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What to drink after unprotected pregnancy. Types of emergency contraceptives. Birth control pills for emergency contraception

Despite all the variety of contraceptives that currently exist, no one is immune from such an unpleasant situation as a condom breaking during sexual intercourse, accidentally missing a day of taking a contraceptive pill during a course, or unprotected sex.

In all cases where an unplanned pregnancy is not desirable, they will come to the rescue medical supplies , called emergency pills.

The entry of sperm into the body does not in itself mean that pregnancy will necessarily occur. It can only occur at the onset of ovulation, which occurs in certain period menstrual cycle.

In addition, the possibility of fertilization is influenced by the lifespan of the sperm, which in the female reproductive tract can range from three to seven days. The lifespan of a newly hatched egg is much shorter, no more than a day. The discrepancy between the life expectancy of the egg and sperm is the basis of the principle of action emergency contraception .

Among the new drugs of this type, recommended for use within 96 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, is Escapelle. The effectiveness of its action directly depends on how early the pill was taken. As active component This drug uses lovonorgestrel. Its action prevents the fertilization of the egg, and also ensures the rejection of the embryo from the body if fertilization has already occurred, and pregnancy is not desirable.

The advantage of the drug is practically complete absence negative side effects. Despite this, there are some contraindications for its use; it should not be taken in cases of severe liver failure, pregnancy, girls under 16 years of age. Caution should be exercised if there are diseases of the liver and biliary tract, jaundice, during lactation.

No less effective drug, common in practice, is Genale.

It is developed on the basis of histamines, which provide functionality for 72 hours, but after this time the effect of the drug ceases. It is a powerful remedy due to the synthetic substances it contains.

Its action is to inhibit ovulation and reject the egg after its fertilization. Contraindications are possible, for example, if bleeding from the vagina, unbearable pain in the groin area, with pathological abnormalities.

However, it should not be used in some cases when there are signs of acute or chronic renal or liver failure, during therapy with glucocorticosteroids, anemia, severe extragenital pathologies, pregnancy, or during breastfeeding.

This drug is currently no longer one of the main means of contraception. The activity of its use was noted several decades ago.

Declining popularity due to its unfavorable general health composition - high level the content of the hormone levonorgestrel, or more correctly, its synthetic analogue, is many times higher than its amount in other oral contraceptives. Taking this remedy becomes a powerful blow to the ovaries. In addition to termination of pregnancy, it can lead to disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Modern medicine prohibits taking it more than twice a year. It is also not recommended to be considered as an alternative to contraceptives. This applies to the greatest extent to young girls under 18 years of age due to the lack of hormonal balance in their bodies.

If for some reason there is a need to take this particular drug, then you should remember that you will need to take 2 tablets of Postinor: immediately after sexual intercourse (no later than 72 hours, and preferably as quickly as possible), and then 12 hours later The dose will have to be repeated if at least one tablet was expelled along with vomiting, which occurred due to the non-absorption of this drug.

There are a number of contraceptive medications available marked “24 hours”. This indicates the length of the period effective action, which continues for 24 hours after sexual intercourse occurred, during which there was no protection; as a rule, they are used if there was no protection during sex or the means of protection were damaged during rape.

The effect of this pill, when taken before the development of the embryo, is 95% guaranteed to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but after conception it is sharply reduced to zero.

Possible side effects, such as signs of vomiting, pain in groin area, cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, vaginal pain and irregular menstruation. Drugs of this type include: Ovidon, Non-ovlon, Miniziston, Rigevidon, Marvelon.

Emergency contraceptives 72 hours

When more than a day has passed since sexual contact without protection, you should take another drug, with marked “72 hours”, it also indicates the duration of action of the product. During the designated period, it can prevent conception.

Such drugs are characterized by a high level of hormonal activity; for this reason, taking more than four of them per month is strictly prohibited. The most common tablets of this type are: Escapelle, Zhenale, Postinor Duo.

Sometimes taking these drugs can cause complications such as pain in the abdomen. They can occur 3-5 weeks after the day of administration and can serve as signs of a developing ectopic pregnancy. In this case, immediate hospitalization will be required. In addition, there may be difficulty breathing or blurred vision, allergies, and pain in the sternum.

This drug should be taken under the supervision of a specialist. On the third day, its effectiveness is reduced by almost half, therefore, if you need a guaranteed result, it is best to take the tablet no later than the first day.

What is the best thing to do immediately after intercourse?

After an unforeseen situation has occurred, such as sexual contact without the necessary protection, the main thing is to pull yourself together as quickly as possible.

It's best to try right away consult a gynecologist for inspection. It will help determine whether this day was favorable for conception. A negative answer will practically reduce the likelihood of pregnancy to zero. In addition, in this case, taking any medications will no longer be necessary.

It should be especially noted that visiting a doctor is highly advisable even after taking emergency contraception, in order to avoid the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

To do this you will need to take tests. Usually, a gynecologist monitors the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle, and, if necessary, to stimulate ovarian function, he may prescribe hormonal medications.

Using drugs emergency measures need to remember possible dangers, such as the development of ectopic pregnancy, the threat of bleeding, the risk of infertility in the future, the possibility of blood clots, the development of Crohn's disease.

Most of the drugs used after sexual intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancy can cause side effects:

  • mastalgia and swelling in the mammary glands;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • instability of the emotional background;
  • allergies.

Medical termination of pregnancy in the early stages

Until recently, the only way out of the situation of an unwanted pregnancy was surgery. Nowadays, it is still a serious threat to women's health, primarily the likelihood fatal outcome. Today there is a number of drugs that will help you cope with the problem without surgical intervention, including: Pencrafton, Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Mifegin, Mifolian, etc.

The advantage of Pencrofton if it is necessary to terminate a pregnancy at early is permission for its use by young women, including those who do not have children, because the drug does not affect the development of secondary infertility.

Mifolian is designed to terminate pregnancy in the first 6 weeks by detaching the fertilized egg from the uterus. Sometimes it is used to speed up labor.

Mifepristone has the same effect. This drug must be taken three tablets at a time.

Mifeprex belongs to the same group of drugs. In addition to a similar effect, it has a number of advantages, including high efficiency and excellent tolerability, despite the possibility of slight bleeding.

One of the most effective drugs, guaranteeing termination of pregnancy in the early stages almost 100%, is the French remedy Mifegin.

Among the main disadvantages of these drugs are side effects associated with disorders of blood clotting and bleeding. Sometimes similar mini abortion leads to the development of tumors, hormonal disorders, inflammation in the genitals.

Although compared to surgical abortion, medicinal method somewhat inferior in guaranteeing results, millions of women today choose it for the following reasons:

  • no need for hospital treatment;
  • easy tolerability of a physiological reaction reminiscent of normal menstruation;
  • lack of possibility of contracting dangerous infections;
  • reducing the risk of secondary infertility;
  • exclusion of surgery and the use of anesthesia.

If there is a need for mandatory use of such drugs, you should remember that before taking them you need to make sure that there is no ectopic pregnancy.

This medication cannot terminate an existing pregnancy. Also, it will not be able to protect if there is a repeated threat of conception, for example, during sexual intercourse in the following days. During your appointment this tool there is a danger of ectopic pregnancy.

Currently, termination of pregnancy using medications has become widely accepted. This method is considered modern and relatively safe, and has a number of significant advantages over other methods and measures.

However, it should be remembered that during their use it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor who will help determine existing contraindications, prescribe a full examination and conduct competent counseling that will help eliminate the possibility of unpredictable, incl. consequences that pose a threat to health and life.

How to avoid getting pregnant at home, what methods of contraception exist? There are quite a lot of them. These include barrier methods - female and male condoms, oral contraceptives, the use of vaginal irrigation, interrupted sexual intercourse, etc.

How not to get pregnant, ways

Many girls and women are interested in how not to get pregnant; of course, there are ways. There are several of them:

  • Counting “dangerous” days. The method is suitable only in the case of a stable menstrual cycle. Conception occurs strictly during the period of ovulation, which is only a few days. So, for example, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on days 12–14, but with 35 days, it is somewhere around day 17. Good effect gives a measurement basal temperature(in the rectum) over several menstrual cycles. For the first half of the cycle - before the release of the egg - the indicator is 36.6 - 36.9 degrees. After ovulation it rises to 37 degrees and above.
  • Ovulation tests. They remind classic tests pregnancy and two lines that appear indicate ovulation has occurred.
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse. One of the fairly common methods of contraception. Quite reliable, but you need to remember some points. First, it is recommended to practice it only during one-time sexual contact. Secondly, if repeated sex is planned, then the man needs to take showers or release bladder(this will help get rid of any viable sperm that remain on the head of the penis or inside the urethra).
  • Sanitation of the vagina. Spermatozoa cannot survive in an acidic environment and the woman’s task is to create it. Treating the vagina with any acidic solutions, for example lemon juice diluted in water, will help with this. It is not recommended to use the method too often, since it can have a negative effect on the condition of the mucous membrane: dry it out and cause vaginal dysbiosis.

In addition, you can use lubricant, condoms, hormonal and local contraception.

How not to get pregnant the first time

How not to get pregnant for the first time, what can you do? The very first option that a gynecologist and common sense will recommend is using a condom. It almost completely eliminates the possibility of pregnancy, and also protects the girl from unwanted diseases.

How to avoid getting pregnant at home if you don’t have a condom at hand? As an option, you can use douching with various compositions:

  • Slightly acidic solutions. By using acidified water to sanitize the vagina, you can significantly reduce the speed of sperm movement and even completely destroy them. The following compositions can be used as a remedy: 1 spoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice per 1 liter of water or a teaspoon boric acid for 1 liter of water.
  • Solution (dim) potassium permanganate. Sanitation of the vagina with this composition helps not only prevent pregnancy, but also helps speed up the healing of microtraumas that inevitably occur after sexual contact.
  • Plain water. This type of douching simply helps to wash the ejaculate from the vagina and prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity.

How to avoid getting pregnant during ovulation

How to avoid getting pregnant during ovulation, which method of contraception can be used in this case? There are several options:

  • Interrupted sexual intercourse. The most commonly used, but far from the most reliable way. Its essence is extremely simple: to prevent ejaculate from entering the vagina. But not all men have such complete control over their orgasm. In addition, the secreted lubricant contains a certain amount of sperm, which can fertilize the egg.
  • Condom. This is the most reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy during ovulation.
  • Oral contraception (OC). Modern contraceptives may or may not contain hormones. Must select medications qualified specialist, based on the characteristics of the organism. Taking OCs daily helps to completely prevent pregnancy.
  • Women's condoms. These include uterine caps and diaphragms, which are installed in the vagina. They prevent the movement of sperm into the uterine cavity, which prevents the development of gestation. A woman can install protection and remove it independently.

How to avoid getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse at home

How not to get pregnant after unprotected act at home, how to prevent unwanted conception? Alternatively, you can use vaginal douching. The technique is simple, but it is highly undesirable to practice it regularly.

The exception is irrigating the vagina after sex. clean water. In this case, the goal pursued is to wash away all the ejaculate without allowing it to enter the uterus. A good combination in this case would be for the couple to achieve orgasm when the woman is in the “cowgirl” position. Then most of male biomaterial will flow down the walls, and the remains will be washed away by water. But the technique, of course, does not provide a 100% guarantee.

To enhance the result, you can add a couple of tablespoons of fresh lemon juice or a little vinegar to the water. The main thing is to get a composition that tastes sour. But practicing vaginal sanitation with such means is often prohibited. This can cause increased dryness of the mucous membranes and cause dysbiosis (violation of the composition vaginal microflora). Both conditions are accompanied unpleasant symptoms and require long-term treatment.

How to avoid getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse

How to avoid getting pregnant after unprotected intercourse, what should you do? Even if sperm were able to penetrate the vagina, there are several ways to protect yourself from unplanned conception. They can help with this folk remedies and emergency contraception.

Among popular recommendations How to avoid getting pregnant at home, you can highlight vaginal douching. The task of washing is to remove all missing male biomaterial. Complete removal It will not be possible to achieve ejaculate, but the likelihood of conception is slightly reduced. To enhance the effect, you need to prepare a composition that is sour to taste. IN acidic environment sperm simply die. But sanitization with acidified water has its own dangers: it can disrupt the composition of the vaginal microflora and provoke the development of thrush. For 1 liter of water, take either 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or 1 tablespoon of table vinegar. Douching should be done immediately after unprotected sex.

The second option is emergency contraception. What is the technique? To prevent unplanned conception, a woman needs to take medications that contain hormones. The pills should be taken within the first two days after unprotected sex.

Taking the drug creates a strong hormonal imbalance, which prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine lining.

How not to get pregnant if a guy cums inside you

How not to get pregnant if a guy cums inside you and you don’t have anything at hand? You can use traditional methods:

  • Accept hot shower. The method is simple, but not effective enough. It can be supplemented by douching the vagina with clean water.
  • Sanitation of the vagina with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or diluted in water lemon juice. Such washing helps to destroy all sperm and prevent fertilization of the egg.
  • Tansy decoction. The product should be taken immediately after unprotected sex.

Now you know how to avoid getting pregnant at home. But before choosing “your” method, you need to consult a gynecologist. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

It is fundamentally important to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy before taking the pills; otherwise, there is a certain risk to the woman’s life. You should definitely seek advice from a gynecologist, as self-medication can lead to serious negative consequences. Among the advantages similar drugs: no need to go to hospital; no anesthesia or surgical intervention required; the risk of developing infertility is almost zero; fetal rejection is almost similar to the untimely arrival of menstruation.

Tablet options

Most pills are designed to terminate a pregnancy of up to six weeks (42 days). It should be remembered that during their action, blood clotting worsens, and pain in the lower abdomen is often observed. In connection with taking drugs, cases of inflammatory processes in the genital organs have been noted, and the risk of tumor formation increases.

"Mifegin" (a French-made drug) is characterized by an effectiveness that is as close as possible to 100%. The price starts from 3000 rubles. Can be used for up to six weeks.

Mifeprex is effective and well tolerated. Its price is from 1500 rubles. Application period is up to six weeks.

"Mifepristone 72." The pharmacy usually requires a prescription for this drug. The price range for it is very large - 3-5 thousand rubles. The term for termination of pregnancy is up to six weeks from the moment of conception.

"Mytholian" ( active substance– ) is sometimes used to speed up natural childbirth. The price of the drug is from 1,200 rubles, but it is much easier to find in a antenatal clinic than in pharmacies. Duration – up to six weeks.

"Pencrofton" (active ingredient - mifepristone) is acceptable for use as emergency contraception. Has a low likelihood of complications. Price – from 15,000 rubles. Can be used for up to six weeks.

For emergency contraception immediately after unprotected intercourse, you can use Postinor. Moreover, the first tablet should be taken as soon as possible, and the second - 12 hours after the first. "Postinor" provides an 85% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy. The price of the drug is from 230 rubles, it is contraindicated for teenagers, and before use you should consult a doctor.

General contraindications to taking medications

Any pills of this kind are taken only under the supervision of a doctor, followed by consultations and ultrasound. But there is also absolute contraindications such as: tumors (malignant and benign), diseases of the adrenal glands, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired blood clotting. Smokers are at risk, especially those over 30 years of age, as the drug can cause complications in their cardiovascular system.

The procedure is not carried out medication interruption pregnancy during renal failure and heavy pulmonary diseases, as well as in case of allergy to mifepristone and suspected ectopic pregnancy. Contraindications are also heart and vascular diseases, liver failure And inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

What's in the article:

Is it possible to take birth control pills without harm to health? Despite the proven effectiveness of these contraceptives, many girls still ask this question. And not in vain, because, having heard enough frightening stories about the dangers of PRT for the figure and the health of the whole body, representatives of the fairer sex begin to look for a worthy replacement oral contraceptives.

However, the “scaremongers” that it is better not to take birth control pills because they are harmful are not entirely true. If a particular drug was prescribed by a gynecologist, it is unlikely to cause harm to the woman’s health. But so that COCs and other types oral contraception really protected against unwanted pregnancy, it is important to know how to take them correctly.

When should you not take birth control pills?

Not every woman can take birth control pills to avoid getting pregnant. There are a number of contraindications to their use, which most COC manufacturers include:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • disorders of blood circulation in the brain;
  • previous heart attacks or strokes;
  • pathological processes affecting the heart valves;
  • neurological manifestations of migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by impaired functioning vascular system women;
  • liver pathologies - acute or chronic, but in the acute phase;
  • oncological processes in the liver.

These are not all situations when taking birth control pills is strictly prohibited. It is better to refuse this means of preventing pregnancy if you have:

  • genetic predisposition to CVD;
  • diabetes mellitus diagnosed in the patient more than 20 years ago;
  • vaginal or uterine bleeding unknown etiology;
  • breast cancer.

It should also be remembered that not all COCs can be used during pregnancy (for therapeutic reasons), during breastfeeding, or after a woman reaches 40 years of age. Based on this, you should definitely check with your gynecologist which birth control pills are best to take in each specific case.

When can and should you take contraceptives?

Taking hormonal birth control pills is recommended not only to prevent pregnancy. Many COCs are used in gynecology for:

  • treatment of endometriosis;
  • stopping the progression of uterine myomatosis;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • elimination of menopausal symptoms in women over 40;
  • relief of PMS symptoms.

There are quite a few types of birth control pills, so only a competent specialist should select them.

Briefly about groups of contraceptive tablets

All birth control pills can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. COOK. Combined oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and progestogen. They can be monophasic, biphasic or triphasic (see below).
  2. Mini-drinks. These contraceptive pills contain one active ingredient from the group of progestogens. Due to this, they are often prescribed to nursing mothers, and sometimes to pregnant women.

To understand which birth control pills you can take to avoid getting pregnant, let’s look at these groups of contraceptives separately.

COC: types, list of tablets

COCs, as noted earlier, have their own varieties, which we will discuss in more detail.

Monophasic COCs

These contraceptive pills contain estrogen and progestogen, the proportion of which does not change depending on the menstrual cycle. Good feedback Patients and gynecologists received monophasic COCs such as Regulon, Janine, Siluet, Lindinet, Logest, Femoden. Also, these contraceptives, if necessary, can be replaced with Rigevidon, Microgynon, Miniziston.

Biphasic COCs

For such contraceptive pills It is characteristic that the proportion of estrogen remains the same in all phases of the menstrual cycle, but the proportion of gestagen for phases 1 and 2 of MC changes. The following two-phase COCs have received positive reviews from women and doctors:

  • Femoston;
  • Anteovin;
  • Binordiol;
  • Sequularum;
  • Adepal;
  • Sequilar;
  • Biphasil.

No less effective contraceptive tablets from the COC category are Binovum and Neo-Eunomin.

Three-phase COCs

This group of combined contraceptives differs in that during the menstrual cycle the proportions of hormones contained in the drug will change 3 times. The following COCs have proven themselves well: Tri-Regol, Tri Mercy, Triziston.

Mechanism of action of combined contraceptive pills

The main effect of COCs is aimed at suppressing ovulation by inhibiting the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. This is achieved due to the effect of the main components of the tablets on the cells of the adenohypophysis, the area of ​​the brain responsible for the production of these elements.

In addition, COCs also affect the structure of the uterine mucosa. Under the influence of contraceptive tablets of this group, a process of so-called “glandular regression” occurs. This leads to the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg to the wall reproductive organ.

Features and list of “mini-pills”

Single-component birth control pills, better known as mini-pills, contain only one active ingredient - synthetic hormone progestogen. Such drugs affect only peripheral zones reproductive system women.

Firstly, such birth control pills make the cervical mucus thicker, thereby preventing sperm from penetrating the cervix. In addition, under the influence of these contraceptives in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the amount of vaginal secretion decreases, but its viscosity remains increased. This contributes to the impossibility of conception even during the period of ovulation.

Secondly, the use of contraceptive drugs from the mini-pill group causes certain changes in the structure of the uterine endometrium. Ultimately, such changes create unfavorable conditions for the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the reproductive organ. In many women, in addition, taking this group of contraceptive drugs often leads to complete blocking of ovulation.

Mini-pills are often prescribed to patients over 40 years of age, as well as to nursing mothers. These types of birth control pills include Charozetta, Lactinet, Orgametril, Microlut, Exluton.

How to choose birth control pills?

What birth control pills are best to take to avoid getting pregnant? You cannot deal with this issue on your own - the choice of drug should be left to the gynecologist. This requires a thorough examination of the patient, during which the doctor:

  • evaluates skin patients to identify petechiae, hypertrichosis, signs of hyperandrogenism, etc.;
  • measures blood pressure levels;
  • palpates the mammary glands;
  • takes smears to identify pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes of the cervix;
  • makes a smear for cytology.

In addition, before prescribing contraceptives, the gynecologist refers the patient to a number of laboratory tests: liver enzymes, sex hormone levels, blood clotting. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and thyroid gland. Women over 40 years of age must undergo mammography of the mammary glands.

When choosing contraceptives, it is also mandatory to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to examine the fundus and measure eye pressure. This is necessary for the reason that long-term use Birth control pills significantly increase the risk of developing glaucoma.

As you can see, to select an oral remedy hormonal contraception It is important to undergo a whole range of examinations. In view of this, the patient should not deal with this issue on her own, otherwise the consequences of uncontrolled use of contraceptives can be very serious and even dangerous!

How to take oral contraceptives correctly?

How to take birth control pills? There are a number general rules reception oral medications hormonal contraception, which must be followed strictly.

  1. It is better to start taking birth control pills from the 1st day of menstruation. The product should be taken daily, preferably at the same time.
  2. Every day you need to take one tablet until the plate runs out. After this, it is recommended to take a week's break and then resume taking COCs or mini-pills.
  3. During a break in use contraceptive drug can go bloody issues from the vagina. Exactly 7 days after the pause, you should start using the pills again, regardless of whether menstruation has ended or is still ongoing.
  4. If vomiting occurs while using contraceptives, you can take another pill, but this option should be discussed with your gynecologist in advance.
  5. If a woman forgets to take a pill, it must be done as soon as possible. In this, as well as in the previously described case, it is necessary to use additional contraceptives.
  6. The appearance of menstrual bleeding may not be a reason to stop taking the pills. However, it is imperative to notify your doctor if such a side effect occurs when using a contraceptive drug.

Hormonal contraceptive pills should be taken after medical termination of pregnancy either on the day of an artificially induced miscarriage, or when next menstruation which began after an abortion.

E that's important! In order not to become pregnant, along with taking PZ tablets, it is necessary to additionally protect yourself for another 2 weeks. It is after this time that the maximum contraceptive effect begins to appear.contraceptivedrug.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that the majority of women’s reviews of the use of PZ tablets are positive, and side effects are rare, no gynecologist can exclude the possibility of their occurrence. Often an acute reaction of the body to COCs or mini-pills makes itself felt:

Despite the unpleasantness of these symptoms, they are only the mildest manifestations side effects from PZ tablets. To more serious consequences Taking oral contraceptives may include:

  • formation of edema in the area calf muscles and the occurrence of pain in them;
  • the appearance of acute chest pain;
  • migraine attacks;
  • development of hemicrania;
  • the appearance of a cough - dry or productive, accompanied by discharge clear mucus with greenish or yellow veins;
  • attacks of shortness of breath;
  • visual impairment;
  • presyncope, less often – syncope;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • the appearance of urticaria;
  • changes in blood pressure.

The occurrence of these symptoms, or the prolonged course of the previously described side effects when taking contraceptives, requires immediate discontinuation of the pills followed by symptomatic therapy.

As you can see, not everyone positive feedback about admission contraceptive medications– COCs or mini-pills – you can trust them blindly. In principle, you shouldn’t take comments on women’s forums, where patients describe a whole range of “side effects” that arose when using PZ tablets, to heart.

Each organism is individual. And this is exactly what gynecologists always take into account when we're talking about about choosing a contraceptive drug to protect against unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, follow your doctor’s recommendations, because he will never give you bad advice!

Emergency (postcoital, urgent, fire) contraception is a special method of preventing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse or if other methods of protection are ineffective.

Scientists long time studied female body to find out how it originates new life and what factors external environment necessary for its further development. Thanks to the development of science, doctors have learned to control the processes of fertilization. But not every pregnancy is long-awaited. Therefore, women, sacrificing their health and lives, tried various methods cessation of fetal development.

Today, the development of obstetrics and gynecology as a science has led to the creation of multiple means of contraception, including Emergency. These drugs are separated into one special group due to a similar mechanism of action on the woman’s body in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Emergency contraception disrupts the physiology of the menstrual cycle.

In addition to affecting the cycle itself, contraceptives increase viscosity cervical mucus, slow down the movement of germ cells and the embryo through the fallopian (fallopian) tubes, thereby disrupting the processes of its implantation to the endometrium for further development.


There are two ways to administer fire contraceptives:

  1. Tablets against unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse;
  2. Copper-containing intrauterine devices.

According to the hormonal composition, emergency contraception is divided into drugs containing:

  • High doses of estrogen.
  • Gestagens.
  • Combination of estrogen-gestagens.
  • Antigonadotropins.
  • Antigestagens.

According to experts, the effectiveness of emergency contraceptive drugs against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse is limited in time. The shorter the time interval between sex and reception medicines, the greater their effectiveness, but this time period should not exceed 72 hours. In case of exceeding of this period, the likelihood that fertilization of the egg has already occurred increases.

From the 6th day of pregnancy production begins human chorionic gonadotropin, which prevents the resorption of the corpus luteum. Its main task is to produce progesterone before the formation of the placenta for the further development of the fetus. It is much more difficult to interrupt the embryo development process at this time.

These pregnancy pills cannot be used continuously and they should not be the primary and only method of preventing sperm from fertilizing an egg. Drugs used for fire contraception affect not only the processes of conception and development of the embryo, but also the entire body as a whole. Since the drugs have negative impact, not every woman can take them as contraceptives.

Therefore, before use, consultation and subsequent monitoring are necessary if prescribed by a gynecologist. Only a doctor can help you choose a specific method emergency contraception for woman.

The main indications for postcoital contraception are:

  1. Rape.
  2. Incorrect use/breakage of condom.
  3. Delayed intake of combination drugs oral contraceptives.
  4. Interrupted sexual intercourse.
  5. Unprotected sexual intercourse.

In addition to indications, there are diseases and conditions of the body when the use in various ways Emergency contraception is possible under the strict supervision of a doctor:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. A combination of factors – premenopausal age and the presence of tobacco smoking (more than 1 pack of cigarettes per day).
  3. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.


These drugs were the first to be used for emergency contraception in gynecology. The use of steroid sex hormones is effective way. Used to prevent pregnancy high doses estrogen, so the main disadvantage of these contraceptives is frequent occurrence adverse side effects. The most common symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, imbalance between the coagulation and anticoagulation systems of the blood.

Besides, a large number of researchers are of the following opinion: if a woman managed to become pregnant after taking female sex hormones, then such pregnancy should be completed. Estrogens have a carcinogenic effect on the embryo. Women whose mothers took estrogens in the 1st half of pregnancy developed malignant diseases genital organs, and in men the processes of puberty were disrupted.


The most famous and widely used group of drugs in Russia. The main drugs are gestagens - Postinor and Escapelle. These drugs are disposable contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse. The gestagen underlying these drugs is levonorgestrel.

The principle of action of levonorgestrel is based on disruption of the processes of egg maturation. The drugs work only during the maturation phase of the dominant follicle and its subsequent development. During ovulation, levonorgestrel is not effective, and three days before it, the drug's potency decreases to 68%.

The following regimen for taking the drug Postinor has been developed: the starting dose is taken up to 72 hours after sex, and the second dose is taken 12 hours after the first tablet. Manufacturers of the drug remind that Postinor should not be taken more than 1 time per day. menstrual cycle.

Levonorgestrel is found in a drug called Escapelle. This emergency contraception contains only one pill, which is very good for use. Taking the drug is also limited to a time period of 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of these drugs in the first 24 hours is 95%.

Due to the heterogeneous effectiveness of gestagen preparations in different periods menstrual cycle, important issue remains to be seen how these influence emergency funds to the fetus in case of ineffectiveness this method contraception.

Based on many studies, experts claim that Postinor and Escapelle do not adversely affect the embryo and the course of pregnancy if they are ineffective.


Yuzpe and Lancee developed in 1977 effective program taking combined oral contraceptives containing gestagen-estrogen components. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, low-dose birth control pills can also be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy after intercourse. Depending on the dosage chemically active substances in them, only the number of tablets changes. The meaning of the method is to use fixed doses of estradiol and levonorgestrel, divided into two doses. The greatest effectiveness of the Yuspe method lies in the time frame - 72 hours after sex, and the interval between the first and second dose should be 12 hours.

The effectiveness of this method depends on:

  • Time frame for taking medications.
  • Phases of the menstrual cycle.
  • The occurrence of undesirable reactions. Most common complication- vomiting; if you do not take another dose identical to the first one, the effectiveness decreases.

Drugs with antigonadotropic action

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on a decrease in the production of hormones by the pituitary gland, which entails inhibition of ovarian function, a slowdown in the rate of release of the egg during the rupture of a mature follicle and changes in the mucous membrane of the uterine body, preventing attachment ovum. One of the drugs is Danazol or Danol.

The method of using Danazol is variable. The drug can be taken two or three times. The interval between doses should be 12 hours in order to create the required level of hormones in the blood. The main thing to remember is that the entire course of taking Danazol must be completed no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.


Antigestagens - new and most studied pharmacological group substances whose pathogenetic effect is based on blocking progesterone-sensitive receptors. This hormone is produced at the beginning of pregnancy yellow body and is necessary for its maintenance.

The main advantage of the drugs is the highest efficiency during all stages of the menstrual cycle among tablet emergency contraceptives. This is due to the wide variety of mechanisms of action. In the preovulatory period, disposable contraceptive pills suppress ovulation; in the period after it, they act on the lining of the uterus and disrupt the process of implantation of the embryo into it.

Mifepristone is an emergency contraceptive, which has these effects. By origin it is a synthetic antiprogestin. This substance contains pills against pregnancy after unprotected intercourse with the names: Agesta, Zhenale.

Mifepristone is an emergency contraceptive pill that affects everything pathogenetic mechanisms development of pregnancy, therefore the time period without a decrease in the percentage of effectiveness is 120 hours. If the fusion of germ cells has already occurred, then taking mifepristone can interrupt unwanted pregnancy, causing a reaction similar to menstruation.

The use of antigestagens as postcoital contraception is not permitted. In Russia, mifepristone is registered as a drug for medical abortion(if menstruation is delayed for no more than 42 days). In pharmacies, drugs may have different names, depending on the pharmacological company, but they are dispensed only with a doctor’s prescription and can only be taken after consulting a gynecologist.

Despite high efficiency mifepristone, there is a possibility of pregnancy. In such cases, it is recommended to interrupt it, since the drug has an adverse effect on the embryo.

Mechanical emergency contraception

Installation of copper-containing intrauterine devices is the most effective for preventing pregnancy. The main condition for achieving the necessary goal is to set it no later than 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Today we have a wide range of different intrauterine devices. These emergency contraceptives come in different shapes, sizes, hardness and materials. Individual selection of the required spiral is the task of a gynecologist. The main principle of action is to prevent the migration of a fertilized egg to the endometrium - the mucous membrane of the uterine body, and copper has lethal effect on sperm, as a result of which they lose their ability to conceive.

Installation of any foreign devices in the uterine cavity is accompanied by increased risks introduction of infection or its spread with existing infectious diseases genitals. There are cases when the use of these contraceptives is inappropriate:

  • Should not be used by women with abnormal development of the genital organs.
  • It is not recommended to use them for women with promiscuous sexual intercourse, since installed copper-containing IUDs do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The use of these emergency contraceptives is not recommended for women suffering from various inflammatory diseases pelvic organs.

Due to the fact that the IUDs are installed intrauterine, a small percentage of drugs enters the bloodstream. This explains the absence of hormone-mediated complications. Also, only 0.1–0.6% of the drug reaches breast milk, therefore, while taking the drug you can not stop breast-feeding. Well, the main advantage of intrauterine devices is the ability to use them later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Don't forget about the risks of infection. Before using this method of contraception, a woman should be screened for sexually transmitted infections.

Exist certain diseases and the state of the body when used this method Contraception is absolutely not acceptable:

  1. Pregnancy or possible availability the woman has it.
  2. Any infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  3. Oncological diseases of any parts of the uterus and mammary glands.
  4. Congenital or acquired diseases leading to changes in the size, shape and configuration of the uterus.

Today, emergency contraception is becoming increasingly widespread, but it must be emphasized that the choice of method and method of contraception is the prerogative of the gynecologist.

Emergency contraception is a single dose emergency medicine to prevent pregnancy in order to reduce the number of abortions. Doctors do not recommend using it more than once per menstrual cycle or several cycles in a row. Therefore, after using emergency measures, a woman should choose another, more reasonable way to prevent pregnancy.