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Rehabilitation center for teenagers. Center for Medical and Social Rehabilitation of the Disabled with Severe ICP

Special kids...

Their number is increasing every year. This is evidenced not only by dry statistics, but also by specialists who, on duty, are in contact with children - pediatricians, neurologists, psychotherapists, teachers of correctional kindergartens.

If you are a parent of a special child , then you need to understand that any person by nature has certain potentialities. In some cases, they are suppressed by a congenital or acquired disease. But don't give up. All your child needs is to help him adapt to society. In this regard, it is very important to understand that special children need a special integrated approach to solve their problems. To conduct proper rehabilitation work with them, a lot of effort will be required from parents, teachers and doctors. Moreover, these efforts should not be episodic, but continuous.

According to statistics, about 2/3 of all disabled people in Russia are children with disabilities nervous system and psyche. However, it is important to understand that not all special children have the status of a disabled person. Quite a few suffer from slight deviations in behavior, problems with the perception and assimilation of information, and cannot fully contact with other people and peers. If you do not find out the problem of the child in time and do not seek appropriate assistance, it is quite possible that in the future he simply will not be able to adapt in life and will receive the status of a disabled person.

What diseases make children special?

Children with neurological and psycho-neurological problems are most often called special children. This is a fairly broad category, which includes a whole range of diseases that are very different, including in terms of complexity and the possibility of overcoming them. Here are just a few of them.

Children's cerebral paralysis(cerebral palsy) - serious disease CNS, in which the centers responsible for the development of the musculoskeletal system are affected. The nature of the lesion does not imply degenerative processes. As a rule, the appearance of the disease is associated with abnormalities in fetal development, may be the result of birth injury and is often detected in the first year of life little man. Children with cerebral palsy often have associated problems in the form of compensated hydrocephalus, autistic features and delays in psycho-speech development. However, it is not at all necessary simultaneous appearance all of the above problems at once. Forms of the disease without concomitant changes are possible.

RDA (early childhood autism), Kanner's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome- diseases of this kind are expressed in violation of the development of the psycho-emotional sphere. The child has the following problems:

Extreme difficulty in interacting with other people ( mild form disease).

Limited by autistic interests - while the child reproduces stereotypical movements, his interests are narrowly limited and not of a cognitive nature.

Active denial and rejection of the environment - the child reveals extreme selectivity in relation to people, clothes, types of food. Violation of the usual way of life, deviation from the standard route can cause bouts of hysteria, sometimes turning into auto-aggression.

Total detachment from the world and the impossibility of interacting with it (in the most severe forms disease). Such children do not smile, do not maintain eye contact, do not possess the simplest self-care skills.

As a rule, an autistic child has multiple neurological abnormalities, and the disease itself may be the result of layering different kind root causes. Often, autistic traits go hand in hand with another serious illness like hydrocephalus or cerebral palsy. Recently, information began to appear that some children developed autism after vaccination with drugs containing mercury salts (merthiolate or thimerosal) in their composition. Some autistic children have been found to have elevated levels of mercury in their hair and red blood cells. For them, chelation therapy (chelation) can become one of the methods to overcome the problem.

Hydrocephalus. It is also called dropsy of the brain. The disease is associated with impaired liquorodynamics. Wherein cerebrospinal fluid(liquor) is produced in excess, and its absorption is very slow. In extremely severe cases the circumference of the child's head becomes excessively enlarged. Children with hydrocephalus constantly experience increased intracranial pressure. Such phenomena as nausea and blood from the nose, as well as unreasonable tantrums, are not uncommon. At the same time, the child early age can rub his head with his hands, bang his head against miscellaneous items and somehow demonstrate that it is the head that hurts. Distinguish hydrocephalus in severe form and lighter compensated. If to get rid of the first, surgical intervention (bypass surgery) is necessary, then in the second case, it is enough to follow the medical prescriptions. The disease is often accompanied by such a phenomenon as ZRR or ZPRR (delayed speech or psycho-speech development). This is due to the fact that an excess of CSF depresses certain areas of the brain.

The full list of diseases associated with impaired nervous and mental activity is much wider (Down syndrome, early organic lesion brain, etc.). It is very important to diagnose the disease in time and contact the rehabilitation center. Leading neurologists warn about this - the sooner you start treating the child and working with his condition, the stronger the regenerative abilities of the brain will manifest themselves.

Rehabilitation tasks

Features of development, first of all, are expressed in the deterioration cognitive activity and in some cases totally weaken the will of a person (autism). In this regard, the educational process for children should fit into the system of their rehabilitation (habilitation). It is the rehabilitation of special children that is the cornerstone on the way to their further socialization and more successful development. All rehabilitation centers, regardless of the specifics of the disease, essentially have one common task - to provide the child with the opportunity to live a completely autonomous life in the future. They have to deal with the most difficult diagnoses, helping special children prepare as much as possible for learning.

Rehabilitation for severe children will be effective only in the case of continuous work with the problem. Ideally, it should accompany the patient until the period of his adaptation in society and employment for work (if the level of development and the type of disease allow this to be achieved).

Below are some rehabilitation centers Moscow, where parents with special needs children should contact.

- federal state budgetary institution sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Social Development provides assistance to children from different regions of the Russian Federation with diseases of the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system and autism spectrum. On the basis of the center there is a school for parents. Rehabilitation methods used in the center:

Carrying out corrective sensorimotor disintegration;

The use of robotic equipment "Lokomat";

Classes using the Gross simulator;

Conductive therapy classes;


Classes in medical suits "Atlant", "Adeli", "Phaeton";

Social adaptation;

And much more.

Payment for the accommodation of residents is charged for children over 4 years old and their accompanying persons. At the same time, its dimensions are: in the ward (ordinary) - 335 r per day; in a ward with a shower room (increased comfort) - 700 r per day, in a comfortable ward without a shower room - 600 r per day. The center provides paid services, If:

They are not included in the CHI program;

In the hands of the representatives of the child there is no direction at the expense of the budget;

The service is provided at the initiative of the patient and his voluntary desire;

The patient does not have Russian citizenship.

At the same time, the cost of one bed-day of a child in a ward with food, but without treatment, is 750 rubles. The cost of stay accompanying him - 335 rubles. The rehabilitation course for a child with cerebral palsy (21 days) will cost 56,865 rubles. The price of the initial consultation with specialists within the framework of inpatient treatment- 800 r, repeated - 500 r (each specialist separately).

Help your child stay on track
Drug addiction is noticeably younger today. Unfortunately, there are more and more new drugs ( smoking blends, spices, salts), which in a short period of time lead to horrific consequences.

Most hard times in raising children teenage years. It is during this period of time that children are most susceptible to bad influences. An unformed personality needs the help of adults, understanding, participation, and advice. If you are a parent or relative of a difficult teenager, you should understand the responsibility that lies with you. Rehabilitation center for teenagers "Ariadna" is a place where children return to full life.

What does a difficult teenager get in a rehab center?
Talk is not enough - you need to treat. Our rehabilitation center offers A complex approach in the fight against child addiction. It must be remembered that every difficult teenager is, first of all, a person with his own fears, desires and needs. The specialists of our center know how to understand difficult children.

In our center the child receives:

  1. Medical help.
  2. psychological correction.
  3. Ability to live in a healthy society.
  4. The ability to take responsibility for your actions.
  5. Education according to the approved school curriculum.
We teach children not just to live differently, without drugs, alcohol and other bad habits, we teach them to think differently, to perceive the world positively. Don't let your child ruin you, contact our rehabilitation center in time.

Call us, we will solve your problem

8 499 343 67 09

Adolescent rehabilitation center: the road to a new life

It has a number of features that are strictly carried out by the specialists of the Ariadna center,

Ariadna is the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and corrections created for teenagers 10 years ago. A large number of specialists who monitor and work around the clock to return a full life to the child. today's drugs, which literally corrupt the younger generation, require not only medical intervention, but also the work of psychologists, social workers and educational professionals. Remember that any treatment begins with and drug treatment at breakdowns.

Rehabilitation center for difficult teenagers: what we offer!

During the rehabilitation course, the teenager also receives an education, which was suspended as a result of the use of mind-altering substances. The time spent in the center allows you to take an adult look at own life to become a responsible and full-fledged member of society. It is very difficult for teenagers to understand that this childish prank becomes the cause of many troubles. Drug addiction today is rapidly getting younger and new narcotic substances, such as salts, smoking mixtures, lead to almost irreparable clinical changes in a few months of use.

Rehabilitation Center for Difficult Teens: Help in Difficult Cases

Rehabilitation centerAriadna has become not just a lifeline for many teenagers, but also a ticket to life, in which many graduates have found themselves and continue to live without the use of alcohol and drugs. Cozy learning classrooms, a gym, comfortable rooms, caring staff and a rich program at the center do their good work, showing the way out of the obsessive use of alcohol or drugs to a life that has nothing to do with addiction.

Only a responsible attitude to life, daily work on one's personality and experienced staff of the center who have the experience, strength, and hope to change lives step by step returns the teenager to a full life. Detailed information about narcological help for a teenager and rehabilitation you can get from specialists hotline. Rehabilitation center for teenagers.

If your son or daughter has started using drugs, call us. The help of consultants is relevant both in order to find a good center, and in order to persuade a teenager to rehabilitation, and simply to support parents (or guardians) in this difficult situation. You can also send your child to our center for rehabilitation. Wherever you are, just give us a call. One of our employees can drive up to you or meet you at the station or at the airport to take you to the center.

The program of our drug rehabilitation center is also designed for teenagers (although we do not have an age limit). But based on the fact that a teenager has almost his whole life ahead of him, it is important not only to stop taking drugs, but to remove all those Negative consequences use that may cause harm in the future.

In our center with drug addiction both teenagers and adults struggle. The program consists of several large steps that deal with different aspects of addiction. Rehabilitation of adolescent drug addicts in our center includes detoxification of the body. This is a non-medical detox that cleanses the blood. This program helps to remove all toxins deposited in the blood (drugs, alcohol and other poisons). When drugs remain in the body, in certain situations (sports, stress, etc.) they provoke drug use or simply cravings, stiffness, depression or mood swings. But if you withdraw them, it becomes possible to receive other achievements from the program.

Not all drug rehab centers for teenage drug addicts provide them with the skills and knowledge to cope with life's challenges, to make the right decisions, and especially, complex decisions. But this moment often helps a person not to break down when it seems that life becomes complicated, confusing and full of problems. In our center, the child will receive knowledge and skills that will help him build his life, solve problems, and simply prevent their occurrence as much as possible.

Also, the social rehabilitation of adolescents with drug addiction involves long-term rehabilitation in a hospital, away from the familiar environment. You can get rid of drug addiction only if you create a comfortable and calm environment. In our center, a teenager can look at his life from the outside, from a different angle, draw certain conclusions, realize a lot. To do this, he must feel safe.

Important! Rehabilitation in narcology most often involves working with psychologists. There are methods of "rehabilitation" that we do not recommend, and these are methods based on violence, coercion, or using psychiatric drugs or brain surgery. Can't be achieved positive results if you act rudely or force a person against their will. If the program step by step alleviates the condition of a person, if step by step leads him to small or big victories, then coercion is not needed. The main thing is just to make sure that there is progress, to help with difficulties and to facilitate the passage of the program.