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How to get out of delirium tremens. Herbal tea against delirium tremens. Possible complications and consequences of delirium tremens

Delirium delirium is more popularly known as delirium tremens. This disease is special form psychosis, which manifests itself in a person with long-term alcohol addiction (the duration of which is at least 5 years). From Latin, the name of this disease delirium can be translated as “insanity.” Delirium tremens really manifests itself in serious disorder consciousness, numerous auditory and visual hallucinations. The symptoms and signs of this condition are quite consistent with a severe form of psychosis, when the patient is extremely dangerous to others, his behavior is uncontrollable and can have the most negative consequences.

Alcoholic delirium (delirium tremens) usually begins with withdrawal syndrome, when the patient abruptly stops drinking alcohol. Usually by this point 2-4 days have passed after the binge, although in some cases delirium tremens can begin directly during the binge. Experts note that often the impetus for its development is infection, or exacerbation of any chronic infection. When delirium first occurs, it is usually associated with a period of prolonged drinking. In further cases, delirium tremens may also occur during a short period of heavy drinking. There is only one way to avoid delirium - start treating addiction. After all, the reasons for the occurrence of such a condition are simple - it is alcoholism itself as such.

Symptoms and signs

The first signs of delirium tremens can be noticed and tracked even before the attack begins. Certain symptoms (precursors) occur:

  1. The patient suddenly loses his usual craving for alcohol, and may even develop an aversion to it.
  2. A state of increased arousal occurs, and the mood often changes. This is very different from the usual condition that accompanies a hangover. With it, alcoholics usually have an even, anxious, depressed mood.
  3. Sweating and trembling (tremor) of the limbs appear.
  4. Insomnia occurs, and subsequently nightmares occur.

If someone close to you suffers from alcohol addiction, and you notice similar warning symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. With further development, delirium can have the most detrimental consequences. Do not forget that delirium tremens is essentially a form of psychosis, when the patient does not control his actions and can be dangerous to himself, and other people can also suffer from his actions. To avoid danger, it is best to immediately consult a doctor and begin appropriate treatment.

What does a seizure look like?

After the first warning signs, the patient’s condition worsens. Insomnia gradually turns into nightmares, during which numerous hallucinations occur. Most often, delirium tremens begins in dark time day, at night or in the evening, when it is dark outside.

Alcoholic delirium manifests itself primarily through multiple hallucinations:

  1. Visual hallucinations: usually the patient sees small animals (rats or mice, snakes) or insects (spiders, ticks, etc.). Large animals - dogs or bears, elephants - can also appear in visions. The consequences of such hallucinations are manifested in the fact that the patient tries to run away or escape from imaginary animals, fight with them, try to shake off insects, etc.
  2. Auditory hallucinations: the patient hears aggressive voices that shout or scold him or threaten him with something. Consequences - the patient argues with imaginary voices, shouts back, expresses mutual threats. Especially dangerous consequences are that sometimes such voices can “give orders” that the patient carries out.
  3. Tactile hallucinations – painful sensations insects crawling on the body, foreign objects in the mouth (for example, hair or threads).

Alcoholic delirium also manifests itself through illusions: unlike visual hallucinations, here the basis is a real object (for example, a pattern of a carpet), in which the patient sees some terrible and threatening images. Delirium is often accompanied by delusional ideas - usually, they contain a whole plot, and reflect all the hallucinations and illusions experienced by the patient.

Somatic signs of delirium tremens also appear:

  1. Body temperature rises to 38.5.
  2. Blood pressure rises and pulse quickens.
  3. The body shakes, as if with a chill.
  4. The pupils are dilated, although their reaction to light remains unchanged.
  5. The skin turns red, especially the skin of the face.

Such signs can be seen with the naked eye. And experts (doctors) call some more – inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract, painful sensations in the liver area, increased tendon reflexes, increased levels of bilirubin and leukocytes in the blood.

Usually the attack lasts for 3-5 days, and at night the patient’s condition worsens greatly. During this period, the patient's sleep is greatly disturbed, and he practically does not sleep. If the patient does not receive treatment, the attack can last up to 1.5 weeks. It is important to know that if the disease is not treated at all, then in 5-10% of cases it can result in death due to cardiac arrest or pneumonia attached to an attack.

The attack usually ends as suddenly as it began. Painful manifestations gradually subside over several hours. The patient seems to “fall” into a long, many-hour sleep, which should not be interrupted - it is better to let the patient get as much sleep as necessary. Upon awakening, signs of the disease are no longer observed, only general asthenia (weakness) is noticeable, as after any other attack of psychosis.

It should be noted that the neurological and mental manifestations of delirium tremens are more pronounced in women than in men.

However, regardless of gender, as a result of such painful visions, the patient experiences great fear, and may show aggression when he becomes dangerous, and the people around him may suffer from his actions. In addition, sometimes the patient develops a feeling of severe melancholy and hopelessness, under the influence of which he can commit suicide.

Therefore, if you see symptoms similar to delirium delirium in one of your loved ones or friends, call a doctor immediately. The consequences of such an attack can be very severe, even fatal outcome at the patient. You shouldn’t even try to deal with this problem at home on your own. The patient requires immediate hospitalization; such a problem simply cannot be dealt with at home. Delirium tremens needs to be treated, but only a qualified doctor can carry out such treatment and determine how long it should last, in a hospital setting.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to put the patient to bed (if necessary, tie him to the bed) and give drinking plenty of fluids to relieve intoxication. Cold shower It will also be useful if it is possible to apply it.

Treatment of delirium

First necessary measure- immediate hospitalization. Treatment of delirium tremens requires a number of medical measures, which must be carried out in a hospital setting. This treatment is aimed at solving several problems at once:

  1. Eliminate agitation and combat insomnia. Excitement is relieved with the help of antipsychotics, for example, haloperidol. Benzodiazepines, such as nitrazepam and diazepam, are used to combat insomnia.
  2. Relieving cramps. To solve this problem, in some cases, the action of benzodiazepines is sufficient (they have a weak anticonvulsant effect). However, if a stronger effect is needed, doctors can use carbamazeline and other drugs of a similar profile.
  3. Removing intoxication. This problem is solved with the help of hemosorption, intravenous infusion of glucose, hemodez, riopolyglucin, isotonic solution. Additionally prescribed large doses vitamins, especially B1 and C.
  4. Combating associated complications. Sometimes it is necessary to support the activity of the heart with the help of corglycone and cordiamine. To avoid cerebral edema, a 1% Lasix solution is administered.

It is clear that the treatment of delirium is a relative concept. In fact, all of the above measures are aimed at preventing the death of the patient and alleviating his condition. To cure delirium permanently, you need to treat the alcohol addiction itself. Otherwise, after another binge, you can again wait for that same “squirrel” to visit you. The patient definitely requires follow-up complex therapy in a specialized clinic.

Systematic abuse of alcoholic beverages is fraught with many negative consequences. Thus, delirium tremens is one of the most severe post-alcohol phenomena that occurs after a long stay in a drunken state. Find out how to cope with this problem at home with the help of therapeutic and medications.

What is delirium tremens

Medical representatives understand this condition as delirium delirium syndrome. Delirium tremens occurs in persons suffering from the second and third stages of addiction. The first symptoms of delirium appear 2-3 days after leaving a long binge. Pathogenesis of fever this moment has not been identified, but there is an established opinion that the syndrome occurs due to disruption of connections between CNS neurotransmitters. Delirium tremens develops due to:

  • organic damage brain structures;
  • long-term drinking conditions;
  • consumption of low-quality alcoholic products;
  • the presence of somatic pathologies in the dependent person ( bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, stomach ulcers, hypertension).

Symptoms of delirium tremens

Delirium is a common form of alcoholic psychosis. Clinically, the condition is characterized by tactile, visual, and auditory hallucinations, hyperthermia, and sleep disturbances. The first attack of fever is preceded by long drinking bout with the use high doses alcohol. The syndrome then develops after short episodes of alcohol consumption. In 10% of cases, the development of psychosis is preceded by single or multiple seizures. Other symptoms of delirium include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • incoherent speech;
  • mental agitation, anxiety;
  • increased blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • yellowing of the eyes.

Stages of delirium tremens

Delirium delirium syndrome progresses as it gets worse mental state sick. The latter talks to invisible creatures, gets scared, shows excessive motor activity, becomes hysterical. In the future to indicated symptoms joins restless sleep. Expressiveness clinical manifestations determined by the stage of delirium.

First aid

The acute phase of fever can last 3-7 days. At the first attack of alcoholic delirium, a person should be given first aid. Remember, do not swear or shout at the patient. Try to calm him down, put him in horizontal position. If the alcoholic is aggressive, tie his top and lower limbs. Then call ambulance. Before arrival medical personnel try to fulfill next algorithm actions:

  • Put the patient to bed, remove objects that could cause injury to himself.
  • Provide the person with a fever with plenty of fluids and the necessary level of coolness (a cool shower or an ice pack).
  • Give to an alcohol dependent person sedatives(Diphenhydramine, Piracetam);
  • Calm the patient with quiet conversations.

Treatment of delirium tremens

Treatment of delirium delirium syndrome is carried out in specialized medical institutions. When asked whether delirium tremens can go away on its own, doctors answer with a categorical “no.” In most cases, an alcohol addict is placed in a psychiatric hospital, where he receives special treatment. Such measures are necessary to ensure that a person during acute delirium does not cause harm to himself or others. In a situation where it is not possible to seek medical help, treatment of delirium tremens at home is carried out using:

  • Normalization of night rest - involves the use sleeping pills. A good night's rest is an important condition recovery of a person from the syndrome of alcoholic delirium.
  • Increasing the amount of fluid consumed - based on compliance drinking regime and forcing diuresis during treatment of delirium.
  • Detoxification – measures to remove toxic substances (inducing vomiting, taking sorbents, enemas).

Therapy according to the Popov method

Correct treatment delirium is possible only in a psychiatric hospital or drug treatment clinic. Get out on your own acute condition fever is extremely difficult. Drug therapy for alcoholic delirium should be carried out under the strict supervision of specialists. However, in cases where the provision of qualified assistance is impossible due to various reasons, it is allowed to use Dr. Popov’s technique. When answering how to treat delirium tremens at home using this method, doctors recommend giving the patient a mixture of the following components:

  1. distilled water (100 g);
  2. three tablets of Luminal/Phenobarbital
  3. 15-20 g of pure medical alcohol.

These components are thoroughly mixed. Ready mix To treat delirium tremens at home, it is drunk by an alcoholic in one go. In situations where Phenobarbital or Luminal (anti-epileptic drugs from the barbiturate family) are not available, severe delirium tremens can be treated at home medicines with similar pharmacological effects on the body:

Active substance











Valproic acid

With delirium tremens, the patient's mental state is depleted. The brain suffers from intoxication and oxygen starvation. Other internal organs are also subject to heavy load. When this condition occurs, it is important to understand how to treat delirium tremens.

This state is expressed by hallucinations, motor agitation, disorientation, etc. If there is no assistance timely assistance alcoholism, there is a risk of self-harm and suicide.

Dangers of psychosis

An attack of delirium (delirium tremens) is an acute form of alcoholic psychosis. More than 30% of all alcohol addicts experience it. The manifestation of this condition is more common in people with stages II and III of addiction. This consequence of alcoholism leads to mental disorders varying degrees gravity. In delirium, the sufferer can show aggression, experience fear, become hysterical, etc. This condition is dangerous not only for the patient himself, but also for those around him.

IN alcoholic delirium a person is capable of any unpredictable actions. He can injure himself, burn down his home, throw out things and furniture. The thinking center suffers from intoxication and lack of oxygen. Is in a negative state the cardiovascular system, liver and other organs. Without timely assistance, a person may die.

According to doctors, death from delirium tremens occurs in 10-15% of cases. There is no such risk when providing specialized care. You can get rid of the pathology at home, but only with mild symptoms. It is also possible to get rid of delirium tremens at home if the patient himself understands his condition (controls himself) and strives to get out of it. At acute manifestations treatment can only be carried out in a hospital setting.


In humans, delirium tremens most often begins after a long binge. It appears 2-3 days after stopping drinking alcohol. According to experts, alcohol addicts stop producing certain hormones. Alcohol becomes the only means of maintaining life. A sharp refusal of it is perceived by the body as stress, the strength of which can vary. IN acute forms, passing dangerous period recovery (4-7 days), development possible pathological processes nervous system, which in their manifestation are delirium tremens.

There may also be other reasons for the development of this pathological condition:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;
  • previous head injuries;
  • chronic pathologies internal organs and systems.

The pathogenesis of delirium tremens is poorly understood. Today, experts are of the opinion that in addition to the signs of intoxication of the body, disturbances in the connections of neurotransmitters of the central nervous system are added.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of delirium tremens often do not appear until 70-72 hours after drinking alcohol. In traumatic circumstances, the time can be reduced to a day. Manifestations of delirium tremens can be both hallucinations and ordinary signs of intoxication (stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, elevated body temperature, etc.).

It is important to notice in a timely manner initial signs such a condition in order to avoid its further manifestation. In total, doctors distinguish 3 main stages of the development of delirium tremens, which correspond to their own clinical pictures.

Threatening stage

The first stage of delirium tremens has many similar symptoms to withdrawal syndrome. The patient's temperature rises (up to 40°C), and headache and dizziness. Other symptoms may also be present:

  • increased heart rate;
  • disorientation in space;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • convulsive attacks.

Often in the first stage, a person experiences problems with speech, suffers from trembling limbs and insomnia. There is a risk of developing hallucinations.

Acute stage

The second stage is characterized total loss control over one's own condition. At such moments, the sufferer should be helped by his relatives, since the severity of the symptoms is constantly progressing. Added to the previous signs:

Often, those suffering from fever feel that someone is watching them or that they are being followed. Panic attacks can increase physical symptoms. With timely treatment, acute clinical picture gradually decreases. If there is no action, a transition to the third stage of the disease is not excluded.

Dangerous stage

Without assistance, the transition to the third stage can put a person into a coma. The clinical picture of this condition is dangerous and unstable. It is characterized by:

  • epileptic seizures;
  • heavy, uneven breathing;
  • severe trembling in the muscles;
  • sudden attacks of aggression;
  • inhibition of reactions.

At this stage there are hallucinations: visual, auditory and tactile. A person completely loses control over himself and does not feel the line between reality and illusions. Those phenomena or creatures that the patient was wary of in in good condition, in delirium will seem real.

In most cases, fictional mystical creatures want to kill a person. The terrible picture is complemented by the fact that the sufferer can not only see them, but also hear them, and also feel them with his own skin. In such a state, any methods and means will be useful. It is necessary to immobilize the patient as much as possible (tied, shackled to a bed, etc.), eliminating the risk of self-injury. At this stage, it is impossible to cure delirium tremens at home. It is necessary to hospitalize the patient.

First aid

If a person develops delirium tremens, doctors should be called to the home and provided with medical assistance before they arrive. The main thing is to protect the patient and his relatives from possible manifestations aggression.

A person in delirium tremens is unpredictable. Therefore, the most effective first aid for delirium tremens is necessary. It comes down to the following actions:

  1. it is necessary to put the person to bed (if attacks of aggression or hallucinations are observed, he should be tied up);
  2. at elevated temperature body can give a person antipyretic medications;
  3. The patient should be provided with plenty of fluids, as dehydration may occur due to intoxication;
  4. If there are signs of psycho-emotional disorder, the associated person should be given sedatives or sedatives.

Until the doctors arrive, it is important to stay close to the sufferer, trying to talk to him quietly. The main task is to establish trusting contact. A person must realize that close people can help him.

Sometimes relatives refuse medical care, trying to prevent further development of the disease on your own. Doctors do not approve of such actions, but they cannot resist the wishes of the patient’s loved ones. The only recommendation is to monitor the person’s condition and, if it worsens, seek help.

Features of home treatment

Most effective method Therapy for delirium tremens at home comes down to taking anti-intoxication medications, as well as sedatives. It is best not to choose medications yourself, but to use the doctor’s recommendations.

Drug treatment for delirium tremens at home should be aimed at relieving symptoms. It is important to normalize the nervous system and protect the patient from the effects mental disorder. Doctors do not recommend starting therapy on your own. This pathological condition unstable and dangerous. Home remedies may not be effective.

Pavlov's method

To stop the progression of symptoms during delirium tremens, you should use only proven, reliable methods. One of these is Professor Pavlov’s method of relieving symptoms. Its recipe looks like this:

  • 100 ml distilled water;
  • 3 tablets of “Luminal” (you can use analogues of “Phenobarbital”, “Frisium”, etc.);
  • 20 ml medical alcohol.

All components must be thoroughly mixed and given to a person suffering from delirium tremens to drink. This medicine will help relieve some of the symptoms of the disease and give the body the necessary rest.

Traditional methods

Can also be used traditional methods treatment of delirium tremens. The following recipes are most often used at home.

  1. Infusion of bay leaves. It is necessary to chop several bay leaves and lovage leaves, pour 30 ml of vodka over them. The product is infused for one week. Drink it with water, adding 3-4 drops of medicine to 50 mg of water.
  2. Infusion of wormwood and millennium. 25 grams of crushed raw materials are poured with 100 ml of vodka. Infuse for 7-8 days, filter and give the patient a teaspoon for 10-12 days.
  3. A decoction of thyme, wormwood and millennium. Use 20 grams of each component. Herbal collection pour 100 ml of boiling water, infuse for 1-2 hours, filter and take whole.

According to experts, most of the means used are ineffective. They cannot cope with acute symptoms, and are only effective for initial stage pathological reaction of the body. Most effective option What remains is the help of a psychiatrist and other doctors.


Treatment of delirium tremens should be carried out under medical supervision. Home therapy is only effective for early stages attack. But subsequent development of the clinical picture can only complicate the task. Only specialists can prescribe the best means from intoxication and protect the patient from negative impact mental disorders.

The problem of alcoholism has always been acute in our country. Delirium tremens, symptoms, treatment at home - these questions are of most interest to those close to an alcoholic.

In this situation, no one is immune from an unexpected turn of events. A large percentage of the non-working population suffers from this type of substance abuse (addiction to toxic substances).

Modern society treats alcoholism as a serious disease. And this is the right approach.

Delirium tremens

Scientifically, delirium tremens is called delirium tremens. This condition is not fully understood and leaves many unanswered questions. Shortly before the onset of alcoholic delirium, a longer period of drinking is observed than before. After long drinking bout should hangover syndrome. At this time, there is a deterioration in the general condition of the drinker. The following symptoms appear:

  • appetite decreases;
  • nausea and vomiting appears in the morning;
  • pain and heaviness in the stomach;
  • rises arterial pressure;
  • headaches of varying intensity appear.

An alcoholic either sweats or freezes. At night, a person is disturbed by nightmares and attacks of suffocation, heart pain and muscle cramps. A single dose of alcohol decreases, weakness and dizziness appear.

After an abrupt cessation of binge drinking, the hangover syndrome is especially severe. The following symptoms appear:

  • repeated vomiting;
  • sweating;
  • heartache;
  • fear of death.

An alcoholic hardly sleeps. His coordination in space is impaired, he can barely move his legs. The face of an alcoholic before delirium tremens has a characteristic appearance:

  • sclera yellowish;
  • the skin is red and puffy;
  • eyeballs are constantly in motion;
  • the tongue is coated first with white and then with brown coating;
  • breathing is frequent and shallow.

There is a pained grimace on the alcoholic's face.

Disorders of the nervous system manifest themselves in tremors of the hands, head, enlarged pupils, twitching eyeballs. Anxious state is replaced by anger and hatred, aggression and impatience appear.

Mental picture of alcoholic delirium

As delirium tremens approaches, the mental picture changes: motor retardation is replaced by activity and animation. An alcoholic becomes active, fussy, restless. The picture of confusion, fear and horror gives way to high spirits with humorous notes. The patient experiences vivid episodes from his life, mystical emotions, ideas of jealousy and betrayal appear. Usually by evening this state getting worse. The patient may even fall asleep for a while. He has nightmares while he sleeps, and when he wakes up, he often confuses the dream with reality.

When an alcoholic closes his eyes, visual hallucinations appear before him. He becomes suspicious, often goes to the window and sees threatening pictures there, evil people and animals.

Illusions fill the entire picture of the world. The patient finds himself in some situation, takes part in an argument or fight, or in a secret conspiracy.

An alcoholic may scream or speak in a whisper, run or hide in a corner, advance threateningly or beg for mercy. Between attacks of hallucinations there is a short-term clearing of consciousness, but this short period is shortened and the debut of alcoholic delirium occurs.

Debut of alcoholic delirium

Most often, this condition is characterized by the appearance of auditory hallucinations. The patient begins to conduct a dialogue with one or more interlocutors. A dispute begins, the most painful questions from ordinary life alcoholic. He may cry or laugh. The feeling of fear and danger intensifies. At this time, a person is most dangerous to others, since he is completely divorced from reality and sees a threat in every object. The consequences of alcoholic delirium are persistent changes in the psyche of the drinker. Fatal outcome occurs in 15% of cases from cerebral edema, liver and cardiovascular diseases.

How to treat delirium tremens at home

Without the help of specialists, it is very difficult to help a person during an attack of delirium at home. How to treat delirium tremens before doctors or ambulances appear?

Relatives of the patient need to tie the alcoholic up or tie him to a bed and provide plenty of fluids for detoxification.

Despite all the symptoms, treatment at home is possible if you have the necessary medications prescribed by the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to create a calm environment around the patient at home.

After delirium is relieved, you should consult a narcologist and complex treatment alcoholism.

Many people are better known as delirium tremens. It is characterized by the fact that the alcoholic falls into a violent state, may lose consciousness, and begin to experience hallucinations.

During delirium, speech impairment is observed, the patient begins to talk, and the coordination of his movements is impaired. It is almost impossible to get out of this condition on your own without complications; it is also impossible to treat fever at home. Required professional help specialist Proper treatment of alcoholic delirium is possible only in a psychiatric department of a hospital or a special drug treatment clinic.

Delirium tremens - what characterizes this disease? These are the following signs:

  1. Before the attack itself, the desire for alcohol decreases and may even disappear.
  2. There is a change in mood, excitement abruptly gives way to calm and detachment.
  3. Severe trembling of the arms and legs begins, and it is difficult for the patient to keep his head in one position.
  4. Insomnia is tormented, the patient experiences a feeling of fear.
  5. Begin auditory hallucinations, for example, the patient hears birds singing. The patient sees various visual images, bright spots.

Symptoms of fever

What to do if you have delirium tremens? It is necessary to take into account that the patient usually begins to experience auditory and visual hallucinations. They may be of a different nature, but one thing remains unchanged - the patient becomes dangerous both for himself and for others. It seems to him that everyone is attacking him and makes attempts to retaliate.

If the question of how to treat delirium tremens is not resolved, the patient can not only harm others, but also kill. In this state, he does not realize what he is doing.

Intoxication of the body with alcohol breakdown products causes damage to the nervous system, which causes disturbances in movements, facial expressions, and speech. Movements become chaotic and the patient cannot move independently.

Delirium tremens, the symptoms of which are very characteristic, is often determined by behavior: the patient tries to commit suicide, he speaks loudly and incoherently, and often attempts to attack others. His facial expressions are also disturbed; grimaces are observed, caused by the fact that the patient begins to imagine an attack. The alcoholic believes that he is being bitten, pinched, and begins to brush off the invisible enemy.

A state of disorientation is one of the main signs when deciding what a fever is. The patient at this time does not realize where he is, his coordination is greatly impaired. Increased aggressiveness is often observed at this time. If this is the characteristic symptom, then you need to try to calm the patient as much as possible and not disturb him. After this, you should call a doctor.

Severe form of the disease

A severe form of alcoholic psychosis can have 2 stages:

How does the condition change during fever?

How is delirium tremens treated? You must first determine what changes are occurring in the body. The following is usually observed:

  1. Acidosis occurs and body temperature rises rapidly.
  2. When blood pressure rises, it causes heart palpitations and severe headaches.
  3. The level of nitrogen in the blood rises, and the body becomes severely dehydrated.
  4. ESR increases, leukocytosis begins to be observed.
  5. The size of the liver increases, this occurs characteristic feature jaundice, like yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
  6. The patient is constantly in bed or in a reclining state, when he can no longer move independently.
  7. The skin becomes pale, even white, hence the name delirium tremens, although the face may become very red.
  8. Sweating and chills alternate, and the sweat has a characteristic “aroma” reminiscent of long-unwashed feet.
  9. The limbs and muscles begin to tremble; many people also call this disease trembling delirium.

In addition to the above complications, delirium tremens can cause other diseases. This applies to infectious and inflammatory processes, strong and serious injuries due to falls. The patient loses control of himself and attempts at suicide are possible. , which is diagnosed during acute alcoholic psychosis, can be dangerous not only for the patient, but also for others. This condition requires urgent treatment.

Treatment under the supervision of a doctor

It is difficult to cure delirium tremens, it all depends on the degree of the disease, how ready the patient is to part with this on his own bad habit. Intoxication will not bring any benefit here, since the alcoholic, after feeling much better, can immediately return to his old ways.

The duration of this state takes approximately 2-5 days, but especially severe cases this can last up to 2-3 weeks, and this is already dangerous. It will be very difficult to answer the question of how to cure in this case. This problem occurs due to the fact that prolonged drinking and fever is accompanied by side diseases, infections, injuries and others. In addition, the state acute psychosis only makes the situation worse.

When delirium tremens is observed, for example, in a husband, you should not feel sorry for the alcoholic under any circumstances; urgent hospitalization is required. The patient is placed in a specialized drug treatment clinic or in a psychiatric department. Carrying out ordinary intoxication at home is unacceptable. But the help of the resuscitation team can be very necessary, since often the patient is not aware of his own condition, and it can be extremely bad.

Treatment for delirium tremens requires timely treatment. Assigned first drug therapy. Resuscitation measures are required when the form is severe and the patient’s life is at risk. If treatment is not started for a long time, death may occur; in severe cases of fever, the organs of the body begin to gradually fail.

Delirium tremens, which is treated various methods, usually with timely measures retreats quickly. For complete recovery, you need to ensure complete rest, good sleep. Only deep and long sleep along with cleansing the body can help bring the patient back to normal.

Treatment with folk remedies, as many mistakenly begin to do, is not used; at this stage, only drug therapy is necessary.

When a patient comes to his senses after acute psychosis, he feels weakened, lethargic, overwhelmed, general state depressed. The patient remembers the period that was occupied by delirium poorly.

Only fragmentary memories can remain in memory. I remember hallucinations and nightmares, but real events are not so vividly reconstructed. What is needed is not so much therapy as sedative and strengthening drugs. At this stage, you can already use folk remedies; there are a lot of recipes, but before you start taking them, you need to consult with your doctor.

However, folk remedies alone cannot correct the situation; constant medical monitoring and periodic examination by a supervising doctor are required.

Spicy alcoholic psychosis, which is better known as delirium tremens, is considered dangerous condition. Treatment for alcohol dependence requires medication. If a person does not refuse to drink himself, then there will simply be no benefit from treatment.

Even after recovery from a state of intoxication and acute psychosis, an alcoholic may begin to drink further, and this will only worsen the situation. If observed various diseases, then they usually go into chronic stage. But it is difficult to get rid of such addiction; you need desire, will, and strict adherence to all recommendations.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks