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Slow digestion of food. The stomach does not digest food. Beet salad with garlic and carrots

Poor nutrition, snacks on the run, or large meals at night - all this can lead to the stomach not digesting food. What to do when the stomach cannot digest food and how to restore the functioning of the organ worries many.

1 Basic information about the disease

The stomach is the place where food is digested. Its volume in an adult is approximately 2-3 liters. Food enters the stomach through the esophagus, where it is broken down into its components: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. When the body feels the need for food, it gives a signal and the amount increases. of hydrochloric acid, which promotes the breakdown of food. The speed of this process is different: carbohydrates are completely processed in 2 hours, while a similar process for fats takes up to 5 hours.

The deterioration of the stomach, in which it practically stops digesting food, is called dyspepsia and can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations: attacks of nausea, heaviness in the stomach and a feeling of fullness. If timely effective measures are not taken, the consequences will be very serious.

Symptoms of dyspepsia may include the following:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • bloating, distension;
  • symptoms peptic ulcer: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, “hunger” pain;
  • belching;
  • after eating, a burning sensation may occur in the chest area;
  • heaviness and pain in the upper abdomen not associated with eating;
  • pain in upper section spine;
  • sometimes vomiting occurs, causing relief for a short period;
  • loss of appetite, rapid satiety (associated with undigested food in the stomach).

The disease may develop different ways: according to the ulcerative, dyskinetic or nonspecific variant. The dyskinetic variant involves the appearance of a feeling of rapid satiety, overcrowding, and discomfort. With peptic ulcers, signs of peptic ulcer disease are observed, that is, belching, “hungry” or night pain, heartburn. The nonspecific variant combines signs of both ulcerative and dyskinetic course of the disease.

2 Causes of the disease

The most common causes of dyspepsia are poor nutrition and lack of food culture. Dry snacks in conditions of constant stress and haste will certainly affect your health. The selection of foods can affect the functioning of the stomach. There are a number of products that, depending on individual characteristics human, the stomach does not perceive.

Discomfort may arise from oily, heavy or too spicy food. Alcohol can also cause problems, as it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, thereby increasing the load on the walls of the stomach.

In some cases, disruption of the functioning of the stomach may be caused by hormonal imbalance- This phenomenon is often observed in pregnant women. Finally, the secretion of gastric juice may be a consequence of disorders of the secretory glands.

In some cases bad feeling may advance in morning time. This suggests that the person is abusing late meals. Like all human organs, the stomach must have time to rest.

There are other causes of dyspepsia:

  • decreased metabolism;
  • the appearance of bacterial colonies in the gastric mucosa;
  • insufficient concentration of gastric juice;
  • gastritis.

Regardless of the reasons why the stomach does not digest food, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment and seriously reconsider the diet and selection of foods.

3 Types and forms of the disease

There are two main groups of the disease: organic and functional. Organic dyspepsia is a syndrome in which there are no serious disturbances in the structure of the gastrointestinal tract, only functional ones, that is, related to the functioning of the organs. Functional dyspepsia is characterized by the appearance of structural pathological changes gastrointestinal organs. In this case, the symptoms will be observed more clearly and over a long period of time.

The main types of disease are determined depending on the reasons that provoked their occurrence.

Dyspepsia caused by intestinal infection can be of several types:

  • salmonellosis - characterized by an increase in temperature to 39°C, the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and headache;
  • dysentery - usually affects colon, the main manifestation is considered to be stool mixed with blood;
  • intoxication - develops as a result of poisoning due to influenza, acute infectious diseases, poisoning.

Dyspepsia associated with a lack of digestive enzymes can be of the following types:

  • gastrogenic;
  • hepatogenic;
  • pancreatogenic;
  • enterogenous.

Nutritional dyspepsia is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and has 3 subtypes, characterized by an excess of any component.

Putrefactive disease develops when eating too many carbohydrate-containing foods, that is, meat, fish, and eggs predominate in the diet. The disease may develop due to eating stale meat products.

Fatty dyspepsia is caused by an excess of fats in the diet, especially refractory ones - lamb or pork fat.

The fermentation form is caused by an excess of carbohydrate-containing foods in the diet, such as bread, legumes, cabbage, sugar and some others, as well as fermented drinks (these include beer and kvass).

4 Diagnostic methods

Stopping digestion of food in the stomach may be a symptom of another, more serious disease, so if signs appear, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis. It is necessary to describe all complaints as accurately as possible: how long ago and how severe the pain has been, when it appears, whether there is heartburn, whether there are other diseases gastrointestinal tract.

After this, the doctor can prescribe both instrumental and laboratory tests.

Instrumental studies may include ultrasound and computed tomography. Using electrogastroenterography, disorders of gastric motility are detected, that is, its ability to move food mass. If you suspect more serious illnesses(tumors), the patient may undergo radiography. The inner surface of the stomach is analyzed using an endoscope, often with a simultaneous biopsy. Tests are carried out for the presence of the pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

TO laboratory research include biochemical analysis blood, stool test for the presence dietary fiber and hidden blood.

5 Treatments

If the disturbance of digestion in the stomach is caused by the development of another disease (influenza and other viral diseases, ulcers, gastritis, pancreatic diseases, duodenitis, etc.), it is this that is treated first.

To directly treat indigestion in the stomach, the patient is prescribed medications of various types. For constipation, the patient is prescribed a laxative, but not for continuous use - only until the stool returns to normal. If diarrhea occurs, the patient should take antidiarrheal medications.

The patient is prescribed some medications designed to eliminate the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Enzymatic - improve digestion, stomach function and duodenum.
  2. Blockers proton pump- are prescribed when increased acidity stomach, manifested in the form of heartburn and sour belching.
  3. Histamine blockers are medications that reduce stomach acidity, but have a weaker effect than proton pump blockers.
  4. Painkillers - antispasmodics that reduce painful sensations in a stomach.

Non-drug treatment consists of simple measures. After eating, it is recommended to walk for at least 30 minutes. During treatment, the load on the abs is eliminated: twisting, lifting or bending the body.

Since one of the reasons that food is poorly digested is poor nutrition, it is reasonable to try to improve the condition with the help of diet. Therefore, at least for the duration of treatment, you need to give up fast food, fried, fatty, and semi-finished products, since all of these products contain a large amount of simple fats.

It is important to have a positive attitude - it helps improve the production of gastric juice. Therefore, while eating, you do not need to plunge into dark thoughts or be distracted by watching TV, reading a newspaper or watching news on the Internet.

The main rule is to seriously reconsider your diet. It is important to give preference to natural and quality food. If your stomach does not accept any food, then you can switch to separate meals, since a diet selected in accordance with the rules allows you to relieve the digestive system and identify a product that is not accepted by the gastrointestinal tract.

Separate nutrition requires following several rules. The main thing is that you should not mix carbohydrates and proteins in one meal, since their processing requires different concentrations of gastric juice. In this case, fats can be combined with both proteins and carbohydrates.

It is important not to mix foods that take different amounts of time to digest. For example, nuts take longer to digest, so you shouldn't eat them at the same time as an orange.

You also need to be more careful with liquids. It is not allowed to drink hot coffee or tea immediately after eating. To avoid problems, you need to drink water 15 minutes before meals and at least an hour after meals.

The stomach is a tool for thoroughly processing food. At the same time, digestion takes from 20 minutes to several hours - depending on the composition and calorie content of the products. If the stomach does not digest food, dyspepsia is diagnosed. Let's look at the reasons why it manifests itself and what to do with such a diagnosis.

Causes of dyspepsia

It often happens that food stays in the organ for a long time and is not digested due to overeating, snacking on the go, eating the wrong foods, eating a bad combination of foods, or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Digestion can also be affected by stress, depression, and daily worries for any reason.

One of the factors in the development of dyspepsia is a late, hearty dinner that includes fatty, high-calorie foods. Like the entire body, the stomach must rest at night and those foods that it did not have time to digest during the evening remain until the morning, which is why after waking up you can feel discomfort in the abdomen, bloating, heartburn or nausea.

The reason for food retention in the organ may also be a poor reaction of the sphincter, which connects the organ to the intestines. The response may be impaired due to the presence of an ulcer or injury that is caused by big amount acids in gastric juice. Therefore, with such a disorder, the patient often has a history of complaints of nausea, belching and vomiting.

There are also the following reasons why food is poorly digested:

  • insufficient secretion of gastric juice;
  • presence of gastritis;
  • infection of the mucous membrane (presence of bacteria);
  • disrupted metabolic process.

Reason painful sensation there may be malnutrition in the stomach. Insufficient secretion of gastric juice may be due to hormonal imbalance (often in pregnant women) or due to impaired functionality of the secretory gland, which is responsible for the secretion of juice. Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to perform fibrogastroscopy for diagnostic purposes to identify the cause of the pathology.

Availability sour taste in the mouth indicates the presence of an ulcer or gastritis. This is accompanied primarily by a decrease in appetite.

Types and forms of the disease

The disease can be divided into the following groups: functional and organic. With functional dyspepsia, there is pathology of the intestines and stomach. In organic cases, there are disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be divided by type of disease and causes.

For example, dyspepsia caused by intestinal infection, can be differentiated into the following types:

With a lack of digestive enzymes, dyspepsia can be: hepatogenic, gastrogenic, enterogenic, pancreatogenic.

In addition to these types, there are others:

  • Nutritional, resulting from poor nutrition;
  • Putrefactive, resulting from eating large amounts of fish and meat, especially stale ones;
  • Fatty, which is caused by eating foods containing large amounts of fat;
  • Fermentation, which occurs when eaten following products: sweets, beans, kvass, beer, baked goods.

What to do if food is poorly digested

This disease can be treated in several ways - all of them are quite effective. Only during treatment folk remedies First you need to consult your doctor. So, treatment can be divided into non-drug and medicinal.

The first one only works on early stages development of the disease:

  • After eating, it is recommended to walk at a moderate pace for 30-40 minutes. This is necessary to activate intestinal motility;
  • do not tighten the belt on the skirt and trousers too much;
  • It is recommended to sleep on high pillows, as this prevents the release of substances from the stomach into the intestines;
  • watch your diet - avoid overeating, do not eat before bed, do not eat fatty foods.

Drug treatment of dyspepsia

Depending on the cause of indigestion, the following medications may be prescribed:

If dyspepsia occurs due to stress or depression, then the patient’s psycho-emotional state must also be brought back to normal. Naturally, you also need to get rid of the reasons why the stomach does not work well, causing indigestion.

Treatment of dyspepsia with folk remedies

Of course, in folk medicine there are a large number of recipes that can be used to combat dyspepsia, but first of all you need to consult a doctor and consult on the question of why the stomach does not digest food well. The doctor will clarify the diagnosis, give recommendations, and conduct allergy tests.

Now let's look at some recipes traditional medicine:

  • Marjoram or cumin. You need to prepare the following drink: mix crushed cumin (or marjoram) with 250 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Take 100 ml once a day;
  • Fennel (berries, 1 g) pour 250 ml of boiling water and heat for 10 minutes. Then cool the resulting broth and strain. You should drink small amounts throughout the day;
  • Pour boiled water over the dill seeds and let it brew for 30 minutes (250 ml of water for 1 teaspoon of seeds). Take 30 ml after meals all day.

They will help you cope and herbal infusions. Here are the recipes for some of them:


Prevention of such a disease is based on compliance with basic rules that ensure normal work stomach and intestines. You also need to avoid those factors that can affect the functioning of the digestive tract.

So, the following preventive measures should be noted:

  • control your diet;
  • education of an adequate response to stress;
  • control general condition body;
  • control of bad habits.

Controlling your diet includes the following activities:

  • avoiding strict diets;
  • maintaining the proportions between fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • restriction in the use of semi-finished products;
  • consumption of vegetables and fruits in large quantities;
  • control of salt intake.

As for bad habits that are best abandoned, these include:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent overeating;
  • dry snacks and on the run»;
  • consuming large amounts of caffeine;
  • food at night;
  • neglecting breakfast.

By using preventative measures, you will not experience indigestion. Be healthy!

Related materials

Most people, when eating food, do not think about what will happen to it and how the digestive organs will react to it. As a result, a situation arises when the stomach does not digest food - dyspepsia. This condition is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and they do not always go away without a trace, giving rise to diseases.

In order not to encounter such a situation, you need to know why, when and what food is not digested in the stomach, and take measures to prevent it.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10 this pathology has code K31, is included in the group of functional stomach disorders.

It is easy to understand the reasons why food is not digested in the stomach, having an idea of ​​its structure and functions. This organ resembles a dense muscular sac in which food is accumulated, mechanically and chemically processed, partially absorbed and pushed into the intestine for further digestion.

The capacity of the organ is 500 ml; when stretched, it increases 3-4 times. The chemical processing of food involves hydrochloric acid, the enzymes pepsin, which breaks down protein, lipase, which breaks down fats, and chymosin, which breaks down milk protein. Small amounts of water, sugars and alcohol are absorbed.

Anatomical and functionality the stomach is limited, therefore, with excessive load, various abuses, failures occur. It is also closely connected to the central nervous system and other organs that influence its function.

The main reasons for indigestion are as follows:

Types and forms of the disease

Depending on which food component is not digested, there are 3 forms of dyspepsia:

  • fermentation;
  • putrid;
  • fatty, or soapy.

Fermentation form

Pathology develops with excessive consumption of carbohydrates - potatoes, flour products, sweet products. There are no enzymes in the stomach that break down sugars, and ptyalin (amylase) in saliva is not enough to break down excess carbohydrates. As a result, they stagnate, bacteria join in, and fermentation occurs.

Favorable conditions for this are created by the use of kvass, beer, pickled vegetables and fruits. During fermentation, carbon dioxide is formed, which increases acidity, slows down peristalsis, causes flatulence and general intoxication, and decreased immunity.

Putrid form

Rotting processes occur as a result of excess protein - meat and dairy foods, fish, sausages, eggs. Such food already takes a long time to digest in the stomach, and excess protein is an excellent environment for putrefactive microbes. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, peristalsis is disrupted, the absorption of toxins leads to general intoxication and an increase in body temperature.

Fat form

Most of the time is spent on digesting animal fats - pork, lamb, beef, duck; if there is an excess of them, the lipase enzyme is not enough. Undigested fats inhibit gastric secretion and peristalsis. A decrease in acidity plus stagnation leads to a saponification reaction of fats, so the pathology has another name - soapy dyspepsia.

Neutralization of acid inactivates digestive enzymes, which leads to impaired protein breakdown, stagnation, and entry into the intestines. undigested food, stool disorder.

There are also 2 types of “indigestion” in the stomach:

  • organic, associated with acute or chronic diseases - gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, diseases of the biliary tract;
  • functional – with dyskinesia of the stomach muscles (spasms, atony), too rapid absorption of food with swallowing air, reflex during a heart attack.

Symptoms of pathology

Clinical manifestations of “indigestion” in the stomach are accompanied by the following symptoms:

The predominance of certain symptoms depends on the nature of dyspepsia. In the fermentative form, heartburn, belching of air, bloating, and stool retention are more pronounced. The putrefactive form is characterized by belching with rotten smell, intoxication phenomena, fever. The fatty form is accompanied by alternating constipation and diarrhea, colic in the abdomen, feces have a “greasy” sheen and are poorly washed off with water.

How to normalize the condition?

What to do if the stomach does not accept food, if vomiting and other symptoms appear? Don't panic, this condition is treatable, which includes:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet therapy;
  • natural traditional medicine;
  • physical therapy.

Drug treatment

Medicines in each individual case are selected individually, depending on the cause of dyspepsia and its nature, they include the following groups:

Agents affecting secretion

Antacids are used to reduce secretion ( Almagel, Maalox, Gastal, Gaviscon, Rennie), proton pump blockers ( Orthanol, Omez, Omeprazole). For secretory insufficiency, it is prescribed Acipepsol, Plantaglucide, Pentagastrin, Betacid and analogues.


Drugs that provide mechanical protection to the mucous membrane include: bismuth derivatives (Venter, bismuth nitrate, Vikalin, Vicair), mucus production stimulants (misoprostol, enprostil).

Drugs affecting motor skills

Prescribed to relieve spasms No-shpu, Drotaverine. Prokinetics enhance motor skills - Motilium,Cisapride, Domperidone. The choice of drugs is made by the doctor, who determines the dose and method of administration.

Antibacterial agents

At infectious lesion stomach, putrefactive process, detection of Helicobacter, antibiotics are used - clarithromycin, amoxicillin, tetracycline in combination with metronidazole.

Vitamin preparations

Among the many vitamin and mineral complexes for the stomach, Bion-3, Milgamma, Vitrum, Supradin, Multitabs are more suitable; they contain vitamins A, C, E, B12, folic acid, biotin, trace elements.

Diet food

Without normalizing your diet and diet, you cannot expect that even the most “magic” pills will help. You need to reconsider your menu, give up your addictions to unwanted products and give preference to useful ones.

IN acute stage pathology, especially with a putrefactive process, fasting is possible, but no more than a day, and it is necessary to drink plenty of liquid - preferably drinking and low-mineralized water without gas.

The diet should include well processed and easily digestible products: lean boiled meat, stewed vegetables, fruit purees and juices, fermented milk products. It is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked, fried foods, animal fats, limit carbohydrate intake (flour, sweets).

Diet is very important daily ration need to be divided into 5-6 doses so as not to overload the stomach. Specific dietary recommendations the doctor will give you, they need to be followed.

Useful video

Doctors tell you how to speed up the digestion process in this video.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine drugs are a good addition to the main treatment. Calendula, chamomile, blackberries, celery seeds, marjoram, and cumin have a beneficial effect on digestion.

At home, it is easy to prepare the following healing infusions:

Special exercises

Therapeutic exercises are aimed at improving blood circulation in organs abdominal cavity and normalization of peristalsis. It is performed standing, excluding bending forward and down, and lying on the mat - turns, bending the body, raising the legs, diaphragmatic breathing and so on, a physical therapy specialist will instruct you in detail about this.

Strength exercises should be excluded and the load on the abs should be limited.


Preventing digestive dysfunction is not difficult and includes the following measures:

What to do when food is not digested in the stomach? Of course, consult a doctor. However, we should not forget about the still relevant phrase of the great healer Hippocrates: “It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.”


  • Causes of pain
  • How to bring the condition back to normal?
  • Separate meals: recommendations

When it happens that the stomach does not digest food (dyspepsia), it is worth talking about factors that led to this, such as refusal of a proper and complete breakfast, fatty food before bed, snack on the run. These reasons can become serious provocateurs excess weight, heaviness in the stomach, and as a result - clogging of the latter with toxins. Without taking any measures, you can develop problems with stool and food stagnation.

The stomach itself is an area for digesting food, which is located in the abdominal area on the left. Typically, the stomach can hold up to 3 liters. Food enters it through the esophagus. The very first purpose of the stomach is to parse ingested food into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And the remains from the stomach penetrate into the duodenum.

If a person begins to feel hungry or begins to eat food, then hydrochloric acid is produced in him, with the help of which food is digested and broken down. The walls of the stomach are covered with a membrane that can reliably protect it from the influence of acid. Over the course of several hours, the food is digested. It takes about five hours to digest fats, and it takes up to two hours to process carbohydrates.

Causes of pain

It is very often observed that if food lingers in the stomach for a long time, then the most probable cause This may be due to frequent overeating, snacking during working hours or on the go, unhealthy food or fast food, inclusion of poorly combined foods in the diet, chronic diseases esophagus. It is clear that also stressful situation, depression and daily hassles have a significant impact on health.

A predisposing factor to the development of morning dyspepsia is a late dinner or a high-calorie meal before bedtime. The stomach, like, in fact, the entire body, must rest. Those elements of food that have not been digested remain in the stomach until the morning.

As a result, after a person wakes up, he is in an unhealthy state, feels heaviness, has a headache, and is generally depressed.

Among the reasons that encourage long delay food, there may be an insufficient reaction of the sphincter, which connects the intestines and stomach. It is worth pointing out that the deteriorated sphincter reaction is due to injury or an ulcer that was provoked high level acidity of gastric juice. Sometimes the process of dyspepsia is accompanied by vomiting, belching or nausea.

Among the reasons are the following:

  1. Insufficiently well secreted gastric juice.
  2. Serious or aggravated form of gastritis.
  3. Intensive infection of the internal mucosa (bacterial colonies).
  4. Damaged metabolic process.

The secretion of juice itself may be impaired due to hormonal dysfunction (often observed in pregnant women). This may also occur due to the fact that the secretory gland responsible for the production of juice is disrupted. Therefore, in one situation or another, it is necessary to perform fibrogastroscopy, which will help to study everything thoroughly.

A sour taste in the mouth always indicates an ulcer or gastritis. It is accompanied by a loss of appetite. It is in this case that self-treatment is not suitable, because it is difficult to establish the cause of indigestion of food, but it is possible.

Bacteria that appear and develop on inner wall gastric mucosa, can lead to serious exacerbations not only of the mucous membrane. They are able to bring out normal functioning the entire digestive system.

What can be done? To begin with, it is worth improving the metabolic process, which may be disrupted due to reasons such as:

  1. Abuse of alcohol in any quantity, alcoholic beverages.
  2. Irregular and improper consumption of food that a person himself cannot digest (at the table you need to remember your limits and not overeat).
  3. Irregular diet.

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How to bring the condition back to normal?

If stomach pain constantly bothers you after eating, the following tips can help:

  1. Consume small portions.
  2. Eliminate or minimize spicy, heavy, fatty foods.
  3. Have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Drink fluids between meals.

It is also important to remember that if you have stomach discomfort, food should not be hot or very cold. Products must be baked or boiled. If the stomach does not accept food at all, and vomiting immediately follows after eating, then perhaps it is a stomach ulcer.

You should immediately seek medical help.

Treatment must be justified. As a rule, in order to improve the condition, it is important to adjust the diet so that it does not cause heaviness after eating. Portions should be small and frequent. It is important to chew food thoroughly and create a menu with combined foods.

Household chores and worries should not lead to depression or overexertion nervous system, as this can also cause stomach upset. When such measures do not help, it is worth diagnosing the body, since dyspepsia may be the result of another ailment.

When stomach pain appears after eating as a result of gastritis, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment and suggests which diet is best to follow. If the patient has cholecystitis, then it is possible to take medications that can eliminate spasms and relieve pain.

Digestion- the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food, as a result of which nutrients are absorbed and assimilated by the body, and decay products and undigested products are removed from it. Digestion is First stage metabolism. A person gets energy from food and that’s it necessary substances for tissue renewal and growth. However, the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in food, as well as vitamins and mineral salts, are foreign substances to the body and cannot be absorbed by its cells. These substances must first be converted into smaller molecules that are water soluble and lack specificity. This process occurs in digestive tract and is called digestion.

Causes of the disease

Digestive disorders develop as a result insufficient secretion of gastric juice or impaired evacuation of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract due to a pathological process in any organ of the digestive system.


Manifestations of digestive disorders:

  • appetite disorder
  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the epigastric region
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • bloating
  • colicky or aching girdle pain
  • headache
  • irritability

Treatment of digestive disorders

The treatment regimen is determined taking into account the cause of digestive disorders (development of a pathological process, compression of the intestine or the presence of an underlying disease).

Stage 1 of treatment – ​​correction of the root cause.

Stage 2 – symptomatic treatment.

The main groups of drugs that can be used to normalize intestinal motility:

  • Medicines from the group of prokinetics: Domperidone (Motilium), Metoclopramide (Cerucal).
  • Antispasmodics: Drotaverine (No-shpa) to eliminate spasms and pain.
  • Loperamide (Imodium) - the drug is used with extreme caution and if there are objective indications for use.
  • Duspatalin.
  • When flatulence develops, use simethicone (Espumizan) or Pankreoflant (a combination of enzymes and simethicone).
  • If constipation develops, laxatives are prescribed. Preference is given to drugs that contain lactulose, which has mild laxative effect and highly tolerable (Duphalac).

In order to normalize food digestion, the following is used:

  • Enzyme preparations: Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim.
  • Adsorbents: Smecta.
  • Probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform.

Folk remedies

  • Baths. To relieve intestinal spasms and intestinal colic, baths with lime color: 8–9 handfuls of linden blossom, brew 1 liter hot water, boil, let it brew and pour into hot bath. Linden blossom It also has an antibacterial effect. The duration of the bath is no more than 15 minutes.
  • Elecampane. To normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, drink an infusion of elecampane. Grind the rhizome and roots of this plant and pour 1 teaspoon with a glass of boiled, cooled water. Leave to infuse for 8 hours, covered. Strain and drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals for at least 2 weeks.
  • Blackberry (root). 10 g of blackberry root are boiled in 1/2 liter of water until half the volume of liquid has evaporated. The broth is filtered and mixed with the same amount of aged red wine. Take 1 tablespoon every 3 hours for sluggish digestion.
  • Blackberry and calendula. A mixture of blue blackberry leaves (2 tablespoons) and calendula officinalis flowers (1 tablespoon) is steamed in 1 liter of boiling water, drink 2/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Enema. In old age, it is necessary to give an enema at least once a week, even if the stomach is working normally, because a short-term retention of feces in the intestines can, without showing any pain, poison the body. It is also very good to drink infusions from herbs– mint, chamomile or wormwood. This is very useful and helps improve digestion.
  • Wormwood or Chernobyl. At intestinal colic take an infusion of wormwood, or Chernobyl. Pour a teaspoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Take a tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Collection based on buckthorn bark. Brew two tablespoons of the mixture (calamus rhizome - 1 part, buckthorn bark - 3 parts, mint leaves - 2 parts, nettle leaves - 2 parts, dandelion root - 1 part, valerian root - 1 part) with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1/2 glass in the morning and evening.
  • Plantain-based collection. Brew two tablespoons of a mixture of knotweed herb - 1 part, cinquefoil herb - 1 part, plantain leaves - 2 parts with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Chamomile based collection. The following collection will help regulate intestinal activity and get rid of pain. Mix 15 g of fennel fruits and calamus rhizomes, 20 g of valerian roots and mint leaves and 30 g of chamomile. Pour 10 g of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and keep in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 15 minutes. Bring the resulting volume to the original volume and start taking it after 45 minutes. Drink 3/4 glass 3 times a day after meals. The decoction relieves inflammation and normalizes digestion. The pain will stop after 2 weeks.
  • Collection based on licorice. Brew two teaspoons of a mixture of buckthorn bark - 2 parts, anise fruit - 2 parts, yarrow herb - 1 part, mustard seeds - 2 parts, licorice root - 3 parts with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening as a tea to regulate intestinal activity.
  • Herbal collection No. 2. Mix the rhizome with the roots of valerian officinalis, peppermint herb, chamomile flowers and herb, and calendula officinalis flowers equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a thermos with a glass of boiling water overnight and strain. Take 1/3 cup half an hour after meals 3 times a day for bloating (flatulence).
  • Herbal collection No. 1. For intestinal colic, increased gas formation and colitis, a decoction of yarrow, sage, mint and chamomile in equal proportions is recommended. A teaspoon of the mixture is brewed with boiling water, like tea, left for half an hour covered and drunk 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day.
  • Celery. 3-4 g of chopped celery root are poured into 1 liter of water, left for 8 hours, filtered. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. You can use other recipes: a) 1 tablespoon of seeds pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, leave for 2 hours and filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day; b) Fresh Juice Drink 1-2 teaspoons from the roots 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Blend for normalizing digestion. The following mixture normalizes all metabolic processes well: honey – 625 g, aloe – 375 g, red wine – 675 g. Grind the aloe in a meat grinder (do not water it for 5 days before cutting). Mix everything. Take 1 teaspoon for the first 5 days, and then 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.
  • Cumin and marjoram. To improve digestion, especially after heavy meals with fatty foods, take cumin with marjoram. To prepare decoction, pour a glass of boiling water into 1 tablespoon of ground cumin and marjoram seeds, let it brew for 15 minutes and drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
  • Poplar black. 2 teaspoons of dry crushed sedge buds (black poplar) are poured into 1–1.5 cups of boiling water, left for 15 minutes and filtered. Drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day. You can also use a tincture: 1–2 teaspoons of raw material are poured into 1/2 cup of 40% alcohol, infused for 7 days and filtered. Take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day.
  • Dill for hiccups. For persistent hiccups, Russian doctors prescribed a decoction of dill fruits (seeds). In addition, it improves digestion, soothes coughs, and is used for flatulence. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then strain. Take a tablespoon 4-5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The decoction also has a slight diuretic and lactogenic effect.
  • Fennel. 10 g of fennel fruits are poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled to room temperature, filtered and the volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml. This amount is drunk in equal portions throughout the day for indigestion.
  • Barley. 100 g of barley with 4-5 pears are boiled in 1 liter of water over low heat for 20 minutes, cooled, filtered and used as a remedy for belching.

Cleansing the intestines of old fecal matter and poisons

  1. Pour 0.5 liters of hot water into the syringe or enema, so hot that your hand can withstand it. Introduce water into the rectum using an enema, hold it for a few minutes and release it. Carry out the procedure at night.
  2. The next evening, repeat the same thing, but take 1 liter of water.
  3. Then skip one evening, and the next take 1.5 liters of hot water.
  4. Then skip another 2 days, and on the third evening increase the dose of hot water to 2 liters. 2 days after this cleansing, natural urges will return. Repeat this procedure once a month. After cleaning, start drinking 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Golden rules of nutrition (according to V. A. Ivanchenko)

  1. Fresh food. It is better not to leave cooked food for long-term storage, as fermentation and rotting processes begin to occur in it. You should cook as much as necessary, according to at least, for two meals.
  2. Raw food diet. Raw plants contain the greatest life-giving force, they increase speed metabolic processes. When preparing the first and second courses, add vegetables only towards the end of cooking and let them simmer slightly.
  3. Diet diversity and balance. The more different foods included in the diet, the more physiologically active substances enter the body.
  4. A certain rotation of products. You can’t eat one dish or product for a long time.
  5. Seasonality of food. In spring and summer you need to increase the amount plant products. In the cold season, add food to your diet, rich in proteins and fats.
  6. Dietary restrictions. Those who eat a lot are less efficient and more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
  7. Get maximum pleasure from food. While sitting at the table, do not sort things out, do not read, but chew your food thoroughly.
  8. Certain combinations of products. With unfavorable food combinations, the intestines develop increased fermentation and food rotting and intoxication by the resulting harmful substances(for example, you should differentiate between protein and fatty foods, consume milk separately from other foods, etc.).

When diagnosing, the doctor has to differentiate among morphological, functional, biological, and bacteriological factors.

Stomach upset: main types

The most common reasons illnesses – chronic stress, lack of adequate nutrition, unbalanced diet, overeating, indigestion, abuse bad habits. Sweet, spicy, fried, fatty foods and changes in diet play an important role in the occurrence of stomach diseases.

European studies show that the cause of the disorder is often the abuse of exotic foods: bananas, oranges, kiwi, grapefruits.

Ionizing radiation, changes in climatic conditions are provoking factors stomach diseases. Organic changes in the gastric mucosa are the basis for subsequent pathogenetic disorders. The clinical symptoms of indigestion are varied. The dependence of symptoms on the volume, depth, and size of epithelial damage is determined by the type of nosological form.

Proper treatment for indigestion includes antibacterial therapy for the purpose of eradication of Helicobacter pylori. This microorganism plays a significant role in the formation of peptic ulcer disease.

Pathology due to Helicobacter pylori infection occurs in only 40% of people. With stable mucus secretion and physiological acidity of gastric juice, the bacterium does not cause ulcers. Excess hydrochloric acid and Helicobacter pylori infection increase the risk of disease.

A feature of the pathogenic influence of the microorganism is the ability to process hydrochloric acid. Enzymatically, the pathogen destroys peripheral acidity, which allows it to survive.

With superficial erosive, atrophic gastritis indigestion occurs due to bleeding, damage to the mucous membrane, and deformities. Symptoms of nosology significantly depend on the volume of the lesion.

Signs of indigestion – initial stage more serious pathological symptoms. At the first stage clinical sign The disease is gastroesophageal disease (GERD). With it, the only symptoms are heaviness of the epigastrium and periodic nausea.

Main signs of indigestion

Manifestations are observed in the following diseases:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux;
  2. Chronic gastritis;
  3. Ulcerative defect;
  4. Helicobacter pylori infection.

Gastroesophageal reflux involves the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. The aggressive effect of acid on the esophageal lining leads to difficulty passing food when swallowing and narrowing of the cardiac sphincter.

Primary symptoms of reflux:

  • Heartburn;
  • Epigastric severity;
  • Chest pain after eating;
  • Belching sour.

The lower esophageal sphincter is the main demarcation barrier between external environment and intestinal contents. The quality of the gastric epithelium depends on its functionality.

If the stomach does not function, but there are no pronounced clinical symptoms, gastroesophageal reflux is the primary nosological form.

Chronic gastritis is the second reason stomach upset. When the nosology is combined with hp infection, the following symptoms occur:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Pain after eating;
  • Anemic syndrome;
  • Heartburn;
  • Belching.

The presence of duodenal and gastric ulcers is the third category, leading to pain syndrome abdomen, darkening of the stool, pale skin. The most serious complication It is considered that the ulcer is perforated inside the abdomen. Without normalization of intragastric contents, one can count not only on serious disorder stomach, but also death. Important on early stage determine what to do in case of indigestion, since the pathology will “result” into a life-threatening condition.

The first signs that the stomach is not working:

  1. Pain in the upper abdomen;
  2. Darkening of the stool;
  3. Paleness of the skin;
  4. Vomit.

Prolonged existence of an ulcer causes cancerous transformation.

Gastric pylorus - anatomy and functionality

The pylorus is the final part of the organ responsible for the passage of food particles from the gastric cavity to the underlying parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Anatomically, it consists of circular muscles, which are responsible for the contraction of this part of the digestive tract.

The pyloric sphincter is a muscular organ that provides the primary peristaltic wave along the path of food movement. Contraction of longitudinal smooth muscles ensures the advancement of the food bolus. Relaxation of the smooth muscles leads to the opening of the sphincter, through which food passes to the underlying parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Partially digested gruel passes through the pylorus, moving from top to bottom in one direction - caudal movement.

The pylorus of the stomach ensures that the food bolus enters the duodenum after primary gastric processing. The pyloric sphincter plays important role during digestion.

The mechanism of regulation of the functioning of the esophageal sphincter

When the organ empties, the pulp leaves the stomach and the sphincter relaxes. First, water and carbohydrates leave.

Proteins inside the stomach are broken down into small amino acids. The process takes a certain amount of time, so the components pass slowly through the gatekeeper. Fatty acid are the last to leave the intragastric environment.

Additional factors influence the evacuation process:

  • Ethanol;
  • Pyloric narrowing;
  • Glucose;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Pyloric polyps;
  • Nervous spasm of the gastric muscles.

Digestion Basics

Digestion in the stomach is carried out by folds, goblet cells, and parietal cells. The capacity of empty intragastric contents does not exceed 50 ml. The liquid is located between the folds. When the volume of the organ is stretched, its cavity increases to 4 liters.

After ingestion, the food bolus is destroyed chemically and mechanically. The volume of hydrochloric acid is determined by the concentration, composition, and homogeneity of the intragastric contents. The nature of damage to the mucous membrane is influenced by the volume of pepsinogen, acid, and mucus produced by the organ. These ingredients are sufficient for complete protein processing. When the stomach does not function, the physiological process of secreting aggressive fluids is disrupted.

Another important mechanism of intragastric digestion is promoting propulsive peristalsis. By contracting the circular, longitudinal, and oblique muscles, the physiological process inside the stomach is achieved. If the mechanism is disrupted or the stomach does not work, epigastric heaviness and other symptoms of pathology occur.

Types of functional cells of the gastric epithelium:

  • Basic – synthesize enzymes;
  • Lining – produce hydrochloric acid;
  • Accessory - produce mucus.

After entering the stomach, the food contents envelop inner surface mucous membrane. Gastric juice primarily affects the shallow layer of the epithelium. The food bolus is saturated with salivary enzymes, which help crush some large particles and neutralize bacteria. The duration of the pathological process does not exceed 30 minutes.

Factors influencing the occurrence of indigestion

  1. Hydrochloric acid is necessary for the digestion of proteins. Together with pepsinogen, it participates in the process of protein denaturation. Fragmentary breakdown of proteins occurs in the stomach. When the acid concentration is increased, unpleasant symptoms– heartburn, epigastric nausea. Intragastric bacteria cause the process of putrefaction and promote the physiological digestion of food particles;
  2. Pepsinogen (pepsin) is the main enzyme in gastric juice that promotes protein denaturation. As protein is processed, proteolysis occurs, an enzymatic process that breaks down proteins. When there is not enough pepsin, gastric stagnation and fermentation begin;
  3. Mucus is produced by the epithelium of the gastric mucosa. Under the influence of chemical or physical factors it is not produced enough. The condition increases the likelihood of erosions and ulcerative defects;

The relationship between these components determines the possibility of a pathological intragastric process.

Digestion in the stomach: the process of formation of gastric juice

Practical experiments have shown that the stomach “knows” in advance what food it will need to digest. After receiving information from auditory or visual receptors, the brain sends signals to the stomach.

Academician Pavlov showed in experiments with dogs that even the sight of food causes the synthesis of gastric juice of a certain composition. The mechanism of its formation is determined by a combination of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes.

Concentration of intragastric contents depending on the composition of the meal:

  • A small amount of pepsin includes juice necessary for the digestion of fruits, curdled milk, and light foods;
  • Meat, food with a lot of seasonings are processed by gastric juice with high concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • When eating bread, the gastric fluid contains few enzymes, but the process of its separation requires 11 hours;
  • When drinking milk, acid is released within 4-5 hours;
  • Fatty foods inhibit secretion and reduce acidity.

Based on the above facts, it is rational to organize digestion in the stomach, taking into account the specific influence of different products on secretion.

Meat increases secretion, and carbohydrates inhibit it, so a person should first eat potatoes, and then meat dishes.

Fatty foods should not be plentiful, so as not to slow down digestion. The liquid is practically not retained, but is evacuated immediately after receipt.

The process of food passing into the duodenum deserves special attention. A portion of food particles located on the wall of the stomach moves by increasing motor activity.

It is optimal if nutritional particles enter the gastrointestinal tract in a mushy state, which facilitates the convenient movement of the food bolus due to peristalsis. Reflex relaxation of the sphincter is realized under the influence of hydrochloric acid. The next portion of food enters the gastrointestinal tract. Promotion is carried out gradually to ensure the highest quality processing of the food bolus.

Symptoms of indigestion

The condition appears when consuming spicy, fatty, rough food. The process is more typical for adults. In children, due to the active innervation of the digestive system, the secretion of enzymes is less frequently disrupted.

The main causes of stomach indigestion:

  • Occasional snacks;
  • Reducing portions;
  • Using poor quality food.

Indigestion often occurs in US residents when eating hamburgers, French fries, and cheeseburgers. Scientific experiments have revealed cases of disruption of food digestion in people who eat excess amounts of chocolate.

Signs of gastric digestion problems

Dyspepsia is a numerous symptom complex that implies a complex of organic, functional malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

Common symptoms:

  1. Quick satisfaction of hunger - satiety after eating small amounts of food;
  2. Pain, epigastric discomfort;
  3. Belching, heartburn, nausea;
  4. Excessive gas formation, bloating.

The above symptoms occur during physical activity and eating.

The main causes of indigestion:

  • Binge eating;
  • Increased food intake;
  • Product consumption;
  • Excessive drinking of drinks with sugar, carbon dioxide. Alcohol and nicotine promote inflammation, irritation, and stimulation of the release of stress hormones;
  • Physical activity interferes with blood supply to muscle tissue;
  • Nervous tension disrupts the process of digesting food, as it constricts blood vessels and contributes to indigestion;
  • Use of non-steroidal hormones.

Dyspepsia against the background of organic pathology appears with gastroesophageal reflux, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and tumors. Organic indigestion appears at night. The pathology is characterized by weight loss, heartburn, and heaviness of the epigastrium.

Functional dyspepsia occurs in the following conditions:

  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • Binge eating;
  • Frequent snacking;
  • Influence atmospheric pressure on sensitive people.

Poor nutrition, inadequate physical exercise cause stomach upset. Many problems can be avoided if you optimize digestion and organize the right diet.