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Easily digestible foods and their role in the diet

Unfortunately, in most cases, we begin to think about the health of our stomach only when we feel any discomfort after eating: it can be a feeling of heaviness, flatulence, or even pain. In such a situation, you have to consult a doctor, undergo diagnostics and treatment, adhere to a diet. But all this could have been avoided if we had chosen in advance. the right products for the stomach - it's no secret that competently organized meals helps to warn a large number of various diseases, and not only digestive system, but also vessels, urinary system, joints, etc.

We will talk about which foods are good for the stomach, and which ones are better to refuse.

Useful foods for the stomach

Foods that are good for a healthy stomach may be harmful for gastritis or peptic ulcer, so the question of "usefulness" should be approached individually. For example, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as other foods rich in fiber is a great food for healthy person, as it saturates the body with vitamins and normalizes the excretion of toxins and toxic accumulations. With gastritis, coarse fiber will have to be abandoned so as not to injure the irritated and inflamed gastric mucosa.

To begin with, let's define a list of products that are useful and necessary for healthy digestion:

  • Vegetable oils (in particular, linseed, olive) - contain large amounts of tocopherol and omega-3 fatty acids. Such oils are the best dressing for salads instead of harmful mayonnaise.
  • Oatmeal is a storehouse of nutrients, as well as soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • Dairy products are best product to stabilize the function of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole, as it contains natural bifidus and lactobacilli. Kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt are hearty and healthy foods that are easily digested by the stomach.
  • Bananas are hearty and useful fruit, which will add energy and support the intestinal microflora.
  • Berries are a good alternative to fruits: they are easier to digest and fill the body with antioxidants, easily digestible vitamins and minerals.
  • Vegetables - are perceived by the stomach easier than fruits, but do not contain fewer vitamins and micronutrients.

And another specific product for the stomach is pure drinking water, which is essential for normal operation Total digestive tract. Water removes toxic substances, improves peristalsis, eliminates excess acid in the stomach, improves blood circulation.

Heavy foods for the stomach

The degree of "severity" of products for the stomach depends not only on their origin and composition, but also on how exactly they are prepared. It is easiest for the stomach to perceive stewed, boiled, steamed food, as well as fresh vegetables, greens, berries and fruits.

Fried foods, especially with large quantity fat, are taken by the stomach hard, complicate the process of digestion of food, impair the absorption of nutrients.

Other foods that are considered heavy on the digestive system include:

  • products with chemical additives, bad fats, a lot of salt (chips, crackers, fast food, sausages, smoked meats, snacks);
  • pasties, belyashi, donuts fried in oil;
  • margarine, animal fats, lard, fatty meat;
  • carbonated waters, including Coca-Cola, energy drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • muffins, fresh pastries, cakes and cakes with buttercream.

It is hard for the stomach to eat dry food, as well as a large amount of food eaten at one time (for example, during a feast).

Light foods for the stomach

The lightest foods that are quickly digested in the stomach are:

  • berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries);
  • dairy products, especially with a low percentage of fat;
  • vegetables, herbs, fruits (especially bananas);
  • fish;
  • kissel, jelly natural basis;
  • fresh juice;
  • puddings, steam omelettes, cream soups;
  • lean (low-fat) meats.

Dairy products for the stomach

Dairy products provide the body with essential proteins, fats and carbohydrates. milk protein It is considered a complete protein, which is easily and efficiently absorbed by the stomach. In addition, milk contains a lot of calcium and other minerals.

Nutritionists believe that a healthy diet should include low-fat dairy products, preferably without any heat treatment(in the absence of milk intolerance). Dairy products normalize the secretion of the stomach, facilitates the digestion of food, and creates a feeling of fullness.

  • Kefir is digested much faster than milk. In addition, fresh kefir contributes to the normalization intestinal flora and strengthening motor activity intestines.
  • Yogurt without chemical fillers is rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria that contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  • Cottage cheese - useful product for the stomach great content calcium, phosphorus, vitamins. It is equally well absorbed as in fresh, and in the form of casseroles, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Hard cheese - especially healthy protein product with a high content of amino acids. For diet food it is better to choose natural cheese with a fat content of 45% or less.
  • Butter- in small quantities, it is simply necessary for the stomach for good digestion and normal functioning of the gallbladder.

Products for the stomach with gastritis

With gastritis, the following products for the stomach will be useful:

  • low-fat meats (preferably white meat);
  • oatmeal "Hercules";
  • rice and buckwheat;
  • low-fat varieties sea ​​fish;
  • dairy;
  • boiled eggs or in the form of steam omelettes;
  • bananas, baked sweet apples;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes);
  • non-acidic berries in the form of compotes, jelly, jelly.

Products for the stomach with high acidity

Increased acidity is usually accompanied by heartburn, sour belching, and abdominal pain. To alleviate the condition with increased acidity, it is recommended that when compiling a diet, focus on following products for the stomach:

  • dried slices of bread, biscuit cookies, unsalted crackers;
  • boiled eggs;
  • boiled vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, zucchini, carrots, celery, parsnips, beets);
  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, vermicelli;
  • cream soup, puree soup;
  • fresh dairy products;
  • low-fat types of sea fish;
  • bananas.

Enveloping products for the stomach

Products that envelop the gastric mucosa prevent the development inflammatory process, improve well-being with peptic ulcer disease. If you use at least one of the listed products daily, then the stomach will work without problems for many years.

  1. Flaxseed contains natural mucous substances that create a protective layer on the walls of the stomach, preventing negative impact coarse and poor quality food. The seeds contain vitamins and fiber, which is necessary for normal intestinal motility.
  2. natural honey improves digestion and is suitable for use, both with reduced and with hyperacidity. Only with an excess of acid, honey is washed down warm water, and with a lack - cool. Honey gently envelops the mucous membrane and protects it from various adverse factors.
  3. Ripe bananas contain natural mucilages that prevent ulcers and erosions from forming and help heal existing problems.
  4. Rice is a natural adsorbent, which, when cooked for a long time, releases mucous substances into the water. Rice porrige considered one of the most dietary and easily digestible cereals.
  5. Potatoes contain starch that envelops the gastric walls, so it can be used even for peptic ulcers - but only in boiled and pureed form.
  1. Oatmeal during long-term cooking releases mucous components into the water. It is this property that allows the product to be used to accelerate the healing of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Dishes containing starch, for example, fruit and berry jelly, also have an enveloping property.

The best foods for the stomach

Useful, fresh and high-quality products for the stomach are only half a step taken towards your own health. Equally important is how to eat healthy food.

You should not eat dry food, on the run, swallow food without chewing it first - all this will only complicate the work of the stomach.

It is not recommended to watch the press or TV while eating, and also eat in front of a computer monitor. Being distracted by other objects, we reflexively impair secretion gastric juice. As a result, the food is not digested enough, which can cause additional disturbances in the digestive system. In addition, being distracted from eating, it is easy to overeat and overload the walls of the stomach.

To facilitate the function of digestion, meat products It is better to eat in the morning, but not at night. Shortly before bedtime, it is better to drink a cup of kefir or yogurt - digestion will improve, and you will sleep much more peacefully.

It is undesirable to drink liquid during or immediately after a meal - this will slow down the digestion process, which can cause heaviness in the stomach. Water and other drinks are drunk half an hour before a meal, or 1-1.5 hours after it.

diet plays important role in maintaining good health. healthy eating, helps in the prevention of obesity, as well as gastrointestinal diseases.

There are several types of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, fish, etc. that can be easily digested in the body. As a rule, these products are indicated for people who suffer from digestive disorders or have recently undergone surgery. However, it is wise to include these foods in your diet to prevent illnesses such as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), etc.

Easily digestible fruits
Fruits and vegetables are the easiest foods to digest. They contain fiber which helps in speeding up the digestion process in the body. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are at the top of the list. easily digestible products nutrition.
Fresh juices

Vegetables that have undergone thorough cooking are easier to digest than raw vegetables (for example, in salads). It should also be noted that the presence of a large amount of legumes, beans and lentils can lead to digestive problems and, therefore, it is advisable to limit their consumption.
Beans (black, Lima)
Sweet potato

Several sources of carbohydrates can be easily absorbed by the body, and fermented foods can be beneficial for digestion. However, it makes sense to consult a nutritionist about the effects of food fermentation. In addition to the above, here are a few more products that could be included in the list.
Whole grains
Boiled rice (white, brown)
rice pasta
Rice cakes and crackers
wheat bran
chicken fillet
Among these foods, rice in any form, properly cooked. It is prescribed for people suffering from illness, children, the elderly, etc. Chicken and fish, when cooked, also digest faster than when consumed in other forms.

On the other hand, if you want to know which food products take longer to digest, then look for nuts, seeds, soy products, cabbage, wheat, rye, milk and dairy products, etc. Consuming large amounts of these foods every day can lead to constipation. At the same time, curry consumption, spicy food, tea, coffee, etc. can also cause digestive problems, and therefore should be limited.

In addition to changing your diet, you also need to make changes to your lifestyle. It is recommended to have small frequent appointments food, 4-5/day. Secondly, you should not lie down or sleep immediately after eating, as this can disrupt the digestion process. It is better to eat 1-2 hours before rest or any physical activity.

The most favorable way of eating is a balanced, frequent and fractional meal. If we consider how food is digested according to the speed of digestion, then vegetables and vegetables are most and completely absorbed. fruit juices, broths, vegetables - cucumbers, lettuce, greens, as well as fruits and berries, dairy products. Grains, grains, and legumes digest much more slowly—one to two hours—and nuts, seeds, and eggs take even longer. Fish, seafood, poultry and meat are considered the longest in terms of digestion speed - from two to five hours.

digestible protein

Dishes from meat, offal or poultry are considered the most useful for the body, because they contain the necessary for the body building element- squirrel. Dishes from these products are best cooked boiled or steamed, then the products will lose a small amount of trace elements and allow the body to easily and without much harm absorb everything you need.

Eggs are also useful for the body - quail, chicken, duck and others. They contain a lot of potassium, vitamin D. In order not to lose all these useful material, eggs are best boiled hard-boiled - so they are better absorbed. But you shouldn’t drink them raw - the risk is very high, and the antitryptase substance in a raw egg will only slow down the digestion process.

AT egg yolks a large number of valuable amino acids needed by the human body.

Fermented milk products are well absorbed by the body - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts, cheeses, which contain a lot of protein, calcium, as well as necessary gastrointestinal tract microorganisms.

The most valuable products in terms of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and protein are fish and seafood. It is preferable to choose fish from the sea, it contains necessary for the body iodine. And it is best to cook dishes from such products also steamed or boiled.

Fish protein is devoid of "heavy" fats, and nutritionally comparable to meat.

Combination of cereals and vegetables

From cereals for the benefit and good digestibility, buckwheat, rice and oatmeal can be distinguished. Buckwheat contains a lot of iron, but in simple form it is not fully digested. To extract from this grits maximum benefit, it is necessary to combine it with vegetables - white cabbage, sauerkraut, broccoli or sea ​​kale. This will provide the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is better to choose unpolished rice, there is too much peeled rice, which slows down its digestibility. And oatmeal

First of all, food should be perceived as fuel for the body, so sometimes it’s not the taste that matters, but how quickly you can benefit from a particular product.
We all know that every product has nutritional value, but in addition to this, there is also a digestibility factor. We offer to find out which foods are absorbed as quickly as possible.

1. Tofu
Tofu and any soy products can easily replace meat, thanks to their high protein content. At the same time, these products also boast a favorable digestibility coefficient.

2. Brussels sprouts
This type of cabbage contains up to 9% protein, as well as many vitamins. That is why Brussels sprouts will be an ideal food and will not cause any discomfort to the stomach.

3. Cereals
With an average calorie content of 80-100 calories, rice, barley and oatmeal hide a useful set vegetable protein and fiber. In addition, cereals have a detoxifying effect and can act as a cleanser of the digestive and intestinal tract.

4. Liver
AT beef liver contains a lot of iron and essential protein. At the same time, the liver is low in calories and does not contain a large amount of fat. Due to the content of enzymes in it, the liver is easily digested.

5. Curd
Curd like any other milk product, contains a large amount of proteins that are perfectly absorbed.

6. Hard cheese
With a low fat content and calorie content, hard types of cheese contain a lot of protein. At the same time, such cheese is digested much better than dairy products and meat.

7. Eggs
Eggs are considered an excellent protein product, which is also easily and quickly digested and does not contain any harmful compounds.

8. Tuna and salmon
Among all types of fish, tuna and salmon are especially distinguished, which are useful for our body. Also nutritious are pike, crabs, shrimp and perch.

9. Beef
Of all red meats, beef is the most digestible. It is worth choosing the meat of young animals, which not only has a special taste, but is also much easier to digest.

10. Chicken meat
AT chicken meat contained complete protein which is also easy to digest. It is best to buy brisket meat, which contains the necessary combination of vitamin and mineral substances.