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Massotherapy. Back muscle massage. Massage the neck with the trapezius muscle

The practice of massage appeared in ancient times, when primitive man needed to somehow drown out pain in the absence of any medications. As a method of therapy, therapeutic massage began to be used in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in China, and continued his triumphal march through Japan, Greece, India and Rome. Even the ancient Arabs have information about the healing properties of massage.

Massotherapy: history of the development of the technique

Some are sure that the word “massage” comes from the Arabic word “mass” (“to touch”), others argue that from Latin word"mass" ("sticking to the fingers"), still others - from the Greek word meaning "knead, iron, knead", originally not related to manipulation of the body.

On various frescoes, bas-reliefs, papyri and other ancient monuments one can see various massage manipulations, indicating that the ancient Egyptians, Persians and Austrians were familiar with this technology. Today we will discuss therapeutic massage, its history and applications.

Therapeutic massage: history of development in the East

In China, therapeutic massage began to be used as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e., used it to treat rheumatic pain, dislocations, relieve spasms and muscle fatigue. At the same time, the Chinese rubbed their hands all over the body and squeezed the muscles in such a way that a loud crack was heard when the limbs twitched. Even in ancient times, massage was known as remedy from various diseases. At first, stroking, rubbing, kneading the sore spot was purely instinctive. Only much later did massage become a full-fledged method of treatment and part of the art of medicine.

The ancient Indians described in detail the techniques of therapeutic massage in the medical treatise of Ayurveda. It indicated for the first time the use in the first steam baths therapeutic massage, and the procedures were performed simultaneously. Water poured onto the hot plates evaporated and moistened the human body, and then the patient was stretched on the floor and two servants took turns massaging the relaxed muscles, starting with upper limbs to the feet At the same time, the first schools were created in India and China, which taught therapeutic massage techniques. The foundations were being laid preventive medicine, medical gymnastics schools were opened, teaching not only massage techniques, but also therapeutic gymnastics.

In general, therapeutic massage has been used since ancient times in different countries and on different continents, as confirmed by reliable sources. Baths and massage in combination were used in Persia, Turkey and Ancient Rus'. In Rus', massage procedures were combined with hardening and bathing, rubbing with snow and tapping with scalded hot water with a broom (a procedure called “tailing”).

Therapeutic massage: history of development in Europe

While the art of massage flourished in the East, therapeutic massage was not popular in Europe. In the Middle Ages in the West, power belonged to the church, and massage was considered contrary to the idea of ​​​​asceticism and did not believe in it healing properties. Therapeutic massage at that time was most often performed by charlatans and did not produce desired effect, while scientists were searching for the philosopher's stone or the elixir of life.

It was only during the Renaissance (XIV-XV centuries) that interest in gymnastics and therapeutic massage arose in Europe. This was caused by the appearance of works on the anatomy of Mondi de Ciucci. The idea was further continued by the Belgian anatomist Andries Visaly and English doctor William Harvey, who made enormous contributions to anatomy and physiology through his characterization of the human organs and circulatory system. Since the 19th century. massage and therapeutic exercises are becoming increasingly popular on all continents. At this time, numerous works about massage and the results of its use appeared in Germany, France and England.

In Russia at the same time, the first clinical and experimental works appeared, in which the basic principles of massage were laid down, as well as indications and; contraindications for long-term use depending on the patient’s type of activity and sports activities.

The meaning and application of therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage in Ancient Greece and Rome was widely used in the system of physical education of warriors, fist fighters and gladiators, which laid the foundations for sports massage and therapeutic gymnastics.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, therapeutic massage was banned and persecuted by the Inquisition until the Renaissance. Promoters of massage in our country can be considered M. Ya. Mudrov, I. V. Zabludsky (his massage technique is preserved to this day), A. E. Shcherbak, I. M. Sarkizova-Serazini, A. F. Verbov and other founders of therapeutic and sports massage.

For rheumatism, the Slavs rubbed sore spot ointments based on herbs and roots, then they went into a heavily scorched room, and there the bathhouse attendant whipped them with a birch broom and doused them alternately with warm and ice water from head to toes. This double intake ensures hardening and good physical condition of a person, and also maintains skin tone and protects the immune system.

Types of therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is defined as a complex of various mechanical effects on the body, leading to the restoration of the body after illness, sports, and most importantly, preventing various diseases. Massage effects are performed using hands, special devices and instruments, as well as using air or water flows. Massage can be general and local, and according to the method and application it is divided into several types; therapeutic, sports, hygienic and cosmetic.

Hygienic therapeutic massage helps maintain efficiency, as well as maintain the body in good shape and good health. physical condition. Hygienic massage in combination with; gymnastics; swimming, shower, bath and sauna. Is effective method treatment of various diseases and injuries.

Therapeutic massage has many varieties; classic is a massage used without taking into account reflex action. It is carried out next to the damaged area of ​​the body or directly in the affected area;

reflex - massage performed with the aim of a reflex effect on internal organs and restoring their condition. This type of therapeutic massage uses special moves, affecting certain areas - dermatomes;

Connective massage is a massage that affects connective tissue And subcutaneous tissue;

Periosteal massage is a massage that causes positive changes in the connective tissue membrane (periosteum). This is done by clicking on the points in a certain sequence;

Acupressure- This is one of the types of therapeutic massage. It affects acupuncture (biologically active) points in a relaxing or stimulating way;

Hardware therapeutic massage is carried out using vibration, ultrasound, vacuum, electrical stimulation and ionizing devices;

Therapeutic self-massage is performed by the sick person on a specific part of the body, recommended by the attending physician.

Sports massage (developed by I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini). The following types are distinguished: hygienic, training, restorative, preliminary.

Self-massage is performed by the patient independently and requires significant physical effort and skills from the massager. Knowing the basics of acupressure, you can effectively prevent various diseases. Consultation with a specialist is required. Self-massage is convenient because it does not require additional help massage therapist, can be performed at any time and in any convenient place.

Therapeutic massage technique

The massage therapist must have a good knowledge of anatomy, the physiological effects of individual massage actions, have a developed sense of touch and the ability to conduct diagnostic palpation (using fingers) examination.

Therapeutic massage can be performed directly in the affected area, and in case of swelling and pain - above the lesion or at a symmetrical distance. These procedures can be used either separately or in combination with other types of treatment. They should not cause seizures! pain, only pleasant warmth, a state of comfort

The work of a massage therapist requires physical activity Therefore, constant relaxation exercises (relaxation) are necessary. It is recommended to rest while sitting to prevent occupational diseases - congestion in lower limbs, tension in the cervical and lumbar regions spine.

The frequency of therapeutic massage varies from 2-3 times a week to daily sessions in combination with baths, ultraviolet irradiation and other types complex treatment.

A massage course can usually include from 5 to 25 complex procedures, and the session duration can be from 3 to 60 minutes. The duration and number of procedures depend on the degree of the disease and contraindications. Let's consider indications and contraindications for the use of therapeutic massage.

Indications for therapeutic massage

It is useful to conduct therapeutic massage courses for the following diseases.

Disorders nervous system: residual effects polio, cerebral atherosclerosis, insufficiency cerebral circulation, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, radiculitis.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: rheumatoid arthritis, dislocations, degenerative processes in the joints, osteochondrosis, bruises, sprains, curvature of the spine, flat feet and poor posture.

Respiratory diseases: sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, allergies, lung diseases (bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia).

Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart attack, cardiosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, myocarditis, heart defects, arteries and veins.

Diseases of the digestive system (without exacerbation): colitis, gastritis, gallbladder dyskinesia, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

Inflammatory diseases male and female genital organs (urethritis, prostatitis, displacement of the uterus and vagina, anatomical anomaly of the genital organs, anatomical and functional disorders).

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose: sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, nose bleed.

Metabolic disorders: excess weight, diabetes, gout. Therapeutic massage is also used for headaches, sleep disturbances, increased irritability and other types of diseases.

When prescribing a session, the massage therapist must indicate in combination with which procedures or medications his procedures are effective.

Contraindications to therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage and self-massage are contraindicated in febrile conditions, acute inflammatory processes, blood diseases, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, active stage of tuberculosis, syphilis and others venereal diseases, malignant tumors, mental illness, poor circulation, nausea, vomiting and unexplained pain. But that's only general contraindications, and for a complete system analysis it is necessary to consider each specific case separately. On the recommendation of a specialist, you can use one or another method of therapeutic massage.

Therapeutic massage for the back is an effective method of therapy various pathologies musculoskeletal system. This is the same important element treatments such as recreational exercises, physiotherapy or the use of medications. But to achieve maximum therapeutic effect When massaging your back, you need to follow some rules. Otherwise, you can harm an already weakened body. Learn more about performing therapeutic massage and we'll talk in this article.

First of all, massage is considered a passive type of physical activity, since during its implementation the tone of the muscular frame of the back increases. Correct implementation of the procedure allows you to relieve emotional and physical tension, stress, and also has a general calming effect on the body.

Massage is a passive physical activity

The main benefits of therapeutic massage include:

On a note! With the help of a medicinal product, you can not only stimulate the nervous system, but also increase immunity, thereby protecting the body from various ailments. It is worth noting that this procedure also has a beneficial effect on work internal organs.


Depending on the method of execution, therapeutic massage is divided into several types, including:

If you want to learn in more detail the technique of performing it, and also consider the benefits of this procedure, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Back massage can also be classified according to the characteristics of its purpose. In medicine, the following types are distinguished:

Each of these types of massage has its own characteristics and advantages. Often, when treating a particular ailment, doctors prescribe several types of massage at once. This allows you to speed up the healing process and prevent unpleasant consequences.

Indications and contraindications

As a rule, spinal massage is most often prescribed for damage to the nervous system or spine. Let's consider the main indications for its implementation:

  • sprains, abnormal development of the spine, consequences of previous injuries;
  • pain in the back;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • development of radiculitis;
  • the appearance of various scars or scars on the surface of the back;
  • problems with work musculoskeletal system person;
  • mild forms of some spinal diseases (in such cases, doctors prescribe therapeutic exercises in combination with massage procedures).

Despite a large number of positive properties, therapeutic back massage has contraindications that must be taken into account when treating a particular disease:

  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy period;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • development dermatological diseases or consequences mechanical damage in the form of hematomas, abrasions or wounds in the back;
  • development malignant tumors, tuberculosis;
  • problems with the respiratory or cardiovascular system;
  • increased body temperature;
  • course of diseases infectious nature(ARVI, flu, etc.);
  • an aggravated form of spinal diseases, accompanied by pain.

On a note! To avoid serious consequences, before a massage you should definitely consult a doctor. In this case, the help of a neurologist and therapist is required. Only after conducting appropriate research will the doctor be able to determine whether it is possible to start back massage.

Features of massage

Of all reflex zones human body the back is the largest. In addition, some of its sections are responsible for the functioning of internal organs. From all this we can conclude that a properly performed back massage has a positive effect on all internal organs and systems of the human body.

During the massage, the specialist carefully treats the muscles and joints, resulting in a tonic and relaxing effect on the body. But depending on the course of a particular disease, doctors prescribe different types of massage therapy. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to engage in therapy on your own without consulting a doctor first. Below is step-by-step instruction performing massage, which is most often used in medicine.

Table. Back massage technique.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Before carrying out the procedure, the massage therapist must say where he is going to start. Periodically, you need to remind the person not to forget to breathe. Breathing should not be sharp, it should be smooth and deep. Performance this condition will allow you to be relaxed throughout the entire procedure.

Apply a little special oil to your hands. Start with one teaspoon. Warm it up by rubbing the oil between your hands before applying it to the person's body. Good oils for massage it is coconut or almond. There are many expensive ones on the market aromatic oils for massage, which you can try and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Spread the oil around. The basic technique of spreading heated oil over the surface of a person's back is called effleurage - this is in French. The literal name of the technique is translated as “light friction,” that is, friction. Use sliding movements with your hands for better distribution.

Use circular movements with greater impact on your back. Application this method helps improve blood circulation in the back area.

Apply striking movements. You can use your hands in a cupped shape. These movements have a stimulating, compressive effect on muscle and cartilage tissue.

Use the muscle lifting technique. To do this, you need to use a large and index finger make a kind of wave on the surface of the back, which you slowly draw along the body. Walk all the way from your neck to your lower back and back. Repeat this movement several times.

Use the unfolding technique. Stand on the side of the patient's head. Start the movement from the upper back, just below the neck and along both sides of the spine. Gently move down towards the lower back, keeping the pressure from your fingers directed towards the person's legs rather than down towards the ground.

If you want to know in more detail what types and features of massage there are, as well as how to perform it, you can read an article about it on our portal.

To improve efficiency massage treatments, they are recommended to be carried out before therapeutic exercises. In this case, the exercises will be performed when the body is already sufficiently warmed up. In addition, after a massage session, all tension will be removed from the muscles, and metabolism will significantly accelerate.

Video - Secrets of a master of therapeutic back massage

Many of us have come across the term “massage” at least once in our lives - be it an advertisement for a miracle exercise machine, a list of services from a medical institution, or a massage recommended by a doctor. Literally, the word “massage” is translated as “knead, rub.” The list of massage types is impressive: medical massage, cosmetology, children's, sports, anti-cellulite - and that's not all. But, perhaps, the main goal of medical massage is healing and restoration of the body. Medical massage done with skillful hands, indeed, is capable of working miracles; it is no coincidence that the age of this method of treatment is calculated in centuries, and its geography includes the whole world. We will talk about what medical massage is, what indications and contraindications exist for it, what you need to know when going to a massage therapist.

Any massage, including medical massage, can be general - when the doctor massages the whole body, or local - depending on your disease. Massage methods are very different, but most often - manual and hardware. Usually, a massage therapist combines these methods - with manual massage, he can feel what is happening to the body, how the tissue changes, and the use of devices gives an effect that is not obtained with manual massage. We did not make a reservation when we used the word “doctor” - despite the fact that there are quite a lot of massage tutorials today, medical massage should be performed by a specialist, or you can do self-massage under the guidance of a doctor. By mastering medical massage on your own, you are practically self-medicating: its consequences can be quite unexpected and unpleasant.

How to do medical massage

Let's take a look at the massage therapist's office. Usually, this is a spacious, bright room in which there is a special couch or table; a set of massage devices - from mechanical massagers to an apparatus for electromanual massage and other massage devices; a closet where clean sheets and towels, oil, cream, talc are stored; hourglass or procedural; stopwatch; first aid kit. All these are the most necessary things, without which massage is impossible. And, nevertheless, the main tool of a massage therapist is his hands. Medical massage is therapeutic, which means you need to clearly know exactly how and for how long to massage, and what the patient should do after the procedure. The doctor will tell you about all this before starting the course.

On average, a medical massage session lasts from 3 to 60 or 90 minutes, depending on whether you massage one muscle group or the whole body, daily or every other day - as prescribed by the doctor. The duration of the session depends on the patient’s age, the nature of the disease, and the general condition of the body, but the first few sessions, when the body adapts, are usually a little shorter in duration. The massage course is a minimum of 5 sessions, maximum - 20-25. Medical massage includes standard techniques, during their use they became classic. These are familiar stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration, which are usually supplemented by hardware influence. The degree of impact and the number of repetitions of each of them is determined by the doctor.

What does medical massage treat: indications and contraindications

The range of applications of massage as a means of combating illness is very wide. Judge for yourself: medical massage is used in the treatment of back diseases, angina pectoris, hypertension, some heart diseases, gastritis, even for pain of unknown origin, bruises and sprains, massage is often prescribed. Naturally, each disease has its own methodology, and the stage and period of the disease must always be taken into account. That is why a massage therapist must know human anatomy and physiology, the causes of diseases, and must be able to determine the effectiveness of treatment.

However, medical massage cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases. Like any method or medicine, it has a number of contraindications. Among them are such as: blood diseases, aortic aneurysm, tumors, colds, heat or acute inflammation blood vessels, thrombosis. The list of contraindications is quite extensive, but you should not be afraid of this: many of them, such as acute respiratory infections, relate to “temporary” conditions of the body, and after recovery you may well undergo a course of medical massage.

Medical massage and consequences

In addition to the therapeutic effect, medical massage, as you might guess, also affects other systems of the body: after all, the hands of a massage therapist act not only on the diseased organ. The effect of massage is most clearly manifested on the skin: thanks to increased blood supply, it disappears. venous stasis, metabolic processes are accelerated, both in skin tissues and in the body. You will notice for yourself: the skin will become smooth and elastic. Massage also affects the nervous system: after it you will feel younger: fatigue will disappear, a feeling of pleasant warmth will appear, pain will decrease or disappear.

Medical massage improves muscle performance while increasing their elasticity. The blood supply to the joints improves, moreover, under the influence of the massage, deposits dissolve. Due to blood supply, heart function also improves. At the same time, the massage helps accelerate the flow of lymph - as you know, lymphatic system serves as a kind of “barrier” on the way pathogenic bacteria, which means massage provides preventive action. Thus, even if you choose medical massage as a treatment option, be prepared for the fact that you will change in better side- both externally and internally.

First session: what you need to know when coming for a medical massage

There are no strict restrictions or rules for massage, but still, if you decide to sign up for a medical massage, pay attention to the following recommendations. Make sure that the skin at the site of the upcoming massage is clean and not injured - that is, without scratches or cuts: otherwise the massage may be painful, and there is a risk of infection. By the way, for the same reason, you should not shave your hair before the session, but it is advisable to take a shower.

It is best to come for a medical massage no earlier than an hour after eating. An exception is abdominal massage, which is done either an hour before meals or no earlier than 3 hours after meals. After the session, it is advisable to lie down for 10-15 minutes. During massage, the muscles must be relaxed - for greater effect. It is recommended to remove jewelry: chains, rings or earrings (depending on which area will be massaged), lenses or glasses.

Medical massage - results

Of course, it is impossible to cure a disease using only medical massage as a medicine. But in combination with other treatment methods, physiotherapy, acupuncture, and taking into account medical supervision, medical massage can have a significant impact on the course of treatment. It is no coincidence that many undergo a course of medical massage more than once - 2-3 times a year.

In principle, about almost any type of this “dosed physical impact on the body" you can say - medical massage. After all, all types of massage are one way or another designed to help a person physically and psychologically. The only difference is that classic medical massage is still aimed at treating the disease.

Therapeutic massage is one of the most ancient ways to strengthen and improve health. It appeared when a person had neither medicines nor medical science. Over the centuries, methods have been improved, and now modern doctors use massage as one of highly effective products for the treatment of many diseases.

The main benefits of therapeutic massage are: wide range actions, a small number of contraindications, a beneficial effect on the general condition, and also the fact that the treatment is carried out without the use of medications.

In the previous article, we mentioned that massage and manual therapy should not be confused. Massage affects the skin and soft fabrics, while manual therapy- this is work with joints, ligaments, muscles, bones.

Therapeutic massage is effective:

  1. For general strengthening body;
  2. during rehabilitation after injury or illness;
  3. as part of complex therapy or as an independent remedy for the treatment of diseases:
  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • nervous system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • joints,
  • digestive system,
  • respiratory tract,
  • as well as treatment of flat feet, obesity, salt deposits, poor posture, neuritis and neuralgia, blood pressure, disorders in the field of gynecology, ophthalmology, dermatology.

Of course, the advisability of a massage should be determined by the attending physician. Depending on individual indications, he decides what massage is needed, with what frequency and how many procedures the patient needs to achieve a positive treatment result.

Therapeutic massage happens different types and gives significant results only when it is prescribed by a doctor and performed by a highly qualified massage therapist.

There are the following types of therapeutic massage:

1. Classic

It is performed directly in the affected area or in an area adjacent to it. The techniques that are familiar to us are used without taking into account the reflex component.

2. Spot

Techniques used classic massage, and reflexogenic points are also worked out. Impact on such points has an effect on the organs associated with them, relieves pain, relieves spasms and nervous tension.

3. Periosteal

It involves influencing pain points that have a reflex connection with damaged systems and organs. It is effective for treating the musculoskeletal system and joints.

4. Connective tissue

As the name suggests, this type of massage affects the connective tissue in reflex areas.

5. Reflex

Impact on internal organs through certain areas of the skin. This is done through stimulation nerve endings related to spinal cord, which send impulses to organs.

6. Hardware

This massage is performed using devices that use various impact technologies: ultrasound, radio waves, infrared radiation, electrical impulses, vacuum, vibration, mechanical impact with a roller massager. Sometimes the device implements a combination of effects, for example, vacuum-roller massage.

7. Self-massage

You can massage yourself, but how and in what cases should be explained by your attending physician.

Let us emphasize once again that therapeutic massage is medical procedure, and therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the appointments. The doctor will determine the type of massage, as well as the number and intensity of procedures. Massage is a course procedure, and results should not be expected from one session.

The Apecsmed clinic employs qualified neurologists and massage therapists. We prescribe massage both as part of complex therapy and separately - to successfully solve the above-mentioned health problems.

Therapeutic massage includes almost all types and techniques of massage that affect the body in certain ways. medicinal purposes. Currently this procedure is an excellent remedy for the treatment of many ailments and diseases. With its help, the body begins to restore normal activity. It is used to speed up the body’s recovery after illness and to treat various diseases.

Depending on the nature of the disease, a certain classification can be distinguished. Today there are such types of procedures as:

  • For injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • For diseases of the digestive system
  • For respiratory diseases

Depending on how the nature of a particular disease changes, the method of implementation also changes. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the technique is used for diseases of the spine and joint diseases. If your organs are causing problems digestive tract– a technique of massage of the stomach, intestines, etc. is performed. If it's in trouble the cardiovascular system, the technique is performed for heart diseases, hypertension, etc.

For certain disease each massage technique is performed, which, in turn, depends on factors such as the specifics of the disease, the cause, clinical form manifestations and other reasons. That is why, for example, back massage for osteochondrosis differs in the specificity of back massage for scoliosis.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that different stages the same disease are performed different techniques. Also holding medical procedure Each person will experience the same disease differently, since different organisms perceive treatment differently.

Techniques and methods of implementation include:

  1. Stroking
  2. Kneading
  3. Squeezing
  4. Vibration
  5. Trituration

Depending on where the movements need to be carried out, on the nature of the disease and on the individual characteristics of the muscles, a selection of techniques is performed. The effectiveness of the procedure can be increased several times if you add types of massage such as segmental to the basic techniques.

With its help, the body recovers from illness much faster

The effect of therapeutic massage on the human body

If the techniques are performed correctly, the method of execution is chosen and correct dosage, like any other massage, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the body. During the procedure, the patient feels a pleasant sensation of warmth, general condition improves, vitality increases.

Using this procedure you can reduce nervous excitability, relieve tension. If the intensity of the techniques is increased, the action will work in the opposite direction. It is also possible to restore reflexes lost by the patient, improve tissue trophism, etc. The functioning of the pathways is restored, reflex connections of internal organs and blood vessels are improved.

The positive effect of massage has also been noticed on the peripheral nervous system. With certain techniques you can remove pain syndrome, speed up the process of recovery and treatment after injuries.

Of course, on positive result and the effect of massage can affect and external factors. Therapeutic effect decreases if the patient is faced with noise, long lines, loud conversations, etc.

Undoubtedly, the procedure has positive effect and on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Through the techniques performed, the skin is cleansed of keratinized particles, foreign microbes and particles. The work of sebaceous and sweat glands. Under the influence of massage, the skin becomes firm, velvety, elastic, and the skin-muscle tone increases.

The procedure also has a positive effect on the action of skin capillaries; a peculiar opening of reserve capillaries occurs. The massaged area is better supplied with blood and enriched with oxygen. The overall blood circulation of the whole body is significantly improved.

Forms of therapeutic massage

The form of influence of the procedure can be divided into general and specific. General form performed on all parts of the body, but with special attention those parts and areas of the body that are associated with specific disease. Usually, general massage lasts for less than 1 hour. Period of execution: every other day or in series, depending on the form of the disease.

A private form of the procedure is performed on specific parts of the body. This could be a leg, arm, hand, finger, joint, etc. The duration of the procedure depends on which organ is being massaged. The duration can vary from 3 to 30 minutes. The private massage technique is carried out according to the general technique, only with special care and big amount techniques.

What needs to be done before the session:

  • The patient should take a position in which his joints and muscles are relaxed.
  • The patient's body should be covered with a sheet. Only the parts of the body being massaged should remain open.
  • There is no need to change the patient's position during the entire session unless absolutely necessary.
  • In the room for the session, you need to create the necessary environment, i.e. exclude the presence of unauthorized persons, noise or bright light.
  • Use in necessary situations pillows. For example, hand massage, back massage for curvature of the spine, etc.

Massage for bruises

Using this procedure, it is necessary to relieve general pain, improve metabolism in the damaged area, accelerate the resorption of swelling, activate muscle contractions, etc.

Main goals:

  • Relieve pain
  • Improve metabolism and blood circulation in the affected area

Basic Techniques:

  1. Alternating and spiral stroking
  2. Circular and longitudinal kneading (performed in a gentle mode)
  3. Light patting and spiral stroking
  4. Longitudinal kneading, circular with two hands, circular with phalanges of bent fingers.
  5. Stroking and patting.

Massage for high blood pressure

With this disease, this curative therapy has a hypotensive effect. This effect is very useful and effective, especially on early stages diseases. Technique for arterial hypertension does not involve intense movements, having a deep effect on the tissue. In this case, the technique is aimed at relaxing the body and calming the central nervous system, which is directly related to the pathological narrowing of blood vessels in hypertension.

First, the neck and collar area are massaged, gradually moving to the back area. Each muscle is worked carefully and slowly. The massage therapist uses techniques such as stroking, squeezing and kneading.


Before starting the massage and physical therapy, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications. Namely:

  • Acute inflammatory process
  • Blood diseases
  • Purulent processes
  • Various skin diseases
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Mental illness
  • Acute allergic diseases

Possessing the skills of professional therapeutic massage, specialists bring modern medicine and everything connected with it for more high level. With its help you can not only solve a health problem, but also improve general health and vitality.