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Psychosomatics of the pancreas as a factor in the development of pathologies. Psychosomatics of dangerous diseases of the pancreas

Psychological causes of pancreatitis. Psychology of pancreatitis. Psychological causes of disease - pancreatitis. Pancreatitis psychological reasons.

Good afternoon, my dear friends!

I have always been interested in the question of the psychological cause of pancreatitis. Why does pancreatitis occur? For what reasons? From whom, from what, etc. And recently one incident happened to me, which led me to very interesting thoughts and useful conclusions.

As always, everything is in order. There is simply no other way.

Recently my husband and I had a small conflict. It was an ordinary conflict, but one that, as always, kept me awake for a long time. I thought, scrolled and dug through everything again, looking for the real reason conflict. It came to the question - why sometimes we don’t understand each other, why he is like this, why he doesn’t understand many things. Of course, the old things began to resurface.

And so I keep fidgeting, thinking, digging through everything and can’t sleep. And then I think, screw it all to...! Why am I constantly so worried that I can’t sleep! I'm actually pregnant and I can't behave like that.

Offended, not offended, right, wrong, why my life turned out this way and not that way. Someone is now lying down and snoring at the top of his lungs, but I still can’t sleep! It’s my own fault that I always worry and perceive everything so deeply! We must take it and...... SPIT on everything!

Spit on everyone and everything! And in my thoughts, forgive me for being rude - I spat on everyone and everything. To my unfulfilled dreams, desires and to everyone who pisses me off!

And it became so cool! Gradually I began to realize that this was exactly what I needed! I started to feel relief. I began to understand that I myself was always sitting and poking around, looking for my own and other people’s mistakes. Why do you ask? I used to think that this should be done in order to draw conclusions from situations, so as not to repeat mistakes in the future, in order to dig through, think and let go of the situation. But I think I'm playing too much! I started digging everything up too much and worrying!

It is not right! This led to me becoming too worried and worried. That's what I understood! I myself take everything too closely and then let my thoughts get into my experiences! And this greatly affected my health! On my pancreas!

Realizing this, I began to mentally relishly spit on all my experiences. On everyone and everything that could cause me anxiety. Including many of your thoughts! Forgiving and letting go didn’t work out the same way as spitting and letting go! I'm probably angry, but I don't care anymore!

Psychological characteristics of people with pancreatitis.

Basically, pancreatic people, like diabetics, are strong, smart, strong-willed people With leadership qualities who believe that everything should be the way they think is right. They don't like to be violated" good advice" They do not like to obey and want to control everything, especially in the family.

They have an actively working brain that constantly requires carbohydrates, and the increased need for sugar leads to the fact that a person eats everything, which is a huge burden on the pancreas.

Interesting facts, aren't they? But that is not all!

Research and analysis personality traits sick chronic pancreatitis showed that excitability is characteristic feature pancreatitis, which develops depending on external factors and social reasons.

This fact suggests the possibility of the appearance of pancreatitis against the background of initial emotional instability due to the temperamental characteristics of a person’s character. In simple words, his disposition to pancreatitis depends on the temperament of a person, which depends on his character and on external and social conditions.

This is psychological medical research! Not bad isn't it!

Now about the research of the psychological causes of pancreatitis by psychologists themselves.

Psychological causes of pancreatitis - research by psychologists.

I have read and heard many times that the main psychological cause of all diseases of the digestive system is the grievances that a person keeps within himself. And that we need to find them and forgive them and let them go. But to be honest, I couldn't do it. Either I found the wrong grievances, or I didn’t forgive. Don't know. But I didn’t feel much relief.

Yes, there was relief, but it was temporary and was forgotten very quickly.

But after last time, it seems like not right away, but gradually it becomes easier. I think I have found my psychological cause of pancreatitis. I realized that resentment can be not only against a specific person, resentment can be against life, at a stupid situation, at something that didn’t turn out the way I wanted. You never know! There are no limits, just as there are no limits to human thoughts! The most important thing is to understand that you are always offended and dissatisfied!

The first awareness of my psychological cause of pancreatitis came gradually, after I decided to give birth to a child. Before that, I kept thinking, I’ll get a good one and stable income, then I’ll give birth. During this time I will improve my health.

But no! It didn't work out the way I wanted! No money, no health. No progress is expected so far. Disappointment! Offense! Why didn't I succeed! Why do others succeed, but not me! Again the worries are gnawing.

And time goes by. I simply don’t have time to wait, so I decided to give birth and went to remove the IUD.

Slowly it began to dawn on me that in life, not everything happens the way you want and that’s normal! This happens not only to you, but also to many others! This is the norm, maybe it’s just not yours, not your destiny! You can work your ass off, but if you don't have it, you won't get it!

Of course, something works out, but the basis is not yours, even though you want it with all your heart.

Here my friend’s words finished off.

We had a seemingly ordinary conversation in which she said: “You know, Alka, at one time I realized that life doesn’t work out the way you want. In life it turns out differently.”

These words were the last straw for my realization that life actually doesn’t work out the way you want. And it's not your fault. There is no need to blame yourself or anyone else. It's just different in life. No one knows how it will turn out in life. So maybe you shouldn’t put a burden on yourself to achieve unfulfilled desires?

And what about experiences in which you gnaw at yourself or suffer from others misunderstanding you? I always spend a long time chewing, scrolling, and analyzing situations that have affected me over and over again. I have been going through serious quarrels inside for a long time. Why do you ask? This is what caused me such a problem as pancreatitis. With your feelings and dissatisfaction with your current life. This is not how I wanted my life to turn out. I saw her differently, but it turned out to be a complete disappointment!

No, that's not right! Not a disappointment! It turned out the way it turned out and that’s it!

Yes, even if I was disappointed, but now I didn’t care about everything. It is what it is. It’s good that I understood this, and now I’m not looking for reasons or explanations!

My mother-in-law is so often stupid and because of this, ridiculous situations often arise that drive me furious. But now I think this is just my opinion based on my experience! Why am I nervous? Let him live as he pleases. I'll just stay away so as not to get mad again. Everyone has their own school in life.

And my husband is the same, in my opinion. All into her. But now that's it! I won’t explain anything to him, change him, educate him, let him think for himself! If he read these lines, he would probably be happy!

In general, I found my healing of the psychological cause of pancreatitis in the fact that I would no longer work hard, but would simply not care about everything. I didn’t manage to forgive and let go, but I’m good at spitting and letting go! Because it's mine! This is what I needed!

Louise Hay wrote that you need to find your own method that can get rid of the causes of the disease. So I found mine! Perhaps it will suit you too! If not, look for yours. Observe what makes you worry. Probably, it really all depends on the character of the person, but what do they say? They say that a person's character is his life.

Here's what psychologists write about the psychological causes of pancreatitis.

The psychological cause of pancreatitis is prolonged emotional stress that occurs due to stress or leads to stress. Sometimes in such cases, doctors even recommend that people with chronic pancreatitis not only somehow change their way of life, but even change jobs to eliminate stress.

By Louise Hay, the psychological cause of pancreatitis, is rejection, anger and hopelessness: it seems that life has lost its attractiveness.

A possible solution to help heal pancreatitis is: I love and approve of myself. I myself (myself) create joy in my life.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your body says “Love yourself!”” he writes that a possible cause of pancreatitis, diabetes is problems in emotional sphere. In her opinion, the pancreas controls emotions, desires and intellect.

A patient with pancreatitis or diabetes is usually very impressionable, he has a lot of desires, many of which are unrealistic. Moreover, sometimes he wants something not only for himself, but also for all his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their piece of the pie. But at the same time he may feel envy if someone gets more than him.

Pancreatics and diabetics are very dedicated people, but their expectations are unrealistic.

Such people try to take care of everyone who comes into their field of vision, and blame themselves if the lives of others people are coming not the way he intended.

A patient with pancreatitis or diabetes is characterized by intense mental activity, since he constantly thinks about how to realize his plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love.

A child develops pancreatitis or diabetes when he does not feel sufficient understanding and attention from his parents. Sadness creates emptiness in his soul, and nature does not tolerate emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, he falls ill.

Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” about the causes of pancreatitis and diabetes he writes: There are two types diabetes mellitus. In both cases, the blood sugar level is increased, but in one case it is necessary to inject insulin into the body, since the gland cells do not produce it, and in the other, it is enough to use only sugar-lowering drugs.

Interestingly, the second type of diabetes occurs more often in older people and is associated with atherosclerosis. It is in old age that people accumulate a lot of unpleasant emotions: grief, melancholy, resentment towards life and people. Gradually, they develop a subconscious and conscious feeling that there is nothing pleasant or “sweet” left in life. Such people feel a strong lack of joy. Diabetics cannot eat sweets. Their body literally tells them the following: “You can only get sweets from the outside if you make your life “sweet.” Learn to enjoy. Choose only the most pleasant things in life for yourself.

According to Sergei S. Konovalov (“Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”), pancreatitis is based on an acute rejection of a person, events and situations, which leads to inflammation of the pancreas. In such cases, a person experiences anger and hopelessness; it seems to him that life has lost its attractiveness. Method of cure. Use neutralization techniques negative emotions and attracting positive energy through lifestyle and book.

Psychological solution for healing pancreatitis

We need to understand one truth from the Bible - The meek will inherit the Earth and enjoy the abundance of peace!

There is no need to twitch, to wish for the unrealistic, to be clever, to decide for others what is right and what is not. You must be a calm, meek and modest person! Only then will you be able to enjoy the abundance of the world. I don’t know about you, but that’s how I understood it!

A person comes into this world to learn, to cognize, and then to create, to create. He must learn anything. Maybe it will be dancing, knitting, learning a language - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that he must understand that we are all “Students” and came into this world to learn something, and not to decide the destinies of others. This is not our task.

Everyone should have their own experience and the right to their own opinion in their personal life. Therefore, there is no point in meddling into someone else’s life, even the closest people! Their life teaches them something, don’t interfere, let them think for themselves!

All. This concludes my psychological epic. I think there are plenty of seeds for thought! With all my heart I wish you to understand and find your psychological or psychological causes of pancreatitis! Good luck, friends!

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Best regards, Alya.

Pancreatitis is an inflammatory-necrotic process in the tissues of the pancreas, which can be caused for various reasons. The disease is accompanied by severe intoxication, damage to almost all organs and systems, and often leads to death.

Along with traditional reasons, the development of the disease can be provoked by negative thoughts

What is psychosomatics

The term "psychosomatics" comes from Latin words, which translated means “soul” and “body”. This is a special alternative direction in medicine that studies the psychological causes that cause the development of various diseases of internal organs.

This science has gained great importance in the study of diseases such as bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, panic attacks and idiopathic - occurring without apparent reason- arterial hypertension.

In many pathologies, there is a connection between personality type, psychological discomfort and the development of a very real disease, which further aggravates the person’s condition.

When medical examinations do not find obvious reason illness, then most likely it is such psychological states as anger, depression, irritation or banal fatigue. In such situations, treatment medications without working with the psyche it will not lead to a positive result.

Permanent nervous tension and chronic stress are dangerous not only for mental, but also for physical health of a person

It is the study of the psychological causes of various diseases that psychosomatics deals with. Let's consider what its role is in the development of pancreatitis.

Reasons for the development of pancreatitis

There are two forms of this disease: acute and chronic, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms and syndromes. The following reasons may play a role in their development:

  • Mechanical blockage or spasm of the ducts, which leads to disruption of the outflow of secretions from the pancreas. As a result, the secretion stagnates and an inflammatory process develops. This blockage can be caused by roundworms, scars, benign or malignant tumors.
  • Acute or chronic intoxication due to alcohol intake, some medicines, toxic substances, exposure to allergens.
  • Traumatic organ damage, infectious processes.

Despite the existence of more than 20 possible reasons development of pancreatitis, none of them is decisive in the development of the disease. So, some patients who take alcohol for a long time do not have this problem, while others develop pancreatitis after drinking a glass of champagne for the first time. Perhaps it's all about psychological state patient.

A thorough history taking, including questions about the psychological state, is a mandatory item when examining a patient by a doctor.

It turns out that in addition to the main cause, there is always a psychological component to the development of pancreatitis, and sometimes the psychological causes of the disease come to the fore and are decisive in the development inflammatory process.

Scientific basis for psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

The mechanism of development of pancreatitis is inextricably linked with poor nutrition and dysregulation of hormones and enzymes.

Most of the psychosomatic factors that provoke the occurrence of pancreatitis can be explained from a scientific point of view.

Unbalanced diet, excess weight and overeating. Bad mood, depression, fatigue are the easiest things for a person to “seize on.” No one eats depression healthy vegetables and fruits. To combat psychological discomfort, people usually choose sweets, soda and other low-health products. All this leads to disruption gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Seemingly harmless sweets not only lift your spirits, but can also cause serious illnesses

Alcohol. Highlight separate form alcoholic pancreatitis, which is associated with the consumption of alcohol and its surrogates. Although alcohol is a completely tangible cause, the problem of alcoholism lies precisely in the patient’s psychology.

Violation hormonal regulation. All processes in the human body occur under the influence of hormones. For production key hormones, which activate the work of all glands of the external and internal secretion, the brain answers. Normal operation of this organ depends on the psychological background and state of mind of the person.

Sedentary lifestyle. A psychologically unhealthy person prefers to lead a sedentary, inactive life, where there is no place for normal physical activity. This leads to disruption of not only the pancreas, but the entire body.

Physical inactivity is one of the main enemies of modern humanity

How does psychosomatics explain the development of pancreatitis?

The psychosomatic theory of the development of pancreatitis is based on emotions that can cause the disease. These are anger, fear, joy, interest and sadness. All these emotions, controlling the human mind, can lead to the development of pathology, which occurs due to various reasons:

Psychotypes at risk of disease

Psychosomatics claims that there are certain psychological types of people who should be especially wary of developing pancreatitis. This:

  • People who did not receive enough affection and love in childhood. When an illness causes an increase in attention and care for their person, it soon becomes chronic. Imaginary discomfort and complaints develop into a serious pathology.
  • A strong-willed personality type who strives to control all aspects of his life. Problems in the family or at work lead to constant self-flagellation and soul-searching, which results in a real illness.

The desire to control absolutely everything in life can become one of the causes of illness

  • Weak, weak-willed people, inclined to indulge all their weaknesses and whims. This type of personality more often than others develops painful addictions that they cannot control and against this background serious illnesses develop.

Principles of treatment from a psychosomatic point of view

Therapy for psychosomatic problems consists of serious and constant work on oneself. If, when pancreatitis occurs, specialists do not find any serious reasons for its development, you need to pay attention to your psychological background and way of thinking.

It must be remembered that in acute phase illness, not a single bright thought will help the patient. Only here will come to the rescue drug therapy or surgical intervention, which cannot be delayed.

The role of psychosomatics is largely aimed at preventing illness and treating chronic inflammatory processes in the pancreas. What methods can be used:

Pancreatitis is a multifactorial disease. The cause of its development can be either an infection or a fictitious problem. You should take care of your psychological health no less than about the physical, and then the disease will have no chance.

About possible psychosomatic reasons see the disease in the video:

The pancreas is an important organ that is involved in the process of digestion and regulation of the human endocrine system. Disruption of its functioning, including due to inflammation, is called pancreatitis. This is a serious violation that entails extreme severe consequences. Do you have an aversion to food, feel nausea and heaviness in your stomach? You urgently need to see a doctor and think about the fact that psychosomatics of the pancreas also occurs.

What is psychosomatics?

Surely each of us has heard the mysterious word “psychosomatics” at least once in our lives. It’s not for nothing that people have the opinion: “All diseases come from nerves.” There is a deal of truth in it.

From psychological and medical point From the perspective of psychosomatics, it is the relationship between our emotional state (anger, fear, prohibition of expressing feelings) and a person’s physical well-being (illness).

Psychosomatic diseases are diseases of our body that are caused by prolonged emotional experience and stress.

Today, almost every doctor pays attention to the psychological factor of the disease. In case of ineffectiveness of medications, the reasons are sought at the psychological level. There are a number of symptoms that indicate the development of the disease due to negative emotions:

  • feeling of discomfort in chest, throat or stomach;
  • a feeling of “squeezing” in the heart, disruption of its rhythm and even short-term freezing;
  • heaviness in the stomach, spasm and constant feeling hunger;
  • constipation and weakness are possible;
  • exacerbation of skin disease;
  • autoimmune process: rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, etc.;
  • increased anxiety, panic attack;
  • musculoskeletal problem: early osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, muscle spasms in the back, numbness of the limbs.

Factors influencing development:

  1. Inability to experience (show) your emotions. Such suppression of internal emotions leads to the fact that a person forbids himself to express them. He has no internal resolution to the conflict. If a person has emotions, but does not allow or cannot “throw them out”, this does not mean that he does not have them. They go to a deep level, thereby giving rise to the development of a psychosomatic illness.
  2. Psychological trauma of childhood.
  3. Severe stress.

During shocks suffered in the human body, special biological active substances, which affect all organs in the body.

Pancreas: psychosomatics, causes

Based on the state of a person’s health, one can judge the ongoing psychological internal problems. The psychosomatics of pancreatic diseases works like an x-ray. Common causes of illness psychological nature:

  1. Depreciation and low self-esteem are some of the causes of pain in the pancreas. If you feel as if you have no internal strength left, you feel as if you have been robbed, you cannot resist external attacks, both verbal and physical, then the cause of pancreatitis may be hidden here.
  2. Thirst for control. You are constantly planning your life, trying to calculate several steps ahead in your head. Do you control every step of your loved ones? Get pancreatic pain and strain.
  3. The psychosomatics of the pancreas suggests that it can hurt due to shame, anger and guilt accumulated over the years. Try to observe yourself from the outside. How do you talk? Sometimes our anger is expressed literally in every phrase, seeps into every word. As for shame, you may be holding onto it subconsciously because of past events. As for feelings of guilt, perhaps your success was not appreciated by those close to you. They felt like insignificant people in your life, superfluous. Along with this, you may have developed a feeling of guilt.
  4. According to psychosomatics, the pancreas can hurt as a result of trauma to the mother during pregnancy or if she was exposed to violence. One of the most common generic causes alcoholism appears.

The influence of family problems on the psychosomatics of the pancreas

If you have experienced a lot of stress related to your family or personal marital relationships, then it is likely that you will develop pancreatitis. Stress can be chronic. Perhaps there was a bad relationship between your parents and adultery occurred.

The child feels everything, so the atmosphere of mistrust, abandonment, and danger does not leave him even in adulthood.

Mission "Save the world" is impossible

The psychosomatics of pancreatic diseases has its own “iron” face. Psychology claims that it is possible to create a psychological portrait of people prone to similar disease. These are usually active people strong-willed, they are smart and purposeful. Constant work, plans and ways to implement them are raging in their heads. In addition, such people must control everything around them and take care of everyone.

However, behind the increased external activity, sadness is often hidden, because due to the desire to appear strong, they do not receive enough love and affection.

One of the functions of the pancreas is to complete the process of digesting food, synthesizing it into proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Pancreatitis often occurs in people who do not finish what they start.

Psychosomatics is of particular importance. The pancreas gives a signal that you need to die your ardor. It is impossible to make everyone around you happy. Naturally, you shouldn’t turn into an egoist, but the desire to control everyone and everything needs to be reduced a little.


If your pancreas hurts, psychosomatics plays a role here important role along with biological factors. In this case, what happens:

  • metabolic disease;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • wrong diet.

However, it is worth paying attention to psychological aspect Problems. Every second of us is literally “seized” by stress.

Due to the current stress phenomenon, a person cannot realize that he is overeating, especially sweet and fatty foods.

Among the bright severe symptoms The following are distinguished:

  • abdominal pain (in the left hypochondrium);
  • pain in the left side of the back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blade);
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weight loss.

The pain may be constant or may occur in attacks. After overeating spicy, fried and fatty foods pain syndrome may intensify.


In case of inflammation of the pancreas, in no case should everything be attributed solely to psychosomatics. Pancreatic diseases must be treated. First of all, you need to consult a general practitioner.

After this you need to go through a series diagnostic examinations and pass necessary tests. If inflammation of the pancreas and the psychosomatics of the disease are put on hold, we are already talking about hospitalization of the patient.

In order for the chronic form of pancreatitis of a psychosomatic nature not to manifest itself, it is necessary:

  • seek help from a psychologist who specializes in psychosomatic diseases;
  • undergo acupuncture and speleotherapy - methods that can be very effective;
  • contacting a psychotherapist (in addition to psychological methods to solve the problem, he will prescribe a number of medications, including antidepressants).

How to avoid relapse?

A relapse is possible if a person cannot recognize the psychosomatic nature of the disease. Reluctance to delve into yourself and work on your condition can lead to renewed pain in the pancreas.

It is important not to abandon the psychological work done on yourself halfway. A psychotherapist can prescribe medications that will improve mood and have a calming effect on nervous system.

Medications They only eliminate the symptom, and only you can remove the root of the problem. Don't be afraid to engage in internal conflict. Dialogue with your inner “I” will only make you feel better.


Cancers- a sign that a person is at the epicenter of some conflict. What kind of conflicts can cause pancreatic cancer?

  1. The desire to please everyone. No, we are not talking about basic education. The desire to please everyone and everything, to receive praise and love from strangers- this is an impossible task that can “reward” pancreatitis with a chronic form, causing cancer.
  2. Fighting over inheritance is not uncommon. Usually the pancreas works hard during disputes over inheritance. When these disputes are completed, the development of the disease begins. It is necessary to be moderate and not confuse the achievement of success and the real struggle for material things.

Psychosomatics as a science does not push aside traditional treatment, especially cancer cases.

Preventive measures

Psychosomatics is of particular importance in medicine. The pancreas often hurts due to empty emotions, meaningless control and concern for others.

If a person suffers from pancreatitis, it is necessary to realize that it is not worth solving the problems of strangers (especially if they are not asked to do so). Moreover, in this way you sign not for your own selfishness, but for providing a disservice.

If there is a lack of love and attention from loved ones, ask yourself: “Do I give enough love to my family?”, “How do I express this love?”, “What am I doing/not doing for this?”

The psychosomatics of the pancreas is associated, first of all, with its metaphysical function. Moreover, the organ is located in the area that is responsible for the emotional sphere of a person (for managing emotions and desires).

Love and acceptance are high feelings that can dissolve any reason psychological factors diseases. This is scientifically proven. All that remains is to teach you to accept life with all its “gifts” and look at everything through the prism of a positive attitude! Be loving and healthy!

Psychosomatics of pancreatic diseases offers a psychological perspective on the problem of pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.

Inflammation is the human body's response to damage. Where damage occurs, why it is dangerous, and how to cope with the situation, we will consider further in the article.

From the article you will learn

Psychological causes of pancreatitis

First let's get acquainted with biological reasons inflammation of the pancreas:

  • metabolic disorders (metabolism);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • poor nutrition (eg overuse alcohol).

Please note on the psychological aspect. The reader can probably remember that at least once in his life he was “seized” by stress, an unpleasant situation, some kind of shock or traumatic event.

What does a person experiencing discomfort or anxiety need? You need something positive, for example, you can “reward” yourself. Often people “seize” the problem. Due to current stressful state a person does not realize that he is overeating, and not the most healthy food(sweet, fatty).

When their state of mind is poor, depressed, negative, people lose their previous activity and become more passive: a sedentary lifestyle is added to the burden of problems.

Lack of control in diet and sleep patterns leads to problems in digestive system, the risk of inflammatory processes increases up to the development of pancreatitis.

Inflammation of the pancreas, from a psychosomatic point of view, also provokes long-term experience and suppression of emotions:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • and feelings of anxiety.

The emotions themselves do not threaten us with diseases. It is normal to experience emotions, including unpleasant ones. But the man suffering psychosomatic disorder, experiences these emotions for a long time, does not express them, “suppresses”.

Speaking figuratively, imagine the following picture: a kettle in which water is boiling. She has already reached desired temperature, the lid begins to shake, water is about to spill out. This image illustrates what a person feels when they are under severe stress, depressed or angry. emotional condition, and does not try to realize and express his feelings, to understand their reasons.

What feelings provoke the development of psychosomatic diseases, including pancreatitis:

  • Depression.
  • Guilt, when experiencing which, a person wants to punish himself.
  • A strong internal conflict that a person cannot resolve alone.

(The picture is clickable, click to enlarge)

How to treat a nervous disease?

It is very important not to self-diagnose.

In this article, we do not encourage you to self-diagnose, but we provide recommendations.

The first thing you should do if you experience symptoms of pancreatitis is to see your primary care physician. After the examination and tests, you will be prescribed more narrow specialist depending on the diagnostic results. People with inflammation of the pancreas are resuscitated; there is no talk of a psychosomatic nature.

  • appeal to clinical psychologist, or to a psychologist specializing in psychosomatic disorders;
  • Techniques such as speleotherapy and acupuncture may be appropriate;
  • You can also contact a psychotherapist (except psychological methods, he may also prescribe medications, such as antidepressants).

There is no need to see a psychiatrist.

How to avoid relapse?

The risk of relapse increases if the person does not recognize the psychosomatic nature of his illness and does not feel the desire to work on himself and his condition.

After all, a psychologist cannot write out a prescription for medicine. Work with psychosomatic illness- mutual. It is important not to give up psychological work halfway.

If a psychotherapist prescribes medications that affect the nervous system and improve mood, then they should not be considered the only treatment.

Such drugs eliminate only the symptoms, but not the cause, which may be a strong internal conflict; they only alleviate the person’s condition.

In addition, there are several generalized psychological types personalities, prone to inflammation of the pancreas:

  1. Strong-willed psychotype.
  2. Such a person prefers to keep everything under control, to take on someone else’s responsibility, including for what he cannot directly influence.

  3. Beneficiary.
  4. It is difficult for such people to admit that during their illness they receive love, care and attention, which they did not receive at all. childhood(“lack” of love may not be realized). Such a person can sabotage treatment, feign, and severe cases- provoke the development of the disease.

  5. Weak type.
  6. I’m not used to denying myself, I’m not used to constructively adapting during times of stress. Such individuals primarily resort to “eating” and “drinking” stressful situation, ignoring safe and constructive ways to solve your problem.

notice, that these are conditional types. The “pure type” is rare; most often two or more are mixed in people.

Unfortunately, we are not taught to perceive the world without offense, irritation and anger, and we are not taught to prevent “far-fetched” diseases in a timely manner, which then affect the health of the entire body (see table above).

Therefore, try to pay attention to your internal state and don’t let illness prevent you from enjoying life’s wonderful moments.

Psychosomatics of cancer

Oncology suggests that a person is in an active phase of conflict. What kind of conflict can lead to pancreatic cancer?

The aspiration will appeal to everyone. It's about not about simple good manners, but about the primary desire please even strangers . Getting respect and even love from strangers is placed above all other needs. But a person cannot please everyone. An impossible task becomes chronic and illness develops.

The fight for inheritance. Such a case often occurs. The pancreas is working hard until hereditary disputes are resolved. When the argument ends, the disease begins. A person is invited to become more moderate in his aspirations, not to confuse the achievement of something with real struggle.

Psychosomatics, as a science, in no way questions traditional treatment, especially in cases of oncology.

Thus, let's summarize what needs to be done:

  • Before contacting a psychosomatic specialist, consult a doctor. Don't give up traditional treatment if you start seeing a psychologist.
  • Try to eat primarily when you are hungry rather than when you are under emotional stress.
  • Concentrate on the activity. Work, hobbies, time with family - the best resource to take your mind off negative thoughts about illness and insoluble conflicts.
  • Don't overload your body. Put low-calorie foods first in your diet: vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.

Be healthy!

Video on the topic

What other diseases can there be? nervous soil, find out from the video clip: