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Deviated nasal septum – treatment. Deviated nasal septum: causes of pathology, associated symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Despite the fact that a person can breathe both through the mouth and through the nose, it is more physiological nasal breathing. After all, it is in the nasal cavity that the most important processes take place: cleansing, humidifying and warming the air. Any defects in this area ultimately lead to the appearance complex problems with health.

A deviated nasal septum is one of the most common defects of the nasal cavity. Only 5% of people have a smooth, undeformed cartilaginous structure of the nose; most of the rest have minor deviations to the right or left, but there are also more complex cases, requiring surgical intervention.

Why do such problems arise? Will they affect the aesthetics of the nose? How to diagnose them in yourself and how to cure them? Is it necessary to have surgery and how much does it cost? Let's look at all these questions in more detail:

Why is the septum deformed and what are the consequences?

The nasal septum is a vertical formation that divides the nasal cavity into two parts. It consists of dense bone and soft cartilaginous tissues, which are very easy to damage. Depending on the cause of occurrence, curvatures can be physiological, compensatory and traumatic:

  • Physiological are formed during the development and growth of the body. This is due to the fact that the growth of bone and cartilage tissue occurs unevenly, at different rates. This deformation is characterized by a displacement of the entire septum to the side, the formation of ridges or spines. Physiological curvature is the most common form of deformation of the nasal septum.
  • Reason traumatic curvatures are mechanical damage. They can occur already at the time of birth of the child - for example, when the cartilaginous part of the septum is dislocated during birth process. Even the slightest damage can lead to improper growth in the future. As a result, after the completion of the period of formation of cartilage and bone tissue, the need for surgical intervention arises. Another common cause of traumatic deformity is a fracture of the facial bones of the skull.
  • Compensatory curvature occurs when the correct anatomical development of several elements of the nasal cavity is disrupted. During development, these elements (for example, turbinates) take on different shape, which in turn leads to deformation. Polyps can also lead to a similar result. foreign bodies in the nasal cavity.

Sometimes, especially if the curvature is traumatic, it (together with other injuries) negatively affects the overall aesthetics of the nose, or breathing difficulties significantly reduce the quality of life - in these cases there is no question of visiting a doctor. But much more often, a nose with a deformed septum looks absolutely straight in appearance, and respiratory function remains at an acceptable level - however, here too refusing medical advice would be a big mistake.

The fact is that nasal breathing is a very important, systemic part of the life of our body and any violations of it sooner or later cause extremely undesirable consequences for health. Most often the heart suffers vascular system, bronchitis and/or regular colds develop. Patients may complain of chronic fatigue or headaches; there are even cases of reproductive dysfunction!

Diagnosis and symptoms of a deviated nasal septum

The presence of deformity is diagnosed by an otolaryngologist using a special medical instrument, and its severity is determined based on medical experience and medical history. However, some symptoms will help the patient to independently assume the existence of a problem and promptly seek help. medical care. These include, in particular:

Difficulty in nasal breathing Perhaps as moderate impairment breathing, or its complete absence. With unilateral deformation, the violation will also be unilateral. But there are also cases when, in the presence of curvature, it is difficult respiratory function does not manifest itself at all - this is due to the patient’s body’s ability to adapt to nasal disturbances. Breathing problems occur after reaching a certain age, when the body’s compensatory functions exhaust their capabilities.
Snore Occurs as a consequence of difficulty breathing
Dry nasal cavity May be accompanied by recurrent nosebleeds
Chronic inflammatory processes The following diseases of the paranasal sinuses are characteristic of a deformed septum: frontal sinuses, sinusitis, ethmoiditis. Due to impaired respiratory function, the outflow of the discharge element from the paranasal sinuses worsens, its stagnation and, as a result, the inflammatory process. With prolonged chronic sinusitis, the formation of polyps is possible. It is also not uncommon various rhinitis, otitis media, predisposition to respiratory diseases
Allergic reactions They arise as a result of difficulty in nasal breathing, most often with compensatory curvatures. When the mucous membrane comes into contact with the nasal septum, irritation occurs, which can cause allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma
Changing the shape of the nose The appearance of this symptom is characteristic of traumatic deformities

How to correct a deviated nasal septum? Surgery and other treatment options

The main method of eliminating this problem is surgical (ENT) operation. It is carried out through the nose (endonasal), mainly endoscopically. The essence of the intervention is to straighten, reimplant or remove part of the septum, preserving the mucous membrane. The patient’s age should not be less than 14-16 years, since bones and cartilage continue to grow rapidly up to this point, however, severe cases respiratory problems, septoplasty can be performed from the age of 6 years.

The operation is performed in a hospital after necessary examination. Local anesthesia is used, but general anesthesia is also possible. In the presence of concomitant diseases(cysts, polyps) it is necessary to perform one-time operations to remove them.

It is important to understand here that septoplasty does not change the appearance of the nose, so if the curvature of the septum is accompanied by external deformations- you will also need, and it is best to carry out these operations at the same time. In addition, rhinoplasty itself in most cases is also accompanied by septoplasty, since even minor irregularities of the septum can lead to significant curvature of the nose in the postoperative period.

  • In addition to traditional surgical surgery, there is also a less traumatic laser septoplasty, but it is effective only for minor deformations that affect only cartilage tissue (and this happens infrequently; in most cases, it is also necessary to correct bone structures).
  • To others alternative way fixing a septum is osteopathy - non-surgical method treatment that produces painless external influence on cartilage. Also, it can only be used for mild defects.

The final choice of treatment method is made by the doctor, in each case individually, and depends on the degree of deformation, the characteristics of the patient’s health condition and other factors.

How much does surgery for a deviated nasal septum cost? Current prices

The cost of correction will depend primarily on the complexity of the particular case - the more the surgeon has to correct, the more expensive it will be. It's easy to save: public clinics this operation is medical indications It is performed free of charge (as part of compulsory medical insurance), but finding a competent specialist here will be much more difficult.

The average price for surgery to correct the nasal septum in private clinics in Moscow is 35-70 thousand rubles. If you need not only functional, but also aesthetic correction, you should contact a plastic surgeon - the cost in this case will be noticeably higher, about 150-200 thousand.

Experts' opinions

founder and leading plastic surgeon of the Art Plastic clinic, Ph.D.:

Most often, to correct the nasal septum, I use a special method of gentle, minimally invasive septoplasty, in which the quadrangular cartilage, which provides natural elastic support for the external nose, is preserved as much as possible. This method is much more effective and safer than the standard one. Its use practically eliminates such serious complication, such as retraction of the nasal bridge (saddle nose deformity), which sometimes occurs when using the standard technique. In addition, due to the reduced invasiveness of the intervention, gentle septoplasty significantly reduces the rehabilitation period.

Regarding laser septoplasty and osteopathy, I believe that this is alternative techniques(method of choice) that exist and can be offered to the patient. But based on own experience, taking into account the existing experience and techniques that reduce the invasiveness of the intervention, I still prefer to use gentle septoplasty and consider it the preferable option for the most effective recovery The main function of the nose is breathing.

For patients planning to correct a deviated nasal septum, I advise you to first find a qualified and experienced practicing rhinologist. It is better to choose a specialist who understands not only aesthetic, but also functional nasal surgery and who performs this operation every day. For the success of the operation and restoration of respiratory function, it is equally important to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis, as well as careful compliance with all instructions of the attending physician.

Head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic of the European Medical Center (EMC), MD:

In an isolated form, correction of the nasal septum is performed by specialists from the ENT clinic. They work using modern techniques, including endoscopic access. In our practice, it is impossible to correct the shape of a crooked nose without plastic surgery, but with such an operation we usually use open access. We use fragments of removed curved portions of cartilage as supporting and camouflaging grafts.

Therefore, if a patient has breathing problems, a deviated septum and wants to correct the shape of the nose, then it is better to do these operations at once - or by an experienced plastic surgeon, or together with ENT surgeons, then those areas of cartilage that are usually disposed of by ENT doctors will serve as transplantation materials in the formation of the correct contours and shapes of the nose

doctor medical sciences, leading plastic surgeon at the GEMC Aesthetic Clinic:

Correction deviated septum very often accompanies aesthetic rhinoplasty, which is aimed at changing and improving appearance nose Patients naturally want to solve both functional and aesthetic problems at the same time. Of course, receiving desired result is possible only when the operation is performed either by a plastic surgeon who has a full range of interventions on the nose, or in collaboration between a plastic surgeon and an ENT doctor. Purely correction of the septum is not the most the best choice, since this operation removes " construction material" in the form of cartilage, which could be successfully used to improve and eliminate defects in the appearance of the nose.

plastic surgeon, Arbat Aesthetic clinic:

Very often, patients come with the words: “I can’t breathe because I have a deviated septum.” And yes, there is curvature in almost 100 percent of cases. But this is not always what leads to breathing problems. Usually this is a complex of reasons, including the presence of chronic vasomotor rhinitis, enlarged nasal turbinates. However, septoplasty (in special cases- together with conchoplasty) allow you to achieve an excellent result: the patient breathes as freely as never before.

The nasal septum is a bone and cartilaginous formation that protrudes to the surface; it can easily be felt with your fingers and, if necessary or carelessly, moved to the side. In other words, if you touch the tip of the nose, it is cartilage, higher up is the bone that connects to the skull.

There is another bone inside the nose. All this is the bridge of the nose. Anatomical structure serves as a separation of the left and right nostrils, designed for uniform distribution and heating of air to needed by the body temperature. 95% of the population has an uneven nose bridge.

There may be several reasons why a deviated nasal septum occurs. Among them are physiological ones, which appear since childhood, and traumatic ones, which can be suffered at any age.

The nose serves to ensure that the body is saturated with oxygen, and if you have a crooked bridge of the nose, and therefore do not breathe normally, 10-15% of the necessary oxygen may not reach the brain. As a result, a person develops headaches, disruption of work nervous system, even the reproductive and urinary systems may not function properly.

Causes of deviated nasal septum

There are several options due to which the nose develops incorrectly.


The nasal septum is formed between 12 and 16 years of age. Most often, cases of improper development of the bridge of the nose are observed, since the cartilage grows faster than the bone, the nose is bent to the right or left. But there are cases when the bone tissue of the septum begins to develop incorrectly in the womb. Growths, so-called ridges and thorns, may appear.

If the curvature of the nose is physiological, it often happens that it only affects the shape of the nose, so it is not recommended to perform any surgical interventions on children under 18 years of age. If this brings discomfort to the child, he breathes heavily and even snores, then, starting at 5 years old, correction can be made.


Develops due to constant irritation. Can polyps or others foreign objects irritate the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum, as a result of which it does not form correctly. Also for the fact that in early age the air entered one nostril under greater pressure than the other, so the nostril into which the air flow was not so intense was more closed, the nose arched towards it.


One of the most common causes of curvature, from which, in most cases, men and boys suffer due to blows and injuries. It can be sports injuries, hits with a ball, fights, which subsequently result in fractures. At a very young age, you can get a contortion due to a blow without severe consequences, the injury will not be felt, and the nose will begin to form incorrectly.

Types of deviated nasal septum

There are several types of curvature, but most often they can be combined in one patient.

  • Mixed, appearing in a C or S-shape.
  • Spikes are sharp protrusions of the nasal septum.
  • The ridges are growths, oblong in shape.

There may also be the following varieties:

  • Curvature of the horizontal or vertical plane.
  • One-sided, two-sided.
  • Localized in the anterior or posterior part of the septum.

Symptoms and consequences

A deviated nasal septum, the symptoms of which are not pleasant, according to patients, is best treated with surgery. Treatment methods such as the use of tablets, a variety of vasoconstrictors, drops, breathing exercises and other methods can bring relief for a while, but not for long and not always.

Through a curved bridge of the nose, 10-15% of the required oxygen may not reach the human brain.

Those who have a crooked nose often suffer from difficulty breathing. At first glance, it may seem that everything is fine with breathing, but the body adapts to changes in the nasal cavity and compensates for the lack of air by using only the right or only the left nostril.

If the nasal septum becomes deviated at an older age, then a lack of oxygen may be felt, because with age the body loses the ability to adapt qualitatively.

If the septum is strongly curved, such a person notices that it is difficult to breathe through the nose, as if pushing air through a channel that is physiologically unnatural. In addition to the fact that the nasal cavity is narrowed, the functioning of the nerve fibers inside deteriorates and blood circulation deteriorates. This all leads to even greater difficulty breathing.

As a result, the person becomes irritable, the mucous membrane loses its natural moisture and frequent colds, allergies, in the worst cases, sinusitis, sinusitis, polyps form, persistent runny nose from allergies.

Discomfort and dryness may occur. Often people who have a crooked nose bridge have chronic diseases. Among them are frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis. This is because there is no free, proper breathing, due to which the discharge from the paranasal sinuses stagnates, and this is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. Those suffering from the above chronic diseases should see a doctor for surgical intervention. If the disease persists for a long time, polyps may appear.

A person needs a nose in order to breathe and smell, and in the case of a crooked nasal septum, a person loses his sense of smell due to the fact that the passage of air is difficult.

A deviated nasal septum causes discomfort not only to the patient, but also to others due to constant snoring. Such patients often suffer from allergies, persistent discharge or dryness.

Consequences of curvature

According to former patients who suffered from a crooked nose bridge, The best way treatment is surgery.

After blows, injuries, illnesses, the shape changes, the nose moves to the left or right. If you do not immediately undergo surgery and correct the shape of the nose, then the cartilage and bone will remain in this position. Freedom of breathing, which is influenced by the shape of the nose, has direct relation to human immunity. Blood circulation also changes, the vascular system may suffer, the body weakens, becomes sensitive to hypothermia and adverse factors.

The influence of a curved bridge of the nose on other organs

  1. Ears. Due to a deviated septum, mucus and infections that linger in the nasal cavity can enter the tympanic cavity, auditory tube.
  2. Nose. This area may be subject to an inflammatory process; subsequently, patients may suffer from diseases that arise as a result of inflammation of the frontal sinus, mucous membrane maxillary sinus(meningitis and sinusitis).
  3. Eyes. The tear sac takes the hit.

A person can treat symptoms that were caused by a crooked nose bridge, including:

  • chronic runny nose;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • coughing attacks;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • nosebleeds;
  • eye diseases.

Another disadvantage may be mouth breathing, which is not natural, and, accordingly, this is fraught with negative consequences for the body, namely:

  • If you inhale air through your mouth, it does not heat up the right temperature, like the one that passes through the respiratory system. In this case, the lungs cannot process it effectively, and the body does not receive the amount of oxygen it should.
  • Mouth breathing has no such protective functions like breathing through the nose, naturally Therefore, the body in such people is less protected from respiratory diseases.
  • An adenoid may develop, one of the consequences of mouth breathing, as a result of which the pharyngeal tonsils become inflamed.


It takes place in four stages:

  • external examination by a doctor, determining how far the tip of the nose is displaced;
  • rhinoscopy – determination of the proportions of the left and right nostrils;
  • X-ray of the paranasal sinuses and bone condition;
  • tomography of the head.

A doctor can diagnose nasal deformities by first performing an external examination. At this stage, scoliosis and displacement of the tip of the nose are detected. Rhinoscopy is used to determine the displacement.

During the procedure, the size of the nasal cavity and the proportions of one nostril in relation to the other are examined. If the septum has irregular shape, the size of one nostril will be significantly larger than the other. On the side in which the nose is turned, the nasal turbinates are not visible.

Deviated nasal septum: how is it treated?

To avoid the above unpleasant consequences, and those that can develop against the background of improper breathing, you need to consult a doctor for an operation to straighten the nose, which is called septoplasty. It is not done without any complaints. There are several types of operations for a deviated nasal septum:

  • Standard.
  • Gentle endoscopic.
  • Laser.

The standard septoplasty method is the oldest. The nasal mucosa is cut in an arcuate manner and the quadrangular cartilage is cut off. Then, using a hammer or chisel, the area that is bent is removed. The mucosal flaps, periosteum and perichondrium are brought together and fixed with tampons.

The modern method is gentle endoscopic septoplasty, performed using an endoscope. Having researched thoroughly nasal cavity, use special forceps to remove areas that narrow the breathing passage.


Both methods may have different scenarios, for example, in the first case, the resected cartilage can be aligned and placed in its place, and over time it will return to its natural position. During one operation, several manipulations can be performed, such as conchotomy and vasotomy.

This operation for adults is performed under local anesthesia; for children and sensitive patients there may be exceptions in the form general anesthesia. The surgical intervention, which takes place without additional manipulations, such as removal of polyps and overgrown nasal turbinates, takes no more than 40 minutes.

Everything is fixed with special tampons, which are equipped with tubes, which immediately allows the patient to start breathing normally. The patient is in the hospital after the operation, if everything went smoothly, the stay is no more than 2-3 days. And until the wounds heal completely after surgery in the nasal cavity, he independently carries out hygiene procedures.

The operation lasts no more than 40 minutes and after 2–3 days the patient is discharged.

How to treat a deviated nasal septum

The newest method that practically does not cause discomfort to the patient, which lasts no more than 15 minutes, is laser correction, or laser treatment. By heating the cartilage with a laser, it becomes more elastic. It is straightened and fixed. This method is not suitable for everyone, in particular, those whose cartilaginous septum was damaged as a result of a fracture need to choose a different treatment.

Before any surgical intervention, you need to undergo a general examination to determine whether there are any contraindications. The following examinations are carried out:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • fluorography;
  • checking blood coagulation status;
  • general examination by a therapist.

List of contraindications for this type of operation:

  1. Acute infections.
  2. If there is poor blood clotting.
  3. Chronic diseases.
  4. Advanced age.
  5. Mental illnesses.

It is not advisable to perform unnecessary operations before the age of 18.

For women, it is best to schedule nose surgery for a deviated septum two weeks after the end of your period.

Possible complications

After surgical intervention possible early and late complications. Early ones can be attributed to hematomas and bleeding, which are eliminated with tampons. Rarely, complications such as perforation may occur as a result of trauma to the nasal septum during surgery with a sharp object. The doctor must disinfect everything to avoid abscesses, which may occur due to a blood clot or purulent sinusitis. To avoid unpleasant consequences resulting from infections and blood clots, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics a couple of days before the operation and after it.

Late complications may include changes in the shape of the nose in exceptional cases due to high resection of the quadrangular cartilage.


  • A crooked bridge of the nose can develop from childhood or adolescence as a result of intensive growth cartilage tissue, and can occur as a result of injury, fractures at any age.
  • Because due to heavy breathing the body is not completely saturated with oxygen in the required amount, not only the lungs suffer, but the entire body as a whole, including the reproductive and nervous systems.
  • It provides the discomfort of curvature both to the patient himself due to constant respiratory diseases, sometimes severe sinusitis and meningitis, and to those around him due to constant snoring.
  • A specialized specialist must diagnose the disease and prescribe surgical intervention to eliminate the curvature.
  • Before the operation, you need to undergo a general examination to find out if there are any contraindications, such as poor clotting blood, chronic or mental illnesses and the like.
  • How to cure a deviated nasal septum? The most effective way is surgery. The patient can choose one of several correction options, ranging from the oldest, in which broken cartilage tissue is removed, and ending with an innovative laser correction method, if this type is suitable for treatment.
  • The correction operation takes little time, if there are no complications - no more than 40 minutes, and after 2-3 days the patient can continue treatment at home, carry out hygiene procedures at least once a day until complete healing.
  • After surgery in in rare cases there may be complications.

If you have difficulty breathing, are constantly plagued by a runny nose, or suffer from headaches, it is better to consult a doctor for help, because all of these symptoms may be a consequence of a crooked nose bridge, and you need to eliminate the root cause of all diseases.

A deviated nasal septum is very common. In fact, a perfectly straight septum is very rare. In almost every person it is displaced to one degree or another. Therefore, not every deformity is considered a pathology and does not always need correction.

If the curvature is pronounced and leads to a number of serious consequences, talk about the presence of pathology. In this case, the help of a specialist is needed. According to medical observations, septal displacement rarely occurs in young children. Much more often, the disease is diagnosed in adolescents aged 14–17 years, during the active development of the body.

Anatomy and main functions of the nasal septum

The partition is inner wall nasal cavity, dividing it into two halves. The lateral plate consists of mobile cartilage tissue and fixed bone.

It is the septum that plays a key role in separating air between the right and left nasal cavities. At the same time, uniform cleansing, warming and humidification of air flows is achieved. When the lateral cartilage is deformed, these functions are disrupted.

In infants, the nasal wall is most often absolutely straight. There is still no clear division into cartilage and bone tissue; almost the entire lateral plate consists of cartilage with minor areas of ossification. Over time, they harden and grow together. Failure in this process often leads to various defects inner wall.

Changes caused by deformation of the nasal septum

A deviated nasal septum causes many pathological disorders in the patient's body. First of all, the defect suffers respiratory system. Displacement of the median wall causes narrowing of the nasal canal and nasal congestion.

A deviated septum causes difficulty breathing

In addition, numerous changes occur in the mucous membrane. IN in good condition the epithelium constantly produces a small amount of secretion, which serves to humidify the incoming air. As a result of pathological disturbances on the part of the septum, turbulence occurs, and air currents constantly affect the mucous membrane in a certain place. Here the epithelium thickens and stops producing secretions. Crusts form in the nostrils, the mucous membrane dries out and loses its protective functions.

Rehabilitation period

For a week after septoplasty, the patient must wear splints, which are then painlessly removed. Breathing is usually completely restored within 4–5 days. IN postoperative period It is recommended to remove crusts from the nose daily and rinse with sea salt solutions.

During rehabilitation, the nose must be irrigated with salts of the Adriatic Sea

If the patient complains of pain, he is prescribed analgesics. To prevent complications may be prescribed antibacterial drugs. After discharge from the hospital, the patient is observed by the attending physician for 30 days.

Deformation of the nasal septum in pediatrics

Displacement of the lateral wall of the nose in children is observed much less frequently than in adults. However, such a pathological deviation can seriously affect health, physical and mental development child.

Causes of deviated nasal septum in children:

  • Traumatic deformity. It can occur both during childbirth and in the subsequent period.
  • Compensatory effects. Frequent respiratory diseases, adenoiditis, polyposis, chronic rhinitis- all this can provoke a pathological condition.
  • Different rates of growth of cartilage and bone tissue of the nose in adolescence.

Not all children need therapy. Correction of the deformity is only necessary if the baby’s breathing is very difficult and this threatens him with serious consequences.

A septal defect in childhood can affect the baby's mental and physical well-being.

In childhood, the main direction in the fight against the defect is treatment without surgery. The following medications are used for this:

  • Glucocorticosteroids - Fluticasone, Avamys, Nasonex.
  • Antibiotics local action- Bioparox, Isofra, Polydex with phenylephrine.
  • Mucolytic agents - Rinofluimucil spray.
  • Moisturizing aerosols - Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Salin, Morenasal.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs - Nazol Baby, Vibrocil, Physiomer spray.

At an early age, they try to avoid surgical intervention if possible, fearing that the procedure will negatively affect the further formation of the nose. Surgery is resorted to if drug treatment does not give the expected effect.

Consequences of curvature

The conditions that result from a lateral wall defect are difficult to predict. Usually, pathological changes are formed under the influence of the patient’s age, the degree of the defect and concomitant ailments.

Consequences of a deviated nasal septum:

  • development of bronchial asthma;
  • increased susceptibility to viruses and infections;
  • dryness and sore throat, cough;
  • headaches, decreased vitality, deterioration of memory and learning ability;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

If a crooked nasal septum does not allow a person suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension to sleep peacefully, then periodic stoppages of breathing can provoke a stroke.

Deformation of the nasal septum is pathological condition, the treatment of which is best done in a timely manner. The defect, as a rule, negatively affects the functionality of all organs and systems. Therefore, you should not underestimate such a seemingly frivolous ailment.

Dear readers, greetings! Almost all people have a deviated nasal septum in one way or another. Perhaps some of you have undergone treatment to correct your nasal septum. Those who are undergoing such an operation are faced with a choice: what is better – treatment of a deviated nasal septum without surgery or laser treatment. Let's figure out together which option is better to choose.

Deviated nasal septum - causes and symptoms

The nasal septum does a lot important functions: it humidifies the inhaled air, warms it, and ensures balance in the distribution of air in the right and left nostril. Of course, we must not forget about the sense of smell. The functions of warming and moisturizing come to naught with a deviated septum. Most often, this disease affects adult men, less often – women, and very rarely – small children.

The causes of curvature can be not only injuries, but also abnormal growth skull bones, polyps and tumors in the nose, an overdeveloped nasal concha, which presses and bends the septum.

Of course, a person himself is unlikely to be able to understand whether he has a deviated nasal septum, but there are some symptoms that indicate this:

  • irregular nose shape,
  • constant runny nose,
  • headache,
  • snoring and sleep apnea (short-term cessation of breathing during sleep),
  • constant colds,
  • cough and sore throat,
  • ear pain.

Consequences of a deviated nasal septum

The nasal passages play a huge role in protection respiratory tract: This is where the inhaled air is warmed, humidified and disinfected.

A slight deviation of the septum in one direction or the other does not cause any unpleasant health consequences. But if the curvature is significant, significant health problems may arise.

Thus, the curvature of the septum affects the direction of air passing through the nasal passages, causes microtrauma and inflammation of the mucous membrane, reducing barrier protection. As a result, conditions are created for the proliferation of microbes in the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. All this leads to the development of rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis.

The inflamed nasal mucosa allows the penetration of various allergens, and this can lead to the gradual development or exacerbation of bronchial asthma or other allergic diseases.

A deviated septum prevents sufficient air from being inhaled. As a result, the brain suffers due to lack of oxygen. If septal deformation is observed for a long time, chronic brain hypoxia occurs. This in turn leads to headaches, sleep disturbances, hearing problems, and a slow reaction to events. This is very dangerous, especially in childhood and can lead to mental retardation.

Suffering and the immune system, such people get sick more often respiratory infections, they may experience intestinal disorders.

All these negative aspects significantly worsen the quality of life and even, as scientists have noted, lead to a reduction in life by 5–6 years.

Treatment of deviated nasal septum without surgery

For most people, a deviated nasal septum does not cause discomfort. The presence of a deformed nasal septum does not always require surgery. If the manifestations of the curvature are not critical, then the problems that arise are treated with conservative methods: vasoconstrictor nasal drops, sprays, antibiotics are prescribed, antihistamines, nasal rinsing.

You can resort to treatment at home, which I will talk about a little later. But this does not always help, and if there is a result, it is short-term. And then you have to resort to surgery.

Nowadays, medicine has come a long way. And now deformed nasal septum is treated without surgery. Methods such as laser treatment, septoplasty, and endoscopy have proven to be effective methods of non-surgical correction.

You can see how rhinoseptoplasty is done in this video. A similar operation is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient is fully conscious and has no discomfort he doesn't have it.

Deviated nasal septum - laser treatment

At the end of the last century, a completely new and effective method of treating a deviated nasal septum—laser chondroseptoplasty—found its application. The method does not have side effects and contraindications, it can be performed on an outpatient basis.

The essence of the operation is to heat a section of cartilage tissue with a laser to a certain temperature, as a result of which it becomes soft and elastic, which allows a special tool to give the septum the correct shape, fix it with a tampon soaked in oil for a day.

Such an intervention is short-lived and also has much more low level risk of bleeding. This method is much less traumatic than surgery.

The use of laser radiation does not burn the nasal mucosa. The patient is discharged after a few hours; the patient does not need special observation after the operation. And the tampon is removed after a day. This method Suitable for minor curvatures; in other cases, surgery will be required.

Deviated nasal septum - surgery

Septoplasty - surgery to eliminate deviated nasal septum. Unlike rhinoplasty, the purpose of the operation is not to restore correct form nose, and improved nasal breathing. Most operations take place within 60 minutes, the duration of the operation depends on individual structure and the condition of the nasal septum. If correction of the shape of the nose is required to be combined with septoplasty, a complex operation called rhinoseptoplasty is performed.

However, to understand whether surgery is needed (this can only be treated surgically), it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist, conduct a thorough diagnosis and examination. The doctor will be able to externally assess the problem and find out whether the sense of smell is impaired. Further using special devices The nasal cavity and nasopharynx are examined.

There are several indications for surgery. In addition to the appearance of a clear cosmetic effect, patients can get rid of constant nasal congestion, rhinitis, otitis media, headaches and sinusitis. Surgery will be required only if nasal breathing is constantly difficult, frequent rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis occur, and there is a risk of atrophy of the nasal mucosa.

Medicine is constantly evolving, so surgery to correct a nasal septum is considered simple and takes no more than two hours. In this case, unnecessary cartilage that puts pressure on the septum is removed, and if there are no complications, the patient is discharged.

There are contraindications for the operation:

  • pregnancy,
  • acute conditions and fever,
  • convulsions,
  • oncological or endocrine diseases,
  • age up to 16 years, surgery can be performed on children after 6 years of age if there are serious indications.

After such an operation, complications may arise:

  • frequent nosebleeds,
  • perforation (appearance of a hole) in the nasal septum,
  • purulent inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses.

Despite its apparent simplicity, you need to be prepared for a long rehabilitation period. It lasts about two months. During the first week, the nose is washed by doctors, then you will have to do it yourself. Antibiotics, painkillers and hormone therapy so that the healing process goes faster.

The fact is that after the operation, swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs, and it takes quite a long time for it to go away; nasal breathing is difficult; you will have to breathe only through your mouth. But after rehabilitation, sensations and smell return. Of course, as with any surgical intervention, there is a risk of complications, but with the right approach they should not arise.

It is worth remembering that after surgery, during illness, you cannot use nasal drops with xylometazoline. The fact is that the mucous membrane quickly gets used to this drug and begins to swell without it, dependence occurs. Thus, if it comes to this, the effect of the operation will be negated.

Treatment of a deviated nasal septum at home

At home, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to correct a deviated nasal septum. But to alleviate the condition - relieve headaches, remove swelling in the nasal passages, improve nasal breathing - is quite possible. To do this, use lotions and nasal baths, use internal infusions, use essential oils, massage, and breathing exercises.

  1. Massage. It is best to massage the sinus area with a propolis-based cream. I suggest you use Tentorium cream, about it healing properties. The cream is applied to the skin of the nasal or frontal sinuses and rub in for 10 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times during the day.
  2. Will help relieve swelling essential oils sage, eucalyptus, . Add a few drops essential oil in a glass warm water, moisten cotton pads and apply them to the paranasal sinuses for 10 minutes.
  3. Nasal rinsing or salt. Add 1.5 teaspoons of salt to a glass of water (200 ml) and stir. You can rinse your nose by pouring a saline solution through the spout of a teapot or sucking in the solution through your nose, the solution should be poured out through your mouth.
  4. Nasal rinsing can be done using infusions of chamomile, sage, and wormwood. A teaspoon of dried herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 20 minutes and washed as described above.
  5. Burying sunflower, olive, flaxseed, corn oil in the nose. A few drops will help clear your nasal passages and make breathing easier.
  6. Breathing exercises will help get rid of swelling and inflammation in the nasal passages, making nasal breathing easier. There are several techniques breathing exercises. You can take turns breathing through each nostril or inhale air in small portions through your nose, hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale long. These exercises can be done several times a day. In general, try to breathe only through your nose while walking, running, swimming, singing, cycling, skating and skiing.

How does a deviated nasal septum affect military service?

Someone is probably wondering: are they recruited into the army with a deviated nasal septum? This is the answer I found on the Internet.

A deviated nasal septum in itself is not grounds for exemption from conscription. With a deviated nasal septum, you can be exempt from conscription into the army ONLY if the deviated nasal septum is accompanied by persistent breathing problems with respiratory failure I degree.

Today I told you about the pros and cons of treating a deviated nasal septum. How you will be treated: without surgery, prefer laser treatment or want to limit yourself to treatment at home - it’s up to each person. However, we can say with confidence that after surgery and rehabilitation, the patient discovers a new world with big amount smells, the quality of life certainly improves.

Dear readers, was this information useful to you? Perhaps some of you have already undergone treatment for a deviated nasal septum, share your impressions in the comments. Most likely, such information will be useful to your friends, share it by clicking on the social buttons. networks below the article. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog news, there will be many more interesting things!

Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

A persistent deviation of the shape of the nasal septum from the midline is called curvature. Most often it causes breathing problems. If the disorder is severe, the flow of blood to the brain worsens, and difficulties arise with the functioning of the heart and stomach.

Structure and functions of the nasal septum

The nasal septum grows throughout a person's life. At an early age, its curvature manifests itself in the child as pallor skin, mouth slightly open. It consists of several parts, which are characterized by uneven growth.

Therefore, as a person gets older, problems with curvature may become more pronounced. No one has a perfectly straight septum: although it is slight, everyone has a curvature, since the external influence of certain factors and injuries cannot be completely avoided.

In the anterior part, the septum is a quadrangular cartilage. At the back there is bone tissue. Deformation can occur in posterior section, front or both at once. The septum, which is a plate, divides the nose into two parts. It is, as it were, mounted in a frame, which is bounded above by the frontal bones, below - solid sky, and behind – wedge-shaped and ethmoid bone. The nose is responsible for the following functions:

  • Smell
  • Purification of incoming air
  • Warming the incoming air
  • Humidification of incoming air

If the structure is damaged, the implementation of some of them may be partially or completely lost. To restore function, medical intervention is sometimes required to correct the nasal septum.

Causes of deformation

The fact that the septum consists of several components is the basis of the reasons that cause its curvature. In most cases, the deformity does not affect the quality of life. The main reasons for its appearance may be:

  1. . In 50% of cases, people receive injuries to the nose or facial skull, which subsequently lead to various deformities. Most often, injury occurs in childhood and adolescence. Injuries can occur to the child at birth (passage through the birth canal, rapid labor, incorrect actions of the midwife).
  2. Problems with the growth of facial bones. This cause of curvature was identified in 30% of all applicants. Individual structures of the nose develop inconsistently with each other, causing disturbances in symmetry.
  3. Diseases. In 10% of cases, these may be polyps that have arisen in the nasal cavity, hypertrophy of its sinuses, tumor, or proliferation of the nasal concha. This type of reason is called compensatory.
  4. Hereditary factor. This pathology can become not only congenital, but also inherited.
  5. Hypertrophy of Jacobson's organ or vomeronasal organ. Olfactory cells are concentrated in this part of the nose. In humans, it is atrophied, but in rare cases it can become enlarged, causing a deviated septum.

Install the real reason curvatures are possible during diagnostic testing. The most common cause of all is mechanical injury.

Causes of a deviated nasal septum:

Degrees of curvature

Deformation of the nasal septum can be mild, moderate or severe. In the first case, there is a slight deviation from the midline, in the second, the deviation is observed closer to the middle of the sinuses, in the last, the septum, due to distortion, almost touches the side wall of the cavity. There are other classifications of the degree of curvature. For example, gradation of deformation according to Mladin:

  • Comb-shaped
  • Pronounced comb-like
  • Unilateral comb-shaped deviation
  • S-strain
  • "Turkish saber"
  • "Crumpled" partition

Curvature occurs in different planes. Some of them do not affect the ability to breathe normally through the nose. If the defect is significant, accompanying complications develop. According to Lopatin’s classification, a deformed septum may have the following appearance:

  1. Thickening
  2. Cartilage dislocation
  3. Crest
  4. C-shaped curvature
  5. S-shaped curvature

In most cases, changes are recorded in the anterior part. In this case, air vortices may form, interfering normal breathing through the nose.

Types of curvatures

Related complaints

A deviated nasal septum does not always cause discomfort and manifest itself. Most often, such pathologies are detected during examination. Moreover, the patient may not even be aware of the existing disorder. But deformation is not always asymptomatic. The patient may complain of:

  • and sinusitis. Such diseases develop much more often when there is a deviated septum. They are accompanied by mucous discharge, sneezing, lacrimation, and the appearance of.
  • , night apnea. According to statistics, with a deformed septum, men snore 2 times more often than women. Danger similar condition is that short-term cessation of breathing - apnea - can occur during sleep. Patients may complain of headaches and high blood pressure throughout the day.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing. It manifests itself in varying degrees. Sometimes a person is generally able to breathe only through the mouth. In such cases, surgical intervention is sometimes unavoidable.

With a deviated septum, a person may perceive odors incorrectly or completely lose the ability to smell. With deformation, thinning of the mucosa is observed, especially in areas of large plexus blood vessels. This can cause frequent nosebleeds. Inhaling air through the mouth increases the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

Diagnostic measures

To identify pathology and establish the cause of its occurrence, prescribed diagnostic studies. These may include:

  • X-ray of the nose
  • Computed tomography

X-rays can be taken in one of 4 positions: Waters, Caldwell, lateral and from the chin to the top of the skull. A rating is given based on the photo paranasal sinuses, the presence of bone anomalies is detected and a curvature of the nasal septum is established.

Computerized tomography reveals the ridges and spines that are located in the posterior part of the nasal concha. In this case, cysts or sinusitis may be detected. Their treatment is carried out simultaneously with the restoration of the septum.

If tumor formation is suspected. Instrumental examination examination of the nasal cavity is carried out during rhinoendoscopy, rhinoscopy and rhinometry.


The deformation reduces the clearance of the nasal passages, which prevents the normal penetration of air into them. A similar disorder can cause other unpleasant pathologies:

  1. Drying of the mucous membrane
  2. Loss of cilia by ciliated epithelium
  3. Problems with snot discharge
  4. Cleaning the cavity from microbes
  5. Development chronic form vasomotor rhinitis

The nose is connected to other organs and systems. it communicates with auditory tube and lacrimal duct. The partition may be deformed in such a way that it blocks access to them. As a result, it is violated natural process air exchange. This causes the appearance of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, acute or inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

A deviated septum can come into contact with the sides of the nose and irritate them, causing airway spasms and coughing. Lack of air entering the body causes oxygen starvation, frequent headaches, shortness of breath and sleep disturbances. The appearance of such disorders at an early age causes developmental delays.

Why is a deformed nasal septum dangerous?

Indications for surgery

A deformed nasal septum can only be corrected through surgery. It should be performed only if indicated, when the curvature is pronounced and negatively affects the patient’s quality of life. In this case, the doctor weighs the risks:

  • Is nasal breathing preserved?
  • What will be the benefit
  • Possible harm to the body
  • Age restrictions

Surgery is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age. Over this age, the importance of the manipulation is assessed. If there are significant complaints, then reconstruction of the nasal septum is performed.

Previously, the operation involved the complete removal of the septum, but now part of it is cut out - a ridge or thorn that interferes with breathing.


Medicinal, non-surgical treatment for a deviated nasal septum is impossible, because it is an anatomical pathology. Traditional methods interventions are:

  1. Endoscopic surgery

Much less often, deformation is corrected using a laser. Medicines can be prescribed only to relieve the inflammatory process and to alleviate the allergic reaction.

Indications for surgery are complications: hypertrophy of the nasal concha, chronic sinusitis, inability to breathe independently through the nose. The operation is performed only on patients over 16 years of age.

Laser chondroseptoplasty

IN classic version Septoplasty is performed only in cases of severe deformity. If there is a slight deviation from the midline, laser treatment is performed. With its help, cartilage tissue is aligned. The procedure is painless, but it is not performed on children and elderly patients.

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis and takes no more than an hour. Its implementation is contraindicated in the presence of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity. No preliminary preparation is required before the intervention. The operated septum is fixed with special tampons, which are inserted directly into the nose.

Indications for surgery, technique, cost and reviews of septoplasty:


The rehabilitation period lasts about 2 days. The patient should not independently touch the tampons inserted into the nose to fix the septum. During this time, you should sleep on your back so as not to put pressure on your nose. Usually within 48 hours cartilage tissue restore their density. But swelling and soreness may persist for a few more days.

Normal breathing through the nose is possible after 3 weeks. During rehabilitation you should:

  1. see a specialist every day for a week
  2. Perform breathing exercises
  3. Use wound healing medications prescribed by your doctor

After surgery, there is a risk of hematomas or purulent inflammation. Recovery may be accompanied by bleeding.

Photos before and after septoplasty


The pre-rehabilitation period during which a person loses his ability to work is 1.5-2 weeks. In the absence of complications, the prognosis for treatment of nasal septum deformity is very favorable. The price of such an operation depends on the clinic’s policy and the experience of the surgeon.