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Frequent colds: the main causes of persistent colds. Chronic colds

A person who suffers from a runny nose, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections 6 times a year or more is considered to be frequently ill. The reasons for this phenomenon almost always lie in viral infection.

However, as you get older, frequent colds no longer bother you every month. According to the norms, an adult can get sick no more than twice a year

Moreover, the causes of such diseases should be a seasonal cold epidemic.

But not every person has one strong immunity, because according to statistics, the average adult experiences the flu and runny nose 3-4 times a year. And residents of megacities may develop colds every month, so they are forced to almost constantly take medications. All this happens due to weakened immunity, which is facilitated by many reasons.

The immune system is a protective barrier of the human body, in particular, it is a complex reaction that protects it from harmful agents:

The invasion of the body by an antigen provokes an immune cellular response, manifested by the synthesis of phagocytes - special cells that capture and neutralize foreign materials.

There is also humoral immunity, according to which antigen neutralizes antibodies (chemically active molecules). They are serum blood proteins, also called immunoglobulins.

Third line protective functions which every organism has is nonspecific immunity. It is a barrier created by mucous membranes, skin, enzymes, and specific destructive organisms.

If the virus does enter the cell, then an adult with good immune function will begin to produce interferon (a special cellular protein) as a response. This condition is always accompanied by very high temperature.

So, there are several ways to protect the body from aggressive bacterial and viral infections. But unfortunately, today few people have strong immunity.

Why does this happen and what reasons contribute to this?

Why do the body's protective functions deteriorate?

The most global factor in weakening defenses is leading an unhealthy lifestyle. So, immunity can decrease even if a person:

  • overeats;
  • consumes refined fatty foods;
  • eats carcinogenic foods (fried and smoked foods) and simple carbohydrates.

Frequent, can develop from lack of physical activity. The human body must move, because its mechanisms and systems can function normally only with sufficient physical activity, and most people lead an infantile lifestyle, which causes a runny nose or flu, which has to be treated using potent drugs.

In addition, flu and runny nose can occur if a person constantly inhales polluted air. This reason is very relevant, because harmful impurities: smog, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and other harmful elements attack the body every day.

A constant noise and electromagnetic radiation is another factor that answers the question of why people very often get colds.

More frequent colds appear if a person constantly worries and experiences severe stress, so he needs to drink sedatives. In addition, a decrease in immunity is observed due to chronic lack of sleep or fatigue, against which flu, runny nose and other colds develop.

Also, a person often gets sick due to bad habits. These include overuse alcohol and smoking.

Moreover, scientists have concluded that negative impact conditions of increased sterility affect the immune system. This could be boiling dishes, using antibacterial soap, or applying antimicrobials for minor symptoms of a cold.

Such factors do not allow the defense forces to train in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the immune system is weakened, which results in a person’s refined life. In addition, the condition can worsen even if you constantly dress too warmly and spend most of the time in a well-heated room.

And also the immune system interconnected with the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, a deficiency of lacto- and bifidum bacteria can lead to a runny nose, flu or allergies.

How to determine that immunity has dropped?

Signs of poor activity of the body's protective functions include:

  1. frequent colds;
  2. irritability, constant stress, aggressiveness;
  3. exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  4. bad condition skin(presence of inflammatory foci, dryness, acne, peeling);
  5. disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (weak stools, constipation, bloating);
  6. malaise, drowsiness, fatigue.

The presence of one of these factors or their combination requires a review of lifestyle and appropriate measures. Today there are many ways to increase the body's defenses. They are divided into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • pharmacological.

The diet of a healthy person must be dominated by plant and animal proteins; if they are not there, then the immune cells will begin to function poorly.

In addition, food should be rich in essential minerals and vitamins (B, E, A, C).

Healthy proteins can be found in nuts, meat, legumes, eggs and fish. The following foods are rich in vitamin B:

  1. nuts;
  2. meat;
  3. seeds;
  4. liver;
  5. bran;
  6. raw yolks;
  7. wholemeal flour;
  8. milk products.

Vitamin E is abundant in wheat grains, avocados and vegetable oils. Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables that have bright color– pumpkin, carrots, apricots, bell pepper tomatoes. In addition, this valuable trace element is found in liver, eggs and butter.

Is in:

  • rosehip;
  • citrus fruits;
  • cranberries;
  • kiwi;
  • sauerkraut.

It is worth noting that strengthening the immune system depends on how much the body is enriched with these vitamins. In addition, preventing the occurrence of colds is regular use fermented milk products, which will support the intestinal microflora.

So that you do not have to treat the flu or runny nose by taking antiviral drugs, you need to follow the correct daily routine and do exercises. For full functioning, the body needs a healthy eight-hour sleep, walks fresh air, a normal work schedule and, of course, physical activity.

In particular, you can quickly boost your immunity if you engage in swimming and winter sports. In this case, the room must be constantly ventilated and sleep with the window open.

But the best prevention of the development of colds is hardening. Today there are many methods of hardening. This can be wiping with a wet towel, dousing with cold water, or you can just do foot baths in cool water.

However, in order not to harm the body, it is better to start carrying out such procedures in the summer, and lower the water temperature every month. This in turn will allow you to avoid the occurrence of diseases such as runny nose and flu.

In addition, even if a cold occurs, it will occur in mild form, which will allow you not to take medications that have a lot of side effects.

Cold prevention involves taking adaptogenic drugs every 3 months:

  1. Aloe;
  2. Eleutherococcus;
  3. Echinacea tincture;
  4. Golden root;
  5. Ginseng.

These natural antiviral remedies should be taken in the evening and morning. In addition, if stress disorders occur, then before bed you need to drink decoctions of motherwort and lemon balm.

In addition, preventing colds, in particular during an epidemic, involves taking homeopathic medicines. Three more times a year for one month you need to drink probitii (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, etc.).

A list that includes popular antiviral drugs that prevent the development of diseases such as flu and runny nose:

  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Panavir (suppositories);
  • Arbidol (capsules);
  • Viferon (candles);
  • Milife (powder);
  • Genferon (suppositories) and others.

1. Is there anyone you “can’t stand”? Maybe you're just fed up with someone or something? Can you remember any other proverbs and sayings regarding your illness? What kind of proverbs are these?

2. Do you exercise regularly?

3. Do you take your prescribed medications regularly? Do you know how they work, what you can expect from them and what are possible side effects?

4. Do you feel stressed out at work? How? What “little things” (microtraumas)?

5. Do you consider it advisable to withdraw yourself in tense situations because it “smells bad”?

________________________________Infectious diseases

6. Do you avoid contacts in which you have to “share” something with someone? Are you a passive or active smoker?

7. With your illness, is there a certain “distance” around you that you otherwise cannot organize?

8. Are you “silent” or “no contact” when you have a cold? What does this protect you from? Who or what (consciously or not) can you avoid in this way?

9. Would you like to get a “deserved” rest, but are hesitant to express it in words?

10. Thanks to your illness, do you receive attention that you otherwise do not have in this form? From whom? How?

11. When disappointed, do you hide back in your “snail house” instead of saying: “disappointment is better than fascination”?

12. Would you rather “get your head under the covers” so as not to see or hear anything?

13. What plans do you have for the next 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months?

14. What is the meaning of life for you (stimulus, goal, motivation, life plan, meaning of illness and death, life after death)?

15. Can you perceive your suffering as a chance to explore hitherto unknown areas?


\*-/about 70% of the population suffer from periodic, approximately 7% - constant headaches. In 10% of these patients, symptoms are due to another organic disease.

Headache like side symptom occurs in many somatic and mental illness. But it is also a particularly common form psychosomatic disorder. Head position is part of the involuntary experience internal state person. In everyday speech there are such expressions as “hold your head high”, “bow your head obediently”, “with a cool head”, “lose your head”, “beat your head against the wall”, etc. Many speech patterns show that the head is in First of all, it is intended for sober conceptual thinking, for an insightful, common sense understanding of a person, but also for choosing a basic emotional attitude and choosing a posture appropriate to the environment. From one-sided attention directed to one part of the body - the head, in patients with headaches, one should move on to an analytical study of the person as a whole, which can help resolve issues of diagnosis and treatment.

Epidemiological studies show that in almost 90% of cases, headaches are not caused by organic causes, and special attention should be paid primarily to chronic, characteristic forms of headaches that arise in certain situations. This kind of pain does not respond to typical symptomatic treatment analgesics, gentle regimen and rest. Often its appearance is associated with the presence of situational difficulties or conflicts.


Functional headaches can come in the form of vascular headaches (migraine) and pain associated with tension. The cause of a migraine attack is the initial spastic narrowing of the cerebral vessels. Subsequently, the arteries expand with the formation of edema, which maintains pain syndrome within hours or days. Tension headaches occur as a result of constant tension in the muscles of the back of the head and shoulder girdle, the pain spreads from the places where the muscles are attached throughout the head.

Since headaches are a frequently observed symptom in the clinic, they are often found in patients with psycho-emotional problems. Headaches may accompany the following disorders.

1. For psychosomatic reactions to acute trauma or acute conflict. Most of us are familiar with examples of this. own experience, such as headaches after exciting or painful experiences.

Brief headaches can replace resentment, hostility and anger. They can act as a reaction to overwork and internal or external overload against the background of a conflict associated with recognizing one’s own importance. Often with tension headaches, there is a triggering situation of the inability to achieve the desired social success.

2. Within the framework of disorders of personal development. Here we must distinguish between simple anomalies of mental development, in which conflicts are recognized, and anomalies of mental development, in which conflicts are repressed into the unconscious.

An example of a simple developmental anomaly is exhaustion depression according to Kielholz (1971), which appears as a consequence of prolonged emotional stress and occurs, as a rule, in three stages. At the first, asthenic-hyperesthetic stage, patients are irritable and very sensitive. At the second stage, psychosomatic complaints appear, among which headaches come first. Only at the third stage, finally, do depressive symptoms appear in the mental system and depletion of adrenergic nervous system in somatic spheres (typical depressive “headache syndrome of the second half of life”).

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An example of anomalies of mental development with conflicts repressed into the unconscious is a neurotic developmental disorder and psychosomatic diseases in the narrow sense. With both forms of unconscious anomalies of mental development, headaches are a very common symptom.

3. Headaches in psychopathic individuals occur within the framework of dysphoric states and in aggravating situations.

4. In conclusion, headaches should be mentioned as psychosomatic symptoms within the framework of endogenous psychoses.

This includes headaches within the schizophrenic circle, primarily symptomatic schizophrenic psychoses, such as senestopathic schizophrenia, in which the most important symptom is often peculiar sensations in the head. These patients often find it difficult to verbalize their sensations and describe the sensations in the head not as a painful phenomenon itself, but rather as a peculiar feeling that may border on depersonalization.

Finally, headaches are a common psychosomatic symptom in depression. They can, along with other somatic complaints, dominate in such a way that the depression itself is only difficult to recognize. These depressions are therefore often described as hidden or masked.


Personality picture

Tension headache that occurs after neurotic reasons, may be due to external and/or internal labor conflict. This reveals excessive claims and too high expectations of success and recognition. They lead to disappointment, especially when their elimination is delayed by feelings of guilt emanating from childhood (Bondarenko et al., 1997; Benedittis et al., 1992; Ehdeetal., 1992; Holmetal., 1986; Lehrer, Murphy, 1991).

The personality picture often shows increased ambition with excessive activity and usually a very monotonous life. The desire for perfection and an increased level of aspirations are also characteristic of such patients. They have no


when complete relaxation does not occur. Prolonged tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the back of the head and the entire head is an accompanying manifestation and expression of frustration, internal tension, which never leads to certainty, satisfaction and resolution.

Along with these circumstances, which, due to their relative frequency, are considered typical, there are other psychodynamic factors. Various age groups, different levels of education, different shapes socialization and, finally, initial personality structures all matter.

Neurotic mechanisms may represent a major factor in the etiology of the syndrome, so that even the detection organic damage does not always lead to the goal. The problem often remains unresolved, which is confirmed, among other things, by difficulties and ambiguous treatment results.

A systematic study of the life circumstances of patients with headaches often makes it possible to establish a connection between attacks of headaches and typical episodes that play out in the patient’s environment.

The psychosomatic approach attempts to give some meaning to the symptom of a headache, regardless of its cause. So, a headache can mean difficulty thinking. With both chronic headache and migraine, patients predominantly have an above-average level of intelligence. The imaginary “neurotic dullness” of numerous patients with habitual headaches often appears to be nothing more than the result of difficulty in thinking and a consequence of their intellectual negativism.

Although it is impossible to talk about the cephalgic patient’s own personality type, patients with headaches often experience anxious manifestations, increased ambition and desire for dominance, a tendency toward perfectionism and, as a result, chronic mental overload. A high level of aspirations leads to a conflict with real possibilities and fears, suppressed aggressiveness and frustrations, which can be expressed in a background state of chronic tension. Briefly, this can be described as a conflict between the patient’s desire and ability.

Spastic headaches are primarily associated with excessive stress on the muscles in the back of the head, shoulders,

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cervical belt and head. The same applies to vasomotor headaches and migraines. But why does a person constantly “put his forehead forward”, “keep his ear to the ground”, “clench his teeth”, “bite his lip”, be “hard-headed”, etc.? Headaches occur due to changes in the vascular apparatus of the head. Spastic narrowing of the vascular bed correlates with constant voltage motor apparatus, and both through the autonomic nervous system are closely related to the state of mind. With strong emotions, prolonged mental stress and conflicts, headaches can very easily occur if a person, by his constitution, has a very labile, reactive vascular system.

What is the psychological significance of headaches? The head, literally and figuratively, is the “highest” part of the body, in which the brain and sensory organs are located.

A patient with headaches is in an ambivalent position. On the one hand, he strives to work seriously and actively with his head, but on the other hand, this very head, due to pain, is a depressing obstacle. An unconscious symbolic reflection of suppressed feelings occurs. If a person’s head is constantly under pressure (the pressure of activity), then it “should” begin to hurt. In addition, a headache is a way to unload. If, for example, anger or frustration manifests itself in a headache, then the patient and those around him usually find it easier to accept the physical symptoms than the mental ones.

Often patients with headaches come from families where intelligence and achievement are highly valued. Parents were often people themselves, active and could not give their children enough warmth, time and patience, devoting little attention even own body and feelings, as well as communication. Children learn the concept that they live not for themselves, but primarily for their rational activities. They become increasingly identified with their parents' concept of achievement and become accustomed to outside pressure. Unable to relax or enjoy themselves, they now put their heads under this pressure, choosing goals for themselves that they are unable to achieve. Relationships with other people are also often based on how beneficial it is for work. In questions about worldview


science, religion and the future constantly have to deal with pessimistic views, which is a consequence of “intellectual negativism.”

Typical concepts for people with headaches are: “I don’t have time,” “work comes first,” “I will do everything myself,” “I don’t do things halfway,” and “you need to think at least a little with your head.”

The secluded life of patients with headaches could be a result of their illness: it is difficult to be pleasant in communication when you are haunted by constant headaches. But the lack of social support may itself be considered a stress factor that can increase the risk of headaches. Feelings of loneliness and abandonment can be a subtle yet powerful source of headaches in people already biologically predisposed to them.

In any case, people suffering from headaches should monitor the condition of their social life as well as the physical condition, and psychotherapists treating headaches should be aware of the potential influence of social factors.

There is no doubt that emotional stress, acute or chronic, makes many patients more susceptible to illness." As for some specific types of stress factors that seem to be the most powerful triggers of headaches, they include an unsuccessful marriage, working with a demanding and harsh boss, prolonged failure, or an unhappy family life. In other words, those stresses that are chronic or overwhelming are the most dangerous.

Also typical for headache patients are some personality traits, increasing the perception of unfavorable environmental factors. Such people have a tendency to do everything not just well, but in the best possible way, high ambitions, conscientiousness, increased emotionality, difficulties in ambiguous situations, a strong need for social approval and altruism, often accompanied by a feeling of guilt due to insufficient altruism. The result is chronic stress because these people are less able to protect themselves from stress.

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measured demands from others, experience too much strong feeling guilt to avoid onerous tasks, and would rather give in than allow themselves to be drawn into an unpleasant confrontation with others.


Treatment of a patient with psychosomatic headaches solely with the help of analgesics is insufficient if the symptoms are based on states of external or internal tension that are inaccessible to the perception of the patient himself. Conflict processing can usually occur in short-term therapy, the effectiveness of which is often enhanced by accompanying psychopharmacological treatment.

Tension headache is an indication for a combination of psychotherapeutic conversations and all types of somatic interventions. Chronic and fixed personal conditions respond best to group therapy methods (art therapy, psychodrama, body-oriented psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, transactional analysis); if necessary, they are supplemented with short psychotherapeutic conversations. Patients usually try to occupy a special position in the group, begin to express their personal problems quite quickly, show signs of obsessiveness and narcissistic traits, and turn out to be very touchy. If in parallel we carry out those aimed at the somatic sphere therapeutic measures, such as intensive kinesiotherapy, functional stress relief, etc., it can facilitate verbal group treatment as well as group therapy. In patients who do not want or cannot undergo psychotherapy, the method of self-monitoring of muscle tension using biofeedback is successfully used.

The key to preventing stress headaches is to simply become less susceptible. The more you free yourself from the chronic need for approval from others, the better you will be able to develop, respect and understand yourself. Here are some tips collected from different specialists, to make this task easier:


Don't be afraid to speak up and express your emotions. This is better than accumulating negative experiences (in the form of indignation and frustration).

Know your limits. You can't reach the sky, but you shouldn't feel guilty about not having wings. Work to the best of your ability and try to feel satisfied with your work.

Don't try to please everyone. This will inevitably lead to you deceiving yourself in one way or another.

Get used to positive thinking. No matter how much it bothers you that you don't have something, remind yourself that you have something else.

Smile and laugh more often. Research shows that this releases endorphins, natural substances that can improve your mood. Smiling can significantly lift your mood, even if you didn't think about it.

Cry more often. Many psychologists say that crying is The best way release stress that can only be matched by a loud, high-pitched scream.

Get up earlier in the morning. Many headache-prone people find that they can prevent an attack by getting out of bed ten to fifteen minutes earlier. Feeling good throughout the day is worth a few minutes of lost sleep.

Because tense muscles, especially in the shoulder and neck areas, are common cause headaches, relaxing them can be an effective preventive measure.

For tension headaches, a combination of biofeedback with muscle relaxation (Blanchard et al., 1987; Blanchard et al., 1990) and cognitive psychotherapy methods (Lisspers, Ost, 1990) have been successfully used.


Personality picture

Migraine attacks are a special form of headaches characterized primarily by lateral throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, photophobia,

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new and accompanying neurological symptoms. Patients often exhibit repressed hostility, which, according to Fromm-Reichmann (1959), “is a hostile, envious attitude specifically directed against the intellectual achievements of others. This matters when choosing the organ of suffering.”

We can understand migraines as “cheating.” It serves to hide mental conflicts that the patient “should not” communicate. A migraine attack can provide the patient with elements of secondary satisfaction: it provides the opportunity to manipulate the family or punish the world around them.

The typical headache patient, as Wolff (1948) showed in his classic writings, is a committed, conscientious, orderly person, relentlessly striving for achievement and success, who nevertheless crashes when almost achieving his goal. Almost all authors note the high intelligence of patients with headaches, while pointing to an underdeveloped emotional sphere. Loch (1965) says that perhaps "one must be able to think relatively high level to become a headache patient."


If patients have pronounced conflict situations or personal problems, then they are indicated for revealing depth psychological psychotherapy (Gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis, solution-focused therapy, cognitive, positive and family psychotherapy).

Frequent colds can unsettle anyone. If a person is constantly sick, his life turns into continuous pills, drops and mustard plasters, and endless sick leave They don’t give him any love from his superiors, nor, of course, any hopes for career growth. What could be the cause of frequent colds and how can you fight it?

People who suffer from 6 or more colds per year are considered to be often sick, and the cause of colds is almost always a viral infection. Viruses are especially annoying to children; pediatricians are currently introducing such children into special group“Frequently ill children” and conduct special monitoring of them. As a rule, as children grow and mature, they get sick less and less often, but in adulthood healthy man Ideally, he should not get sick more than twice a year, and the causes of these diseases should lie in the plane of seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

Alas, unfortunately, few of us today can boast of such good health- according to statistics, the average Russian suffers from 3-4 colds per year, and residents of large cities, in particular Muscovites, get sick even more often. And above all, this is due to weakening of the immune system, which is facilitated by a number of factors.

What is immunity

Any invasion of foreign material (we call it an antigen) immediately causes the so-called. cellular immune response, expressed in the production of special phagocyte cells that capture and neutralize the antigen. But this is not the only line of defense. There is also humoral immunity, according to which the antigen is neutralized by special chemically active molecules - antibodies. These antibodies are special serum proteins called immunoglobulins.

The third strategy for protecting the body is the so-called nonspecific immunity. This is a barrier formed by our skin and, as well as the presence of special enzymes that destroy microorganisms in the fluids of the body. If the virus has penetrated the cell, this does not mean that it has won - in a person with strong immunity, in response to this, a special cellular protein, interferon, is produced, which is precisely accompanied by a high temperature.

As you can see, nature provides many opportunities to protect yourself from the aggression of viruses and bacteria. But it is no coincidence that we mentioned that our contemporary, and especially a resident of a metropolis, as a rule, cannot boast of a strong immune system. And there are reasons for this.

Why immunity decreases

The most global cause decreased immunity is our notorious wrong way of life.

Signs of decreased immunity

  • Of course, frequent colds
  • Exacerbation chronic diseases
  • Increased fatigue, and weakness
  • Nervousness, aggressiveness,
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: flatulence, constipation, weak stools
  • Unsatisfactory skin condition: dryness, flaking, acne, inflammation, etc.

One or all of these signs together should lead you to accept preventive measures and help your immune system. There are numerous methods and ways to raise immune protection of your body. And they are all divided into physiological and pharmacological.

Physiological methods of boosting immunity.

  • must necessarily contain animals and vegetable proteins(without them, cells of the immune system do not work well), and the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C, A, E and B vitamins.

Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, legumes, and nuts. B vitamins are also found in meat and liver, raw yolks, dairy products, wholemeal bread and bran, seeds and nuts. In sprouted wheat grains, vegetable oil and avocado - a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin A is found in any brightly colored vegetables and fruits: carrots, tomatoes, apricots, pumpkin, paprika, and there is also a lot of it in butter, eggs, and liver.

Contained in citrus fruits, kiwi, sauerkraut, cranberries, rose hips. A sufficient amount of these vitamins is the key good condition cells of the immune system.

It is equally important to regularly drink fermented milk drinks to maintain intestinal microflora.

  • Daily routine and physical activity. The body needs at least 8 hours a day, a reasonable work schedule without overtime after midnight, sports are required (winter sports and swimming are especially good), long walks in any weather. The apartment should be ventilated often, and you should sleep with the window open.
  • Hardening. There are a lot of hardening methods. These include cool foot baths, dousing with cool water, and walking barefoot on the grass. The most important thing is to start in the warm season, so that by the winter cold you can give up your favorite woolen scarf, which is so hot, but without it you are afraid of “catching a cold.”

Pharmacological methods of boosting immunity

  • Preventive intake 2-3 times a year of natural: eleutherococcus, golden root, ginseng, echinacea, aloe. According to the dosage indicated on the package, take these tinctures in the morning and evening. In the evening, brew lemon balm or motherwort to reduce the effect of stress on your immunity.
  • Preventively, and especially during periods of massive seasonal epidemics, you can take homeopathic remedies to increase immunity, of which there are now enough.
  • 2-3 times a year take a course (4-6 weeks) of probiotics (Linex, bifidumbacterin, etc.)
  • Question about the use of serious immunomodulators, such as bronchomunal, ribomunil, etc. Be sure to decide only with an immunologist!

Frequent colds may have a variety of causes, ranging from "worrying" to "very serious". Finding the true cause of frequent colds means ruling out or confirming every possibility - in other words, making a diagnosis.

Diagnosis is usually difficult process due to the huge number possible reasons and symptoms associated with frequent colds, however, the main factors can be grouped into a small group:

  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Food allergies
  • Selenium deficiency
  • Weakened immune system
  • High histamine levels
  • Allergy to milk
  • Environmental Impact
  • Poor hygiene

Below we will talk in detail about some of the reasons why you have frequent colds.

Frequent colds are constant viral attacks

The most common cold viruses are called rhinoviruses (40% of all colds). By and large, the most important thing you should know about cold viruses is that rhinoviruses are real fans of cold weather. Rhinoviruses reproduce (produce offspring) fastest at a body temperature of 33-35 ° C. This simply means that if your body temperature is low, you are more likely to end up carrying the common cold virus. Coronaviruses cause about 20% of colds, while respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus cause 10% of colds

Constant colds love a cold body

The main changes in body temperature throughout the day depend on your activity level. Typically, body temperature is lowest in the morning. This is the best time to measure your body temperature. Lie quietly in bed under the covers, do nothing, just relax and take the measurement. Temperatures below 36.5°C may contribute to recurring colds. Don't be surprised if you see 34.5°C or 35.5°C on your thermometer. Such low temperatures are common for people with metabolic problems and weak immune systems.
You may not be aware, but some foods can make your body colder. Below is a chart of cold and heat foods so you can always remember which foods to avoid if you are prone to constant colds.

Environment can cause frequent colds

The cold of the body and the environment can “complement” each other. If you often get colds, using air conditioning and traveling to Salekhard may not be on your list of priorities. Environment plays a big role in your health. Where you work and where you live can have a significant impact on how often you get colds. If you work in an air-conditioned room where the cold wind blows directly at you, you will be more prone to catching colds. If you live in a cold, damp climate, this certainly doesn't help strengthen your immune system. The damp cold is very dangerous factor risk for those people who have frequent colds.

Constant colds? Check products

The foods you choose also affect your body temperature. That's why you shouldn't eat salads in winter, and it's wise not to forget about chili peppers. Traditional Chinese medicine very wise when it comes to energy and food. Cold people should avoid cold foods: wheat, tomatoes, citrus fruits, bananas, yogurt, and cucumber. Instead, they should consume more warm foods: garlic, ginger, cinnamon, oats, lamb, trout, coconut. If you don’t understand the rules of food energy, you can make things worse for yourself. You may think you are eating healthy food, but energetically it does not meet your needs. For example, yogurt for breakfast, salad for lunch and a sandwich white bread, will make you colder in the future. This menu is a good idea for hot weather, but it's bad news if you have recurring colds.

Hypoglycemia and frequent colds

Low sugar, a condition called hypoglycemia, is a common reason for cooling off, but that doesn't mean you need to kick it up a notch. Low blood sugar is not due to low level sugar in the diet, but due to the inability to maintain stable blood sugar levels in the liver. There are several causes of hypoglycemia. Although hypoglycemia is one of the reasons constant colds, we hope this situation does not apply to you.

Allergies and frequent colds

Low sugar can also happen after eating a food that you are allergic/sensitive to. Your sudden yawning, drowsiness, or low energy could simply be a sign that your body's sugar levels are low. Check your temperature at the time of these symptoms and see if it has dropped. Remember that not every food allergy and intolerance causes your body temperature to drop, but it does in some cases. Keep a list of foods that cause your temperature to drop handy - avoiding these foods can prevent your body from becoming unnecessarily cool and thus minimize the incidence of colds.

A weakened immune system causes frequent colds

Weakened immunity means that a person's immune system is unable to fight antigens. Antigens are like that harmful substances, So:

  • bacteria
  • toxins
  • cancer cells
  • viruses
  • mushrooms
  • allergens (eg pollen)
  • foreign blood or tissue

In a healthy body, the invading antigen meets with antibodies, proteins that destroy harmful substances. However, in some people, the immune system does not work as well as it should and is unable to produce effective antibodies to prevent illness, particularly the common cold.
You may inherit immune system disorders, or they may come from malnutrition (not getting enough vitamins and nutrients). Any immune system also tends to weaken with age. Therefore, older people get colds more often than middle-aged people.

Poor hygiene and frequent colds

Dirty hands “pick up” constant colds

Your hands come into contact with many germs throughout the day. If you don't wash your hands regularly and then touch your face, lips, or food, you can spread viruses and infect yourself.

Simply washing your hands with running water and antibacterial soap for 20 seconds will help you stay healthy and avoid illnesses caused by viruses and bacteria. Use hand sanitizers when pure water and soap are not available.

Clean countertops, doorknobs, and electronics surfaces (like your phone, tablet, and computer) with wipes when you're sick. To prevent frequent colds, you need to wash your hands:

  • before and after cooking
  • before meals
  • before and after caring for a sick person
  • before and after wound treatment
  • after using the bathroom
  • after changing diapers or helping a child
  • after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  • after touching animals or handling waste or food
  • after processing the garbage

Poor oral health and frequent colds

Teeth are not only the mirror of your health, but also the door to your body, and your mouth is a safe haven for good and bad bacteria. When you're not sick, your body's natural defenses keep your mouth healthy. Daily brushing and flossing also removes dangerous bacteria and viruses. But when pests get out of control, it can make you sick and cause inflammation and problems elsewhere in your body.

Long-term, chronic problems with the oral cavity may have big consequences. Poor dental health is associated with several problems, including:

  • heart diseases
  • premature birth
  • low birth weight
  • endocarditis (infection during inner shell hearts)
  • constant colds
  • gastrointestinal problems

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, you should brush and floss at least twice a day (especially after meals) and visit your dentist regularly.

Hypothyroidism and persistent colds

The term means low function thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism probably affects hundreds of thousands of people, but diagnosis is not always easy or straightforward. Clinical signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include many health problems, including such as a persistent cold or flu:

Low body temperature (as mentioned above, low temperature body affects the rate at which cold viruses multiply), dry skin/hair (red hair is at particular risk for hypothyroidism), inappropriate weight gain and/or inability to lose weight, brittle nails, insomnia and/or narcolepsy, short term memory and poor concentration, fatigue, headaches and migraines, premenstrual syndrome and related problems and violations menstrual cycle, depression, hair loss (including eyebrows), low motivation and ambition, cold hands and feet, fluid retention, dizziness, irritability, skin problems/infections/acne, infertility, dry eyes/blurred vision, heat intolerance and/or cold, low blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive problems (irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, constipation, etc.), poor coordination, decreased sex drive, decreased or excessive sweating, frequent colds/sore throats, asthma/allergies, slow healing, itching, recurrent infections, food intolerance, increased susceptibility to abuse psychoactive substances, anxiety attacks/panic attacks, yellow-orange discoloration of the skin (especially the palms), yellow bumps on the eyelids, slow speech, fluid in the ears, etc.

Adrenal fatigue and frequent colds

Although adrenal fatigue resembles hypothyroidism in some aspects, there are significant differences between the conditions. Hypothyroidism usually occurs with a number of key symptoms, although each person experiences thyroid dysfunction differently. In the case of adrenal fatigue, individual experiences are even more varied because metabolism is dependent on the adrenal glands. The circadian nature of adrenal function often means that certain times of the day/night will be more troublesome than others; This circadian pattern is not observed in thyroid problems. More common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are listed below:

  • Loss of energy in different time per day
  • anxiety
  • Sugar/salt cravings
  • Poor appetite in the morning
  • sensitivity to loud noises
  • sleep disorders
  • episodes of hypoglycemia
  • frequent colds/infections
  • palpitations/chest pain
  • thin, brittle nails

Similarities between adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism

  • Low Energy
  • Constant colds
  • Cold hands
  • Low body temperature
  • Weight gain
  • Sluggish digestion

It may be noted that many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism were present in cases of confirmed adrenal fatigue and vice versa. This is the intrinsic connection between the thyroid and adrenal glands, often referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal thyroid axis. Both of these glands are associated with energy production, and their work balances each other.

Denial of responsibility : The information presented in this article about common colds is intended to inform the reader only and is not a substitute for consultation with a healthcare professional.

Patients, parents of frequently ill children, neighbors, and fellow travelers constantly ask doctors of any specialty this question. Doctors usually talk about a viral infection, bacteria, and decreased immunity. They recommend hardening, taking vitamins and dietary supplements, and in some cases consulting a medical psychologist. It helps some, not so much for others. Today we will analyze cases of frequent colds from the point of view of System-Vector Psychology and find effective recommendations and the answer to main question- Why do people often get colds?

1. At the appointment, patient A, 25 years old, complains of cough with sputum, sore throat, difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal discharge purulent in nature. From the anamnesis: in childhood - frequent colds, bronchitis, sinusitis. Then the pain began to decrease. She got married and gave birth to two children. She has been experiencing frequent colds for the last six months. She says she's tired of being sick. I'm no longer used to feeling healthy. Not a single doctor understands how you can get sick so often.

I’m sure that I’m sick because of weak nerves, I just couldn’t find the cause of the stress on my own. After a short conversation, it turned out that she began to get sick often after the death of her mother-in-law. The relationship was difficult, but she is still missed. She tells how difficult it was to get used to, how much she was offended, how she wanted to become the best daughter-in-law and nothing worked: “I wanted her to love me so much, but she just died”.

2. At the appointment, patient B, 50 years old, complains of painful cough with difficult to separate sputum, pain in chest when breathing, feeling unwell. Frequent colds, exacerbations two to three times a year chronic bronchitis, last year she suffered from pneumonia. Speaks: “I’m so tired of being sick. Why is my body like this, it catches any infection? There are two or three colds per season and always an exacerbation of bronchitis, and pneumonia almost every year.

“...Result 9. I spent the whole winter in an autumn coat, the table was under the window, which is always open, but I no longer get colds, although they used to be frequent...”
Galina N., manager of social and cultural activities, Petrozavodsk

“...It is impossible not to briefly mention the accompanying psychosomatics: body temperature has changed (the hands were always cold, now they are always warm); back straightened (with adolescence I slouch); cold recurrences stopped (before the training, I got sick 4 times in six months); I don’t feel a strong heartbeat (it started bothering me about 3 years ago and the cases became more frequent); The weather dependence unexpectedly evaporated. In my opinion, my throat has stopped hurting (I write “in my opinion” because this result is a little more than a week old, which means that for a little more than a week I’ve been eating ice cream, drinking drinks straight from the refrigerator, sleeping in a cold room - it’s gotten very cold in Moscow these days - and my throat didn’t get sore or sore)..."
Fatima O., leading manager, Moscow

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”.