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It is rational to spend time on organization. Set yourself deadlines to complete your work so you can use your time effectively. Not every problem can be solved in the best way

Here are some tips on how to manage the time you have available wisely:

Find out exactly how you spend your time

Take a little time to track exactly how you use it. It is very important to immediately identify areas that are absolutely unpromising and those in which it is worth “investing” energy. This will help you set your priorities correctly.

State your goal

Do you put a lot of energy into something, but have no idea what you want to achieve in the end? Many people waste valuable time trying to become more efficient without having an end goal in mind. In other words, they are not focused on what is truly important to them. Having a goal in front of you will allow you to focus on ways to achieve the desired result. The goal itself can also be a good motivator.

Make a to-do list

You can make a to-do list in your head, but it's much better to write it down on paper. You can access this list at any time during the day. Choose for yourself how it will look: printed on a piece of paper, written by hand or saved on the computer. Crossing off completed tasks from your list will give you a certain pleasure and a charge of inspiration for new achievements. At the same time, you won’t have to waste time remembering what other tasks need to be completed.

Set your priorities

Making a list won't be effective if everything on it is in the wrong order. You will always be tempted to do what you want first, and not what is important. Set priorities and focus on solving the most pressing problem first. This way, if there are some things left undone at the end of the day, they won't be very important.

Do it right the first time

If you are going to do a task without being in the right mindset, it means you won't do it properly. Make every effort to do everything right the first time. This way, you'll make fewer mistakes and won't have to waste time redoing it. Tackle the most difficult cases first, this will increase the likelihood that you will do everything right.

Stop procrastinating

Most people prefer to procrastinate or mentally think about ways to do an action instead of taking action. This happens especially often when you are surrounded by numerous distractions that can serve as excuses. Try to control your environment by eliminating things that distract your attention. If you are faced with a difficult task, you will subconsciously try to avoid solving it, using all sorts of excuses to do so.

Get Organized

Disorganization is the thief of your time. Just imagine how much time you spend trying to locate something at work or at home. You may need to cope with the chaos in your work or living space in order to work more efficiently. Put away those things that you don’t need, or simply get rid of them, and give those things that you use constantly a specific registration; finding them quickly will not be difficult.

Share things

It seems obvious, but you can free up a lot of time for yourself by delegating some of your work to someone else. The idea is to delegate a task to someone that that person can do faster or as well as you can. This applies to both work and household chores. Why not ask the kids to do the laundry in exchange for some relief later on. At work, do not hesitate to contact a colleague, who knows, maybe he will only be happy with an interesting task, especially if he is good at it.


In some cases, an excellent solution would be to perform several tasks at the same time, which will allow you to effectively use the time at your disposal. We're not talking about massive overloads, just combining tasks whenever possible. For example, when you are on the road, do not lose the opportunity to listen to an audio course of a foreign language that you have long dreamed of mastering. And if you're traveling by train, this is a great opportunity to read a book or do some work on your laptop.

Learn to say no

The ability to not shoulder the entire burden of tasks, learning to say “no”, will allow you to significantly save time. If someone comes to you with a request, ask yourself the question: “is this really my responsibility?” or “Am I really the best candidate to solve this problem?” If the answer is negative, do not take up this matter. We don't encourage you to make excuses for not doing anything; you certainly shouldn't constantly refuse when you are asked to do something. You just shouldn’t become a dumping ground for other people’s problems, this will help you significantly free up your time.

Stay focused

When you are completely focused on a task, you will be able to complete it faster. The only way to maintain concentration is to protect yourself from all distractions. It is not enough to focus on doing something at the start; it is also important not to lose this focus. If you have a serious task ahead of you, get some privacy, turn off your phone, and don't turn it on until you're done. Later, you will have enough time to respond to all messages or missed calls.

Take care of yourself

It is impossible to work continuously, so you can burn out. It's important to take the time to observe yourself from the outside so you can learn your limits. By maintaining a healthy balance in your life, you will feel that you are moving in the right direction and are effectively dealing with problems and tasks that arise, without spending more time on them than they deserve.

Ecology of life. All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one thing. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time

All inhabitants of the planet are equal in one thing. Regardless of financial situation, status and other characteristics, everyone has the same amount of time available every day. However, not everyone is able to manage their 24 hours correctly.

Entire volumes are devoted to time management; its basic principles are taught by many truly successful people, who have repeatedly been convinced of their effectiveness through personal experience.

However, there are many who do not even suspect the existence of such a subject as the theory of time management. At the same time, learning how to use it in your own life will not hurt anyone.

How to manage time

Various time management theorists, as a rule, agree on several basic principles, without which it is impossible to learn how to use time effectively. One of the main rules is planning your affairs. Many modern people, who are in a state of permanent time pressure, simply have to visually imagine what exactly they have to do on each specific day.

To do this, you should create task lists. They can turn out to be quite extensive, and there will not be enough time to implement them. The principles of the so-called Eisenhower matrix will certainly come in handy here. According to it, all cases are systematized according to their importance and urgency and distributed into four categories.

Systematization of priorities simple. The first group includes important and urgent matters, the second – important, not urgent, the third – unimportant, urgent, and the fourth (also called the “trash can”) – unimportant and not urgent. The priority, oddly enough, will be the tasks of the second of the above categories. If a person concentrates specifically on them, then extremely rarely - and even then mainly not due to his own lack of organization - he will encounter tasks that require speedy completion.

In practice, important non-urgent tasks can be coursework or a diploma, which the student must submit at the end of the semester. Or a task assigned to an employee by his superiors with a deadline in a month. If you immediately take on them and slowly complete them, while simultaneously dealing with other, more urgent matters, then they will be completed long ago by the appointed time. Setting deadlines– another important principle.

Another well-known principle of time management is combining various tasks. Unfortunately, many people underestimate him. For example, an effective housewife can load laundry into the washing machine, dirty plates and cutlery into the dishwasher, and at the same time deal with lunch/dinner.

Also, while the dish is being prepared (if you don’t need to monitor it at the moment), you can do the cleaning. While waiting for an important fax, it will not be difficult for an office worker, for example, to draw up a contract or draw up documents for the shipment of goods. Already in connection with a completely different task from my must-do list.

What are the mistakes of those who do not have time?

At the same time, You shouldn't be a notorious perfectionist. Of course, any task should be done well. However, this does not mean that they need to be literally “licked.” There is a huge gap between doing a job well and finishing it carelessly, and it is not so easy to cross.

Anyone who wants to learn how to use their time effectively Shouldn't be a workaholic either. Undoubtedly, there will be situations in which you will have to stay late at work, but for a person who actively applies the rules of time management, this happens extremely rarely. In addition, he will remember that at the end of the working day it is important to rest both mentally and physically.

The evening should be spent with family members, friends, with your favorite hobby - in a word, with those and those things that bring mental satisfaction and are not related to your main job. And you should definitely highlight enough time to sleep.

No less important is proper organization of the workplace. All documents and other items should be arranged there in an orderly manner so that you can easily find what you need. In addition, disorder in the surrounding space contributes to a significant decrease in enthusiasm and productivity.

If a person has other employees subordinate to him, then he it's worth learning to delegate him some of the tasks assigned to him and periodically monitor their implementation. Then the work will be completed in a timely manner, and you won’t have to stress too much about it. published

Time is the most important resource in life, which we spend in different ways, and success in life largely depends on the effectiveness of its use. Many great personalities understood the value of time, so they tried not to waste this resource. Some of them limited time for sleep, rest, lunch, etc. But these are already extremes. In fact, you don’t have to deprive yourself of simple everyday joys, but simply manage your time rationally. But, as you know, many people don’t even understand where to start.

In fact, the problem of lack of time has been troubling the minds of scientists and ordinary people for quite a long time. To develop the most universal methods of rational use of time, the experience of many successful people who usually managed to do more than others was studied. This became the foundation for developing simple rules for organizing your working time.

So, simple rules for rational use of time:

1) Write a list of important things in order of importance. This is basic planning of the working day. Then this to-do list can be easily analyzed to understand the correct use of time. After completing any item in the plan, cross it out and put next to it the amount of time spent on the task.

2) First of all, give your attention only to urgent and important matters. As a rule, unimportant things take up 80% of our time, and we do productive things only 20% of our time. Also, there are small questions that can give rise to quite large ones. Therefore, they need to be addressed at the beginning. Here you should be careful that they do not turn into a large turnover of small tasks, which in the end will not bring a significant result and give rise to the feeling of a wasted day.

Do only one thing, don’t get caught up in the little things, don’t get distracted.

3) Do not move on to solving another issue until you solve the first one. After all, according to the plan, it is located higher and has the status of important. By switching your attention from one to another, you lose the direct logic of solving the first question, which you will later have to delve into again. However, such actions have a bad effect on health. We quickly get tired, start making more mistakes, and get irritated, which ultimately leads to poor quality of work.

4) Try to hide from the routine for at least an hour. The practice of closed doors is considered the most effective when solving serious issues and preparing documents. Lock yourself, ask not to be disturbed, turn on your answering machine, or turn off your phone altogether. A free office, conference room, library or any other free and relatively quiet room may be suitable for this. As practice shows, during solitude the most important and necessary tasks are solved.

5) Prefer the call to the visits themselves. It happens that a personal visit has no advantage over a telephone call. Remember that many related questions can be answered by telephone.

6) Learn to read quickly. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to read specialized literature, various documents, brochures, etc. Therefore, it will be most effective if you master a special speed reading technique. Fortunately, there are now quite a lot of courses and books that teach reading techniques. In addition, it is advisable for the manager to entrust the sorting of correspondence to a separate person. This will reduce the time spent reviewing and selecting papers that are important to you.

7) Don’t fill your desk with various papers. As a rule, decisions can be made on most papers immediately after reading them. But this happens only in 30% of cases. The most important documents are most often put aside so that you can work on them later in a calm environment. But as it turns out, in the end there is not enough time to solve them, and an important matter turns into an urgent one. It is advisable to avoid such cases.

8) Use the trifle effect method. Write down the necessary information, do not rely on memory. Before your trip, call and clarify all the necessary information. Go to a place where several things that are important to you have gathered. Work while traveling, waiting for appointments, or in queues. Try to group your calls. Always carry a pen and notebook with you for important information. Don't complain about failures. Analyze them and draw conclusions.

Another important point. After solving an important task, rest. Don’t immediately jump into solving a new problem. Relax, collect all your thoughts. Enjoy your success. This will allow you to accumulate new energy for work. Don't assume that all your ways of working are the best. Constantly looking for ways to improve your time management. Constantly analyze your actions, successes and failures. Alan Lakein, one of the world's top time management consultants, has compiled a great list of 61 time-saving techniques based on his own experience.

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Don't waste precious time

According to one of the great people, the most serious crime is not the theft of property, but the theft of time. It’s sad, but you and I commit this crime every day.

How many useful and necessary things could be done for people while we are stuck in front of television screens or doing empty, petty things.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to return the wasted hours, days, years. But we can learn to make good use of the time we have left.

Time management incredibly important for modern man. This article will discuss how to properly organize your life without wasting time.

Time management is a habit that can be acquired!

What takes a lot of time?

To learn how to use time effectively, let’s consider what modern people do 24 hours a day.

So, the working day takes from 8 to 12 hours. Of these, 4-6 hours are allocated to truly useful activities. The rest of our time is spent on smoking breaks, conversations, coffee, trying to understand the boss’s assignment and getting into a working mood.

Residents of big cities spend from 30 minutes to 2 hours to get to work and return home.

The lunch break takes one hour. Although the meal itself lasts no more than 20 minutes: the rest of the time is spent on the road, queuing at the cafe, smoking breaks, etc.

Household chores take the fair sex from 4 to 5 hours. Women with children spend even more time.

There are 4-7 hours left for sleep.

As you can see, the schedule is quite tight. However, even in this situation, many manage to waste a lot of time. “How?” you ask. Below is a kind of rating of the most empty tasks that can easily be abandoned:

>>Change what goes into your brain, and then you can change what comes out of it.

Zig Ziglar<<

  • – shopping and boutique shopping (many people go there for fun, without any money at all);
  • – reclining in front of television screens;
  • – communication on the Internet (via Skype, ICQ, etc.);
  • – visiting social networks (by going to Odnoklassniki or VKontakte for a minute, you can lose several hours of time);
  • – removing spam from mailboxes (office employees, both men and women, are forced to do this).

However, this list can be continued indefinitely. Each of us can name dozens more types of activities due to which we lose a huge number of invaluable minutes of life.

Having analyzed the current state of affairs, it is unlikely that anyone will want to devote part of their life to useless things that they can easily do without.

So what's the deal? Let's learn to rationally use every precious moment of life, organize time so as to use it as efficiently as possible!

How to learn to use time rationally?

Effective time management

Time management, the science of proper time management, has long been adopted by businessmen who want to achieve tangible results in their activities. It will also be useful to all those who want to organize their time more rationally and not waste a single minute.

This also applies to housewives, mothers on maternity leave, and especially those who like to be lazy for an hour or two and do not have time to do what they planned.

So, practical advice on rational organization of your time.

  1. There is such a method of neurolinguistic programming as “anchoring”. It is based on that. That useful activity is tied to a certain “anchor” - words, music, movements, etc. For example, some are inspired by classical music, others by their favorite movie. That is, in order to set yourself up for work, sometimes it is enough to use the necessary “anchor”.
  2. Buy a diary. Write down a work plan for the day, periodically checking and marking completed items.
  3. Our life consists of little things, pay attention to them. Instead of a cigarette with a cup of coffee, do something useful - for example, write or check entries in your diary.
  4. Don't refuse to rest if you are tired. A timely break will not prevent you from saving time, but will allow you to gather your strength.
  5. Mark the most important things. Group tasks of the same type. For example, place all calls that need to be made in a separate column, meetings as well. Try to carry out the points in the same way, the whole group at once - and you will see how convenient and effective it is.
  6. The French proposed an interesting way to save time. It is known that our brain is most active before noon. Do the most unpleasant and difficult tasks in the morning. Firstly, you will be able to do it with maximum efficiency. Secondly, spend the remaining time with a clear conscience on more pleasant and easier points of the plan.

Perhaps you are not yet ready to admit that you are wasting a lot of time. Sit down in the evening, write down everything you did during the day in order, minute by minute.

You will be amazed to see how much time was wasted on trifles. And multiplying this time by a week, a month, a year, you will understand why you have not yet achieved your goal in life - and you will immediately want to fix everything. And this is within your power.

Remember: careful use of time will be the key to a rich, successful life.

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All depending on age and habits, the number of children and helping relatives, literally each of us - new parents to the world - faces this. “Routine” falls on the poor mother or father’s head, everyday life absorbs all the time, and sometimes there is not enough time not only for oneself, but also for the screaming baby.

The more time, the more things to do
Parkinson's Law

All depending on age and habits, the number of children and helping relatives, literally each of us - new parents to the world - faces this. “Routine” falls on the poor mother or father’s head, everyday life absorbs all the time, and sometimes there is not enough time not only for oneself, but also for the screaming baby. This wave covers us, and we float limply in the stream, occasionally rocking the boat, sending everything to hell, falling disheveled into the street, forgetting once again to have a snack, take a spare spoon, pacifier, diaper, what else? The baby finally falls asleep peacefully or plays in the sandbox, we sit down on a bench and realize with horror that there is nothing to do, we are wasting time. And then, as dishes, diapers, an unfinished dissertation or accounting (or all together at once) gather dust at home, we hang out on the bench as if nothing had happened.

Of course, you can’t live like that. Or it is possible, but with great nervous stress. There is another option - to apply the scientific organization of labor to complex maternal-paternal work. The realization of this need came to me in the second year of the child’s life. Despite the help of kind relatives, I managed to not have time to do anything - neither rest nor work. The tension accumulated, weighing heavily on my shoulders. The look took on the typical expression of a cow chewing grass. I answered my mother’s question twenty minutes later after repeated repetition. I forgot dates, confused the time of publication of articles, soaked laundry in a basin, turned on the machine, and so on down the list.

Then I had to pull out the skills acquired in psychological trainings from the recesses of my memory. And the very first exercise helped me. Then the Internet and literature on time management were used, and today the situation has improved significantly.

It turned out that for every business leader (and my mother is also a busy person), about 80 percent of her time is wasted, spent irrationally. Precious hours are eaten up by great time sinks: empty calls, TV, unnecessary meetings, piles of papers (read, diapers) put off for later, a cluttered desk. A study conducted by Canadian managers identified 35 major time wasters - lack of goals, ranking by importance, failure to complete tasks, lack of deadlines, duplication of work done by someone else, too many bosses (advisers), insufficient staff (nannies) or, on the contrary, bloated staff (abundance of relatives), subordinates with their own problems (beloved children and husband), the desire to do everything herself, the inability to delegate powers, delegate things to other people, phone calls, the inability to say no.

The mom-and-pop share is significantly aggravated by the venture nature of their business - a child is an unpredictable creature, and the risks cannot be calculated in advance. It is all the more important for us to master the art of time management, to learn how to count time, automatically converting it into money. Why, you ask? When and how? - others will exclaim.

I answer: firstly, taking into account the time, you put in order not only your own affairs (observing where the minutes seep), but also your own head (thoughts become clear, your mood is cheerful and upbeat). If your main task is to raise a healthy and smart baby, you will do this 100% using the time freed from chatter and “seeds”.

Any mother will confirm that there are several basic ways to properly organize your day with a baby or three.

  1. Breastfeed for a long time. There is nothing more convenient than taking out the breast and feeding the baby with it, without pumping, boiling and other vigorous activity associated with artificial feeding. At least the first year will not be so painful for you. If there is no milk, move on to the next point.
  2. Walk properly. Walking is a pleasure for mothers who are inclined to communicate with the baby and nature; it replenishes the lack of oxygen in littered lungs and other benefits. But... no one is perfect, and most of us consider walking as a hopeless waste of time (I judge by the sad faces of mothers walking in Izmailovo). My friend and I solved this problem like this:
    1. take turns walking. To do this, you need to get to know other moms and dads and take your child with them, go shopping and markets together. Or even be on duty in the yard, taking turns. If your baby suffers from “mummyism,” excessive attachment to you, see point two.
    2. exercise while walking. Jogging or rollerblading is the real solution. After childbirth, what to hide, the former forms are lost, and they need to be restored. If not now, then when?
    3. Useful books (so as not to fall out of your professional “clip”) or a pocket computer. I write articles in nature, sometimes two or three a day, when my son sleeps without his hind legs. A pocket organizer costs approximately 100-200 USD. (Palm, Psion), fits in a small purse, performs many functions. It will automatically remind you about the time of your walk and other urgent matters.
    4. Well, the easiest option, if you have good mothers and fathers, is to share the baby with grandparents, sisters and brothers; at their age, it’s good to go for walks!
  3. Keep it simple. Science knows for certain that there is no need to iron baby clothes, nor do they need to be boiled if modern detergents are available. All that remains is cleaning, cooking and activities with the baby. You need to clean once a week, and hang a slogan in the house: if you don’t like it, clean it (cook it, iron it) yourself. It will work! Only a monster would not understand the situation of the young mother. Cook to the maximum - a lot of porridge, large pots of soup. There is approximately the same as a child (at the same time you will lose weight or gain weight - one of two things). To prevent the baby from interfering with the cooking process or weekly cleaning, from the age of four months you can put it in a jumper - you have ten to thirty minutes left. The main condition is that it be visible. You have a tame child - vacuum with a kangaroo, it’s very convenient and the kids like it. You should immediately make the house safe so that the baby can move around without you. For toilets - valves, all the chemicals are placed far and long at the top, teapots in the middle of the table, etc.
  4. Delegate powers, distribute responsibilities. Just don’t whine that you are alone, like an island in the ocean. I do not believe. You have a friend, a grandmother you know from a neighboring apartment, a friend, dad or mom. If not, go to a family conference and find some girlfriends. When day X comes, and the strength leaves your mortal body, and the postpartum period is completely tormented, give the child into the hands of grandmothers or a nanny (there are nannies for an hour), and call a close friend to help clean up the mess at home, you can do it on barter terms: service for service. When the crisis has passed, you can move on to time tracking.

Take note, Shura, take note!

I mastered this technique at the Sinton Psychological Center, back in the days of my stormy youth. Read it, maybe it will help you too. Time management training is very popular today because time (convertible into money) is the main resource of any person.

The essence of the task: from today you begin to keep a diary in which you write down, down to the minute, where your time is spent, in which cities. Until the minute! Already at the end of the first day, it will become clear to you that a lot is spent on chatter, TV series, looking into the empty eye of the monitor, Internet surfing, and being stuck. The main difficulty that beginners in accounting face is, paradoxically, the huge expenses for recording the events of the day. Therefore, before you begin, it is worth remembering that you cannot write down details, only facts:
8.00-8.20 Woke up
8.20-8.50 Breakfast
8.51-9.00 Massage

You need to start only with separate fragments of the day - for a week only the morning, and in the afternoon live as usual, just keeping track of what you do and when. Sometimes such accounting seems routine and time-consuming. But if you approach your work with humor, the results will be noticeable already at the end of the first week. Thus, two-week accounting and time planning - a typical task for top managers before time management training - allows you to find the main time sinks. As a result, we stop doing nonsense, wasting energy on unnecessary body movements, and put our heads in order. If you lack outside supervision, go to classes, with weekly reports on your exercises. Or let a friend supervise you (failure to prepare dinner on time for subjective reasons - a fine of three rubles).

By the way, you should pay special attention to rest, check how effectively you rest, whether you are working on your figure, your back, whether you are getting enough sleep or... losing these precious hours. And believe me: time planning not only saves time, but can also work wonders.


  • Nikolay Kozlov "Formula of Success, or the philosophy of life of an effective person"
  • He is also "Formula of Personality", "Philosophical Tales"
  • Recording of A. Sitnikov’s seminar
  • Mackenzie R.A. "Time Trap"


I completely agree with daina 5.9.2002. I have an 8 year old daughter. Now I'm 6 months pregnant and expecting a baby. Things didn’t work out with the grandmothers, and I don’t trust strangers (friends, neighbors, etc.) with the child in my life. My husband works a lot when he is free and tries to help. I work 5 days a week (though short days). I have enough time for everything - for everyday life, for my husband, for my child, for myself, and for my friends. The main thing is not to waste time, do everything with pleasure and not rush anywhere. When you are in a hurry you just make a fuss, everything falls out of your hands, but there is no point. I’m sure that it will be the case with the birth of my second child (it won’t be easy), but I’ll find it for the whole time. Well, of course, I don’t bother with pies (rarely, anyway). But life is settled. Of course, a washing machine, food processor, etc. helps. It is also very important to love your loved ones, to want to please them even in small things, and for them to answer you in kind.

07/03/2003 16:52:19, Liya

Hello, Katya! I really like your articles. This is a wonderful style, quality, argumentation. My thoughts are so similar to yours that I really wanted to meet you. Not only that, we are also namesakes.
I published an article on www.improvement.ru about literally the same thing, “How to keep up with almost everything around the house...”. She recently appeared in AiF “Family Council”.
My address [email protected].

12/08/2002 19:06:31, Katya M.

08.12.2002 18:59:11, To

I don’t have time to do anything, but I don’t worry either - cleaning, washing, cooking - this will always be there, but the sunny child is just now.
Enjoy the short period

11/18/2002 23:25:08, Veronica

I don’t know how to treat everyday life more simply - I can’t live without homemade pies, I can’t stand dirt in the house, I sew and tie up the baby, myself and my husband (this is a hobby, not a necessity) and I have enough time! There are no grandmothers, nannies, housekeepers, friends all work, the child is 8 months old, dad works and studies.
The basic rule: do not get nervous over trifles and do not waste time on TV and chatter. If I’m watching something, I always have knitting needles in my hands or sewing; if the child is sleeping, I lie down myself for half an hour. I cook simple food (not processed foods - I'm breastfeeding) and healthy - baked meat instead of cutlets, chopped vegetables with sauces instead of salads. There is a designated time for all activities - the Internet, calls, etc. On Sundays, no household chores - this is the rule! - only family vacation.
In general, of course, I would also like to accomplish more, but it is impossible to embrace the immensity! You just need to choose first the most necessary, then the most important, then the most pleasant, and try to forget about the rest.

05.09.2002 08:50:43, daina

Kozlov - fully corresponds to the content of the book - the author's surname, I do not recommend it.

I can add that you can significantly free up time by following the advice in the title of the article - i.e. forget about everyday life in the literal sense. Eat modestly and simply (semi-finished products, instead of side dishes - simple salads, no homemade pies!), remove all dusty and difficult-to-clean things (carpets, napkins - must-day!), learn to be calm about a certain mess and “moderate” dirt in the apartment. re. Train your family to put things where they got them from (I stuck notes), allocate easily accessible places for necessary things (how much time is sometimes spent looking for, for example, scissors!) Do not put on makeup for half an hour before an ordinary walk :)
And in general - relax and not try to become the Best-Housewife-of-All-Times-and-Peoples. As soon as a person relaxes, everything works out for him by itself, and when the need to redo 100 things a day hangs over him like the sword of Damocles, of course, he will not have time to do 99 of them.

In my opinion, this is not life, but hard labor to do everything according to a schedule, for example, I can’t do that, it’s the same as writing down what you spent money on, you won’t get it back, but everything you bought is still necessary things, well, sometimes something for souls, but it is no less necessary. From morning until lunch I clean as much as possible, cook lunch, do laundry, then my daughter and I go for a walk for 2-3 hours, during which time I have time to really relax, we walk in groups, talk, share problems and it becomes easier if it weren’t for the walks , really, everything could end in depression, in the evening I have dinner, and hand over the watch to my husband. I wouldn't say it's easy, but you can live.

The article is interesting and should help young and inexperienced people! The main advice is really “experienced” - to clearly understand what you really need to do and do everything else just for pleasure.
As for one in Okiyan - you can always find a neighbor - a girlfriend, you just have to not be a beech - and people will reach out (in general, according to my personal observations, the best acquaintances are made in the “sandbox”, and the sight of a mother with a stroller makes normal people want something then help)

04.09.2002 09:13:56

Well, if we talk about time management, then it’s better to read Daniil Granin about the scientist Lyubishchev, who described his whole life in this way. Only the last question remains - why is such a life needed? In general, I personally can’t do without a household diary - it helps me organize it a lot.

Also for me - Newton's binomial! Discovery of America!!!
Although, I liked the comparison about the “venture” of the child!
And this: “Just don’t whine that you are alone, like an island in the ocean. I don’t believe it.” - nonsense!!! If he doesn’t believe it, let him come to me! :) Or maybe I'm such a unique person? :))))) True, I’m not whining!!!

For me, this is a very correct article! I will say that it has caught on with us. I also walk at the stadium with Filyusha. When he grows up, we’ll run around together, and in the evenings with dad! And one more thing. I know that there will be objections, but the child should have an approximate routine. Our routine: food-play, walking-sleep-eating again-etc. Duration sleep and non-sleep are very approximately from 0.5 to 2 hours, the main thing is consistency. I’ve never fallen asleep on my chest. Now I eat both my breast and my favorite kefir with cottage cheese, yesterday I started buckwheat, but that’s off topic... And there’s only one problem - he sleeps with me at night. I don’t think it’s good to eat, but for now at least Once breasts are given, I consider it dishonest to hide it at night, and I don’t have the strength to get up to the crib. Otherwise, everything in everyday life is OK and you can figure out when and what to do. But our dad is also a great helper!

In general, everything is correct. The list of references raises doubts. In particular, Kozlov sucks (IMHO).

Comment on the article "Forgetting about everyday life, or how to use time rationally"

I can't imagine how this can be calculated? And find cheap products. It’s not rational to do this together; it’s rational for one to shop and cook cabbage soup, and for the other, for example, to dig a garden.


Think unsystematically, comrades :))

1) A list of what is “total household expenses” is determined. It includes what is recognized by all parties as common or not subject to division. For example, we had: rent, a basic food package (black caviar, alcoholic drinks, other delicacies and bells and whistles are not included, because it doesn’t matter), basic toiletries and things for washing the house, expenses for a nanny when she was, etc. At times we included rest and some big purchases. Overall, this list is a family affair. As you decide, so it will be.

2) Everything outside this list is at your own expense separately.

3) Everything on the list is purchased no matter who, expenses are recorded, and a balance is drawn up at the end of the month:
a) how much are the total costs?
b) how much money did someone spend on the general
c) who owes whom how much?

4) Based on the balance, mutual settlement is made.
From the formula Total costs / 2 family members = how much should each person give to the family
If the husband gave 15 thousand, and the wife 21, then the total expense was 36 thousand. Those. each must pay 18. In total, the husband owes his wife another 3 thousand.

5) After 4 months of such calculations, the approximate budget for the general list is already clear. You can chip in at the beginning of the month.

When my husband and I started living together, all the available money was put in one place and, as needed, it was taken out of this place. After some time at work, both he and I were forcibly transferred to card payments - the cashier was cut as a class and since then cash has not been used in the organization at all. We did not try to withdraw all the money from the cards at once, we simply tracked who had how much on the card and took turns withdrawing. Back then, there were practically no terminals in stores in our city. Then I went on maternity leave and received such ridiculous money that it was not even included in the family budget. Now, again, we receive salary on the cards. And we just control it so that the funds remain approximately equally. Since I mostly buy groceries, household chemicals, clothes/shoes/school supplies, my husband periodically transfers money to my card from his own. That is, it’s like a separate budget - the money is no longer in one publicly accessible place. But the money is spent proportionally - it turns out to be joint. And if I went and bought my husband shaving foam and replacement blades for the machine along with my pads, I could easily pay for it myself.

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If the girl is able to study independently, then film more often (as if she is ill or you have left) and go through everything at home. At the age of 12, you don’t need a guiding hand; let him learn to absorb information on his own.

I also have a twelve-year-old seventh grader. School is close. But also a sports section and a music school, graduating class. We taught optimization of lesson completion and composure (and we still teach - this is an endless process :o))). Those. biology-geography-history are read “on the go,” sometimes in advance, in order to have an idea (i.e., they went to the sea, read a semi-textbook on history and biology there). The daughter comes home from school and some of the assignments have already been completed; during the break she wrote something, read something.

Your child comes home at 4-5 pm and it takes one to two hours to eat, change clothes, and talk until six. This is too much in your conditions. How much do you eat and talk? If you manage to reduce this time, you will be able to get together in other things. Otherwise, the leisurely pace of changing clothes and eating cannot be replaced by quickly doing homework.

And most importantly, the goal should be “done,” and not “doing.” And the understanding that sitting for four hours on lessons is worth nothing compared to what is done no matter how long it takes.

I can also explain some topics myself (history is always interesting to read) and during walks or lunch I can give a quick summary. Textbooks, unfortunately, are unimportant as long as you find the grain there -...

One day it happened that she stayed home not because of illness. I gave assignments in Russian, English, mathematics, they sorted them out, then she herself read physics and geography. In short, a full school day. We did a lot, took our time, took breaks, and finished by one o'clock. My child understood everything, but I was finally tired. I can’t stand this on a regular basis, but maybe at least occasionally I can arrange such “fasting” days. I don't know what's better.
I wondered why there was such a difference between the time spent at home and at school. I came to the conclusion that there is a big loss of time at school: breaks could be shorter (we have almost all breaks for 20 minutes, i.e., some kind of parallel, either lunch or breakfast), it happens that the teacher is sick, for a substitute teacher The main thing is that they sit quietly and are under supervision. At best, they do homework, at worst, they do a movie or a test, which no one checks later. Again the road. I can’t influence any of these factors, which is unfortunate.

Hi all! Today, while looking through another batch of uninteresting sites: (I came across this one!! My eyes are already running wild from all the information that is here))) Now I know where to spend my free time)) I’m off to read:)

One of the most common myths among young mothers is the inability to get pregnant while breastfeeding. This misconception leads to a huge number of unplanned pregnancies within 2 years after the birth of the first child: 10% of Russian women have an abortion in the first year after giving birth! The opinion about the impossibility of getting pregnant while breastfeeding really has its grounds, however, it corresponds to reality only during the first 6 months after...

Next, this very mat. Can the capital be used immediately for a mortgage, or only after 3 years? And the children will have equal shares in the purchased apartment, right? Please note that the adoption process, the process of obtaining a mortgage loan and finding an apartment will take some time.


Can I join in on the question? I am no less selfish;)
The adopted child is 15, there are also 2 in blood, mat. capital has not yet been received. If we adopt a foster child (born in 1995), they will give us a mat. capital? Those. the date of birth of the child is earlier than that of the corresponding resolution - is that okay? Are there any pitfalls here?
Next, this very mat. Can the capital be used immediately for a mortgage, or only after 3 years? And the children will have equal shares in the purchased apartment, right? And is there a mortgage on used housing, or only on new ones (more expensive, we can’t afford it)?

It’s just that the reception area doesn’t have anything in sight in terms of housing. She definitely won’t go live with a bunch of relatives in a one-room apartment with her bio mother. So I’m thinking, I’ve already broken my brains :((

Yes, and what is the current amount? And I also don’t know...

My answer is not 100% knowledge, but only my understanding.
At the moment, maternity capital can be used when the child reaches 3 years of age (I don’t know what happens with adopted children, if the adopted child is already more than 3 years old, or 3 years after adoption?). But until December 31, 2010, the certificate can be used to pay off the mortgage ahead of schedule (that is, if the child is under 3 years old). It is not clear whether this promotion will be extended into 2011. But in any case, if you adopt, after 3 years you can use the capital for a mortgage.
There are still 2 points to consider:
1. You will submit documents to the Pension Fund, and only after 2 months, according to the law, you will have a certificate. Please note that the adoption process, the process of obtaining a mortgage loan and finding an apartment will take some time. We need to hurry up.
2. After paying off the mortgage, you are required to allocate shares for the children. The mechanism, of course, has not yet been worked out, but selling an apartment where the owners will be minors is problematic. What if you still want to expand?

I didn’t use maternity capital to pay off the mortgage, it’s like a safety net in my stash :)

Well, this somehow catches the eye of both me and Unique. Two people independently of each other already says something. Irrational people have irrational love, and rational people have rational love.


and I’m a non-human with living space and a car, but a salary of 8 thousand and the impossibility of buying autumn and winter shoes and a winter down jacket. All this is replaced by a car for me - I kind of warm myself in it. and people on the street apparently consider her very hardened...

Well, the participants write about their experiences, which helped to effectively resolve this kind of relationship. It’s not very clear about super-successful people. Everyone has their own hierarchy of values ​​and goals, level of ambition and degree of independence.
As for “doctors and teachers” - they are people too, and they arrange their lives, just like you and your husband, based on their personal values ​​and ambitions.
If it’s not clear :) - then doctors and teachers are different and earn, accordingly, differently.

The main idea that those “with experience” are trying to convey is that you shouldn’t try to build your dream of a family life at the expense of others, since others have their own dreams :). And it is almost unrealistic to make dreams come true on one tiny territory of a former Soviet apartment.

10/17/2009 12:37:57, Kashino

And now I have a life and two children and a job. And when I announce it at home, my mother is watching the series. In my opinion, you are talking about an insufficiently rationally organized life. In principle, I can completely forget about everything and do nothing.


You know, there is such a parable.
A man comes to God and asks for advice - Everything is bad. The house is falling apart, the wife is sick, the children are hungry and sick, I work 20 hours a day but I can’t feed myself, I have no money for medicine. And God tells him, go to the market and buy a GOAT and come to me in a month. The man listened to him and bought a GOAT.
A month later the man came to God and was crying more than ever. Everything is the same at home, but the GOATS still need to be shed, in the evening, they need to be combed and milked, and the man begins to sleep 2 hours a day.
Then GOD tells him - now sell the GOAT and live calmly and happily.

05/17/2007 11:41:55, Here

I understand you, it’s just very difficult for you morally and the house is not yours (when you feel the urge to “build a nest”) and the kids are sick and you can’t find a good job, but there’s no sense in being bad.. But! when something doesn’t suit me, I start to change this “thing”, yes, I couldn’t really influence the child’s illness, so we abandoned the idea of ​​​​a kindergarten until he was 5 years old, and then there was no need to, if I hadn’t been sitting with I have a mother-in-law as a child, then I would hire a nanny, even if it took more than I earn, because a housewife has no prospects for increasing her income, but I did :) Further, housing and smoking parents, this also cannot be changed, so you just need to reconcile yourself and look for ways to “retreat”; perhaps renting a room from strangers would be even better, since in principle there would be no desire to consider this house your own, and some conditions can be put forward, since you are paying money.. In general, you need solve problems as they are “severe”, temporarily “forgetting” the rest..

Is it possible to entrust the eldest daughter to work with the baby (after all, she is her mother’s assistant and has already learned a lot)? So, your daughter is used to interacting from the position of the youngest next to you, but in play and communication with her brother she may be the eldest, and gets the opportunity to copy you. They can start with simply rolling cars. There is a direction called positive psychotherapy. It presents the idea that it is advisable to spend 25% of your energy on health (or body), 25% on contacts, 25% on activities (work and everyday life) and 25% on spiritual development. Read more Pezeshkian "Positive family psychotherapy. The family as a psychotherapist" or any book by this author.

18.03.2004 10:28:24, basket with problems

It seems to me that the distribution of time should also be “at will”. I definitely can’t do it “on schedule.” If you're in the right mood, let's play. While the children are very small, in my opinion, wonderful “developmental activities” are everywhere with their mother. Both on the street and in the kitchen (as mine loved to make all sorts of cookies, etc...)
About "myself". I absolutely agree with Nesmeyana. If you are not a person - but only a "servant" - children may soon become bored. (although some teenagers also go “out of the blue”: “You’re such a damn scientist! But I don’t want to do that and I won’t!”)

yes, this is a cobweb... cover the entire fabric.. if you cover only the embroidery, over time the canvas in unsealed places can shrink and deform the pillow 03/01/2003 20:17:38, mucikC. Hooray! Thanks a lot.


And another question.. Ir (or who knows), is there a high probability of ruining the embroidery? The first time is scary :(
Because it says “apply with the front side...” and I don’t understand where the face is and where the back is... One side seems to be smoother, has a little shimmer, but which one is the face, I have no idea :(

Non-woven fabric is not fabric, it is a non-woven fabric with an adhesive coating applied to it
For a pillow, I advise you not to use non-woven fabric, but an adhesive webbing; this is a tape consisting only of glue without any base.. put it between the fabric to which you want to glue it and put the embroidery on top.. then carefully turn it face down and iron it through the gauze with steam. To achieve the best effect, lay the spider web all over the surface of the fabric..
Then take the resulting part of the pillow and sew the second part to it... after this treatment, the embroidery does not shrink when washed