosis if you apply a decoction of cudweed marsh. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of marsh cudweed grass per 500 ml of boiling water. Then insist 1 hour and strain. Take 1 glass three times a day.
3) Will help fight psychosis and infusion of oregano, which is prepared at the rate of 6 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water. It is necessary to drink this infusion instead of tea with honey, 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
4) How to deal with psychosis at home? In this case, valerian officinalis can help. It is necessary to insist on 10 g of dry valerian root for 300 ml boiled water within 8 hours. Then bring to a boil, cool for an hour and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.
5) Valerian root baths can help beat psychosis. For this, 10 liters warm water it is necessary to pour 300 ml of a strong decoction of dry valerian root. The decoction is prepared as follows: 20 g of crushed valerian root should be boiled in 500 ml of water over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain and pour into the bath.
6) good remedy from psychosis - this is a sage field. You need to take 3 tablespoons of flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour in a tightly sealed container, then strain. Drink 150 ml three times a day before meals.
7) To remove psychosis, you can do the following: prepare a collection that includes hawthorn fruits - 3 parts, hawthorn flowers - 2 parts, valerian root - 3 parts, St. John's wort (grass) - 3 parts, yarrow (grass) - 3 parts. Then brew 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.
8) What can help with psychosis? Hop cones may help. You need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed cones, pour them with 1 cup of boiling water, then leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
9) You can reduce psychosis with the help of azure cyanosis. To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of cyanosis azure pour 2 ml of boiling water. Insist for 2-3 hours, and then strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.Next >