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Adult food is not digested. What to do if the stomach does not digest food. What food should remain undigested

Poor digestion of food is the result of a combination of a weakened enzymatic activity in your stomach and at the level of the liver (bile secretion) and also a disturbed intestinal microflora. There is nothing unsolvable in this problem. It is enough to agree with the idea that when food is poorly digested, you will have to restore within three months normal microflora according to a special technique and at the same time support the liver! And of course - to observe a reasonable diet.

The human digestive tract is a complexly organized system, the work of which depends on many factors. A breakdown at one of the levels can lead to a failure of the entire digestion process. If your food is not digested well, then a systematic approach to solving the problem is necessary. And this is exactly the solution you will find in the European "Sokolinsky System"

Check out this video for sure!

Restoring bowel function in just a month!

Have you tried literally everything that can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract? Enzyme preparations, laxatives, probiotics - all this gives only a temporary effect. To improve the functioning of the digestive system, an integrated approach is needed, as well as patience. This is often lacking for people with a similar problem. Restore normal functioning intestines can be in just 30 days, and subsequently maintained natural remedies and proper nutrition.

How the gastrointestinal tract works

Food can be poorly digested both due to a violation of the function of the organs of the digestive tract itself, and due to improper operation of the auxiliary apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract (liver, pancreas).


    • After passing oral cavity and esophagus, food enters the stomach. Here it undergoes chemical treatment with hydrochloric acid and enzymes. Increased acidity promotes digestion and destroys many pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to the enzyme pepsin, proteins are broken down into smaller components, which facilitates their absorption.

    Small intestine

    • In this section of the intestine, all food components are digested. Opens into the duodenum bile ducts liver and pancreatic ducts. These two components (bile and pancreatic juice) are a mixture rich in enzymes and chemicals, which provides a complex breakdown of food into smaller components. With their deficiency, diseases of the liver and pancreas, food is poorly digested, which leads to a decrease in the amount of digestible substances. Undigested food begins to ferment and rot, releasing toxins and toxins.

      Next, the food bolus enters the jejunum and ileum. The main purpose of these departments is the promotion of food and the absorption of split substances into the blood and lymph. The movement of the food bolus is carried out with the help of peristalsis. Violation of the digestive system can adversely affect the intestinal musculature, which will cause stagnation of food. These processes lead to putrefactive decomposition of the contents of the intestinal lumen, which entails intoxication of the body with decay products.


    • In this department, water is maximally absorbed, and the formation of feces begins. The bacteria that colonize the jejunum help break down dietary fiber, which is extremely important for digestion. Improper nutrition and dysfunction of the digestive tract can lead to death or a sharp decrease in the intestinal microflora. At the same time, food is poorly digested, bloating and stool disorders develop.

What causes poor digestion and indigestion?

You definitely need to rethink your diet. Some foods cause rotting and fermentation processes in the intestines. At the same time, food is poorly digested, flatulence develops. These processes lead to the growth of pathogenic microflora and disruption of the stool. To avoid this, exclude the following foods from your menu:

    Fatty foods, especially heated fats;

    Spices and smoked products;

    All fried;

    Confectionery, especially on palm oil;


    Milk, cream;

    Excess alcohol.

  • - pork and also reduce the amount of beef

Why do these foods cause gastrointestinal disturbances in some people and not in others? It's all about the individual amount of enzymes and bacteria that promote digestion. If there is a lack of them in your body, then you can always make up for it from natural sources.

What foods should be included in the diet?

In your usual menu, you need to add food rich in natural enzymes, trace elements and fiber. Enzymes contribute to the breakdown of substances into smaller components, which improves their absorption. Vegetable fibers, improve peristalsis and formation stool. Fiber stimulates the intestinal walls, activating their tone. The most convenient to use and effective is psyllium.

Some substances increase the production of enzymes. Cayenne pepper in microdoses stimulates the secretion of the stomach, which significantly improves the digestion process.The work of the digestive tract can be helped by the use of plant enzymes such as papain. It breaks down proteins into amino acids, thereby facilitating the absorption of products.

In situations where food is difficult to digest, food supplements based on unicellular algae (chlorella, spirulina) can be used. They contain a set of vitamins and natural enzymes that activate the digestive tract and stimulate the digestion of food.

If you're not sure where to start, start with a detox!

Most problems feeling unwell there is a reason. It consists of errors in nutrition, overwork, internal intoxication, instability of the emotional state.

The "Sokolinsky System" allows, taking into account the understanding of physiology, to influence the foundations of your well-being and provide a strong "foundation":

1. proper digestion

2. enough level vitamins, minerals, amino acids, other essential nutritional components

3. sufficient energy level for life and cell renewal

4. friendly microflora and active stable immunity

5. effective cleansing from toxins at the level of the intestines and liver

80% of the results come from 20% of the right efforts. The implementation of these recommendations is simple and affordable even for very busy person. This is the so-called. "Pareto's Law". All successful people know him.

Naturally, since we are not talking about treatment, then medicines are offered here. This is a reasonable 100% natural approach. All the ingredients mentioned here are found in nature!

For busy, modern and intelligent people

For a person who needs to solve many new tasks every day, to work actively, our systematic view of human health will be useful.

The best and easiest way to start is with Premium programs - Detox. Digestion. Immunity. Energy, because it eliminates the 5 most common causes poor health and loss of energy.

At the same time, it is up to you to maintain reasonableness in nutrition, care for your mental state and physical activity.

Thousands of people from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, USA, European countries have successfully used these natural remedies.

The Sokolinsky Center in St. Petersburg has been operating since 2002, the Sokolinsky Center in Prague since 2013.

Vladimir Sokolinsky is the author of 11 books on natural medicine, a member of the European Association of Natural Medicine, the American Association of Practitioners of Nutrition, the National Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians, the Scientific Society of Medical Bioelementology, the Czech Association of Rehabilitation Practitioners, a representative of the World Organization for Thermal Therapy in the Czech Republic.

Natural products are produced in the Czech Republic specifically for use in the "Sokolinsky System" under the author's control at a family business.

Hello friends! How many of you have experienced the fact that the stomach does not digest food?

That is, he, as it were, digests food, and this is often accompanied by pain, discomfort, bad aftertaste in the mouth, etc.

But it's still okay...

But when a person begins to eat and everything comes back after a while, this is already a more serious situation.

I propose to consider possible reasons and symptoms...

The stomach does not digest food

Let's name the main reasons why the stomach does not digest food:

  • due to weak secretion of juice,
  • due to a serious form of gastritis,
  • severe infection of the internal mucosa (colonies of bacteria are present),
  • severe metabolic disorder.

Now, as in our last article about, let's deal with each item listed.

So, a weak secretion of juice may be due to hormonal imbalance (this often happens in pregnant women). Also, this is due to the fact that the secretory gland, which is responsible for the production of juice, is broken. In any case, you need to go do it in order to finally find out everything. Self-analysis will not work here ...

The same goes for gastritis. All ulcers and gastritis are accompanied by a lack of appetite. Therefore, self-medication is also contraindicated, since it is rather difficult, although possible, to establish why food is not digested as it should.

Go to the experts. Only they can specifically say something about the reason why the stomach does not digest food.

Separately, it must be said about the bacteria that begin to develop in the entire internal mucosa. This leads to serious disorders not only of the mucous membrane, but unbalances the entire gastrointestinal tract and digestion.

But what we can now influence is the disturbed metabolism. Violation often occurs due to:

  1. a person drinking alcohol in any quantity, as well as smoking (even worse, both at the same time),
  2. uncontrolled consumption of food that you are not able to digest (you always need to know your limits and not overeat),
  3. unstable diet.

Antrum of the stomach

It is this department that is often damaged and diseased. There is only one reason for this - the antrum of the stomach is its lower part, where food constantly resides. It is in this department that its accumulation occurs, as well as the maximum accumulation of enzymes.

And, very often, it is in the antrum that ulcers, tumors, erosions, and so on begin to form. Why am I even writing this. The fact is that if you miss the beginning of the development of the disease of the antrum, you can come to the conclusion that you will simply be cut off a piece of the stomach.

Atrophy of the stomach

Too enough adverse event, as this can lead to a complex operation. Gradual atrophy leads to the fact that a person begins to slow down the release of digestive enzymes, as well as digestive juice.

By itself, food is digested much worse, which leads to a weakening of the body. At the same time, the entire mucosa begins to weaken, which gives rise to the development of bacteria and damage in it.

I hope now you understand why the stomach does not digest food and what to do about it.

Dyspepsia is pathological condition when the stomach does not digest food. Such violations can occur both in an adult and in a child. There are many reasons for this. If no measures are taken, then serious problems with the stool cannot be ruled out in the future.

Food enters the intestines through the esophagus. Initially, the process of its splitting into carbohydrates, proteins and fats occurs. What remains undigested at this point is sent to the duodenum.

During a meal, the stomach produces acids that help break down food into organic substances and digest them. It is also worth noting that this organ is equipped with walls that protect the stomach from the effects of produced acids.

The duration of the process of processing food in the body varies from 15 minutes to 7-8 hours. In many ways, the timing depends on the characteristics of processing, caloric content and composition of the food consumed.

Clinical manifestations of digestive problems

The following symptoms indicate that food is poorly digested:

  • feeling of a full stomach;
  • the abdomen is swollen, its fullness is felt;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • after the meal is over, there is a burning sensation in the chest area;
  • severity and pain syndrome, located in upper divisions abdomen
  • in the feces, it is noticeable that the food comes out in pieces;
  • pain localized in the upper spine;
  • satiety occurs too quickly, there are problems with appetite.

Reasons for such violations

The most common reasons leading to the fact that food is not digested lie in the wrong diet and non-compliance with the diet. Dry food, frequent snacks on the run - all this negatively affects the state of the digestive tract.

In addition, there are a number of products that the body is not able to perceive and therefore rejects them. For this reason, there is stagnation in the intestines.

Hydrochloric acid begins to be actively produced under the influence alcoholic beverages, sour, spicy and fatty foods. Therefore, digestion is disturbed.

In addition, such changes are observed in the following cases:

  • metabolism is slowed down;
  • pathogenic microorganisms are present in the mucous membranes of the organ;
  • selection gastric juice insufficient;
  • frequent use of alcoholic beverages;
  • a history of gastrointestinal pathologies.

Doctors also note cases when such violations are provoked by hormonal disbalance. If a feeling of heaviness in the intestines appears in the morning, then most likely the person has a habit of eating at night looking.

Dyspepsia accompanied by nausea and vomiting

The physiological reason that food is not digested and you feel sick after eating is the body's defensive reaction to a negative impact. If such violations are observed systematically, then a medical consultation is needed.

The following factors can provoke the appearance of such symptoms:

  • overheat;
  • motion sickness in case of eating in transport;
  • poisoning tobacco smoke or other impurities present in the air;
  • poor ventilation in the room and lack of oxygen as a result;
  • an allergic reaction to odors or medicines;
  • food poisoning and intoxication;
  • overeating.

As a rule, accompanying symptoms are observed:

  • the pulse becomes rapid;
  • there is a pronounced pain syndrome;
  • pallor of the skin appears;
  • noticeably excessive sweating;
  • there is a copious separation of saliva;
  • there is an uncharacteristic taste in the mouth;
  • the chill makes itself felt.

A number of other clinical manifestations are also possible.

Dyspepsia and heaviness in the abdomen

This symptom occurs most often for the following reasons:

  • often used fried, spicy, spicy and fatty food, incorrectly chosen diet;
  • excessive overeating occurs;
  • there is an abuse of fast food;
  • food is not according to the regime;
  • there is irritable bowel syndrome;
  • there is a susceptibility to stress;
  • in humans various pathologies GIT.

Indigestion and diarrhea

Diarrhea, in which food is not completely digested, can occur for several reasons. Some of them are easy to eliminate, while others require long-term treatment.

Among the most common factors for the appearance of problems, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the amount of food consumed is large enough;
  • food is too fatty;
  • products that are used at the same time differ in composition and consistency;
  • failures in the production of enzymes;
  • a large number of fiber on the menu;
  • stress;
  • taking medications that inhibit the activity of enzyme systems;
  • peristalsis is accelerated;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also risk groups. certain people are predisposed to the appearance of such a pathological condition. Among them are babies whose digestive system is not yet fully formed and the elderly. Also, symptoms are manifested in the presence of internal pathologies.

Pathology during gestation

Often, indigestion is observed during pregnancy. Such disorders appear due to hormonal fluctuations, exacerbation of gastritis and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the intestinal mucosa.

If the pathological condition has developed due to hormonal changes and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are excluded, then the woman is recommended to reconsider the diet.

If the products are combined correctly, then the assimilation of food will become complete.

Healthy, plant-based foods will help saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients, improve overall well-being.

In the case when the diet is organized correctly, but for a long time the stomach refuses to fully work, then without medical care not enough.

Such changes most likely arose due to the development of pathologies. In the absence of proper therapy, such violations can adversely affect the condition of the fetus..

Features of diagnostics

First of all, the doctor collects an anamnesis. It is necessary for the doctor to tell in detail about when the violations appeared, how pronounced the pain syndrome is, when it manifests itself, whether heartburn appears and whether other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are present.

At the next stage, a number of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures are prescribed.

Among the instrumental, ultrasound and CT can be distinguished.

In addition, electrogastroenterography is also performed, which makes it possible to identify intestinal motility disorders. In the event that there is a suspicion of the growth of neoplasms, an x-ray is performed. An analysis of the surface of the organ is done using an endoscope.

A biopsy is often performed. You also need to do tests for the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body.

IN laboratory conditions fecal and blood tests are examined.

Necessary therapeutic measures

Treatment, as a rule, is carried out in a complex manner. First of all, medications are prescribed. Recipes can be used as aids traditional medicine. Of great importance is proper diet and exercise.

Medical therapy

If such violations are caused comorbidities, then first of all resort to their elimination. Treatment of dyspepsia itself is carried out with the help of various groups of medications.

Main clinical manifestations can be eliminated with the help of the following components:

  1. Enzymatic. Contribute to the improvement of the digestion process, as well as the activity of the duodenum and stomach.
  2. Proton pump blockers. Their appointment is resorted to in case of increased acidity, heartburn and the appearance of sour belching.
  3. Histamine blockers. Reduce acidity, but have only a mild effect.
  4. Antispasmodics. Painkillers that relieve pain.

Traditional medicine

Folk remedies will help to cope with dyspepsia.

The most commonly used are the following:

  1. Infusion based on celery. A teaspoon of crushed roots is poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted for eight hours. Take a decoction of 50 ml throughout the day. The interval between doses is 1 hour.
  2. Eucalyptus infusion. Dried leaves of the plant are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted until the liquid cools completely. Take orally three times a day, 50 ml.
  3. mint decoction. About 50 grams of mint is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted. Take a decoction of half a glass with an interval of four hours.
  4. Camomile tea. medicinal plant in the amount of two tablespoons, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist. Finished product filter and drink 50 ml during periods of exacerbation.

Nutrition Features

Diet is of no small importance in the process of restoring the activity of the stomach. It is extremely important to exclude from the diet foods containing coarse fiber, as well as alcoholic, carbonated drinks and fatty meats.

You also need to adhere to the following rules:

  • food should be chewed with special care;
  • portions should be small;
  • for the full production of gastric juice, it is extremely important that the food looks appetizing;
  • do not drink before and after meals;
  • drink no more than a glass of liquid in an hour and a half;
  • do not eat near the TV;
  • apply separate nutrition (carbohydrates and proteins must be ingested separately).

Physical exercise

The following set of exercises will help to cope with the problem:

  1. In the supine position, you need to grab lower limbs hands and pull them to the stomach. In this position, sway, slightly rounding your back.
  2. Lying on the floor, try to reach the floor with your feet in the head area.
  3. Gently massage the belly for five minutes.


If the problem is not treated in a timely manner, then there is a risk of developing serious gastropathologies.

Involved in pathological process at the same time, not only the stomach, but also gallbladder, liver, and pancreas. Therapy in this case will be quite long.

Preventive measures

Avoiding the development of dyspepsia is quite simple.

To do this, you just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • minimize the consumption of fatty, spicy and spicy foods;
  • salt food very slightly;
  • do not resort to strict diets;
  • include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • systematically undergo an examination of the digestive tract;
  • give up bad habits.

Dyspepsia is common and quite serious problem, for the elimination of which often requires complex therapy.

It is strictly forbidden to ignore this state. If left untreated, there is a risk of serious complications, which can be difficult to eliminate.

The body of an omnivore assimilates only 5% of what is eaten, and 95% is not absorbed. The body only takes grains. Hungry body cells demand more and more.

Why do we absorb 5% and not everything?

Some people eat everything in a row, turning their stomach and body into a trash can. Many foods do not match with each other in terms of digestion. Some foods require acidic enzymes to break down, while others require alkaline ones. In addition, the products contain individual enzymes. In this case, enzymes. The so-called programs, thanks to which the body determines what kind of product it is and what to do with it.
Separation of products according to the digestion environment lays the foundation for the so-called separate nutrition.
1. Protein products include mushrooms, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, MASH), eggplants, nuts, seeds. Protein products acidic enzymes for cleavage require.
2. Carbohydrates / starch products include bread, cereals, sugar, jam, honey, potatoes. Requires alkaline enzymes for digestion.
Milk doesn't go well with anything. Fruits, berries do not combine with anything, but do not combine with themselves. It is advisable to eat one type of fruit or berries at a time. Vegetables and greens are combined with both protein and carbohydrates.
The result of a mixed diet.
Let's say you mixed potatoes with mushrooms. Mushrooms require acidic enzymes to break down, potatoes are alkaline. Having met, acidic and alkaline enzymes are neutralized! The food was not digested. Mushrooms continue to require acid, potatoes - alkali. For the re-synthesis of enzymes all organs internal secretion start working with the maximum possible (~ 100 times) overload! In this case, the energy potential of the body is depleted. An indicator of this phenomenon is the desire to sleep after eating and sleepy state. Then acid and alkali again enter, and again a chemical reaction of mutual neutralization occurs. Products as much as they had time to "fermented" and then push through without being digested into the duodenum. And there they need to be broken down into nutrients. And what is there to split, they are not digested to the end. The body squeezed out what it could and then pushed the food into the small intestine. There, nutrients are absorbed into the blood. And there is nothing to absorb. Products are not digested and not split! And there moisture is removed from these products. They dehydrate and turn into fecal stones. Further, these fecal stones enter the colon and remain there indefinitely, perhaps for years. And we constantly clog the intestines with new deposits, poisoning our body with slag emissions. So from day to day our body becomes a resistance to energy flows. It passes less and less vital energy. As a result, concentration of attention and activity of brain activity decreases.
“Separate nutrition is more justified than mixed nutrition. When the body is contaminated with toxins, this also happens at the cell level. And when a cell is in a dirty environment, it cannot develop normally. In a dirty environment, cells are forced to become selfish cells in order to survive. egoist is practically cancer cell, which begins to multiply rapidly. And a person unknowingly feeds and grows such a tumor in himself malnutrition". (V. nicheporuk, head of the Rehabilitation Department of the Ukrainian Center for Sports Medicine.
This is where those same 5% of the assimilation of nutrients arise from their total amount. As a result, the blood does not receive enough nutrients, the body is hyper-wearing and polluted! With separate meals, the assimilation of food increases.
All sorts of illnesses, fatigue, laziness, weakness, short life, mental disorder, excess weight, the need for long sleep, vitamins and nutrients. A person uses various cleansing for his body. Herbs, diets, enemas, fasting. Trying to regain the figure, youth and health. But it’s not clean where they clean it, but where they don’t litter!
As Professor Zhdanov said in. G., mixed nutrition is work for diseases and the toilet.
As a result of separate nutrition, the digestibility of food increases. The body begins to assimilate not 5%, but 30 percent. As a result, the mass of food necessary for saturation decreases. And a person, for example, no longer needs 500 grams of food, but 150 grams. However, such a result can be achieved only after cleansing and restructuring the body.
Why is food not absorbed completely with separate meals? What criteria must the food meet?
Living food.
To understand the issues raised, let's start with the structure of the digestive system. Most people consider digestive system like a tube filled with gastric juice, and the process of digestion, like the dissolution of food by this juice. The notion that gastric juice dissolves any food that a person throws into it is very far from what actually happens! The secretion of juice is not yet digestion, it is protective function digestive system. The stomach is not a digestion plant, but a research laboratory. He must determine what is included in the product and provide the environment necessary for food (acidic or alkaline. Digestion occurs in two stages:
1. autolysis - self-dissolution of food in the stomach.
2. and symbiotic digestion - the dissolution of food by intestinal microflora. From the word symbiosis. In this case, it is a symbiosis of microorganisms that make up the microflora of our body.
After we have consumed food, chewed it and swallowed it, it enters the stomach. Where self-dissolution of food occurs - autolysis. For a visual understanding this phenomenon digestion, consider an example that was demonstrated by the Soviet academician ugolov a. M.
Pour the predator's gastric juice into two vessels and place a live frog in one vessel, and a boiled frog in the other.
The result was unexpected. The first frog (alive) dissolved and disappeared without a trace, along with the bones. And the second (boiled) only superficially changed.
If the food was dissolved by stomach acid, then the result would be the same in both cases. However, this did not happen! Under the action of gastric juice in food, the mechanism of self-dissolution is activated. Why did the living frog completely dissolve? What is in it that is not in boiled? The body of a living frog is dissolved by its own enzymes! Live food itself dissolves in the stomach and in the small intestine the body can only absorb the decomposed nutrients. Like a boa constrictor that, having swallowed a rabbit, does not digest it, but waits for it to dissolve itself and then absorbs nutrients, practically without spending its own vital energy.
The same thing happens with plant foods. All plant foods are filled with enzymes for their self-dissolution. In any seed, nut, fruit, nature provides a mechanism for processing complex substances into simple ones for the nutrition of the sprout. Once the seed enters suitable conditions(temperature and humidity) enzymes come into play. And the fruit dissolves itself, giving life to a new plant. Our stomach is the most suitable place for this dissolution. And if in nature this happens rather slowly, then in the gastrointestinal intestinal tract food dissolves quickly. This is the first criterion for evaluating the food that a person needs. Food must contain enzymes, be raw! Then she dissolves herself. Enzymes are destroyed by heat treatment (boiling, steaming, frying, stewing, baking. Everything that heats food above 43 degrees Celsius destroys enzymes.
When we eat a raw apple, it stays in the stomach for 30 minutes. Only if this apple is baked, it will stay in the stomach for 4 hours.
Further food from the stomach to small intestine hits. Where the process of self-dissolution continues and processed nutrients are absorbed into the blood. All that remains after self-dissolution and absorption enters the large intestine.
The microorganisms that inhabit our intestines weigh about 2.5 kg and can be called an independent brain. These microorganisms are vegetarians. They eat only plant fiber. Any other food suppresses them. Microbes are simple, their number doubles every 20 minutes. And whoever has food, he multiplies. In the event that non-vegetarian food predominates, then microbes - grave diggers multiply. The products of their vital activity are toxins and are not suitable for humans. And if vegetable fiber prevails, then our relatives flourish! Their excretion products are vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. Those same essential amino acids that, as previously thought, can only be obtained from meat! The beneficial activity of our internal (probiotic) microflora has been proven by many scientists from different countries.
Huge herbivores gain weight and height, eating exclusively plant foods. Our microflora uses plant fiber as building element, bricks for the whole table chemical elements- building.
This is the second criterion that our food must meet. It must contain vegetable fiber.
1. criterion - the food must be raw! 2. criterion - food should be vegetable and rich in fiber! Putting the two criteria together - our body needs raw plant foods.

Learn more about the basics of healthy eating

What to do if the body is not able to get all the nutrients that are contained in food? You can follow a diet meticulously and count up to a gram of nutrient macronutrients, but if digestion is disturbed, all in vain! It's like a bank where you keep your hard-earned money and it's eaten away by hidden fees and service charges.

Now more and more athletes are complaining about poor digestion. Use by at least two or three staple foods causes bloating, gas and other unpleasant symptoms indicating digestive problems.

For those who care about their health, it is simply necessary to monitor digestion. Good digestion will help achieve best results in bodybuilding. Bad - on the contrary, hinder progress. In this article, we will talk about simple ways, which will help improve digestion and, as a result, maintain health, improve sports performance.

Food transit time test

We offer a simple test with which you can find out how well the digestive system works.

1. Buy Activated carbon in tablets.
2. Take 5 g on an empty stomach. Remember what time you took it.
3. Watch out for when you have black stools.
4. When black stools appear, this is the time for food to pass through the intestines.

If it turned out less than 12 hours, it can be assumed that not all nutrients have time to be absorbed.
The ideal time is 12-24 hours.
If the time is more than 24 hours, food stagnates in the colon. This may indicate potential problems as decay products that must be excreted can enter the bloodstream. It also increases the risk of colon diseases.


Next, let's talk about how the digestive system works. It can be compared to a fire hose from 7 m to 11 m, which begins in the oral cavity and ends at the anus. The inner layer of the digestive system is completely replaced every 3–5 days (!)

The main function of the digestive system is to break down food into various substances, which can later be used by the cells of the body to replenish energy, “repair”, grow, etc. As it passes through the digestive system, food is broken down into amino acids, glucose, and glycerol, depending on whether you are eating proteins, carbohydrates, or fats.

The most unpleasant thing is that, even adhering to, it would seem, the most proper diet, you may have problems. It doesn't matter what you eat if the food is poorly digested due to impaired digestion.

This is a word of caution to those who try to cram in as many calories as possible every day: your body can only absorb a certain amount. So let's take a closer look at the process of digestion from its very beginning to its very end.

Digestion starts in the head

In fact, digestion begins in the head. Remember Pavlov's dog, a famous example of classic training? Ivan Pavlov rang the bell, and his dogs began to salivate, as they knew that food was coming. The dog's body began to start the process of digestion already at the thought of an approaching feeding. The same thing happens with the human body, although, of course, in a more socially acceptable form.

Oral cavity

When food enters the mouth, an enzyme in saliva, amylase, starts digestive process and breaks down some of the carbohydrates into maltose, malt sugar. This is due to the destruction of bonds between carbohydrate molecules and the appearance of disaccharides and trisaccharides.


From the oral cavity, food enters the esophagus. This is the "pipe" through which food is transported from the mouth to the stomach. This process usually takes 5 to 6 seconds. If the food is poorly chewed, this may take up to several minutes!

At the bottom of the esophagus is a small valve called the esophageal sphincter. Ideally, it should remain closed most of the time and prevent gastric juices and food from escaping back into the esophagus. If this is not the case, a person may experience reflux - reverse flow, or even a hernia. esophageal opening diaphragm.


In it, food is crushed, moistened and turned into a viscous liquid called chyme. Hydrochloric acid begins to break protein chains into small fragments. Hydrochloric acid and chyme are very acidic. By direct contact of the acid with the skin, you can get severe burn. Properties of hydrochloric acid contribute to the sterilization of food and the destruction harmful microbes who entered it.

Fortunately, a protective layer of mucus protects the walls of the stomach from burns and damage. Although, perhaps even among your friends there are people with a stomach ulcer. An ulcer appears when the protective layer is damaged, and hydrochloric acid literally burns a hole in the wall of the stomach.

The stomach also produces other substances: pepsin And lipase. Pepsin helps break down proteins, and lipase helps break down fats. Although most of the nutrients contained in food will be absorbed at further points on this journey, water, salt and ethanol can enter the blood directly from the stomach. This explains the speed with which you can get drunk without eating or drinking on an empty stomach.

Usually food is in the stomach from 2 before 4 hours, depending on its composition. As you know, fats and fiber can slow down this process.

Small intestine

This part of the "hose" has a length of 4-6 m. It is here that most of the nutrients are absorbed. Tiny villi absorb all sorts of nutrients. These villi and even smaller microvilli are part of the intestinal wall and serve to produce digestive enzymes. In addition, they prevent the absorption of potentially harmful substances.

It is important to note that there are certain types food and drugs, under the influence of which the intestinal wall loses the ability to distinguish what needs to be absorbed and what to block. This bowel condition is called leaky gut syndrome . This disease can cause a number of problems, which we will discuss below.

First department small intestine- This duodenum . This is where absorption takes place. minerals such as calcium, copper, manganese and magnesium. Absorption of many water and fat soluble vitamins also starts here. In addition, fats and carbohydrates such as fructose, glucose and galactose are digested here. If the pH (acidity) of the stomach is insufficient (usually expressed as an insufficient amount of hydrochloric acid), these substances will be poorly absorbed.

The next section is jejunum. Its length is approximately 40% of the remaining length of the intestine. The jejunum has a layer of microvilli - a brush border that produces enzymes that facilitate the absorption of other carbohydrates: maltose, sucrose and lactose. Here, water-soluble B vitamins, as well as proteins and amino acids, begin to be absorbed. This is where most of the nutrients important to bodybuilders are absorbed.

The last and largest part of the small intestine is ileum. The ileum absorbs cholesterol, vitamin B12, and bile salts (needed to break down or emulsify fats).


The next stop on our journey is the colon. It is responsible for the absorption of water and nutrients remaining in the chyme into the blood. This the most important step in supplying the body with water .

WITH right side you have the ascending part of the large intestine. This is where stool begins to form and water is absorbed. If the chyme passes through the intestines too quickly, and the water does not have time to be absorbed, diarrhea begins or, in simple terms, diarrhea.

The transverse part of the large intestine crosses the abdomen and goes under the ribs. And finally, the very last part of the large intestine goes down the left side of the body and connects to the rectum, through which the stool leaves your body.

Increase the efficiency of digestion

Now let's talk about how to turn the digestive system into an efficient working mechanism. The most important step is to remove the barrier to digestion and absorption, namely the prevention of leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which inner shell the intestine is damaged, and its walls become permeable to substances that should not enter the blood and intermediate tissues. Bacteria and foreign matter penetrate the intestinal membrane, but beneficial substances that should be absorbed do not.

Leaky gut syndrome is commonly seen in irritable bowel diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease, various allergies, and many others.

So why does the intestine become too permeable? Doctors name different causes of digestive disorders. However, most doctors agree to recognize one of the risk factors chronic stress . You are surprised, aren't you?

In general, nervous stress is the cause of many diseases. All the stories about heart disease cite stress as the cause, not cholesterol or high fat intake. The same applies to the digestive system!

If you are constantly stressed, the body's digestion process slows down, blood flow to the digestive organs decreases, and the production of toxic metabolic products increases. The fact is that the body does not see the difference between: “Oh, my God! A rabid wolverine is chasing me!” and “Oh my God! I'm late for work again!" The body loses sensitivity and begins to respond equally to all sources of stress.

Improper nutrition

Poor quality ("chemical") food damages the intestinal mucosa. Sugar, artificial fats and processed foods inflame the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, if your diet contains too little fiber foods, the food will be retained in the intestines (the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines will increase), while harmful products decay will irritate and inflame the intestines.

No doubt you have heard of the need to maintain the right acid-base balance intestines? So, low-quality food (fast food, convenience foods) can upset this balance.


Perhaps among your acquaintances there are people whose condition worsened during the treatment. This happened because antibiotics, with which they were treated, along with harmful bacteria, they also killed the beneficial intestinal flora. Antibiotics are usually blamed for this. a wide range actions.

Fitness and bodybuilding fans should know that anti-inflammatory drugs (NIPV) can also be harmful. Perhaps for the gastric mucosa, these drugs are not so terrible, but the inner surface of the intestine suffers very much. Sometimes the use of such drugs causes even physical pain.

Very often, in order to cope with pain, a person increases the dose of the medicine. NSAIDs block prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation. At the same time, prostaglandins, which promote healing, are also blocked. It turns out a vicious circle!

It is also important that all these drugs can damage the brush border of the inner surface of the small intestine. These small, brush-like protrusions play the final role in the digestion of carbohydrates.

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the process of renewal of the inner surface of the intestine, which occurs every 3-5 days. This weakens the intestines and can lead to leaky gut syndrome and other problems.


When the Candida fungus invades the intestinal wall and destroys the brush border, this leads to dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance intestinal flora in the intestine. This condition also occurs in the cases discussed earlier, when medications destroy the beneficial intestinal flora that can resist the fungus.

Leaky gut test

How to determine the presence of leaky gut syndrome? There are symptoms such as diarrhea, chronic pain in the joints, fever, flatulence, constipation, flatulence, mood swings, nervousness, fatigue, dyspepsia.

If you suspect that you have increased intestinal permeability, you can get tested by your doctor. You will have to drink a mannitol-lactulose solution and collect urine over the next six hours. Your doctor will send these to a laboratory where they can determine if you suffer from leaky gut based on your levels of mannitol and lactulose in your urine.

What do the test results mean:
High levels of mannitol and low levels of lactulose indicate that you are healthy - you do not have increased intestinal permeability (mannitol is easily absorbed by the body, but lactulose is not).
High urinary levels of both mannitol and lactulose indicate some degree of increased intestinal permeability. The degree is determined by the specific content of drugs.
Low levels of mannitol and lactulose show that you have problems with absorption useful substances in the gastrointestinal tract.
Low level mannitol and high level lactulose is also indicative of diseases. Usually this result occurs when there is Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

What to do?

Here we have arrived. This is the very information for which, perhaps, you started reading this article.

Read the following 8 points that you must follow to get rid of the problems that you have in varying degrees.

1. Probiotic Supplements
If you have problems, you may need to restore bacterial flora. The weight of the bacteria that live in our digestive tract, reaches almost 2 kg! Not all bacteria are beneficial (salmonella, for example), but many are.

When buying probiotic supplements, look for a product with a wide range of ingredients. Or just make sure that the following two names form the basis of the formula:
lactobacilli. You may have heard of lactobacilli Acidophilus, or L.Acidophilus? They are mainly located in the small intestine and help to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria such as E. coli, Candida and Salmonella. In addition, they are involved in the digestion of dairy products by breaking down casein and gluten, improve nutrient absorption and ferment lactose, acidifying the intestinal tract. A low pH value creates unfavorable conditions for pathogenic flora and yeasts. The intestinal flora contributes to the production of B vitamins and even vitamin K.

bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are mainly found in the large intestine. They prevent the colonization of harmful bacteria in the colon. Bifidobacteria settle in the intestinal mucosa and protect it by displacing harmful bacteria and yeast.

Bifidobacteria produce an acid that maintains the acid-base balance in the gut, killing microbes that can cause disease. This is very important supplement for those who are taking antibiotics or other medications that we talked about earlier. These bacteria reduce by-effect taking medications, which is expressed in the destruction of beneficial intestinal flora. They also help regulate peristalsis, the process by which food moves along the gastrointestinal tract. This is very important, because if food stays in the intestinal tract for too long, it can cause disturbances. In addition, these beneficial bacteria are able to produce B vitamins.

When Using Supplements, Choose Lactobacillus Acidophilus and bifidobacteria bifidum. It is better to use those that should be stored in the refrigerator. Be very wary of online supplements that are advertised as probiotics that don't need to be refrigerated. Of course, such species exist, but the best and strongest strains are those that survive at low temperatures.

2. Prebiotic Supplements
Prebiotics are fuel for beneficial bacteria, while probiotics are beneficial bacteria themselves.

Prebiotics are indigestible substances that are used by beneficial bacteria as an energy source. They stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which we talked about. The two most common types are inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides). As a rule, prebiotics pass the digestive system unchanged and begin their miraculous action in the colon.

As for the choice of products, use artichokes, bananas, natural honey, garlic, onion, leek and chicory. Be sure to include them in your diet.

3. Antioxidants and Glutamine
Some substances may reduce negative impacts to the gastrointestinal tract.

Glutamine restores directly the intestinal mucosa. For the cells of the small intestine, this is the most the best food. This is the main tool for restoring and maintaining the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. Accept by 5 g twice a day.

N-acetyl-L-cysteine - powerful antioxidant and immune booster. Together with glutamine and glycine, it is a precursor of glutathione and an important antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress. It fights against already existing disorders in the intestines and improves immunity. Take daily for 2 g.

Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA), another amazing supplement. It reduces activity free radicals, improves liver function, and even participates in the breakdown of glucose and regulates blood sugar. ALA restores antioxidants in the body, thus protecting the body from intestinal infections. You can take it as an antioxidant three times a day between meals (half this dose in the form of R-alpha lipoic acid).

If you are following scientific research, then you know that the bacterium Helicobacter pylori ( Helicobacter pylori ) is main reason the occurrence of gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer. Antioxidants can help protect us from these diseases.

4. Foods that stimulate intestinal flora
In this battle, fermented and sour-milk products are your main weapons. Pickled products have increased content probiotics. They improve digestion and are simply loaded with digestive enzymes.

We list three of the best products.

kimchi– Asian product type sauerkraut.

Sour cabbage . In Europe, it is used to treat ulcers and indigestion.

Dairy products enriched with cultures of beneficial bacteria: yogurt (natural), kefir, cottage cheese. Their beneficial effect on the digestive system is well known even from TV commercials.

5. Fiber
High-fiber fruits and vegetables protect the colon and reduce the likelihood intestinal diseases, including colon cancer. Remember that drinking safe sources dietary fiber may initially cause gas formation. This indicates the regulation of the intestinal flora, which is our goal.

Increase your fiber intake gradually. You should not expose the body to stress as a result of a quick change in the usual diet and a sudden transition to a large amount of fibrous food. Include either fruits or vegetables in every meal. Do not neglect vegetables in favor of fruits, as excessive consumption fruits can cause gastritis.

Don't worry about choosing between soluble and insoluble fibers. Be guided by the total intake in grams, since most high-fiber foods already contain the right ratio. Try to eat vegetables and fruits that are typical for this season. They have the highest level of nutrients, including for digestion.

6. Refusal of junk food
Use as little as possible simple carbohydrates, trans fat and alcohol. Remember that sugar, artificial fats and processed foods inflame the gastrointestinal tract!

Simple and valuable advice: do not eat those foods that do not spoil for a long time. Natural, "live" products, contribute to better digestion of food!

7. Eat digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes are good because they can work in the stomach and intestines. Try to use the following main ingredients:
protease - helps break down protein
lipase - helps to break down fats
amylase - involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates

Bromelain And papain- two more excellent enzymes for digesting proteins. If you prefer to get them from foods, eat fresh pineapple for bromelain and fresh papaya for papain. These enzymes are activated in all three sections of the small intestine. This distinguishes them from the protease, which can only act in its upper part.

Betaine hydrochloride- This good source hydrochloric acid, a chemical compound that is part of the gastric juice and is involved in the digestion of food, breaking down proteins and fats. acid environment also destroys pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that have entered the stomach.

8. Change your lifestyle
It is very important to learn how to relax, relieve stress and enjoy life without any doping and stimulants. Find what you enjoy doing the most and do it as often as possible! By the way, hard training is a great way to relieve stress from the worries accumulated during the day, but you probably know about it. Leaving the gym, you can feel physically tired, but the mental stress is at zero, you are relaxed and calm. By the way, when doing exercises, the intestines are massaged, which helps in the fight against constipation.

Eat when you feel a slight hunger. Eating in the absence of appetite is harmful, it disrupts digestion. That is why when overeating during weight gain, bodybuilders get digestive problems.

Try to chew your food slowly and relax while eating. Take your time, say a short prayer, express gratitude, or say anything else you feel like saying in front of those you love.

A balanced life is always good. Appreciate your loved ones and, sitting behind family dinner, enjoy deliciously cooked food together.

Approximate diet in view of the above

The following is exemplary diet, which can be used by those of you who have digestive disorders. Naturally, it cannot be ideal for everyone, since all diseases are caused by different reasons. And yet we are sure that the diet will help you. Portion sizes, of course, depend on the individual's weight and metabolism.

Breakfast: 1 cup natural full fat cottage cheese ( lactic acid product with live enzymes), ¾ cup boiled oatmeal (3 g fiber), 1 banana ( 3 g fiber + prebiotics). Banana can be added directly to oatmeal.
Snack: 1 apple with peel ( 4 g fiber)
Lunch: 200 g chicken fillet½ cup fresh papaya ( digestive enzyme papain), 8 young shoots of asparagus ( 2 g fiber)
Dinner: 200 g fish, 2 slices of wholemeal black bread, 1 pear ( 5 g fiber), 2 tablespoons of honey ( prebiotic).
afternoon tea: 50 g isolate, 1 cup raspberries ( 8 g fiber), 1 cup kefir, 1 medium sweet potato
Dinner: 200 g beef, 1 cup broccoli ( 5 g fiber), ½ cup fresh pineapple ( contains bromelain).
Night snack: 1 cup kimchi ( live enzymes and probiotics)


A well-known expression of bodybuilders says: "You are what you eat." You can improve a little: “You are what you eat, digest and effectively assimilate minus what you excrete as a waste product»