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How old is a cat, 17 years old? How old is a cat by human standards: Three main ways of counting. Funny video about our cats

Human life is divided into several stages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age. A cat's life in calendar terms is much shorter than a human's. However, they also have different age periods. To make it clear what stage of life you are in furry pet, it is necessary to compare the duration of life periods of humans and cats. Of course, such a distribution is conditional, and yet it allows us to present a schematic picture of a cat’s entire life.

How to determine the age of a cat by human standards?


After birth, the kitten, like a human child, feeds on its mother's milk and can only crawl. The age of a two-month-old kitten is equal to 5-10 months in a child.


This period of time in cats begins from the moment the kitten begins to walk. At the same time, he actively gets acquainted with the outside world, tasting the things around him, and also trying to remember the smell and taste of each object. He starts trying other foods. This occurs after 2 months of birth. The age of the kitten by human standards corresponds to a 2-year-old child.


At this stage, the kitten still plays with pleasure, but at the same time he develops a feeling of danger and, when an unfamiliar object approaches, he quickly hides. Outwardly, he already looks like an adult cat. This phase development occurs at 7-8 months of the animal’s life, which corresponds to an eight-year-old human child.


During this period, the cat's body continues to grow. Puberty begins. At the same time, if possible, it is necessary to protect your pet from early establishment offspring, since this activity can negatively affect general development the animal's body, as it requires large energy costs. This time comes when the cat is 9-10 months old, and the person is 14-16 years old. At one year, cats fully reach sexual maturity and can already produce offspring. A cat year is equal to approximately 18 human years.

Mature years.

All physiological systems work harmoniously. Cats are full of strength and energy. This stage Development begins at approximately 3-4 years. By human standards, the age of a cat of 3 years is equal to 30 years in humans, a five-year-old cat is approximately a forty-year-old person.

Old age.

The animal becomes lazy, moves gracefully, but slowly. The wool loses its former shine and smoothness. This happens when the animal reaches 13-14 years of age. At 11 years old, a cat is a 60-year-old pensioner by human standards. Then, each cat's year goes by four and five, and if your pet lived to be 20 years old, then she has crossed the 100-year mark human life. The approximate correspondence of the cat's age by human standards is in the table.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand how old a cat is. If the cat is healthy, it gets good care, balanced diet and great content, she's quite active and you'd think she'd always be that way. But old age is just around the corner, average duration The life of a furry purr is about 15-17 years.

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Many owners are interested in the question: how old is a cat by human standards?

As your pet ages, its behavior changes greatly.

From a small playful kitten, he turns into a calm cat, spending more time sleeping and less time on outdoor games.

Time passes faster for cats than for people.

To determine the age of your pet, you can refer to the correspondence table.

The first option is calculation with a coefficient

To find out how old a cat is by human standards, a coefficient is often used.

This number determines the number of human years a cat lives in one year.

For each age group have their own characteristics

The calculations are based on social and emotional characteristics.

After all, comparing the logic of a person and a cat is not entirely correct.

Of course, this table contains only approximate data.

If the exact age of the cat is not known, a veterinarian will help determine it approximately.

At the same time, he will assess the health of the pet’s teeth and the condition of the body as a whole.

Important! It is extremely difficult to obtain reliable data on the level of intelligence in cats, therefore all methods of converting from age to human age are only approximate.

Although the coefficient gives general idea, how old is a cat by human standards, it cannot be said that this is accurate data.

You should not think that at two years old the cat is fully formed intellectually and has adapted socially.

Such a table rather shows the aging of the body, its wear and tear.

Older cats are calm and measured

Option two - age ratio

Moreover, each year is equivalent to several years of people’s lives.

  1. The first year of life is counted as 15 human years.
  2. Second year - by 24.
  3. Every next year adds 4 years to the age, this figure remains unchanged until 16 years.
  4. After 16 years, each year lived is equal to 3.

With this calculation system, a two-year-old cat is perceived as a 24-year-old girl, and when she reaches 12 years old, as a 64-year-old lady.

Using this recalculation option, a number of analogies can be drawn.

For example, up to 1 year (like a person up to 15 years old), a cat learns to take care of itself, get along with its owner, and so on.

At the same time, the animal goes through puberty.

At two years old, the cat already has a formed character and knows how to demand from the owner what she needs (or simply wants).

Her behavior at this stage really resembles young man or a girl of 24 years of age.

If we continue this calculation, by the age of 15 (which is 76 years in human terms), a cat, like an elderly person, may develop diseases.

And her behavior can change according to her age.

TO age characteristics The following points include:

  • decreased interest in games;
  • the appearance of behavioral characteristics characteristic of adults.

Breed affects age characteristics

Important! Appearance and character age-related changes depend on the breed of cat.

Option three - basic arithmetic

In this case, each year of a furry pet’s life will be equivalent to 7 years of human life.

The result is not the most accurate.

A cat that has reached the age of one is much more independent than a 7-year-old child. After all, she is driven by instincts.

However, many more animals live to be 20 years old than people live to be 140.

These kittens are still very small

The main disadvantage of this method is that it does not allow one to compare the stages of development in humans and animals.

That's why this method less preferable in calculations.

What to do if the pet's age is unknown

If the cat was picked up on the street, then determine how old it is. this moment, it will be difficult.

However, age is important to know in order to find out how old a cat is by human standards.

Determining age can be entrusted to a veterinarian

If your cat's diet contains enough vitamins and minerals, the process of tooth wear and loss will noticeably slow down.

The condition of the teeth says a lot about the age of the cat.

Does breed affect life expectancy?

Actually the answer to this question is yes. They can live much longer:

  • mongrel cats;
  • animals of natural or long-bred breeds.

In addition, the following factors affect life expectancy in cats:

  • heredity;
  • presence/absence of genetic diseases.

It is worth noting that sterilized cats and castrated cats have a longer life expectancy than individuals participating in procreation.

The absence of stress during the mating season has a positive effect on their condition.

Neutered cats live longer

Interesting! According to the observations of veterinarians, the life expectancy in most cases in cats is from 10 to 15 years.

What can the owner do

Sometimes it’s interesting to know how old your favorite cat is by human standards.

To prolong its life, it is important to take proper care of it. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Monitor your cat's diet. Her menu should be balanced.
  2. Provide your pet with everything essential vitamins, the use of special supplements will prevent vitamin deficiency.
  3. Consider veterinarian recommendations for caring for a specific breed.
  4. Make sure your cat leads active image life - play with her, if possible, go for a walk with her.
  5. Keep her healthy. This includes timely, preventive measures, regular visits to the veterinarian. If your cat is sick, consult a doctor immediately and do not try to treat it yourself.

Along with all these measures, the importance of the attention and care that the cat feels every day cannot be underestimated.

The owner's love will have a positive effect on longevity.

Conditions for a comfortable life are also important: suitable for travel.

Interesting! Among the long-livers is the cat Ma from Great Britain, who was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She lived 34 years!

Babies are more playful and active than adults

Calculating how old a cat is by human standards is not so easy.

In fact, the psyche, thinking and habits of furry pets are very different from the thinking and behavior of people.

Thanks to the coefficients and tables, you can only approximately imagine what age your pet is now.

At the same time, a number of factors influence the life expectancy of cats.

How old is a cat by human standards - three ways to calculate

How old is a cat by human standards? This is interesting for every owner to know, and for calculations they use a coefficient or simply equate several human years to one cat year.

Cats live quite a long time for their size. Typically, the lifespan of an animal is proportional to its size (the only exceptions are humans, turtles, whales and some other animals).

The tiny mouse has a short lifespan; rabbits live a little longer. Dogs, depending on their size and breed, live much longer, from 7 to 20 years. Cats are not much larger than rabbits, but while rabbits typically live no more than 7 years, cats have an average lifespan of 12 to 14 years, and it is not uncommon for cats to live up to 20 or even 25 years in domestic environments.

Cats have 6 stages of life:

1. Kitten: 0-6 months
The period when a young cat grows rapidly, develops and barely reaches sexual maturity.

2. Young cat: 6 months - 2 years
The cat reaches its full adult size, learning about life and survival.

3. Cat in its prime: 2 years - 6 years
The cat is fully developed physically and intellectually, she is healthy and very active, her coat looks smooth and shiny.

4. Mature cat: 7-10 years old
A cat is called mature when, by human standards, it can be considered 40 to 50 years old.

5. Older cat: 11-14 years old
The cat's age is about 70 human years.

6. old cat: from 15 years and older
Many cats reach this stage and show no signs of aging diseases! Although the age of these cats by human standards is more than 70 years.

Table - age of cats and kittens by human standards

Age of the cat Relative age of a person
1 month 5-6 months
2 months 9-10 months
3 months 2-3 years
4 months 5-6 years
5 months 8-9 years
6 months 14 years
7 months 15 years
8 months 16 years
1 year 18 years
2 years 25 years
3 years 30 years
4 years 35 years
5 years 38 years
6 years 42 years old
7 years 45 years
8 years 48 years old
9 years 55 years
10 years 60 years
11 years 62 years old
12 years 65 years old
13 years 68 years old
14 years 72 years old
15 years 76 years old
16 years 80 years old
17 years 84 years old
18 years 88 years old
19 years 92 years old
20 years 96 years old
21 years old 100 years

The table below shows all stages of a cat's life (from 1 month to 21 years), as well as the equivalent age of a human. This data will allow you to assess how old your cat is inside, since as noted, this is not very obvious from the outside, since cats rarely turn gray and often do not show any external signs pain or illness such as arthritis.

If you are an exemplary owner and take care of your pet, then the question of how to find out how old a cat is should not interest you, you already know this. Well, if for some reason it happened that this information passed you by, then you will be wondering how the age of cats is calculated.

This is not about you being an irresponsible owner or anything else, things happen different situations, and you, for example, could pick up a kitten on the street, or a fluffy asshole could bump into you when you were returning home from the store or work. Anything can happen and no one is immune from it. In such cases, there are a number of factors based on which you can predict at least the approximate age of the pet.

By the way, the most by known methods to extend the life of your pet are: proper care for cats, and also for her.

How to determine a cat's age by its teeth

Carrying out such an experiment will not be easy, since an adult pet is unlikely to allow you to admire its mouth for a long time. The method allows you to determine the age of a cat with an accuracy of up to two months.

Determining the age of a cat by its teeth

  1. At the age of 1 month, a small kitten begins to develop milk teeth.
  2. A 5 month old pet's teeth are changing.
  3. If the central incisors are worn out, this means the approximate age is 1.5 years.
  4. When the middle incisors are worn out, the cat is already about 2.5 years old.
  5. At 5 years of age, fangs usually wear out.
  6. At 6 years old upper jaw undergoes changes as the incisors begin to wear off.
  7. The rubbing surfaces of the jaw change between the ages of 7 and 9 years.
  8. If the incisors begin to fall out, this may indicate an age of 10 to 15 years.

There is no point in sticking to a measuring scale, since each cat has a different lifestyle. For example, if the cat’s food was of poor quality, then the teeth begin to deteriorate earlier.


This method is only applicable for small kittens. The age of puberty in cats can range from 7 to 9 months. However, due to the characteristics of the breed and its lifestyle, this age may occur either earlier or later. This means that if you are hoping to accurately determine the age of a cat, then this method is not for you.

Cat puberty age

Under the best circumstances, the error will be 1 month; under the worst circumstances, it will reach 4 months. Moreover, if you consider that cat years are different by human standards, then such uncertainty will not give you anything.

Cat's age based on fur

This method, like the previous ones, does not provide a 100% guarantee, but many rely on it. So, if a cat has soft fur, then it is likely that she is not yet a year old. But there is such a flaw that with proper care of the pet, it always has soft fur, so it is stupid to focus on such an indicator.

Cat's age based on fur

In addition, depending on the breed, it turns out that it is generally impossible to determine age by wool, since there are those whose hair is hard from birth. These include:

  • American Wirehair cat;
  • Bohemian Rex;
  • Dutch Rex and others.

If you notice that your cat's fur is falling out in clumps, this is a clear sign illness and it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Is it possible to tell the age of a cat by its eyes?

The older the cat, the more likely it is that its eyes will see worse and this will appear outwardly blurred. These cloudy areas are visible to the human eye, so if you notice the appearance of such areas, it is better to see a veterinarian.

It is difficult to determine how old a cat is based on this sign, but it does exist. However, the appearance dull look may well tell us not only about old age, but also about such a disease as blindness.

Age of a cat by human standards - table

The limit is different for many breeds, the most common are presented below:

It is difficult to say definitively how many years cats live at home, since each breed has its own life period. The ratio of the age of a cat and a person is often interpreted differently, but this does not mean that you cannot take a closer look at it. If we do not take this ratio into account, then the normal age for a cat is 70-90 years, which by human standards equates to approximately 17-20 years. If the pet lived less, most likely there were health problems.

If you don’t take into account cat age, but only human age, then 18 years in our world is very short.

Cat age by human standards - table

Lifespan of a cat

We have already figured out how to find out how old a cat is. Now you need to determine how long the pet will live approximately based on its routine and the owner’s care for it. There are 6 rules that, if followed, will allow your pet to live happily ever after:

  1. Balanced diet. The absence of this directly leads to a deterioration in the quality of life and, as a consequence, a reduction in its duration.
  2. Free your cat from stress. On the background psychological problems Household members may develop various diseases.
  3. Cats need freedom. There is no need to lock your family member in a tight cage - this violates his freedom. In addition, he may even be older than you, if you remember that a cat’s age by human standards is much higher, then you should understand that at 7-8 cat years a pet is, in principle, considered a bit old.
  4. Visit your veterinarian regularly. This precaution will protect your pet from unexpected infections. It is recommended to vaccinate cats according to age in order to ensure a decent and healthy life.
  5. Love the cat. Weasel has never caused harm, but has always done only good.
  6. Make sure that castration is timely, since if you delay this matter, you can injure the cat’s psyche.