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Pregnancy after postinoration signs. Postinor: is pregnancy possible? Is it possible to get pregnant after postinor?

Currently, the pharmacological industry has made great progress in the field of contraception. We are offered many methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy: pills, injections, coils, capsules, condoms and even subcutaneous implants. However, sometimes some girls neglect protective measures and do not plan pregnancy.

But now in pharmacies you can easily find emergency or post-coital (after sexual intercourse) contraception. The most popular of these remedies is Postinor. But is there a risk of getting pregnant after taking this drug? Let's figure it out.

About Postinor

The drug is available in tablet form - one package of Postinor contains 1 blister with two tablets. Each tablet contains 0.75 mg levonorgesrel.

Levonorgestrel belongs to the group of gestagens. Gestagen is biological active substance secreted by the ovaries. It is able to indirectly influence the activity of the pituitary gland, inhibiting the release of releasing factors - luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.

Bioavailability (i.e., the drug reaches the systemic bloodstream) of Postinor reaches 100%. This means that the entire concentration of the drug instantly enters the blood and reaches target organs. A property such as bioavailability determines the time of onset of the effect. If this indicator is high (as in this case), then the effect of the drug begins almost instantly.

In addition, levonorgestrel has a beneficial effect on functional layer endometrium and is able to prevent pathological changes epithelium in the uterus, thereby preventing the development of such dangerous diseases as dysplasia and cervical cancer.

Mechanism of action

Postinor refers to synthetic progestogens. It has a pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic effect. This means that he is capable of:

  • Prevent the onset of ovulation.
  • Change the specific structure of the epithelium in the inner layer of the uterus, preventing the introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrial wall.
  • Increase viscosity and density cervical mucus, which makes it almost impossible for sperm to move.

After oral administration, it is absorbed instantly and almost entirely. Less than an hour after the woman took the pill, there is maximum concentration drug. During metabolism, the drug is equally excreted from the body through gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, if there is no organic pathology in these organs and systems.

Indications for use

Postinor is a means of emergency postcoital contraception. It is important to note the fact that taking Postinor will be much more effective in women who have a regular menstrual cycle.

It is used immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse or in cases where the method of contraception adopted cannot be considered reliable.

The reliability of a contraceptive is measured by a special indicator - the Pearl index. The higher this indicator, the higher the risk of unwanted pregnancy. These methods of contraception include:

In addition, indications for the use of Postinor are slippage or rupture of the condom, improper use or early removal of the diaphragm, violation of the regimen of taking combined oral contraceptives (missing 2 or more tablets), rape.


In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health (FDA) has long been established. This institution has published a special classification of the potential risk to a child as a result of taking certain medications.

Levonorgestrel, according to the FDA scale, belongs to category X - that is, the negative effect of the drug on the fetus has been proven. If a woman has already taken the drug while pregnant, then in some cases the question of terminating the pregnancy is raised.

In addition to pregnancy, the following contraindications are distinguished:

  • Early age (up to 16 years).
  • Kidney and liver failure.
  • Genetic pathology digestive tract(lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, malabsorption syndrome).
  • Hypersensitivity and allergy to levonorgestrel or other components of Postinor.

Gynecologists warn that if a woman has chronic pathology liver or biliary tract, a history of liver disease, episodes of jaundice, then Postinor should be used with caution and only on the recommendation of a specialist. Due to the ability of levonorgestrel to penetrate into breast milk, Postinor is contraindicated during lactation.

How to use?

Postinor is a drug exclusively oral administration. The package includes two tablets. Both must be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. The time interval between taking tablets should be no more than 16 hours (ideally 12). If after taking the first or second tablet there was an episode of vomiting after three hours, then you need to repeat taking the tablet.

There were no cases of overdose with Postinor, high concentrations The drug is quickly eliminated by the body.

If a girl drinks Postinor several times during one menstrual cycle, then subsequently there is a high risk of cycle failure, which will need to be restored exclusively under the supervision of a specialist and, possibly, with the use of hormonal drugs.

Side effects

As a rule, adverse reactions after taking Postinor do not require drug intervention or medical care. Dyspeptic disorders may occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, as well as headache and dizziness.

Some time after ingestion, the skin may appear small rash accompanied by itching.

Long-term consequences include failure menstrual cycle.

If you take the drug during pregnancy, there is a high risk of teratogenic (extremely adverse) effects on the fetus.

Postinor and pregnancy

Is it possible to get pregnant after Postinor? Most of the girls who took this drug asked themselves this question.

The effectiveness of Postinor is directly proportional to the time of its use. The sooner you take the pill after unprotected sex, the lower the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy.

Experts even installed percentage effectiveness, depending on time of application:

If a woman takes the drug on the first day after sexual intercourse without contraception, then the risk of unwanted pregnancy is extremely low. Pregnancy after Postinor is rare, but possible. And here the effectiveness depends entirely on the woman herself.

After taking emergency contraception, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist to accurately exclude pregnancy and select a reliable and permanent method contraception.

Postinor, like other emergency contraceptive drugs, is available without a doctor's prescription. As a rule, before taking these drugs you don’t even need to consult a specialist, because the risk of developing unwanted effects not tall.

Is it possible to get pregnant after postinor?

Postinor is one of the ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy. However, it should in no way be classified as a contraceptive suitable for frequent use. This emergency method when unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred and there is a risk of pregnancy. Is it possible to get pregnant after postinortion, have there been such cases and how great is the risk of developing abnormalities in such a child in the future?

How dangerous is postinor?

Postinor is not suitable as a one-time emergency contraceptive. great danger for the woman's body. Of course, for a while he can cause hormonal imbalance in the body, but as a rule it goes away. However, if you use it too often, the risk of deterioration in health increases many times over. It should be remembered that postinor is not oral contraceptive, which you can drink for months and not experience any problems. This is a stronger medicine.

Frequent use of this contraceptive may have a negative impact on fertility and women's health in the future. Therefore, choose more for yourself safe ways protection against unwanted pregnancy, and resort to the help of postinor only as a last resort.

The principle of operation of postinor

Basics active substance drug - levonorgestrel. One postinor package contains two tablets, each of them contains 750 mcg of levonorgestrel. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected act, and the second - 12 hours after the first was drunk.

Levonorgestrel inhibits the release of the egg from the ovary, therefore, its fertilization by sperm does not occur. That is why it is important to drink Postinor as quickly as possible, while the egg is not yet fertilized.

If a woman is still late in taking the drug and fertilization has already occurred, but ovum has not yet attached to the wall of the uterus, then contraceptive effect still persists (postinor will prevent the attachment of the fertilized egg). However, if the implementation has already occurred, then the pills will most likely have no effect. That is why it is necessary to take Postinor within the first 72 hours after the act.

Postinor and pregnancy

Despite the claims of many doctors that postinor is an almost 100% guarantee that there will be no pregnancy, statistical data suggests the opposite. According to statistics, pregnancy in women even after taking Postinor occurs in 10% of cases. What is this connected with? Probably, the reason lies in the individual characteristics of the body, or in the fact that the pill was taken too late, when the fertilized egg had already implanted into the wall of the uterus.

The reason for the lack of effect from postinor may be the simultaneous use of certain medications for the treatment of tuberculosis, epilepsy or fungal diseases. Taking medications containing St. John's wort together with postinor can also cause the tablet to not work properly.

If pregnancy does occur, you should definitely undergo an examination to identify possible pathologies in the fetus. Despite the horror stories told by some doctors that after postinoration a sick child may be born, there are many cases where children born after unsuccessful contraception were absolutely healthy, and the medicine did not affect them in any way. Leading experts have long come to the conclusion that postinor, for the most part, only prevents pregnancy, preventing the egg from being fertilized, but if this has already happened, then it will affect the fetus. negative influence does not provide.

To summarize, let's say that after postinor you can get pregnant in very exceptional cases, when its use was combined with the above medicines, or if the tablet was taken after the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus. In other cases, as a rule, unwanted pregnancy doesn't come.

2 comments for “Is it possible to get pregnant after postinor?”

    I took Pastinor, according to the instructions, both tablets, and in the evening the guy came, is there a possibility of pregnancy, I’m very worried

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Probably everyone will agree with the opinion that pregnancy should be planned, and the child should be desired

Contraceptives are used all over the world to protect against unnecessary pregnancy. But sometimes unprotected sexual intercourse can happen, and it doesn’t matter how it happened - the condom failed or they forgot to take it birth control pill, but the result may well be pregnancy. In such cases, many women prefer to use " emergency contraceptive" - postinor. Is it possible to get pregnant after postinoration and if this happens, are there any possible complications in the future during the development of the fetus?

Is postinor dangerous for health?

Some women do not use regular contraceptives, so if they are in danger of becoming pregnant, they resort to the help of postinor. If this happens once or twice, then there is no great danger to health, but frequently recurring similar situations are a reason to start sounding the alarm. Usually, very often young, inexperienced girls who are afraid to admit to their parents about possible pregnancy and ask for advice. Out of ignorance, they begin to drink Postinor after each unprotected sexual intercourse, thereby ruining their women Health from a young age.

Many do not take postinor seriously, considering it another banal contraceptive, differing from the others only in that it can be taken immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse. However, it is not. Postinor has a very strong effect on hormonal background your body, and this can lead to unpleasant consequences for future health. You should also remember that while taking postinor in a timely manner will protect you from unnecessary pregnancy, it will not protect you from diseases that can be transmitted sexually. Therefore, it is best to use regular condoms for protection.

How does postinor work?

The effect of postinor is due to levonorgestrel, which is contained in each tablet in the amount of 750 mcg. There are 2 tablets in total - one of them must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex, and the other - 12 hours after drinking the first.

Levonorgestrel contained in postinor prevents the release of the egg from the ovary, as well as its fertilization by sperm. If you take the pill late and fertilization has already occurred, then postinor may prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus. However, if the implementation has already occurred, there will most likely be no effect from the use of postinor. This is why it is very important to take the first tablet as early as possible.

Pregnancy after taking Postinor

Postinor is not a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. It is usually effective in 85 percent of cases. Doctors put the figure at 98-99%, but statistics show the opposite - for many, taking Postinor does not have the desired effect and pregnancy still occurs. Perhaps this is due to the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, or there were other factors that reduce the effectiveness of postinor - such as, for example, taking medications to treat epilepsy, tuberculosis or fungal diseases, as well as drugs that include St. John’s wort. If pregnancy has occurred, you must consult a doctor and undergo full examination to find out if there are any abnormalities in the health of the unborn baby.

Later, when it is possible to find out the sex of the child, it will also be possible to conduct a complete genetic testing to identify the slightest deviations. Although there are many frightening rumors that postinor has a negative effect on the baby, statistics again say the opposite. In most cases, after “failed birth control” with postinor, absolutely normal and healthy children are born. Leading experts in the field of gynecology claim that postinor only prevents pregnancy, but when it occurs, it does not have a negative effect on the fetus.

In any case, it is, of course, up to you to choose the method of protection. But remember that frequent use of postinor destroys your women's health, and may subsequently affect reproductive function. Well, to the question, is it possible to get pregnant after postinor, the answer is clear - it is possible, but in in rare cases. That's why the best option here you will choose a method of permanent contraception for yourself so as not to resort to such extreme measures, like taking postinor.

Most female representatives who know what Postinor is or have heard about it are wondering: is it possible to get pregnant after Postinor?

There are quite a few methods of contraception today. They different types, effectiveness and impact. But, as a rule, postinor is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse, when they increase.

Postinor is an aggressive emergency contraceptive. Without a doubt, it affects hormone levels.

This contraceptive is available in tablet form. You can purchase the drug at pharmacy kiosk. One package contains a blister with two tablets and each contains 0.75 ml of levonorgestrel.

The active substance levonorgestrel belongs to the group of gestagens. Gestagen is an active biological enzyme secreted by the ovaries. It affects the pituitary gland, provoking the release of releasing factors.

Levonorgestrel does not allow the release of a mature egg from the ovary, which is why fertilization does not occur. Therefore, it is important to take the first Postinor tablet as soon as possible, before the sperm merges with the egg.

The first Postinor tablet should be taken as quickly as possible immediately after sexual intercourse without protective equipment, but the period should not exceed 72 hours. The second one strictly after 12 hours after the first dose.

Also, if the period is slightly exceeded and fertilization has occurred, but the fertilized egg has not had time to implant into the mucous walls of the uterus, the effect of the tablets will remain. "Postinor" will actively help prevent egg implantation from occurring.

However, in the case when the fertilized egg has already attached, everything is there, it is hardly possible to do anything with the help of Postinor. That is why it is important to take the first emergency pill.

Depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle, Postinor can have the following effects:

  1. It will slow down or completely block the release of the egg from the ovary in the first phase of the cycle, thereby preventing;
  2. Blocks fertilization (prevents the fusion of sperm with the egg), and in the second phase of the menstrual cycle prevents the fertilized egg from implanting into the endometrium in the uterus.
  3. Regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle, Postinor causes mucus thickening cervical canal, which prevents sperm from penetrating into the uterus.

This emergency contraceptive is not 100% guaranteed. In practice, it really works in 80% of 100 possible cases, but this is only if you drink it strictly according to the instructions.

Many women, especially young, inexperienced girls, believe that Postinor is no different from conventional birth control medications and the only difference is the need to take the pill immediately after intercourse. After all, others need to be taken constantly. But this is not true at all.

"Postinor": contraindications and adverse reactions

Like all medical supplies, Postinor tablets have their contraindications.

Of course, the first and most important contraindication- This . If the fertilized egg has already been implanted into the endometrial layer, an emergency contraceptive is unlikely to help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

On the contrary, it will only harm the health of the unborn baby and there is a risk that the child will be born with pathologies.

But, besides pregnancy, there are several other contraindications:

  • age up to 16 years;
  • problems with normal operation liver and kidneys;
  • hereditary abnormalities associated with the gastrointestinal tract (malabsorption, lack or lactose intolerance);
  • lactation period;
  • intolerance and hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug and the active enzyme.

Usually, the manifestation adverse reactions after taking Postinor you do not need to see a doctor.

After taking Postinor there may be disastrous consequences:

  • The health condition may deteriorate and manifest itself as . As a rule, after use of the product you may experience vaginal discharge(bloody). Sometimes, if Postinor was taken once, symptoms may appear. Instability can last a long time. Therefore, if a woman does not plan to become pregnant, it is necessary to consider and choose an appropriate method of contraception, otherwise the consequences after regularly taking Postinor will be serious.
  • Diagnosis – . You should absolutely not abuse Postinor if you ever want to get pregnant, carry it to term and give birth. The risk of infertility is too great, so think before you take Postinor.

It may also appear acne, metabolic problems and obvious manifestation"male characteristics" The drug should be taken at in case of emergency, having previously consulted with a gynecologist.

It is possible that such side effects:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit.

Sometimes they may appear skin rashes, accompanied by a small .

Also one of the consequences is disruptions and disturbances associated with the menstrual cycle.

If a woman takes Postinor while already pregnant, the risk of teratogenic negative impact the fruit will increase.

So is it possible or not to get pregnant after Postinor?

As a rule, after a woman has taken the drug, it happens quickly. But you need to take the pills as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse.

When the fertilized egg has already penetrated the endometrial layer in the uterus, Postinor may not work. But it will have a negative impact on the unborn child.

As mentioned above, Postinor does not provide a 100% guarantee, so you can still get pregnant.

Why can you get pregnant after taking a contraceptive?

  • Reserves and individual characteristics female body.
  • If, after a woman has taken the drug, she combines it with other medications that contain treatment plant St. John's wort, as well as drugs that are used in the treatment of diseases, tuberculosis, epilepsy, the effect of the contraceptive is reduced and. For example, in Crohn's disease the effectiveness is also minimal.
  • According to the instructions, the contraceptive should be taken immediately without using protective barriers. If you are late, you can get pregnant after Postinor.

Let's consider the level of contraceptive effect:

  1. if you drink it within 0-24 hours, the effect is 95%;
  2. for 24-48, efficiency is about 85%;
  3. after 48-72, approximately 60%.

If a woman nevertheless drank Postinor and became pregnant, then decided to keep the child, she should immediately contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. He will prescribe a number of medical and laboratory examinations, which will help you see the whole picture, since the drug can have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus and its formation in the future.

The decision is yours to take Postinor or not. It should be remembered that this is a strong one, which in one way or another affects health.

That's why, dear women, it is better to consult your gynecologist and choose a reliable method of contraception that suits you, if you do not use it during sex. If you have already decided to take Postinor, do it as soon as possible after intimacy.

May your children always be welcome!