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How many years do German Shepherd girls live? German Shepherd. Feeding an adult dog

German Shepherd has been a human companion since the end of the 19th century. This breed was bred in Scandinavia and the North-Western part Russian Empire. Initially, the dog was used as a herding dog. But over time, a lot has changed and now even the lifespan of a German Shepherd can be extended if desired. Due to their ability to train and calm disposition, both males and females are used for service and security purposes. As pet The shepherd has proven itself to be a loyal, well-trained individual.


Dogs rarely die before the age of nine. Usually, average duration The lifespan of a German Shepherd is 11-13 years. Although there are cases of greater longevity. Unfortunately, these are only rare exceptions.

Factors of influence

Main negative consequence There are hereditary diseases that affect the health of German Shepherds.

Very common:

  • cryptorchidism – abnormal formation of the testes in male dogs;
  • dysplasia hip bone And elbow joint - congenital dislocation.

These diseases can be corrected surgical intervention. But any operation is stressful for the shepherd’s body.

Isolation of the animal in a cage or kennel, lack of communication with other dogs and humans, and lack of training have a negative impact.


German Shepherds are not picky about food. But to avoid problems with them digestive system To maintain maximum animal activity, proper diet is important.

Shepherd dogs should not be overfed.

It is necessary to accustom the dog to two meals a day. Feeding should be done after a walk to avoid volvulus. It is better to try to keep the main dish unchanged in order to form the correct eating habits. Bones and treats should only be given as an addition to the main course or as a reward. Very useful for shepherds fresh vegetables, so it is better to accustom them to them from childhood. Any food must be strictly at room temperature.

Meals should best be taken after returning from an active walk, as otherwise, the dog's mobility after eating can lead to volvulus.

Newborn puppies do not know how to feed themselves, so for the first few weeks they are fed from a baby bottle. The volume of food should be 150 ml of milk per day. After 14 days, the amount of food should be gradually increased to 2 glasses per day. After reaching one month of age, you should start adding vegetable purees, soups, cottage cheese and meat to your diet. When the puppy's eyes open, he should learn to eat from a saucer on his own.

Between the ages of 2 months and one year, calcium is the most important part of the diet for puppies as it grows rapidly.

At 6 months, the puppy should already have gained 60% of its weight. adult shepherd. You should gradually remove milk from your diet and increase the amount of vegetables, porridge and meat. It is possible to gradually transfer the puppy to dry food. In this case, the morning meal should consist of special food for puppies, and the evening one is made from natural products.

Diet adult In general, it is varied, but does not require any frills. For supporting:

  • energy - the animal must eat rice, rye bread;
  • tone - cheese, eggs, dairy products and meat;
  • general health and wellness – vegetables, fruits and special vitamin complexes.

It is permissible to use only dry food in the diet. But the shepherd dog should be accustomed to it from puppyhood. It is also necessary to obtain recommendations from a veterinarian on which food is suitable for a particular pet.


German Shepherds are extremely active, so they require a lot of space, which is not easy to organize in the home. natural conditions. It would be a good idea to please your pet with special toys. Puppies try to learn everything about everything, and therefore sometimes they climb into places where they should not be or eat something inedible. Therefore, small individuals must be constantly looked after. Shepherds require long walks and, if possible, running.

When walking a puppy or young dog, you need to wear a collar and leash to protect it from contact with aggressive animals.

The shepherd dog must be trained to use the toilet from childhood - choose a place, cover it with newspapers or sprinkle sawdust. As soon as the baby begins to behave restlessly, you need to take him to this place so that he can do all his business. After the dog grows up, you need to teach it to go to the toilet outside. The best solution will carry the puppy out after sleeping or feeding. Then he himself will understand that he needs to ask for a walk, and not defecate in the house.

Taking care of your health

First of all, you need to know about hereditary diseases, which the parents could reward the puppy with. If you have any doubts about your dog's health or abnormalities in its behavior, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. Also, every self-respecting dog owner should have a first aid kit at home to provide first aid or diagnostics to the animal.

How to determine a dog's age

Most the right way The definition for any dog ​​of age is teeth.

  • 2-3 week old puppies do not yet have teeth;
  • on day 21, fangs begin to erupt;
  • To one month old front incisors appear;
  • by 30-60 days the dog has already formed its entire dentition;
  • from the second to the sixth month goes by replacing baby teeth with permanent ones;
  • by the 2nd year, abrasion of the tubercles on the lower toes occurs;
  • by 4, the bumps on the upper hooks wear out, the enamel takes on a matte tint;
  • by the age of 5, the fangs become dull and yellowness appears;
  • by the age of 6, the incisors become concave and the enamel acquires a strong yellow tint;
  • at 8-10 years of age, teeth noticeably wear out, begin to become covered with plaque and tartar forms;
  • after 10 they begin to wobble and fall out, caries appears.

Ways to increase your pet's lifespan

The main factor influencing the longevity and health of a dog is proper nutrition and not overeating. In this case, on average, German Shepherds live a long time.

Physical activity is mandatory for dogs, as at the beginning of life it contributes to the formation of muscles, bones and joints, and then has a positive influence to maintain healthy condition body.

Training and communication with the owner are also important, this makes the dog calm and happy. And you should always remember about regular visits to the veterinarian and following his recommendations.

The German Shepherd is a grateful and intelligent pet that can become a full-fledged member of the family. In order for a dog to have a long and happy life, it is necessary to monitor its health and nutrition from birth.

To always have a loyal, sympathetic friend nearby, get yourself a puppy. Perceive together the world, learn to love. You will experience moments of delight and happiness more than once; there is no need to fear the pain of loss in advance.

Yes, a dog's life is not that long by human standards, but this is not a reason to give up your pet. The main thing is to make sure that the animal lives the time allotted to it fully and happily. Every day spent with your pet should give the owner bright memories from the knowledge that he did everything he could for his shaggy friend.

Average life expectancy of dogs at home

It is impossible to apply average figures to each specific animal. Although dog experts say that, on average, they live about 12 years.

A variety of circumstances influence the longevity factor of dogs. Let's note the main points:

  1. Vitality greatly depends on the breed. Breeders for dog lovers have developed unnatural features in some breeds regarding the size or deliberate decorativeness of animals. These factors certainly influence the greater propensity of some dogs to diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  2. More higher value When determining how long a pet will live, there is a heredity factor. If the puppy’s parents have reached a respectable age, then he will also live a long time in this world. And this gives hope to lovers of large dogs or bulldogs: not all of them are doomed to a short existence. But if the breeder is concerned only with the number of offspring and does not take into account the degree of deterioration of his pet’s body, then the age of such a dog will be much shorter than the average of its breed.
  3. How long a four-legged pet will live depends on the animal’s quality of life. If the owner constantly takes care of the physical and mental health the pupil, protects him from stress, provides him with the necessary exercise, then you can actually increase the dog’s life by several years.

Fighting breeds and Great Danes live shorter lives, but huskies, hounds, and dachshunds are long-lived.

Heredity cannot be discounted. The age of an Australian Shepherd is defined as 12-18 years. But there is a known case when the dog Blue lived without one month until he was 29 years old. All his life, like his parents, he helped shepherds herd livestock. Genetic predisposition, permanent physical exercise, stay on fresh air and the owner’s care worked a miracle.

In many ways, the length of a dog's eyelid depends on the living conditions of the animal. If the owner knows about his pet’s predisposition to certain diseases, then he can eliminate the irritants or use medications to reduce their effect on the animal’s body. Constant physical activity, healthy eating They hope that a dog’s life will be long, regardless of the characteristics of the breed and the play of heredity.

How long do mongrels live?

There is a point of view that mongrel dogs they live longer than purebreds, that they are healthier and smarter, but this is a myth.

Firstly, the habitat of homeless dogs shortens the time allotted to them. What are the most strong puppies surviving despite rain, frost and cold does not at all guarantee that they will live long. Constant deprivation will very soon leave its negative mark even on the strongest organism.

Secondly, mongrels are much closer to their purebred cousins ​​than to independent wolves. But even if this were not so, the average life expectancy of wolves is still the same 12 years.

Yes, some mongrels are more independent, they have less tendency to train, like purebreds. But if you pick it up on the street mongrel puppy, surround him with attention, love, care, then, having turned into an adult, he will not differ from noble dogs.

The only factor that can positively affect the longevity of mongrels is that natural reproduction contributes to the culling of pathologies.

How old are shepherd dogs?

If you look at the averages, shepherds live slightly longer than other dogs. The lifespan of German Shepherds is typically 10-14 years. Although there are cases where some individuals reached 20 years of age.

And here Caucasian Shepherd dogs live up to 10 years. That is, the viability of these purebred service dogs does not deviate from the average statistical indicators.

It must be remembered that shepherds are service dogs. They need to be occupied active work, in which the inclinations of each species could be fully revealed. Use some dogs in guarding, others in searching and rescuing people, and for others, shepherding will bring joy. Required loads and correct mode nutrition is the key to long and happy life for shepherds.


Average longevity rates for individual breeds

Factors influencing lifespan

The life expectancy of dogs is influenced by certain factors:

All these qualitative indicators lives are 100% dependent on the owner. The way he takes care of his pet shapes the animal’s resistance to stress and various diseases.

A balanced diet from birth lays the foundation for physical health pet for the rest of his life and even old age. An older dog should be fed soft food to avoid problems with teeth and swallowing.

Animals may suffer in old age various diseases, most often this is deterioration in hearing, vision, and disruptions in the urinary system.

Another problem that can significantly reduce the age of any animal is excess weight. Its excess has a detrimental effect on the health of the pet, affecting cardiovascular system and bone frame. It is necessary to control the weight of the animal, especially in old age.

Regular medical examinations, vaccination, timely treatment veterinary clinic in case of any problems - this is what will keep your pet in the right shape. Constantly caring for your pet throughout its life can significantly increase its life cycle.

How long do purebred animals live?

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between the breed and the years measured to the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

Viability of representatives various breeds is different. This is due to human breeding activities. When certain standards are developed, certain features, most often unnatural, are formed and reinforced in dogs.

Breeding a breed is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to... medial dislocations kneecaps, elbow joints, to various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, they pay with health for such a body structure. Hereditary pathology Dachshunds have diseases intervertebral discs.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but in all pets with skin folds, entropion, which is essentially an entropion of the eyelid, is a common disease.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible hereditary diseases– aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikines. This ancient breed is distinguished by a special eye structure, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, and corneal ulcers.

Every breed has its own Achilles heel - dogs with flat faces have problems with respiratory system, with skin without hair – they often suffer from allergies; large pets are often diagnosed with diseases of the joints and bones.

Breeders allow various situations, affecting the life expectancy of dogs:

  • inbreeding;
  • exclusion of the factor of natural selection;
  • often the appearance of the offspring becomes a priority rather than health;
  • The lifespan of the progenitors of the offspring is not taken into account.

Dog breeds that live the longest are those that are less susceptible to selection changes, of medium size, without any special appearance. These are terriers, shepherds, huskies.

Great importance has long-livers in the family. If the pet's parents lived to old age, then he has every chance of long life. If we talk about numbers, on average, dogs live about 12 years.

Long-lived dogs

Despite statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze; the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data about long-lived dogs that have survived more than twice their normal age.

Dog and man have been constant companions throughout history. Our relationship with dogs has become so close that we can no longer imagine our lives without their devoted, loving eyes.

A dog is not just a faithful companion, but also a reliable protector, a warrior, and, if necessary, a nanny.

Among dozens of dog breeds, the undoubted favorite was and remains. This beautiful, graceful beast combines best qualities things that a person has ever looked for in a dog: intelligence, intelligence, keen sense of smell, instant reaction, obedience, devotion.

In addition to behavioral and exterior characteristics, there are so-called age characteristics, inherent in the German Shepherd in different periods life.

How long do German Shepherds live?

average life expectancy German Shepherd at good care is 12-13 years old. Among the “Germans” there are also long-livers – 15-17 years. Main criteria proper maintenance of a German Shepherd - balanced diet and prolonged physical activity.

The diet of a German Shepherd throughout its life should be rich in vitamins, microelements, proteins and carbohydrates. Food should be varied, and the diet should include meat, bones, cereals, vegetables, fruits, bread, vitamins and mineral supplements. Not recommended overfeed the animal.

Important: feeding should be carried out after a walk, since physical activity with full stomach can provoke a volvulus of the stomach or intestines and lead to the death of the dog.

The German Shepherd needs a lot of physical activity - long walks,... Need to remember: for a shepherd the meaning of life is in work, This service dog to the tips of the claws.

Very important For full life“German” timely vaccination and deworming. This will protect your pet from epidemics and other dangerous illnesses, to which German Shepherds are prone (demodex, distemper, enteritis).

How to determine the age of a German Shepherd

Most main parameter age- teeth. However, it is impossible to determine the exact age of a dog, since much depends on its content, nutrition, correct bite and many other factors.

  • Up to six months, the dog’s teeth change and new fangs grow.
  • At one year of age the dog has snow-white perfect teeth with tubercles that indicate the newness of the teeth.
  • After 2 years, the tubercles are partially erased on still snow-white teeth.
  • By the age of 5, the dog’s teeth are already noticeably yellowed and the tubercles are completely erased.
  • Between 6 and 10 years of age, teeth are significantly worn down and may begin to become loose due to old age. Caries and tartar are also possible.

Age differences in the German Shepherd. Features of caring for a dog at different ages

IN puppyhood German Shepherds look little like their adult relatives. In color they are more reminiscent of wolf cubs. The true color (or) begins to appear in the puppy after 3-4 months.

How to determine the age of a German Shepherd puppy

At 4-5 months, the puppy’s ears begin to take on a standing triangular shape, and the process can be delayed if there is not enough calcium and trace elements in the diet.

At the age of 4 months, baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, and by 7 months, the missing molars grow in.

By 9-12 months the puppy reaches the size adult dog. By one and a half to two years, growth reaches its peak; now they are large, energetic, playful animals with snow-white teeth, sparkling eyes and wool. Read about height and weight standards.

By 3 years the period of youth ends and maturity comes. The dog becomes sedate, reasonable, and less playful. Rib cage expands (with sufficient physical exertion), the animal reaches its prime, which lasts up to 7-8 years.

After 8 years, the German Shepherd reaches elderly age. The eyes and fur are no longer so shiny, the teeth turn yellow, the incisors wear out a little, and tartar may form.

The dog rests more and more often, his joints may hurt - this is expressed in a cautious gait. Gray hair may appear. Typically, the graying process starts from the head.

But, despite the signs of aging, on average, the German Shepherd is still fully functional and ready to serve faithfully. At home, the dog can remain cheerful and active longer. Caring owners worries important question: How old do dogs of different sexes live on average?

There is an opinion, What average term Neutered males and sterilized females have longer lives.

At the age of 10 old age becomes more noticeable. Muscle mass gradually decreases, the fur is no longer so smooth, in places it is tousled. The skin around the eyes and mouth becomes slightly saggy, and you can even see wrinkles. Gray hair is already visible on both the back and chest, and molars may fall out. The gait becomes slow and senile. At this age, an old dog already needs a gentle regime - heavy physical activity and long hikes are excluded.

Also, a lot depends on the dog’s quality of life: whether the dog lives on the street (in) or in the house. How much does it move and how much attention do its owners pay to it?

Useful video

In this video you can learn more about how to determine the age of a dog:

Unfortunately, the dog's life is short-lived. Therefore, when getting a dog, you should take the upbringing and maintenance of your pet very seriously. Compliance with the basic rules will not only prolong your life as much as possible four-legged friend, but also to make it rich and joyful. As long as German Shepherds live, they bring you joy and love.

Every dog ​​owner would like his pet to be healthy and cheerful next to him for as long as possible.

But all animals, like people, tend to age and change habits and behavior.

You need to be prepared for this, because it is important to be able to take care of a dog at any age.

Life expectancy in females and males almost no different. Their minimum lifespan is 5-7 years.

But usually “Germans” live about 10-14 years. Of course, there are also long-livers, but such cases are quite rare. Their life lasts 15-17 years.

Males live 1.5-2 years less than females.

“Most of the dogs of this breed live about 12 years. Long-livers are very rare, and these are those dogs that in their youth led a fairly active lifestyle and were on a strict diet. These are representatives of the exhibition line. If your dog has lived with you for less than 10 years, then this is a signal that something in its maintenance was wrong. Because the German Shepherd has a genetically determined life expectancy of at least 12 years.”

Depending on the type

Life expectancy does not depend on - it directly depends .

But many years of experience have proven that dogs with rare breeding have the greatest endurance, and therefore greater longevity.

Dogs with a color that disqualifies, on the contrary, have lower vitality rates in old age. This occurs due to a mutation at the gene level, because their colors are not typical for a German shepherd.

How many live on the street and at home?

German Shepherds that live outdoors have a longer lifespan than those that live in apartments.

This is due to the characteristics of the breed itself. Germans need physical activity in which it is difficult and impossible to limit them, as well as mental activity, which manifests itself in .

If you take away these aspects of your dog's life, it will have a negative impact on their physical and mental functioning.

The dog may become aggressive, its muscles will begin to weaken, and it will no longer be able not only to stand up for itself, but also to protect its owner.

If a German Shepherd is constantly on the street, this will lead to the same consequences.

Many dog ​​breeds, on the contrary, feel more comfortable indoors, but the German Shepherd is not one of them. It is better and healthier for her to be outside - she is not afraid of rain and cold because of her dense undercoat and good coat.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that dogs living in the courtyard of a private house live much longer than those who have to huddle in an apartment.

But this does not mean that a German Shepherd cannot live indoors.. Just provide her with the right amount of physical and mental stress.

Age compared to human years

Person's age German Shepherd age Compliance factor
14 months 2 months 7.0
5 years 6 months 10.0
9 years 8 months 12,5
14 years 12 months 14.0
20 years 18 months 13,3
24 years 2 years 12.0
30 years 3 years 10.0
36 years 4 years 9.0
40 years 5 years 8.0
42 years 6 years 7.0
49 years old 7 years 7
56 years old 8 years 7
63 years old 9 years 7
65 years old 10 years 6,5
71 years old 11 years 6,5
75 years old 12 years 6,2
80 years old 13 years 6,3
84 years old 14 years 6,2
87 years old 15 years 5,8
89 years old 16 years 5,6

How to determine age?

The most accurate way to determine the age of a German Shepherd is by :

  • If the puppy has already opened his eyes and is running around with all his might, it means he is already a month old;
  • A compact and plump puppy, exploring the territory and weighing at least 10 kg, is most likely two months old;
  • When a German Shepherd's ears begin to stand up, and the tail and limbs become disproportionately large, it means that she is already 3 months old;
  • If you notice that the puppy has begun to shed, he is already 4 months old;
  • The ears become fully erect and the set of teeth changes when the puppies reach 6 months. He is already becoming more and more like an adult dog.
  • The dog is actively growing up to 10 months. At 10 months she already has the appearance of an adult dog;
  • At 13 months, the dog’s coat completes its transformation and acquires a rich and final color;
  • When a dog completely loses its childlike features, this is clearly visible on its face, which means its age has reached 2 years. She becomes more severe in appearance;
  • Over time, the structure of the coat begins to change - this indicates the aging of the shepherd;
  • When you notice that the fur has become more faded, gray hair has appeared on the muzzle, and the pet’s eyes have dimmed, it means that he has entered the period of old age.

Once you have figured out the appearance, back up your observations with knowledge about the behavior of German Shepherds.

The peak of a pet's activity occurs from birth to 4 years.. Then the dog begins to get tired of its usual physical activity, and it has to be reduced.

When the dog does the exercises completely lazily, it means that old age and peace have set in. Now you just need to warm up with the shepherd, but not overload it.

It is necessary to distribute mental and physical stress based on the age of the dog.

Main causes of premature death

Reasons premature death there may be birth defects, but also acquired.

Congenital diseases:

  • Cryptorchidism and disorder of sexual dimorphism;
  • Incorrect body proportions and height;
  • Irregular tail shape (docked, carried over the back or ring-shaped);
  • Incorrect muzzle shape (too short/long or blunt);
  • Droopy or soft ears, malocclusion;
  • Coat problems;
  • Weak pigmentation and blue eyes;
  • Excessive excitability, cowardice or lethargy.

But there are also acquired health problems caused by improper care:

  • Insufficient amount of physical and intellectual activity;
  • Improper maintenance (the dog is constantly in a cramped room - an apartment or an enclosure);
  • Incorrect selection of food or in which the dog does not receive enough vitamins;
  • The dog was not allowed to recover from childbirth and again;
  • Dangerous work with risk to life;
  • Physical activity when the dog has not yet recovered from any wounds or injuries.

How to extend the life of a pet

In order for your animal to please you for many years, you need to provide it with proper care and attention.

Provide your German Shepherd with plenty of activity - they need long walks, games, exercise, swimming. The better physical form animal, the longer it will be healthy and active.

Quite a lot important role food also plays.

It should be useful and balanced. It is also necessary to focus on the age of the pet when creating a menu.

A German Shepherd's diet must include a lot of meat, as well as vegetables and cottage cheese.

It is important to prevent your dog from overeating, because every 2 extra kg will shorten the dog’s life by a month..

Monitor your pet's health. The German Shepherd has an excellent body, hardy and strong, but if you do not monitor the dog’s condition, you can also shorten its life by several years.

Proper nutrition

Experienced breeders and owners of German Shepherds understand what to make correct menu For a German Shepherd it is only difficult at first. Then there are no problems with this.

Basic principles of diet for dogs:

  • Squirrels– up to 70%. This is meat without bones and fat, offal, cottage cheese, milk and eggs;
  • Carbohydrates– up to 40%. They should be slow - porridge, as well as vegetables, fruits with fast carbohydrates, and fiber;
  • Fats– from 20% to 40%. They must be of plant and animal origin.

Despite the fact that proteins are very useful for shepherds, you cannot focus only on proteins. The dog needs to get all its vitamins.

You need to choose a diet that suitable for a dog at her age.

For example, for example, the fat content of food is reduced so as not to cause obesity, but for an adult dog, on the contrary, the amount of protein is increased.

Quality maintenance and care

Life expectancy largely depends on external factors, not only from congenital ones. To keep your pet healthy for many years, you need to monitor its health, provide proper and healthy nutrition, exercise, but that’s not all.

The place where the German Shepherd is located must be clean and tidy, be it an enclosure or a bed in an apartment. The dog should never eat stale or spoiled food, and the water in the bowl should be changed every two days.

You will also need grooming and appearance pet. He needs to be combed, bathed, his fur and nails trimmed, and his ears cleaned. If necessary, wipe your eyes and nose.

Despite the fact that the “Germans” have excellent health and can live on the street, you should not leave them if the temperature drops much below zero.

This is especially true for puppies, nursing mothers and older dogs. They may not tolerate such conditions and simply die.

The German Shepherd needs communication with its owner and other dogs.

This will help her socialization and relieve loneliness and various mental disorders.

Caring for an older dog

  • For an older dog, you need to create a separate diet. Since they absorb proteins worse than young ones, but they need it, the quality of this element needs to be changed. Also, older dogs need to eat as little phosphorus as possible - it can lead to kidney failure.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of physical activity, because the dog will no longer be able to maintain the activity that he had without problems. His health now deserves more attention than usual. Many owners attribute all the dog’s behavior to old age, not realizing that the dog could be seriously ill with something.
  • You need to take your dog to the vet twice a year. This will help you notice any deviations from the norm in the “German” state.
  • Your dog still needs to be vaccinated. Her health is now more vulnerable, so she cannot refuse vaccinations.
  • You need to brush your dog’s teeth yourself and regularly using a special toothpaste. Animals usually like its taste, so they quickly get used to this procedure.
  • Brush your pet regularly and bathe it often. During these processes, inspect for tumors or wounds. The mucous membranes should be pink, just like those of a healthy dog.
  • Do not change the dog’s normal rhythm of life. He should be in a loving family, as before, fed regular food. If you're starting new dog, give your old one no less time and attention than you give her.

Conclusion and conclusions

The lifespan of your pet largely depends on you.

To prolong his health and stay on earth, it is necessary to take care of his health and condition, give attention and love.

Treat your dog like a family member - love and protect him, and then he will give you many years on earth next to you.

Useful video

From the video you will learn everything about the German Shepherd dog breed:

In contact with

Dogs have accompanied humans for many hundreds of years. They differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in their abilities, having very different purposes. The most popular and versatile breed, whose representatives can conduct border and search work, save people, and also just be pets, are German shepherds.

How long do dogs live?

Every owner sooner or later asks this question. The life span of dogs is small compared to other animals - for example, canaries live up to twenty years. The most loyal and intelligent animal, which spends its entire life in the service of humans, rarely lives as long. On average, dogs leave us at the age of 12-15 years.

Time flies quite quickly when a small and funny puppy turns into a sedate, respectable dog. Several more years pass, and at about eight years the animal enters a stage called old age. At this age the dog strives most spend time in peace and quiet. Her vision and hearing are weakening, and various sores appear. The owner should show maximum attention and care to the aging pet.

What affects life expectancy

How long a dog can live largely depends on its breed and size. Small dogs tend to live longer. For example, a fox terrier's life expectancy often exceeds 15 years. The German Shepherd breed is a fairly large dog, so its maximum age is usually 12-13 years. But despite the statistics, there are many cases where representatives of this breed lived much longer. With good content this is quite possible. To do this, you just need to comply with a number of conditions.

Nutrition is of primary importance. The diet should contain sufficient amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and microelements. Therefore, you definitely need meat, vegetables, and cereals. But at the same time try not to overfeed the animal.

The next condition for longevity is providing the dog with physical activity. Movement plays a very important role in the life of these animals. The German Shepherd breed was created for service, so such dogs especially need training and long walks.

And the last factor influencing life expectancy is the health of the pet. It is necessary to periodically visit the veterinary clinic for examination, since timely detected disease can be treated much faster. Required preventive vaccinations, which are done to dogs annually.


Like all other pets, good nutrition German Shepherds also need it. How long these dogs live largely depends on their diet. Exhibition animals are fed mainly with super-premium dry food. They contain a lot of protein, as well as chondoprotectors necessary for ligaments and joints.

If the dog is naturally fed, the owner should ensure that up to 70% of the diet consists of raw meat and offal. The menu must include boiled vegetables, porridge (oatmeal and rice), cottage cheese and yogurt. Many shepherd dogs enjoy gnawing on apples. Before the dog reaches two years of age, vitamin preparations must be added to the food.


Regardless of where the German Shepherd lives - in an apartment or in the courtyard of a country house, it needs daily long walks in the fresh air. By nature, it has a need for physical activity and active image life. Without the opportunity to spend energy, the dog’s character begins to deteriorate, excessive excitability and nervousness appear. Therefore, outdoor activities are simply necessary for her.

Most dogs, thanks to their intelligence, enjoy learning to various teams, but German shepherds are especially successful in this. For as long as they have lived next to a person, they have always been distinguished by their ability to remember words and entire phrases spoken by their owner. These dogs can exercise with great joy training area or just kick a ball.

It has been established that shepherd dogs living in rural areas, where there are all opportunities for active pastime, live much longer than their counterparts who are forced to live in comfortable apartments. Therefore, in order for a city pet to live as long as possible, it needs to be provided with physical activity. Long walks, training on the training ground, running behind a bicycle - these are the activities that German shepherds prefer. How long these dogs live in the house is how long they will have to do this. The loads decrease only in the pet’s adulthood, when it becomes difficult for him to move a lot.

Taking care of your health

German Shepherds are one of the breeds whose health is rarely a concern for owners. However, there are some diseases inherent to them. These are primarily different skin problems- allergies and dermatitis. Diet control and timely vaccination help to cope with them. Adult dogs eating natural food sometimes suffer. In these cases, surgical intervention is urgently required.

In the home of an attentive and caring owner, the life expectancy of a German Shepherd will be much longer than accepted norms.