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Ayurvedic nutrition for women - how to live in harmony with your own body? Correct daily routine

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has established its own, most favorable period time. Compliance simple rules According to natural cycles, it makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be fulfilling.
According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensely on the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). Interestingly, this was recently confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators human body using modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Following this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3-00 to 4-00 is the most best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but performing such practice requires preparation and adherence to a certain lifestyle, otherwise serious health problems may develop.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odes). This filling occurs from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, night work is considered an extremely unfavorable occupation.

A person who gets up from 4-00 to 5-00 has greater cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has leadership potential and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness throughout the day.

Anyone who gets up from 5-00 to 6-00 will also achieve some success, but not so great. Serious problems it won't happen in life either.

They say about someone who gets up between 6:00 and 7:00: his train has left. Here is an example: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crow is not counted - it’s just a farewell “bye” to those who are late. heard after 6-00.? Those who get up from 6 to 7 am lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have decreased tone, and tend to be late.

People who get up between 8:00 and 9:00 are predisposed to chronic diseases, have reduced or severe increased tone, possible nausea, coffee addiction, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence because it comes from the power of the Sun in the first hours of dawn.

A person who gets up between 9-00 and 10-00 is prone to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

Those who get up at 11:00 and later have no way to escape from the influence of the gun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and unable to perceive the truth. At 9:00 am deadline to get up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your destiny and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

Anyone who gets up in the morning should take a cool shower with his head within 15 minutes (women do not need to wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). A cool shower allows you to cleanse the subtle body of the mind from the influence of the guna of ignorance that reigns at night. 70% of depressions are relieved simply by a cold shower (before 6 am).
Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the Moon. The power of the Sun forces the body to waste energy and burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21-00 to 00-00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. If you take into account that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most people is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for going to bed is 22-00.

If a person goes to bed after 00-00 for a long period of life, mental fatigue accumulates. First of all, fatigue of the mind affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue is when the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the functioning of the organs. Nervousness and irritability, immune diseases, negativism, and disrespectful attitude towards other people appear.
Often the result of going to bed late is bad habits– smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., his Vital energy.
Anyone who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers from emotional strength.
During the day you can rest for 10-15 minutes. Sleep more than 20 minutes a day daytime takes a lot of energy, resulting in a heavy head and toxins in the blood.
The ideal time for breakfast is from 6-00 to 7-00. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the guna of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, it is better to always eat fruits in dried form. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00, sugar is completely absorbed by the body. For those who have tense or severe physical labor you can eat nuts. The only cereal you can eat for breakfast is buckwheat. Grain products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, and lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 am, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water– cleanses the psychic channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and lunch time has already passed.

Dinner. The ideal time for lunch is 12-00. In general, lunch meals are recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. IN lunch time You can eat any food in different combinations except milk (and what is not food). At 12-00, when the Sun is in highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk curdles even in the stomach. Anyone who had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00 needs only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (spent on digestion). If you eat at 14-00 or later, dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. Food taken at 2 p.m. no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is vitamin deficiency, because Vitamins are the last to be absorbed by the body. In the case of a late lunch, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking with ghee butter, this is a product unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 14-00 (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, you feel weak in the morning and don’t even have the strength to get up. Besides late reception grain food leads to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is to avoid it.

Dinner. Time for dinner is from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except for root vegetables and tomatoes, since these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overstimulate the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat food; at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk(from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink milk cool). Milk, like children under 5-7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the Moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, drinking milk at night clears the consciousness of ignorance, cleanses psychic channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and declaring it harmful. Indeed, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time the most powerful force in our world; its strength is higher than even the three gunas.


Time for meditation and spiritual practices is from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5-00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives tremendous mental strength. Prayer is the most clean look selfless and beneficial activities. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. Best position body for prayer: lotus pose, diamond pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), sitting cross-legged. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is “I wish everyone Happiness.” It is better to pray out loud, or in a whisper.

Until 6-00, a person’s mind works three times faster (“The morning is wiser than the evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best period for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00 logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00, the ability for intellectual work is greatly reduced, so it is better to finish the process of study and mental work before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 is the time of active physical or mental work (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Working until too late is considered extremely harmful and causes severe mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has established its own, most favorable period of time. Following simple rules according to natural cycles makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be fulfilling.
Start of the day
According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensely on the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). Interestingly, this was recently confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators of the human body using modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Following this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3-00 to 4-00– the best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but performing such practice requires preparation and following a certain lifestyle, otherwise serious health problems may develop.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odes). This filling happens from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, night work is considered an extremely unfavorable occupation.

Man getting up from 4-00 to 5-00, has greater cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has the potential of a leader and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness throughout the day.

The one who gets up from 5-00 to 6-00, will also achieve some success, but not such outstanding ones. There will be no serious problems in life either.

About who gets up from 6-00 to 7-00, they say: his train has left. Here is an example: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crow is not counted - it’s just a farewell “bye” to those who are late. heard after 6-00.? Those who stand up from 6 to 7 mornings, lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have decreased tone, and tend to be late.

People getting up from 8-00 to 9-00, are predisposed to chronic diseases, have decreased or greatly increased tone, possible nausea, addiction to coffee, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence because it comes from the power of the Sun in the first hours of dawn.

Rising from 9-00 to 10-00 the person is prone to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

Those who get up at 11:00 and later have no way to escape from the influence of the gun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and unable to perceive the truth. 9:00 is the deadline to get up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your destiny and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

Anyone who gets up in the morning should take a cool shower with his head within 15 minutes (women do not need to wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). A cool shower allows you to cleanse the subtle body of the mind from the influence of the guna of ignorance that reigns at night. 70% of depressions are relieved simply by a cold shower (before 6 am).
Sleep and nutrition
Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the Moon. The power of the Sun forces the body to waste energy and burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21-00 to 00-00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. If you take into account that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most people is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for going to bed is 22-00.

If a person goes to bed after 00-00 for a long period of life, mental fatigue accumulates. First of all, fatigue of the mind affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue is when the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the functioning of the organs. Nervousness and irritability, immune diseases, negativism, and disrespectful attitude towards other people appear.
Often the result of going to bed late is bad habits - smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 23-00 to 1-00, his vital energy decreases.
Anyone who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers from emotional strength.
During the day you can rest for 10-15 minutes. Sleeping for more than 20 minutes during the day takes a lot of energy, resulting in a heavy head and toxins in the blood.

For breakfast The ideal time is from 6-00 to 7-00. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the guna of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, it is better to always eat fruits in dried form. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00, sugar is completely absorbed by the body. Those who have stressful or hard physical work can eat nuts. The only cereal you can eat for breakfast is buckwheat. Grain products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, and lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 am, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water - it cleanses the psychic channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and lunch time has already passed.

Dinner. The ideal time for lunch is 12-00. In general, lunch meals are recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. At lunchtime, you can eat any food in different combinations except milk (and what is not food). At 12-00, when the Sun is at its highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk curdles even in the stomach. Anyone who had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00 needs only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (spent on digestion). If you eat at 14-00 or later, dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. Food taken at 2 p.m. no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is vitamin deficiency, because Vitamins are the last to be absorbed by the body. In the case of a late lunch, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking with melted butter; it is a product unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 14-00 (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, you feel weak in the morning and don’t even have the strength to get up. In addition, late intake of grain foods leads to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is to avoid them.

Dinner. Time for dinner is from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except for root vegetables and tomatoes, since these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overstimulate the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat; at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk (from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink cool milk). Milk, like children under 5-7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the Moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, drinking milk at night clears the consciousness of ignorance, cleanses psychic channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and declaring it harmful. Indeed, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time the most powerful force in our world; its strength is higher than even the three gunas.

Activities during the day

Time for meditation and spiritual practices is from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5-00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives tremendous mental strength. Prayer is the purest form of selfless and beneficial activity. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. The best body position for prayer: lotus pose, diamond pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), sitting cross-legged. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is “I wish everyone Happiness.” It is better to pray out loud, or in a whisper.

Until 6-00, a person’s mind works three times faster (“The morning is wiser than the evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best period for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00 logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00, the ability for intellectual work is greatly reduced, so it is better to finish the process of study and mental work before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 is the time of active physical or mental work (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Working until too late is considered extremely harmful, causing severe mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

Horoscopes and predictions do not bypass the Sun and even impossible without taking into account the position of the Sun relative to the Earth. Sun - nuclear reactor, the battery that powers our lives. It will be natural for a person to live in rhythm with the source of life.

My personal experience changes in daily routine shows obvious The advantages of this regime are when you go to bed early, no later than 21-00, and get up before sunrise.

What does it give

  • More vitality
  • Less conflicts with people and yourself
  • No incredible effort or tricky practices required
  • The feeling of happiness and fullness of life returns
  • Time is on your side

And other small advantages, of which there are many and cannot be listed all.

It is impossible to move the Sun or Moon either in the horoscope, much less in real life, but we can do something. We can be in rhythm with them - with the basic factors of our being. To be in rhythm with the power of life, which means to BE. (Or not BE, which is what we are used to doing during the years of technological progress.)

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has established its own, most favorable period of time. Following simple rules according to natural cycles makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be fulfilling.

Start of the day

According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensely on the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). Interestingly, this was recently confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators of the human body using modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Following this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3-00 to 4-00– the best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but performing such practice requires preparation and following a certain lifestyle, otherwise serious health problems may develop.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odes). This filling happens from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, night work is considered an extremely unfavorable occupation.

Man getting up from 4-00 to 5-00, has greater cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has the potential of a leader and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness throughout the day.

The one who gets up from 5-00 to 6-00, will also achieve some success, but not such outstanding ones. There will be no serious problems in life either.

About who gets up from 6-00 to 7-00, they say: his train has left. Here is an example: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crow is not counted - it’s just a farewell “bye” to those who are late. heard after 6-00.? Those who stand up from 6 to 7 mornings, lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have decreased tone, and tend to be late.

People getting up from 8-00 to 9-00, are predisposed to chronic diseases, have decreased or greatly increased tone, possible nausea, addiction to coffee, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence because it comes from the power of the Sun in the first hours of dawn.

Rising from 9-00 to 10-00 the person is prone to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

Those who get up at 11:00 and later have no way to escape from the influence of the gun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and unable to perceive the truth. 9:00 is the deadline to get up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your destiny and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

Anyone who gets up in the morning should take a cool shower with his head within 15 minutes (women do not need to wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). A cool shower allows you to cleanse the subtle body of the mind from the influence of the guna of ignorance that reigns at night. 70% of depressions are relieved simply by a cold shower (before 6 am).

Sleep and nutrition

Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the Moon. The power of the Sun forces the body to waste energy and burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21-00 to 00-00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. If you take into account that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most people is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for going to bed is 22-00.

If a person goes to bed after 00-00 for a long period of life, mental fatigue accumulates. First of all, fatigue of the mind affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue is when the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the functioning of the organs. Nervousness and irritability, immune diseases, negativism, and disrespectful attitude towards other people appear.
Often the result of going to bed late is bad habits - smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 23-00 to 1-00, his vital energy decreases.
Anyone who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers from emotional strength.
During the day you can rest for 10-15 minutes. Sleeping for more than 20 minutes during the day takes a lot of energy, resulting in a heavy head and toxins in the blood.


For breakfast The ideal time is from 6-00 to 7-00. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the guna of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, it is better to always eat fruits in dried form. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00, sugar is completely absorbed by the body. Those who have stressful or hard physical work can eat nuts. The only cereal you can eat for breakfast is buckwheat. Grain products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, and lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 am, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water - it cleanses the psychic channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and lunch time has already passed.

Dinner. The ideal time for lunch is 12-00. In general, lunch meals are recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. At lunchtime, you can eat any food in different combinations except milk (and what is not food). At 12-00, when the Sun is at its highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk curdles even in the stomach. Anyone who had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00 needs only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (spent on digestion). If you eat at 14-00 or later, dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. Food taken at 2 p.m. no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is vitamin deficiency, because Vitamins are the last to be absorbed by the body. In the case of a late lunch, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking with melted butter; it is a product unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 14-00 (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, you feel weak in the morning and don’t even have the strength to get up. In addition, late intake of grain foods leads to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is to avoid them.

Dinner. Time for dinner is from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except for root vegetables and tomatoes, since these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overstimulate the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat; at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk (from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink cool milk). Milk, like children under 5-7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the Moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, drinking milk at night clears the consciousness of ignorance, cleanses psychic channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and declaring it harmful. Indeed, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time the most powerful force in our world; its strength is higher than even the three gunas.

Activities during the day

Time for meditation and spiritual practices is from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5-00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives tremendous mental strength. Prayer is the purest form of selfless and beneficial activity. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. The best body position for prayer: lotus pose, diamond pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), sitting cross-legged. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is “I wish everyone Happiness.” It is better to pray out loud, or in a whisper.

Until 6-00, a person’s mind works three times faster (“The morning is wiser than the evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best period for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00 logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00, the ability for intellectual work is greatly reduced, so it is better to finish the process of study and mental work before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 is the time of active physical or mental work (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Working until too late is considered extremely harmful, causing severe mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

Source - meditation-portal.com

1. Meat and fish. Meat is the flesh, the body of another living entity, due to which it gets the opportunity to act and progress in this material world. Meat includes lard, fish, gelatin (bones of a living creature), eggs, and caviar. And all this is not used in Vedic cooking and can be successfully replaced from all points of view with other vegetarian dishes.

2. Eggs and caviar- this is nothing more than the embryo of a small living creature. If you compare it with the human form of life, then by eating them, you are actually aborting them, killing them. The Vedas say that everything that comes from the lower centers of a living being is contaminated, therefore, by eating eggs, you will be mentally and energetically contaminated, i.e. your consciousness will not be fully open to self-knowledge and improvement, in best case scenario you will be in the mode of ignorance. In addition, eggs are a common cause of atherosclerosis.

3. Alcohol. This is very harmful Chemical substance. From point of view modern science alcohol is psychoactive substance, affecting the human central nervous system as a depressant. Depressant - any substance or drug that partially or completely inhibits the activity of the central nervous system. nervous system, on the brain, on the ability to think clearly and think. That is why you can see in alcoholics an example of what drinking alcohol leads to, look at the state they are in physically, mentally and spiritually. An alcoholic is someone who practices frequent and constant consumption of alcohol, and therefore its effect is very obvious. Therefore, if you drink gin and tonic, liqueur or kvass, which are low-alcohol drinks, then the effect of alcohol on you is simply weak and not subtle, but it exists, and this is recognized by doctors. In short, alcohol in men reduces the power of the mind and fosters irresponsibility, and in women - promiscuity and disobedience. 3. Coffee, cocoa (chocolate), black tea. This is the second category of depressants after alcohol, which are narcotic substances because they are addictive. These products belong to the gunas of passion and ignorance, therefore, a person who often uses them will revolve in passionate-ignorant energies, which attracts illness, suffering and destroys the human soul.

14/04/2017 23:53

Among the many culinary traditions around the world, Vedic cuisine stands out especially. It is an integral part of Ayurveda, the oldest system of healing. On what principles is nutrition based on Ayurveda and how the mood during cooking is related to our well-being - about the most interesting secrets Vedic cuisine we'll tell you today.

What is Vedic cuisine?

Vedic cuisine is a complex food system in which Special attention focuses on the compatibility of products and the method of their preparation. This system is based on the idea that any food a person eats affects both his physical state, and on intellectual and spiritual qualities.

Nutrition according to Ayurveda can be described very briefly: it is vegetarian food, which before consumption must undergo a special ritual - an offering to God. The purpose of such nutrition is to bring a person to a state of physical and spiritual harmony.

Basic principles of Vedic cuisine

Vedic cuisine is not just a collection of historically established culinary traditions. This is a carefully thought out diet that fully corresponds to the worldview system set out in the Vedas. Let's consider the basic principles of such nutrition.


Only vegetarian food is considered “pure” and healthy; it makes the body healthy and the mind calm. And if “pure” food gives rise to bright thoughts and aspirations in a person, then “unclean” food, on the contrary, leads him to destructive emotions and unkind desires. It is unclean food that is considered in Ayurveda main reason all diseases.

Special way of cooking

The main thing that characterizes Vedic cuisine and sets it apart from other culinary traditions is its special attitude to the cooking process. The ancient Aryans believed that the only goal human life- service to God, and cooking is one of the forms of this service. A person in the kitchen should be as focused as possible, but at the same time his thoughts should be bright. Negative emotions are not allowed during cooking, otherwise the food will absorb them like poison.


Another important component of Ayurvedic cuisine are spices. A huge number of different spices and herbs used in cooking are designed to make food varied and flavors rich. The taste of food is very important: followers of Ayurveda often say that a person does not eat food, but absorbs tastes.

Ayurveda identifies 6 main flavors: sour, sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, astringent.

Another purpose of spices in Vedic cooking is disease prevention. Moreover, many of them have therapeutic effect and are called upon to fight illnesses. Thus, during lunch a person not only consumes food, but also receives treatment.

Prasad - food offered to God

Food prepared in a special way (that is, with prayers) and presented to God is called “prasad”. It is believed to have the best nutritional and useful qualities, and of course, the most magnificent taste.

According to Vedic tradition, prasadam has other amazing properties:

  • He is able to purify a person on all levels - both physical and spiritual;
  • Neutralizes part of negative karma;
  • This food gives you a feeling of harmony with your body and mind;
  • Helps spiritual growth.

In a word, prasadam is food not only for the body, but also for the soul. Therefore, followers of the Vedas believe that prasadam gives a person much more than simple food. It is customary to treat everyone with a divine gift - in this way people share divine food and joy with others.

What can't you eat?

Meat, fish and eggs are the main foods that should be excluded when switching to an Ayurvedic diet. Although there is no clear ban on them in Vedic cuisine. You may even come across a recommendation to drink meat with wine so that it is easier to digest.

However, the Vedas warn: animal food leads man to degradation. The fact is that any food carries information about its origin; accordingly, the flesh of killed animals is literally permeated with the energy of suffering and violence. Anyone who uses it regularly will never achieve harmony.

What can you eat in Vedic cuisine?

It is believed that only Vedic cuisine can provide a complete understanding of how varied and tasty meat-free dishes can be. According to the canons of Ayurveda, the most healthy products are milk and honey.

The daily diet should also include:

  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits(especially mango) and berries;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Cereals;
  • Legumes;
  • Nuts.

This list forms the basis of the Vedic menu. You can also add spices such as turmeric, coriander, and black pepper. The best drinks are considered fruit juices and water. All of the products listed are “pure” food, which is given to people by nature itself. It is believed that it is 100% absorbed by the body and does not create harmful products decay.

How to properly prepare food and drinks according to Vedic cuisine?

The most important thing in the process of preparing Vedic food is the mood and thoughts of the one who cooks, Therefore, cooking is somewhat reminiscent of meditation. This must be done in fresh clothes, in a clean room, on clean and beautiful dishes. It is advisable to have calm music playing at the same time, you can listen to prayers and mantras.

During the cooking process, food is never tasted - readiness is determined solely by appearance. In no case should the dishes contain meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic or alcohol.

The finished prasad goes through a special ritual: food is laid out on a special altar, which symbolizes offering to God, while the Maha-mantra is read three times. And after some time (usually a period of 10-15 minutes), the food is taken away and eaten.

Variety of flavors

According to the principles of Vedic cuisine, all 6 basic tastes must be present in food. If we are too attached to one taste, but do not get another at all, this will negatively affect our health and mental capabilities.

Ayurveda says the following about the correspondence between a person’s tastes and abilities:

  • Bitter taste helps to cope with difficulties;
  • Sweet helps you relax and feel the joy of life;
  • Sour- forgive insults;
  • Salty– be physically resilient;
  • Spicy activates brain activity;
  • Astringent the taste calms the mind.

Product compatibility

To make food as healthy as possible, it is worth remembering the basic principles of food combinations:

How to properly eat food according to Vedic cuisine?

The timing of meals is of great importance. The ideal diet is compiled taking into account the movements of the planets, since all Vedic knowledge is largely based on cosmic laws. For example, it is believed that during the hours when the Sun is at its zenith, digestion will be most active.

  • Therefore, the ideal time for the main meal is from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • It should be at least 5-6 hours.
  • The next meal can be taken from 15 to 18 hours.
  • From 18:00 to 22:00 it is again an unfavorable time for eating. – during these hours it is best to only drink milk with spices.

The following principle partly echoes the saying “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” The Vedas teach: you need to eat in a calm environment, slowly, and most importantly - without outside sources of information. Food itself is information, and various distractions (such as talking) will make it difficult to accept.

Secrets of Vedic cuisine

Let's talk about other, lesser-known principles of Vedic cuisine. For example, Ayurveda states that certain dishes correspond to each season and time of day.

Products by season

During the cold months it is advisable to consume more warming foods and spices, such as ghee, fermented baked milk, legumes, shamballa (spice). And the basis winter diet should consist of hot, soft and viscous food - soups, cereals.

Preferable in summer eat cooling foods: kefir, rice, vegetables, coconut, lemon, bananas, ginger.

Products by time of day

Breakfast should be light, rich in sweet flavors. For example, milk porridge with honey, fruits or nuts is perfect, as well as dairy products and drinks made from dried fruits. “Morning” spices are cinnamon, vanilla and anise.

Lunch is the main meal, so it should be as nutritious as possible. Legumes and cereals, vegetables, cheeses and baked fruits will make a satisfying lunch.

For dinner, you should give preference to vegetables, and only those that grow on the surface of the earth (eggplant, pumpkin). From cereals the best option there will be buckwheat. In addition, it is advisable to use as few spices as possible for dinner.

An hour after each meal, it is recommended to drink a glass of water.

Freshness of food

Only fresh food, prepared no more than three hours ago, will be truly beneficial for health and well-being. The only exceptions are sweet treats and baked goods. It follows that you need to cook exactly as much food as is needed for one meal.

A natural question arises: what to do with the food left after lunch? In this regard, the Vedas say: be generous, but not wasteful. Showing pure generosity, inviting friends and treating other people with divine food means improving both your karma and theirs. But you should never throw away prasad, because leftover food can always be fed to animals.