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Basal temperature by cycle phases. What will determine the day of ovulation. Increased or decreased basal temperature

Basal (or rectal) temperature is called body temperature at rest after 3-6 hours of sleep. The measurement is taken in the rectum, vagina or mouth.

The peculiarity of such measurements is absolute independence from environmental factors. The method was proposed more than half a century ago by the Englishman Marshall and is based on the biological effect produced by sex hormones, and more specifically, the hyperthermic effect that progesterone has on the thermoregulation center (i.e., it leads to an increase in temperature).

Method of measurement basal temperature is the most important test functional diagnostics ovarian activity. Based on the data, they build basal temperature measurement charts.

Why measure?

BT (base temperature) measurement is carried out:

  • to determine the onset of ovulation - the most favorable period for conception;
  • to diagnose possible infertility;
  • to determine the safe period for having unprotected sex;
  • for diagnosing the onset of pregnancy at the earliest early stages;
  • to detect hormonal disorders.

Most women do not take this method very seriously and view it as a mere formality.

In fact, by measuring BT one obtains Lots of important information:

  • about the normal course of the egg maturation process and the time of its release;
  • about the quality of functioning of the endocrine system;
  • about the presence of certain gynecological diseases (for example, endometritis);
  • about the time of the next menstruation;
  • about the condition of the ovaries and the conformity of their activity to the norm.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

To obtain sufficient information and objective data, basal temperature must be recorded for at least three cycles in a row.

In this case, one should take into account the possibility general increase temperature(including basal) due to:

  • diseases;
  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • eating;
  • physical activity.

You can use a regular mercury or electronic thermometer. Using a mercury device, BT is measured within 5 minutes, but the electronic one can be taken out after the signal for the end of the measurement.

Rules for measuring BT

What is considered the norm?

Before you start drawing up a schedule, you need to know how BT changes normally under the influence of hormones. Monthly cycle women is two-phase:

  • the first phase is hypothermic (follicular);
  • the second is hyperthermic (luteal).

During the first, the follicle develops. Subsequently, an egg is released from it. During this period, increased synthesis of estrogen by the ovaries occurs. Base temperature is maintained below 37 degrees.

Approximately on the 12-16th day (between two phases) ovulation occurs. Just the day before there is a sharp drop in base temperature. During ovulation the temperature reaches a maximum, increasing by 0.4 - up to 0.6 degrees. By this sign, you can reliably judge the onset of ovulation.

The duration of the luteal phase (or corpus luteum phase) is approximately 14 days. It ends with menstruation (except in cases of pregnancy). This phase is very important, because the corpus luteum prepares the female body for pregnancy by maintaining high level progesterone and low estrogen. The BT indicator in this case is 37 degrees or more.

Right before menstruation, as well as in the first days of a new cycle, it is recorded decrease in BT by about 0.3 degrees, and the whole process is repeated.

At in good condition health must definitely be observed described temperature fluctuations. The absence of periods of rise with further declines indicates the absence of the ovulation process, which results in infertility.

In a woman’s body, regular changes in hormonal levels occur, directly related to the processes menstrual cycle. In a healthy young woman, these changes are clearly repeated from month to month. It is noticed that hormonal effects also affects basal body temperature. Moreover, if you measure the temperature every day at the same time, you can see a clear pattern of changes and reflect them on the graph. In this case, it will be clear on what day of the cycle ovulation occurs and when pregnancy can occur. You can notice whether conception has occurred and recognize pathologies.


What is basal temperature, the purpose of its measurement

A basal body temperature of 36°-37.5° is considered normal. In women in different days the menstrual cycle and before menstruation, characteristic temperature deviations within these limits are observed, associated with changes in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone. To notice the pattern of these deviations, it is necessary to carefully measure basal temperature at the same time every day, and then compare the readings over several cycles.

Since we are talking about deviations of basal temperature in tenths of a degree, it is desirable to exclude the influence external conditions, therefore it is not measured in the armpit area, as with a cold, but constantly in one of 3 places: in the mouth, in the vagina or in the rectum (the most accurate result is obtained with rectal measurement). This temperature is called basal.

When measuring temperature, the following conditions must be met:

  • the same thermometer is used all the time;
  • Temperature measurements are made in a lying position only in the morning, immediately after sleep, strictly at the same time;
  • The duration of sleep should not be less than 3 hours so that the body’s condition is stable and the temperature is not affected by changes in blood circulation during movement and other activities. active work;
  • The thermometer must be held for 5-7 minutes, the readings are noted immediately after the measurement;
  • if they exist possible reasons deviations from normal indicators basal temperature (illness, stress), then you need to make an appropriate note.

It is convenient to display the measured readings in the form of a graph, marking the days of the menstrual cycle on the horizontal axis, and the basal temperature on the vertical axis.

Note: Temperature measurements will only be effective if the woman has regular cycle, it doesn’t matter whether it will be 21-24, 27-30 or 32-35 days.

What can you learn from a temperature change graph?

By comparing graphs of temperature changes over several months (preferably at least 12), a woman will be able to determine on what day of the cycle she ovulates, and therefore determine the time of possible conception. For some, this helps to roughly determine “ dangerous days", in order to be especially careful before their onset. However, the probability of error is quite high. Even completely healthy women can have unexplained problems before menstruation, at least occasionally. Therefore, you should not trust this method 100%.

Based on the shape of the resulting curve line, it is determined whether ovulation occurs in each specific cycle, and a conclusion is drawn about whether the ovaries function effectively enough and whether the production of female sexual hormones corresponds to the norm.

Based on the location of temperature points on the eve of menstruation, an assumption is made that fertilization has occurred and the onset of pregnancy is established at the earliest stage. The doctor will be able to confirm or refute this assumption after palpation of the uterus and ultrasound examination.

Video: What is the importance of measuring basal temperature

How does basal temperature change during the cycle (ovulation, before menstruation)

If a woman is healthy and has a regular cycle, then immediately after the end of her period (the phase of maturation of the follicle with the egg), the temperature rises slightly (up to 36.5°-36.8°). Then in the middle of the cycle (before ovulation) it decreases to 36°-36.2°, reaching a minimum at the moment of rupture of the follicle and the release of a mature egg.

After this, its sharp rise is observed (the phase of maturation of the corpus luteum and increased production of progesterone in it) to 37°-37.5°, and before menstruation, the basal temperature again gradually decreases until the last day of the cycle to approximately 36.5°.

The specific values ​​of basal temperature are different for each woman, as they are influenced by many factors: individual characteristics physiology, climatic conditions, lifestyle and much more. But a general pattern remains: a drop in temperature at the time of ovulation, a subsequent sharp increase for several days and a gradual drop before menstruation.

As an example, we can present the following graph (cycle duration is 23 days, ovulation occurs on day 9, conception is possible from days 5 to 12).

Warning: Fertilization is possible only after ovulation, but if the sperm has entered the uterine tubes several days before, there is a high probability that a meeting between the sperm and the egg will take place. In all the rest " non-dangerous days During the cycle, due to the action of hormones, an environment in the vagina is created such that sperm die before reaching the uterine cavity.

The measurement results may deviate if the woman was overtired or ill the day before, or if she did not get enough sleep, took any medications (for example, paracetamol for a headache), or drank alcohol. The result will also be inaccurate if sexual intercourse took place within the last 6 hours before measuring basal temperature.

What do deviations in the temperature curve from the norm indicate?

The basal temperature before menstruation should normally fall by 0.5°-0.7° compared to the maximum value at the beginning of the second phase of the cycle. There are several deviation options:

  • the temperature reading before menstruation does not drop;
  • it grows before menstruation;
  • the temperature spread during the cycle is very small;
  • changes in basal temperature are chaotic, it is impossible to catch a pattern.

The cause of such deviations may be the onset of pregnancy, as well as pathologies associated with hormonal imbalance and the functioning of the ovaries.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

After ovulation, in the second half of the cycle, progesterone plays a major role in the hormone ratio. Its increased production begins at the moment of formation of the corpus luteum at the site of the egg released from the ovary. This is what is associated with the sharp spike in temperature on the graph. If the basal temperature before menstruation remains elevated, its value is approximately constant (about 37.0°-37.5°), this may indicate pregnancy.

For example, on this graph of a 28-day cycle you can see that on day 20 of the cycle the temperature dropped. But she immediately began to grow, and within last days before menstruation stayed on elevated level 37°-37.2°. A drop in temperature on days 20-21 occurred at the time of implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Using the graph, you can only make an assumption about the conception that occurred. The difficulty is that there may be other reasons for the increase in basal temperature before menstruation, for example:

  • the occurrence of gynecological inflammatory or infectious diseases, deterioration general well-being;
  • receiving a large dose of ultraviolet radiation after long stay on the beach;
  • abuse alcoholic drinks or strong coffee the night before.

However, this tendency to change temperature indicators can be considered one of the first signs of pregnancy.

Video: How indicators change during the cycle, reasons for deviations

Deviations in temperature readings for pathologies

Based on the graph, we can make an assumption about the occurrence pathological conditions, causing infertility or miscarriage.

Insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle

There may be cases when, before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature not only does not fall, but also increases by 0.1°-0.2°. If it is also clear that the duration of the phase from ovulation to the next menstruation is less than 10 days, it can be assumed that in this case there is a deficiency of the luteal phase. This means that there is not enough progesterone to ensure normal implantation of the embryo in the uterus; a woman has high probability miscarriage. In this case, she needs treatment with progesterone-based drugs (duphaston, for example).

Estrogen and progesterone deficiency

A situation is possible in which, as a result of any endocrine disorders or ovarian diseases in the body there is not enough female sexual hubbub. The graph will show that ovulation occurs, the cycle is two-phase, but the change in indicators, starting from 1 day and ending with the temperature before menstruation, is only 0.2°-0.3°. This pathology is often encountered during the treatment of infertility.

If there is not enough estrogen in the body, the graph will be an alternation of chaotic spikes and drops in temperature. At the same time, there is no way to notice when ovulation occurs and whether it happens at all. However, if you get a graph of exactly this type, this does not necessarily mean that the woman has this pathology. Temperature jumps could also occur for another reason: due to stress associated, for example, with moving to new apartment, the occurrence of any disease.

Anovulatory cycles

Cycles without ovulation are the cause of infertility. They can occasionally be observed in every woman. The pathology is their appearance for several months in a row. In this case, the graph will show a broken line, almost straight, on which, just before menstruation, the basal temperature is practically no different from the indicators on other days. What is observed is, as they say, a “single-phase” (anovulatory) cycle.

When to visit a doctor

If the temperature value before menstruation rises above 37.5°, the graph does not show a pronounced drop in the middle of the cycle followed by a sharp surge, the temperature spread throughout the month is no more than 0.3°, the woman is advised to visit a gynecologist. You may have to do an ultrasound and take a blood test to check hormone levels.

Basal body temperature (BT) - lowest temperature achieved after a long rest. This indicator is recommended to be measured by all women planning a pregnancy, since it is a method of calculating favorable days for trying to conceive a baby.

Basal temperature during pregnancy helps to monitor the progress of the gestation period. Its changes can indirectly indicate complications - ectopic embryo implantation or an incipient miscarriage. Basal temperature also helps to diagnose pregnancy before delay.

Basal temperature before pregnancy

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. Approximately 12-14 days after the start of the last menstruation, ovulation occurs - the release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary. From this moment, conception becomes possible within 3 days. With a shorter cycle, it can be observed on days 8-12. With a long cycle, the release of the germ cell occurs on days 16-18, sometimes even later. Some women experience 2 or more ovulations between two periods.

To determine ovulation, you can use special tests. However, the first method may have low reliability, since for all women the days favorable for fertilization correspond different days cycle. Using an ovulation test is quite accurate, but quite expensive.

BT measurement - free and effective method calculating ovulation. From the beginning of the cycle, the indicator is 36.5-36.8 degrees. BT depends on the activity of progesterone - the more of it in the blood, the higher the indicator. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the amount of the hormone is minimal. Low temperature supports the process of maturation of the female reproductive cell in the ovary.

One day before the release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary, BT can sharply drop by several tenths of degrees; the next day it grows to 37.1-37.3. During ovulation, a new organ appears - the corpus luteum, which synthesizes progesterone. It is the increase in the amount of the hormone that raises BT to the mentioned values.

By calculating BT, a woman can prevent pregnancy. However this method has no protection high efficiency, since sperm retain their fertilizing ability for 7 days after sexual intercourse. For reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy BT calculation should be combined with other protection methods.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy?

Basal temperature before delay

Measuring basal temperature to determine pregnancy is one of the methods for calculating the onset of conception. However, its reliability depends entirely on how correctly the procedure was carried out. If all conditions are met, measuring basal temperature will indicate pregnancy before a missed period.

In the absence of pregnancy, the corpus luteum synthesizes progesterone for 7-10 days, then it dies and the amount of the hormone gradually decreases. Therefore, some time after ovulation, the basal temperature becomes lower by several tenths of degrees, amounting to about 36.9-37.0 degrees Celsius. After the onset of menstrual bleeding, these numbers return to values ​​of about 36.7 degrees Celsius.

If pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum does not die, but continues to synthesize progesterone, which supports pregnancy. In this case, BT does not fall, and sometimes even becomes higher by one tenth of a degree, amounting to 37.1-37.4.

By measuring BT you can judge the success of IVF. At in vitro fertilization the woman is stimulated by progesterone, which increases the indicator values ​​above 37.1 degrees. If the procedure is successful, the BT will be in the range characteristic of physiological pregnancy.

Basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy is 37.1-37.4 and can serve as a method for determining the onset of conception and monitoring the process of bearing a child.

Basal temperature after delay

The onset of delay corresponds to the 5th week of pregnancy. When the expectant mother does not have a hCG test at hand, she can use the BT method. If its numbers are 37.1-37.4 degrees, with high probability it is necessary to judge the occurrence of conception. When BT is less than 37.0-36.9, pregnancy is unlikely.

Progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining BT, continues to be actively synthesized by the corpus luteum in the 1st trimester. Therefore her normal values up to 11-12 weeks of gestational age exceed 37.0 degrees.

As the second trimester begins, the corpus luteum begins to gradually decrease in size and produces less progesterone. That is why BT of 36.8-36.9 degrees at 16-18 weeks of gestation is a normal variant. From the middle of the 2nd trimester, the corpus luteum does not function, which reduces the amount of the hormone, so measuring the indicator has no prognostic value from the 20th week.

Table of BT values ​​in the absence of pregnancy

Cycle day

Day 7 - ovulation

Ovulation - 3 days after ovulation

4th day after ovulation - 2-4 days before menstruation

2-4 days before menstruation - 1 day of the new menstrual cycle

Table of BT values ​​during pregnancy

Cycle day

Day 7 - ovulation

Fertilization day

Fertilization day - 4th day after fertilization

Implantation (7th day after conception)

8-10 days after conception

11th day after conception - end of the 1st trimester of pregnancy

End of first trimester - mid of second trimester

Mid second trimester - childbirth

Rules for measuring basal temperature

Basal temperature in pregnant women can serve reliable sign its normal course only if it is measured correctly. Failure to comply with the rules described below may cause a discrepancy with real figures and unreasonable worries for the expectant mother. To correctly measure basal temperature you should:
  • spend it after waking up without making any movements in bed;
  • measurements should be taken at approximately the same time every day;
  • the duration of sleep before measurement should be more than 6 hours;
  • the thermometer must be inserted into the anus 20 millimeters;
  • The measurement duration must be at least 4 minutes.
The slightest physical activity or sexual intercourse at night before measurement can cause increased blood circulation in the pelvis, due to which the thermometer will show inflated values. Also some drugs and infectious diseases provoke an increase in basal temperature. In the evening there is a physiological rise in the indicator, so even after a long nap the figures obtained will not correspond to reality.

To track ovulation and monitor the progress of pregnancy, a woman can keep a basal temperature chart. The expectant mother should take a large sheet of paper lined in a square and draw two lines perpendicular to each other.

On the vertical line, the expectant mother is asked to mark the temperature at intervals of one tenth of a degree, starting from 36.0 and ending with 38.0. A woman needs to arrange the days of her menstrual cycle horizontally, starting from the very first.

Next, the woman should note the daily measurements of basal temperature, placing a dot at the intersection of the day of the menstrual cycle and the obtained value. Then the expectant mother needs to connect the dots, thanks to which she will receive a line graph. For more careful control for women It is recommended to list symptoms that could provoke an increase in basal temperature- stress, infection, diarrhea, sexual intercourse, etc.

When pregnancy occurs, the chart may show an implantation drop on the 21st day of the cycle (with a menstrual cycle length of 28 days). From 21 to 24 days there will be a slight rise. From the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature will take a linear form, with slight fluctuations of one or two tenths of a degree possible.

Reasons for decrease or increase

1. Endometritis.

With this disease, before menstruation there is a slight drop in basal temperature, as should be normal. However, on the 3-4th day of the cycle, the indicator is more than 37.0 degrees (normally it should drop to about 36.5 degrees).

2. Inflammatory process.

Most often, a strong increase in basal temperature above 37.4 degrees indicates an infection. Inflammation can occur in any organ, however greatest influence pathologies influence the indicator reproductive system(, chlamydia, etc.).

3. Ectopic pregnancy.

Not always this pathology can be detected by measuring basal temperature. But sometimes due to joining inflammatory process there is a rise in the indicator above 37.4 degrees. Until this moment, the basal temperature is normal, since the corpus luteum produces progesterone as during physiological pregnancy.

4. Threat of interruption.

Pregnancy with a low basal temperature of less than 37.0 degrees may indicate progesterone deficiency. At bad work there is a constant threat to the corpus luteum. This condition is often accompanied by pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, sometimes accompanied by spotting.

5. Frozen pregnancy.

Due to the presence of chromosomal abnormalities or the action of other unfavorable factors the embryo may die and not leave the uterine cavity. The basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy will be below 37.0-36.9 degrees, since the corpus luteum stops synthesizing progesterone. Typically, intrauterine death is accompanied by other symptoms: a sharp disappearance of toxicosis, a decrease in the mammary glands.

By measuring basal temperature you can plan favorable days before conception, learn about pregnancy before delay and monitor the course of the first trimester. However this method does not have 100% reliability, since there are many factors that influence the correctness of the results.

For the reliability of BT results the expectant mother must strictly follow all measurement rules. She should remember that even a common cold or fever physical activity on the eve of calculations can provoke incorrect indicators. Also, the use of low-quality thermometers leads to unreliable results.

The basal temperature of a particular expectant mother may not fit into the above norms. In this case, the woman should monitor the dynamics of changes in indicators. If during ovulation the basal temperature did not reach 36.5 degrees, it is likely that after conception it will not exceed 37.0. Such results are rare, but they do not indicate complications.

All women are advised to monitor their basal temperature to detect sharp jump in one direction or another. Any disturbances in the basal temperature chart do not always indicate the development of pathology. But when sharp drop or an increase in the indicators of the expectant mother, it is recommended to consult a doctor for additional research. Sometimes regular measurements of basal temperature help to timely diagnose complications such as an ectopic or frozen pregnancy.

Basal temperature is the most low temperature inside the body, measured after a long rest. Fluctuations in this temperature reflect the processes that occur in the female body. Measuring BT indicators and its fluctuation graph helps to find out the day of ovulation in women and use this information to plan or prevent conception.

The reliability of determining ovulation will depend on the correct measurement. Let's look at how to measure temperature.

BT should be measured without getting out of bed, immediately after sleep. The main condition is not to make any movements, not to lift vertical position torso, do not stand on your feet. Any movement activates blood flow and increases the temperature inside the body. It is for this reason that the temperature is higher in the evening.

It is necessary to determine the minimum temperature formed only due to work internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to measure BT immediately after waking up, before washing and going to the toilet.

The following conditions must be met:

It is necessary to take into account that the temperature indicator can be affected by the following factors:

  • lack of sleep;
  • disease digestive organs(inflammation of the liver and pancreas, intestinal disorders);
  • stress, nervous experiences, mental overload;
  • alcohol taken in the evening.

The above factors reduce the effectiveness of the chart, as they violate the measurement rules.

BT indicators and measurement techniques

The thermometer must be inserted into any open body cavity (anus, vagina, mouth). According to the technique that was developed by Professor Marshall, basal temperature is measured through the anus. This is often done if the temperature of a newborn baby needs to be measured. There is no way to hold the thermometer under the arm, so it is inserted into the anus.

For women, determining the temperature in the vagina or anus allows you to find out fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is fractions of degrees that show significant jump during ovulation basal rate.

Meaning of measured indicators

The BT measurement method was developed to determine ovulation. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle membrane, which occurs after its maturation. The egg begins to be released into fallopian tube and move towards the uterus. These changes accompany an increase in temperature by tenths of a degree. Before ovulation, BT initially decreases slightly and then increases sharply. From the time the egg is released, conception is possible.

Daily temperature determination makes it possible to find out the day of ovulation. This, in turn, allows you to take appropriate measures to prevent pregnancy or, conversely, try to get pregnant on these very days.

BT schedule

The measured indicators are entered into a table and a graph begins to be drawn. In addition, you need to write in the table additional factors, affecting the accuracy of measurements(presence of headache, infection, cold).

The graph looks like a broken line. At the beginning of the month, the indicator is approximately 36.9−37.1C (fluctuations of 0.1−0.4C are possible).

After menstruation, the degrees drop to the lowest levels - 36.6−36.9C. This is the temperature required for the egg to mature. The ripening period can take up to 2 weeks, so in the next decade the graph will begin to fluctuate around one indicator - from 36.7C, down or up by 0.1-0.3C.

The day before ovulation, the degree decreases (by 0.3−0.5), then sharply increases by 0.4−0.7C and reaches 37C.

Temperature during ovulation

BT during ovulation is a slight decrease before increasing to 37C. By the way, the highest probability of conception on this day is 35%. Therefore, if you are not planning a pregnancy, then you need to limit sexual intercourse or use protection (a condom or other contraception).

After ovulation, basal temperature is e e rise to top level ( with minor fluctuations at the top of the graph).

The subsequent schedule will depend on whether the body is preparing for menstruation or pregnancy has occurred. If pregnancy occurs, then basal rate will be at a high level. The female body produces progesterone, which maintains a high temperature.

If conception does not occur, then hormonal background normalizes, the indicator decreases. This is noted a week before menstruation (BT decreases by 0.4−0.7 C).

Healthy women usually have this BT schedule during ovulation. If there are any violations, the normal broken graphics get lost and the jump becomes less pronounced. Then biological method contraception turns out to be ineffective. Pregnancy can occur despite the apparent absence of a temperature rise.

Diagnosis of diseases using BT

The entire cycle of changes over the course of a month makes it possible to identify the causes of infertility and other disorders. Most common cause Infertility in women is considered to be the absence of ovulation. Measuring temperature makes it possible to determine which days of the cycle are easiest to get pregnant and whether the egg begins to be released.

In addition, BT indicates the presence inflammatory process in other organs and systems. This affordable way helps you examine yourself completely free of charge, independently and simply, to identify hidden diseases.

Days of desired conception and safe sex

Monthly BBT measurements make it possible to determine a typical schedule of temperature changes in the body. Using the schedule, it is possible to predict with high probability the days when pregnancy is possible and the days when conception is impossible under any circumstances. This data can be used to prevent pregnancy, or to conceive a child. Let's consider when conception is possible and how to use this method as contraception.

The days of possible conception are two days immediately after the egg leaves the follicle. And also 2-3 days before the start of ovulation.

During these days, the egg cannot yet be fertilized. However, sperm remain viable for several days. Therefore, entering the uterus through the vagina, they stay in it for 2-3 days and fertilize the egg immediately when it leaves the follicle. That is, several days before ovulation can be added to the days of probable conception.

The time of ovulation, as well as the days before it (approximately 4-6 days) are called fetal periods. If you are not planning a pregnancy, then it is better to abstain from sex. If you are planning a child, then you need to have sex the day before ovulation. How to find out about the release of an egg, what BBT in the vagina must be measured during ovulation?

The day of ovulation according to the schedule is a slight decrease in temperature, and a few days later there is a sharp jump upward. These two days must be considered fertile (for those who want to get pregnant) or “dangerous” (for those who are opposed to conception).

The time after ovulation is called absolute infertility. The lifespan of an egg after release is 24 hours And. Unfertilized egg after this it is destroyed, the possibility of getting pregnant after ovulation two days later is minimal.

The above division of days into periods of impossible and possible conception is not fair for all women. The contraception system will only work if menstruation is stable. For others, this method is ineffective.

Deviations and norm

Any changes in the BT indicator are the result hormonal disorder. In a woman’s body, all vital processes are determined hormonal changes. Therefore, pregnancy occurs due to changes in BT.

During pregnancy, BT is at a high level (more than 37.3C). The presence of increased BT creates the hormone progesterone, which is intensively formed in the first 4 months of gestation. Therefore, the BT indicator is high at this time. Afterwards, the amount of progesterone decreases, and at the same time B.T. decreases. Therefore, after three weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure its value.

In the first stage of pregnancy, BT is the main symptom, by which conception is judged even before your period is missed. But this is an ambiguous sign. Persistent high temperatures may accompany the use of certain medicines, physical exercise, inflammatory diseases. Therefore, a test can definitely tell you about pregnancy. And high BT is indirect.

Definitions of pregnancy using BT

Attention should be focused on two main conditions:

  1. BT is measured at the same time in the morning (a difference of no more than 20 minutes is acceptable).
  2. BT is measured without getting out of bed. In order to measure the temperature correctly, the thermometer must be left on the table near the bed, where it can be reached with your hand, without turning your body.

There is no need to take your temperature throughout the day. BT during the day will not be able to show important changes in the body. Only daily measurements in the morning will reflect the real level of hormones.

Basal temperature chart for a healthy woman during pregnancy

The BBT chart during pregnancy looks like a broken line, fluctuating in the range of +37.5C. A decrease in the indicator by less than 36.9C indicates that the progesterone content in the body has decreased. This indicates the likelihood of a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy or a threat of failure. A doctor's consultation is required.

But this diagnosis is also ambiguous. You've probably heard a lot of stories about difficult births or overwork has taken its toll. Any experiences, overloads and stress reduce the BT indicator and lower hormone levels. Just try to get back to normal and leave your nerves for later.

The maximum BT value during pregnancy can reach up to +38C. If your BT level is higher, you should consult your doctor. This indicator is often accompanied by inflammation and internal infections.

What should be the BBT before menstruation? And why is this indicator important? Measuring temperature before and during menstruation makes it possible to determine the presence of inflammation in the body. If the temperature during menstruation jumps above 38C, this means that there is a hidden source of inflammatory disease inside.

  1. BT before menstruation is high. During menstruation, the amount of progesterone decreases, so the basal rate begins to decrease. From higher values ​​(37.8C on the first day of menstruation) it decreases to 37.1C (by the 4th–5th day of menstruation).
  2. BT during menstruation is the average between elevated temperature previous period and reduced rate after menstruation. During menstruation, BT remains at approximately 37C or slightly lower.
  3. BT after menstruation is the lowest indicator of the cycle (except for the day of ovulation, when the indicator additionally decreases by several degrees).

Why is it necessary to know what BT is before menstruation? Measurements are required for early diagnosing pregnancy. If you have had sexual intercourse without a contraceptive, then you will be able to detect the presence of pregnancy even before your period is missed. Why do they measure B.T. If the basal rate does not decrease, then there is a pregnancy.

If you follow all the rules for determining basal temperature, you can discover a lot of new things for yourself. But do not forget that you should not draw certain conclusions yourself, taking into account the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist and only after additional examinations.

Attention, TODAY only!

Previously it was believed that determining possible pregnancy, ovulation or gynecological disease It is possible only after passing a huge number of tests.

Today, such a myth will help dispel a simple basal temperature chart that any woman can independently draw up. He will not give an exact answer, like a doctor, but he will indicate to him and you what is happening with female body. This article will provide graphs of basal temperature with examples and explanations, as well as why basal temperature is needed and what it means.

  • when you can’t get pregnant for many months;
  • risk of possible infertility;
  • hormonal disorders.

In addition, measuring BT helps increase the chances of successful conception and the ability to plan the gender of the child. A template or sample basal temperature chart can be downloaded online.

Many women do not take basal temperature measurement seriously, believing that it is a mere formality that is of no benefit. However, this is not the case. Thanks to the BT readings, the doctor can determine the following points:

  • establish how the egg matures;
  • determine the ovulatory period;
  • approximate date of next menstruation;
  • It is not uncommon for BT readings to determine possible endometritis.

It is necessary to measure BT within 3 cycles, this will provide more accurate information about the date favorable conception. An experienced gynecologist will help you decipher the graph readings. You can also see an example of basal temperature graphs on the Internet online.

Thermometer for measuring BT

For the measurement, one type of thermometer is used; it is not changed during the measurement. Thus, it will be possible to see the norm or deviations on the basal temperature graph.

A mercury thermometer measures the temperature within 4-5 minutes, and an electronic one 2 times faster. Do not forget to wipe the device with an antiseptic before and after each measurement and let it dry before use.

Correct BT measurement

Accurate and effective plotting requires compliance with certain rules:

  • BT measurement should be daily, if possible, during menstruation or at the time of respiratory illness;
  • Temperature measurements are taken in the rectum, mouth or vagina. The main rule is that the measurement location does not change throughout the entire cycle. Doctors still strongly recommend measuring vaginal temperature. If BT is measured rectally or vaginally, then narrow part the device is carefully inserted into the desired location for 3-4 minutes;
  • you need to measure BT immediately in the morning after waking up without getting up, this is strict rule, and at the same time. Measuring basal temperature an hour after sleep or during the day may not give accurate results;
  • The measurement is carried out only in a lying position. Therefore, you will need to prepare your thermometer in the evening and place it next to your bed. If you need to go to the toilet, you will also have to wait a couple of minutes here. Excessive activity will give unreliable results;
  • After measuring BT, readings are taken immediately. If this was done after 2-5 minutes, then the result is considered invalid;
  • keep in mind that intimate relationships in the evening or in the morning, as well as flights, too active sports and colds may incorrectly influence the accuracy of the basal temperature result;
  • BT must also be measured after 4 hours of continuous sleep.

BT information table

The table for determining BT should include the following items:

  • day of the month, year;
  • cycle day;
  • measurement result;
  • additionally: here you need to indicate all the parameters that can affect BT. These include: vaginal discharge, having sex the day before, manifestation allergic reactions, viral disease, reception medications etc.

A detailed description of these factors will help the doctor most accurately determine the time of conception. If desired, a basal temperature chart can be downloaded from any medical website related to gynecology.

Changes in BT relative to the cycle

Note that BT changes depending on the cycle, or rather its time.

So, during the first phase of the cycle, when only the maturation of the egg occurs, BT is low, gradually dropping to a minimum, then it rises again. The difference between the highest and lowest BT is from 04 to 0.8 degrees.

If measured at the time of menstruation, the temperature will be exactly 37 degrees, and after ovulation ends it rises to 37.1-37.1 under the influence of progesterone.

If the graph showed that BT in the first phase is much higher than in the second, then there is a clear lack of estrogen. You may need an appointment hormonal drugs. In the case when the second phase is characterized by a low temperature relative to the first, then here we're talking about about low progesterone.

When both cycles are persistent, this indicates ovulation has occurred. If in the second phase there is no increase in BT, then most likely there was no ovulation, i.e. the egg did not come out.

The BT schedule is quite convenient and modern way determining ovulation, which is an integral part of planning a successful pregnancy. The results of basal temperature will also be useful before going to the gynecologist.

Explanation and examples of BT charts

When the graph is constructed correctly, and the woman followed all the recommendations in its preparation, it allows not only to determine the presence of ovulation, but also possible pathologies genital area.

On the graph you can see an overlapping line that is drawn on top of six temperature values, precisely in the first phase. This is what a normal basal temperature graph looks like, without pathologies or deviations. We do not take into account only those days where the result could be distorted under the influence of taking medications, viral diseases, sexual contact the day before, etc.

Effects of ovulation

To determine ovulation, you need to use standard rules:

pay attention to midline and for 3 BT results, the difference in two out of three cases should be at least 0.1 degrees. If these are the results in the table, then after 1-2 days you will be able to observe a clear ovulation line.

Duration of the second phase

As we found out, the BT graph is divided into two phases, we can see this in the photo above, where the vertical line is located. The normal cycle in the second phase is from 12 to 17 days, but most often 15.

As practice shows, quite often there is a deficiency in phase 2. If you noted that this phase is 8-10 days shorter, then this serious reason consult a doctor.

If we talk about the BT norm, then its difference between the first and second phases is about 0.4-0.5 degrees, but no more.

Two-phase cycle and its norm (normal two-phase schedule)

On this graph, it is necessary to note an increase in BT by no more than 0.4 degrees.

If you look at the example graph above, you can see that 2 days before ovulation, BT decreases.

Hormonal deficiency: progesterone estrogen

With this deficiency, you will notice a significantly weak rise in BT, and the difference in the first and second phases will be no more than 0.2 degrees. When similar phenomenon If more than three cycles are observed in a row, then we can talk about serious hormonal imbalances. As for pregnancy itself, it can occur, but at the same time there is a high risk of miscarriage.

Also, do not forget about anovulatory cycles. This can happen in a woman’s life up to three times a year. However, if the number of such cycles exceeds 3-4, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor.

In the graph below you can clearly see the absence of ovulation:

Hormonal deficiency: estrogens

If at the end of the graph, a woman observes large differences in BT, and the line itself is in a chaotic state, then we can talk about a lack of estrogen.

A deficiency of this hormone can also be noticed by an increase in temperature in the second phase to 37.2, sometimes to 37.3.

Note that the increase in temperature is very slow and can last up to 5 days. In this case, it cannot be said that this basal temperature will be perceived by the doctor as normal.

Below in the graph you can see how estrogen deficiency manifests itself.