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Why do people often get colds? What are the causes of persistent colds? Vitamin complexes to improve immunity

As a rule, this is the result of a significant decrease in immunity. The problem concerns the elderly, children, people leading a sedentary lifestyle, etc. Frequent colds in adults, reasons for how to increase immunity, questions that concern those people who face the problem several times a year. Prevention of recurrence of upper infections respiratory tract are to improve the functioning of the immune system.

What are the causes of persistent colds?

There is a group of people who are susceptible to more frequent viral and bacterial infections. Among the factors influencing the occurrence of frequent colds are the following:

  • age (elderly people and children are more likely to get sick);
  • immunological status (people with weakened immune system;
  • lifestyle: constant hard physical and mental work, stress, lack of time to sleep, sedentary lifestyle life, lack of physical activity);
  • diet (poor in microelements and vitamins, high in fats and carbohydrates);
  • bad habits (primarily alcohol and);
  • chronic diseases, in particular diabetes, autoimmune diseases;
  • abuse of antibacterial therapy.

People exposed to such factors should react earlier to the first symptoms of a cold, since complications in this case can often be very serious. If the infection was caused by viruses, bacterial superinfection may result. Such superinfections can cause, in particular, the ear, nose and lungs. In people with asthma, it may worsen symptoms.

How to treat recurring colds?

Frequent, recurrent colds need to be treated over a long period of time. You should not reduce the time of pharmacotherapy on your own; the best option would be to follow your doctor’s recommendations. Good results may benefit from the use of antiviral drugs. Recently, products containing Inosine Pranobex have been distributed among patients and are recommended by doctors.

It is worth trying such drugs, especially if the cause of the infection is a virus. Returning to work or school too quickly can lead to a relapse of the infection, since the body is still very weak and less resistant to new infections.

One of effective ways combating frequent colds is good vacation. No wonder patients with colds are recommended bed rest. During the period of infection, you need to remember to get enough sleep, i.e. at least, 7-8 hours. A rested body recovers much faster and is more resistant to the recurrence of the disease.

How to prevent persistent infections?

To prevent frequent recurrences of the infection, you should avoid close contact with people who have developed symptoms of infection. Because viruses spread by airborne droplets, too close contact with a sick person is the easiest way to become infected. If there are people with colds in the house, you should use disposable masks to reduce the risk of infection.

It is believed that frequent washing hands significantly limits the spread of viruses, especially in children, because it is on their hands that they carry most of pathogens. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that the child does not touch the face unnecessarily, especially around the eyes, mouth and nose. To avoid frequent infections, you need to wash your hands warm water and soap. Washing your hands before eating significantly reduces the risk of infection.

In addition, it is worth remembering that viruses multiply much faster in enclosed spaces, which is facilitated by the warm and dry air of the environment. Just airing the room for a few minutes during the day will significantly reduce the risk of infection.

How to strengthen your immune system?

More often chronic colds with a tendency for relapses are associated with a decrease in immunity. A weakened body is more susceptible to infection. To prevent frequent infections, you should consider strengthening it.

Activities that strengthen the immune system include:

  • physical activity: frequent walks, sports, for example, running, swimming. Physical activity leads to the fact that the blood is more saturated with oxygen, which strengthens the body’s immunity;
  • maintaining an appropriate diet rich in vegetables and fruits;
  • use of drugs containing echinacea, eleutherococcus;
  • Very ;
  • ensure sufficient sleep of at least 7-8 hours a day;
  • avoid stress;
  • stop bad habits.

How to determine your own decreased immunity?

Certain signs coming from the body will help with this. One only needs to differentiate them from serious illnesses and determine the onset of problems. These signs include:

  • frequent colds;
  • unexpected appearance of aggressiveness and irritability;
  • presence of changes on the skin: inflammatory foci with various morphological elements, excessive dryness, flaking, acne, ;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, diarrhea);
  • fatigue and constant drowsiness;

If at least one of these factors is present, you should think about strengthening your immune system. Today it is customary to distinguish two types of health promotion:


Food has a special impact on health. To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, to replenish proteins, eggs, nuts, legumes, and meat must be present in the diet. B vitamins can be obtained from foods such as seeds, liver, bran, dairy products, and raw yolks.

Natural products nutrition helps strengthen overall immunity

Vitamin C is essential for strengthening the immune system. It is found in rose hips, sauerkraut, kiwi, black currant, cranberry and citrus fruits. In addition, it is important to increase the consumption of dairy products to protect the intestinal microflora.

To avoid flu and colds by not taking antivirals It is important to follow a daily routine, get enough sleep and do exercises in the morning. You should take walks fresh air, normalize your work schedule and maintain proper physical activity.

Hardening is in the best possible way prevention of colds. For this purpose, methods using starvation water are most often used. These include dousing, rubbing, washing feet cold water and finally, winter swimming. However, not everyone can use bathing in water as a hardening procedure. cold water. These procedures must be started in the warm season and gradually reduce the water temperature every month.

♦If colds occur in a seasoned person, they will occur in mild form and will pass without the use of medications, and most importantly, will help to avoid serious complications.


They involve the use of special medications to enhance immunity. The most popular and effective is taking cold medications every 3 months. Such drugs include:

  • Golden root;
  • Aloe extract;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • Ginseng;
  • Echinacea tincture.

These products are recommended to be taken in the morning and evening. To prevent stress, motherwort and lemon balm are prescribed in parallel before bed. To strengthen your immune system, take care of normal operation intestines. Such drugs as Linex and Bifidumbacterin will help with this.

Pharmacological agents create reliable protection for colds and flu

During the height of the epidemic, as preventive measures. Can be used antiviral drugs, especially if formed, they will be absolutely necessary. They are used in small doses under the supervision of a physician. The most effective and safe are:

  • Milife powder;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Genferon candles;
  • Panavir suppositories;
  • Arbidol in capsules;
  • Viferon candles.

The most reliable way to protect yourself from infection with the flu and many others dangerous infections, is vaccination. Of course, it has its indications and contraindications. One more important point to strengthen the immune system there will be a refusal bad habits.

Smoking, alcohol consumption, not to mention hard drugs, destroy everything in the body useful material, which helps reduce its resistance. As a result, not only frequent colds occur, but also severe lesions organs and systems, for example, such as oncology.

Because the average person is ignorant and lazy. Are you offended? Then answer two questions:

— What is the difference between the signs of flu and a cold?

— What health procedures do you regularly perform to avoid catching colds?

Based on the unity of the physical and spiritual body of a person, the causes of frequent colds need to be identified both at the somatic (physical) level and at the mental (psychological) level.

Here are seven of the most common reasons why why do people often get colds?

Physical causes of diseases:

1) Viruses transmitted by airborne droplets during contact with patients. The number of viruses and their activity increases sharply in autumn and winter periods, and especially during influenza epidemics.

However, even in such times, not every person gets sick. A combination of other factors contributes to the disease.

2) Hypothermia of the body in the absence of a person’s reasonable attitude towards clothing, taking into account weather conditions. Feet need to be kept warm, as they say in folk proverb, and dress according to the weather.

Sometimes in cold weather of 20 degrees you see young people in light jackets, sneakers and autumn hats, or even without a hat. In windy weather, some people dress lightly.

3) due to an incorrect lifestyle.

Poor nutrition, mainly refined and carcinogenic foods, overeating, insufficient consumption of clean water.

Sedentary lifestyle: modern people in offices and at home they sit at the computer, in front of the TV they lie down. But the nature of our body is designed for significant motor activity. Only when physical activity all our organs and systems work well.

Greenhouse living conditions: hot heating of the home, dry air, poor and insufficient ventilation.

Polluted environment: air with harmful impurities, electromagnetic radiation, household chemicals, chlorinated water, nitrates and harmful additives in products.

Bad habits: smoking, alcohol.

Constant tension due to stress regarding the financial support of the family, which leads to lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.

All of these unhealthy lifestyle factors reduce immunity and make the human body vulnerable to various types of viruses.

Mental reasons why a person often gets colds:

4) arising due to an incorrect assessment of life phenomena and oneself, attract bad things, make a person helpless and susceptible to viruses and microbes. This happens because fear interrupts the movement of energy in the human body.

The fear of getting sick during an epidemic creates a feeling of insecurity.

The fear of catching a cold causes a feeling of cold.

The fear of “they don’t love me” makes you feel like a sufferer who gets sick and requires increased attention and care from others.

Fear of life, distrust of life causes spasm of the respiratory tract.

Fear of openly expressing your feelings, opinions, desires provokes a sore throat, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

The fear of losing money or not getting enough of it leads to tension, sometimes suffocation, and viral infections.

5) Malice settles where the movement of energy is interrupted by fear. A person will never admit that he is angry. Sometimes he gets angry not only at others, but also at himself, thereby expressing dissatisfaction with his appearance and actions. In this case, the subconscious sends a disease to a person in order to protect him from himself.

Anger can be recognized by five signs:

- pain - the anger of searching for the culprit;

- redness - anger, finding the culprit;

- temperature - anger, condemnation of the perpetrator. The most dangerous thing for health is the anger of self-blame, when a person blames himself for everything;

- swelling - the malice of exaggeration;

- discharge in the form of mucus - the anger of suffering.

In reality, the pain does not appear alone - it is hidden behind temperature, redness, swelling or accumulation of discharge. Together these features form humiliated anger , which causes inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. The higher the concentration of humiliated anger, the more likely the formation of pus - unbearable humiliation.

6) Accusation - this is the denominator of all types of malice. Evaluation, comparison, guilt, all of it, with a slight difference, is accusation , which leads to a nervous atmosphere in the family, to quarrels, screaming, and ultimately to despair and fatigue from life.

From unwillingness to live and “breathe” full breasts» Pneumonia and other lung diseases occur.

In order to save himself from illness, a person only needs to consciously and voluntarily recognize the conflict that has arisen at the level of his consciousness. Forgive oneself for the error of judgment and the one with whom one is angry. Thus, let go of your anger on a mental level.

7) Resentment – cause of runny nose, nasal congestion. Often a person wants to seem better than others, and when he is criticized, “clicked on the nose,” he gets offended and gets a runny nose.

Nasal discharge is subconscious tears or internal crying, with the help of which deeply suppressed feelings of disappointment, self-pity, and regret about unfulfilled plans are brought out.

In children, a runny nose can be a kind of request for help if they suffer from a lack of love or threats from parents.

Nasal congestion occurs due to lack of recognition of one’s value and uniqueness.

The seven reasons given why do people often get colds? appear in each individual in a certain combination. This depends on the characteristics of his physical and mental levels of development.

But it is clear for everyone - the presence and simultaneous suppression of harmful, aggressive thoughts and emotions, deeply experienced inside, in the subconscious and consciousness.

Illness serves as a signal of imbalance in the system that unites the mind, body and subconscious (Spirit) and at the same time, a subconscious protection of ourselves from our destructive behavior or thoughts.

Therefore, look inside yourself, try to understand what the disease is teaching you, ask yourself what your problem is, realize it.

Released fear, anger, resentment, accusations, envy, doubts of yourself and others will restore your natural harmony and allow you to quickly improve the health of your soul and body.

No one will help you to be healthy, since you create illnesses for yourself, which means you can heal yourself. Instead of taking pills and wanting to quickly get rid of pain and inflammation, try to find the causes of frequent viral infections.

Exercise : read more and think about your life, purpose, the laws of the Universe, your mistakes and ways to correct them.

Eat right, move more, lead a healthy lifestyle, take your time and don't overload yourself, and take loving care of your physical body.

Runny nose, scratchy throat, continuous sneezing - typical signs colds. But the causes of frequent colds in adults often remain shrouded in mystery. Why does the disease occur several times a year? The main factor is reduced immunity.

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist external and internal influences (diseases, various substances, stress). It is divided into congenital and acquired. As the names suggest, innate immunity is present during the development of the organism. Acquired develops throughout a person's life.

Why does the body weaken its protective functions?

Seasonal illness is an unpleasant thing, but it can be managed. But constant colds, which bring a person to the doctor several times a year, give rise to the feeling that the series of health problems will never end, that there are no medicines that would help. Frequent colds are a signal of a breakdown in the body’s defenses! The immune system is not working properly.

Most common global cause insufficient immune response - malnutrition associated mainly with developing countries, where there is insufficient consumption of essential nutrients interferes with the proper development and functioning of the immune system.

In our conditions the most common reasons- these are secondary immune disorders acquired during life. These disorders include, in particular, insufficient or incorrect treatment infections. Each current infection stimulates the immune system, activates it, creates effective protection and immune memory. This provides quick response, more effective and physically undemanding elimination of the pathogen when recurrent illness. This process may be adversely affected by untimely or unnecessary (e.g. viral infections without bacterial signs) use of antibiotics.

Incorrect composition of food and a short time recovery after illness, necessary for the regeneration of damaged infections of the mucous membranes, other tissues, and the immune system. Insufficiently restored immunity becomes vulnerable. If it is attacked by another infection, this can gradually lead to exhaustion, weakening the ability to resist infections.

The next cause of secondary immune system disorder is an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, constant stress, bad habits and others.” side effects» civilizations that cause improper development and functioning of the immune system, thereby reducing resistance to infections. Consequently, a person often suffers from colds and flu.

Less commonly, primary or congenital disorders are involved in a decrease in immunity, in most cases occurring in early childhood. Specialists are working on solving these problems. Treatment involves providing the body with the missing components of the immune system that the body cannot create on its own.

All of the above immune system disorders cause repeated or prolonged long-term infections and fatigue.

In most cases, infection occurs from another person infected with the virus. This is usually observed when touching a surface on which germs are present (keyboard, door handle, spoons) and subsequent contact with the nose or mouth. Infection also occurs when being near a sick person who does not cover their mouth when sneezing.

The onset of a cold occurs when the virus settles on the mucous membrane of the nose or throat. The immune system – defense against microbes – sends white blood cells into battle with the “invader”. If a person has not previously encountered a completely identical strain of the virus, the initial fight fails and cold symptoms appear. The nose and throat become inflamed and produce a lot of mucus. Because of large quantity energy spent on fighting the virus, a person who has a cold gets tired and feels weak.

Important! Being hypothermic or wet does not necessarily mean you have a cold.

There are reasons why colds occur more often than once or twice a year. Factors that increase susceptibility to disease, other than decreased immunity, include:

  • increased tendency to get sick;
  • prolonged fatigue (chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • emotional stress;
  • allergies, manifested by irritation in the throat and nasal cavity.

How to boost immunity?

The protective capacity of the immune system is determined to some extent by genetic dispositions. But it is also influenced by lifestyle, exposure external environment. Therefore, one should not neglect daily care for the integrity and functioning of the skin and mucous membranes, which are the first line of defense of the immune system, preventing the penetration of viruses or bacteria.

The main cause of the disease is not cold, but, first of all, a decrease in the resistance of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract to different types viruses and bacteria. Staying in the fresh air supports blood circulation in the mucous membranes and respiratory tract, which increases their resistance. Healthy share sunlight- This is also a good way to increase your defenses.

Mandatory factors: regular movement, physical activity, which significantly increases the number and activity of cells responsible for strong immunity. In the absence of movement, protection decreases. A person who is resistant to cold and sudden changes in weather is resistant to colds.

Hardening the body

Of course, you can’t swim in an ice hole in winter without any preparation, gritting your teeth! Proper hardening has its own principles. Good way boost immunity, improve blood circulation, prepare the body for temperature changes, transitions from heated rooms to the street - this is a contrast shower. A sauna has a positive effect on the body, removing harmful substances, burdening the immune system, preventing it from effectively fighting microbes.

Proper ventilation and heating of the room is also worth attention. The ideal temperature in the apartment is about 20ºС. Optimal temperature regime, suitable for sleep, is approximately 17-19ºС.

Important! Don't forget about humidifying the air!

A person should sleep about 6-8 hours a day. But not only the quantity of sleep is important, but, above all, its quality. With sound sleep, the defense system works much less, which provides it with time to recover. Lack of sleep does the opposite - weakens the immune system and reduces productivity.

Healthy eating

A properly formulated diet is the basis for strong defense of the body. With a prolonged absence of important minerals and vitamins, the ability of the immune system decreases and susceptibility to infections increases.

Eat a varied diet, follow drinking regime, consume fermented dairy products (they have a beneficial effect on the intestines, which is the center of immunity), pumpkin seeds (increased protection due to the high zinc content), brazil nuts(containing selenium), drink green tea.


Probiotics ( beneficial bacteria) are contained in fermented milk products, which enrich the body with calcium and, unlike fresh milk, do not burden it. If you are intolerant to milk, try fermented vegetables - cabbage, carrots, radishes.

Most of the cells of the immune system are located in the intestinal mucosa. Probiotic bacteria have a beneficial effect on the condition intestinal microflora, inhibit the action of unwanted organisms. Probiotics maintain optimal pH, promoting good condition immune cells, therefore strengthening the immune system.

Beta-glucans are natural substances that support the immune system and regenerate the body's defense system. Sources of beta-glucans: mushrooms, barley, oats, yeast.

Echinacea protects against infections, strengthening the immune system, having a pronounced antibacterial effect, accelerating recovery from diseases.

The nasturtium plant has a similar effect. Some herbalists even claim that it is more suitable for the organisms of Central European inhabitants.

Ginger (in particular, ginger tea). Healing root effectively prevents infections, warms the body, destroys bacteria, restores vitality, and alleviates feverish illnesses.


In addition to the above supportive measures, it is important not to forget about adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter months, when the risk of catching a cold is increased.

An adult's need for this vitamin is 75-100 mg/day. However, if the body is already infected, the required amount increases up to 10 times. Adequate intake of vitamin C shortens the period of treatment for an ongoing infection.

A popular form of ascorbic acid is tablets, but it is better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Its main sources are considered to be citrus fruits, which is not entirely true. For example, sauerkraut will provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamin C, K, potassium, β-carotene, fiber, thiamine, folic acid. In addition, it contains virtually no calories. A good option– beets, in addition to vitamin C, contain magnesium, potassium and a natural red color that supplies energy.

Rich Sources:

  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • citrus fruits (lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit);
  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • papaya;
  • broccoli;
  • black currant;
  • strawberry;
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach;
  • kiwi;
  • cranberry.

Vitamin A

Similar to ascorbic acid, vitamin A (carotene) also has a positive effect on the immune system and increases resistance to infections.

Important! Vitamin A can be overdosed, which manifests itself in headaches, bone pain, fatigue, double vision, drowsiness, and loss of appetite.

Sources of carotene:

  • fish fat;
  • liver;
  • carrot;
  • green and yellow leaves;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • parsley;
  • kohlrabi;
  • melon;
  • apricots;
  • broccoli;
  • corn;
  • pumpkin;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • in smaller quantities - milk;
  • fatty fish;
  • cherry, sweet cherry.

B-complex supports the proper functioning of the body as a whole. Natural springs include yeast, legumes, nuts, fish.

B1 (thiamine):

  • grain crops;
  • legumes;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • broccoli;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • meat (poultry, pork);
  • offal (liver, kidney, heart).

B2 (riboflavin):

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • yeast;
  • legumes;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • nuts.

B3 (niacin):

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • leafy vegetables.

B5 (pantothenic acid):

  • meat;
  • offal;
  • cereals;
  • legumes

B6 (pyridoxine):

  • pork;
  • fish;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • nuts;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower.

B7 (biotin):

  • beef liver;
  • milk;
  • yolk;
  • rice (unpolished);
  • Brewer's yeast.

B9 (folic acid):

  • liver;
  • yeast;
  • leafy vegetables.

B12 (cobalamin):

  • lamb;
  • veal;
  • tuna;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • eggs.

Are there vitamins B4 and B8? Substance B4, or adenine, does exist, but is not called a vitamin. It is important for human health, especially for healthy heart, proper fetal development during pregnancy. B8 is also not included in vitamins. However, it is an important antioxidant that acts as a preventative against cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Vitamin D affects the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, due to which it participates in the formation of bone and dental tissue. Its importance to the immune system is represented by “weaponizing” cells to fight infection. Therefore, long-term vitamin D deficiency is associated with increased susceptibility to colds and flu.

Sources of vitamin D:

  • sunlight;
  • cod liver oil;
  • lard;
  • bacon;
  • salmon;
  • oysters;
  • sardines;
  • caviar;
  • shrimps;
  • egg yolks.

To improve immunity, first of all, it is necessary to adjust your lifestyle. Make changes to your diet, reduce stress, and get enough sleep. Don't forget about vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, zinc, selenium), probiotics. You need to start strengthening your defenses before the onset of the risky winter months and continue for a long time. Such measures will reduce the likelihood of sore throat, cough, runny nose, especially during dangerous periods.

You can often hear from people: “I often get colds, what should I do?” Indeed, statistics confirm that there are more and more people with such complaints. If a person catches a cold no more than six times a year, then this can be considered normal. If this happens more often, then it is necessary to find out the reason.

A constant state of cold can occur against the background of uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents, self-medication and negligent attitude towards one’s health.


To understand why you often get colds, you need to understand the terms. The most common diagnosis is acute respiratory infections. The word “respiratory” in the abbreviation means that the inflammatory process occurs in the respiratory organs. And this is not only the throat, but also the nose, pharynx, larynx, bronchi and alveoli of the lungs.

The diagnosis of ARVI is only a type of acute respiratory infection. In both cases the reason inflammatory process are viruses that entered the body through airborne droplets or other household routes.

Most often, the diagnosis of ARVI is made in cases where (in addition to a runny nose and sore throat) a dry cough appears, but without any abnormalities (wheezing) in the pulmonary system.

IN separate category ARIs are isolated from influenza. The disease is more severe and there is a high risk of complications. Influenza is also characterized by a slightly different development of pathology. At first, there is severe intoxication of the body with an increase in body temperature, and only then catarrhal signs appear: inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Formally, pneumonia is also a type of acute respiratory infection, but still it is separate species disease, which is most often a complication of respiratory.

The common term “cold” is just a popular name for acute respiratory infections.

But the most important thing that all these diseases have in common is two ways of infection. Either the infection enters the body through airborne droplets, or under the influence of cold, immunity decreases and the viruses that are in the body are activated.

The first step to health

If you are concerned about why you often get colds, it is recommended to do an immunogram. This procedure allows you to determine whether viruses are really causing everything or whether something else is developing in the body. pathological process, not related to acute respiratory infections.

What other tests should I take?

The standard set of examinations includes:

  • urine and blood analysis (clinical general and biochemical);
  • analysis of immune and interferon status;
  • analysis for the presence of infections: streptococci, mycoplasmas and staphylococci;
  • You should also check for allergens.

All these examinations will make it possible to find out the reason why a person often suffers from colds.

It wouldn't hurt to do an ultrasound abdominal cavity, examine the liver, because it contains enzymes and proteins that stimulate the formation of cells of the immune system. It is also recommended to examine gallbladder and ducts, there should be no constrictions there.

Most common reasons

If a cold occurs 2 or 3 times a year, then this is not a cause for concern. If acute respiratory infections occur more than six times a year, then this is a cause for concern.

In most cases, complaints about frequent colds can be heard from city residents. This is due to the fact that people in cities are socially active, and poor ecology weakens immune forces.

Colds often appear during pregnancy. This is due to the same weakening of the immune system.


Recently, doctors have been sounding the alarm: many people develop acute respiratory infections due to psychosomatic problems. Constant fatigue, dissatisfaction with life, I just want to turn off the phone and lie in bed. Most likely, every person has encountered this condition. And then there’s the cold, but you still have to go to work or school.

It may seem that there is no connection between fatigue and the seasonality of acute respiratory infections. In fact, the connection is direct. In autumn, the body is weakened after vacation and holidays, there is a constant lack of vitamins, and even periodic cold snaps. Almost the same thing happens in the spring: after a long and cold winter.

It is also believed that the increase in colds is associated with a decrease in daylight hours. It is in the fall that depression and melancholy begin, and the body becomes more susceptible to viral infections.

Although these statements are not supported by all doctors, it is impossible to deny the fact that with stable emotional state a person gets sick less, it’s impossible.

Other psychological problems

The founder of the self-help movement, Hay L., explains in his own way the reasons why people often get colds. He believes that a negative attitude towards the world around him is to blame. A person in a state of hidden aggression, in fear, becomes too susceptible to viruses due to the fact that the body is under constant stress.

And there are people who convince themselves that they have weak immunity and must definitely get sick during the season of exacerbation of seasonal epidemics.

How to prevent a cold?

If a person often suffers from colds, then the first thing he should do at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections is to go to bed and drink more warm liquid. It is necessary to avoid drafts and prevent hypothermia.

It should be understood that there is no medicine that would allow you to recover. The healing process completely depends on the conditions that the sick person creates for his body. The more comfortable and favorable they are, the faster the fight against infections will occur and the risk of complications will decrease.

During the seasonal epidemic of colds, it is better to avoid crowded places, such as cinemas and concert halls. It's best to stay away from people who aren't covering their sneezes or coughs.

Vaccination does not give proper results. First, the vaccine only provides protection against the influenza virus. Secondly, the influenza virus is constantly mutating, and it is quite difficult to guess what it will be like in a particular season. Although people who do not neglect vaccination still suffer less from acute respiratory infections, no one is immune from colds.

People who have problems with the heart muscle and pulmonary system should be especially careful. They are the ones most often observed serious complications after a cold.

What to do if you often get colds? Try not to touch your eyes and nose, or your face in general, when your hands are dirty. You don’t even need to wash your hands with soap, but simply rinse them under water; viruses do not die in this situation, but are washed off well. should I use it? disinfectants? Some experts claim that such remedies prevent you from getting sick, others say that they are ineffective. It should be understood that no product is completely capable of killing all bacteria.

A rather controversial statement is that if you breathe through your mouth near a sick person, then rotavirus infections will not penetrate into your mouth. healthy body. No research has been conducted on this matter, so this statement is only an assumption, although it is reliably known that it is in the nose that there are membranes that prevent bacteria from entering the body.

Other risks

To recover faster and not infect others, it is recommended to use paper napkins. Bacteria remain on the fabric for a long time, that is, a cloth scarf is a source of infection.

If you get colds very often, the reason may be a kiss. It plays, one might say, the last role in the development of a cold. Rotovirus infections that enter the mouth are likely to be swallowed and die in the stomach. However, adenoviruses can enter the body through a kiss, but no studies have been conducted on this either, so there is no reliable data on this matter.

What is better to refuse?

If you start getting colds often, it’s better to reconsider your lifestyle. Some everyday habits can greatly weaken your immune system. Tobacco smoke greatly irritates the cilia of the nasal cavity, which are a natural barrier to viruses.

ARI is a disease transmitted in a household way, in light of this, the habit of biting nails is a direct path to the appearance of a cold.

You should not go to work with a cold. It is difficult to adhere to this rule, but few people know that a person is contagious even before the first manifestations of cold symptoms for 24-48 hours. After the disease has manifested itself, the person is still a carrier of the virus for another 7 days.

Self-medication is a scourge modern man. Especially if we're talking about about antibacterial agents. If a doctor once prescribed a medicine, this does not mean at all that you should drink it at the first symptoms of a cold. You should know that antibiotics reduce immunity.

Do you get colds very often? And remember how you dress in winter, whether you wear a hat. It is clear that a cold does not appear due to hypothermia, but cold is a provoking factor for the development of viruses, so the likelihood of developing an acute respiratory infection increases by more than 50%.

Parents should not make a “hothouse creature” out of their child, wrap him up tightly and be afraid to open the windows. As your baby ages, his immune system will be unable to resist colds.

Often the occurrence of acute respiratory infections becomes more frequent if a person is malnourished. This applies to everyone who is on a diet. The same can be said about lack of sleep; sleeping less than seven hours a day seriously increases the risk of frequent colds.

Preventive actions

If an adult often suffers from colds, then you should start by accustoming yourself to regular hand washing. If an epidemic occurs, then you can use a mask, but on the condition that it changes every 2 hours.

The following immunomodulators can be distinguished: medicines:

  • Ascorbic acid. Although there is a lot of controversy about the relationship between colds and vitamin C, it is still recommended to consume 500 mg daily.
  • Echinacea tincture is a fairly popular remedy all over the world.
  • Interferons. Drugs in this group are more effective at preventing the proliferation of viruses and are a prophylactic agent, which is why they are also used to treat acute respiratory infections.

Vitamins and minerals

Research has proven that vitamin A can reduce the risk of developing viruses in the body. Vitamin B2 also helps increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases. In moderate doses, vitamin B6 can increase the ability of lymphocytes to resist infections. From mineral supplements zinc can be isolated, which normalizes the functions of immune cells.


You can understand that there are problems with the immune system by the simplest signs: if fatigue and drowsiness appear, irritability and nervousness are constantly observed. Problems with skin and gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation chronic pathologies- all these are symptoms of decreased immunity.

Try to give up bad habits, smoking and alcohol. Don't worry all the time and watch your diet.

The role of immunity

People exposed to similar weather conditions react differently to hypothermia. For some, this episode passes without a trace, while others note a slight malaise with minimal catarrhal symptoms. The health condition of others may deteriorate noticeably, which forces them to seek help from a doctor and even receive hospital treatment for pneumonia, exacerbation chronic bronchitis or other pathology.

Therefore, in addition to the direct participation of opportunistic flora, the patient’s immunity also plays a role in the development of a cold, that is, the body’s ability to respond defensive reaction against the entry of a pathogenic agent into it. In cases where the immune system is strong, the patient rarely gets sick, the duration of the disease is shorter, and it is easier.

The cause of frequent colds is precisely low immunity.

Immunity begins to develop in utero, so it directly affects hereditary predisposition. In the first years of a child’s life, it significantly depends on the type of feeding. Mother's milk is unique means for the formation of strong immunity in the child. However, in addition to genetic predisposition, all other factors that contribute to strengthening immunity are completely correctable by modern medicine.

Factors affecting immunity

What to do if constant colds affect your quality of life, choice of profession, and ability to work? In this case, if we are talking about an adult patient, it is necessary to analyze the following points:

In cases where the source of the disease is not infectious agents, bacteria, viruses, etc., then in order for the cold mechanism to start, the presence of a provoking factor is necessary. Hypothermia should not be allowed.

What to do if you often have colds during the autumn-winter period? In this case, it is important to study the daily routine, analyze whether there is enough time for sleep and rest. The next point is to study the menu, nutritional balance. For a healthy existence, you need a sufficient amount of proteins, vitamins, and microelements. It is the presence of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and nuts in the diet that affects the strengthening of immunity.

As for an unbalanced diet, the presence of chemically synthesized products, flavor enhancers, dyes in it, this is precisely what can lead to the development of diseases gastrointestinal tract, and decreased immunity. It is difficult to imagine that against the background of severe pathology of the liver, pancreas or gastritis, the immune system will not suffer.

Factors that reduce immunity are foci chronic infection such as sinusitis, caries, fungal infections nails

In addition, the treatment of some chronic conditions requires the use of antibiotics, corticosteroid drugs, and immunosuppressants, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in immunity and the development of colds.

When it comes to stress, it is a proven fact that positive emotions and laughter in increasing the body's defenses. Positive attitude, walks in the fresh air, light physical exercise help strengthen the body's defenses.

Thus, for those who often get colds, the following measures are necessary:

Separately, it is necessary to touch upon such an effective mechanism as hardening and use contrast shower. Great effect these procedures will bring if you start them with childhood. If parents notice that their child often catches colds, while the rest of the children remain healthy, they should think about hardening. You must first consult with your pediatrician.

As a preventative measure, patients who often suffer from colds can use medications. The most common immunostimulants are:

  • bronchomunal;
  • immunal;
  • echinacea;
  • eucalyptus;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • derinat;
  • polyoxidonium.

Essential oils of fir, tea, and juniper also have an immunostimulating effect.

In cases where colds become a constant companion of life, their frequency and severity of manifestations increases, it is necessary to consult a therapist or immunologist. The specialist will prescribe examinations that can reflect the picture immune status patient and subsequently prescribe corrective treatment.