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How to treat a Becker cyst under the knee? Becker cyst under the knee: how to treat with traditional and folk methods? Causes and symptoms of pathology

When there is a Becker cyst under the knee, clinical signs are not always visible. Therefore, most people are unaware of its existence. Periodic episodes of knee swelling are ignored by patients due to the lack of pain and discomfort.

What is this

A Becker cyst is not a tumor or degenerated tissue. A limited area appears inside the joint capsule, filled with synovial fluid. This process can be painful, but may be asymptomatic. As this area fills with fluid, it bulges, limiting the movement of the joint.

The cyst, as a mechanical obstacle, prevents the leg from bending at the knee completely. At long absence treatment, the cyst enlarges and can cause serious consequences:

  1. Suppuration. The rupture of the cyst and the entry of fluid into the muscle tissue provokes an inflammatory process. If a secondary infection occurs, this will lead to purulent arthritis and severe damage to the joint.
  2. Venous thrombosis. A dangerous complication, more often observed in women after 40 years of age. Located under the knee a large number of vessels, precisely in the area affected by the cyst. Compression of the veins leads to inflammation of the vascular walls, poor circulation and the development of blood clots.
  3. Blood stagnation, due to impaired circulation, provokes necrosis of muscle tissue and bones.

Both consequences are the result of prolonged inaction. If purulent arthritis forces surgical intervention, then the rest can lead to death. In this regard, the cyst must be removed.


Becker's cyst is a consequence long-term inflammation of the joint. Synovial fluid penetrates through the inflamed tissue, forming the body of the cyst. Inflammation can be caused by a number of reasons.

The most popular reason is impaired blood supply to the joint and tissue inflammation. This is always a consequence of the course of diseases with signs of tissue changes and acute inflammatory conditions. These include all types of arthrosis, chondrosis, arthritis and gout.

Leads to inflammation of joint tissues systematic injury. The problem most often occurs during sports and heavy physical activity at work. The risk group includes overweight people, athletes and those whose work involves standing for long periods of time and lifting heavy objects.


On initial stage The manifestation of symptoms of a Becker cyst may be absent or limited to unpleasant sensations when moving the joint. As the formation increases, compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels begins in the articular capsule. During this period it is typical appearance of a lung tingling and numb feeling in the knee.

In part visible signs It is worth noting the inability to bend the knee completely and the appearance of swelling around the joint. Swelling occurs due to impaired blood supply to the joint due to the pressure of the cyst on the bundles of blood vessels. At this stage of the disease, the cyst is easy to feel. It is enough to bring your leg into a half-bent position. If you press your fingers on the center of the back of the knee, you can feel a hardening inside the knee socket.


Diagnosis of a Becker cyst begins with examination and palpation of the popliteal fossa by an orthopedic traumatologist or surgeon. To obtain a clear clinical picture, the patient must be prescribed Ultrasound of the knee joint. The study allows you to see the condition of the cartilage and ligaments, the size of the cyst and negative effect, exerted on the vessels. Based on the ultrasound, the doctor chooses a treatment method for Becker’s cyst.

If complications are suspected, an MRI of the knee joint is prescribed. The image obtained by a tomograph by exposing the fluid in the human body to a magnetic field is very accurate. It reflects the presence concomitant diseases joint, fixes hernias, meniscus damage, damage to nerve fibers and inflamed vessels.

Treatment, methods, what and how

Rubbing creams and taking painkillers will not help with this disease. There are two ways to remove a Becker cyst: non-surgical method And using an operation.

The non-surgical method is used when large sizes cysts and the absence of advanced complications. Its meaning is to remove fluid from the cyst cavity with a syringe, and inject corticosteroids in its place.

Corticosteroid drugs are successfully used in the treatment of joint disease as an anti-inflammatory agent. Recovery period for the patient lasts up to two weeks with the use of a fixation bandage, painkillers and restrictions on the load on the legs.

For large Becker cysts (more than 3 cm), the lack of effectiveness of the non-surgical method and the presence of complications, the method is used surgical removal. The operation is not complicated, it is carried out within an hour under local anesthesia. The patient can return home the next day.

A plaster bandage is used to fix and isolate the surgical site. The sutures are removed after a week, and you will be able to walk fully on the tenth day. Depending on the severity of the complications that have developed, rehabilitation period antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.


A Becker cyst under the knee most often occurs after prolonged inflammation, due to the course of concomitant illness. In this case, the basic principles of prevention are prevent tissue inflammation, keep joints calm and warm.

People with joint diseases, especially inflammatory in nature necessary give up hard work and work on your feet. From autumn to spring it is important to dress warmly; joints are sensitive to cold. You need to pay attention to your diet. Excluding fatty, spicy, salty and starchy foods from the menu will help reduce the onset of inflammatory processes in the joints, and will also help you lose weight. Losing weight reduces stress on the limbs and makes it easier metabolic processes.

You can prevent the occurrence of a Becker cyst only by starting treatment chronic diseases joints on early stages. If tightness of movements and swelling appear, you should consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis for the presence of diseases, do not ignore the symptoms and do not self-medicate.

Becker's cyst under the knee is a pathology that for a long time You may not notice it, but gradually it begins to cause serious inconvenience. The first signals are that a person feels problems with bending his leg. It is important to seek help before even more severe consequences occur.

This pathology is called a hernia or popliteal fossa, and the concept of Baker's cyst is often mistakenly used. The disease looks like a protrusion appearing in this area. Over time, one cyst develops and can reach quite large sizes, causing damage to nerves and blood vessels. Most often this is associated with an inflammatory process in the joints.

A Becker cyst under the knee is a pathology that causes great discomfort.

People first started talking about pathology in the nineteenth century. Then the disease was described by William Becker, from whom it later received its name. Becker's cyst is classified as an age-related pathology that is usually observed in older people, but occasionally it occurs in a child.

How and why does the disease develop?

A Becker cyst under the knee develops in a bursa, which is located next to the tendons, gastrocnemius and semimembranosus muscles. In the process, a thick elastic mass accumulates, which in good condition fills the cavity of the joints. If for some reason the fluid penetrates the tendons, a cyst forms as a result.

Note. Normally, synovial fluid provides lubrication and reduces friction in joints, so problems with it cause pain and other complications.

The bursa, in which the disease can develop, is present statistically in half of all people, it is believed normal occurrence. However, under certain circumstances, fluid collects in it, which then cannot return back to the joint.

Most often, the disease develops due to metabolic-dystrophic or inflammatory processes that occur in the knee joint. Becker's cyst is caused by pathologies such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, but other options are possible.

The main causes of the development of Becker cyst:

  • Inflammatory processes in the knee joint.
  • Pathological changes in the menisci.
  • Mechanical damage to the knee.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Problems with cartilage, their gradual destruction.

Regardless of what exactly caused the pathological process to start, this will cause increased production of synovial fluid, which fills the tendon bursa, which is why a cyst is formed.

How to recognize the development of a cyst?

Most often, patients develop a single cyst on one limb, but other variations also occur, such as affecting two legs or the appearance of multiple formations. At first, the Becker cyst practically does not manifest itself at all, but gradually its size increases from two to fifteen millimeters.

As it increases, the following symptoms appear:

  • There are difficulties in bending and straightening the knee.
  • Gradually a dense formation forms.
  • Its palpation can lead to pain.
  • Over time, the cyst begins to cause pain, even if it is stationary, and with movement these sensations intensify significantly.
  • When exposed to a cyst nerve endings, possible numbness of the limb, goosebumps or tingling sensation in the foot.
  • Sometimes there is aching in the calf muscles.

In children, Becker cysts most often appear against the background of injuries, including knee bruises and various sprains that also affect the meniscus. Typically, pathologies develop between the ages of four and seven years, but few people say “consult a doctor.” Most often, a specialist simply observes the course of the child’s disease, since it tends to go away on its own.

One of the main symptoms of a Becker cyst is difficulty in bending and straightening the knee.

Possible complications

A special place in the issue of this disease is occupied by the possible rupture of a Becker cyst. This will indicate the penetration of accumulated liquid directly into muscle tissue, which can lead to swelling of the limb. Most often, such manifestations disappear on their own, but this takes about a few weeks.

Other possible complications:

  • With significant growth of the formation, compression of the veins of the lower leg is possible. Because of this, blood stagnation occurs, as a result - swelling and changes in the color of the skin, up to a purple hue.
  • If measures are not taken at this stage, the skin may become discolored. Brown color, and in places of stagnation they will appear, with which they often consult a doctor, but it is usually not possible to completely cure such manifestations.
  • The process of squeezing the veins often causes secondary complications, such as phlebitis and thrombosis. This is a very dangerous condition, since blood clots enter the various organs may even cause the death of the patient. This situation includes pulmonary embolism.
  • In general, the growth of fluid accumulation interferes with the normal flow of blood into the muscle and bone tissue. As a result of this, their necrosis and the subsequent development of a pathology called osteomyelitis are possible, in which necrosis affects tissues up to bone marrow.

Ultimately, inflammatory processes in different areas bones can lead to systemic inflammatory reaction, which occurs as a response to local infections. The entry of infectious agents into the blood leads to its immediate spread throughout the body.


It is important that every person seeks the help of a specialist at the first symptoms of a Becker cyst. From numerous photos it is not difficult to understand what the formation looks like under the knee, but at this moment the question arises: which doctor should you go to?

Most often, you can initially contact orthopedists or traumatology specialists. They can use a variety of diagnostic tools.

There are three most common options:

  • Ultrasound. With its help, the joint itself and the tissues adjacent to it are examined.
  • . This method of examination allows you to comprehensively see the tissue in section.
  • Athroscopy. This method is distinguished by a small, but still present internal intervention. It involves introducing a microcamera inside.

For the atroscopy procedure, a local anesthetic is used and a small hole is created through which the camera will pass. Although x-rays are often used to examine joints, such examinations are unable to show the presence of a Becker cyst.

Treatment of pathology

The question of how to treat a Becker cyst under the knee can be solved with two main options: conservative therapy, which includes physical therapy and taking certain medications, or surgery.

Surgery to remove a cyst is rarely prescribed. Most often, if you still have education small size, then it is affected by conservative methods.

Sometimes cyst puncture is used:

  • This procedure involves piercing the bag with accumulated liquid with a special needle.
  • Through it, a pathological substance leaves the body.
  • A special hormone is placed through a needle into the cyst to improve vital processes.
  • The puncture is performed under painkillers.

Complete removal of a Becker cyst through an incision is done if the formation has led to any complications. Sometimes the tumor is ligated from different sides and then removed through an incision, but it is also possible to use minimal incisions. In this case, the cyst is removed in parts.

Atroscope – modern method effects on the popliteal cyst. It is distinguished by its gentle work, since it practically does not harm the joint itself, and after the procedure the least amount of scars remains, as can be judged from photos and reviews. Despite this, any methods of influencing a Becker cyst do not guarantee that after its destruction it will not come back.

Prevention and traditional methods

Treatment of a Becker cyst should be carried out by influencing the cause of the formation. Surgeons can remove excess liquid from the knee, but in order to prevent it from accumulating again, it is important to monitor concomitant diseases. For example, it is possible that surgery will be required to repair a cartilage tear.

Note. Athletes are more susceptible to developing popliteal cysts, so they need to be examined regularly by a specialist.

After consultation with a doctor, in the absence of contraindications, for a more effective recovery, you can turn to traditional methods. For example, ground golden mustache is used. It is mixed in an amount of 50 g with a liter of vodka and left for three weeks. After this, you can use the mixture to make compresses on the cyst.

Other famous folk remedies:

  • Cabbage leaf. It is dipped in boiling water for a second, and then the cyst area is thinly smeared, placing the sheet on top. You can use a bandage to hold the cabbage in this position.
  • Celandine and burdock. From them they create the same tincture as from the golden mustache.
  • Geranium and calendula. They are crushed using a knife or meat grinder, mixed with a small amount of lard and applied to the cyst for three hours. Then the area should be wiped with a dry cloth.

Finally, elecampane root is used for impact. It is ground and then about 30 g is added to three liters boiled water. A tablespoon of yeast is also placed here, after which the mixture should stand for several days. The prepared tincture is drunk three times a day, after meals, in the amount of one hundred grams.

Baker's cyst of the knee joint, or Baker's synovial cyst, is an inflammatory formation that is common in both children and adults. Synonymous terms: hygroma and bursitis.

What is a cyst? It is a benign formation growing from the synovial membrane of the joint capsule or tendon sheath. The formation is represented by a capsule of an elastic structure containing serous fluid. The hygroma is not fused with nearby tissues. The skin over the cyst has no pathological abnormalities.

Becker's cyst of the knee joint is inferior in frequency to cysts of the wrist and ankle areas. Damage to both the left and right knee is possible. Germination options: in front of the knee, on the sides, in the popliteal area.

Classification of types of education

The following types of education exist:

  1. Type 1. The capsule has the shape of a crescent or a bird's beak. Occurs when the synovial bursa of the gastrocnemius muscle does not communicate with the synovial bursa of the medial head of the semimembranosus muscle.
  2. Type 2. The formation is similar in shape to a cross. It occurs when the synovial bursae of both muscles communicate and the serous fluid spreads freely throughout all parts.
  3. Type 3. The contours of the capsule form a slit or crescent shape with a low fluid content.
  4. Type 4. The largest type, when the popliteal fossa cyst resembles a bunch of grapes.

In addition, with a long course of the disease of the knee joint, multilocular cyst Baker, in which adhesions are formed with septa inside and/or a large number small daughter cysts.

Causes of the disease

To this day, there is no definitive understanding of what a Baker’s cyst is and what the causes of its occurrence are. This neoplasm is anatomically connected to the capsule of the knee joint. Cellular structure The capsule shell is represented by metaplastically altered cells, which is the reason for its reappearance even if it is completely removed surgically. This clinical feature brings the Baker cyst closer to tumors, but it never takes a malignant form. During surgical treatment in order to prevent the recurrence of a cyst in the knee joint, it is necessary to remove all the changed cells without exception.

Currently, there are several theories about the causes of the disease:

  • inflammatory;
  • tumor;
  • dismetabolic.

Inflammatory theory: after inflammatory diseases, degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in the synovial membrane, which leads to the formation of a so-called “weak spot”. This, in turn, under the influence of physical stress leads to the formation of a cyst. For example, a history of injuries and diseases of the knee leads to an increased risk of developing a cyst.

According to the tumor theory, the appearance and growth of hygroma is described as a benign tumor process.

So, histological analysis Cyst tissue obtained during surgery reveals metaplastically altered cells. Cysts are characterized by frequent relapses. There is a hereditary predisposition. A Baker's cyst of the knee joint is more likely to occur in a child whose parents have a history of this pathology.

Dismetabolic theory. In the structure of the synovial membrane there are cells from which serous fluid is formed, secreted into the articular cavity and the cavity of the tendon sheaths. This liquid is extremely important for normal functioning joint But in certain pathological situations (with hormonal imbalance or metabolic disorders, autoimmune processes, paraneoplastic syndrome), fluid release prevails over reabsorption. There is an increase in pressure in the tendon sheaths and joint capsule. There is a protrusion of the connective tissue membrane in the “weak spot”.

None of the theories stand up to criticism, although they include phenomena that characterize the emergence of education.

There are risk factors that significantly increase the likelihood of hygroma:

  • chronic inflammatory process (chronic arthritis, osteoarthritis, patellofemoral arthrosis, osteoarthritis);
  • any history of inflammatory conditions of the knee joint (bursitis, arthritis, periarthritis, hemarthrosis, more often left-sided, synovitis, tendinitis, tendovaginitis, gonarthrosis, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excessive one-time traumatic injury or frequent trauma to the knee joint (knee injury, the meniscus is damaged or degenerates, most often the medial one, damage to the cartilage of the knee joint);
  • constant overload in athletes, features professional activity.

Signs of illness

Baker's popliteal cyst is usually a single cyst, but sometimes 2 or more simultaneously occurring cysts can be observed. The size of the capsule is on average 2-3 cm, but sometimes reaches 8-9 cm, which often leads to complications.

Many people live with a cyst and are not aware of it, because... long time symptoms of the disease do not appear or there is a feeling of slight discomfort.

This diagnosis is often detected during the military draft board.

And the question often arises whether such a future military man is fit for service.

There is a feature of the cyst that can give the impression that it has resolved on its own. The contents of the cyst, when small in size and under the influence of certain factors, sometimes temporarily flow into the main cavity of the joint or tendon sheath to which it is connected. However, the cyst appears in the same place after some time.

It is extremely important to remember that Baker’s cyst does not open on its own, does not resolve, and never degenerates into malignancy(this kind of phenomenon is associated with a primary diagnosis error).

Clinical signs of a small cyst:

  • locally in the popliteal region a subcutaneous space-occupying formation is determined, more noticeable when the knee is extended;
  • have a round or oval shape;
  • the surface is smooth with even contours;
  • the skin over the formation is not changed, not fused;
  • the formation has an elastic, soft consistency to the touch;
  • movable, but movements are somewhat limited due to connection with the joint capsule or tendon sheath;
  • the cyst decreases in size when the knee is bent, its complete disappearance is possible;
  • complaints of discomfort in the popliteal region, without signs of inflammation, pain, or general malaise.

If the cyst continues to grow, characteristic features diseases: a subcutaneous formation under the knee is locally visualized, pronounced, mobile, with clear contours; significant pain on palpation.

Complaints of pain aching character in the knee joint at rest, they become permanent. As the formation grows, muscle tension appears and increases, a bursting feeling and discomfort from the foreign formation arise. The pain spreads to the muscles of the lower leg, intensifies under the influence of loads, and can radiate to the thigh or lower leg. During movement and loads on the knee joint, stiffness is detected, the mobility of the knee joint is noticeably reduced, sometimes even complete absence. There is swelling and numbness of the entire limb.

Complications of the disease

Complications of Baker's cyst in the absence timely treatment can have extremely serious consequences.

An enlarging cyst compresses the veins of the leg, leading to stagnation of blood flow and inflammation of the vascular wall, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and thrombosis occur. If a blood clot breaks off, a stroke or pulmonary embolism can occur, which can be fatal.

Squeezing lymphatic vessels causes swelling of the limb. Compression of the nerve endings results in numbness in the leg. As a result, prolonged compression will lead to disruption of trophism in tissues, which will ultimately cause the development of necrosis and trophic ulcers.

Further growth of the cyst leads to thinning of the walls and, as a consequence, to their rupture and effusion serous fluid along the calf muscle. Symptoms of a ruptured cyst include: sharp pain swelling appears in the knee joint, in the area of ​​the knee and shin, inflammation develops in the popliteal fossa along the calf muscles, and body temperature rises sharply.

Due to suppuration of the cyst, arthritis can occur - inflammation of the joint.

Diagnosis of the disease

The doctor who deals with this pathology is an orthopedic traumatologist. After collecting complaints, medical history data, conducting an initial examination of the knee and palpating the cyst, a specialist may prescribe different kinds instrumental examinations.

Non-invasive methods:

  1. General blood analysis, general analysis urine. More often the norm is detected, but sometimes there are signs of inflammation.
  2. X-ray examination. Allows you to assess the condition of the tissues in the area of ​​the inflamed joint and exclude arthrosis and tumors of another nature.
  3. Ultrasound ( ultrasonography) - ultrasound helps determine the size of the Baker's cyst and the stage of its development.
  4. Diaphanoscopy When examining a joint, the cyst is illuminated with rays of bright light, the degree of filling of the formation with fluid, and the presence of suppuration are determined.
  5. MRI. Allows you to make a more accurate diagnosis and is the most informative.

Invasive methods of instrumental diagnostics:

  • joint;
  • puncture of the cyst for histological and cytological studies content;
  • consultation with a surgeon in complex and controversial cases.

Baker's cyst is a diagnosis of exclusion. This means that it is necessary to cut off more and more dangerous pathologies, since a space-occupying formation may not be primary, but rather a sign of the manifestation of various conditions (malignant tumors). This means that an in-depth, thorough diagnosis is necessary in each case.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with similar manifestations benign formations(atheroma, lipoma, chondroma) and, most importantly, with malignant neoplasms soft tissues (sarcomas).

Cyst treatment

How to treat Baker's cyst of the knee, necessary measures the doctor will prescribe.

Often the patient has a question when a Becker cyst occurs under the knee, how to treat this disease. Age is taken into account general state health, the presence of chronic diseases, type of professional activity, lifestyle (is it possible to play sports after treatment, will the army lose a conscript).

Before a Baker's cyst can be cured, it is necessary to eliminate probable cause the appearance of pathology.

For a temporary effect, you need to avoid loading the limb and cool the area above the knee joint, which reduces swelling and pain.

It is possible to fix the limb for a long time in order to reduce its swelling. After consulting a doctor, drug treatment on an outpatient basis is possible.

The following NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are used to relieve inflammation: Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, etc.

The use of compresses with Dimexide and Novocaine will provide an opportunity to get rid of pain and inflammation.

Treatment of Baker's cyst of the knee joint with complex method includes both symptomatic and etiotropic approaches.

In order to eliminate minor symptoms of pain, inflammation or hyperthermia, a complex of medications is prescribed with a predominant predominance desired effect and taking into account the side effects of drugs and the functional state of organs and systems, in particular the excretory system. Often combined with antibiotics.

For varicose veins, anticoagulants (Heparin, Warfarin) and hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) are prescribed.

The selection of the drug is made strictly individually, taking into account concomitant pathologies, age, and tolerability.

Etiotropic treatment

For autoimmune processes, corticosteroids are prescribed (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone). Benemide and Allopurinol are prescribed for gouty arthritis.

For psoriatic arthritis, corticosteroids and immunomodulators are prescribed.

For osteoarthritis, GCS is injected into the cyst cavity.

Emptying the cyst is often used. The fluid is removed using a syringe, then an anti-inflammatory hormonal agent is injected.

The complex uses treatment with ointments and gels to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and a warming effect, which leads to improved blood circulation and tissue metabolism. Frequently used: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Nurofen, etc.

Do not forget that you can smear them on the affected area only as an addition to the main treatment, and you must carefully follow the rules of use and dosage.

In addition, treatment is often carried out using a cream.

If there is no effect from conservative treatment, resort to surgical method, based on complete excision of pathologically altered tissue. This is the only way that will help get rid of the formation without relapse, it is carried out under local anesthesia. The procedure does not take much time. But in the postoperative period, a tight fixation of the limb is performed. Then massage, therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy are used to restore joint function. Recovery will take 2 to 4 weeks.

Medicine indicates that the psychosomatics of the disease is important. Perhaps you should contact a medical psychologist during the treatment process, since there is a possibility that the question will arise about what to do in the absence of any organic causes of the disease. The answer to this can be given by self-analysis and psychosomatic medicine. Psychosomatics believes that a cyst is an unresolved problem that comes up again and again in memories and thoughts.

Making a diagnosis for suspected Baker's cyst of the knee joint, the photo and appearance of which often suggests normal edema, begins with a visual inspection.

The first sign that allows you to identify the disease is a decrease in swelling in the popliteal cavity when the leg is bent. To do this, the doctor monitors the state of the limb in motion and records the patient’s verbal responses about his sensations.

Additionally, the doctor determines whether there is a history of diseases that could provoke the formation of a cyst.

Additional diagnostic methods:

  • diaphanoscopy - it is used to determine the presence of fluid in the bursae, as well as its volume;
  • radiography - to confirm or exclude degenerative processes in the joint (arthritis and other diseases);
  • MRI - to determine the boundaries and outlines of a Becker cyst, as well as to identify damage to the meniscus.

A general blood test and other laboratory tests are carried out only in the presence of elevated body temperature, as well as in cases of suspected bacterial infection or malignant neoplasms.

After diagnosis, you can give preference to certain measures to influence the Baker cyst: the knee joint is treated at home, that is, on an outpatient basis, in a hospital, or in a surgical department.

The latter method is implemented only when the tumor ruptures, and inpatient treatment implies the presence of a large cyst.

Causes of Baker's cyst development

Doctors have established and proven that most often this pathology develops as a result of injuries to the knee joint, sometimes as a complication of chronic inflammation of the knee joint - synovitis. Even less commonly, a Baker's cyst develops in rheumatoid arthritis.

We can say that Becker's cyst is a secondary disease, which is a consequence pathological changes joint tissues.

Osteoarthritis, various arthritis, meniscal injuries, watering can-handle-type meniscal tears, changes in the structure of cartilage - all these phenomena can trigger the formation of a lump under the knee.

The formation of a Becker cyst can be caused by inflammatory and metabolic-dystrophic pathological processes in the knee joint:

All of the above processes lead to the production of large volumes of synovial fluid. It accumulates in the tendon bursa and forms a cyst. As it grows, it puts pressure on the nerve endings and causes discomfort.

Signs and symptoms of a cyst, photo

Typically, a Becker cyst forms on one leg. However, in some cases, such neoplasms can form on both limbs or be multiple.

A Becker cyst can range in size from 2 to 10-15 mm. In the initial stages, it does not manifest itself in any way, but as fluid accumulates and the volume increases, the formation causes discomfort and pain. It becomes harder for a person to straighten the knee joint and straighten the leg.

Below the knee top corner In the popliteal fossa, a round, dense and elastic formation may form. When palpating it, the patient experiences pain.

Since a Becker cyst is a fluid-filled synovial bursa that protrudes outward in the popliteal cavity, it is easily confused with pathologies such as tenosynovitis, thrombophlebitis and others.

However, experts quite easily differentiate these diseases, since they have unique symptomatic signs and clinical manifestations, and common feature just one - the appearance of a soft tumor under the knee.

In practice, Baker's cyst of the knee joint, the causes of which can be varied, manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. a feeling of pressure under the knee that increases when trying to bend the leg;
  2. discomfort in the back of the knee when walking;
  3. limited leg mobility due to knee pain.

A progressive Baker's cyst in the socket of the knee joint, without treatment at home, begins to compress the surrounding soft fabrics, blood vessels and nerves, which causes a number of other symptoms:

  • a feeling of tingling in the tissues located below the tumor formed under the knee (in some cases, the tingling is localized in the foot);
  • loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​skin below the cyst;
  • a decrease in the temperature of the leg below the cyst, noticeable to the touch;
  • a crawling sensation in the leg below the sore knee.

With absence adequate therapy Bursa rupture occurs when the Baker's cyst of the knee joint ruptures due to the continued filling of its cavity with fluid, and its contents spill between muscle fibers and ligaments.

As a rule, the symptomatic picture is complemented by a local increase in temperature, sharp pain of a cutting or burning nature, as well as pronounced swelling of the tissues adjacent to the popliteal cavity and their redness.

Important! The appearance of such symptoms is a reason to immediately visit a doctor, since rupture of a Baker cyst of the knee joint, photos of which may shock unprepared people, is fraught with numerous complications, including life-threatening ones.


The symptoms and manifestations of the cyst, until it becomes extensive, are similar to those of numerous other joint diseases. For accurate diagnosis, research methods such as MRI, CT scan, Ultrasound.

With their help, you can accurately determine the location of the formation, its size, and the presence of a meniscus injury.

To determine whether there is liquid inside the sac and what type it is, a diaphanoscopy is performed - the knee is illuminated with a very bright light from a special lamp.

Arthrography, a method of examining joints using x-rays, helps determine whether the joints are affected by any disease that could cause the development of a cyst.

Using all these methods, you can get a comprehensive picture of the degree and form of the disease. Further treatment will depend on the research results obtained.

Negative consequences of the disease:

The doctor can suspect the development of a Becker cyst based on the patient’s characteristic complaints and the results of examination of the popliteal area. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound of the knee joint is prescribed. If necessary, the examination can be supplemented by MRI and arthroscopy.


The treatment program is always selected individually. But there are some measures that are mandatory for a cyst in the popliteal fossa. These include:

Aspiration. It is imperative to remove effusion accumulated in the joint cavity before starting treatment with medications or folk remedies.

Block of the knee joint. After cleansing, medication will be injected into the cavity.

Application of an elastic fixing bandage. It will need to be worn the entire time the treatment lasts.

A course of therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Further treatment will be determined depending on the dynamics of the disease and the reasons that caused it.

At home, you can start treatment with folk remedies only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and all the research and necessary measures have been carried out.

To treat lumps and lumps under the knee, a variety of ointments, applications and compresses based on medicinal plants are used.

In some cases, the cyst disappears on its own without treatment. This is due to the localization of the inflammatory process.

However, in most cases, in order to get rid of the tumor, you should try a whole range of medical therapy. Today, there are many methods that allow you to effectively treat the disease, however, in order to choose exactly the one that will help you, you should seek help from an orthopedist or surgeon.

Baker's cyst, like other diseases, can be treated various methods. The main ones are:

  • Surgical intervention. Based on surgical removal Problems. Can be used at any stage of its development. The operation lasts on average about half an hour and is performed under local anesthesia. After surgical intervention The patient is observed in the hospital for 4 hours. For about a week, the patient needs to ensure complete rest of the operated limb. To do this, he is given a plaster cast during the postoperative period. The stitches are removed after a week.
  • Puncture treatment. Using a special syringe, fluid is sucked out of the tumor and medications are administered. Also, in some cases, they are additionally applied to the knee joint area. elastic bandages, physiotherapy is performed and folk remedies are used.

Drug treatment

Basically, such diseases develop due to an inflammatory process in the body. Therefore, the main task of drug treatment is to localize inflammation and relieve pain.

In some cases, injections of cortisone or other strong drugs are prescribed.

If the neoplasm is caused by injury, then traditional methods are almost powerless. Doctors recommend surgery to remove the tumor.

There are no medications to eliminate the cause of the hernia. All of them are aimed at reducing symptoms and making the patient feel better before and after surgery.

Rubbing the affected area with various ointments is often used as an auxiliary therapy. The most effective in the fight against this disease are:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ortofen;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Nurofen.

Most remedies are not able to cure Baker's disease completely. They can only relieve some symptoms and reduce pain.

Folk remedies

Treatment of Baker's cyst with folk remedies at home is quite effective and shows good results.

Cabbage leaves are often used to treat various diseases. At home, this is an effective way to relieve swelling and remove painful sensations. The cabbage is smeared with bee honey and a compress is made overnight.

A decoction of elderberry and raspberry plants is also used to relieve pain at home. The leaves of the bushes are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew, then moistened with gauze and applied to the affected area.

At home, lotions made from propolis, celandine and burdock are often used. Celandine is especially popular. It helps localize the inflammatory process. Joints should be treated with compresses regularly.

Judging by the reviews, very effective means traditional medicine when fighting a cyst of the knee joint, use alcohol-based lotions or medicinal herbs.

This disease has enough serious consequences, so doctors warn about the shortcomings and dangers of traditional medicine:

Treatment of Becker's cyst can be conservative or surgical. Its tactics are determined by the doctor individually and depend on the characteristics of each specific case.

As additional funds Physiotherapeutic techniques and traditional medicine can be used to treat this pathology.

Conservative therapy

In most cases, the use medications(in the form of ointments, tablets and injections) for the treatment of Becker's cyst is ineffective, eliminates only pain and brings only temporary results.

In addition to medications, at the initial stages of the disease, the doctor may recommend the use of some folk remedies - compresses from tincture of golden mustache, burdock and celandine.

Subsequently, if the patient’s condition worsens, puncture of the cyst is recommended. During this procedure, the doctor pierces the formation with a thick needle and pumps out fluid from it.

After this, an anti-inflammatory drug (Diprospan, Triamcinolone, Berlicort, etc.) is injected into the cavity of the cyst (i.e., intertendinous bursa).

Such manipulations give only temporary results. During remission, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed for treatment. Over time, constant stress on the joint leads to the re-accumulation of fluid and the formation of a cyst.


Indications for performance surgery The following cases may occur:

  • long-term existence of the cyst;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative therapy;
  • big size cysts, leading to compression of blood vessels of nerves, soft tissues and bones;
  • limitation of knee joint functions.

The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. A small skin incision is made over the cyst, the formation is isolated, and the junction of the tendon bursa with the knee joint is stitched and bandaged. After this, the Becker cyst is removed and the wound is sutured.

The operation lasts about 30 minutes and is not complicated. After its completion, the patient remains in the hospital for 24 hours and can then be discharged. After 5 days, the doctor may allow minor stress on the knee joint. Sutures are removed after 7 days.

Development modern medicine allows you to perform operations to remove a Becker cyst using an arthroscope. Such minimally invasive interventions allow patients to recover in a shorter time.

A Becker cyst can go unnoticed for a long time or cause minor discomfort to the patient. However, its large volume can provoke the development of many severe and dangerous complications. That is why this disease requires mandatory treatment from a specialist.

Treatment of Becker's cyst can be conservative or surgical. In the first case, drainage is performed - the hernia is punctured and the contents are removed through a catheter. To stop the inflammatory process, medications are administered into the cyst cavity:

  • corticosteroids (Diprospan, Dexamethasone, Kenalog);
  • NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen).

It is possible to cure a Becker cyst on your own if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations. The treatment regimen includes taking medications.

Most often these are oral forms of anti-inflammatory and anti-symptomatic drugs (analgesics), as well as products for external use with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

An additional measure is physical therapy, which can speed up the process of treating Baker's cyst of the knee joint at home.

Whatever the patient’s condition, and whatever means he uses, the first thing to do is to immobilize the sore knee. This can be done using a splint or a regular tight bandage.

Important! The bandage should limit the mobility of the knee, but not interfere with normal blood circulation!

The second step on the path to recovery is the use of cold. Ice compresses are good in the first 1-2 days after the onset of unpleasant symptoms.

This will reduce pain and reduce the production of joint effusion. The duration of temperature exposure on the popliteal area is no more than 20 minutes.

If symptoms persist, you can apply ice again, but not earlier than an hour after the previous session.

Advice! Do not apply ice directly to the skin. It is better to use an ice pack wrapped in several layers of cotton cloth.

Raising your leg, especially during sleep, will help reduce the pain and severity of a bulge under the knee. At night, it is recommended to place pillows or a special cushion under your feet. This procedure will help increase the outflow of fluids from the lower extremities.

Quite often you can come across the following statement: “Drug treatment of popliteal hernia is not effective and in most cases cannot bring the desired result.”

Various ointments, tablets, drug blockades (meaning injections hormonal drug directly into the joint), physiotherapy can reduce pain in the knee joint, but cannot restore mobility, that is, they cannot eliminate the “root of evil” - the cause of the disease.

Thus, the disadvantage of the treatment method: when using medications, it may seem that the disease has receded, since the symptoms do not overshadow life so much, but, as experts note, the use medicines does not eliminate the cause, but only masks it, and in the future there will definitely be a relapse of the disease, pain and numbness will return again.

Plus: the situation is completely different if medications are prescribed after using another method of treatment - surgery, that is, surgical intervention.

But even in this case they are not used special drugs, intended for the treatment of cysts, but only those that can reduce pain and prevent a possible inflammatory process.

Talking about surgical treatment, you should start with puncture of the Baker's cyst. Despite the fact that puncture refers to one of the types of surgical intervention, puncture in the true meaning of the word “operation” is not one. What is a puncture?

Using a fairly thick needle, the fluid that fills the intertendinous bursa is sucked out.

With the help of this manipulation, fluid is removed, and hormonal (steroid) drugs are introduced into the bag, the main purpose of which is to prevent possible inflammation. Diprospan, Kenalog, hydrocortisone and others are used as steroid drugs.

Pros: this method of treating Baker's cyst gives results.

Minus: but the disease, unfortunately, recedes temporarily, because over time the load on the area of ​​the popliteal cap increases, pressure is again put on it, fluid forms again, accumulates and enters the intertendon bursa.

Symptoms again, treatment needed again. Is it worth repeating the puncture? It turns out that this is what needs to be done, since pain, numbness have returned, and mobility is again limited. But there is another option - surgery.

It’s fair to say that folk recipes are very popular. And people with Baker's cyst often use various folk recipes. There are, of course, many of them. But it is suggested to pay attention to the most common ones.

Recipe No. 1. Golden mustache in the fight against illness

In order to prepare the tincture according to this recipe, you will need a large amount of golden mustache. You will also need 2 three-liter jars, which are filled with leaves.

Drug therapy

At home, treatment of Baker's cyst on the knee joint is carried out using standard NSAIDs, which act as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.

Over-the-counter medications suitable for treating this condition include:

  • Ibuprofen tablets;
  • Aspirin;
  • Naproxen;
  • Etodolac;
  • Celecoxib.

You need to take medications according to the instructions. It must be remembered that all NSAIDs negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa, so it is better to take tablets with meals and only after consulting a doctor.

If it is impossible to use oral forms of NSAIDs, it makes sense to use ointments: Ketoprofen, Meloxicam or Diclofenac.


Before practicing exercise therapy, it is recommended to consult a physiotherapist about the advisability of its use. In most cases gymnastic exercises with Baker's cyst on the knee joint (photo from step by step instructions can be found in the specialized literature) are aimed at increasing flexibility and maintaining the elasticity of the muscles - quadriceps, calf and gluteus, and hamstrings.

Important! Classes therapeutic exercises indicated in case of remission of the disease, and only when diagnosing a cyst, the cause of which is a degenerative-inflammatory disease of the knee joints.

Plants, apiary products and other folk remedies are recommended for Baker's cyst of the knee joint, the causes of which are due to inflammatory diseases in the lower extremities.

However, there is a caveat here - folk recipes can be used as a companion in combination with traditional medicines, and they are most effective in the initial stages of the disease.

Alcohol tinctures from golden mustache, celandine, cloves and dandelion rhizomes are considered useful for such pathologies. They soak gauze and apply it to the popliteal cavity, securing it with cling film. It is recommended to keep the compress for 2 hours.

Treatment with folk remedies

An ointment based on propolis and calendula dissolves bumps, lumps and growths very well, relieves inflammation and pain. It is prepared like this:

  1. You need to take a spoonful of calendula flowers, put it in a mortar and crush it.
  2. Then pour melted goose fat over the flowers.
  3. Add propolis to the still warm mixture and stir the mixture until the propolis is completely dissolved.
  4. If propolis does not melt well, the mixture should be placed in a water bath and heated, stirring continuously. It is important not to let it boil, in this case everything healing properties the funds will be lost.
  5. The cooled ointment is applied to the painful area, gently rubbed, insulated and kept for several hours.

Remember that even folk remedies prepared from medicinal herbs at home can be poisonous. Therefore, before starting therapy with improvised means, it always makes sense to consult a doctor.

Complications after Becker's cyst

When a Becker cyst ruptures, the fluid in it enters the calf muscle and causes swelling of the leg. This complication may be accompanied by pain, itching and redness. skin.

The leaked fluid resolves on its own after a few weeks, but to eliminate discomfort, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated.

If the cyst is large, compression of the leg veins may occur, causing blood stagnation. The leg begins to swell and her skin color changes to purple.

With prolonged stagnation, the color of the skin becomes brown and trophic ulcers can form on them, which are difficult to treat.

Compression of the veins can lead to the development of phlebitis and thrombosis. When blood clots break off and migrate to different organs, their ischemia develops, and when they enter the pulmonary artery, this quickly leads to fatal outcome a condition such as PE (pulmonary embolism).

The large size of the Becker cyst leads to disruption of the blood supply to the muscles and bones. Subsequently, this causes the development of muscle necrosis and such dangerous disease, as osteomyelitis, accompanied by a purulent-necrotic process of bone and bone marrow tissue.

Later, inflammation of the bone marrow, bone and periosteum can cause the development of sepsis.

Preventive measures

Prevention of Becker cyst comes down to the following:

  • Treatment of diseases of the knee joint.
  • Be careful when playing sports, protect your knees from injury with protectors.
  • Periodic courses of taking chondroprotectors, especially after 40 years, which are aimed at preserving cartilage tissue.
  • Eliminate infections present in the body.

If you notice pain and discomfort in the popliteal area, do not hesitate to visit a doctor - this is the key successful treatment and the absence of dangerous complications.

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not implemented through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    No matter what folk remedies I tried, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

The structure of the knee joint is quite complex due to the fact that it bears the entire weight of the body. In case of injury or inflammation of one of the joint capsules Baker's cyst may develop. Medical reference books The pathology is called a Becker cyst, which, in principle, is the same thing.

Baker's cyst

The disease is named after the medical scientist who studied and gave detailed description illness. This is a compacted tumor, benign, elastic. Grows up to 10 cm in diameter. This is a hernia, hygroma, bursitis of the popliteal fossa, there are many names, but the essence is the same.

In the classification, the pathology belongs to ICD class 10. It is located in the popliteal region and is a capsule filled with synovial fluid. If the disease is not treated, then neighboring tissues will soon begin to become inflamed, and the cyst will burst.

Important! Pain and decreased joint mobility always signal the threat of a serious disease that requires surgical, long-term treatment.

According to statistics, every 8th Russian suffers from arthritis or arthrosis. Low mobility, sedentary work, or, conversely, too heavy work, lead to hernias, disruption of metabolic processes in the body, and curvature of the spine. The person may stop walking. And tumors under the knee can develop into cancer.


At the beginning, the disease shows little sign of itself and does not cause any worries. It can be difficult for parents to detect this disease in their child.

But as the cyst grows, the joint swells and it becomes difficult to move. In children and adults, when bending the leg, it occurs nagging pain, numbness, it can be difficult to straighten the leg. This happens because venous vessels or tibial nerve pinched. Poor circulation causes varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

If you feel discomfort If you notice swelling in your knee, it may be a Baker's cyst. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of discomfort when bending the leg, squeezing inside the knee fossa;
  • pain around the knee itself;
  • when standing, tension occurs in the joint;
  • lameness appears, the larger the cyst grows, the more difficult it becomes to lean on the leg;
  • the joint becomes swollen and deformed, pain increases because the nerve endings and blood vessels are compressed.

The main sign of the presence of a cyst is pain in the knee joint, which becomes stronger with loads on it. Some go straight to the doctor, while others try to treat themselves. IN advanced stage illnesses and pain become unbearable.

The cyst may burst over time. The main symptoms of a ruptured Baker's cyst:

  • sharp pain, burning due to the spread of fluid;
  • swelling of the lower leg and knee itself;
  • redness, increased skin temperature in the affected area;
  • immobilization of a limb.

Important! Treatment of Becker's cyst should begin at early stage to prevent its rupture or blood clots.


Doctors have established and proven the fact that the disease develops after a knee joint injury or is a complication of chronic inflammation joint When large physical activity The appearance of a tumor is also possible.

Thus, a Becker cyst can be considered a secondary disease, which becomes a consequence of pathological processes occurring in the articular tissues. The causes of the pathology are various damage and inflammation of bone elements. The formation of a lump can be caused by a meniscus injury, arthritis, osteoarthritis, or cartilage damage. With osteoarthritis, a cyst forms in half of the patients.

At risk are the elderly, professional athletes, and loaders.

Baker's cyst treatment

What is the name of the doctor who treats Baker's cyst? This disease is within the competence of the orthopedist, who, after a diagnostic examination of the patient, prescribes treatment. The doctor also prescribes preventive procedures for diseases of the motor elements.

The treatment program for the knee joint is selected individually, depending on age, physical condition person, the presence of concomitant diseases. The doctor finds out what his patient is complaining about, what is bothering him. Among the mandatory procedures are blockade - removal of fluid before drug treatment begins.

Medicines are prescribed to relieve pain and inflammation. Injections and injections are made - the medicine is injected directly into the joint. An elastic bandage or bandage is placed on the knee to stimulate circulation and stabilize the joint.

The ointments used are hormonal, warming, which relieve pain and soothe the joint - Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac and others. Voltaren helps well with initial stage diseases. You can use folk remedies. An ointment made from geranium leaves, calendula flowers and lard has a positive effect. Treatment with ointments is an addition to the main procedures.

Important! When using ointments, you must follow the dosage and apply the remedy correctly.

Leech treatment is also used. This allows you to reduce the size of the cyst. The functions of the joint improve after 7-8 sessions.

Further treatment options will be selected as the disease develops, taking into account the causes that caused it. At the initial stage, you can try to do without surgery.

It is advisable to begin treatment at home after diagnosis, research and other activities. You can use compresses, ointments, and herbal applications.

Seals are treated with ointments, compresses from decoctions of medicinal herbs - celandine, elderberry leaves, currants, raspberries.

A tincture of golden mustache shoots, spicy cloves, and dandelion root helps well. The cooking recipe is not complicated: the raw materials are crushed, placed in a container, water is poured, put on fire, brought to a boil, and cooled. You can add a few tablespoons of alcohol. The mixture is transferred into a gauze bag and applied to the sore spot, wrapped with a towel on top, and then with a woolen scarf for insulation.

Prepared for oral administration herbal decoction, where birch buds, St. John's wort, plantain, and mint are added. Drink a glass a day, like tea.

Ointments, for example, based on propolis and calendula flowers, help fight bumps and growths and eliminate pain. The flowers are crushed, a little melted goose fat is added, then propolis can be added. Everything is mixed until smooth. After cooling, lubricate the damaged area, rubbing it a little. And then they apply a bandage and insulate it.

Before using homemade products, you should first ask your doctor for advice. Some herbs are poisonous; instead of benefiting, they can cause harm to the patient.

An effective method for improving the condition of joints is a set of exercise therapy exercises with rubber expanders, which was developed by Dr. Sergei Bubnovsky. Gymnastics increases elasticity, mobility of ligaments, muscle tone. When the balance of the leg muscles in front and behind is disturbed, arthrosis occurs. Therefore, you need to keep yourself in shape.

As an example, here are a couple of such exercises:

  1. The end of the rubber band is attached to the leg of the bed or another stable support, and the second to the ankle of the leg. The patient stands on all fours and bends his leg, while extending the expander.
  2. The expander is folded in half and thrown over the support at chest height. Both ends are attached to the ankles. The patient lies on his back, pulling on the expander. The goal is to pull your knees toward your stomach.

Each exercise is done 10-20 times.

Salt treatment can bring no less benefit. Doctors used this method for cleaning wounds during the Great Patriotic War, when there were no other means of disinfecting wounds. The fact is that the saline solution, due to its absorbent properties, well draws liquid containing pathogenic microflora. The liquid environment in the tissues of diseased organs is cleansed and renewed. Gauze is moistened in a 10% solution and applied saline dressing on the knee.

Saline solution can cure many ailments - from dental caries to melanoma and prostate adenoma.

What to do in cases where a cyst ruptures? Initially, give your leg a horizontal position and make sure that it is in a state of complete rest. Call an ambulance. Warm up sore spot it is forbidden! You can lubricate the skin with ointment and take a painkiller tablet. Place an ice bag on the swollen area.

If the cyst bursts and fluid leaks out on a large scale, you will need to perform surgery to cut off the pathological area and the remainder of the cyst. An ultrasound machine is used to puncture the area where fluid has accumulated.

Surgery to remove Baker's cyst

The most in a simple way removal of a cyst is a puncture. The procedure helps remove fluid accumulation from the interarticular bursa through a thick needle. It is used when the size of the tumor is large and conservative treatment Does not help. With the help of a puncture, the problem is partially solved, temporarily. The cyst then fills with fluid again.

If the tumor is the result of a knee joint injury, it is necessary to perform surgical intervention for tumor removal. Such events are carried out in specialized centers or clinics, because it will be necessary to use modern equipment. The surgeon will need great skill. Local anesthesia or epidural anesthesia is used. The process lasts no more than 30 minutes.

Large sizes are also a reason for surgery. Otherwise, the cyst inhibits the movement of the limb, completely blocking the knee, while the foot and lower leg are deprived of sensitivity. The tumor puts pressure on the neurovascular bundle, disrupting the outflow of venous and inflow of arterial blood.

If the size is more than 6-10 cm, the formation can burst at any time, and the contents can spill into nearby muscles. Modern doctors Baker's cyst removal is usually recommended promptly. The technology has been proven for a long time, so there are no problems.

Progress of the procedure:

  • The area is numbed and the tissue is dissected. For such manipulations, an endoscope or laser is used.
  • Using instruments, the canal that connects the cyst to the knee joint is clamped.
  • The tumor is dried using a laser or the membranes are cleaned using instruments. The overtightened canal neck is sutured.
  • Next, the cavity is treated with an antiseptic and the tissue is sutured.
  • To prevent new fluid accumulation, drainage is installed. If the wound heals normally, no suppuration or new accumulation of fluid forms, the drainage is removed.
  • A tight bandage or plaster is applied to the knee.

After a week or two, the stitches are removed. And when cut with a laser, there are no scars left.

The cost of the operation is on average 50 thousand rubles, if it is done in private clinic. This includes not only the operation itself, but also diagnostics, the period of hospital stay, and recovery procedures.

If a free procedure is needed, it is done in a regular municipal hospital. You will have to pay for some examinations - tomography, etc.

Patients who have undergone surgery leave positive reviews. The intervention really helps to cope with the problem; relapses do not occur.

Removal of a tumor under the knee is not performed if there is viral infection, colds, high temperature or pressure, herpes in the knee area, as well as diabetes mellitus and pregnancy.

Upon completion of the operation, the patient remains in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor for about five hours, and severe case– up to several days. Knee-joint At first, you should not put any load on it; you must use support when moving. You will be able to get out of bed in four days.

Recovery occurs through the use of drugs against inflammation, pain, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures. To improve vascular permeability, doctors advise wearing elastic tights or stockings and taking medications.

Rehabilitation after surgery is complemented by a course physical therapy. Gymnastics can be started on the second day, gradually increasing the load and range of movements. After the stitches have healed, you will be able to visit the pool. To improve the functioning of muscles and blood vessels, you can sign up for a massage of the lower leg and thigh.

The duration of this period depends on the method of operation, physical features patient. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that provoked the formation of the cyst. Otherwise the tumor will grow again.

There is no need to be afraid of surgery to remove a cyst, because today it is done using minimally invasive methods, and the wounds heal quickly. To avoid having to resort to radical intervention, you need to consult a doctor in time and take the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis seriously.