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A person often gets sick. Constant frequent colds: causes and prevention

A person who suffers from a runny nose, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections 6 times a year or more is considered to be frequently ill. The reasons for this phenomenon almost always lie in a viral infection.

However, as you get older, frequent colds no longer bother you every month. According to the norms, an adult can get sick no more than twice a year

Moreover, the causes of such diseases should be a seasonal cold epidemic.

But not every person has such a strong immune system, because according to statistics, the average adult gets the flu and runny nose 3-4 times a year. And for residents of megacities, colds can occur every month, so they are forced to almost constantly take medicines. All this happens due to weakened immunity, which is facilitated by many reasons.

The immune system is a protective barrier of the human body, in particular, it is a complex reaction that protects it from harmful agents:

The invasion of the body by an antigen provokes an immune cellular response, manifested by the synthesis of phagocytes - special cells that capture and neutralize foreign materials.

Also available humoral immunity, according to which the antigen neutralizes antibodies (chemically active molecules). They are serum blood proteins, also called immunoglobulins.

The third line of protective functions that every organism has is nonspecific immunity. It is a barrier created by mucous membranes, skin, enzymes, and specific destructive organisms.

If the virus does enter the cell, then an adult with good immune function will begin to produce interferon (a special cellular protein) as a response. This condition is always accompanied by a very high temperature.

So, there are several ways to protect the body from aggressive bacterial and viral infections. But unfortunately, today few people have strong immunity.

Why does this happen and what reasons contribute to this?

Why do the body's protective functions deteriorate?

The most global factor in weakening defenses is leading an unhealthy lifestyle. So, immunity can decrease even if a person:

  • overeats;
  • consumes refined fatty foods;
  • eats carcinogenic foods (fried and smoked foods) and simple carbohydrates.

Frequent, may develop from deficiency physical activity. The human body must move, because its mechanisms and systems can function normally only with sufficient physical exertion, and most people lead an infantile lifestyle, which causes a runny nose or flu, which has to be treated using potent drugs.

In addition, flu and runny nose can occur if a person constantly inhales polluted air. This reason is very relevant, because harmful impurities: smog, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and other harmful elements attack the body every day.

A constant noise and electromagnetic radiation is another factor that answers the question of why people very often get colds.

More frequent colds appear if a person constantly worries and experiences severe stress, so he needs to drink sedatives. In addition, a decrease in immunity is observed due to chronic lack of sleep or fatigue, against which flu, runny nose and other colds develop.

Also, a person often gets sick due to bad habits. These include overuse alcohol and smoking.

Moreover, scientists have concluded that negative impact conditions of increased sterility affect the immune system. This could be boiling dishes, using antibacterial soap, or applying antimicrobials for minor symptoms of a cold.

Such factors do not allow the defense forces to train in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the immune system is weakened, which results in a person’s refined life. In addition, the condition can worsen even if you constantly dress too warmly and spend most of the time in a well-heated room.

And also immune system interconnected with the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, a deficiency of lacto- and bifidum bacteria can lead to a runny nose, flu or allergies.

How to determine that immunity has dropped?

Signs of poor activity of the body's protective functions include:

  1. frequent colds;
  2. irritability, constant stress, aggressiveness;
  3. exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  4. poor condition of the skin (presence of inflammatory foci, dryness, acne, peeling);
  5. disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (weak stools, constipation, bloating);
  6. malaise, drowsiness, fatigue.

The presence of one of these factors or their combination requires a review of lifestyle and appropriate measures. Today there are many ways to increase the body's defenses. They are divided into two groups:

  • physiological;
  • pharmacological.

The diet of a healthy person must be dominated by plant and animal proteins; if they are not there, then the immune cells will begin to function poorly.

In addition, food should be plentiful essential minerals and vitamins (B, E, A, C).

Healthy proteins can be found in nuts, meat, legumes, eggs and fish. The following foods are rich in vitamin B:

  1. nuts;
  2. meat;
  3. seeds;
  4. liver;
  5. bran;
  6. raw yolks;
  7. wholemeal flour;
  8. dairy products.

Vitamin E is abundant in wheat grains, avocados and vegetable oils. Vitamin A is found in fruits and vegetables that have bright color– pumpkin, carrots, apricots, bell pepper tomatoes. In addition, this valuable trace element is found in liver, eggs and butter.

Located in:

  • rosehip;
  • citrus fruits;
  • cranberries;
  • kiwi;
  • sauerkraut.

It is worth noting that strengthening the immune system depends on the body being so enriched with these vitamins. In addition, preventing the occurrence of colds is regular use fermented milk products, which will support the intestinal microflora.

So that you do not have to treat the flu or runny nose by taking antiviral drugs, must be observed correct mode day and do exercises. For proper functioning, the body needs a healthy eight-hour sleep, walks fresh air, a normal work schedule and, of course, physical activity.

In particular, you can quickly boost your immunity if you engage in swimming and winter sports. In this case, the room must be constantly ventilated and sleep with the window open.

But best prevention the development of colds is hardening. Today there are many methods of hardening. This may include wiping with a wet towel, dousing cold water or you can just do it foot baths in cool water.

However, in order not to harm the body, it is better to start carrying out such procedures in the summer, and lower the water temperature every month. This in turn will allow you to avoid the occurrence of diseases such as runny nose and flu.

In addition, even if a cold occurs, it will occur in mild form, which will allow you not to take medications that have a lot of side effects.

Cold prevention involves taking adaptogenic drugs every 3 months:

  1. Aloe;
  2. Eleutherococcus;
  3. Echinacea tincture;
  4. Golden Root;
  5. Ginseng.

These natural antivirals should be taken in the evening and morning. In addition, if stress disorders occur, then before bed you need to drink decoctions of motherwort and lemon balm.

In addition, prevention of colds, in particular during its epidemic, involves taking homeopathic medicines. Three more times a year for one month you need to drink probitii (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, etc.).

A list that includes popular antiviral drugs that prevent the development of diseases such as flu and runny nose:

  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Panavir (suppositories);
  • Arbidol (capsules);
  • Viferon (candles);
  • Milife (powder);
  • Genferon (suppositories) and others.

Text: Kira Plotovskaya

A cold in itself is an unpleasant thing, but if it “grabs you by the throat” again and again, it is doubly offensive and annoying. Why do some people get colds all the time, while others get colds no more than once or twice a season?

Causes of persistent colds

The most obvious and trivial reason protracted, constant colds can be called inappropriate behavior: for example, you don’t dress for the weather, your shoes regularly get wet, you walk in the cold without a hat or scarf, and every now and then you jump out of a warm room into the cold with an unbuttoned coat. But this is not the only reason and reason why you “catch” a cold every now and then. Constant colds can also be caused by:

  • Bad habits (smoking, workaholism, overeating);

  • Weakened immunity;

  • Allergies with signs of a cold (for example, a reaction to dust or pollen, which manifests itself in the form of a runny nose, watery eyes, congestion in the throat, weakness);

  • Constant fatigue and a lifestyle in which there is no room active recreation and healthy eating;

Recipes for treating persistent colds

Since constant colds- this is more a consequence than a root cause, the same the right way to stop a series of incessant colds - find this cause and get rid of it: identify the allergen, give up bad habits, spend more time in nature, and do not while away your leisure time in the company of friends or colleagues who have caught a cold.

In addition, there are often cases when persistent colds are the “first bell” of some other serious disease - for example, neurosis. Psychotherapists will not let you lie: for neurotics, constant colds are a harsh and sad norm of life. And other psychologists will add that in addition to being a pointer to impending neurosis, constant colds can also indicate that the person suffering from them suffers from low self-esteem. He works endlessly, not allowing himself (both literally and figuratively) to breathe. full breasts and enjoy life. And he subconsciously programs himself for constant colds, considering this reason for rest to be the only possible one. And in these cases, treating persistent colds is as useless as trying to push back the water flowing from the tap. It would be more correct to turn off the tap, and in our case, the first step is to deal with psychological problems, become more confident in yourself, begin to be proud of yourself and love yourself. And finally give yourself the right to regular rest and entertainment. Then constant colds will move from reality into the realm of unpleasant memories and nothing more.

She's not very serious illness, but her symptoms in the form of a runny nose, cough and body temperature of 37.7 degrees often knock her down and simply do not allow her to move on. After a week, of course, we recover and feel incredible relief, remembering the cold like a bad dream. But how to deal with such a phenomenon as constant colds.

Reasons for the development of persistent frequent colds

No matter how unnatural it may sound, many psychologists argue that the cause of the disease is often uncertainty and low self-esteem. A person endlessly loads himself with work, not giving himself the opportunity to rest. And a cold is perceived as the only true right to a well-deserved rest. But such a lifestyle entails a lack of energy and strength, which does not allow the body to fight viral infections and leads to colds, which develop into a permanent condition of the body. But this is the opinion of psychologists. In addition to this, there are a number of other factors that cause frequent colds ny diseases.

Main of and especially common cause constant recurring colds is a careless and irresponsible attitude towards oneself and one’s health. The need to run out into the cold as quickly as possible from a warm room is at that moment more important than being one minute late, but nevertheless the opportunity to throw on warm outerwear.

Having bad habits - possible reason persistent colds such as:

Frequent overeating;


Lack of a healthy lifestyle, constant overwork, inability to eat regularly and properly - all these are also causes of the disease. And there are many more factors that we do not highlight and do not pay enough attention to.

Prevention of persistent colds

If a person’s immunity is severely weakened, then he simply cannot avoid constant illness. Immunity is given to man by nature to protect himself from all sorts of diseases. But humanity has not been able to use this “gift” correctly, and as a result, all children are now born with already weakened immunity. The environment also influences junk food And bad habits. Therefore, to prevent frequent colds, all children need infancy start hardening. This could be activities in the pool, proper massage, daily walks, adherence to proper temperature regime in the apartment, balanced and healthy food, exercises for development physical health. All this contributes proper development and strengthening the necessary immunity. This means that an absolutely healthy person will be able to forget about such a disease as a cold.

Currently in our country there are more than 460 types of various drugs for the prevention of the disease from more than 20 countries. But their action does not always effectively restore and strengthen the immune system, often only, on the contrary, weakening it.

Tips for preventive treatment frequent colds

In addition to the above medications necessary for the prevention of frequent colds and strong immunity, there are several more points that every adult and every parent should take into account.

You need to drink more fluid. Water washes the human body, re-degrades and removes toxins.

Fresh air. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, this is very important, since with central heating of the room, the mucous membrane becomes drier, as a result of which the human body becomes more vulnerable to influenza and cold viruses.

Charger. Exercise will help protect the body from frequent colds. It helps accelerate the exchange of oxygen between circulatory system and lungs. Charging exercises promote an increase in the so-called killer cells in the human body.

Fortified food. You should eat more red, dark green and yellow fruits and vegetables.

Say no to alcohol to prevent frequent colds. Just like nicotine, alcohol abuse greatly reduces the human immune system.

Know how to relax. If you learn to relax, you will be able to activate your immune system. After all, when the human body is in a relaxed state, the amount of interleukins, which are responsible for the immune response in defense against influenza and cold viruses, increases in the bloodstream.

How to treat regular frequent colds?

Many people who are prone to frequent colds try to cure them, without even trying to find out the root cause of such diseases. After all, getting rid of the irritant that regularly affects the resumption of colds in the body will allow you to get rid of such an illness forever. Pay attention great attention your health, allow yourself a break from work, because you won’t earn all the money, even if you devote yourself entirely to this process. Every person deserves the right to healthy image life, with small joys and the right to regular good rest, and no one is an exception.

There are often cases when a persistent cold is the first symptom of some more serious disease. Psychotherapists won’t let you lie about this: constant colds for neurotics are a sad and harsh life norm. Also, constant colds may indicate that the sick person suffers from low self-esteem. He works tirelessly, not allowing himself to enjoy life and breathe deeply. Such people subconsciously program themselves for illness, considering it the only possible reason for them to rest.

Treating the disease in such cases is a futile exercise. The first thing you need to do is deal with psychological reasons colds, become more self-confident, start loving yourself and being proud of yourself. And finally, give yourself the right to regular entertainment and relaxation. Then constant illnesses will be a mere memory.

As a rule, this is the result of a significant decrease in immunity. The problem concerns the elderly, children, people leading a sedentary lifestyle, etc. Frequent colds in adults, reasons for how to increase immunity, questions that concern those people who face the problem several times a year. Prevention of recurrence of upper infections respiratory tract are to improve the functioning of the immune system.

What are the causes of persistent colds?

There is a group of people who are susceptible to more frequent viral and bacterial infections. Among the factors influencing the occurrence of frequent colds are the following:

  • age (elderly people and children are more likely to get sick);
  • immunological status (people with a weakened immune system are more susceptible; people with weakened immune systems are more likely to get sick;
  • lifestyle: constant hard physical and mental work, stress, lack of time to sleep, sedentary lifestyle life, lack of physical activity);
  • diet (poor in microelements and vitamins, high in fats and carbohydrates);
  • bad habits (primarily alcohol and);
  • chronic diseases, in particular diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases;
  • abuse of antibacterial therapy.

People exposed to such factors should react earlier to the first symptoms of a cold, since complications in this case can often be very serious. If the infection was caused by viruses, bacterial superinfection may result. Such superinfections can cause, in particular, the ear, nose and lungs. In people with asthma, it may worsen symptoms.

How to treat recurring colds?

Frequent, recurrent colds need to be treated over a long period of time. You should not reduce the time of pharmacotherapy on your own, the best option the doctor's recommendations will be followed. Good results may benefit from the use of antiviral drugs. Recently, products containing Inosine Pranobex have been distributed among patients and are recommended by doctors.

It is worth trying such drugs, especially if the cause of the infection is a virus. Returning to work or school too quickly can lead to a relapse of the infection, since the body is still very weak and less resistant to new infections.

One of effective ways combating frequent colds is good rest. No wonder patients with colds are recommended bed rest. During the period of infection, you need to remember to get enough sleep, i.e. at least, 7-8 hours. A rested body recovers much faster and is more resistant to the recurrence of the disease.

How to prevent persistent infections?

To prevent frequent recurrences of the infection, you should avoid close contact with people who have developed symptoms of infection. Because viruses spread by airborne droplets, too close contact with a sick person is the easiest way to become infected. If there are people with colds in the house, you should use disposable masks to reduce the risk of infection.

It is believed that frequent washing hands significantly limits the spread of viruses, especially in children, because it is on their hands that they carry most of pathogens. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the child does not touch the face unnecessarily, especially around the eyes, mouth and nose. To avoid frequent infections, you need to wash your hands warm water and soap. Washing your hands before eating significantly reduces the risk of infection.

In addition, it is worth remembering that viruses multiply much faster in enclosed spaces, which is facilitated by warm and dry air environment. Just airing the room for a few minutes during the day will significantly reduce the risk of infection.

How to strengthen your immune system?

Most often, chronic colds with a tendency to recur are associated with a decrease in immunity. A weakened body is more susceptible to infection. To prevent frequent infections, you should consider strengthening it.

Activities that strengthen the immune system include:

  • physical activity: frequent walks, sports, for example, running, swimming. Physical activity leads to the fact that the blood is more saturated with oxygen, which strengthens the body’s immunity;
  • maintaining an appropriate diet rich in vegetables and fruits;
  • use of drugs containing echinacea, eleutherococcus;
  • Very ;
  • ensure sufficient sleep of at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • avoid stress;
  • stop bad habits.

How to determine your own decreased immunity?

Certain signs coming from the body will help with this. One only needs to differentiate them from serious illnesses and determine the onset of problems. These signs include:

  • frequent colds;
  • unexpected appearance of aggressiveness and irritability;
  • presence of changes on skin: inflammatory foci with various morphological elements, excessive dryness, peeling, acne, ;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, diarrhea);
  • fatigue and constant drowsiness;

If at least one of these factors is present, you should think about strengthening your immune system. Today it is customary to distinguish two types of health promotion:


Food has a special impact on health. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, to replenish proteins, the diet must contain eggs, nuts, legumes, and meat. B vitamins can be obtained from foods such as seeds, liver, bran, dairy products, and raw yolks.

Natural products nutrition helps strengthen overall immunity

Vitamin C is essential for strengthening the immune system. It is found in rose hips, sauerkraut, kiwi, black currants, cranberries and citrus fruits. In addition, it is important to increase the consumption of dairy products to protect the intestinal microflora.

To avoid flu and colds without taking antiviral drugs, it is important to follow a daily routine, get a good night's sleep and do exercises in the morning. You should take walks in the fresh air, normalize your work schedule and maintain proper physical activity.

Hardening is in the best possible way prevention of colds. For this purpose, methods using starvation water are most often used. These include dousing, rubbing, washing your feet with cold water, and finally, winter swimming. However, not everyone can use bathing in water as a hardening procedure. cold water. These procedures must be started in the warm season and gradually reduce the water temperature every month.

♦If colds occur in a seasoned person, they will be mild and will go away without the use of medications, and most importantly, they will help to avoid serious complications.


They involve the use of special medications to enhance immunity. The most popular and effective is taking cold medications every 3 months. Such drugs include:

  • Golden Root;
  • Aloe extract;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Ginseng;
  • Echinacea tincture.

It is recommended to take these products in the morning and evening. To prevent stress, motherwort and lemon balm are prescribed in parallel before bed. To strengthen your immune system, take care of normal operation intestines. Such drugs as Linex and Bifidumbacterin will help with this.

Pharmacological agents create reliable protection for colds and flu

During the height of the epidemic, as preventive measures. You can use antiviral drugs, especially if formed, they will be absolutely necessary. They are used in small doses under the supervision of a physician. The most effective and safe are:

  • Milife powder;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Genferon candles;
  • Panavir suppositories;
  • Arbidol in capsules;
  • Viferon candles.

The most reliable way to protect yourself from infection with the flu and many others dangerous infections, is vaccination. Of course, it has its indications and contraindications. One more important point Strengthening the immune system will involve giving up bad habits.

Smoking, alcohol consumption, not to mention hard drugs, destroy everything in the body useful substances, which helps reduce its resistance. As a result, not only frequent colds occur, but also severe lesions organs and systems, for example, such as oncology.

Normally, an adult should not get a cold more than twice a year during a seasonal ARVI epidemic. If a cough, runny nose, sore throat, rashes on the lips, fever and other cold symptoms occur six times during the year, then such an adult is considered to be frequently ill. What are the causes of frequent colds in adults? This is what we will try to find out.

Not all people have good immunity. City residents most often suffer from influenza diseases. According to statistics, the average city dweller gets sick with colds up to four times a year. Almost a month later in the autumn-winter period, and this is due to several reasons.

Why do adults get very frequent colds? First of all, this is due to large cluster people: transport, shops, especially pharmacies, where the premises are not ventilated, and people sick with ARVI stand in line for medicine along with those who are still healthy. A person with a weakened immune system - and the majority of them in cities - is constantly at risk, therefore he often gets colds and is forced to take medicines.

What is immunity

Immunity is a biological barrier that prevents a variety of foreign harmful agents existing in the environment from entering the body.

There are other cells, blood proteins, immunoglobulins that neutralize various chemically active molecules.

When a foreign agent does get inside any cell of the body, the human body begins to resist in response, producing a specific cellular protein interferon to end the threat. At this moment, the person's temperature rises. This is additional protection, because many viruses and bacteria are not able to withstand even small increase the temperature of the environment in which they fall.

The body also has an external protective barrier, the so-called This is our primary defense - beneficial bacteria on the skin, mucous membranes and in the intestines, which kill and prevent pathogens from multiplying. Specific substances and enzymes are like “chemical weapons” that guard human health.

However, these body defenses today do not “work” well enough for many people, and there are reasons for this. Frequent colds on the lips in adults, colds and other diseases are all due to weakened immunity.

Why does the body weaken its protective functions?

Immunity can be reduced due to many factors, such as unfavorable environmental conditions, poor lifestyle, congenital or acquired chronic diseases, poor diet, bad habits - alcohol and smoking, physical inactivity, stress.

Unfavorable environmental situation

Car exhaust gases contain up to 200 substances that are harmful and even deadly to human health. Today major cities suffer from excess road transport. Often, not all cars have new, high-quality engines. Many drivers don’t even think about catalysts and neutralizers for automobile emissions. The quality of fuel at regular gas stations leaves much to be desired.

If we add emissions here too industrial enterprises, then the city air turns into a “cocktail” that simply becomes difficult to breathe.

Polluted air irritates the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, so to speak, “preparing the ground” for pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Because the first protective barrier of the human body, nonspecific immunity, is largely reduced.

Therefore, diseases such as rhinitis, rashes on the lips, and cough often appear, which are not accompanied by fever, but can last for months.

No less serious environmental factor is electromagnetic pollution. Electronics - computers, smartphones, monitors, TVs, microwave ovens- what constantly surrounds us, and without which modern man can no longer imagine life, has a negative effect on his body. Naturally, immunity decreases.

Wrong lifestyle

To unfavorable ecological situation that reigns in cities, you need to add the wrong lifestyle - bad habits.

For example, smoking greatly aggravates the situation, because tobacco smoke contains more than 4 thousand harmful substances, and not just nicotine. It's deadly dangerous poisons, for example, arsenic, polonium-210. All these chemical reagents penetrate the human body, poisoning it for years, “distracting” the body’s immune forces to fight these substances in the first place. The immune response to the invasion of external foreign agents is weak. This can cause frequent coughing in an adult without signs of a cold.

Physical inactivity

Long sitting Using a computer in the workplace and at home affects not only your posture and weakened vision. The immune system is mainly affected. After all human body designed for constant movement. When muscles are constantly relaxed, they simply begin to atrophy. There is stagnation of blood and lymph, organs stop working well, and the heart, on the contrary, experiences greater stress. The respiratory organs are especially affected. The volume of the lungs is reduced, the bronchi become “flabby”. Therefore, slight hypothermia can cause illness. And if we add here the unfavorable ecological environment and smoking - the result is obvious.

Poor nutrition

A city dweller is always in a hurry to get somewhere, so he simply has no time to eat properly and fully. Cheap and unhealthy products are used food industry fast food. And this is often fried food, which is usually washed down with sweet drinks, eaten chocolate bars etc.

These fatty ones cause harm to the body. They do not contain essential vitamins, microelements. The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is disturbed. Such products are poorly absorbed by the body. He spends too much energy digesting them and fighting the consequences of such nutrition. Accordingly, people who eat such food, especially in large quantities, suffer chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.

All this weakens the body so much that immune defense It just doesn't cope.

Stress, fatigue

It’s no secret that life is not easy these days, constant stress accompanies modern man everywhere. It can cause frequent colds in adults. Inability to relax, calm down, chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, exhaustion - the body’s strength is spent excessively.

Sometimes a person just needs to get a good night’s sleep, have proper rest, so as not to injure his health and boost his immunity.

Research by scientists has shown that a positively thinking person suffers less from colds.

How to strengthen your immune system and stop getting colds?

In a situation where a person is needed integrated approach. Powerful immunity consists of many components, so it is necessary not just to temporarily use immunomodulators, but to seriously change your lifestyle.

Daily routine

The reasons for frequent colds in adults lie in an incorrectly structured daily routine. It is necessary to develop a certain regime in order to rest well and eat on time. When a person lives “on a schedule”, in a certain rhythm, it is easier for him to endure stress. Moreover, it excludes many stressful situations, is not late for anything, is not in a hurry, and is not overloaded with work. This lifestyle creates favorable positive thinking.

Proper nutrition

The causes of frequent colds in adults also lie in junk food. Healthy eating requires a balanced combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Food should be rich in minerals and vitamins different groups- A, B, C, D, E, PP.

Must be consumed natural products, exclude semi-finished products from your diet and do not buy fast food. If you purchase products in a supermarket, you need to carefully read what is written on the packaging, whether there are artificial ingredients - preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers. Do not eat this.

Only under such conditions does the immune system work fully, which means your body will cope well with colds.

Vitamin A is present in vegetables and fruits of bright yellow, orange, red colors - carrots, pumpkin, apricots, tomatoes, bell peppers. Animal products are also rich in this vitamin - liver, chicken eggs, butter.

B vitamins are found in nuts, seeds, bran and wholemeal flour, eggs, liver, meat, and dairy products.

Vitamin C can be obtained from rosehip, cranberry, sauerkraut, citrus fruits.

Vitamin E is found in abundance in unrefined vegetable oil, wheat and oat sprouts.

Hardening and gymnastics

If adults have frequent colds, what to do? You need to do hardening and gymnastics.

It is better to start hardening procedures with special preparation. First, in the morning, pour lukewarm water over your feet and rub them with a terry towel. Then, after a few weeks, move on to pouring over the legs and feet, and so gradually move up. In the end - start to pour yourself all over cool water room temperature.

The gymnastics complex should be selected according to age and physical characteristics. Hatha yoga or various Chinese gymnastics complexes with smooth movements and gradually increasing load are especially suitable for a weakened body.

For those who often suffer from colds, it is very important breathing exercises, which help train the lungs and bronchi. For example, Strelnikova’s gymnastic complex or pranayama yoga.

On will benefit daily jogging, regular visits to the pool, skating rink, skiing and cycling in the fresh air.

Once a week you need to go out of town to breathe clean air and cleanse your lungs.


Every three months you should take immunomodulators made from plant materials. This various drugs from aloe, ginseng (it is better not to use for hypertensive patients), echinacea, mumiyo.

You can resort to folk medicine, prepare teas, infusions from useful herbs, make tasty and rich vitamin mixtures from honey with nuts, lemon, cranberries, dried fruits.

Eat onions and garlic.

Treatment of frequent colds in adults with medications should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Only he will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe exactly the medications that are needed.

Cough recipe

You will need one large onion, which needs to be finely chopped. Then use a wooden spoon or pestle to crush the chopped onion a little to release the juice. Pour the resulting slurry with honey and leave for a day. Take a teaspoon 3-5 times a day between meals.

Treatment of frequent colds on the lips in adults

In order for rashes on the lips to go away faster, you need to prepare a decoction of chamomile, mint or celandine.

Pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour in a sealed container. Then apply a lotion with a cotton swab carefully soaked in the infusion every 2 hours.

Chamomile tea is also good to drink internally.