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How to do photoepilation at home. Is photoepilation harmful to the skin, what consequences can there be?

Photoepilation is a relatively painless procedure for removing unnecessary body hair. In this case, a high-pulse beam of light is used as a hair removal tool, heating the hair follicle containing melanin in large quantities. Melanin is a substance that can absorb light waves. The blood in the vessels feeding the hair shaft begins to boil, then coagulates, after which the nutrition of the hair stops.

  • 1. Preparation stage
  • 2. Possible contraindications
  • 3. Photoepilation procedure
  • 4. After a photoepilation session
  • 5. Benefits
  • 6. Disadvantages and harms of photoepilation

Thus, having lost its base, the hair falls out on its own. Depending on the duration of exposure to light rays on an area of ​​the body, the hair follicles either die off completely or atrophy. This process is irreversible, so usually, after the photoepilation procedure, growth on the treated area of ​​skin stops.

Preparation stage

Photoepilation is a procedure in which the skin is exposed to traumatic thermal radiation. To avoid possible consequences, careful preparation is necessary. First of all, you should avoid sun exposure for at least two weeks, that is, it is advisable to stop sunbathing in the sun and in solariums. A week before the procedure, it is better to avoid any hair removal methods that damage the skin, including hair plucking and waxing.

Immediately before photoepilation, it is necessary to carry out hygienic preparation of the skin with water and regular soap and shave off your hair in a few days.

After the procedure, it is also not advisable to sunbathe for at least two weeks; for three days after skin treatment, you should not visit the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.

Possible contraindications

Like any other cosmetic procedure, which involves a traumatic effect on the skin, photoepilation has contraindications. Heat treatment skin for the purpose of removing unwanted hair Contraindicated for persons with the following deviations.


  • complicated form of diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • violation skin.

In addition, pregnant and lactating women, as well as minors under 18 years of age, have contraindications to photoepilation.

Photoepilation procedure

It is carried out taking into account the color of the person’s skin and hair. The color type is determined by a cosmetologist, then he adjusts the device for photoepilation. The frequency of the heat ray and the intensity of the radiation are determined. To carry out the procedure, a broadband light source is required.

A photoepilation device is a device capable of producing pulsed light with a wavelength in the range from 500 to 1200 nm. Radiation from powerful krypton lamps contains ultraviolet radiation that is unsafe for human health, so the device is equipped with a filter to capture it. Recently, ipl photoepilation has become the most popular. Ipl is a broadband radiation system, which is the most advanced method.

Equipment for photoepilation in a beauty salon is produced, these are the well-known Ellipse Light, Classic 512 and Record 618. Some are equipped with a double radiation filtration system. Equipment has also been developed for home use, these are photoepilators Remington IPL5000, HPLight and others.

The patient's skin is lubricated with a cooling cream, after which a protective glasses to prevent contact harmful radiation on the retina. Next, the pre-prepared area of ​​skin is treated with a manipulator.

After a photoepilation session

In order to remove hair from the entire skin area, several sessions should be performed. The fact is that thermal energy can only affect those hairs that are in the phase intensive growth. The remaining hair enters the radiation zone during a subsequent session. At least 4 procedures are required for visible results to be seen.

After the procedure, as a rule, the patient feels excellent. If the preliminary preparation was carried out correctly, there should be no complications. If precautions are not taken, pigment spots or burns may appear.

Now let's discuss the pros and cons of photoepilation, positive points of course more, but...

Benefits of photoepilation

Many people who are aware of this procedure would like to rid the body of unnecessary hair in such an innovative way. In addition to the fact that the method allows you to quickly and completely painlessly carry out photoepilation of the armpits, as well as other places, it has several advantages.


  • the technique allows you to remove any hair from the body, with the exception of gray and white hair;
  • each session takes a little time, the procedure takes no more than 5 minutes;
  • the possibility of skin damage and therefore infection is excluded;
  • Absolute painlessness and safety of the process.

Photoepilation is often prescribed according to medical indications. The procedure is prescribed by a trichologist for manifestations of hypertrichosis (increased skin hair growth). Photoepilation is also suitable for low skin turgor, as well as for irritation after shaving in men.

Often those who want to get rid of unnecessary body hair, after reading the reviews of those who have experienced it, decide to undergo photoepilation. At the same time, they are concerned about the question: is photoepilation harmful? On this score medical specialists give a clear answer. Even when performing photoepilation at home, the procedure will not cause any harm if the preparation has been carried out correctly, and the contraindications and consequences of photoepilation have been taken into account.

Disadvantages and harms of photoepilation

After hardware hair removal using thermal radiation, the patient is interested in the question of how long-lasting the effect of photoepilation will be. How long does the result last, how long will it last? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the number of sessions performed. If most of the hair that was in the stage of intensive growth was treated with radiation, the follicle is destroyed and the hair falls out and will no longer grow in that place.

However, despite its obvious effectiveness, the procedure has some disadvantages.

Which include:

  • inability to conduct a session on tanned skin;
  • the likelihood of pigmentation appearing after sessions;
  • accidental overheating of the skin can cause itchy skin and peeling.

We are often asked the question: photoepilation or laser hair removal, which is better? Both methods are based on the same principle of operation, the only difference is that in one case it is used as an emitter laser ray, and in the other, the radiation of krypton lamps used in photographic flashes. Both laser and photoepilation are quite effective, with the only difference being that laser hair removal will cost much more. The cost of photoepilation is approximately comparable to the price of electrolysis. For example, on the legs, the price for one photoepilation session in a salon starts from $300.

Photoepilation or electroepilation? This question is often asked by patients to dermatologists. The electrolysis technique is based on the impact of electrical impulses on the hair follicle in order to destroy it. Not everyone knows that after electrolysis, scars may appear and the skin may become infected. In any case, the patient must decide for himself which method suits him best, but before contacting beauty salon, you should consult a dermatologist.

The device is designed to prevent hair regrowth and is considered unique today. Clinically proven and complies with recommendations. Dermatologists and cosmetologists have confirmed that exposing your skin to an intense pulse of light is safe for your health.

The photoepilator is equipped with a special lamp that requires replacement only after the flash resource has expired. The total resource of sessions is provided for more than 5 years of use. Has from 50,000 to 80,000 flashes, depending on the manufacturer. Approximately 320 flashes are enough for 1 minute of the procedure, 600 flashes are designed for one session. The photoepilator is also equipped with 5 settings, which allows you to adjust the intensity level during operation. The intensity is determined depending on the color of the skin and hair in the intended area.

The photoepilator is used once every two weeks, after several hours after shaving, depending on the area of ​​application (lower legs are recommended once a month, bikini area and armpits once every 2 weeks). After several procedures, hair growth slows down and becomes soft. The photoepilator acts on the hair root, receiving a light impulse, thereby slowing down its regrowth. The skin may feel warm, but the procedure should be painless.

Each time, the effect of slowing down hair growth intensifies, and in the future it completely guarantees ideal smoothness of the skin for a long time.

This procedure is used both in salons and at home.

Photoepilator settings are selected depending on skin color and hair color. People with dark skin are more susceptible to skin irritation because it absorbs more light.

According to research, optimal results are achieved after 4-5 sessions. Hair thickness decreases with each use. In the interval after the procedure, regrown hair can be removed by any method of depilation.

It is necessary to use the device in a sufficient amount of light so that the light reduces the visible part of the flashes.

The photoepilator kit includes: charging, cleaning cloth, and case.

The epilator takes 1.5 hours to charge.

The photoepilator is intended for the following areas:

  • axillary region;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • bikini area;
  • legs.

Pros of the photoepilator:

  • silent;
  • can be used at home;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • significantly slows down hair growth;
  • does not leave marks on the skin like an electric epilator;
  • no ingrown hairs;
  • runs on battery or mains power;
  • five power levels;
  • cheaper than in the salon;
  • Not everyone can afford it, but it pays off over time.


  • large in size, which is not very convenient, but over time you adapt;
  • not very powerful;
  • cannot be used on the face and chest area.


  • use the device by pregnant or nursing mothers;
  • if your skin or hair type does not meet the requirements;
  • skin sensitivity to light;
  • Availability skin diseases;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • when taking medications;
  • in areas with freckles, moles, age spots.

Removal excess hair from the body is relevant for many women. But it can be difficult to choose the best option that would preserve the results for a long time and at the same time would not cause any painful sensations. Using a photoepilator, you can not only say goodbye to excess hair absolutely painlessly, but also maintain the result for a long time.

What it is?

Photoepilator is special device, the impulse of which, under the influence of short-term, enhanced and precise exposure to pulsed light, penetrates the hair and accumulates in its main substance - melanin. Due to this, active destruction of the structure of the hair itself and its root occurs. As a result, the hairs become weaker, fall out, and with regular photoepilation, they stop growing altogether.

This device operates almost silently and completely painlessly. After the invention of this device, such hair removal could only be performed in expensive cosmetology clinics for high cost. Now many manufacturers have begun to sell home photoepilators.

The home photoepilator has a compact and convenient size, it is simple and effective to use and is suitable even for the face. Absolutely anyone can use it, and you can get rid of excess hair on the entire body, even in the most inaccessible places: deep bikini and armpits. In the absence of contraindications, the photoepilator can also be used to remove excess facial hair.

Such photoepilators for home use are usually equipped with batteries or rechargeable batteries that keep the device operational for a long time.

Features and Benefits

The main feature of this device is its principle of operation, that is, the direct impact on the hair and its follicle with bright and powerful short-term flashes of light. This procedure has many advantages:

  • Absolutely painless. Using this device, you will not feel any discomfort, itching, pain or tingling.
  • Almost complete silence. Only flashes of light will be accompanied by small clicks.
  • Fast completion of the procedure. Depending on the number of hairs on an area of ​​skin, treatment of about 10 square centimeters will take no more than 5 minutes.
  • Long lasting effect. If you follow all the recommendations for using this device, as well as for skin care after the procedure, the results obtained can be preserved for life.

  • The ability to get rid of unwanted hair on the body forever. With proper and regular use of this epilation unit, hairs eventually stop growing completely.
  • Simplicity and ease of procedure. To carry out such hair removal at home, no special equipment or skills are required.
  • The device shows high efficiency in removing excess vegetation on all areas of the body and face.

Such advantages make the photoepilator a desirable purchase for many women. But in addition to the principle of operation, it also has one more feature - it is necessary to treat the areas of skin to be epilated with a special gel before the procedure. It is he who will act as a conductor for light into the epidermis to the hair follicles.

However, the photoepilator also has a small disadvantage - it cannot be used to remove blond or gray hair. It is effective only for destroying dark hairs on light skin. Moreover, the stronger the color contrast between the vegetation and the epidermis, the more effective the effect of the photoepilator will be.

All these pros and cons have big influence on the final result of hair removal using this device. Therefore, when choosing and purchasing it, they must be taken into account.

Indications and contraindications

Like any other type of hair removal, photoepilation has its own recommendations for implementation, as well as contraindications for using this device. Before you go to the store to purchase this device, you need to familiarize yourself with them in detail.

Using a photoepilator at home is recommended:

  • In case of excess in women large quantity male hormones which stimulate hair growth male type. Doctors call this phenomenon hirsutism.
  • If severe irritation regularly occurs after other types of hair removal or depilation.
  • At increased hairiness in women and men both on the body and on the face. In medicine, this phenomenon is referred to as hypertrichosis.

This epilator is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • The presence of a large number of light or gray hair cov. In this case, the effect of the procedure will simply not be visible even if it is performed regularly.
  • Increased photosensitivity.
  • Varicose veins veins
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Age less than 16 years.
  • Epilepsy.

  • Any types of cancer.
  • A pacemaker, or rather, its presence in the body is also a significant contraindication.
  • Some diseases thyroid gland. Before carrying out photoepilation if you have problems with the thyroid gland, you must first consult with an endocrinologist.
  • Keloid disease.
  • The epilator is also harmful to health during treatment with antibiotics or taking choleretic and diuretic drugs.

If there are minor burns, wounds and scratches on the surface of the epidermis, it is better to postpone this process hair removal until they are all healed.

The harm and benefits of this device for human health will directly depend on its compliance with contraindications and indications for use. According to doctors, if this device is used correctly and wisely, no significant harm to health can be caused.


Photoepilators today are produced by many manufacturers. In order to purchase a truly high-quality product that will help turn hair removal into a pleasant and productive procedure, we recommend paying attention to the following products:

  • Touch Permanent Hair Reduction System. It is highly effective and comes complete with two nozzles. With proper use, after 8-9 procedures, almost all hair stops growing. It is light in weight, high power - 200,000 flashes, works when connected to the power supply. The kit also includes special safety glasses.
  • Gillette Venus Naked- another powerful household photoepilator. It has a low cost and is sold complete with a special gel for such hair removal. It has a special sensor for reading skin tone, thanks to which the epilator itself selects the intensity of the flashes. Quite bulky and consists of two parts: the stand and the photoepilator itself. Has high efficiency.
  • Hey HR Mini. A wireless, highly effective photoepilator that operates general principle operation of these devices. It has eight different operating modes, which allows it to be used even on the most sensitive areas of the epidermis. Large supply of cartridges and complete absence ingrown hairs are the main advantages of this device.

  • Beurer 100 is an epilator that allows you to permanently get rid of half of the existing hairs after just three procedures. A long cartridge supply, versatility in use, safe and easy operation are its features. It is light in weight and has proven high efficiency. Sold complete with a replaceable cartridge.
  • Sminiker Showliss Pro is a compact, effective photoepilator that allows you to get rid of excess hair both on the face and in the bikini area, not to mention other less sensitive parts of the body. The starting module is designed for at least 100,000 flashes. It has average level power and low cost.
  • Silk"n Glide infinity 400K is an innovative photoepilator from Israel, the high efficiency and speed of which is explained by the use of two types of energy at once to operate the device. The lamp has an endless supply of flashes, and most importantly, this particular photoepilator is approved even by doctors for hair removal in the deep bikini area.

  • Homedics DUO PRO IPL-HH170-EU allows you not only to get rid of unwanted hair on the body and face, but also promotes natural rejuvenation of the skin. That is why this photoepilator is in high demand among women over 40 years old. It has high power, comes with a collagen attachment, and retains the result for a long time after the procedure.
  • Remington IPL6250 is a photoepilator with five operating modes, which has two additional flash operating modes: disposable and reusable. It works when connected to the mains and is equipped with an additional sensor for determining skin type and color. Sold complete with a special cleaning cloth for glass. Visible result from use appears after the third procedure.

These photoepilators are in high demand due to their high efficiency, stylish design and ease of operation.

How to choose?

  • Safety. Such a device must have child protection. The UV filter should be orange in color, which means it is high power.
  • Work intensity settings, as well as sensors that block flashes on dark skin and helping to see the installed settings will help you set the optimal operation of the device and avoid burns.
  • The size of the coverage area also plays a big role. For removing hair from small parts of the body, such as the bikini, underarms and hair above upper lip It is necessary to choose a device with a small grip and vice versa.
  • Number of lamp flashes. The more there are, the better, but not always. The efficiency of the device is influenced by many factors and all of them must be taken into account. Therefore, it is important what kind of effectiveness the manufacturer himself talks about (a month, two or three for complete removal hair), and whether parameters such as power, generation time and flash wavelength are correlated. It is the ratio of these parameters that indicates how effective the device is in operation.

  • Whether the lamp can be replaced or not. This is very important factor, since if the lamp cannot be removed and replaced, then after the total number of flashes has been used up, the photoepilator must be disposed of. It is better to give preference to devices in which the lamp can be changed if necessary.
  • Nutrition. Photoepilators can operate on batteries when directly connected to an electrical outlet or from a battery charge. The first and third options are the most preferable, as they allow you to use the device regardless of the availability of electricity. As practice shows, battery-powered photoepilators are the most durable.
  • What areas is the device suitable for use in? Not all photoepilators can be used in the bikini area and on the face. Therefore, if you plan to use the purchased device for hair removal on these areas of the body, you should find out whether the kit includes additional attachments.

  • Durability. A photoepilator costs a lot, so it is important that it has a long service life. This device must be sold together with all the necessary components at once, and the number of flashes must not be less than two hundred thousand.
  • Ease of use. You should only buy a device that is light in weight and fits comfortably in your hand.
  • Price. There are photoepilators on sale both at exorbitant prices and at suspiciously low prices. It is better to choose the golden mean. Experts advise giving preference to those devices whose cost per flash is in the range from 20 to 25 kopecks.

Only by combining all the answers to these questions together can you make the final choice of a photoepilator from our rating.

How to use?

Photoepilation at home does not require too much time or any specific skills. In order to receive desired effect from the procedure, you must perform it in the following sequence:

  • 14 days before hair removal, solariums, antibiotics and diuretics are prohibited.
  • The day before the procedure, the necessary areas must be shaved. The shorter the hair, the large quantity light will penetrate the follicle, which means the more effective the procedure will be. Attention! Some photoepilators affect hairs 3-4 mm long instead of the recommended 1 mm. Therefore, read the instructions carefully.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the epidermis to ensure that there is no damage to it.
  • Put special glasses on your eyes. Conventional sunscreens do not provide the necessary protection, so you can only use those that are specifically designed for photoepilation.

  • The primary treatment area must be marked on the skin. This can be done using a regular cosmetic pencil. You should not make the area too large - 10 square centimeters will be enough.
  • A special gel for photoepilation is applied to the prepared area of ​​skin.
  • The device with preset settings is brought to the skin and used according to the instructions.
  • When the entire area has been treated, the remaining gel is removed from the skin using a damp cloth, and the epidermis is moisturized with a nourishing cream. If photoepilation is carried out for the first time, it is better to use baneocin or similar creams.
  • If necessary, points 5 to 8 are repeated on the following areas of the body. Conduct this type Hair removal should be performed regularly at intervals of approximately 20 days.

When using a high-quality photoepilator, hair completely stops growing after a maximum of 12-14 procedures. In order to enhance the effect of photoepilation, it is recommended to regularly use sunscreen during the first 7 days and not visit the pool, solarium or bathhouse.

A professional photoepilator is used according to the same principle. The only difference is that all manipulations are carried out by a master.

Many representatives of the fair sex agree to undergo painful procedures for the sake of beauty.

To their delight, scientists regularly invent new, effective ways to get rid of unwanted vegetation.

And one of the latest methods is photoepilation. In this article you will learn about the effectiveness, contraindications and consequences of this procedure.

- this is the effect of special light waves on the hairs, as a result of which the melanin in the hair cells is destroyed, the follicle dries out and dies. As a result - unwanted hair does not grow for a long time.

Although IPL machines used for this method epilations are based on pulsed light, they are not lasers. IN laser devices exposure to a wave of a certain length (755 nm) is provided, and in IPL systems light waves act at different lengths simultaneously (580-980 nm).

Is the procedure painful?

Many people are interested in whether photoepilation is dangerous and whether it goes away. Judging by the reviews, this method of getting rid of excess hair brings only minor discomfort. Moreover, pain decreases from procedure to procedure. And, as a result, the skin gradually adapts to moderate pain.

Important! The pain of the process depends on the level pain threshold and the area where photoepilation is performed .

This is what distinguishes photography from laser hair removal, which is very painful.

Are there any contraindications

If you are concerned about your health and are wondering whether photoepilation is harmful to your health, consult your doctor before starting the session. He will not only give you recommendations on how to prepare for the process, but will also find out some information:

  1. Do you have endocrine and hormonal disorders which lead to increased hair growth.
  2. What pharmacological drugs are you taking? In this case, it is necessary to mention corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, hormones and photosensitizers.
  3. What methods of getting rid of excess hair have you used in the past and how your skin reacted to them (whether photoepilation is safe depends on this).
  4. Do you have scars, tattoos, or nevi in ​​the hair removal area?

In addition, when communicating with a specialist, it is necessary to voice your expectations from photoepilation and talk about individual characteristics: skin tone, hair coarseness and color. This will help the cosmetologist determine how many sessions you will need to achieve the desired result.

Although photoepilation is considered a practically safe process, it can still be harmful to health. So, It is strictly forbidden to use this method if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • varicose veins at the sites of the procedure;
  • severe hypertension;
  • electronic devices in the body;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • chronic skin diseases (during exacerbation);
  • infectious diseases;
  • herpes;
  • keloid disease;
  • malignant formations on the surface of the skin;
  • recent tanning.

In addition, it is not excluded Negative influence photoepilation on the body of people under 17 years of age and in case of taking steroids.

Advice! Sensitivity depends on menstrual cycle. Cosmetologists do not recommend hair removal during menstruation and consider the optimal period to be 7-12 days from the start of the menstrual cycle.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Particularly relevant for breastfeeding women. Why is photoepilation dangerous during this period? It’s just that any outside influence has a negative impact on your health. And for young mothers, the consequences can be quite serious (the most harmless is hyperpigmentation).

Consequences and possible side effects

Without a doubt, photoepilation has significant advantages over other methods - it does not injure the skin and, as a result, eliminates the possibility of infection. However, despite the positive effect, it may cause unwanted side effects.

Irritation and itching

Itching and swelling after the hair removal process – normal phenomenon, for which you need to be prepared. Swelling can be eliminated by applying cooling agents. Swelling can persist from several hours to days. Itching occurs only some time after the procedure and, as a rule, is a reaction of tanned skin to the hair removal process.

Irritation (redness, erythema) after photoepilation can persist for up to a day after the procedure. How strong it will be depends on the hardness and color of the hair. The thinner and darker the hair, the less irritation there will be. This condition goes away on its own and there is no need to use any means.

Did you know? There are known cases of receiving reverse effect from photoepilation - increased hair growth.


Insufficient cooling of the skin, incorrect selection of parameters (energy density, pulse duration) or proper preparation the patient to the procedure may result in burns.

People with skin types IV, V and VI (according to Fitzpatrick) and those who have undergone the procedure after sunbathing are at risk of thermal damage to the skin.

Signs of burns after photoepilation:

  • skin redness;
  • edema;
  • the appearance of watery blisters;
  • crust formation.

Important! At the slightest suspicion of a burn, the procedure should be stopped immediately and the skin should be cooled. Moreover, the cooling process must be long.

In no case Do not pop blisters from burns– this can lead to infection in the wound. In case of thermal injury, an antiseptic bandage must be applied. If the burns are deep or other complications arise, you should consult a doctor.

Can photoepilation cause skin cancer?

Many people refuse this procedure because they doubt and do not know whether photoepilation can cause cancer.

In fact, experts say that with severe, scar-prone skin, this risk exists. Eg, Hair removal should not be performed in areas with numerous moles or papillomas– they can degenerate into malignant formations.

Precautionary measures

First of all, in order to avoid harm from photoepilation, you should prepare for it (and in advance):

  1. You cannot remove hair on your own within 30 days. The exception is shaving.
  2. Hair must be shaved 2-3 days before the procedure. The optimal hair length is 1 mm.
  3. 2 weeks before photoepilation, use self-tanning products, take antibiotics, tranquilizers.

To minimize the danger from the procedure, on the day of the session you should not use cosmetics and follow the recommendations given in the salon.

First of all, during this procedure it is necessary to protect your eyes from bright flashes with the help of dark glasses. If you do not follow this rule, there is a risk of damage to the retina.

A cooling gel is used to protect the skin. And after the procedure, a softening gel or spray is applied.

Important! The duration of the effect depends solely on the individual properties of the body, although cosmetologists promise to consolidate the result for years.

Photoepilation will not bring negative consequences for your health if you follow the following rules in the first 2 weeks after the session:

  • spend less time in the sun and not tan;
  • use special sunscreens (SPF not lower than 30);
  • limit the use of cosmetics (the ideal option is not to use them at all).

Did you know? In cosmetology, this hair removal method appeared a little over 10 years ago. Today he is recognized as one of the most effective ways getting rid of excess hair.

About the experience of using and contraindications for using a home photoepilator, watch the story of a beauty blogger in the video

It's really effective procedure. However, it should only be carried out in special salons and qualified specialists who clearly understand the principles of photodestruction. Only in this case will the process be less painful, more effective and with less risk of itching, swelling and redness after the procedure.

Many women who dream of smooth skin, devoid of any flaws, are concerned with the question: is photoepilation harmful or is it just a misconception? As you know, photoepilation is modern technology hardware method removal of excess and unnecessary body hair. Exposure of skin areas to flashes of light of a certain length promotes heating and subsequent coagulation of blood vessels. After such a session, the follicles die and, after some time, usually very short, the hair falls off.

On the one hand, we can say with confidence that the photoepilation method is absolutely harmless. The device is equipped with special filters that protect the skin from damage, thanks to which the hair removal procedure is possible on any part of your body:

  • stomach,
  • legs,
  • hands,
  • breasts,
  • face,
  • bikini area,
  • back,
  • armpits, etc.

It is very important to choose the right mode of exposure, since the safety of photoepilation largely depends on this. In this case, you should focus on the type of skin undergoing this procedure, as well as the structure of the hair and some other individual characteristics.

Before the session, a cooling gel, which has an analgesic effect, must be applied to the skin. At the end of the session, the treatment areas are lubricated with a softening cream. During the procedure, you need to take care of eye protection - these are perfect for this. sunglasses. Photoepilation does not cause any discomfort and is carried out quite quickly. In one flash of light, an area of ​​4-6 square cm is processed.

After successful implementation The first procedure manages to get rid of approximately 30% of the hair in the treated areas. After the second, approximately the same amount of hair is destroyed. Keep in mind that not all hair will fall out at once, but only after several weeks.

In some cases, a sparse fluff of short white hairs may remain on the treated areas, but it is completely invisible.

Choose your beauty salon carefully. For the effectiveness of photoepilation sessions, it is very important that the light emission power of the device is high, and that the duration and number of pulses are calculated correctly. The parameters of the light flashes are adjusted individually, taking into account the type of skin and hair.

Is there any proven harm?

Let's now talk about how photoepilation can be harmful for the average person. In fact, side and unwanted effects After the first and subsequent sessions, photoepilation occurs quite rarely, mainly after using insufficiently high-quality equipment:

  1. slight peeling is possible,
  2. disruption of your natural skin pigmentation for a period of time,
  3. skin redness,
  4. extension blood vessels,
  5. swelling.

It should be noted that women with low threshold sensitivity, painful sensations are possible during the session. All these consequences are not dangerous to human health and disappear after a couple of days.

In order to be guaranteed to receive maximum effect from the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the areas for future treatment in advance. It is advisable to shave your legs 3 days in advance, and armpits and, if necessary, the bikini area - 1 day before photoepilation. Areas on the face, chest, neck and abdomen will be treated by a specialist in the salon before the session.

In the first two to two and a half weeks after photoepilation, try to avoid exposure of the skin to aggressive sun rays. To do this, use a protective cream and avoid using self-tanning. During this time, avoid visiting the bathhouse and swimming pool.

This way you will prevent the possibility of pigmentation changes and avoid the formation of such a scourge as unsightly spots after hair removal, which you can read about.

Photoepilation is contraindicated if:

For healthy people The harm of photoepilation has not been proven. Against, this procedure not only helps get rid of unwanted hair, but also starts rejuvenation processes: accelerates the production of substances that promote accelerated skin regeneration - collagen and elastin.

Salon procedures are not cheap, and they also take up free time. modern woman. Today, manufacturers offer to purchase home photoepilators for independent use. But before you buy another new product, you need to study and learn about all the nuances of photoepilation at home.

Photoepilator: contraindications and consequences

Photoepilation is a method of getting rid of excess hair using high-frequency light pulses. The equipment used for photoepilation sessions in salons is designated by the abbreviation IPL, which means “Intense Pulsed Light”.

IPL system used in photoepilation salons

The principle of operation of the photoepilator

IPL devices simultaneously produce light waves of different lengths, resulting in an intense flow of energy that affects hair follicles. Household photoepilators for self-use also work on a similar principle.

Home photoepilator is compact and convenient

Exposure to light rays causes heating and further destruction of the follicles, a process called photothermolysis. Light energy only affects follicles in the stage active growth, this is up to 80% of all available follicles.

The remaining 20% ​​are in the inactive phase and are located deep in the skin. The photoepilator cannot act on dormant follicles, which is why several sessions of this procedure will be needed to completely remove hair.

IPL systems were originally developed to treat age-related skin symptoms - age spots and dilated vessels. Women who regularly use photoepilation note a noticeable rejuvenating effect after the procedure.

Photo flashes destroy the follicle by affecting the melanin contained in the hair. Melanin is a pigment, the amount of which determines the color saturation of the hair. It turns out that the darker the hair and lighter skin, the more effective photoepilation is.

In addition to photoepilation, it is popular.

The process of follicle destruction under the influence of photo flashes

The effectiveness of photoepilator, its disadvantages and advantages

IPL systems have special settings to change the length and intensity of light waves. To prevent photoepilation from causing harm to a woman’s health, the radiation intensity is adjusted individually in each case. All people have different skin type and hair color, so the effect of the procedure will be different.

Photoepilation in the salon is carried out by an employee with medical education, which determines the client’s color type. Household photoepilators are designed in such a way that dermal cells do not lose their viability during the procedure. Simply put, a home photoepilator is safe for the skin, and strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions guarantees results.

The effectiveness of a home photoepilator

The main question that concerns women: will a self-performed procedure be effective? Is it worth buying a photoepilator for independent use at home?

The effectiveness of the photoepilation device depends on the selected settings mode. After studying the instructions, you can determine your color type and set the optimal mode. But it should be taken into account that the color of skin and vegetation may differ in different parts of the body, so the settings need to be adjusted. And, of course, the manufacturers made sure that even at maximum power the woman could not harm her own health.

Typically, a course of five to ten procedures with an average interval between them of four to six weeks is sufficient to remove unwanted vegetation. After the first treatment, there is usually no immediate effect. The vegetation falls out gradually, over the course of about a week.

With each subsequent procedure, hair growth activity will decrease. From session to session, the vegetation will thin out and become lighter. After completing the course, in most cases, body hair disappears for several years, and in some - forever.

In order to completely get rid of hair by summer, you don’t need to start a course of photoepilation. later than the end winter.

After a course of photoepilation, hair disappears for several years

Pros and cons of photoepilator

Like any technique for maintaining beauty, photoepilators have certain pros and cons, but we hasten to please women - there are many more advantages. These include:

  1. No pain when performing photoepilation.
  2. The procedure is short: a session takes on average from five to 30 minutes.
  3. Non-contact principle of exposure - the skin is not injured, the risk of infection and the likelihood of ingrown hairs are eliminated.
  4. Hair removal on any part of the body, as well as on the face.
  5. Side effect of rejuvenation: during photoepilation, collagen production is stimulated, the skin is smoothed.

The only disadvantages include the high cost of the device and the inability to remove vellus, light or gray hair. Blondes and women of elegant age should refuse photoepilation and choose another method of hair removal.

A good alternative in this case would be electrolysis. This method of getting rid of excess hair does not limit its use according to the color type of hair and skin. In addition, this is the only method that guarantees a 100% result.

The disadvantages of a photoepilator are often possible appearance burns, but such cases are rare, since the developers initially limited the intensity of exposure to light rays in household appliances. If burns appear on the skin, most likely we're talking about about improper use of the device and non-compliance with the instructions.

Consequences - burns after photoepilation

Photoepilator - contraindications and consequences

The photoepilator has contraindications for use, which must be taken into account:

As you can see, there are contraindications and consequences for the photoepilator, the risks of which must be minimized. To do this, consult your doctor before purchasing the device.

Before the first session, consultation with a specialist is required.

If the device is used incorrectly, problems may occur. unpleasant consequences: burns, skin irritation. Strict adherence to the instructions of the photoepilator, as well as proper preparation before the procedure and care of the treated areas after it will help to avoid the consequences.

Preparation for photoepilation

Photoepilation begins long before the first session. Two weeks before the first treatment, you should stop visiting the beach or solarium, as flashlights can cause burns on tanned and dark-skinned skin.

Next, you need to make sure that the hairs on the treated area are from one to three millimeters long. It is at this length that the photoepilator works most effectively. If hair is removed with wax, this must be done two weeks before the procedure. If you use a razor, it is enough to remove hair in the intended treatment area in two to three days.

Photoepilation cannot be performed during a course of antibiotics, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. These groups of drugs increase the susceptibility of the dermis to UV rays, which may cause burns.

On the day when photoepilation is planned, cleanse the skin with gentle hygiene products, dry the skin well, and then apply a cooling gel to the hair removal area. This will prevent possible discomfort during hair removal. During the procedure, wear special glasses, the availability of which must be taken care of in advance.

Professional cooling gel for all types of hardware hair removal

Setting up the photoepilator and performing the procedure

The instructions for photoepilators usually contain a color scale, which can be used to determine the color type of skin and hair and set the appropriate operating mode. In more expensive models, there is an automated detection system, and the device will adjust automatically, you just need to bring it to your skin and hair.

Comparative table of hair and skin shades in the instructions for the photoepilator

During processing, the photoepilation device emits sound signals, signaling the beginning and end of light exposure. There should not be any problems in the process painful sensations, otherwise we can talk about incorrect settings of the device.

The absence of any sensations is also not a good sign; in this case, we are talking about a weak impact and ineffectiveness of the session. During photoepilation, a slight tingling sensation and warmth are considered normal.

For getting best result In the area of ​​the armpits, the skin must be evened out as much as possible. In the presence of birthmarks You can protect them in the treatment area using any universal cream or stationery corrector.

After photoepilation

Skin care after photoepilation is simple. Lubricate the skin immediately after any procedure pharmacy ointment, which contains active substance dexpanthenol: Bepanten, Dexpanthen plus, Panthenol, Pantoderm. Dexpanthenol contains vitamin B5, which is responsible for tissue regeneration and will help the skin recover.

Apply ointments containing dexpanthenol after the procedure

During the week, you should not expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation, which means visiting the solarium and the beach are prohibited. Any procedures or activities that involve increased sweating: sports, visiting the sauna, swimming pool.

Eliminate the use of alcohol-containing products for a week. cosmetics and scrubs containing abrasive particles. After hair removal on your face, try not to use heavy foundations that clog pores.

According to reviews from women who use a photoepilator, hair removal at home is no less effective than in a salon. The main thing is not to miss sessions and to properly care for your skin before and after photoepilation.