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Dietary mistakes that slow down your metabolism. Properly speed up metabolism

The fact is that without effort it becomes almost impossible to maintain ideal body parameters with age, on personal experience Many representatives of both the weaker and stronger sex were convinced. Moreover, for the “acquisition” extra pounds Often it is not at all necessary to make special mistakes in nutrition. Sometimes excess weight appears as if out of thin air, causing its owner significant physical discomfort and not the best impact on his psycho-emotional well-being.

What is the reason for this phenomenon and what measures are important to take to keep your figure in great shape for as long as possible? We will talk about the age-related characteristics of the body's metabolic system and how to effectively optimize metabolic processes in order to prolong youth, beauty and health.

Metabolism (metabolism) is the process of breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, necessary for the body to obtain energy that ensures its full functioning. The metabolic rate of each person is individual and, above all, is determined by the following factors:

  • the number of calories consumed from food;
  • the volume of calories consumed in the process of physical and other activities;
  • individual characteristics organism (genetic, physiological, age, etc.)

It is known that the metabolic rate in men is slightly higher than the intensity of metabolic processes in women. In addition, metabolism is influenced by the quality muscle mass: the larger its volume, the faster and easier the burning of calories occurs. The factor of heredity is also important, due to which the speed of metabolic processes in people of the same “weight category” can vary significantly.

This is interesting!

When body temperature rises, metabolism accelerates; with every degree its speed increases by approximately ten percent. High or low temperature environment also helps to activate metabolic processes.

How does metabolism change with age?

With age, the metabolic rate tends to gradually decrease; When a person reaches the age of 25, his metabolism begins to slow down, on average, by 0.5-1% annually. This means that by age 45, calories are burned 10-20% slower than they were twenty years ago.

As a rule, it is at this age that most people have the highest resting metabolic rates. This feature may be due to both a genetic factor and a high level of physical activity, characteristic of of this period. We should not forget that until approximately 25 years of age, many people are still in the process of forming skeletal system, which means the body has to burn calories more intensively.

However, by the age of 30, it often becomes noticeable that liberties in consuming high-calorie foods begin to result in the appearance of ill-fated “extra centimeters” on the body. Coping with the problem at the age stage in question is usually not difficult; everything you need for quick recovery forms are systematic sports training and a healthy, balanced diet.

This is interesting!

The body's daily energy expenditure at rest (that is, calorie expenditure for breathing, digestion and blood circulation) is approximately 1200-1600 kcal for an adult. An increase in physical activity speeds up metabolic processes by at least twenty percent.

For those who, by the time they turn thirty, have not yet started active struggle To maintain an ideal figure, you should think about the fact that it’s time to start strength training. The rate of metabolic processes at rest directly depends on the quality of muscle mass. The greater the muscle volume, the large quantity energy is consumed by the body.

After age 30, muscle mass begins to decrease by about 1% annually. Lack of dosed physical activity leads to the appearance of excess adipose tissue. Following the principles will help to avoid such an undesirable phenomenon proper nutrition and doing strength training two to three times a week.

This is interesting!

Fractional nutrition (eating several times a day in small portions) helps to activate metabolism. This factor due to the fact that digestion requires a certain amount of energy from the body, therefore, calorie consumption increases after a meal. The duration of the effect of increased metabolism, depending on the composition of the food consumed, can vary between 3-12 hours. The process of protein processing requires the most energy: the body spends up to 20% of the calories received on the digestion and assimilation of protein foods. Only 5-10% of calories purchased from food are spent on processing carbohydrates. As for fats, energy costs here are extremely minimal and do not exceed 3-5%.

According to surveys, by the time they reach the age of 40, most representatives of the fair sex already have quite an impressive experience of “sitting” on various diets. At the same time, only five out of a hundred women note the stability of weight indicators acquired as a result of dietary measures. In the remaining 95% of cases, the lost kilograms are returned after a short time.

At the age of over forty, maintaining an optimal metabolic rate requires much more significant effort from a person than in the previous period. First of all, protein should be the “object of increased attention” when forming a daily diet. Consumption of protein foods not only promotes full saturation, but also provides the necessary conditions for the growth and development of muscle mass.

In general, the nutritional system should be based on the following principles: reducing the amount of fat in the diet, focusing on protein food, carbohydrate intake is preferably in the form of whole grain cereals, vegetables, fruits and greens.

Running, gymnastics, cycling, fitness, swimming, and dancing are ideal for useful physical activity. It is very important that training is regular and carried out three to four times a week.

This is interesting!

In people who are overweight, metabolic processes are more active than in those whose body weight does not exceed the norm. The heavier and larger body, the more energy is required to maintain the vital functions of the body. So, with intensive walking, a person weighing 60 kg spends about 210 kcal/hour; with a weight of 75 kg, the indicators increase to 270 kcal/hour; a weight of 100 kg implies an hourly consumption of 350 kcal.

The average age of menopause in modern women is 51 years. This period is characterized by a sharp decrease in the level female hormones, which is inevitably accompanied by loss of bone and muscle mass, and often by weight gain. Changes in men hormonal levels occur more slowly; nevertheless, overweight also tend to accumulate with age.

In addition to following the principles of healthy and balanced nutrition, continue to play an important role in optimizing metabolism power training. It is recommended to make a decision on the advisability and safety of practicing a particular sport together with your doctor. It is best to entrust the calculation of optimal loads to a professional trainer.

This is interesting!

Some medications (particularly psychotropic medications and antidepressants) slow your metabolic rate. Nicotine, on the contrary, accelerates metabolic processes in the body; Energy consumption when smoking a pack of cigarettes is on average 200 kcal. It is for this reason that many smokers who said “no” bad habit and noting the many positive results of such a decision, at the same time they are faced with the problem excess weight. In this case, reducing your usual diet by the appropriate number of calories will help you maintain a slim figure.

  • Make sure your diet is healthy and balanced.

Adhere to the principles of fractional meals; form a diet based on healthy foods. Eliminate fatty and fried foods, fast food, semi-finished products, alcohol, baked goods and sweets. Give preference to animal proteins, vegetables, fruits, cereals and greens.

  • Lead an active lifestyle; play sports.

Focus on building enough muscle. Every kilogram of muscle mass you gain will help you burn an additional 70 kilocalories daily.

  • Maintain proper drinking regime.

Drink at least two liters clean water per day. They will also help to effectively “accelerate” the metabolism. green tea no sugar and black coffee (the latter drink should be consumed in moderation).

  • Take time for proper sleep.

In order for metabolic processes to proceed normally, the duration of night rest should be at least eight hours. Otherwise, the body will strive to make up for the lack of energy, “provoking” you to actively consume high-calorie foods.

  • Do not be nervous; learn to cope with stressful situations.

In a state of stress, the body releases fatty acids, which are immediately redistributed throughout the body. circulatory system and subsequently transform into fat folds on the body.

  • Do not resort to radical diets to lose weight!

Research confirms that strict, unbalanced diets not only do not speed up metabolic processes, but also deprive the body of many useful components, without which it simply cannot function fully.

Age-related slowdown of metabolism is not inevitable. Lead a healthy lifestyle, stay physically active as long as possible - and you will always look great physical fitness and a truly enviable state of health!

Expert commentary

Metabolism is the totality of all metabolic reactions occurring in the body. The result of such reactions is the synthesis of new proteins, regeneration of cells and tissues.

IN at a young age creative reactions (anabolism) dominate over destructive metabolic reactions (catabolism). Young people recover faster and heal from injuries. With age, the balance shifts towards the dominance of destructive metabolic reactions (catabolism). Because of this, metabolism slows down; a person loses muscle and bone mass, and the synthesis of new collagen deteriorates. The result becomes noticeable not only on the face (wrinkles and sagging skin), but also on the entire body.

Once we reach adulthood, we begin to lose about 1% of our muscle mass each year. This in some cases can lead to cachexia and frailty in old age.

Many people of retirement age suffer from lack of muscle mass and osteoporosis. These factors are due to the fact that the body gradually reduces the secretion of anabolic hormones (growth hormone, testosterone, hormones thyroid gland). For the same reason, it becomes more difficult to lose weight and build muscle.

To maintain the secretion of anabolic hormones, you need to regularly, 2-3 times a week, do strength exercises or interval exercises high intensity.

For older adults, regular strength training can place additional stress on sore joints. Strength exercises using special hardware electrical myostimulation help to avoid such undesirable consequences. A well-chosen EMS training program allows you to avoid possible negative consequences associated with slowing metabolism.

Metabolism and metabolism are synonymous with each other. In biology, this is what a collection is called. chemical reactions, occurring in the body of all living beings, including humans. They involve substances that enter the body through drinking, breathing and food, such as:

  • mineral salts;
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • water;
  • vitamins;
  • oxygen.

They are absorbed by the body in processed form after decomposition into more simple substances. Then new particles are assembled from them. Metabolism does not stop even when a person is at rest. Metabolism is characterized by two types of reactions:

  1. Catabolism ( energy metabolism, dissimilation). This is the name for metabolic breakdown, the process of breaking down a complex substance into simpler ones (differentiation) or its oxidation, which is accompanied by the release of energy in the form of ATP or heat. It is used to create new cells. This is the energy that is calculated in calories. If there is more of it than the required amount, then it is not consumed, but is deposited in fatty tissue.
  2. Anabolism (synthesis, assimilation). This process is the opposite of catabolism, also called plastic metabolism. It involves chemical processes aimed at creating high molecular weight compounds. They can be observed during the growth of nails, hair, wound healing, and blood renewal, which goes unnoticed by a person. Anabolism, on the contrary, consumes the energy released during catabolism to create larger molecules from small ones.

Slow metabolism

People with the same body weight can have different metabolic reactions: for some they are faster, for others, on the contrary, they are slower. A striking example There is a person who eats plate after plate, but does not gain any weight, when the second one has to count every calorie so as not to gain an extra kilogram. In general, metabolism is divided into the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, salts and water. These substances are inseparable parts of a single biological process. Under certain pathological conditions, one type of metabolic process may slow down.


The basis of all living tissues is protein, which acts as “building blocks”. Use of material of this type can be found in cell walls and organs, eyeball, muscle and skin tissues. Proteins are the main participants in the digestion processes nutrients that support life. Normal protein metabolism is provided by a sufficient amount of amino acids coming from food. There are 20 types of them in total. If there is a deficiency of at least one, the protein structure is destroyed.

For chemical composition proteins are characterized by the presence of 16% nitrogen. Determining its input and output from the body allows us to judge the volumes of protein received and destroyed. The difference between nitrogen inflow and outflow is called nitrogen balance. It comes in 2 types:

  1. Positive. In this case, more protein is synthesized than broken down.
  2. Negative. Protein synthesis is dominated by its breakdown. This is typical for some diseases and lack of protein in food.


Vital compounds that serve as the main source of energy are carbohydrates. Some of them are necessary for nutrient reserves, others are required for tissue strength. Carbohydrates are construction material For nucleic acid, complex proteins and glycolipids. The process of metabolism of these substances is determined by the proportions of glucose entering and removed from the blood:

  • if its level is reduced, then adrenaline is released - a hormone that enhances liver function and activates its enzymes responsible for the flow of sugar into the blood;
  • if the amount of glucose is too high, then with a sufficient amount of glycogen extra sugar stored as fat deposits.


Organically complex compounds consisting of esters, monobasic fatty acids and glycerol are fats. They are also called lipids. These compounds act as a source of energy, the basis of membranes, the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. Many vitamins enter the body with fats. A slowdown in fat metabolism leads to a lack of lipids, which disrupts the functioning of brain cells, decreases endurance, and deteriorates the overall metabolic process.


This type of exchange includes a set of processes of entry, distribution and removal of water and electrolytes. Sufficient fluid supply – necessary condition for life. A person cannot live without water for long. It is necessary for digestion, absorption of nutrients, blood circulation, and biosynthesis. Dissolved substances come with water minerals, a stable concentration of which ensures the maintenance of the internal environment of the body.

Factors affecting metabolism

Each person has an individual metabolism. It depends on several factors that directly affect slow metabolism. Their list includes:

  1. Gender. Men have more muscle mass, so metabolic processes in it occur more intensely. For this reason, it is easier for the stronger sex to cope with obesity.
  2. Age. The rate of metabolic processes slows down as a person gets older.
  3. Body dimensions. The body burns more calories the larger its size.
  4. Ambient air temperature. Low values ​​stimulate the metabolic process.
  5. Physical exercise. Active image life causes metabolic processes to accelerate. During training, more oxygen reaches the muscles. This increases cellular activity and slow metabolism.
  6. Poor nutrition, low calorie diet, low carbohydrate and protein diets. Forced food restriction reduces the rate of metabolic reactions.
  7. Hormonal status. The rate of metabolic reactions is controlled by the hormone leptin and thyroxine. If their levels in the blood are low, then the metabolic process in the body slows down. This is often associated with diabetes mellitus 2 types.

Types of Metabolic Rate

Metabolic rate refers to the amount of energy that the body spends to support life. Typically, this figure is calculated for one day and measured in kilocalories required to cover energy costs. There are several types of metabolic reaction rates:

  1. Main, or basal. This is the minimum base speed that is observed at complete rest. An example is the state of sleep.
  2. Speed ​​at rest. Here a person does not sleep, but does not move either, but sits or lies quietly.
  3. Thermal effect after eating. Represents the amount of energy that the body spends on digesting foods.
  4. Thermal effect from physical activity. This is the number of calories burned during a workout.
  5. Non-sports thermogenesis. It assumes the number of calories that a person spends not on training, but on simple steps– walking, changing posture, vertical position.

Symptoms of a slow metabolism

Signs of a slow metabolism do not only appear in the form of problems with excess weight. The brain spends about 16 times more energy on its work than is required by the skeleton and muscles. For this reason, when metabolic processes slow down, a person feels symptoms associated with several body systems at once. In men and women, these signs are largely similar, but in the weaker sex there may be individual disturbances in the menstrual cycle and the condition of the skin, which becomes prone to cellulite.

Problems with excess weight

The main problem with a slow metabolism is excess weight. A person cannot reduce his increased body weight, no matter what methods he uses. In addition, eating habits are changing. There is a constant desire to eat simple carbohydrates, i.e. something sweet, especially during the day. A slow metabolic process also confirms the following:

  • You can’t lose weight even with regular exercise up to 5 times a week;
  • with severe calorie restriction, weight does not decrease;
  • belly has big sizes;
  • fat accumulates in those parts for which this was not previously typical.

Decreased immunity and allergic reactions

A person with a slow metabolism often complains of chronic condition fatigue that does not go away even after sleep or rest. Against this background, the following symptoms appear:

  • I can’t force myself to be physically active;
  • decreased body temperature;
  • frequent colds;
  • constant feeling cold;
  • allergy;
  • hypersensitivity to certain products.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Since metabolism affects the functioning of the digestive system, when it slows down, problems begin with gastrointestinal tract. They are manifested by the following symptoms:

Mental and neurological problems

Due to a failure in several systems of the body at once, the general state person, including psychological. Slow metabolism in this case is manifested by the following symptoms:


Normal speed metabolism ensures healthy hair, nails and skin. When it decreases, these parts of the body are among the first to suffer. Signs of slow metabolism in this case are:

  • brittle and slow-growing nails;
  • Thin hair;
  • thin leather that cracks easily, especially on the heels.

What slows down your metabolism

The statement that someone has naturally faster metabolic reactions is not true. For those who have normal weight bodies, they have a standard speed. Overweight people only justify their condition by saying they have a slow metabolism. In reality, the reasons are:

  • following strict diets with a calorie deficit;
  • eating certain foods;
  • refusal of breakfast in the morning;
  • constant stress;
  • lack of calcium in the body;
  • unbalanced nutrition system;
  • lack of physical activity in the daily routine;
  • chronic or acute diseases intestines;
  • violation drinking regime;
  • lack of sleep;
  • vitamin deficiency.

Strict diets

Without the required amount of nutrients, the body stimulates energy production and synthesis of molecules in smaller volumes. Their number decreases when the caloric content of the diet is sharply reduced. This is what happens with a strict diet. The body regards this situation as hunger, so it begins the process of saving itself, causing a slow metabolism. He doesn’t care why the food isn’t coming: whether you want to lose weight or are in a besieged city. Due to lack of food, the body begins to save its resources.


Food that slows down metabolic reactions is often called unhealthy. It is processed poorly and incompletely, which is why it is deposited in fat reserves. The list of such products includes:

  • sugar;
  • sweets;
  • flour;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • fast food;
  • alcohol;
  • semi-finished products;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • potato;
  • eggplant;
  • salty;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • pork;
  • cereals;
  • salo.

Skipping breakfast

Along with the awakening of the body, all metabolic processes also wake up. Breakfast satisfies energy needs after a long night without food. The first meal provides the body with a reserve of strength for several hours ahead and starts the metabolism. Slow metabolism is a consequence of lack of breakfast, the body becomes lethargic. In addition, if you don’t eat in the morning, you risk eating a lot more in the afternoon, and you won’t have time to fully spend these calories.

Unbalanced power system

This is an incorrect and irregular diet, to which the body reacts extremely painfully. Low fiber content and wave-like food supply contribute to slow metabolism. Her body perceives possible future interruptions, which is why it begins to store fat reserves. For this reason, it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day. This way, the body will constantly digest food, so it will have no reason to “panic.”

Lack of physical activity

Aerobic exercise increases your heart rate and engages large muscle groups, which speeds up your metabolism for weight loss. The speed increases as the intensity of the exercise increases. It reaches maximum values ​​within several hours after training. Excluding sports from life leads to a slowdown in metabolic reactions.

How to speed up metabolism and metabolism

The metabolic rate can be increased. There are several for this simple tips, which are easy to follow at home. The list of recommendations includes the following:

  1. Increased physical activity. This can be either training in the gym or simple hiking or cycling.
  2. Maintaining a rest regime. Normal 8-hour sleep reduces cravings for sweets and stabilizes metabolism.
  3. Compliance with drinking regime. A glass of water after sleep, half an hour before each meal and an hour after - these are the basic rules for drinking liquid.
  4. Maintaining proper nutrition. There should be at least 4-5 meals. The diet consists of a large number of protein products. You should definitely stop drinking coffee.

Balanced diet

The first thing you need to change to speed up your slow metabolism is your diet. It is necessary to exclude from the diet harmful products: salty, fried, fatty, smoked, sweet. All dishes must be prepared by boiling, baking, stewing or steaming. It is recommended to follow a daily regimen of 3 main meals and 2 snacks. The diet should include the following healthy foods:

  • green vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • nuts;
  • porridge;
  • milk and dairy products low fat content;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • berries;
  • greenery.


A slow metabolism can be improved with the help of certain medications. The doctor does not recommend this method of losing weight, because all medications are taken according to strict indications. In order to reduce weight they use the following drugs to improve metabolism:

  1. Anabolic steroid. They are often used in bodybuilding. The principle of action is to break down fat and build muscle. Here, drugs such as Anavar, Oxandrolone, and Danabor stand out.
  2. Hormonal agents. They are based on L-thyroxine. This hormone blocks appetite and increases stamina. Such drugs are prescribed for hypothyroidism, but bodybuilders use them during cutting. This hormone is very strong and can have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland.
  3. Stimulants. These are caffeine and guarana extract. They stimulate motor activity. After taking such remedies, it’s as if a second wind opens. Caffeine and guarana burn fat, causing a person to lose weight.

Physical activity

Sedentary image life does not contribute to the acceleration of metabolic reactions. Regular physical activity will help correct the situation. Useful for weight loss the following types activities:

  1. Fitness. Useful 3-4 times a week. Overtraining slows down metabolic reactions, as does lack of physical activity.
  2. Swimming. In this case, all muscle groups are involved, and therefore some of the calories are burned much more than in other sports.
  3. Run. It is more effective at low temperatures, because this way the slow metabolism accelerates even more.
  4. Walking. Daily walks for 40-60 minutes provide the body with the required load.

Interval training

Compared to measured aerobic training, interval training is more effective at speeding up metabolism. They represent a change in load from moderate to high during one session. The principle of interval training is as follows:

  • You need to warm up for 4-6 minutes;
  • then you need to do the selected exercise at the maximum pace for one minute (load 9-10 points);
  • then switch to moderate intensity, in which continue to perform the exercise for another 2 minutes (load 6-7 points);
  • Allow the body to cool down for 5 minutes, then select next exercise and repeat the cycle.

Power loads

Cardio training helps you lose weight, but does not build muscle definition. For this purpose, it is necessary to give the body strength loads with weights. They are necessary for both men and women. The fact that in the weaker sex such training will cause a restructuring of the body according to male type, is a fallacy. Without special drugs That will not happen. Without strength training, it is difficult to build muscle, which leads to a slow metabolism. Optimal training option:

  • light warm-up at the beginning - this can be running on a treadmill or riding an exercise bike;
  • 8-10 exercises for the main muscle groups - back, abs, buttocks, biceps, triceps, calves, pectorals;
  • cool down – also in the form of light cardio or stretching, which helps to form a beautiful muscle shape.


Your metabolism is an internal stove that burns calories and gives you energy. As you age, your metabolism slows down. If you use junk food, you will worsen your metabolism even more. Avoiding such products will help you avoid this.

Diet soda

So, every year your metabolism gets slower. This is why many people note that they gain weight as they age, even though their diet does not change at all. Artificial sweeteners are serious problem, because they affect the bacteria in the intestines, causing blood sugar levels to rise and thereby increasing the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Try to drink plain water. If you don't drink enough water, you are seriously harming your metabolism. If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Water can help you feel full and eat less. Water can even temporarily speed up your metabolism. Researchers have found that people lose weight more quickly if they drink several glasses of water before meals. However, drinking diet soda has the exact opposite effect. Sweeteners lead to overeating and cause serious harm to your body.

Low-calorie semi-finished products

Some people believe that eating frozen foods with minimal calories can be a good idea. In fact, eating this way won't help you lose weight; on the contrary, it can slow down your metabolism. You need to eat enough calories to keep your metabolism working properly. In addition, semi-finished products contain a lot of salt and little fiber. If you still want to eat processed food, combine it with legumes. This will give you fiber and protein, which is great for weight loss. You can also add vegetables to your meals. They contain a lot of water, which hydrates the body and makes you feel full. These precautions will allow you to neutralize negative effect semi-finished products and adhere to a completely healthy diet even when you do not have the opportunity to fully cook.

Low protein diet

Your body is using up a large number of energy when processing protein, so try to consume it at every meal. Each time you should try to eat about twenty to thirty grams. You can also start your day with a protein shake. In this case, you do not have to worry about the state of your metabolism at all, and high levels of protein help build muscle, and muscles, in turn, stimulate the burning of calories.

Fresh food

Healthy eating doesn't have to be completely bland. Spices are one of the the best ways add healthy flavor, fresh products without increasing the calorie content of the dish. Remember, a diet should not be a temporary measure, it should be a transition to healthy diet. You can't achieve your goal if you don't like what you eat. Plus, using spices will help boost your metabolism. According to research, eating red pepper helps burn calories more intensely after eating. Try adding a variety of spices to your diet more often to quickly notice changes in your silhouette!


You probably already know that alcohol is just empty calories. It is possible that you are not aware of exactly how it affects the body. Alcohol irritates your digestive tract, which can interfere with your ability to absorb nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. Try drinking green tea in the evenings - it's an excellent metabolism support. Studies have shown that the effect remains noticeable throughout the day. It is advisable to give up alcohol, especially during the period when you are trying to get rid of excess weight.


Some people are sensitive to wheat - and it is used in a huge number of products. If your body is sensitive to something you regularly consume, antibodies will build up in your body that react to this product like an invader. It causes inflammatory processes in the intestines, liver, harms immune system, and thyroid gland, which regulates your metabolism. If you suspect that your body is sensitive to wheat, try giving it up for a while and see if your condition improves.


You probably know that sugar is bad for you, but you may not realize that it causes intense inflammation. The body cannot process it normally. Experts recommend consuming about twenty-five grams of sugar per day, but many people eat twice as much. How to fix the situation? If you want something sweet, eat fruit. Yes, they also contain sugar, but it is not concentrated like processed foods. In addition, this way you will receive fiber, which is very important for metabolism, as well as for cleansing the body. Fruits also contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals - everything that is not found in ordinary sweets. That is why it is better to still use them. If you can't completely give up dessert, limit yourself to dark chocolate - it also has benefits for your health.

Recycled starch

Not all carbohydrates affect your body the same. Processed carbohydrates, such as wheat bread or white rice, are not whole grains. They have no fiber and virtually no nutritional value. It is important to try to minimize your intake of processed carbohydrates and instead consume complex carbohydrates: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes. This way, you will feel full and your blood sugar levels will be stable. If you want to lose weight, choose vegetables without starch - eggplant, broccoli, asparagus. They are much safer for your figure and do not cause any harm to your metabolism; on the contrary, they have a rather beneficial effect on it.

Omega-6 fatty acids

Experts believe that the diet modern man too many Omega-6 fatty acids. They are contained in vegetable oil, chicken, processed grains. If they are not balanced healthy fats Omega-3s can cause inflammation in the body, which harms metabolic processes. Try to eat several times a week fatty fish, such as salmon or sardines. IN walnuts And flax seeds also a lot of Omega-3. High-quality vitamins can be an equally good solution. All these measures will help you naturally cope with the inflammatory process, which will also have a beneficial effect on your metabolic rate.


Some people cannot digest large amounts of milk protein or lactose. Because of this, they notice that eating dairy products causes inflammation and bloating. If you feel like you have this problem and that dairy products are affecting your metabolism, try giving up regular milk in favor of nut milk. Choose varieties with calcium and without sweeteners. Calcium is very important, and its lack can also lead to a slower metabolism. If, as a result of the test, you realize that dairy products are really harmful to you, you will need to limit them in your diet as much as possible.

Many people notice that getting back into shape after the holidays becomes increasingly difficult as they age. There are also cases when extra pounds begin to appear as if out of thin air. Why is this happening?

Dr. Caroline Cederquist, author of The MD Factor Diet, believes that metabolic changes (while they vary from person to person) begin to appear around age 20, 30, 40 or 50 for some people. Therefore, it will be useful for every person to know how the body’s metabolic system works and how to optimize its functioning at any age.

Metabolic changes characteristic of the body at 20, 30, 40 and 50 years old

Below are the main metabolic changes that occur in the body approximately every ten years. It is worth understanding that the time marks taken as a basis are approximate and may vary depending on the person’s health and lifestyle.

Changes in metabolism manifest themselves in each person individually.

Metabolism between 20 and 30 years of age

On average, it is at this age that many people experience the most high speed metabolism at rest, i.e. when we do nothing. This feature also depends on genetic factors, but the level of human activity plays a large role in this aspect.

It is also necessary to remember that until about 25 years of age, the process of intensive bone growth continues, so calories are burned quite intensively. Closer to the age of 30, many people notice that taking liberties with high-calorie foods leads to the appearance of unnecessary centimeters in problem areas. However, regular exercise and reasonable nutrition will help you get back into shape quite quickly.

Metabolism between 30 and 40 years of age

If by this time you have not started doing strength training, it’s time to start. Resting metabolic rate is directly related to muscle mass. The greater the muscle mass, the more energy the body will need to burn, including at rest. From about age 30, muscle mass begins to decrease at a rate of 1% per year. If you don't use your muscles, you can accept that fat will accumulate in your body. Strength training (2-3 times a week) will help prevent the consequences of this unpleasant process.

Decreased muscle mass and decreased production of growth hormone contribute to a slower metabolism.

Women generally find it difficult to maintain muscle mass. Testosterone levels in men are significantly higher than in women, so the percentage of fat in male body significantly less than in women. And muscle mass in men is correspondingly greater.

One more age-related feature is a decrease in the production of growth hormone at about 30 years of age. As a result, there is a change in metabolism towards its slowdown. Strength training will help increase the amount of growth hormone produced.

Metabolism between 40 and 50 years of age

Surveys have shown that, on average, until the age of 40, women manage to stay on diets for 6 years, but within 5 years, 95% of women who lose weight regain the lost weight. Therefore, it is important to maintain an optimal metabolic rate. Among other things, protein will be your assistant in this matter. It is necessary so that you do not feel hungry, and your muscles grow strong and strong.

The daily protein requirement depends on a number of factors. A qualified nutritionist can most accurately calculate the required amount of nutrients. But there are a number of online calculators on the Internet that make it possible to do the calculations yourself.

As a child, we could eat kilos of baked goods and overeat with chocolate at night without any consequences for our figure. Now we are afraid of fast carbohydrates like fire, we try to eat a balanced diet, but we still periodically suffer from excess weight. Why?! Let's discuss each of them possible reasons - after all, it will be easier to resist the insidious nature.

Metabolism at 20+

Peak metabolic activity

“For most women, their metabolic rate peaks between 17 and 25 years old,” says Ph.D. Christopher Ochner, weight loss specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Some women experience it earlier, others later. This mainly depends on genetics, but lifestyle can also affect it. For example, the earlier you decided to go to fitness, the more muscle mass you built, which helps burn calories even at rest. Plus, your body continues to gain mass until you're about 25 years old. bone tissue, and this process also requires a lot of energy.

Metabolism begins to slow down

According to the American Committee on physical culture, metabolic rate decreases by approximately 1.5% every 10 years. “By the age of 30, most women notice that they can no longer eat high-calorie foods without negative consequences for their figure, and the extra pounds begin to fall off much more slowly,” says Ochner. “Since this decline in metabolic activity occurs precisely during the period when most of us find (mostly sedentary) permanent jobs and cease to maintain the same level of physical activity, we can say that career also plays an unpleasant role in slowing metabolism.”

Metabolism at 30+

Vicious circle of weight gain

In a sedentary job, you lose muscle mass, which means that your ability to burn calories at rest also deteriorates. “And with a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat, visceral fat can grow inside the muscles and further reduce activity and provoke digestive disorders,” says MD. Caroline Cederquist, creator of the Bistro MD Diet and author of The MD Factor. “Well, this bleak picture is complemented by the fact that after thirty, the body stops producing the same volumes of growth hormone, which also leads to a slowdown in metabolism.”

Help build muscle mass and Strength training can force the body to produce more growth hormone. Then it will be possible to speed up metabolism to the same (or even higher) level.

Impact of pregnancy

If you decide to conceive, keep in mind that pregnancy can speed up your metabolism. But this does not mean that you will be able to eat everything again or even double your portions. “During pregnancy, you really eat for both yourself and the baby, but it’s more about the quality of food, rather than its quantity. Pregnancy is not an excuse for eating larger portions or increasing calorie intake, especially during pregnancy. early stages"When the baby is inside you, it's just a baby," says registered dietitian Wesley Delbridge, liaison for the Academy of Nutraceuticals and Dietetics.

“During pregnancy, the body spends approximately 200 kcal per day more than usual. Women whose weight before pregnancy was normal should not gain more than 10-15 kg during these nine months.” Unfortunately, a 2015 study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology reports that about 50% of all pregnant women gain more weight than expected, and this leads to muscle breakdown, the growth of visceral fat and even the development of insulin resistance (pre-diabetes).

The benefits of breastfeeding

For a period of breastfeeding calorie expenditure increases significantly. “Women who breastfeed without formula lose up to 500-1,000 extra calories per day,” says Delbridge. Unfortunately, as soon as any of us begins to introduce complementary foods, the metabolic rate becomes exactly the same as it was before pregnancy - and that is provided that you have not lost a lot of muscle mass over these months.

Metabolism at 40+

Hormones are rebelling

When a woman is about forty, the body is preparing for the end of the childbearing period. “Progesterone, estrogen, and growth hormone levels drop (again!),” says Dr. Cederquist. Next Metabolism also slows down. “This means cutting back on the number of calories you eat. to maintain your current weight,” advises Delbridge. If you exercise regularly, it will be enough to reduce your diet by 150 kcal. Do you lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle? You'll have to sacrifice more.

Need to build muscle mass

Of course, this is required at any age, but after forty, muscle mass begins to rapidly melt: this process even has a medical name - sarcopenia. At this age, to maintain muscle mass and help the body fight aging, it is simply necessary to include strength training in your training program. According to a study conducted by the Harvard School public health, people who prefer working out with weights over cardio exercises suffer less from extra pounds around the waist. "Of course, any type of exercise helps burn calories," Ochner says. - But strength training allows you to speed up your metabolism and maintain it for more high level even after completing classes.”

A diet with a sufficient amount of protein (100-120 g per day) will also allow you to maintain strength and develop endurance. “A woman who was sedentary in her 20s and 30s has a good chance of surpassing her friends' metabolic rate in the 40s if she exercises regularly and makes appropriate changes to her diet,” Cederqvist says encouragingly.