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What are risk factors and their impact on human health. Modern risk factors for human health

Risk factor– factors that are not the direct cause of a certain disease, but increase the likelihood of its occurrence. There are usually three groups of risk factors.

TO biological Risk factors include genetic and acquired characteristics of the human body during ontogenesis. Some diseases are known to be more common in certain national and ethnic groups. There is a hereditary predisposition to hypertension and peptic ulcers, diabetes mellitus, etc. For the occurrence and course of many diseases, including diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, obesity is a serious risk factor. The existence of foci in the body chronic infection(for example, chronic tonsillitis) can contribute to the disease rheumatism.

Environmental risk factors . Changes in the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere affect, for example, the development of bronchopulmonary diseases. Sharp daily fluctuations in temperature, atmospheric pressure, and magnetic field strength worsen the course of cardiovascular diseases. Ionizing radiation is one of the oncogenic factors. The peculiarities of the ionic composition of soil and water, and, consequently, food products of plant and animal origin, lead to the development of elementosis - diseases associated with an excess or deficiency in the body of atoms of one or another element. For example, iodine deficiency in drinking water and food in areas with low iodine content in the soil can contribute to the development of endemic goiter.

Social risk factors . Unfavorable living conditions, varied stressful situations, such features of a person’s lifestyle as physical inactivity are a risk factor for the development of many diseases, especially diseases of the cardiovascular system. Bad habits, such as smoking, are a risk factor for bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for the development of alcoholism, liver disease, heart disease, etc.

Risk factors may be significant for individuals (for example, genetic characteristics of the organism) or for many individuals different types(for example, ionizing radiation). The most unfavorable assessment is the combined impact of several risk factors on the body, for example, the simultaneous presence of risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity, smoking, and carbohydrate metabolism disorders significantly increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

In preventing the onset and progression of the disease great attention pay attention to eliminating individual risk factors (refusal bad habits, physical education, eliminating foci of infection in the body, etc.), as well as eliminating risk factors that are important for the population. In particular, measures to protect environment, water supply sources, sanitary protection of the soil, sanitary protection of the territory, elimination of occupational hazards, compliance with safety regulations, etc.

Lecture 15. Environmental factors

1. Structure, methods and objectivesecology

2. Environment and ecological factors

3. Adaptation of organisms to leading environmental factors

4. Patterns of action environmental factors on living organisms

5. Biological rhythms

6. Life forms of organisms

1. Structure, methods and tasks of ecology

In 1866, the German naturalist Ernest Haeckel called one of the branches of biology ecology - the science of the living conditions of organisms in their environment. Ecology is the science of the patterns of relationships between organisms and the environment. The subject of ecology are the relationships between organisms and their environment. Object: biological systems of various levels. Main sections of modern ecology: general ecology, bioecology, geoecology, human ecology, social ecology, applied ecology.

General ecology studies the basic, fundamental principles of ecology. Bioecology ecology of natural biological systems: individuals, species (autoecology), populations (population ecology); multi-species communities, biocenoses (synecology); ecological systems (biogeocenology). Another part of bioecology is the ecology of systematic groups of organisms - the kingdoms of bacteria, fungi, plants, animals. Geoecology studies the relationships between organisms and habitats from the point of view of their geographical location. Human ecology– a set of disciplines that study human interaction with the natural and social environment around him.

Applied ecology– a complex of disciplines related to various areas of human activity. Engineering ecology– study and development of engineering standards and means that meet environmental requirements. Agricultural ecology. TO communal ecology is devoted to the characteristics and influences of various factors in the artificially transformed environment of people living in their homes. Medical ecology– the field of studying the environmental conditions of the emergence, spread and development of human diseases caused by natural factors and adverse environmental influences.

The variety of research and applied problems entails a variety of applications ecology methods. They can be combined into several groups.

1. Methods for recording and assessing the state of the environment: meteorological observations, transparency, salinity and chemical composition of water; determining the characteristics of the soil environment, measuring illumination, background radiation, determining chemical and bacterial contamination of the environment, etc.

2. Methods for quantitative accounting of organisms and methods for estimating the biomass and productivity of plants and animals underlie the study of natural communities.

3. Research on the influence of environmental factors on the vital functions of organisms constitute the most diverse group of environmental methods: observations And experimental approaches.

4. Methods for studying relationships between organs isms in multispecies communities form an important part of systems ecology: field observations, laboratory studies food relations, experimental technique.

5. Methods of mathematical modeling.

6. Methods of applied ecology.

The most important environmental problems:

1. Diagnostics the state of the planet's nature and its resources;

2. Development of forecasts biosphere changes;

3. Formation of a new ideology and ecocentrism methodology.

The ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus wrote that he is happy who is healthy in body, receptive in soul and susceptible to education.

The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the highest standard of health as a fundamental human right. Equally important is the human right to information. First of all, on information about those factors that determine human health or are risk factors, i.e. factors, the impact of which can lead to the development of the disease.

One of the most important inherited properties healthy body is the constancy of its internal environment. This concept was introduced by the French scientist Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878), who considered the constancy of the internal environment to be a condition for a person’s free and independent life. The internal environment was formed in the process of evolution. It is determined by the composition and properties of blood and lymph.

The constancy of the internal environment increased the adaptive reserves of the body and, to some extent, freed it from the influence of physical and chemical factors external environment. However, this constancy - it is called homeostasis - has certain boundaries determined by heredity. Therefore, heredity is the most important factor in health.

The human body is adapted to a certain quality of physical (temperature, humidity, Atmosphere pressure etc.), chemical (composition of water, air, food), biological (diversity of living beings) environmental factors.

If a person spends a long time in conditions that differ significantly from those to which he is adapted, homeostasis is disrupted, which can result in changes that are incompatible with health and normal life.

In our age, living organisms experience more and more external influences, leading to changes in their hereditary properties. These changes are called mutations. The general background of mutations has especially increased recently. This serious problem, and it is impossible for doctors to solve it without universal health measures and without environmental protection.

Thus, the properties and qualities of the external environment are a factor influencing health or ill health. Deviations from certain usual properties and qualities of the environment can be considered risk factors for the disease (Table 1).

Table 1

Grouping of risk factors according to their specific weight for health

Factors affecting health

Meaning for



specific gravity (%)

Groups of risk factors


Smoking, drinking alcohol, unbalanced, poor nutrition, harmful conditions labor, stressful situations (distress), adynamia, physical inactivity, poor material and living conditions, drug use, medication abuse, family fragility, loneliness, low educational and cultural level, excessively high level of urbanization

Genetics, human biology

Predisposition to hereditary diseases

External environment, natural and climatic conditions

Air, water, soil pollution; abrupt change atmospheric phenomena; increased cosmic, magnetic and other radiation


Inefficiency preventive measures, low quality medical care, untimeliness of its provision

Each of us has the right to know about everyone environmental changes, occurring both in the area where he lives and throughout the country. We must know everything about the food we eat, the state of the water we drink, and doctors are obliged to explain the dangers of life in areas contaminated with radiation. A person must be aware of the danger that threatens him and act accordingly.

For a person, the external environment is not only nature, but also society. Therefore, social conditions also affect the state of the body and its health.

Living conditions and labor activity, as well as the character and habits of a person, determined by his upbringing, shape the lifestyle of each of us. Lifestyle - food culture, movement, profession, use of free time, creativity - affects the spiritual and physical health, strengthening or destroying it, prolonging or shortening life. Hence, correct image life is a factor of health, not healthy image life - a risk factor.

A person's right is closely related to his responsibility. A person’s upbringing and his entire lifestyle must constantly remind him of responsibility for his own health and the health of others.

Responsibility is special property personalities; it includes consciousness and a feeling of care, compassion, mercy. Moral responsibility is not based on fear of punishment, but on a sense of conscience and duty, consciousness of value human life, the uniqueness of each person.

Morally the responsible person understands the norms and rules, prohibitions and regulations related to attitude towards one’s health and the health of others. Thus, traditional rules of behavior for the expectant mother have long been established. A calm environment in the family, quitting smoking and alcohol, movement and Fresh air- this is the “code” of her behavior. Seemingly simple requirements. However, today in the country 53% of children are born sick or with the threat of some kind of disease, and this is often due to the fault of the mother.

A responsible attitude towards health should manifest itself primarily when a person is still healthy, and not sick.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining health. More than 2/3 of the country's population does not play sports, up to 30% of the population is overweight, about 70 million people smoke. Wide use has drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Each state has a special service that is designed to treat the sick and prevent illness in the healthy. This service is called healthcare. Health service is also a condition and determinant of human health. And its shortcomings are a risk factor.

Responsibility towards health should be encouraged by the state. In a number of countries, additional payments are provided for employees who quit smoking, as well as for those who monitor the constancy of their weight and regularly engage in physical exercise. And this money is returned with interest, since the company’s healthcare costs are sharply reduced, sickness absence is reduced, and the moral climate in the team of workers improves. A conscious and responsible attitude towards health should become the norm of life and behavior of each of us.

It is possible to radically change the situation with the protection of human health only by radically restructuring the domestic healthcare system, developing programs that ensure the achievement of scientifically based specific social goals of improving human health.

Health, like human illness, is determined by a number of factors. Factors influencing health include heredity, environment, lifestyle and healthcare. Predisposition to hereditary diseases, anthropogenic changes in quality natural environment, unhealthy lifestyle, low efficiency of healthcare threaten the health of the population.

A person who is not burdened with hereditary defects, severe consequences of illness or accident, is responsible for his health. This responsibility includes caring for the health of one’s offspring and helping a sick and infirm person. The state should encourage people to take care of their health.

Risk factors are unfavorable circumstances and conditions that affect health. They themselves are not causes of disease, but they can serve the same driving force, which will trigger pathological processes in the body.

What does “risk factor” mean and how to determine it?

In a sense, a risk factor is a harbinger of a disease, which in no case can be identified with its immediate causes. Etiological factors, unlike risk factors, directly affect the body and cause disorders. These include pathogenic microorganisms, chemicals, injuries, etc.

To cause a malfunction in the body, it is important to combine risk factors and the causes of the disease that became the impetus for its development. It is often impossible to single out one cause, since most often the pathology occurs due to the impact of a whole chain of unfavorable conditions interconnected.

How many factors are there for the development of diseases?

Naming the main risk factors is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. Thus, in the middle of the last century, scientists compiled a list of the most unfavorable conditions for human health, consisting of 1000 items. Since then, the number of possible risk factors has tripled.

For clarity and ease of use, the list should be divided into several categories, i.e., conditions and circumstances that are potentially hazardous to health should be classified. It is worth immediately noting that the presence of several risk factors at the same time is the basis for summing up their effect.

Environmental influence as a cause of the development of pathologies

It is advisable to include the unfavorable environment in the first group. Unsuitable natural and climatic conditions as a risk factor for the development of diseases are the most widespread a sign indicating a potential health hazard. This category includes various elements of the external environment that indicate a deterioration of the environmental situation in the region:

  • polluted water and air;
  • saturation of soil with carcinogens and radiation;
  • sudden changes in atmospheric phenomena;
  • low air humidity;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • magnetic storms.

Consequences of unfavorable environmental conditions

The results of research developments confirm the reality of the theory about indirect impact natural and climatic conditions on the human body. There are practically no diseases that are not associated with these risk factors. This is also explained by the fact that some ailments have a pronounced geographical localization. For example, the risk of developing cancer is highest in a region with higher than normal background radiation; A population that widely consumes water with critical levels of fluoride has a huge chance of developing endemic fluorosis.

Do-it-yourself health hazards: “human” risk factors

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • irrational and unhealthy diet;
  • hard physical labor;
  • stress and anxiety;
  • illiterate use of medicines;
  • addiction;
  • physical inactivity.

Psychoemotional disorders are very common prerequisites for the emergence pathological processes. These “universal” factors most often cause diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders. No less common are diseases that become more active due to poor nutrition. Due to insufficient consumption valuable substances or eating harmful products pathologies arise gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, immunity decreases. Suitable condition for the occurrence of pathologies of the joints, spine and ligaments is physical inactivity, the cause of which, in turn, is sedentary lifestyle life.

Genetic inheritance and chances of getting sick

Hereditary predisposition is a risk factor for many diseases that are genetic in nature. This condition combines three types of diseases that are related to each other to a greater or lesser extent:

  • Congenital pathologies. Most of them cannot be treated; their causes are chromosomal and gene disorders (Down syndrome, phenylketonuria, hemophilia).
  • Hereditary diseases that develop when exposed to additional factors. These include diabetes, gout, rheumatism, oncological diseases, mental disorders.
  • Diseases, the appearance of which is explained by hereditary predisposition. These include hypertension, peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, asthma, atherosclerosis, ischemic diseases hearts and others.

Indeed, about three thousand diseases are known that are caused by genetic inheritance, and they are associated with metabolic processes, work endocrine system, changes in the composition of the blood, disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Poor quality healthcare as a risk factor

A few words should be said about the fourth group of health risk factors. We are talking about the low level of healthcare in the state. Indirect causes of the development of disorders of the body’s vital functions are:

  • failure to provide medical care in a timely manner;
  • low quality of healthcare services provided;
  • ineffectiveness of state preventive measures.

Thus, a prerequisite for reducing mortality and morbidity rates is qualifications medical care provided to the population. However, prevention of risk factors is no less important. As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. By the way, these words belong to the great Hippocrates.

The importance of prevention

The term “prevention” is used not only in the medical field, but also in those scientific fields where it is important to prevent the occurrence of any negative consequences. Accordingly, in the healthcare industry, this concept means preventing the development and identifying risk factors for diseases.

Prevention measures can be divided into primary and secondary. If in the first case preventive measures are taken to exclude the possibility of occurrence pathology, then the goal of secondary prevention will be to slow down the progression of an existing disease. Any preventive actions are medical, hygienic, socio-economic, etc. Prevention is also divided into public and personal, i.e. measures to prevent mass infections ( compulsory vaccination) and protection of the individual.

How to teach the population to get out of the risk group?

The main condition for the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and development of diseases is the hygienic education of the population, their knowledge about sanitary standards. It is interesting that ideas about the need for a preventive policy arose almost simultaneously with the awareness of the importance of diagnosis and treatment. Even in the writings of ancient times, one could find confirmation that people had some ideas about hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. However, to reveal the reasons for the widespread infectious diseases Scientists succeeded only in the century before last, which made it possible to feel the urgent need for the development of the healthcare sector.

Today, prevention in the presence of risk factors is one one of the leading areas of modern social medicine. The current system healthcare, attempts are regularly made to convey to the population the importance of carrying out preventive measures, which include:

  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • organization and free implementation of preventive vaccinations for children and adults;
  • annual and targeted examinations by specialists;
  • medical examination;
  • observing basic hygiene rules.

How to combat risk factors using a healthy lifestyle?

In turn, programs for primary prevention in the presence of risk factors for diseases, they should be drawn up according to the principle of a healthy lifestyle. The main roles in preventive work with regional residents belong to district police officers and family therapists, nurses, teachers, kindergarten workers, facilities mass media. It should be taken into account that the lifestyle of the population is a significant indicator of the effectiveness of the current prevention system in the state. It’s no secret that the concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes:

  • presence of sufficient physical activity;
  • carrying out intellectual activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • regular rest and sleep;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Lifestyle and health indicators of the population are also directly dependent on each other. A striking example This is supported by the fact that there is an increased incidence of pneumonia in children raised in single-parent families. The reason for this phenomenon can be called unfavorable psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family, which, as mentioned above, belongs to the second group of risk factors.

The lack of daily routine and food intake in a child deprived of full parental attention can also have a negative impact on health. Thus, the consequences of “snacks on the go” or frequent use fast foods (chips, hot dogs, burgers, French fries, etc.) cause gastritis and duodenitis.

To your health and good condition the body is influenced by many factors, and those that cause poor health, disability, illness or death are known as risk factors. is a property, condition, or behavior that increases the occurrence of disease or injury. They often talk about separate risk factors, but in practice they are not found separately. They often coexist and interact. For example, lack physical activity will eventually cause the appearance excess weight, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. These factors combine to increase your likelihood of developing chronic heart disease and other health problems. The aging population and increasing life expectancy have led to an increase in long-term (chronic) diseases and disorders that require expensive treatment.

Demand for health care is increasing, and the industry's budget is coming under increasing pressure that it cannot always withstand. It is important that we, as members of society and users of health systems, understand the causes and risk factors of disease and take an active part in available programs prevention and treatment that saves money.

In general, risk factors can be divided into the following:

  • behavioral,
  • physiological,
  • demographic,
  • related to the environment,
  • genetic.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Types of risk factors

Behavioral Risk Factors

Behavioral risk factors generally refer to actions that a person performs on his own. Therefore, such factors can be eliminated or reduced by changing lifestyle or behavioral habits. Examples include

  • smoking tobacco,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • way of eating,
  • lack of physical activity;
  • long-term exposure to the sun without proper protection,
  • lack of a number of vaccinations,
  • unprotected sexual intercourse.

Physiological risk factors

Physiological risk factors are related to the body or biological features person. They can be influenced by heredity, lifestyle and many other factors. Examples include

  • increased weight or obesity,
  • high arterial pressure,
  • high blood cholesterol levels,
  • high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood.

Demographic risk factors

Demographic factors apply to the population as a whole. Examples include

  • age,
  • subgroups of the population based on occupation, religious affiliation, or income level.

Environmental Risk Factors

Environmental risk factors cover a wide range of phenomena, such as social, economic, cultural and political factors, as well as physical, chemical and biological factors. Examples include

  • Access to clean water and sanitary conditions,
  • Risk is the likelihood of harm or injury resulting from treatment provided in clinical practice or as part of research. Harm or injury may be physical as well as psychological, social or economic. Risks include developing side effects from treatment or taking a drug that is less effective standard treatment(as part of the trial). When testing a new medical product may arise side effects or other risks not anticipated by the researchers. This situation is most typical for initial stages clinical trials.

    Conducting any clinical trial involves risks. Participants should be informed about possible benefits and risks before deciding to participate (see definition of informed consent).

    " target="_blank">risks in the workplace,

  • air pollution,
  • social environment.

Genetic risk factors

Genetic risk factors are related to a person's genes. A number of diseases such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy, are caused by the “genetic structure” of the organism. Many other diseases, such as asthma or diabetes, reflect the interaction of a person's genes and environmental factors. Some diseases, such as sickle cell disease, are more common in certain subgroups of the population.

Global mortality risks and demographic factors

In 2004, the number of deaths from any cause worldwide was 59 million.

The table below shows the ten most common risk factors that caused the most deaths in 2004, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The top six risk factors at the top of this ranking are all associated with the potential for long-term health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Table: WHO data on the top 10 risk factors causing mortality, as of 2004
Place Risk factor % of total deaths
1 High blood pressure 12.8
2 Smoking tobacco 8.7
3 High blood glucose levels. 5.8
4 Lack of physical activity 5.5
5 Overweight and obesity 4.8
6 High level cholesterol 4.5
7 Unprotected sex 4.0
8 Alcohol consumption 3.8
9 Underweight in children 3.8
10 Smoke pollution in premises as a result of the use of solid fuels 3.0

The factors in the table above will rank differently when you take into account income and other demographic factors.


For high- and middle-income countries, the most important factors risks are those associated with long-term illnesses, whereas in countries with low level income, risk factors such as child malnutrition and unprotected sex are much more common.


Health risk factors also vary with age. A number of risk factors, such as poor nutrition and indoor smoke from solid fuels, affect children almost exclusively. Risk factors affecting adults also vary markedly with age.

  • Unprotected sex and addictive substances (alcohol and tobacco) are the causes of most diseases in young people.
  • Risk factors that cause long-term illnesses and cancer affect mainly older people.


Health risk factors manifest differently in men and women. For example, men are at greater risk of suffering from substance-related factors addictive. Women often suffer from iron deficiency during pregnancy.

Reducing exposure to risk factors

Reduction existing factors risk and their impact can significantly improve health levels and increase people's life expectancy by many years. This would reduce health care costs. The SCORE Project Fact Sheet can be seen as an example of how significant the impact of existing risk factors can be on people's health and life expectancy.


  1. World Health Organization (2009). Global health risks: Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva: World Health Organization.Available from: http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/global_health_risks/en/
  2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2015). Risk factors to health. Retrieved June 23, 2015, from http://www.aihw.gov.au/risk-factors/


  • Newsletter Project SCORE
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    This fact sheet looks at Project SCORE as an example of how significant the impact of risk factors is on people's health and life expectancy, and what active actions There are things people can do to reduce the impact of these risk factors on their health and well-being.

  • Risk factors for health and disease
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    Learn more about health risks and disease.

As a rule, health begins to be valued only when illness comes. Therefore, few people listen to the recommendations of doctors and take seriously the concept of risk factors that affect not only general state our body, but also for life expectancy.

If we talk about all these factors in general, doctors divide them into four main groups: genetic predisposition, environmental influence, level and quality medical care, actually the way of life of every person.

Of course, one should not discount subjective aspects, which include age, gender, individual characteristics body. Therefore, knowing what health risk factors exist and trying to reduce them to a minimum, each of us can, with our own hands, prolong our lives and protect ourselves from the appearance of many unpleasant diseases.

We all have our own genetic program, which quite possibly includes a predisposition to certain diseases. Naturally, you won’t be able to get rid of your own genes, but you can probably take precautions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to protect yourself from those harmful influences which can only aggravate hereditary predisposition and cause the development of diseases given by ancestors.

And such harmful effects there may be risk factors of the second group - the influence of the external environment, which today cannot boast of either good environmental indicators or the presence of quality natural products nutrition.

Many of us, when sick, rely on medical support. And this is understandable, because in many cases it is almost impossible to do without professional medical help. However, it is not always at the required level, especially when it comes to quality medicines, efficiency of ambulance work and carrying out all kinds of preventive measures. And, despite the fact that medicine is doing its best to combat the manifestation various diseases, this struggle is usually aimed at eliminating the consequences. For this reason, poor quality, untimely medical support, and sometimes even its complete absence are unconditional risk factors that have a very significant impact on human health.

And if we are sometimes unable to fight all the above reasons that contribute to the increase in the number of diseases, then everyone can manage it. But today conditions and lifestyle are the main risk factors for human health, which very significantly affect the condition of our body. When talking about an unhealthy lifestyle, it usually means that a person has various bad habits. Of course, adherence to alcohol and nicotine does not add to health, but the everyday, professional, and social activities of each of us are also important. Constant exposure to stress, disgusting working conditions, chronic lack of sleep, overeating, poor material and living conditions, inappropriate behavior in society, unfavorable conditions in the family are also very significant risk factors that have a huge impact on the state of our health and can provoke the emergence of many different physical and mental ailments.

Health is a great happiness, and therefore you need to take care of it, constantly take care of yourself and try to avoid all those factors that can cause irreparable damage to the human body. Only our own vigilance can become the main weapon against diseases that await us at every step.