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How to teach a dog the “Voice” command, different teaching methods. How to teach a shepherd the “Voice” command Teach a dog the voice command

If a four-legged pet will participate in search and rescue, guide or guard work, then it needs to give a voice on command. To do this, many owners master the principles of science, how to teach a dog the “Voice!” command. If the dog lives in an apartment, the owner often teaches him this command for entertainment or to hone his skills in obedience to the owner.

Conditions for training

To teach a dog the command “Voice!”, it is necessary to prepare the territory for this process in advance. If the puppy is small enough, then you should take care of purchasing a special enclosure, otherwise chaos will soon reign in the apartment or house.

  • If the dog has found what he was looking for and after the owner demands from him a “report” on the work done.
  • If your four-legged friend senses danger approaching.

Before you train your pet to carry out a command, you need to observe him: why and at what moment the dog starts barking. The best time to do this is while playing outside. Your pet's behavior will tell you a lot about what irritates him or what causes excitement during entertainment.

A dog of any breed requires a large number of time for training. AND! There are no dogs that are untrainable. There are dogs who understand the first time, and there are those who understand only the tenth time. Therefore, do not despair if the command “Voice!” seems impossible for a dog. IN as a last resort, you can turn to a dog handler for help.

Home workouts should be done daily. The area should be fenced and protected from prying eyes. In such a situation, the owner can give free rein to his pet. It is highly undesirable for people to be present during training strangers. Otherwise, the animal may not listen to its owner. Professionals strongly recommend not to hit the dog during training or punish it. Otherwise, the dog will begin to behave aggressively, and physical punishment may cause disobedience and refusal to learn.

Popular training methods

Arousing interest

Training will then be successful if you motivate your four-legged friend. Pets react especially violently to tasty food. If you show the dog a piece of meat, then he won’t have to wait long. The owner should give a verbal signal “Voice!” As soon as the dog does what he wants, he needs to be rewarded with praise and treats.

During the training process, your four-legged friend must be on a leash so that he cannot get to the treat before the appointed time. Instead of tasty treats, you can use toys that are especially dear to your pet. You can read additional literature to understand how to teach a dog the “Voice!” command. and obtain complete obedience from her.

Calling out resentment

To teach your dog the “Voice!” command, you can resort to the following trick. Often, when a four-legged friend senses the time of an approaching walk, he bursts into barking. In this case, you need to get ready for a walk according to the schedule, get a leash and the necessary equipment, pretend that the owner is going for a walk without his charge, and at the very last moment look at the subject and give the desired command.

At this moment, the pet is experiencing a storm of emotions, so they will provoke barking. The owner should praise his “student” and pet him, then put on the necessary equipment and go for a walk.

You can try this method at home. Tie your four-legged friend to a tree and slowly walk away. At this moment the dog barks. You need to give a verbal signal “Voice!” and quickly approach your pet and praise him.

Causing irritation

This method is most often used when trying to teach watchdog. In this case, you need to tie up the pet and leave a certain object that the “student” must guard. You can’t do without an assistant, whose responsibilities will include chaotic gestures and movements that irritate the pet. However, it is not recommended to take this item away from the dog.

Usually even the most calm dogs start barking. When this happens, you need to give the desired command and reward the pet. And at this time, the assistant should slowly move away from the owner.


If the owner is interested in how to teach a dog the command “Voice!” and to do this as successfully as possible, he should watch the training video. Here, professionals reveal some secrets that allow you to teach your dog the “Voice!” command.

The next method is as follows. You need to invite a friend with a dog who can perform the command “Voice!” to visit. While the guest successfully completes the assigned tasks (that is, the given order), the student carefully observes everything. Very soon the smart pet will understand what's going on and will start barking on command.


The most simple method pet monitoring is considered. When he barks, he needs to command “Voice!” and encourage him. After several repetitions, your four-legged friend will learn what is required of him. If you have any questions, you can watch a training video that reveals in detail all the nuances of training.

"Voice" is considered one of basic commands that a dog should know. True, if a four-legged friend is simply a pet, then learning to bark at the owner’s request is more entertainment than mandatory requirement. However, this cannot be said about official and hunting dogs, for whom the Voice command is a necessity to perform their work. Thanks to this skill, they can attract the attention of their owner in time by barking, for example, by attacking the trail of an animal, smelling a robber, or finding a lost person, in the event that there is we're talking about about rescue dogs.

Very often the question arises: is there a difference, for example, in how to teach a German Shepherd the “Voice” command or a Husky, or any other breed? Or are the rules the same for everyone?

There are no special differences. The only problem is that not all breeds are equally predisposed to barking, so, for example, when training a husky, Basenji, Akita Inu and others, some difficulties may arise. But they can be dealt with with the right approach. The easiest way is to teach to bark at the owner’s request:

  • German Shepherd,
  • Labrador,
  • Chihuahuas and other common dog breeds.

They by nature willingly carry out the “Voice” command. How to teach this to your pet?

Where to start learning?

Before you start teaching your four-legged pet to bark on command, you need to find out what his temperament is. Depending on the dog’s psychotype it will be possible to choose exactly the method that suits her best. There are four psychotypes:

It is important to know, What is the fastest way to give a voice at the request of the owner? Animals of the choleric and sanguine types can be taught, since by their nature they love to bark. However, barking for no reason in four-legged choleric animals is a sign of poor training. As for dogs of a melancholic or phlegmatic psychotype, if they do not see the point in training, it will be almost impossible to force them to voice on command, especially for adult animals.

How to teach a puppy the “Voice” command?

Experienced dog trainers advise starting to train a puppy at an early age - at about 2-4 months. This is the period when it is easiest to instill in a dog the need for training and show him the simplest commands. However, it is “The Voice” considered one of the most difficult. If you say “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Stand” and so on, you can physically show what to do, then everything is a little different.

To start training, it is preferable to choose a deserted place so that it is quiet and so that nothing distracts the four-legged student. Later, it is better to assign the command to areas where other dogs walk. So how should training take place? Here are some options.


You need to take your favorite treat or toy, call the puppy to you and show it to him. Then, if it’s a toy, you need to tease your pet a little; if it’s a treat, then give it a sniff or treat it with a small piece, and then show it that there’s more. It is important to remember that the new piece should be in the same hand from which the baby was fed for the first time.

After the puppy shows his interest in food or a toy, you will need to raise your hand with the object clamped in it above the little pet's head and lightly tease him. At the same time, you need to excitedly say “Voice” to him. The puppy will begin to jump up or even stand on its hind legs, trying to get the desired object. Since he won’t be able to do this, he will start barking. . It is at this moment that you will need to treat him or give the toy and praise.

To reinforce the command, you will need to immediately repeat these actions one or two more times, not forgetting to praise your baby vigorously each time. It is not recommended to do more than three repetitions, as the puppy may get bored with it and switch his attention to something else. It is better to train every day, then the baby will definitely remember what the owner requires of him.

Calling out resentment

During the walk, we tie the pet to a post, tree, etc., after which we begin to slowly move away from it. Since he will not be able to follow you, he will start barking to attract his owner's attention. It is at this moment that you need to clearly give the command “Voice” and then give a treat. After several repetitions, the puppy will associate this command with the requirement to vote.

​How to teach an adult dog the “Voice” command

Seizing the moment

We wait for the moment when the dog himself begins to bark, and it does not matter whether it is a perky dog’s voice or a threatening bark at stranger. The main thing is to have time to say “Voice” and accompany the command with a snap of your fingers. After this, you definitely need to turn your pet’s attention to yourself, praise him and give him a treat. Next time such a case The same steps should be repeated so that the dog understands what is wanted from it. It is worth remembering that the owner must definitely attract the attention of the animal, otherwise the dog may associate it with praise. aggressive behavior, not barking.


To do this, we invite for training a friend whose pet already knows how to bark at the owner’s request. The dogs must be seated next to each other, after which the appropriate command is pronounced to the animal, which has already been trained to give a voice. Moreover, it must be accompanied by a mandatory gesture. After correct execution, a treat is demonstratively given. Then the same is repeated for the pet that needs to be trained. As a rule, he does not immediately understand what is being asked of him, but his learned friend will immediately begin to bark and receive a well-deserved reward for this.

Some trainers use instead of another dog own example teasing the animal delicious food and eating it after following the command. The dog is prohibited from running away, jumping on the owner or lying down. . Eventually she will get offended and start barking.. It is at this moment that she needs to be encouraged.

It is important to remember that until the pet begins to unquestioningly carry out the command, it needs to be constantly trained: during a walk, at home, in the presence of strangers and animals. Over time, it will be necessary to move away from performing it by voice and gesture and leave only the gesture. This is usually done by snapping the fingers or raising the left arm to the level of the trainer's head and bending it at the elbow.

How can you tell if your dog has remembered the command?

Even if a pet fulfills the necessary requirement the first time, this does not mean that he has completely mastered this command. It may turn out that this is only a temporary phenomenon, and the next day the dog may not even remember it. Therefore it is necessary to repeat it regularly, however, like all other commands, make sure that the requirement is fulfilled unquestioningly.

How can you make sure that the desired result is achieved? If your dog follows the command from a distance of at least fifteen meters, in any order and without delay, then congratulations, you have achieved success!

And finally: four-legged pets learn especially easily and quickly only if the learning process brings pleasure to both themselves and their owners. Therefore, it is very important to show enough patience and perseverance during training, then you can, without a doubt, get the desired result.

Attention, TODAY only!

A dog that follows commands is a source of pride for its owner. The training process is not easy and requires patience. How to teach a dog the “Voice!” command? It is best to start training a dog in the first months of life, while he is still a puppy. The owner needs to understand the psychology of his pet, know how to train the dog, how he remembers commands.

Training should be regular and consistent. You will not be able to train a dog through rudeness and ill-treatment. Relationships with pets must be built on respect and love. A person must be a leader and a friend, but in no case a tyrant.

How to start training

One of the main commands that people want to teach their dogs is the command "Voice!" Not all dogs are able to learn this order. But under no circumstances should you scold or punish a dog for this. Poor treatment can cause an animal to become aggressive. Training should begin only after the pet already knows other orders perfectly well: “sit”, “lie down”, “give me a paw”.

Dog owners, turning to dog handlers, think that their pets will immediately become obedient. To begin with, the dog handler must work with the dog’s owner. Experts explain how to understand dogs and how to approach animals. How to teach a dog to vocalize on command at home? You can find out about this by contacting a dog handler.

Training can take place in different formats:

  1. Individual training- a good option for training a dog at home.
  2. Group training with other dogs. Such exercises will teach the dog to concentrate more on your commands, despite the noise around him.
  3. Today, live-in training with a dog handler is common. The dog lives with the trainer for about a month, but part of the training takes place with the owner.

Home workouts

Not all owners want to go to specialists for training. The question arises: how to teach a dog the command “Voice!” at home? For training, it is better to choose a quiet place so that the pet is not distracted by extraneous sounds. At the beginning of training, it is allowed to show a treat that you need to take with you, but giving treats is prohibited. Only as a reward can you offer to eat a piece of cheese or crackers.

Reward method

This method is one of the most effective (especially at home) for owners who do not know how to teach a dog to perform the “Voice!” command. Take your dog a treat and let him smell it. Raise it up so that the dog cannot jump, and say: “Voice!” The dog should not jump on you, let it know that it is doing something wrong. Step on the leash or tie it to a tree to limit your pet's jumping ability. Usually dogs start barking in such a situation; praise him for showing his voice and give him a treat. Repeat 3 times, the dog should understand the essence of the exercise.

Imitation method

If the reward method does not work, you can try the imitation method. We need to find a dog trained team“Voice!”, and sit next to yours. Command the first dog and reward it demonstratively. You need to repeat these actions several times so that your pet understands what is being asked of him.

Training with resentment

You can use cunning in relation to the dog. When the pet senses the time for a walk, it begins to bark. Collect all the necessary things that you take with you for walking your four-legged friend and pretend that you are leaving this time without him. Before leaving, look at the dog and give the command “Voice!” The dog will begin to bark out of worry and resentment, at this moment you need to praise and pet it. And then you can go for a walk together. You can try a similar method on the street, by tying your pet to a tree and starting to walk away. Then act in the same way: when the dog barks, give a command and reward.

Eavesdropping method

This is the easiest way of all. You need to watch the dog and when he barks, command: “Voice!”, and then treat him with a treat. After some time, the pet will understand what it needs to do by hearing your command. On the first day, it is unlikely that you will be able to wait for a bark on command. Repeat the exercise daily for 15 minutes, and gradually the dog will understand your commands. Later, the dog will vocalize even without treats.

Dog training equipment

What equipment should you use to teach your dog to vocalize on command? To make training easier, you need to purchase the following things:

  1. Collar. To control the dog, the owner must show an advantage.
  2. Leash. Required for certain types training. And also for safe walking of the dog in in public places.
  3. Delicacy. To encourage your dog so that he understands that he is doing everything right, take tasty treats: crackers, pieces of cheese, pieces of meat, dry food. It is better to carry out training when the dog is not full, otherwise he will ignore food.
  4. Mood. Dogs are sensitive to changes in human mood. It is important to show your love and pay attention to your pet.

Training an adult dog

Some people adopt an adult dog, for example, find it on the street or take it from a kennel. Training an adult dog will require more effort and patience than teaching little puppy. How to teach an adult dog the command “Voice!” fast?

First you need to make it clear that you are his owner and have authority. It may take a month, sometimes two, for an adopted pet to get used to its new owner. It is necessary to pet the dog more often, play with it, pay attention and care, and feed it with your own hands in order to speed up the process of adaptation. At the same time, you need to feel the edge of kindness and discipline, and remain strict on the street. As a rule, adult dogs have already developed their own character and behavior. The manifestation of character depends on the upbringing of the old owner. Therefore, sometimes dogs can be angry or scared.

The process of taming the evil and nervous dog complex and requires a special approach. It is recommended to contain negative emotions animal, do not make sudden movements in front of the pet, play a lot and show care, talk to him, do not raise your voice. Training an adult dog needs to be approached more seriously and patiently, and the process itself is no different from regular training.

How to teach a dog the command “Voice!”

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent animal and is highly trainable. Dogs of this breed are able to make their own decisions about protecting their owner and do not like to bark for no reason. Shepherd dogs control their emotions, but show affection towards their owners strong love and affection.

It is easier to teach discipline and commands to a puppy than to teach an adult dog. Training requires a professional approach, so it is worth contacting dog handlers. Training must be carried out strictly and confidently. From 2-3 months you can learn simple commands. Later you can learn the “Voice!” command.

There is no need to rush, it is better to learn the command without putting pressure on the dog, allow about six months for the command. You should not expect immediate results; you will have to be patient. Mandatory encouragement of the shepherd for diligent behavior is the basis of training.


When your pet begins to understand you and speak on command, it’s worth polishing his skills. You need to teach your dog to follow orders at your first word. When you notice that the animal understands the essence of the command, say the command “Voice!” once and wait for it to complete.

Do not encourage barking without a command. If you want to teach your dog to bark three times, then give him a treat only after he barks three times. There is usually no need to train barking more than three times, since animals generally count accurately only up to three.

You should be careful when training your dog. It is important to know that an animal should not bark unless there is danger. Many owners make mistakes when teaching commands on their own, so it is better to contact a dog trainer. We hope you now know how to teach your dog the “Voice!” command.

Training a dog is not the easiest process, so you need to approach this task prepared. In this article, you will learn the four most effective ways to teach your dog the “voice” command.

Before training

The first thing anyone who wants to teach their pet the “voice” or “fu” command should know is the intelligence of many dog ​​breeds. The fact is that some breeds are much more trainable than others. That is why, before you start training, you need to consult with a professional trainer and find out the training abilities of your specific breed.

Another point that should never be ignored concerns the duration of training. Some dogs can be taught the "voice" command in just a couple of days, while others will take several weeks (until they can follow the command on the first, and not the twentieth or thirtieth, request of their owner).

Another tip concerns the age of the animal. Obviously, teaching any command to a small puppy is much easier than teaching an adult dog. This is why it is recommended to raise a puppy at a very early age. At this time, dogs perceive information much better, so they can learn even the most complex commands. This also applies to the “voice” command, which some older animals cannot learn.

You should not be zealous if the dog does not react in any way to the owner’s commands. It is possible that your breed is not suitable for teaching a certain command. You can find out such information from experienced breeders who can tell cases from their experience that will allow you to better assess your chances.

The most effective ways to learn

The command requires the pet to build a complete logical chain. This task is not easy, so it can be completed only after the owner can find the right approach to your pet. What approaches can be called the most effective in teaching a pet this seemingly simple command?

Method 1: Associate a Treat and a Bark

This method is not suitable for all breeds. The thing is that it can be recommended only to those dogs that belong to the sanguine or choleric psychotype. How does he work? First you need to call the dog to you, and then give it the command to sit down. Then fasten the leash and step on it so that it is taut. After this, press any treat into your palm and shake your hand to tease the dog a little. If treats are not available, take a toy or any object that is of some interest to the dog. Do not give the treat until the dog is interested. When she starts barking, say the “voice” command as loudly as possible. Then pet your pet.

Method 2: associate barking and praise of the owner

Some professional trainers called this method the simplest, but it requires quite a lot of work. The task is to catch the dog at the moment when it starts to bark. After that, give her a treat. Only after the pet learns to associate this command with the action of the owner, who begins to praise his pet, can the task be considered completed.

Method 3: link dependence on the owner and barking

This method is suitable for those whose dogs are dependent on their owner. If we are talking about an animal that lives with a person for only a couple of months, it is better to try to teach the dog in any other way. How does it work? this method? Every time the owner goes for a walk, the dog needs to be tied to a post and then walked away. After the animal begins to whine, you need to say the command “voice” in a firm and confident voice. The owner then needs to immediately return to the dog and pet it or give it a toy.

Method 4: associate barking and the guarding qualities of a dog

This method is recommended for dogs that have pronounced security qualities. It should not be used for dogs that are intended for exhibitions or any entertainment. To teach a command using this method, you will have to attract another person whom the dog has never seen before. He needs to wear a mask and cover his face. Otherwise, a person may suffer in the future, when training is over, because animals have an excellent memory for faces. For example, if a dog remembers the face of the offender, then it can bring him serious harm after finishing the workout.

To begin, tie the animal to a post and then place a bone next to it. The owner is standing somewhere nearby. Then a person unfamiliar to the dog appears from behind the shelter and begins to approach the bone. After the dog starts barking, the person needs to get out of the animal’s sight as soon as possible. At the same time, the owner gives a command. This completes the training. It is recommended to repeat the training at least a couple of times a week.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Find out how capable the dog is of learning.
  2. Start learning at an early age.
  3. Be persistent and don't give up.
  4. Choose 1 of 4 suitable ways training.
  5. Repeat the command at least 2 times a week so that your pet does not forget it.

If you have similar experience teaching your pet the “voice” command, please share it in the comments. You will help those who are taking their first steps in training their pet.

There are a few effective ways, how to teach a shepherd a voice command. Choosing the tactics on which training will be based must be based on the mental characteristics, temperament and age of the animal.

Dogs participating in search and rescue and guard activities, as well as those used for detention, are required to be taught vocal identification. Shepherd dogs that are not planned to be involved in official activities(army, police, customs services, Ministry of Emergency Situations), you don’t have to teach this command. It is not included in the basic obedience course.


Some dog breeds are known to be more prone to excessive barking than others. German Shepherds are breeds that love to bark. They are naturally excitable, hyperactive and often have a choleric temperament. They quickly develop positive conditioned reactions, unlike skills that require endurance and patience. It takes minimal time to consolidate the skill, even at home.


To teach a German Shepherd a voice command, it is advisable to use an object that causes maximum excitement. For shepherds, a toy is a motivational object. Pullers, balls and various apports bring the shepherd dogs into a state of natural excitement and make them want to grab their prey.

A food stimulus rarely produces this response in an adult Shepherd, but it can be used to train small puppies to bark.

Having decided on your motivation, you need to choose a teaching method. You can teach a dog a voice command by using the instincts that were originally inherent in every shepherd dog.

Prey Instinct

It is very simple to teach a Veo or a German using the innate passion for hunting. The procedure should be as follows:

  • The dog is shown a toy that arouses its interest. This must be done until the dog’s attention is completely focused on the stimulus.
  • The toy remains within sight, but is removed from the dog's reach. It's best to raise it higher.
  • A voice command is given. If you plan to use a gesture in the future, then it must be shown from the first lesson.

The dog's initial reaction will be to grab the toy with its teeth. She will try to jump to her or reach her in other ways. Once convinced that this is impossible, the animal will begin to show signs of anxiety. May begin to quietly whine, squeal, or make other sounds (not barking). When this happens, the dog handler needs to actively encourage the shepherd, encouraging him to further actions until she starts making loud barks.

For the first time, a short bark for a few seconds is enough. As soon as the dog barks, they quickly give it the toy and praise it very emotionally. Can be used as incentive short game in a constriction (no longer than a couple of minutes).

Subsequently, the barking time is increased and the stimulus is removed, switching to food reward.

Pack instinct

When teaching, the method of imitation is used. This method is optimal for teaching a puppy to vocalize.

For training, you will need a non-aggressive dog that flawlessly executes voice commands. In the presence puppy veo or a German shepherd, an adult animal is given a command, for which the dog is treated with a treat.

A healthy, active puppy will definitely make an attempt to get food. Having tried several methods to no avail, after some time he will begin to bark along with adult dog. For showing his voice, he is quickly praised, stroked and given encouragement.

After the puppy starts barking, every time he does it adult shepherd, they begin to give him a command separately.

Instinct of protection

The dog is deliberately provoked into aggression, imitating an attack, and is forced to defend itself, driving away the offenders by barking.

You can use this method when training the voice command of a German Shepherd only under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. Otherwise, there is a risk of causing a nervous breakdown.


Despite the fact that the German and East European Shepherd are considered one of the most smart breeds, the trainer runs the risk of encountering learning difficulties. They may be caused for various reasons- from the dog handler’s gross mistakes to the peculiarities of the dog’s nervous activity.

Possible difficulties and ways to overcome them:

  • The dog tries to forcefully take the toy from the handler. Attach the leash to the fence or have an assistant hold the dog.
  • The dog makes no attempt to take possession of the toy or quickly loses interest in it. You need to work on increasing motivation and replacing the toy. To train some dogs, you have to use non-standard stimuli. Particularly phlegmatic dogs need to be shown a cat to get them interested and start barking.
  • The shepherd does not bark in the presence of the owner - too much strong pressure from the conductor side.

It is necessary to increase contact with the owner in parallel with canine training.
The above methods are used for training German Shepherds, Belgian, VEO. But these methods are not always applicable to indigenous breeds - Central Asian and Caucasian Shepherds. Teaching an Alabai to vocalize at a signal from a dog handler is more difficult than teaching a dog of another breed.

Training an Alabai or Caucasian puppy begins with early age. The optimal age is up to 7 months. When dogs of these breeds are most susceptible to play and food motivation. Training Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds older than this age requires an existing system of motivation, an established addiction (game, food) or solid canine experience.