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Why can newborns and older children have watery and purulent eyes, what to do when these symptoms appear? Obstruction of the lacrimal duct in newborns

Obstruction nasolacrimal duct in newborns is medically called dacryocystitis. Among infants, a disease in which mucopurulent or simply mucous discharge occurs is quite common. As a rule, it is possible to identify a predisposition to obstruction of the lacrimal duct in an infant immediately after birth.

Tears are very playful important role V proper operation human eye. First of all, they perform the function of protecting the eyeballs from various small particles of dirt and dust entering them, and also maintain their appropriate humidity. After distribution on the surface of the eyes, tears pass through the lacrimal ducts through the nasal passage.

The cause of dacryocystitis is usually a gelatinous film or, as it is also called, a plug, which is located in the nasolacrimal duct. During the intrauterine life of the child, she performs protective function from penetration amniotic fluid. At the birth of a child, at the moment of the first cry, the film should burst. But if this does not happen, the tear begins to accumulate and stagnate in the lacrimal sac, as a result of which an infection can develop. Also, the cause of obstruction of the lacrimal canal may be pathology of the nose and surrounding tissues, which can arise as a result of inflammation or injury.

Symptoms of tear duct obstruction in a newborn

  1. The main sign that determines obstruction of the lacrimal canal in infants is the appearance of mucopurulent or simply mucus discharge when pressing on the lacrimal sac.
  2. There seems to be a constant tear in the corner of the baby’s eyes.
  3. If the tear duct is obstructed, children experience regular lacrimation.
  4. Due to constant tear secretion, the child develops redness and swelling of the eyelids.

How to treat obstruction of the lacrimal duct in a newborn?

If your baby is diagnosed with obstruction of the lacrimal duct, then, most likely, drops and massage will initially be prescribed as treatment.

Massage for obstruction of the lacrimal canal

  1. Before you put drops in your eyes and start the massage, you need to clean them of accumulated purulent discharge. To do this, wipe both of the baby's eyes with different cotton swabs soaked in warm water or in saline solution. Then gently place the drops into your lower eyelid.
  2. Now you can start therapeutic massage tear ducts, the purpose of which is to break through that very gelatinous film. Make sure your hands are always clean and have nails trimmed short, and preferably use sterile gloves. The massage should be done with vibrating or jerking movements of the fingers, in the direction from the top of the inner corner of the eye down.
  3. After the done medical procedure It is necessary to put the prescribed drops in the baby’s eyes again.

For the effectiveness of treatment with this method of obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal, it is recommended to carry out this procedure up to 10 times a day.

If treatment with massage and drops is unsuccessful, the newborn's lacrimal canal is probed. It is effective and quite simple operation, as a result of which the gelatinous film is pierced. As a rule, such surgical intervention is resorted to only in the most extreme cases. In order to prevent relapse, it is recommended to massage the tear ducts for the first time after surgery.

Dear parents, try to correctly assess your child’s health status and take the necessary measures in a timely manner! Health to your children!

Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct is a problem that affects about 5% of newborns. This congenital pathology It can go away on its own, even before seeing a doctor. Such cases are not reflected in these medical statistics. Simply nothing is known about them. Every twentieth baby who is diagnosed with this is a case where the blockage did not go away on its own. One way to deal with the problem is special massage tear duct. The famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how to do it and what should be taken into account.

About the problem

At normal structure When blinking, the eyeball is wetted with tears. This protects the organs of vision from drying out and provides visual function. The tear, so necessary in this process, is produced in the lacrimal gland, accumulates in the lacrimal sac, where it enters through the canaliculi. Other ducts (nasolacrimal ducts) exist to allow tear fluid to drain through the nasal cavity. A good example- this is sniffing while crying.

If the lacrimal or nasolacrimal ducts are obstructed, the outflow is difficult. As a result, the child often develops signs of conjunctivitis. Parents who are unaware of true reasons illness, treat the child with antiseptics, wash the eyes with tea leaves, and so on. This gives relief - albeit temporary. Then the eye inflammation returns.

Dacryocystitis (this is the scientific name for the problem) can be unilateral or bilateral. It is not inherited and does not depend at all on the gender of the child. In both boys and girls, blockage of the tear ducts occurs with the same frequency.

If the problem is not solved, then the child faces purulent conjunctivitis (quite real), as well as decreased or even irreversible loss of vision, phlegmon of the lacrimal sac.


Conservative treatment is prescribed to children first. One of the most successful methods is massage in the projection of the lacrimal canal. Antiseptics are used for processing. If treatment does not help before a certain age (at ophthalmological practice this is usually 7-8 months), eye doctors recommended to parents surgical intervention to remove excess film that interferes with normal tear production. A probing procedure may be prescribed to restore the patency of the closed lacrimal canal.

Evgeny Komarovsky is sure that in 99% of cases the problem can be solved without surgery, the main thing is not to be lazy and learn how to properly do the massage necessary for this illness.

How it's done?

Evgeniy Komarovsky considers eye massage in case of obstruction of the lacrimal or nasolacrimal duct to be the only gentle and effective treatment for babies up to one year old. Usually, the doctor says, this is quite enough.

Before starting the manipulations, mom needs to carefully remove all manifestations of manicure from her hands. Nails should be cut short so as not to accidentally injure the baby's eyes. You need to do a massage only with clean hands, you need to wash them hot water with baby soap, and then it is advisable to treat with a universal antiseptic - for example, “Miramistin”.

First you need to free the baby’s eye from accumulated stagnant secretions and pus, if any. To do this, take cotton pads or make tampons. Each eye has its own swab or disc; treating both eyes with one disc is strictly prohibited.

The treatment solution must be antiseptic. The decoction has these properties pharmaceutical chamomile, furatsilin solution (weak, in a concentration of no more than 1:5000). Using careful movements with a moistened swab, you should clear the eye of secretions (towards the bridge of the nose, from the outer edge to the inner).

Once the eye is clean, you can carefully begin massage manipulations. To do this, Komarovsky advises index finger feel the tubercle located in the inner corner of the eye, at the junction with the bridge of the nose. This is the lacrimal sac. The finger should be moved slightly above this point and make 8-10 movements downwards, towards the nose, along the anatomical path of the nasolacrimal canaliculus itself. There should be no pauses between movements, let them follow one after another.

Komarovsky advises applying light pressure on the lacrimal sac itself with vibrating movements and only then lowering your finger down.

One more nuance: all movements should be directed strictly from top to bottom, and the last (tenth) movement should be in the opposite direction.

At the first movements, pus may appear that has accumulated in the lacrimal canal. If this happens, you should stop and remove the pus as described above using an antiseptic. Then you can continue the massage procedure.

The procedure can be repeated 5-7 times during the day. IN acute stage disease, the massage course lasts at least 14 days. For recurrent eye inflammation, massage can be made a permanent procedure and given to the child daily (1-2 times).

You will learn how to massage the tear duct in newborns from the following video.

Dacryocystitis is a disease that is an inflammation of the lacrimal ducts with the epicenter in the lacrimal sac.

Causes of tear duct obstruction in babies

Definition necessary measures for the treatment of dacryocystitis is based on determining the cause of the disease.

Ophthalmologists identify several reasons for the appearance.

  • Congenital blockage. About a fifth of babies are born with congenital tear duct problems. The cause may be both problems in the development of the skull and the immaturity of the canals themselves.
  • Infections and inflammations. Diseases that occur due to inflammation of the eyes can lead to blockage of the tear ducts.
  • Inflammatory processes in the nose. With infectious diseases in the nose, inflammation can spread to the eyes and lead to problems with the outflow of tears.
  • Facial damage due to trauma. Bruises and more serious injuries bone structure of the face can mechanically damage the canals and lead to their clogging.
  • Cysts and stones. Sometimes cysts and stones form inside the complex drainage system, causing disruption of the outflow of tears.
  • External medications. There are rare cases where the use eye drops may cause obstruction of the tear ducts.
  • Internal medicines. The drug Docetaxel (Taxoret), which is used to treat some types of cancer, as a side effect may provoke the appearance of dacryocystitis.
  • Tumors of the lacrimal sac, bones and nose. Even with a slight increase in tumors, the risk of blocking the tear ducts increases. This also includes stones and other growths.

Among the reasons for blocking of the tear ducts there is another one - age-related, but for children it is not relevant.

Factors predisposing to the occurrence of dacryocystitis in children

The influence of certain factors may increase the risk of the occurrence and development of blockage of the lacrimal duct and further inflammation in the lacrimal sac.

The danger of dacryocystitis for infants

If detected in a timely manner, the disease responds well to treatment.

IN in rare cases Relapse is possible; it is more common in the acquired form of the disease.

If dacryocystitis is not recognized and treated in the first months of a baby’s life, then a number of serious complications And chronic diseases eye: abscesses, external fistulas of the lacrimal sac (phlegmon), damage to the cornea.

Some complications require surgery.

Main danger in case of advanced dacryocystitis – total loss vision.

Ophthalmologists divide dacryocystitis into primary (congenital) and secondary (acquired). In infants in the first weeks of life, the tear ducts end in a “blind sac,” which is a thin connective tissue.

The “blind bag” should break at the baby’s first screams or breaths. Otherwise, the duct remains closed and dacryocystitis occurs.

Diagnosis of lacrimal canal obstruction – dacryocystitis

It is possible to recognize the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner by carefully monitoring the baby.

  • There is a tear in the child's eye in a calm state.
  • Lacrimation from the first days of life.
  • Mucous and mucous purulent discharge from the eye.
  • Redness of the conjunctiva at the inner corner of the eye.
  • Specific symptoms are mucopurulent discharge from the child’s eye with pressure on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, a positive effect from the use of antibacterial and antiseptics unstable (appears again when they are discontinued), ophthalmologists perform the Vesta test (negative in the presence of the disease).
  • Tubular test. One or two drops of Collargol solution are dripped into the child's eye. If the eyeball turns white, then the tear duct is passing. Obstruction is noted if the staining eyeball lasts more than five minutes. The detection of Collargol in the nose a few minutes after instillation into the eye confirms positive result samples.
  • For children with suspected diseases of the lacrimal ducts, a comprehensive examination is recommended.
  • They find out from the mother how the pregnancy and childbirth proceeded, whether there are hereditary predisposition to dacryocystitis.
  • They take a smear and culture bacterial flora and sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Research allows you to select effective drugs, acting on one or another type of pathogen.
  • Rhinoscopy is an examination of the nasal cavity with a special apparatus in order to exclude diseases of the nose or pathologies in its structure. Exclude diseases maxillary sinuses, polyps, adenoids, narrowness of the nasal passages, curvature of the nasal septum.

Treatment of dacryocystitis

Massage of lacrimal sacs

In newborns, treatment of dacryocystitis begins with massage of the lacrimal sacs and antibacterial therapy (use of drops with antibacterial and antiseptic effects).

In some cases proper massage and local drug therapy allow us to achieve positive effect– mechanical removal of blockage of the lacrimal canaliculus and complete deliverance from infection.

Method of performing lacrimal duct massage

The massage can be carried out by the parents themselves, after consulting an ophthalmologist. Doctors' recommendations boil down to the following: before each feeding, instill a 0.25 percent solution of Levomycetin into the eye, then vigorously massage the eyelids from top to bottom, moving towards the nose.

Albucid solution should not be used due to the formation of crystals.

Probing the tear duct in infants

Rinsing and probing are used in cases where conservative treatment with massage and antibacterial drops is not effective.

In such a situation, ophthalmologists prescribe several manipulations: dilatation, probing and lavage of the lacrimal canal. Dilatation is the gentle widening of the canal.

Lacrimal duct lavage is prescribed if within two to three weeks conservative treatment the desired effect did not occur. This therapeutic manipulation is carried out every day or every other day for two weeks. Additionally use antibacterial agents and carry out hormone therapy. Painkillers are used if necessary. Washing tear ducts Recommended for infants from one month.

Surgical interventions are performed in a hospital. Retrograde probing is indicated for children from 2 months, probing through the lacrimal opening is carried out from 4 months. If the procedures are ineffective, children over two years of age are prescribed endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy using a special pediatric technique using ultrasound instruments.

For the safety of the child, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia.

At the end of the procedure, a bandage is applied and bed rest And antibacterial therapy. Inpatient observation lasts a week after surgery. During this period, the child is monitored and preventive procedures, make dressings. After discharge, if successful postoperative period The baby is transferred to outpatient observation.

High efficiency in the treatment of dacryocystitis is achieved through a well-studied and proven technique surgical interventions. Probing is used in cases of congenital and acquired disease.

An important final stage in the treatment of dacryocystitis in children is the use of antibacterial and antiseptic agents as prescribed by a doctor. Compliance with all recommendations of the attending physician and careful care is the key to a successful recovery. Carrying out all necessary procedures for a baby is not an easy task, but for a complete recovery, parents of babies with blocked tear ducts and dacryocystitis need to be patient.

In the first few months after the baby is born, he does not have tears, even if he cries. This is due to the fact that the tear ducts and tear fluid in the baby are still forming.

If you notice clear tears or purulent discharge in your baby, this is a reason to seek advice from a specialist. Normally this shouldn't happen.

Why do the eyes water in 1, 2, 3 month old babies and older infants, what to do in such a situation, what preventive measures eye diseases can this be done in a newborn baby?

Main reasons

Newborns and babies under one year of age may experience watering in one or both eyes. Watery eyes may be temporary or permanent. In the latter case, medical intervention cannot be avoided. Why do a child who is 1-2 months old and older have watery eyes? What is the reason?

When a baby's tears appear from one eye, this is explained by a number of factors:

If a child’s tears flow from both eyes, mechanical injuries, viral conjunctivitis, and eczema can be added to the list. Sometimes, if one or two eyes are watery in a baby 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 months or older, this may be the result of a child's reaction to inclement weather conditions - cold or wind while outdoors.

Then, upon returning from the street, the tears from one or both eyes disappear. In this case serious reasons no worries.

When lacrimation in an infant becomes constant and the usual methods of home response do not work, the origins of the problem lie in physiology.

This happens when the tear ducts are blocked. Only a qualified doctor can identify the disease.

Excessive lacrimation from the baby's eyes signals the possibility of developing a serious disease. Required timely diagnosis and medical intervention if the child “cries” for a long time.

But first, observe whether the production of tears in the baby is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • slight swelling near the eye;
  • souring, especially after sleep;
  • redness of the eyes.

If these signs are detected, there is a high probability of contracting an infection.

Then hurry up and consult an ophthalmologist or pediatrician, who will refer you to to the right doctor who will examine and prescribe treatment.

How and how to help a child

At home, you can pay attention to increased eye hygiene in infants. It is enough to wipe the eyes with a sterile cotton swab soaked boiled water or strong tea leaves. Everything else is only as prescribed by a doctor.

Once the diagnosis is made by a specialist, measures are taken:

  • Detecting ocular abnormalities requires surgery.
  • When found foreign body in the eyes of the child, doctors remove it. Then you need to rinse with chamomile decoction.
  • In case of development of eye diseases or allergies, medications prescribed by a specialist are taken.
  • If the problem is blockage of the tear ducts, massage is done. His technique is selected by a doctor.

Do not delay the treatment of lacrimation in a child, so as not to aggravate the disease, otherwise, with a change in the microflora, it will become more active. inflammatory process.

What you should never do

It is dangerous to start self-medication. If you don't have medical education, you are unlikely to be able to accurately determine what caused the disease and how to deal with it.

If infant and children under 9-10 months, as well as over 1 year old, have one or two eyes watering, you should not seek advice on forums or websites. What works for someone else will not always work for your child.

Do not put ointment in the baby's affected eye., even if it was recommended by a good friend or local pharmacist.

Until the specifics of the pathology are established, do not take hasty measures. Rinsing the eyes with potassium permanganate or applying a compress is unnecessary.

If a two-month-old baby or older child has a watery eye, and the lacrimation does not go away either on the first or second day, do not delay visiting the doctor in the hope that everything will go away on its own.

If the viral environment is to blame, pathogenic microorganisms multiply quickly, and urgent intervention is needed. Try not to panic.

You will find important information about the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children on our website. Read these articles:

Preventing tearing in newborns

Infants are at risk of contracting the disease due to the fact that the fragile body continues to adapt to external environment. To avoid unwanted consequences, follow simple recommendations. The disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

To prevent your newborn's eyes from watering:

  1. Don't forget to maintain hygiene. Wash your baby. Gently dry your baby's eyes with a towel moistened with water.
  2. During care, make sure that the child does not rub his eyes or pick them with his fingers.
  3. Keep your baby away from drafts or strong wind. Don't walk outside in windy weather.
  4. Keep your baby's room tidy.

When found obvious signs abnormalities in the child, consult a doctor, do not expect that the lacrimation will go away on its own.

The first months after the birth of a child and the period up to a year are a touching and risky time in the life of a baby.

The eyes are one of the vulnerable places in a baby at this moment. If they water for a long time, this indicates the need to consult a doctor.

Timely intervention and a therapeutic course of treatment will allow you to return your health to normal and restore purity and radiance to children’s eyes.

In contact with

The immunity of a newly born child is in the process of development. Up to 3 months, the baby is protected by antibodies received from the mother, and only after this age does his body begin to produce its own immunoglobulins. That is why the baby is susceptible to various infectious diseases. One of them is conjunctivitis in newborns. It leads to eye discharge and other symptoms. But the fact that a baby’s eyes are festering may indicate other ophthalmological pathologies.

The eyes of a newborn have the same structure as those of an adult, but some of their functions are still undeveloped. For example, in the first weeks there is no lysozyme in the tear fluid, an enzyme that has antibacterial activity and is designed to protect the mucous membrane from the penetration of microbial agents. In addition, not all babies are born with a formed nasolacrimal duct, which is necessary to cleanse the conjunctiva of impurities.

These anatomical features lead to the fact that infants are predisposed to ophthalmic inflammation. Parents may notice that the baby's eyes are watery or purulent discharge appears: a white-yellow liquid of a sticky consistency appears in the corners, which dries quickly and can cause the eyelids to stick together.

A possible reason is the baby’s reaction to albucid, an antibiotic that is used to treat the eyes of children in maternity hospitals to prevent infection. In this case, the discharge will be minimal. No treatment is required, but it is important to provide proper care for the eyes.

There are also pathological causes the fact that a newborn’s eye is festering. The main ones:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • blenorrhea.

Only a doctor can accurately identify the cause of ophthalmological disorders. Parents should definitely consult a pediatrician or pediatric ophthalmologist to prescribe treatment.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of one or both eyes. Its symptoms:

  1. redness of the conjunctiva and eyelids;
  2. lacrimation;
  3. discharge of pus;
  4. gluing eyelids and eyelashes.

IN severe cases conjunctivitis in infants may be accompanied general weakness and an increase in temperature. Inflammation can be non-infectious or infectious.

Non-infectious inflammation

The cause of non-infectious conjunctivitis is exposure to various irritants in the eyes: dust, small debris, aerosols, allergens (plant pollen, animal hair, product particles household chemicals). This causes swelling of the mucous membrane, redness and severe itching.

If your baby's eye is watering , but there is no pus, then most likely we're talking about about non-infectious inflammation. In this situation, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant and take care of cleansing the eyes. As a rule, no other treatment is required. In case of severe allergies, your doctor may recommend antihistamines(“Fenistil”, “Zyrtek”).

Infectious conjunctivitis

Infectious conjunctivitis is caused by a variety of bacteria - staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, chlamydia and others. Often, infection occurs during childbirth from the mother or in the hospital due to a violation sanitary standards medical personnel. Peculiarity bacterial conjunctivitiscopious discharge yellow or grayish color, preventing you from opening your eyelids. Usually, one eye of a baby first festers, but then the infection gets into the second one.

Other possible causative agents of the disease are viruses. In this case, there are symptoms of ARVI - runny nose, fever, cough. Such conjunctivitis should be suspected if the eye is very watery, but the discharge is clear.

Non-infectious or viral inflammation can be joined by bacterial inflammation if the child has not been provided with proper care.


Dacryocystitis is inflammation of the lacrimal sac. The disease occurs in 5-7% of children. In newborns, it occurs due to blockage of the lacrimal canaliculus with dried vernix lubrication or remnants of fetal tissue. In older children, dacryocystitis can develop against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection or an ENT disease due to swelling or obstruction of the nasolacrimal canal. In any case, the tear fluid stagnates in the bag, and pathogenic flora - bacteria, viruses or fungi - multiply in it.

Symptoms of dacryocystitis:

  • lacrimation;
  • redness, soreness, swelling of the mucous membrane and skin near the inner corner of the eye;
  • reduction of the palpebral fissure;
  • swelling, redness or blueness of the eyelids;
  • discharge of pus and mucus from the lacrimal openings when pressed.

As a rule, one eye becomes inflamed. The baby may experience symptoms of general intoxication - fever, weakness, headache.


Blennorea - purulent acute inflammation conjunctiva, which is most often provoked by gonococcus. Infection of a child occurs in utero or during natural birth from a mother with gonorrhea. Symptoms appear on days 2-3 and increase gradually:

  1. swelling of the mucous membrane;
  2. thickening and swelling of the eyelids;
  3. sanguineous, later - copious purulent secretion from the eyes;
  4. in severe cases - conjunctival ulcers.

One eye is affected, but the infection can also spread to the other. Without treatment, blenorrhea can lead to blindness.

Directions of treatment

First aid

When a newborn’s eyes fester, you should definitely consult a doctor. But parents can provide first aid. It consists of removing pus and washing the mucous membrane with solutions with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is important to treat both eyes to prevent the infection from spreading.

Solutions options:

  1. From plants - chamomile, calendula or black tea. Pour 1-1.5 tablespoons of raw material with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Filter.
  2. From furatsilin. Dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of boiling water. Cool.
  3. From Miramistin. Dilute the solution with water in a 50/50 ratio.

Processing algorithm:

  • Make sure the solution temperature is close to body temperature.
  • Soak a cotton pad or piece of bandage in the liquid.
  • Wipe your eye from outer corner to the inner.
  • Take a clean disk and repeat all manipulations with the second eye.

You should wash your eyes every 2 hours. It is advisable to prepare the cleaning solution before use.

There is an opinion that in a situation where the eye of a newborn begins to fester, it should be dripped breast milk. This cannot be done. Despite all the benefits of milk, it is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and can increase inflammation and discomfort.

If you suspect allergic conjunctivitis it is necessary to exclude the child’s contact with a possible irritant: remove plants from his room, Stuffed Toys, carpets, no animals allowed. Frequent wet cleaning and regular ventilation are necessary. The same measures are appropriate for any inflammation.

Relieving inflammation

For effective treatment souring eyes, it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the disease. Most exact method– bacterial seeding of secretions from the lacrimal canals. But often doctors focus on external signs.

If the inflammation is caused by a virus, then drops with antiviral effect: “Actipol”, “Poludan”, “Trifluridine”. In addition, ophthalmic ointments can be used - oxolinic, Tebrofenovaya, Bonafton. In mild cases, rinsing the eyes is sufficient. antiseptic solutions and instillation of drugs with interferon, for example, Ophthalmoferon.

At bacterial inflammation local needed antibacterial drugs. Most Popular eye drops for newborns - “Albucid”. In addition, chloramphenicol (0.25%), gentamicin (0.3%), ciloxan (0.3%), tsifran (0.3%) and other antibiotics in the form of drops are used. Ointments can be prescribed - tetracycline, chloramphenicol. Systemic antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections in infancy are used only in severe cases, for example, with blenorrhea.

General treatment plan:

  1. Lay the baby horizontally without a pillow. Wash his eyes with an antiseptic solution.
  2. Warm the bottle with drops in your hands.
  3. Pull back the lower eyelid and drop the required amount of medicine using a pipette with a rounded end. It's good if someone holds the child's head.
  4. Remove excess drug with a clean napkin.

Usually the medicine needs to be injected into the conjunctival sac 3-4 times a day. The ointment is applied 1-2 times. To do this, move back the lower eyelid and squeeze a thin strip onto its inner surface.

Features of treatment for dacryocystitis

With dacryocystitis, it is important not only to destroy the pathogenic flora, but also to eliminate the cause of the disease - blockage of the duct. The easiest way is to massage the tear duct. Parents can conduct it themselves after training. It involves stroking movements thumb from the outer edge of the eyebrow, along its line, near the bridge of the nose, to the wings of the nose and in the opposite direction. Manipulations should be carried out with light pressure, but so that the child does not hurt. Frequency – 6-8 times a day.

If the massage does not lead to the removal of the “plug,” then the child is placed in a hospital and cleansing (bougienage) of the lacrimal canal is performed under local anesthesia using a catheter. The procedure is painless. You should not refuse it, since without eliminating the blockage of the duct, attacks of dacryocystitis will be repeated, and adhesions will gradually form in the canal.

Festering eyes small child– a condition requiring urgent medical attention. His most common reasons– conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and blenorrhea. Parents can help their baby on their own by washing their eyes with herbal or medicinal solutions with an antiseptic effect. Full complex Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. As a rule, therapy lasts 7-10 days, after which the child fully recovers. The main measures to prevent infection are washing the eyes twice a day with boiled water or chamomile solution, as well as observing the rules of hygiene for adults.