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Projects in the area of ​​accessible environment. Accessible environment. Information advertising: state program “Accessible Environment”

The level of development of a civilization is determined not least by the attitude of its members towards people with disabilities. disabilities. Currently, the vast majority of countries are actively working to create barrier-free facilities for people with disabilities. Russia is no exception.

In our country, the project “Accessible Environment for People with Disabilities” was developed in accordance with the instructions of the President and Government of Russia in the fall of 2009. The government customer and coordinator was the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Additionally, several other ministries took on similar responsibilities, for example, sports, tourism and youth policy.

In the fall of 2014, in accordance with the decree of Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, the project “Accessible Environment for Disabled People”, namely the timing of its implementation, was extended until 2020.

Russian Federation project “Accessible Environment”. Main goals of the state program

The goal of this program is for MGN by 2020. In other words, by the end of the reporting period, low-mobility groups of the population should have access to all significant facilities on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.

In order for the project “Accessible Environment for Disabled People” to be successfully implemented, the following tasks must be solved:

  • Create a unified federal register of facility accessibility.
  • Organize interdepartmental cooperation for interaction in the field of examinations.
  • Improve theoretical basis and MSEC concepts.
  • Also, the Russian Federation project “Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities” implies the need to ensure information accessibility of MSEC.

Not all tasks facing the state are listed above, but those indicated are the most relevant.

Planned results

The “Accessible Environment” project was developed to achieve the following results:

  • Improving the quality of life and competitiveness in the labor market of persons with disabilities. A fully implemented “Accessible Environment” project will allow MGNs to perform any functions on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.
  • Increasing the effect of rehabilitation due to increased accessibility of social infrastructure. Currently, MGM members are simply unable to pass rehabilitation measures due to the unavailability of various facilities.
  • Optimization of the distribution of funds intended to solve the problems of MGN through the introduction of uniform standards. Unfortunately, today the main obstacle to the implementation of the program is ill-conceived funding. The solution to this problem will allow the allocated money to be used most effectively.
  • Increasing social activity of people with limited mobility. - This is an opportunity for MGM to take part in all public events.
  • Increased stability and unity in society. Unfortunately, our society is still not completely tolerant and people who differ in any way from the “crowd” often become outcasts. Solving this problem will lead to unity.
  • Increasing the investment attractiveness of the market for goods for the disabled and developing its Russian segment. Currently, in our country, as well as throughout the world as a whole, there are a huge number of people with various health limitations. As a result, equipment and other various goods for the disabled are in great demand. This should be pointed out to investors ready to invest money.

Of course, today the implementation of the project is not as smooth as we would like. The most problematic aspect of the issue is financing. Nevertheless, the program is being implemented, and stated goals will definitely be achieved.

Among a population of 146 million Russian Federation 9% of citizens have a disability; many have been diagnosed with it since childhood. This poses difficult challenges for the state and society to adapt these people to modern life. For this purpose, the “Accessible Environment” program for people with disabilities was developed in 2008. Its validity was subsequently extended until 2025.

Let's look at its main parameters, as well as interim results of implementation as of 2019.

The legislative framework

Program stages

Since the activities have already been implemented quite a lot long time, then some stages are considered completed, others are either acting now or are waiting their turn.

The program currently includes five stages:

  1. 2011-1012. During this period, a regulatory framework was created, which now provides opportunities for:
    • implementation of activities;
    • investing funds in specific objects.
  2. 2013-2015. Creation of a material base using federal funds. Namely:
    • construction and reconstruction of rehabilitation centers;
    • equipping them with the necessary technical means;
    • purchase of special equipment for institutions:
      • healthcare;
      • education.
  3. 2016-2018. Implementation of the main objectives of the program. Monitoring the implementation of stated goals and priorities. Interaction adjustments:
    • federal and regional departments;
    • implementing organizations and authorities.
      In 2016, an additional direction was included - the creation of rehabilitation infrastructure. In 2018, pilot projects were launched in the Sverdlovsk region and Perm region to create rehabilitation systems.
  4. 2019-2020:
    • Monitoring the effectiveness of the work done.
    • Summarizing.
    • Analysis of results.
    • Making decisions regarding further activities in the field of creating conditions for normal life citizens with disabilities.
    • Financing of regions (in the amount of up to 400 million rubles) for equipment rehabilitation centers.
  5. 2021-2025:
    • development of pilot projects for assisted living, including educational (training), to teach people with disabilities independent living skills; From 2021, rehabilitation will be a key focus. 18 subjects of the Russian Federation will be financed from the federal budget for:
      • purchasing equipment for rehabilitation centers,
      • training of specialists,
      • IS development.

The exact list of activities will be determined during budgeting in the relevant budget periods.

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation is declared to be the responsible executor of the program. This department is entrusted with the task of coordinating the activities of numerous other event performers. Eg:

  • Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation;
  • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:
  • Pension Fund;
  • Social Insurance Fund and others.

Goals and objectives of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

The events were designed to:

  • citizens with disabilities felt like full-fledged members of society;
  • other people perceived them as such.

That is, the Federal Target Program has two directions of impact, which boil down to one thing: overcoming the division of the population according to the criteria of physical capabilities.

Stated Goals

The government sees the goals of the measures as follows:


  1. Creating legislative conditions to improve the level and quality of life of people with disabilities:
    • in the social sphere;
    • based on independent economic activity.


  1. Increasing the number of infrastructure facilities for citizens with physical disabilities, including:
    • rehabilitation orientation;
    • therapeutic and recreational;
    • educational.
  2. Identification and analysis of citizens' opinions on issues of interaction with people with disabilities in the process of life.
  3. 2.3. Increasing the number of social facilities whose activities are aimed at improving the lives of such citizens, including children with disabilities, in municipalities.
  4. 2.4. Work on preparing a personnel base of specialists working with people with disabilities:
    • education;
    • stimulation for professional activities;
    • training.
  5. 2.5. Involving citizens with physical disabilities in interaction with government agencies.
  6. 2.6. Employment of citizens from among persons with physical disabilities.
  7. 2.7. Providing medical facilities specialized equipment to serve patients with disabilities.
Without public support, the effectiveness of the program will be low. It is necessary for the whole society to work on the implementation of the state program.

Objectives of the Federal Target Program

The event developers set the following tasks for the authorities and society:

  1. Make access to service facilities equal for all citizens, including those with disabilities.
  2. Create conditions for free medical care disabled people on an equal basis with the rest of the population.
  3. Providing jobs for citizens with health limitations, including through:
    • their training;
    • retraining and professional development;
    • creation special conditions in production (or specialized enterprises).
  4. Increasing the level of objectivity of medical examination.

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Issues of financing the Federal Target Program

In the area of ​​funding allocation, the program is based on the principles of co-financing. That is, money is allocated from the federal and local budgets. Currently in effect next rule injection of funds from the center:

  1. Subjects with the share of subsidies from the federal budget in the last three years at the level of 40% or lower receive no more than 95% for the implementation of Federal Target Program activities;
    • these include: the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.
  2. Others - no more than 70%.
In 2017, an amount of 52,919,205.8 thousand rubles was planned to finance events. For comparison: previously 47,935,211.5 thousand rubles were allocated.

Subroutines of the "Accessible Environment"

Complex tasks must be divided into segments in order to specify and detail their implementation.

For this purpose, the following subprograms are allocated in the Federal Targeted Program:

  1. Improving the provision of public services to citizens with disabilities. Including:
    • creation by him free access to government buildings;
    • improving the quality of service;
    • identifying problems of such people that the state and local authorities are able to solve.
  2. Increasing the level of adaptation and habilitation. Namely:
    • development of production of items and equipment for them;
    • implementation of relevant laws.
  3. Improving medical care for citizens with disabilities:
    • development of objective criteria for medical examination;
    • control over the timeliness of providing them with assistance.
By 2016, the share of facilities accessible to people with disabilities increased to 45% (compared to 12% in 2010). Over the five years of its existence, the program has made it possible to modernize to meet the needs and physical abilities disabled people over 18,000 socially significant objects for them.

Activities for the implementation of subprograms

To achieve the set goals, the following measures have been developed and implemented:

Subroutine No. 1:

  1. Creation and implementation of architectural designs for public buildings taking into account the needs of citizens with disabilities. For example, schools, cinemas, shopping centers.
  2. Providing city streets with special visual aids:
    • cards;
    • banners;
    • pointers.

3. Carrying out cultural and public events with the involvement of people with disabilities and stimulating their activity.

4. Construction of new housing to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

Subroutine No. 2:

  1. Creation and implementation of national templates aimed at normal perception in society physical limitations some of its members. For example, holding special lessons in schools.
  2. Stimulating entrepreneurs to employ disabled people.
  3. Organization of events for disabled children with the aim of their adaptation to the public environment.

Subroutine No. 3:

  1. Creation and implementation of a unified model for interaction between medical institutions.
  2. Formation of a professional personnel base to serve persons with disabilities.
  3. Improving medical examination criteria.
  4. Creation of a unified electronic database for medical institutions.

Interim results of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment”

The implementation of such a complex task as bringing the quality of life of disabled people to the level of a healthy citizen is a labor-intensive process.

Sometimes it seems that it will not be possible to fully achieve the stated goal.

However, reality shows shifts in public consciousness in the right direction.

  1. Enterprises that employ disabled people function normally.
  2. The number of rehabilitation centers has increased in the country.
  3. People with disabilities are increasingly taking part in public events. They stop being ashamed of injuries.
  4. Traffic lights with sound signals, signs and signs for the visually impaired have appeared on the streets of cities and towns.
  5. There are TV channels with sign language interpretation.
  6. The platforms of the capital's metro are designed so that wheelchair users can safely enter the carriage.
  7. Sound warnings about stops are being introduced on public transport.
Other federal programs also include elements of improving the lives of people with disabilities and preventing the birth of children with disabilities. That is, the government carries out A complex approach to solve the stated problems. Important: in October 2017, the Russian Government took another step towards the implementation of these programs. In particular, control and supervision over ensuring accessibility of social infrastructure facilities (communications) for persons with disabilities has been transferred to Roskomnadzor.

What is being done for disabled children

In the Russian Federation, about 1.5 million children have disabilities. Some of them are trained in specialized educational institutions(90%). And this, in turn, creates barriers to their social adaptation.

Children are deprived of the opportunity to communicate with healthy peers, which makes it difficult for the younger generation to perceive their problems normally without deviations. However, attempts to organize joint training positive results didn't show.

Other types of support for disabled children are being developed in the regions:

  1. A local program to create barrier-free education is being implemented in Tambov. It includes about 30 schools that provide inclusive education.
  2. In some regions, at the expense of local budgets:
    • Specialized equipment is constantly purchased and sent to schools;
    • Buildings are being reconstructed to make them easier to use by children with disabilities.
  3. Personnel training is centrally organized to work with the following citizens in the areas of:
    • speech therapy;
    • oligophrenopedagogy;
    • deaf pedagogy and others.
Children suffer from awareness of their inferiority more than adults. One encouraging smile or word stranger means much more to such a child than everything active work officials.

Intermediate successes of the regions

At the level of federal subjects, work is also underway to create decent conditions for people with disabilities.

For example:

  1. In some areas of the capital, buildings adapted for the lives of wheelchair users are being built. The houses are equipped with wide lifts and non-standard doorways. Toilets and bathrooms in apartments are equipped with specialized devices that allow disabled people to use the facilities independently.
  2. In Ulan-Ude, an entire residential block has been designed for people with disabilities. It includes:
    • residential buildings;
    • athletic facilities;
    • shops and clinic;
    • manufacturing enterprises.

Each of the buildings is adapted to meet the needs of people with disabilities.

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Last changes

Changes have been made to the subprogram on improving ITU quality criteria: it has been supplemented with the possibility of conducting independent assessment quality of services provided by ITU federal institutions. The procedure for subsidizing regional budgets within the framework of this program and the formula for calculating allocated subsidies have also changed.

The level of development of a civilization is not least determined by the attitude of its members towards people with disabilities. Currently, the vast majority of countries are actively working to create barrier-free facilities for people with disabilities. Russia is no exception.

In our country, the project “Accessible Environment for People with Disabilities” was developed in accordance with the instructions of the President and Government of Russia in the fall of 2009. The government customer and coordinator was the Ministry of Health and Social Development. Additionally, several other ministries took on similar responsibilities, for example, sports, tourism and youth policy.

In the fall of 2014, in accordance with the decree of Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev, the project “Accessible Environment for Disabled People”, namely the timing of its implementation, was extended until 2020.

Russian Federation project “Accessible Environment”. Main goals of the state program

The goal of this program is for MGN by 2020. In other words, by the end of the reporting period, low-mobility groups of the population should have access to all significant facilities on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.

In order for the project “Accessible Environment for Disabled People” to be successfully implemented, the following tasks must be solved:

  • Create a unified federal register of facility accessibility.
  • Organize interdepartmental cooperation for interaction in the field of examinations.
  • Improve the theoretical foundations and concepts of MSEC.
  • Also, the Russian Federation project “Accessible Environment for Persons with Disabilities” implies the need to ensure information accessibility of MSEC.

Not all tasks facing the state are listed above, but those indicated are the most relevant.

Planned results

The “Accessible Environment” project was developed to achieve the following results:

  • Improving the quality of life and competitiveness in the labor market of persons with disabilities. A fully implemented “Accessible Environment” project will allow MGNs to perform any functions on an equal basis with persons without disabilities.
  • Increasing the effect of rehabilitation due to increased accessibility of social infrastructure. Currently, MGM members are simply unable to undergo rehabilitation measures due to the inaccessibility of various facilities.
  • Optimization of the distribution of funds intended to solve the problems of MGN through the introduction of uniform standards. Unfortunately, today the main obstacle to the implementation of the program is ill-conceived funding. The solution to this problem will allow the allocated money to be used most effectively.
  • Increasing social activity of people with limited mobility. - This is an opportunity for MGM to take part in all public events.
  • Increased stability and unity in society. Unfortunately, our society is still not completely tolerant and people who differ in any way from the “crowd” often become outcasts. Solving this problem will lead to unity.
  • Increasing the investment attractiveness of the market for goods for the disabled and developing its Russian segment. Currently, in our country, as well as throughout the world as a whole, there are a huge number of people with various health limitations. As a result, equipment and other various goods for the disabled are in great demand. This should be pointed out to investors ready to invest money.

Of course, today the implementation of the project is not as smooth as we would like. The most problematic aspect of the issue is financing. Nevertheless, the program is being implemented, and the specified goals will certainly be achieved.

The “Accessible Environment” refers to a state multi-purpose program created to support and protect people who have physical or mental limitations due to the presence of a disease. We are talking about various measures that should be implemented at the regional and federal levels in order to promote habilitation and rehabilitation of sedentary people and people with disabilities. The first wave of implementation of the program in question took place from 2011 to 2012. Then the corresponding activities were carried out in 2015-2018. On this moment The fourth stage is underway (started in 2018 and ends in 2020).

The “Accessible Environment” program and its legislative framework

Thanks to this program (document) global community, as well as the citizens themselves saw that Russia is ready to provide people with disabilities with the rights to rehabilitation and adaptation. At the same time, it was decided to focus on an international treaty, that is, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of December 13, 2006. Experts say that a set of measures designed to ensure accessibility of the environment conditionally divided into parts (they were briefly mentioned above):

2011 – 2012 – a regulatory framework was being formed, specific tasks were formulated, and financial sources were identified;

2013 – 2015 – using part of the funds from the federal budget, they created rehabilitation centers and equipped them with special equipment (this also applied to educational and medical institutions);

2016 – 2018 – the completion of the main tasks took place (the process was controlled by the subjects of the country);

2019 – 2020 – the results of the program should be summed up with a subsequent survey regarding the remaining problems for people with disabilities in terms of accessibility.

As a result, members of the Government (more precisely, the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF), who are responsible for the implementation of the program, are required to report on the work performed, achievements and remaining problems. Departments and government agencies are designated as participants in the program, for example, the Ministry of Industry and Construction, the Social Insurance Fund, etc.

Regulatory acts regulating the program in 2018-2020. can be called:

By the way, experts suggest learning about the implementation of points from published annual reports, which contain information about results, statistics and financial support.

Objectives and goals of the program accessible environment

The program discussed in this material was created to achieve the following goals and objectives:

Assessing the accessibility of services and facilities for persons with disabilities, as well as increasing this level;

Ensuring equal access for every disabled person to any service or rehabilitation aid;

Modernization of government ITU systems;

Formation friendly relations to the disabled.

The main goal of the “Accessible Environment” is to create conditions for unimpeded access for a disabled person to a priority object, and to any one. The same applies to important services. In addition, people with disabilities should be transferred from a passive economic group to a more active one through assistance in terms of employment and employment.

Existing routines

Experts note that to ensure accessibility to priority facilities for disabled people and beyond, certain measures are being implemented, in particular:

Financial support for sports institutions that focus on adaptive sports for persons with disabilities, etc.;

Training of specialists who will be part of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission at the educational institution and will make decisions regarding the possibility of a disabled child to receive education in a regular school;

Installation of rehabilitation, educational, computer equipment in the educational institution, plus provision of motor transport, so that a child with certain disabilities can study on an equal basis with other children;

Subtitling (hidden) of any program broadcast on all-Russian public television channels;

Bringing a structure or building into compliance with the rules and regulations that determine accessibility for persons with disabilities (for example, the presence of elevators, signs, etc. is important);

Adaptation of entrance, stairs, ramps (ramps), sanitary and hygienic premises, service areas, etc.

To improve the mechanism according to which a person with disabilities is provided with MSE or rehabilitation services, attention is paid to such points as:

Revision of the criteria and classification used in carrying out the survey;

Improving the quality of activities carried out in accordance with the IPR and related to the habilitation of children with disabilities;

Development and implementation of an independent assessment of the quality of services that a disabled person receives during MSA.

Experts explain the need for a new justification for disability by the widespread introduction of new diagnostic and treatment methods. For example, it was necessary to develop more detailed criteria for setting restrictions. As for improving the quality side of a service such as ITU, measures are being implemented here:

Providing staffing;

Openness of the bureau's activities;

Outreach, ethics;

Prevention of corruption.

In addition, one should not lose sight of the clinical and functional features, which differ at different age stages. It is known that in several regions of the country, in order to eliminate social risk, improvements on these issues were carried out in 2018, and implementation should occur in 2019.

Also, new criteria and classifications are being gradually introduced to determine the loss of professional ability to work due to an occupational disease or accident. Plus, there are requirements based on which buildings for educational, educational, and rehabilitation institutions should be designed. For example, it is important here:

Create small classes or groups within which each child receives a sufficient amount of attention;

Prepare learning spaces so that the child’s limitations are taken into account;

Use new technical means and teaching methods;

Include rehabilitation medical equipment in the building.

Of course, these points represent only part of the rules and regulations that require implementation and real application. Next, we will take a closer look at the rules with which modern residential buildings are designed.

Accessible housing for people with disabilities

The adjacent space must remain accessible to any person with disabilities (this is regulated by law). It is possible, if necessary, to refurbish personal and public premises. Experts say, for example, the following standards:

Elevator for wheelchair users and more;

Side ramps and continuous fences on both sides of the porch;

Steps with a rough coating and highlighting the lower and upper steps with color or texture;

Fencing on porch canopy, drains and electric lighting;

The sign on front door, where the house and apartment numbers are indicated, and the same information next to it should be in Braille.

When there is a single step in front of the entrance, the estimate according to the rules includes replacing it with a ramp, and if there are more stairs, it is necessary to build such a side device. Also, courtyards should be equipped with tactile road signs, and in front of the entrance there should be a place to turn the stroller around.

If we consider the premises in which a person with disabilities lives, it also meets the norms and rules. IN existing list except the living room are indicated:

Combined bathroom;

Corridor from 4 sq.m;

Removable ramps in doorways.

The dimensions of openings, platforms, etc. should be specified in individually. In any case, it is important to obtain permission to refurbish the space.

Features of the “Accessible Environment” program in the regions

As a shining example implementation of the program in Moscow can be called “Tennis Park” ( Ryazan Avenue). This sports facility is completely barrier-free and allows Paralympians in wheelchairs to prepare for tennis competitions. The building contains adaptive sanitary rooms and tactile movement patterns. There was also convenient parking. Many educational institutions have installed an electronic display, a ticker, a mobile stair lift, a telescopic ramp, and an information terminal.

In the Tver region necessary equipment actively equip cultural institutions and employment centers. For example, during the work of the program, they acquired a personnel calling system, as well as mnemonic diagrams, sound amplification equipment and some other technical equipment.

In St. Petersburg, the priority area is social support for people with disabilities, that is, here, first of all, they strive to improve the quality of life and the position of people with disabilities in society. The system for organizing the educational process for disabled children (including those who cannot move without the help of others) is developing well. There are correctional schools in the Admiralteysky, Vyborgsky, Kalininsky, Primorsky and Petrogradsky districts. Are being implemented vehicles with retractable ramps and low level floor. Metro accessibility is also one of the challenges.