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Healthy eating: how to organize proper nutrition for a healthy life. Healthy and proper nutrition is the basis of a happy life

Many people live disease-free thanks to their own efforts. You can live an interesting, rich life for many years, and it will become happy for you. Lifestyle is your personal style. Make it better.

Quality food choices lead to good results

Theory about healthy food seeks to solve global problem. I wanted to improve my health, make my body stable, fully assimilate all valuable elements, so that the metabolic process would be restored in a timely manner - a guarantee and a guarantee good health. I started eating at set hours, taking into account the set of dishes and their quantity. Doctors recommend that a normal person without health problems eat up to 4 times a day. At that moment I had a whole bunch of diseases based on which I developed a program to improve my body. I had heart problems, I needed to regain weight, get rid of gout, all my joints ached, headaches bothered me, my blood pressure gave me surprises. I decided to gather my courage and become healthy. I’ll let you know in advance that I succeeded.

I started my healthy diet by drawing up a table

It included the selections I needed with vitamins. You should know this list of products and change their consumption daily, alternate, even in small quantities.

1. Peas for soups, spinach, brain peas, buckwheat, green onions, vegetable oil(preferably corn).

2. Butter no more than 20 grams per day, meat up to 3 times every seven days, liver, lactic acid products, fish three times, eggs, beans.

3. Flour, cereals, bran bread, oatmeal, beef liver, pumpkin seeds, vegetables, berries, fruits, if you want milk, then drink it diluted with water.

4. Apples, celery, kohlrabi, corn, nettles, soybeans, banana, pear, watermelon, eggplant, squash, red and yellow sweet peppers.

5. Hot peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, turnips, carrots, radishes, parsnips, parsley, radishes, mint, orange, these products contain vitamins E, A, C, together they enhance the effect.

Turkey contains omega 3, its composition is similar to fish

My breakfast is 1/3 of the entire daily portion, for lunch and dinner I leave 1/4 of the entire diet. Four meals a day is considered the best option. With this nutritional system, our body better absorbs all the vitamins that come with food. Proper nutrition is inseparable from a healthy lifestyle, I had to distribute the food according to the time of consumption, taking into account their properties and energy content. Foods with a high percentage of protein, which include fish, beans and meat, should be eaten in the morning or at lunch. They activate the central nervous system. Eat two hours before bed dairy products, fruits and vegetables, turkey with a slice of bread (required) and cheese, they produce melatonin, which improves sleep.

These products relieve the burden of the digestive process. Do not drink coffee and tea before bed, it activates nervous system, sleep will be disturbed. Food should not be hot or cold. For complete absorption of food, it must be very carefully rubbed with your teeth so that it is completely enveloped in saliva. This helps reduce the burden on the stomach; it has no teeth. Don't talk over dinner, do without TV.

Food taken at time helps prevent stomach and intestines. You need to eat a little, within the limits of what is permissible, which reduces the load on the stomach, do not overeat, this will lead to the accumulation of fats in the body, diseases will appear, and your health will decrease. the immune system. If you follow proper nutrition, they will noticeably disappear pain syndromes diseases. A healthy lifestyle depends on sports, I continue to do gymnastics, and I quit smoking. Eliminate hot peppers from your menu and your heartburn or gastritis situations will decrease, and gout will recede.

The best menu is considered to contain meat no more than 250 grams per serving, fish the size of a palm per person, lactic acid products, vegetables and fruits. Food containing carbohydrates satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time, but does not bring great benefit. I kept products made from flour and sugar to a minimum. Sweets were replaced with honey. The dish should always be prepared before consumption, eaten freshly or should be today's. Otherwise it is useless. I try to diversify my diet and eat balanced meals.

I'll take it for lunch homemade food and have a snack of 8 pieces. nuts, almonds, dried fruits, green vitamin salad or fermented milk products, I nibble on raw vegetables and fruits, because they contain vitamins with a large number of microelements. With this food, the metabolic rate in the body increases. It is recommended for people with increased body weight and people who are prone to depression to eat only raw fruits and vegetables. In spring and summer, I increase plant foods on the menu. In winter, I added foods rich in protein and fat to my food.

Weight begins to gain when there is an energy imbalance. Try to calculate the value of your diet in advance. It will seem difficult at first, but then you will think differently. Get into the habit yourself and teach your children to eat a piece of black bread with honey in the morning on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals. Honey, like iodine, creates a gentle cleansing of the stomach.

Extra efforts to stay healthy

When purchasing food products, we try to accurately determine their origin, purity and quality of each product, but we do not always remember about the water we regularly use. The quality and taste of the prepared dishes depends on it. I apportion protein, fat and carbs. On average, the ratio of nutrition components is 1:1:4; for people who do light work – 1:0.8:3; and heavy physical activity - 1:1:5. When treating my heart, I use a lot of red tomatoes. They contain lycopenes, which destroy free radicals and having a powerful oxidative effect, they protect against cell overgrowth. I drink tomato juice. It has been proven that heat-treated tomatoes are much healthier.

I add weight-loss spices to my food: cinnamon lowers cholesterol levels, burns fat, and cardamom and pepper remove them from the body. I eat cabbage, it has properties that destroy diseased cells and improves immunity. Low and high pressure is restored by increased drinking of water up to 10 glasses per day. Celery, cucumbers, greens absorb water, swell and cleanse the intestines like a broom, there will never be constipation. When heartburn and belching appeared, I drank kefir with 4 cloves of garlic, which relieves the destruction of the esophageal mucosa. You should not drink mint at this moment, it opens the esophagus, carbonated water, or any fatty food. Chocolate increases acidity and opens the esophagus.

Liver, meat different varieties champions in iron content, which ensures oxygen metabolism in the body. In women with menstrual cycle iron is lost, which causes severe sharp pain. Recommended by experts in critical days Eating these foods restores iron consumption and reduces pain. Ginger helps joints lemon juice. Lingonberries, their leaves and cranberries leach into the body. The blood from meat is especially acidic.

All green foods are rich in vitamin K

It must be consumed with vegetable oil, just a little is enough. To prevent plaques from depositing on blood vessels, the body needs vitamin K; with it, calcium does not harden. 10 young leaves (no more) of sorrel per day, collected before July 1, are enough; late collection will cause kidney stones. Wash the picked greens, put them in water and can be stored for 3 days. I do this with dill and parsley. I preserve vitamins in soups: I put water on the fire, boil for 5 minutes, throw in salt, it will remove the remaining oxygen from the water, and only then do I put the food in boiling water. All ingredients included in the soup will remain intact. The leader in vitamin K content for blood clotting is spinach. There is a lot of it in broccoli and watercress. Without it, bones will break easily.

Eat potatoes before 2 pm, then absorption decreases and everything goes into fat. Never eat the same food in the evening that you already ate during the day. Be healthy.

Lidia Petrovna Smirnova, Yelets city, Russia.

Anyone who has been interested in proper nutrition knows: you should eat more fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids and preferably without sugar - and as a result you can get the desired effect! But how to accustom yourself to something new, since it’s not so easy to adapt and adhere to the principles of proper healthy eating right away?

- Psychological attitude;
- Proper nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle;
- Video: Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle;
- The main principles of proper nutrition;
- Menu for the day: Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle.

First, it is important to understand for yourself that proper nutrition is fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. Without the right psychological attitude, adhering to the principles of proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle is almost impossible.

So, you need to prepare yourself psychologically.

Write down everything you eat in your planner every day. After a few weeks, you can analyze all the entries in your diary and analyze all your dietary mistakes. Try to draw the right conclusions and formulate an action plan for the future. Keeping a diary will give you a visual assessment of your progress in your nutrition program for a healthy lifestyle.

Be strict with yourself and don't give in to temptation.

There are many moments in life when you can deviate from the intended path, justifying yourself by the actions of others or the invincible force of circumstances. Avoid pastry shops, cafes and other places where you can succumb to temptation.
In turn, meet less with people who force you to break your promises to yourself. If your girlfriend invites you to a sushi bar several times a week, make do with one visit.

Even in difficult moments, do not give up.

Give yourself a mindset: Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle is your choice!
All changes take time. The habit of eating right will not arise in one day - it will take at least several months, and maybe more. It won't be easy at first, but then you will be proud of yourself when you see the first inspiring results.

Find additional motivation or support from a loved one.

Proper nutrition is a way of life

When you try to form a new habit, you're doing a lot of work. That is why it is so important that your loved ones help you in this difficult process.
First, tell about your goal on social networks - maybe like-minded people will be found among your virtual acquaintances. Second, ask family and friends for help by talking less about food in your presence, not offering you treats, and helping you during difficult times.
Notice even minor positive changes and rejoice in your victory from the bottom of your heart. Every time you will feel the strength and desire to continue.

Just think about it: you will look better, be slimmer and prettier, afford yourself elegant outfits.

Remember proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle this is a successful way to get rid of extra pounds and get into great shape, achieve beautiful figure. Eliminate white sugar from your diet simple carbohydrates and carbonated drinks, but consume a large number of m of vegetables (preferably raw, because they contain a lot of dietary fiber), whole grains and lean meats.

Cross off the menu: fried foods, simple carbohydrates in the form of donuts, pastries, cakes, cookies. And one more thing: eat only natural food prepared at home.

Useful video on the topic: Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle: main principles

There are several basic principles of proper nutrition that are important to know.

Is it possible to lose weight without following a strict diet and without starving? What should you do to overweight didn't come back? These and other questions concern female representatives of various ages. The answer to them can be a well-designed and balanced diet.
Below are some basic healthy eating rules which every person should, if possible, observe:


Regular food intake normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Having become accustomed to four meals a day, a person does not feel sudden attacks hunger in the middle of the night. As a result, avoidance of unhealthy snacks that lead to weight gain.

Small portions

Portion size, as well as the regularity of meals, is of great importance in a healthy nutrition system. A convenient and effective solution would be to distribute a large volume of prepared food into individual containers. Thanks to this you can get rid of anxious thoughts about overeating.

Eating slowly and calmly

Thoroughly grind food into oral cavity is the key to its further assimilation and digestion. The stomach fills faster than the signal of oversaturation reaches the brain. Therefore, when swallowing unchewed food, a person most often overeats, which negatively affects both his well-being and his figure.

Natural healthy nutrition for a healthy lifestyle

Mandatory consumption of fruits, vegetables, cereals. These foods should form the basis of a healthy diet. Vegetables, fruits and grains contain all necessary complex vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates - substances without which the processes of human life and development are impossible.
Hunger and “pseudo-hunger”.

It is necessary to distinguish a real attack of hunger from a purely emotional urge to eat “something tasty.” If a person really wants to eat, then even thoughts about unattractive food (for example, a crust of bread) will lead to excessive salivation and rumbling in the stomach.

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle excludes sugar and salt

The minimum amount of sugar and salt required by the body is already contained in foods, and additional addition of these foods to the diet only harms digestion and absorption of food. And excessive consumption directly leads to health problems and obesity. The required daily amount of salt (or sodium) for a person is just one teaspoon. The human body does not need sugar at all, so at first its consumption should be reduced to four to five teaspoons per day, and subsequently eliminated altogether.

Remember, if you are on the path to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition – the basis for this endeavor!

Proper nutrition for a healthy lifestyle: daily menu

Menu for the day
BreakfastNutritious and high-calorie food. Various porridges, oatmeal, muesli or other porridge. Cheese, fruits and dried fruits are healthy, green tea or freshly squeezed juice.
In order to have a good appetite in the morning, exercise helps a lot.
LunchBetween breakfast and lunch, at 10 o'clock, you need to refresh your body. Fruits such as banana or apple will do. This product is convenient to carry and eat while staying anywhere.
DinnerFor lunch, it is important to eat foods that contain protein and protein. Meat and fish. You can eat vegetables and definitely soups as a side dish.
Afternoon snackThe gap between lunch and dinner can be filled with several fruits. Fermented milk products such as kefir or low-fat yogurt are also suitable. A proper nutrition menu should be varied, so experiment and eat other healthy foods, such as nuts.
DinnerDinner an important part nutrition. The main thing is that dinner should not be difficult for the body. Under no circumstances should you eat meat at night. It is best to eat a vegetable salad dressed with olive oil. You need to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime, no later.
Before bedtimeJust before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Be healthy!

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Stable functioning of the body as a whole, complete absorption of all useful substances without exception, fast, and, most importantly, correct flow metabolic processes in the digestive system are the key and guarantee of good health and excellent health. The right thing is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle: thus, by adjusting your diet, you can significantly reduce the manifestation of many chronic diseases. This article will discuss in detail the principles of proper nutrition, by adhering to which you can build muscle mass, normalize weight and improve your well-being.

Healthy lifestyle

Concepts " balanced diet" and "Healthy lifestyle" are inseparable, since it is the food consumed by a person that fully ensures the constant renewal and development of not only cells, but also body tissues, being an excellent source of energy. Food products are sources of substances from which the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and other regulators of metabolic processes is carried out. Thus, the composition of food, its volume and properties determine, firstly, physical development a person, secondly, his predisposition to certain diseases, not to mention his level of working capacity, life expectancy, as well as his neuropsychic state. It is important that a sufficient (but not excessive) amount of various, as well as, be supplied with food. This is precisely the problem that proper nutrition is designed to solve.

It should be noted that the foundations of a healthy diet are laid down in humans by nature itself: for example, the human body cannot produce many substances necessary for its full functioning (almost all of them come from outside). For this reason, a properly composed menu is the most important condition normal metabolic metabolism, and, consequently, good health. A complete diet is a diet that includes foods that contain components such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Protein is rightfully considered the basis of life, since it is it that is used as building material connecting cells and tissues. Certain amino acids, from which proteins are composed, are produced by humans independently, while there are also those that enter the body exclusively with food (their deficiency can lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of individual systems and organs of the body).

Fats are the main element for the construction of both hormones and. Another important function of fats is thermoregulation. Fats are the main supplier of energy. Carbohydrates also provide energy, but not all of them are absorbed during digestion. This means that after metabolic reactions, carbohydrates can be deposited directly in adipose tissue, becoming the cause of many health-related problems.

One of the components of most healthy eating theories is diets and diets that are specially selected for energy value, culinary processing, and quantity. Predominantly dietary nutrition is used to correct body weight (diets intended for weight gain or for weight gain) or in medicinal purposes(so called therapeutic diets). We must remember that any diet is a serious test for the body, so it is mandatory to consult a nutritionist who will develop a diet and diet in accordance with your goals and the state of the body. It is the attending physician who determines the duration therapeutic nutrition, the progress of the process and its result are monitored.

But, nevertheless, diets (and especially fasting) should be treated with extreme caution. The fact is that a prolonged (and even more so uncontrolled) reduction in the calorie content of food consumed does not allow the body to replace all the energy expended, while the latter is simply necessary even if a person is in a stationary state. In addition, long-term fasting disrupts metabolism, as a result of which the breakdown of proteins increases and begins to rapidly become enriched in fat. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health - it is better to trust qualified doctors.

To the people leading healthy image life aimed at prevention various diseases and health promotion, you must adhere to the rules and recommendations below.

  • The menu should be varied, with a predominance of products of plant origin.
  • The daily diet should include bread, grain products, as well as pasta, rice or potatoes (these products provide the body not only with energy and proteins, but also dietary fiber, various vitamins).
  • It is mandatory to consume fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 400 g per day).
  • In order to maintain normal body weight, you should balance the number of calories consumed with their expenditure. Weight must be lost gradually: for example, the most optimal rate of weight loss is 0.5 kg per week.
  • It is necessary to control fat intake, and it is recommended to replace most of the saturated fats with fatty ones. unsaturated acids, which are found in vegetable oils (the exceptions are coconut and palm oil), nuts, seeds, beans, as well as whole grains, avocados and olives.
  • It is better to replace fatty meat with beans, beans, lentils, lean fish, seafood and poultry.
  • Among dairy products, preference should be given to those that have low fat and salt content.
  • You should limit your intake of sugar (it is advisable to completely eliminate sugar from your diet), which contains only calories and is quite low nutrients.

Healthy and rational

Health is an excellent state of body and spirit, vigor, excellent mood and deep sleep. In many ways, the state of the human body is determined by what he eats. Hippocrates also said that human diseases are a consequence of poor nutrition, a person’s habits, as well as the nature of his life.

Today, for many people, the problem is pressing excess weight, which not only makes a person outwardly unattractive and sedentary, but also indicates a disturbed metabolism, . To regain health, you need to start with a healthy diet, the benefit of the systems that provide the body optimal quantity There are a huge number of nutrients and microelements, so everyone can choose the most optimal option for losing and maintaining body weight, building muscles, etc.

In addition, the transition to a healthy diet is a strong foundation on which the health of our children is built. Mothers who ate nuts, apples, greens, and various cereals during pregnancy give birth to stronger and more resilient children who do not have problems with metabolic disorders and diseases of the digestive tract. Healthy eating for any child is, first of all, minimal consumption of sweets, fatty foods, as well as oils of animal origin.

One of components A healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet that helps prolong the active period of human life.

There are four basic principles of such nutrition.

  1. The energy value of food must fully correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. This principle is often violated in practice due to excessive consumption of energy-intensive foods such as bread, potatoes, sugar, and animal fats. Bottom line: energy value daily ration significantly exceeds energy costs (this is especially true for people who lead sedentary lifestyle life). With age, excess weight accumulates, which leads, firstly, to the development of obesity, and secondly, to the acceleration of the appearance of chronic degenerative diseases.
  1. Correspondence of the chemical composition of food to the physiological needs of the body. Every day, about 70 ingredients must enter the human body in a certain quantity and proportion, and many of them are not synthesized in the human body. human body, although they are vital.
  1. Variety of food. The necessary supply of the body with various nutrients ensures its normal functioning.
  1. Compliance with diet. We are talking about regularity, frequency and, accordingly, alternation of meals. It should be noted that the diet should be developed individually, that is, taking into account the age, physical activity and health status of the person.
Compliance with all these principles makes nutrition not only complete, but also healthy.

It should be noted that the diet can be adjusted depending on the nature or time of work, climatic conditions, individual characteristics person. For persons suffering from any diseases, the diet may change depending on the course and nature of the disease, as well as the type of treatment procedures.


Today, a nutritional concept is being popularized, which is based on the compatibility and incompatibility of certain foods. This concept, called “separate nutrition,” has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • reduction of body intoxication,
  • improvement of well-being,
  • noticeable weight loss and maintaining the desired result for a long time.


  • special mode of life,
  • enough difficult process addiction,
  • persistent feeling of hunger.
In addition, many doctors believe that the use of this technique leads to an artificial disruption of normal digestion, because the human digestive tract is adjusted in such a way as to digest mixed food. Therefore, if you adhere to the principles for a long time separate power supply, then that's it digestive organs they will simply “forget how” to cope with multi-component dishes (soups, salads, sandwiches, etc.). As a result, supporters new technique you will have to forever abandon the traditional dishes familiar to many.

The basic principles of separate nutrition include the following provisions:

  1. Eating only when you feel hungry, and it is necessary to clearly distinguish between the feeling of hunger and appetite. So, if you want to eat even a dry crust of bread with pleasure, you can talk about hunger. This situation leads to two and sometimes one meal per day, excluding snacking between main meals.
  2. Avoid drinking water 10 minutes before meals. In addition, you should not drink water earlier than 30 minutes after eating fruit, two hours after eating starchy foods, and four hours after eating protein.
  3. Chewing food thoroughly and moistening it with saliva.
  4. Mandatory rest before and after meals.
  5. Elimination of overeating. The stomach should be filled to no more than two-thirds of its volume.
  6. Eating simple meals consisting of several types of foods at one time. To provide the body with everything necessary substances, it is necessary to consume a variety of foods, and it is better to give preference to local products that are in the so-called biological balance with the body.
  7. Compliance temperature regime food. Cold foods should be at least room temperature, while hot foods should not burn your mouth.
  8. Half of the daily diet is raw plant foods.
  9. Inclusion in the diet of fruits and berries, for the consumption of which it is recommended to have a separate meal. You can also eat fruits and berries half an hour before meals. But you can’t eat fruit after eating.
The restrictions associated with separate meals deserve special attention. So, adherents of this nutritional concept will have to exclude or limit as much as possible the consumption of refined sugar, sausages, pickles and smoked foods, refined butter, margarine and mayonnaise, coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated drinks, limp vegetables and fruits, canned products, powdered and condensed milk.

Separate food products

According to the concept of separate nutrition, all foods are divided into certain groups, which may (or may not) be combined with one another. Below are the rules for the compatibility of certain products and groups with each other.
  1. You cannot consume flour products with protein-containing foods at the same time. To digest these types of food, different gastric juices are needed, which artificially complicates the work of the stomach. Thus, proteins are digested through highly acidic gastric juices, which make it difficult to digest amidons. In turn, flour products in this form gastric juice start to wander. So, the combination should be avoided the following types products: fish and rice, chicken and French fries, steak and pasta, ham or cheese sandwich, flour-based sauces served with meat, nut cakes.
  1. At one meal, you should consume only those protein-containing foods that belong to the same group. Thus, excess proteins lead to the production of uric acid, which provokes the development of rheumatism and. It is unacceptable to combine an omelet with ham or cheese.
  1. You can only eat one flour product per meal. This amount is quite enough to fully replenish the energy reserves of the human body. Especially excessive consumption of flour products is fraught for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, that is, they spend quite little energy.
  1. You should not mix sugar (or sugar-containing fruits) with various animal proteins. This combination provokes fermentation in the stomach. In addition, sugar interferes with the normal digestion of proteins.
  1. Do not mix flour products and sour fruits. The fact is that the levels of digestion of these foods are different.
  1. Melon, like watermelon, is recommended to be consumed an hour before eating a full meal, while combining them with other foods is excluded. Melon and watermelon are poorly digestible foods. For example, melon is finally digested only in the intestines, so if you eat it with other fruits or flour products, it will remain in the stomach, which will provoke not only the formation of gases and, but also gastritis pain.
  1. It is advisable to consume milk separately from other foods, with the exception of fruits, salads, fresh or boiled vegetables. Milk is a protein-containing product that is poorly digested with other proteins or flour products. People who do not drink milk can give preference to yoghurt, kefir, and yogurt.
  1. Eliminate (or limit) the consumption of animal oil. It is better to use vegetable oil (olive or soybean, sunflower or corn) in preparing your favorite dishes and salads, which is not only healthy, but also contains essential fatty acids. It must be said that vegetable oil goes well with all kinds of protein-containing products, as well as flour products (but it should be remembered that proteins and flour products cannot be eaten at the same time).
  1. It is advisable not to eat dried fruits. They contain both proteins and carbon oxides (flour), which contradicts the first rule. If it is impossible to do without dried fruits, then it is advisable to consume them simultaneously with green vegetables, both fresh and boiled.


By dietary we mean both medicinal and preventative nutrition, which combines a complex of balanced vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It should be noted that compliance with the principles dietary nutrition It requires work and endurance from a person, since the process of putting the body in order will take quite a lot of time.

The main goal of such nutrition is to achieve not only complete harmony in the diet, but also balance. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that the consumption of certain types of foods will have to be completely excluded from the diet, while others will have to be significantly limited. So, when adjusting the menu, it is important not to really exclude necessary products, without which it is impossible normal functioning body.

When creating a dietary food menu, first of all you need to take into account the fact that all products are different in both chemical composition, and by the nature of the effect on the body. All food products without exception have their own nutritional and biological value, which consists of the calorie content of the product, the content of various nutrients, as well as the degree of their assimilation. Thus, the biological value of a product reflects the quality of the proteins in it, their amino acid composition, as well as digestibility and the ability for rapid and high-quality absorption by the body.

In general, there are no absolutely harmful or, on the contrary, exclusively healthy products, since, depending on the desired results that a person wants to achieve through dieting, he has to give preference to certain products, while certain foods have to be excluded from the diet or significantly limited. However, we should not forget that only a variety of food sets provides the body with all the nutrients it needs.

Often, eating disorders are associated precisely with a lack or excess of certain foods. Taking this into account is extremely important when developing a dietary menu. Therefore, it is recommended to compare products according to your own nutritional value, but not to oppose them.

Today there is a huge selection of individual “fashionable” dietary products available, which are truly considered miraculous properties. But in practice, the use of such products does not lead to desired results. Thus, many diabetic (or dietary) products do not differ significantly from those products that are intended for absolute nutrition. healthy people. Therefore, “dietary nutrition” means primarily the use of natural products and the exclusion of spicy, fatty, smoked and overly salty foods.

The diet of a person who does not suffer from diseases that impose certain restrictions on food, and adheres to a dietary diet, should consist of vegetables and fruits, so-called wholemeal bread, cereals and dairy products. In addition, the menu should include meat ( we're talking about about lean beef and poultry), fish, seafood, seeds, nuts (but all these products should be present in the diet in moderation).

One cannot fail to mention dietary sweets, among which the most useful are dried or pickled fruits (for example, dates, bananas, berries). You can also eat dark chocolate in limited quantities.

Below are the basic rules of dietary nutrition.

  • Food must be taken slowly, chewing thoroughly.
  • Eating should take place in a calm atmosphere.
  • The feeling of fullness should be moderate: so, after leaving the table, you should not feel a feeling of hunger or oversaturation.
  • The break between meals should be at least three, but no more than six hours.
  • It is useful to drink water in small sips while eating, and the water should be at room temperature.
  • It is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid before or after meals.
  • It is not advisable to eat during a stressful situation or when strong emotions are expressed. It's better to calm down first.

For weight loss

The success of proper nutrition for weight loss is based on the fact that the excess weight of most people is only the result of poor nutrition. Therefore, from the very time when a person begins to clearly follow the requests of his body, that is, he begins to eat right, the extra pounds slowly but surely go away. And here it is important to eat wisely and balanced: so, the body should not be exhausted from constant feeling hunger.
Proper nutrition is not the absence of certain foods on the menu, but their presence in the required quantities. This is the difference between the concepts of “proper nutrition” and “diet”. And, of course, do not forget about physical exercise, which are an integral part of the weight loss process.

Among the variety of nutritional rules for weight loss, the main ones are the following:

  • Food should always be fresh. Thus, during storage, all the dietary qualities of products deteriorate, while in cooked and stored food for a long time, fermentation and rotting processes begin to occur.
  • The diet should be balanced. The greater the number of various products included in the daily menu, the larger number biologically active substances will enter the body.
  • Including raw vegetables and fruits in the menu, which are a source of vitamins and microelements and increase the speed of metabolic processes. An interesting fact is that it is useful for phlegmatic people prone to eating raw vegetables or fruits, which will help increase the speed of metabolic processes. But people with a high degree of excitability are recommended to eat baked vegetables and fruits (you can also steam them).
  • Adhere to the seasonality of food. During the spring-summer period you should consume more plant food, whereas in winter it is necessary to add foods enriched with proteins and fats to the diet.
  • Introduction of restrictions. The main reason for weight gain is energy imbalance, therefore, in order to reduce body weight, you should limit the energy value of your daily diet.
  • Product compatibility. You should not eat incompatible dishes, since during an unfavorable food combination, fermentation processes begin, as a result of which toxins and waste accumulate in the body. In 90% of cases, it is failure to comply with this rule that leads to such phenomena as bloating.
  • You should not eat food in a hurry, because you should enjoy this process.

For growth

With proper nutrition, you can achieve increased height. To do this you must adhere to certain rules meals given below.


After sleep, the body accepts it as well as possible useful material. For this reason, breakfast should include grain products, namely porridge with milk (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, corn, millet, rice), boiled chicken eggs, bread (necessarily from whole grain), tea.

In most cases, breakfast cereals do not bring any results in terms of increasing growth, since they contain very few nutrients, and even those are poorly absorbed.


The daily diet should include a large amount of plant and protein foods. Among vegetables and fruits, you should give preference to carrots, legumes, nuts, dill, basil, lettuce, spinach, celery, onions, bananas, oranges, strawberries, cranberries, blueberries. Every day you need to eat about a kilogram of fresh vegetables and fruits. A mandatory lunch dish should be soup or broth. Meat (boiled beef and pork) and fish are included in the menu once every 2 days. Dairy products, chicken, liver or kidneys, juice (about one liter per day), and bread should be consumed daily.


The evening diet includes dairy products, boiled chicken eggs, fruits, vegetables, and grain products (rice, buckwheat, bread baked from whole grains).

Separately, we should dwell on products that “inhibit” growth growth. Such products include alcoholic drinks, sweet carbonated drinks containing monosodium glutamate, fast food, chips, crackers. All of these foods impair liver function.

Sports (for muscle growth)

Athletes need vitamins, minerals and proteins to more than ordinary people, since if they are deficient, bodybuilders either stop gaining muscle mass or begin to decrease in size. In addition, the lack of these elements negatively affects strength indicators. For this reason, bodybuilders are advised to consume sports nutrition, which is a special group of food products developed and manufactured on the basis scientific research which are carried out in different areas.

Thus, sports nutrition is a composition-selected and concentrated mixture of the main nutritional elements, which are specially processed for effective absorption by the human body. It must be said that sports nutrition is not doping, although certain supplements may contain caffeine, the use of which in large quantities is prohibited in certain sports.

Taking sports nutrition is, first of all, aimed at quickly and effectively improving athletic performance, increasing strength and endurance, improving health and, of course, increasing muscle volume, not to mention normalizing metabolism.

Compared to traditional food, which can take hours to digest, sports supplements are absorbed by the body with minimal time and digestive effort aimed at breaking down and absorption. In addition, many types of such foods have high energy value. It is also important that sports nutrition belongs to the category of supplements, since its correct use is an addition to the main diet, which consists of regular products, that is, we are not talking about a complete replacement of normal food with additives.

For muscle growth, first of all, protein (or protein) is needed, which ensures the structure and performance of the body. The most valuable source of protein is meat, namely lean types such as turkey, chicken, beef and fish. In addition, low-fat dairy products and eggs are rich in protein.

Protein, which is part of sports supplements, is the basis for the synthesis of new protein molecules located inside muscle cells. As a result of synthesis, such protein intracellular structures acquire density and become thicker, which compacts and thickens the muscle cell itself. Protein is not only essential for building muscle as it produces enzymes and hormones.

Athletes and people leading a healthy lifestyle should eat 4-6 meals a day. It is this amount of food containing protein that provides the body with almost continuous supply of nutrients, while minimizing the deposition of fat.

When talking about nutrition for muscle growth, one cannot fail to mention fats, which are necessary for the full functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, you need to consume a certain amount of fat per day: for example, you can add a tablespoon of purified sunflower oil to a bowl of porridge.

To grow muscles, you need to drink plenty of water because 70% of muscle is water and only 30% is protein. Moreover, without exception, all metabolic reactions in the human body take place with the participation of water.

Below are the basic rules that will help you gain muscle mass quickly and without harm to the body.

  • Every day you need to consume 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.
  • You need to eat food in small portions, but in 5-6 meals.
  • You have to eat at work protein bars.
  • Don't eat right before bed, but don't go to bed hungry either.
  • Before and after each workout you should drink a gainer ( protein cocktail) or eat foods containing carbohydrates.
  • To drink a lot of water.
  • Don't exercise on an empty stomach.

It is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle without organizing proper nutrition. A properly balanced diet is aimed not only at suppressing hunger, but also at improving the health of the entire body. If you follow the rules of a healthy diet, you are less likely to get sick, your immune system is strengthened, you have good spirits, and your overall tone increases.

Healthy eating rules

Scheme balanced nutrition for a healthy lifestyle (abbreviated as healthy lifestyle) is based on three basic principles: regular supply of the body with all necessary nutrients and vitamins, maintaining a diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as its age.

Nutritionists identify several basic rules on which proper nutrition is based:

  1. Food shouldn't be a cult. Nutrition is the basis for the life of the body, and only secondarily is food consumption a pleasure and a ritual.
  2. Fresh and natural products. You should try to eat only freshly prepared food (in extreme cases, semi-finished products). You should not buy ready-made food in stores.
  3. Balanced diet. The diet should include all available food groups; it is better not to replace or exclude any of the groups. At the same time, be sure to maintain proportions and try to diversify the menu.
  4. Snacks. If you really want a snack, you can eat some fruit, dried fruit or nuts. You should not snack on chips, crackers, sweet cookies or chocolates.
  5. Food restrictions. If possible, you should eat low-fat foods, limit the consumption of sugar, alcohol, salt, and avoid chips, soda, and mayonnaise.
  6. Physical exercise. The amount of food eaten should be balanced with appropriate physical activity.
  7. Cooking. For a healthy lifestyle, it is better to refuse (or limit as much as possible) fried, spicy, smoked foods, and give preference to boiled, stewed and baked foods.
  8. Plant and animal food. The basis of the daily diet should be vegetables and fruits, and it is advisable to consume them fresh or steamed. This does not mean that you should give up meat altogether, just that the share of vegetables in your diet should be several times higher.
  9. Calorie content. It is important to monitor the caloric content of the daily diet - the calories consumed should be exactly as many as are “burned” by the body per day. It is necessary to calculate individual daily norm calories and use the table of calorie content of foods.
  10. Diet. The nutrition menu for a healthy lifestyle should be divided into 4-6 meals. Such a nutrition system does not allow a person to get hungry and does not overload gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolism.

Proper nutrition helps slow down processes in the body premature aging, disease risk of cardio-vascular system, avoid diseases of the digestive tract, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

However, you should not expect that switching to proper nutrition will give instant results. Sleep gradually normalizes, more energy appears, immunity to diseases increases, weight normalizes - the person begins to feel better and healthier.

Food pyramid of proper nutrition

Nutritionists have combined the fundamental principles of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle into a nutrition pyramid, thanks to which you can create your own diet. The pyramid does not represent specific products, but their groups.

The pyramid is designed in such a way that at the bottom (at the base) there are foods that should be consumed most often, and at the top there are groups of foods that should be consumed as rarely as possible or completely excluded from the diet.

Let's look at the pyramid of proper nutrition from bottom to top:

  • Whole grain products: oatmeal, pasta, rice, whole grain bread, cereal. These products are the basis of a healthy diet, because... provide a person with complex carbohydrates – the main source energy. If you consume these products without butter, cheese, sauces, they will not lead to weight gain, but, on the contrary, will correct it.
  • Vegetables (and vegetable juices) . This group provides the body with vitamins, is a source of protein and does not contain fat. The largest amount of nutrients is found in vegetables that are yellow, green and orange and starchy vegetables(potato).
  • Fruits ( fruit juices) . The richest source of nutrients, as well as the lowest calorie group. Fruits will be useful in any form: canned, fresh, frozen, dried, in the form of juices, nectars, syrups.
  • Poultry, fish, meat, nuts, eggs, beans. This group includes protein-containing foods that contain less fat than other animal products.
  • Dairy products, cheeses, yoghurts, milk. Dairy products provide the body with calcium, proteins, and vitamins. It is better to choose dairy products with less fat content, because... They are low in cholesterol and calories.
  • Fats, sweets, salt, sugar. Proper nutrition should not be complete without these products, but it is necessary to reduce their consumption to a minimum due to their high nutritional value and calorie content.

The products listed in the food pyramid are not equal in value. Therefore, for a healthy lifestyle, preference should be given to the most useful groups.

Changes in diet should be made smoothly and gradually, without abruptly breaking your habits and taste preferences. Otherwise, the body will get stressed.

Proper nutrition for children with a healthy lifestyle is based on the same principles as indicated in the pyramid, and is supplemented by the following rules:

  • The body's energy expenditure should be equal energy value children's diet. Calorie intake should be distributed as follows: 25% for breakfast, 35-40% for lunch, 25% for dinner, and the rest for afternoon tea and snacks.
  • Protein-rich dishes should be given in the first half of the day, dairy-vegetable ones should be left for dinner or an afternoon snack.
  • It is not advisable to repeat the same dish several times a day or more than 2 times a week - the child’s diet should be varied.

You should choose products from the pyramid based on your own habits and preferences and taking into account your lifestyle, gender, age, and health status. The principles of healthy eating will be different for the average adult, athlete, nursing mother or child. For example, with a high level of physical activity, a person can use more high-calorie foods or sweets in their diet, and with a sedentary lifestyle, the number of calories should be reduced.

Menu for a healthy diet

Having studied the principles set out in the pyramid, it will not be difficult to create a menu for a healthy lifestyle. Basic rules for compiling a daily diet:

  1. Morning. In the morning when digestive process As soon as you wake up from sleep, and your metabolism picks up speed, you can eat foods rich in carbohydrates and even allow yourself some sweets and starchy foods.
  2. Day. At lunch, you need a thorough reinforcement for the body, which allows you not to feel hungry, but at the same time you cannot overeat. Soups, stewed or baked vegetables, meat and fish, cereals, and potatoes are perfect. It is better to boil, steam or cook dishes in a slow cooker - fried “crusted” dishes are too difficult for the body.
  3. Evening. In the evening, metabolism slows down, the body begins to tune in to rest - you should eat a nourishing, but light food. Dairy products, vegetables and fruits, lean fish or meat are an excellent healthy dinner option.

It is imperative to maintain a water-salt balance throughout the day: there should be a lot of water (up to 2-2.5 liters per day), and as little salt as possible.

Menu examples

1 day

  • Breakfast: homemade cottage cheese with dried fruits, weak tea.
  • Lunch: a slice of black bread, vegetable salad, boiled veal, compote.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables, jelly.
  • Snacks: orange, nuts, pomegranate juice, drinking yogurt.

Day 2

Day 3

  • Breakfast: omelet, toast, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: mushroom soup, spaghetti with herbs, compote.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, boiled beef, tea.
  • Snacks: low-fat cottage cheese, grapefruit.

4 day

  • Breakfast: muesli, curd cheese, tea.
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables (paella), cream soup with sorrel and spinach, compote.
  • Dinner: baked salmon steak, toast, tea.
  • Snacks: low-fat yogurt, berries, fruits.

5 day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat, egg, tea with lemon.
  • Lunch: chicken broth, boiled potatoes with herbs and butter, jelly.
  • Dinner: seafood and seaweed salad, bread, tea.
  • Snacks: fruit cocktail, jelly.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: toast, cheese, juice.
  • Lunch: beans with vegetables, baked chicken breast, compote.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, bran bread, tea.
  • Snacks: dried fruits, pomegranate.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: rice porrige with milk.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, tomato juice, boiled fish.
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole, juice.
  • Snacks: nuts, grapefruit.

Healthy and proper nutrition in modern world is no longer a sign of aristocracy and a tribute to fashion, but the only correct response to the modern pace of life and its conditions. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, in order to maintain health and youth for many years, you need to be able to correctly prepare your daily diet, taking into account all the necessary calories and nutrients

There are many diets that lead to successful weight loss if you strictly follow the prescribed rules. However, diets that lead to weight loss cannot be equated with healthy eating. A diet is a strict restriction for which you are forced to change your eating pattern.

Instead of wasting time choosing such diets, think about your health and lifestyle. First, let's figure it out what foods are good for health

Eat healthy

The closer the product is to its natural state, the more benefit it will bring you. Fresh fruits and berries are very healthy, and in addition, they can satisfy your need for sweets. Vegetables are the best suppliers of vitamins and minerals that increase the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Steaming vegetables will best preserve their nutritional value.

Make sure pasta and baked goods are made from whole grains. Avoid flour sweets and pies. Do you like baked goods? Eat apple pie - it will actually be good for you.

Buy lean meat and don't forget about fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for our body, reducing cholesterol levels. They are found in ocean fish, so eat seafood two or three times a week - this will help protect you from the effects of stressful situations and ease depression. Please note that Fried fish and chicken are more healthy foods than fried game and beef.

Vary your diet to get all the vitamins and minerals. Drink water, milk and 100% fruit and vegetable juices as your main drinks. Limit your consumption of sugary soft drinks. If you find plain water tasteless, add a slice of lemon or lime to it to add flavor. Water helps you lose weight if you use it wisely. Complete hydration is important point in the matter of losing weight, because fluid is necessary to remove metabolic products from the body.

Unhealthy food

Deep fried foods
. Sweet drinks
. Lollipops
. Salty snacks
. Sausages
. Fatty snacks
. White bread and pasta
. Most canned foods
. Dumplings
. Breakfast cereals with sugar
. Frozen fried chicken
. Fish (crab) sticks

Healthy food

Green and brightly colored vegetables
. Greens and salads
. Seaweed
. Spinach
. Fresh fruits and berries
. Turkey and chicken meat
. Eggs
. Nuts, dried fruits
. Wheat bread and pasta made from whole grain flour
. Sunflower oil, olive oil
. Ocean fish, seafood
. Skim milk or soy milk drinks
. Nuts, seeds and legumes

Healthy food for snack lovers

If you " emotional eater", i.e. eat out of boredom, joy or resentment, do not keep chips, ice cream and sweets at home. Buy healthy snacks such as dried fruits, grains, nuts and vegetables, fortified with vitamins and mineral supplements, fresh fruits. When you just need to “treat” an emotion with the help of junk food, buy a small chocolate bar High Quality and eat it, but don’t buy sweets in reserve.

The same tips will be useful for those who eat in front of the TV. If you don't want to give up the cutting while watching your favorite show unfold, eat low-calorie foods. In a state of deep interest, you can eat too much. Keep in mind that carrots, celery and cucumbers are great alternatives to chips or other similar snacks.

Don't skip meals

If you skip breakfast, you'll probably want to eat something an hour or two later. Therefore, instead of giving up breakfast, divide it into several parts, for example: egg, oatmeal, fruit. Eat small meals. When you feel hungry, you can eat a small amount of raisins or almonds. A dosed breakfast is a more acceptable solution than coffee breaks with sweets and cookies.

Portion control

Our stomachs are not that big. On average, an unstretched stomach will fit about two cups of food, and it is better not to stretch it, since it will take much more food to fill the stomach, and this is fraught with extra calories.

When you eat at home, serve meals in individual bowls. This way, you will reduce your chances of eating a large portion unnoticed. At restaurants, ask for a food container and take half the portion home. Avoid buffets unless you are very disciplined. A buffet is too tempting; you can eat 3 or even 4 servings plus dessert without noticing.

Taming your sweet tooth

Try to curb your sweet cravings and stay away from sugary snacks. They may be high in calories or unhealthy fats. Instead of sweets, eat berries and fruits. If they are not sweet enough for you, add a little sugar. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks, try cold ones herbal teas with a slice of lemon or lime - a very pleasant taste.

Products you can't refuse

Surely, there are foods that you simply cannot refuse, in which case, enjoy your favorite foods in small quantities. You can afford any dish that is not a healthy food once a month, and the best thing you can do is try to find an equivalent to a harmful dish among dishes that meet healthy eating standards.

Moscow was not built in a day…

If you can't switch to healthy eating overnight, don't despair. Most people can't. Implement ideas gradually. Even a small change in your diet towards a healthy diet will be a new step in the right direction. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.