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What is acute psychosis? Psychosis: causes, symptoms, classification and treatment of pathology

In scientific medical literature There are several definitions of a person’s pathological state, when his psyche sharply distorts the surrounding reality, and mental activity does not meet standards real world. This condition is called psychosis. It can be an independent disease or accompanying with schizophrenia, meningitis, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, tuberculosis and many others. The number of people suffering from psychosis is extremely difficult to determine. This is primarily due to many factors influencing the occurrence and dynamics of the disease. Besides this, this pathological condition can occur at any age and has almost no gender distribution.

Acute psychosis

Term acute psychosis used when disturbances in mental activity begin suddenly and progress rapidly. The presence of a provoking factor, which acts as a trigger, is mandatory. Depending on the causes of occurrence, acute forms of psychosis can be of different nature. In the typology of the disease they are distinguished as follows:

  • situational;
  • reactive;
  • organic;
  • intoxication;
  • withdrawal symptoms;
  • polymorphic.

Situational psychosis most often occurs against the background of some difficult or insoluble situation. It is accompanied by various kinds of experiences and leads to mental overstrain. In this state, a person acutely experiences negative emotions, and his knowledge and life experience do not work.

Intoxication or withdrawal psychoses occur under the influence of various toxic elements on the brain. These include:

  • medications;
  • alcohol;
  • narcotic substances;
  • industrial poisons.

Reactive psychosis is similar to other disorders that appear due to severe psychosocial stress, but has more pronounced affective intensity, lability and variability. It arises at a time of serious shocks, catastrophes, and cataclysms for a person.


Depending on the character clinical picture psychosis happens:

  • hysterical;
  • paranoid;
  • manic;
  • depressed.

There are also combined forms of the disease, which are directly related to individual mental characteristics, age, gender, and existing somatic diseases.

Manic and depressive forms of psychosis often accompany each other and constitute the so-called bipolar disorder. Among common features can be distinguished:

  • inadequacy of thought processes;
  • stiffness of movement or psychomotor agitation;
  • mood swings;
  • disinhibition of instincts.

Symptoms of acute psychosis can be grouped into separate areas that cover various areas of human life. The presence of the disease is indicated by changes in:

  • sensations;
  • character;
  • habits;
  • performance;
  • interests;
  • social behavior.

Many of the symptoms of psychosis may not be perceived by the person himself and his environment as harbingers of illness. They may not be paid attention to for quite a long time and thereby delay the moment of seeking help.

Causes of the disorder

Like any disease, acute psychosis has its own causes. In psychiatry, two groups of factors provoking the disorder are defined - external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous).

Among the external reasons are:

  • brain injuries;
  • psychological trauma;
  • physical violence;
  • rape;
  • infectious diseases.

But the primacy among exogenous causes belongs to the use of alcohol, narcotic and toxic substances. Regular poisoning of the body with these poisons leads to exhaustion nervous system, brain destruction, and, as a consequence, the occurrence of psychosis. Uncontrolled use also leads to the same consequences. medicines.

Internal causes of the disease are most often associated with:

  • dysfunctions of the nervous system;
  • malfunctions endocrine system;
  • lack of vitamins B1 and B3.

Unbalancing hormonal levels disrupts brain function, and fluctuations in hormone levels cause acute psychosis. In addition, there is a close dependence of psychosis on age-related changes. As the body ages, the vessels of the brain are affected by atherosclerosis, and senile psychosis develops.

Which doctor will help?

The first signs of the disease may be mild and short-lived. It can be very difficult for an ignorant environment to recognize impending problems. Therefore, it is very important to consult with experts without fear of public outcry. After all early diagnosis And timely treatment psychosis gives upon achievements modern medicine positive and sustainable result. For help, you should contact a qualified doctor of the following specialty at a psychoneurological clinic:

During medical examination The doctor will determine the patient’s physical health status, namely:

  • age;
  • height;
  • diet;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • physical activity;
  • past illnesses.

Psychological and psychosocial analysis consists of studying the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, identifying motor skills, establishing the level of social and cognitive development.

Studying the characteristics of learning or labor activity involves collecting information about the visit educational institution, academic performance for minor patients, and professional functioning, working conditions for adults.

In addition, the psychiatrist will determine the presence of hereditary mental illnesses in the patient’s family or genetic abnormalities.

Treatment methods

The treatment complex includes several areas that complement each other. Among them:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • family psychotherapy;
  • social rehabilitation.

Modern medicine has achieved significant results in the treatment of the disease and has a large base of therapeutic tools. But the most effective is still considered to be the use of medications. Treatment of psychosis involves strictly individual plan taking into account:

  • patient's age;
  • his gender;
  • the presence of other diseases.

Pharmacotherapy involves the use of psychotropic drugs, tranquilizers or antipsychotics, and, if necessary, antidepressants. It is recommended to add general strengthening agents or drugs that cleanse the body to the complex.

Psychotherapy is both individual and family character. Cognitive-behavioral methods are the most effective. During treatment, the patient gains important skills to full life. Social rehabilitation involves drawing up individual program teaching patients adequate ways of rational behavior in society.

How to deal with a person in psychosis?

In order to avoid dangerous consequences psychosis for the patient himself and his environment, it is important to know how to behave with a person in a state of disorder. If signs of psychosis are clearly noticeable, the first thing to do is try to remain calm, demonstrate self-confidence and goodwill. When talking to a person in a state of psychosis, you cannot:

  • argue;
  • mind;
  • to ironize;
  • scream;
  • tease.

It is better to try to talk about the emotions and feelings of the person in this situation. You can ask about the help you can give him. If the patient is in extreme excitement, you need to hide all the sharp and heavy objects and things that could injure him or others. It is also recommended to ensure that the patient does not see:

  • flammable substances;
  • chemically active drugs;

If a patient in a state of psychosis is in the room, it is advisable to remove all unnecessary spectators. If possible, redirect his attention, for example, ask the person for help, entrust him with hard physical work.

How dangerous is the patient to himself and others?

The disease can provoke irreversible mental consequences. As it progresses, acute psychosis constantly reduces the patient’s adequacy. A person rejects the help and advice of others, his world narrows, leading to self-isolation, and negative habits arise. Loss of interest in life becomes dangerous for the patient himself. This is accompanied by:

  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • suicidal tendencies.

The occurrence of auditory and visual hallucinations, obsessive and delusional states is extremely dangerous for the patient. A person is unable to distinguish a fictional pseudo-reality from reality; he gradually goes deeper into the world of his fantasies, losing his sense of his own personality.

Patients in acute psychosis, defending themselves from imaginary threats, can commit acts that are dangerous to themselves and others. The disorder is often accompanied by psychomotor agitation. The patient rushes about chaotically, his movements are undirected. Fleeing from imaginary danger, people in a state of psychosis can jump out of windows, balconies, and bridges. They can take the same actions to protect their loved ones.

Should I call an ambulance if I have symptoms of psychosis?

If a person is in a state of psychosis, those around him somehow need to understand that they are not able to cope with the problem themselves. Emergency psychiatric help should be sought. If symptoms of psychosis are relatively mild, man walking contact, and the situation is under control, then there is no need to urgently call the NPP team. But this does not mean at all that you do not need to see a psychiatrist. It may be possible to convince the patient to consult a specialist.

Acute psychosis is associated with special mental condition a person in which he is not able to adequately perceive the surrounding reality. The patient's thinking is impaired, memory problems are possible, and hallucinations appear.

A person is not able to assess his condition and realize that he is sick. He does not consider it necessary to go to the hospital. Meanwhile, the disease progresses, the patient’s consciousness deteriorates more and more, and every day it becomes more and more difficult for him to adapt to the world around him.

The sick person begins to self-isolate and separate from people. He rejects the help offered by others and does not want to hear about visiting a doctor.

And if treatment is started earlier, it can be avoided various problems in the near future, including irreversible pathological processes in the psyche.

What are the causes of the disease and its types

Various shapes psychosis more often affects women. The reasons for the development of its acute form are of three types: endogenous, exogenous, organic.

It develops due to some disturbances in the body itself. These may be diseases of the endocrine system, neurological ailments, hereditary factors, schizophrenic disorders. This group also includes, since it occurs as a result of age-related changes in the body - usually after 60 years due to existing diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.).

The causes of exogenous psychosis lie in external factors. First of all, these are experienced by a person severe stress. Can also cause psychosis infectious diseases- tuberculosis, influenza and others.

In addition, exogenous psychosis can be caused by drug use. But the most main reason, according to doctors, it is alcohol. It is its abuse that weakens even the most stable nervous system. Lead to organic psychosis various lesions brain cells caused by injury or tumors.

In some cases, the root cause of psychosis is difficult to identify, since it can begin due to an external factor, and gradually an internal one arises.

Acute psychosis can take many forms, the most common of which are the following:

  1. Manic-depressive. This is a fairly severe form. With it, depressive periods are replaced by excessive excitability. During the depressive phase, the patient is indifferent to everything, but as soon as the manic period sets in, he does not sleep for several days, constantly doing something.
  2. Manic. This condition is characterized by constant agitation of the patient.
  3. Reactive. It usually develops against the background of some stressful situations in the life of the sick person (for example, a fire or earthquake). This psychosis has the most favorable outcome. It usually goes away as soon as the cause of its occurrence is eliminated.
  4. Polymorphic. This form is usually characteristic of teenagers 10-15 years old. This is believed to be the onset of schizophrenia.

All forms of psychosis are known only to psychiatrists. They are the ones who diagnose the disease, identify its form, prescribe treatment, and if it is not started in a timely manner, the psyche changes irreversibly, the disease becomes chronic stage, and the person’s personality is distorted beyond recognition.

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What are the symptoms of this disease

On initial stage illness, some signs of psychosis are in many ways similar to those that occur with genetic disorders. But usually psychosis begins like this:

  • others notice that the person’s behavior has changed;
  • the patient ceases to perceive reality properly;
  • emotions do not manifest themselves in the way that a certain moment requires.

A little later symptoms appear more and more acutely. Doctors call the special thinking of a sick person psychotic. The patient has his own opinion on everything that surrounds him, which differs from the generally accepted one. At the same time, he tries to assure everyone that he is right. All this takes the form of delirium, which doctors divide into the following types:

  • depressive - with it the patient is sure that he has done something bad, committed a sin;
  • somatic - the patient feels that his body goes the stench and it decays;
  • delusions of grandeur - a person is sincerely confident that he is a VIP person;
  • mania of persecution - the patient believes that he is being persecuted with the aim of causing offense;
  • relationships - the sick person is sure that some things concern him personally, for example, a television program is a kind of message to him personally from some world.

Symptoms of acute psychosis are also expressed in hallucinations. A person hears or sees something that is not really there. The same applies to smells. Auditory hallucinations are more typical for psychosis.

The patient sincerely believes that he hears a certain voice that gives him an order to perform some action.

IN in rare cases hallucinations may be related to sensations. For example, the patient begins to feel pain that has nowhere to actually come from.

The next sign of the disease is disturbances emotional state. Emotions can change very quickly: from depressive thoughts to extremely high spirits.

The patient has problems with communication. Sometimes he cannot explain to others what he needs. The patient speaks chaotically, sentences remain unfinished, and the patient is unable to express thoughts. He begins to help himself by using gestures.

The last symptom is called the final symptom. This is a state where the personality completely disintegrates. There is no connection between the patient's thoughts, emotions and actions. A person cannot work, it is difficult for him to live in society, he cannot take care of himself. If all this lasts more than 3 weeks, then it can be said that the person is suffering from psychosis.

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How to treat the disease

Many initial signs of the disease appear long before diagnosis. They are difficult to recognize at that moment. But some changes in character, excessive nervousness, excessive anxiety, bad dream and appetite, a strange appearance can alert loved ones.

A thorough examination to make a diagnosis is carried out by a doctor. To do this, he uses high-tech techniques.

When close people of a sick person ask a doctor whether acute psychosis can be cured, the doctor will answer that it is possible, but this is done in a hospital. Provide at home qualified assistance it is forbidden.

The only exception is the attack of which will go away on its own once the cause of its development is eliminated. In other cases, hospitalization is necessary. The patient cannot control his own actions, and is capable of causing harm to himself or others.

Before treating acute psychosis, a specialist must identify the severity of psychosis, the patient’s personality characteristics, and the state of physical health.

The patient is prescribed medications psychotropic type. These can be neuroleptics and tranquilizers. General strengthening drugs and, if indicated, antidepressants are prescribed.

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces drugs that can treat a patient from a very specific type of psychosis, that is, they act strictly selectively. The doctor approaches all patients individually. The patient’s existing diseases, his age and many other factors are taken into account.


Psychosis (ancient Greek ψύχωσις - mental disorder; from ψυχή   - soul, mind, and -ωσις   - disturbed state) is a violation of the voluntary adaptation of human mental activity. Psychotic disorder is a collective name for a group of heterogeneous mental disorders accompanied by productive psychopathological symptoms - delusions, hallucinations, pseudohallucinations, depersonalization, derealization.
Psychoses are expressed forms mental disorders in which the patient’s mental activity is distinguished by a sharp discrepancy with the surrounding reality, the reflection of the real world is grossly distorted, which manifests itself in behavioral disorders and manifestations in psychosis that are unusual for it normally pathological symptoms and syndromes (disorders of perception, memory, thinking, affectivity, etc.). Psychosis does not give rise to new phenomena, but is the result of a loss of activity at higher levels.


A person who suffers from psychosis undergoes a number of significant changes in behavior, thinking and emotions. The basis of these metamorphoses is the loss of normal perception of the real world. A person ceases to be aware of what is happening and cannot assess the severity of changes in his psyche. Due to the depressed state of their consciousness, patients, as a rule, stubbornly resist hospitalization. Also, psychoses in most cases are accompanied by hallucinations and delusional statements.


Psychosis can occur for many different reasons. It is customary to divide the causes of psychosis into internal and external. When exposed external factors exogenous psychosis develops. External causes of psychosis include: various infections(syphilis, typhoid, and so on), alcohol, drugs, industrial poisons, as well as stress or severe psychological trauma. Among the external causes of psychosis, the first place is occupied by alcohol, abusing which you can get.
If the cause of psychosis lies within a person, then endogenous psychosis develops. In most cases, the root of such psychosis may be disturbances in the nervous system and endocrine balance. Endogenous psychoses are associated with age-related changes in the body (cyanocystic or senile psychosis), they can be a consequence of hypertension, cerebral vessels, as well. The course of endogenous psychosis differs in duration and tendency to relapse. Psychosis is a complex condition and sometimes it is impossible to determine what exactly caused its occurrence, internal or external causes. The first impulse may be external influence, which she later joined internal problem. IN special group distinguish senile psychoses. They usually arise after 60 years and are manifested by various endomorphic disorders and states of confusion. With senile psychosis, total dementia does not develop.
According to the characteristics of the course and occurrence, reactive and acute psychoses are distinguished. Reactive psychosis refers to temporary reversible mental disorders that arise under the influence of any mental trauma. Acute psychosis occurs suddenly and develops very quickly, for example, with unexpected news of loss loved one, loss of property and so on.


For treatment the following is prescribed:

With reactive psychoses, it is necessary first of all to eliminate, where possible, the cause of the disease - the psychogenic situation. An affective-shock reaction, if it does not transform into another state, does not require medical care. With other types of psychoses, the patient must be hospitalized as soon as possible, since with psychosis he does not control his actions and can unknowingly cause harm to others or himself.
Therapeutic tactics must certainly be clinically justified, that is, there must be a correct diagnosis, and the severity of the condition, psychopathological symptoms, individual characteristics of the patient’s personality and his general physical condition must be determined.
1) Drug therapy. Psychosis is treated with the use of psychotropic drugs, most often antipsychotics; tranquilizers, restorative drugs and antidepressants are also sometimes used. Many have now been created medicines, which are capable of very selective action on certain types and psychosis groups. If psychosis is a consequence, then drugs are used that help cleanse the body.
Medicines are prescribed on an individual basis and only by a specialist. When prescribing, the age of the patient, the cause of psychosis, the presence of other diseases and contraindications are always taken into account. As a rule, in a state of excitement, tranquilizers are given by injection (seduxen) and antipsychotics (triftazine and aminazine). Delusional ideas are also treated with antipsychotics (stelazine, haloperidol, etaprazine). Reactive involves taking antidepressants (gerfonal, amitriptyline, pyrazidol). Drug therapy should be dynamic, that is, depend on the stage of the disease and changes in the patient’s condition.
2) Psychological rehabilitation. Efficiency drug therapy can enhance psychological rehabilitation. When treating, the main task of a psychiatrist is to find contact with the patient and instill in him the idea of ​​a speedy recovery, and also explain to him that the medications do not harm his body. As a rule, the patient is required to guarantee the anonymity of his treatment. Good result in the treatment of psychosis gives complex treatment: medications in combination with psychological rehabilitation. The rehabilitation course also includes training sessions.
The patient must be taught to respond differently to the world and develop new forms of behavior in his life. After rehabilitation, a person suffering from psychosis should feel equal in society, go to stores, take care of their hygiene, and so on. Psychotherapy will help those people who feel a sense of inferiority due to their mental illness to feel better about themselves, as well as those who in every possible way deny the presence of the disease. The main element of social rehabilitation is direct participation in the work of mutual support groups with similar patients who know and understand what it means to be different from everyone else.
3) Physiotherapeutic methods. In the treatment of psychosis, various physiotherapeutic procedures are also widely used - electrosleep, Spa treatment, physical therapy, acupuncture, occupational therapy and so on. Physiotherapy for psychosis relieves emotional stress, fatigue, increases performance, and improves metabolism.
4) Electroconvulsive therapy. This method of treating psychosis involves inducing artificially seizures by exposure to variable electric current. The effect of the method is associated with the direct effect of current on the subcortical centers of the brain and metabolic processes in the nervous system.

Under definition psychosis fall pronounced manifestations mental disorders, in which the sick person’s perception and understanding of the world around him is distorted; behavioral reactions are disrupted; Various pathological syndromes and symptoms appear. Unfortunately, psychotic disorders are a common type of pathology. Statistical studies show that the incidence of psychotic disorders is up to 5% of the general population.

A person may develop a transient psychotic state caused by taking certain medications or drugs; or caused by exposure to severe mental trauma ( "reactive" or psychogenic psychosis).
Mental trauma is a stressful situation, illness, job loss, natural disasters, a threat to the lives of loved ones.

Sometimes so-called somatogenic psychoses occur ( developing due to serious somatic pathology, for example, due to myocardial infarction); infectious ( caused by complications after an infectious disease); and intoxication ( for example, delirium tremens).

The manifestations of psychotic syndromes are very extensive, which reflects the richness of the human psyche. The main signs of psychosis are:

  • Mood disorders.
  • Crazy judgments and ideas.
  • Movement disorders.


Hallucinations vary depending on the analyzer involved: gustatory, auditory, tactile, olfactory, visual. They are also differentiated into simple and complex. Simple ones include apparent calls, noises, and sounds. Difficult ones – voices, speech. The most common hallucination is auditory: a person hears voices inside his head or outside that can command, accuse, or threaten. Sometimes the voices are neutral.

The most dangerous voices are commanding voices, since patients most often absolutely obey them and are ready to carry out all orders, even those that threaten the life and health of other people. Sometimes, due to illness, the main psychological mechanisms, for example, the instinct of self-preservation. In this case, a person under the influence of voices can harm himself. It is not uncommon for patients psychiatric clinics trying to commit suicide because the voice ordered so.

Mood disorders

Mood disorders occur in patients with manic or depressive states. Depressive state They are distinguished by a triad of main symptoms from which all others follow: decreased mood, decreased activity, decreased libido. Depressed mood, melancholy, motor retardation, decreased cognitive abilities, ideas of guilt and self-blame, pessimism, suicidal ideas - all this characterizes a depressive state.

A manic state is manifested by the opposite symptoms: increased libido, increased activity, increased mood. A person in a manic stage exhibits increased ability to work. He can stay awake at night and still look active, cheerful, cheerful and tireless. He makes plans and shares fantastic projects with those around him. Particularly characteristic of a manic state is the disinhibition of the sphere of drives: a person begins to behave erratically sex life, drinks a lot, abuses drugs.

All of the above-described manifestations of psychotic disorders belong to the range of disorders called “positive”. This name was given to them because the symptoms that appear during the illness, relatively speaking, are added to the pre-illness behavior and state of the person’s psyche.

Sometimes a person who has suffered a psychotic disorder, despite the obvious disappearance of symptoms, exhibits negative disorders. They have this name because the patient’s character undergoes changes in which everything that was characteristic of him is disrupted: behavior, habits, personal qualities. To put it simply, a lot disappears from the totality of his behavior and his inherent habits. Negative disorders can lead to even more severe social consequences than positive ones.

Patients with negative disorders become uninitiative, lethargic, apathetic, and passive. Their energy tone decreases, dreams and desires, aspirations and motivations disappear, and emotional dullness increases. Such people isolate themselves from the outside world and do not enter into any social contacts. Previously inherent in them such good features how sincerity, kindness, responsiveness, and goodwill are replaced by aggression, irritability, rudeness, and scandalousness. In addition, they develop disorders of cognitive functions, in particular, thinking, which becomes rigid, amorphous, unfocused, and meaningless. Because of this, sick people lose their job qualifications and work skills. Such inability to professional activity- a direct road to disability.

Delusional ideas

Delusional judgments, various ideas and conclusions of patients with psychotic syndrome cannot be corrected through explanation and persuasion. They take over the mind of a sick person so much that critical thinking is completely turned off. The content of delusional obsessions is very diverse, but the most common are ideas of persecution, jealousy, external influence on the mind, hypochondriacal ideas, ideas of damage, reformism, and litigiousness.

Delusions of persecution are characterized by the belief of patients that the special services are chasing them, that they will certainly be killed. The delusion of jealousy is more typical for men than for women, and it consists of ridiculous accusations of treason and attempts to extract a confession about it. Delusions of influence on the mind are characterized by the assurances of patients that they are being affected by radiation, under a spell, that aliens are trying to telepathically penetrate their minds.

Hypochondriacal patients claim that they have an incurable disease terrible disease. Moreover, their psyche is so convinced of this that the body “adapts” to this belief and a person may actually exhibit symptoms of various diseases that he does not have. Delirium of damage consists of damaging the property of other people, often those who live in the same apartment with a sick person. It can go as far as adding poison to food or stealing personal belongings.

Reformist nonsense consists of constantly producing impossible projects and ideas. However, a sick person does not try to bring them to life; as soon as he comes up with one thing, he immediately abandons this idea and takes on another.

Litigative delirium means constant complaints to all authorities, filing lawsuits in court, and much more. Such people create a lot of problems for others.

Movement disorders

Two options for the development of movement disorders: agitation or inhibition ( that is, stupor). Psychomotor agitation forces patients to be in a constant state all the time. active movement, talk incessantly. They often mimic the speech of the people around them, grimace, and imitate the voices of animals. The behavior of such patients becomes impulsive, sometimes foolish, sometimes aggressive. They may commit unmotivated actions.

Stupor is immobility, freezing in one position. The patient's gaze is directed in one direction, he refuses to eat and stops talking.

Course of psychoses

Most often, psychotic disorders have a paroxysmal course. This means that outbreaks occur during the disease process. acute attacks psychosis and periods of remission. Attacks may occur seasonally ( that is, predictable) and spontaneously ( not predictable). Spontaneous outbreaks occur under the influence of various psychotraumatic factors.

There is also a so-called single-attack course, which is most often observed at a young age. Patients suffer one long attack and gradually emerge from the psychotic state. Their ability to work is fully restored.

IN severe cases psychoses can progress to a chronic continuous stage. In this case, symptoms partially manifest throughout life, despite supportive therapy.

In uncomplicated and uncomplicated clinical cases Treatment in a psychiatric hospital lasts approximately one and a half to two months. During your stay in the hospital, doctors select the optimal therapy and relieve psychotic symptoms. If the symptoms are not relieved by the selected drugs, then the treatment algorithms have to be changed. Then the length of stay in the hospital extends to six months or even more.

One of the most important factors that influence the prognosis of therapy for psychotic disorders is early start treatment and effectiveness of drugs in combination with non-drug methods rehabilitation

People with psychotic disorder and society

For a long time, a collective image of mentally ill people has been formed in society. Unfortunately, many people still believe that a person with mental disorders is something aggressive and crazy, threatening other people with his presence. They are afraid of sick people, they do not want to maintain contact with them, and even their loved ones sometimes abandon them. They are indiscriminately called maniacs and murderers. It is believed that people with psychotic disorders, are absolutely incapable of any meaningful action. Not so long ago, during the USSR, when the treatment of such patients was not distinguished by diversity and humanity ( they were often treated and subdued with electric shocks), mental illnesses were considered so shameful that they were carefully hidden, fearing public opinion and condemnation.

The influence of Western psychiatric luminaries in the last 20 years has changed this opinion, although some prejudices against patients with psychosis remain. Most people believe that they are normal and healthy, but schizophrenics are sick. By the way, the incidence rate of schizophrenia is no more than 13 people per 1000. In this case, the opinion that the other 987 people are healthy is statistically justified, but the 13 who are out of the total count are sick. However, not a single psychologist or psychiatrist in the world can give an exact definition: what is normal and what is abnormal?
The boundaries of normality are changing all the time. Just 50 years ago, a diagnosis of autism in children was a death sentence. And now many doctors consider this condition as a different way of a child’s relationship with society. Facts are cited as evidence phenomenal memory such children, their abilities for music, drawing, chess.

Even children with Down syndrome, who are disabled by our standards, can sometimes demonstrate an amazing ability to instantly multiply three- and four-digit numbers in their minds. How many normal children can boast of this? If not, then maybe the boundaries of “normal - abnormal” are not so unshakable?

Many great people - mathematicians, artists, composers, writers suffered from mental disorders. They might not know basic things or, for example, not be able to tie shoelaces - but their talent compensated for this. Despite the severity of the illness, these people managed to enrich science and culture with new discoveries, creations, and inventions. Scientists believe that the activation of certain areas of the brain that are not involved in ordinary, average, normal people, or vice versa, cessation of activity in other areas of the brain leads to different results: sometimes a person becomes mentally ill, and sometimes a genius. Madness and genius have the same nature, this is already a proven fact.

Also very interesting is the “idiot genius” phenomenon. This definition refers to people who were, for example, in a car accident, and who had some areas of the brain affected. After such an accident, people could lose their memory, but begin to speak several languages ​​​​that were previously unknown to them. Scientists found out whether this could be a manifestation of genetic memory, but they could not agree on a common opinion. It remains reliable that a person who has suffered a brain injury can suddenly acquire amazing abilities ( to drawing, languages, etc.).

There is no reason to treat mental illness differently than somatic diseases. You should not be ashamed of this, because such disorders arise regardless of the person. Mental disorders have a biological nature and arise due to a number of disorders metabolic processes in the brain.
Somatic diseases also appear due to metabolic disorders, so what are they? fundamental difference from mental disorders?

Mental illness is not an indicator of moral weakness. People with psychotic disorders cannot force themselves through volition to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, just as it is impossible to improve their hearing or vision through volition. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

In acute psychosis, there is a clear disturbance of the human psyche, expressed in an inadequate perception of what is happening around. Often occurs against the background total loss control over yourself and your actions.

Having manifested itself once, acute psychosis leaves the possibility of relapse for life.


There are many causative factors that can cause the manifestation of acute psychosis. However, genetic predisposition is of greatest importance.

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In addition to this, provoke this state the following circumstances may occur:

  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication (alcohol, drugs, chemicals);
  • stressful situations.

Under influence internal factors endogenous psychosis develops.

Its cause may be:

  • chronic diseases affecting the nervous or endocrine systems;
  • changes in the brain that occur with age (atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease cerebral vessels);
  • schizophrenia;
  • depressive states;
  • injuries;
  • malignant tumors in the brain.

In the presence of congenital brain disorders, manifestations of organic psychoses are recorded from childhood.

The differentiation of factors into external and internal is quite conditional, since psychosis can initially be provoked by an exogenous factor (alcohol intake), and an increase in symptoms will occur under the influence of endogenous factors (for example, strong emotional experiences).

Arises acute form psychosis is unexpected and develops very rapidly. Women face it to a greater extent. It is believed that this is due to hormonal fluctuations.


Acute psychoses are divided into types depending on the causes and symptoms.


Acute psychosis can manifest itself in different ways. It depends on the characteristics of the body and the causative factors that provoked it.

  • Acute psychosis is characterized by the occurrence of auditory and visual hallucinations. The most common symptom is auditory hallucinations.
  • The patient begins to hear unfamiliar voices in his head that comment on what is happening or give orders. This can take the form of a monologue or dialogue. Under the influence of these voices, a person can commit suicide or injure himself.
  • The resulting aggression can spread to loved ones or just those around them. In this case, the patient can conduct a conversation with himself out loud, laugh for no apparent reason.
  • A person loses orientation in space and does not understand what is happening around. He begins to perceive himself and the actions of other people differently, and does not notice that any changes are happening to him.
  • Patients have a greatly increased sense of danger. They fear for their lives and for their loved ones, and are cautious in their words and actions. Also against this background, loss of appetite and sleep disturbances are observed.
  • Acute psychosis is characterized by a state of delirium, which is expressed in secrecy and aggression. There is no logic or cause-and-effect relationships in the statements. Persecution mania often occurs. The patient can even contact the police to report that his phone is being tapped, he is being monitored, and some people are trying to get to know him.
  • At the same time, the patient cannot give any clear explanations about the reasons for such actions.
  • Distortions of color and sound perception are also recorded.
  • Can be added olfactory hallucinations– the patient is irritated unpleasant odors, which, as it seems to him, come from him, from other people, objects.

After childbirth

A woman may encounter this condition 2-4 weeks after giving birth. Possible reasons diseases suffered during pregnancy become stressful conditions, pain shock.

Psychosis can occur due to a genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, already recorded mental illness, sleep disorders, use of potent drugs.

As a rule, it occurs in women after the birth of their first child. Those who have already given birth tolerate this condition much easier.

Doctors in the maternity hospital do not always notice changes in a woman’s behavior:

  • Emotions rage in her, she is easily irritated and becomes whiny.
  • There are disturbances in appetite and sleep.
  • The condition is characterized by confusion and disorientation.
  • There is an assessment of the mental and physical state that does not correspond to reality.
  • Hallucinations also occur - auditory and visual.

Acute psychosis can develop in different ways during the postpartum period. Some women may not show any interest in their own child, while others try to look after everyone in the room.

Some become overly sociable, others, on the contrary, avoid communication even with loved ones and relatives. This state is somewhat reminiscent postpartum depression However, with depression there are no delusions or hallucinations. Acute psychosis in postpartum period extremely dangerous, since the woman does not control her actions, which can lead to a suicide attempt or the death of the child.

If symptoms of psychosis are detected, the woman must be isolated from the child and placed in a medical facility for therapeutic measures until complete recovery.

During acute psychosis, a woman is not allowed to breastfeed her child.

Acute alcoholic psychosis

Is characteristic manifestation mental disorders in persons who have been drinking alcohol for more than 5 years. It can develop with a sharp refusal of alcohol or during a hangover. Injuries or acute stages somatic diseases.

The signs by which “delirium tremens” can be identified are:

  • psychomotor agitation;
  • tremor of the head and limbs;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • low-grade fever;
  • redness of the neck and face;
  • the patient is in a restless state;
  • there are sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • visual hallucinations are associated with images that cause negative feelings and fear: animals, insects, dead relatives, devils;
  • visual hallucinations may be accompanied by auditory and olfactory ones;
  • the patient has sudden changes mood - an excited state is replaced by anxiety, anxiety;
  • V difficult cases the patient not only observes, but also becomes a participant in the actions, feeling the impact of objects that do not exist in reality.

In this state, a sick person poses a danger to others and to himself.

Symptoms weaken in the first half of the day, and increase in the evening. For the first time, acute psychosis with delusions and hallucinations occurs at night.

One more characteristic feature is disorientation in time. Hallucinations are perceived as events that occur several weeks earlier than reality. At the same time, a person always clearly understands that everything that happens concerns him and that he is the main participant, i.e. the sense of self does not disappear.

Ongoing delirium tremens about 3-5 days.

Diagnosis of the disease takes into account the medical history, results initial examination, individual characteristics course of a mental disorder.


A patient with acute psychosis cannot be treated at home. Placement in a neuropsychiatric hospital and isolation are mandatory. Moreover, most often the patient is prescribed bed rest, in especially difficult cases - with fixation in bed.

A patient with acute psychosis does not understand that he has a serious disorder and resists placement for treatment. Therefore, if you need to call an ambulance, this should be done discreetly.

IN medical institution The patient’s condition must be carefully monitored by nursing staff and if any changes are reported, the doctor must be reported.

Before starting treatment and prescribing medications, it is necessary to determine the presence of chronic intoxications, the consequences of drinking alcohol, and narcotic drugs.

Regardless of the factor that triggered the onset of acute psychosis, the treatment program is standard. It includes infusion, detoxification, symptomatic, restorative therapy, and administration of vitamins. Antidepressants may be prescribed. In case of intoxication, procedures are prescribed to remove toxins from the body.

Doses of any drugs in the treatment of acute psychosis are always calculated individually for each patient. Neuroleptic drugs and tranquilizers are used with caution, as they can lead to cardiac arrest or provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure.

The state of acute psychosis also requires psychotherapeutic treatment and a period social rehabilitation. At the beginning of treatment, the goal of psychotherapy is to create a peaceful atmosphere between the doctor and the patient; it is necessary to convince the patient of the need for treatment and that it will not harm him.

Subsequent work involves learning to perceive the world around us and developing reactions to what is happening. This is the basis for successful human socialization.

Electroconvulsive therapy may be used for some types of acute psychosis. This method involves applying current discharges to the subcortical centers of the brain, which leads to changes in the metabolic processes of the nervous system.

Physiotherapeutic methods can be used, which include acupuncture, reflexology, exercise therapy, and electrosleep. Additional methods are occupational therapy and sanatorium-resort treatment.

Thanks to an integrated approach It is possible to remove psycho-emotional stress and increase the body’s resistance to stress.