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Unprotected intercourse before menstruation - what to do. Is it possible to get pregnant before your period?

You almost always need to protect yourself in case of unwanted pregnancy. Most women are confident that conception will not occur if unprotected intercourse occurs before menstruation. This behavior can bring unexpected “fruits”.

The individuality of the female body does not allow us to guarantee pregnancy within a certain period. menstrual cycle. Its absence also cannot be predicted with certainty. Let's consider whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation. To do this, it is necessary to mention some aspects related to the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle.

Determining unfavorable days for conception

Couples wishing to conceive a child plan sexual intercourse when the likelihood is highest - on the day of ovulation. Although pregnancy occurs during this short period of time when the egg is released from the ovary, the couple does not have to wait until ovulation to achieve results. It is enough to have sex regularly without using contraceptives.

If trying has been going on for some time, the couple should focus their efforts on planning intercourse a day or two before ovulation.

Although the period before the expected menstruation is far from the optimal time for conceiving a child, pregnancy can still occur. Couples who do not want to have children in the near future should use contraception.

Ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of the menstrual cycle. One or two more days should be subtracted from the received day. The egg may form a little earlier. From this figure we subtract another 3 days, during which sperm can remain viable and fertilize the egg. Using this principle, a favorable date for conceiving a child is calculated using the calendar method.

Thanks to simple principle you can understand when, most likely, there will be no result and pregnancy will not occur. What can affect the change in calculations and make it possible to conceive before menstruation?

I got pregnant before my period: what affected it?

Much depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

  • Firstly, the error in calculating ovulation using the calendar method does not allow us to accurately determine the date when pregnancy will occur and when it will not. Sexual intercourse on any day carries the possibility of pregnancy. This fact may encourage a couple to use contraception, regardless of the phase of the woman's menstrual cycle.
  • Secondly, auspicious date For conception and menstruation occur under the influence of a certain level of hormones in the blood. Irregularities at work hormonal system may cause imbalance. The body will not release the required amount of hormones for a certain phase. If the hormonal background is disturbed, their production can occur in different time, which can increase the likelihood of getting pregnant before your period.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week before your period? Of course, in this case, a violation of the duration of the cycle can contribute to the conception of a child.

A factor that allows you to answer the question “is it possible to get pregnant 5 days before your period.”

A factor that allows you to answer the above question is the number of ovulations within one cycle. Normally, one ovulation should occur per menstrual cycle. The individual characteristics of a girl can cause the onset of a second ovulation.

More often this happens to young women who have irregular sex life. The second phase of egg maturation begins, most often, from the date of the last sexual intercourse. Thanks to this ingenuity of the female body, pregnancy is more likely, even if the couple had sex a few days before menstruation.

Taking oral contraceptives and pregnancy

It would not be superfluous to consider the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation if hormonal contraceptives are used. Pregnancy will not occur if a woman uses oral contraceptives. For this purpose she accepts them. If before the onset of menstruation a woman stops taking hormonal drugs, then unprotected sexual intercourse can result in pregnancy. Why is this happening?

The essence of using hormonal contraceptives is that egg maturation does not occur. This process is absent, because the drug blocks the work of the pituitary gland and ovary. After stopping taking OCs, a woman’s body can stimulate the development of 2 or more eggs within one menstrual cycle. If you refuse funds hormonal contraception before menstruation, pregnancy can occur with a high degree of probability.

Theoretically, it is difficult to imagine that one can conceive just before menstruation or at least 5-6 days before it. After all, the period when the egg is next to the sperm is limited to just a few days. Even if the woman and her partner are in good health, this occurrence is unlikely. However, surprises still happen. It is necessary to take into account several factors that influence the processes occurring in the female reproductive system, for example, the possibility of fluctuations in the duration of cycles. They increase the likelihood of getting pregnant just before your period.


Which days of the cycle are considered most likely for fertilization?

If a woman has a strictly regular cycle, that is, the same number of days pass from the beginning of one menstruation to the beginning of another, then it is possible to calculate “dangerous” and “safe” days for conception with sufficient accuracy. From the first day of menstruation, the egg matures. When it ends, ovulation occurs (it leaves the ovary and moves to fallopian tube). Within 2 days after this, fertilization is possible. If it happens ovum enters the uterus and is fixed in the endometrium, which at this time is at its maximum thickness and has a loose structure.

The duration of the second phase of the cycle (after ovulation) is constant and is 14 days. To calculate the duration of the first phase (from the start of menstruation until ovulation), you need to subtract 14 from the total number of days of the cycle:

  • with a 32-day cycle, it is correspondingly equal to 18;
  • at 28 days – 14;
  • at 25 days – 11;
  • at 21 days – 7.

However, the calendar method of contraception is not absolutely accurate; relying only on it, a woman is at great risk. Provide for everything possible deviations even with ideal health is impossible.

Factors that can influence the onset of fertilization

In order for fertilization to occur, the presence of ovulation, normal maturation of the endometrium, and the absence of obstacles to the penetration of the egg and sperm into the fallopian tube are required. Factors that can influence the course of these processes are:

  1. Character hormonal levels. It can be influenced by health status, lifestyle characteristics, and age.
  2. Regularity of the cycle. Deviations may be genetic feature body. Menstruation is delayed or comes earlier than usual after accidental stress. Irregularity of the cycle is often also a sign of various disorders in the condition of the genital organs.
  3. Partner's sperm quality. The lifespan of sperm is on average 2-3 days, but sometimes they are viable for up to 7 days, which increases the period of possible conception.

Others also influence individual characteristics woman's body.

Video: What days of the cycle can you get pregnant?

In what cases is pregnancy possible before menstruation?

A woman may have several situations in which she can become pregnant on the eve of her period or a week before it. Even if the probability of conception in this case is not as high as in the middle of the cycle, it cannot be ignored.

Irregular cycle

If the duration of the cycle is not constant, then it is impossible to say exactly on what day ovulation will occur. The increase in cycle duration occurs due to its shift to a later date.

In a situation where a woman’s previous cycles lasted 21 days, for example, she ovulates on the 7th day. And if the duration of the next cycle is 28 days, then the egg will be released on the 14th day. A woman, confident that the “dangerous” days are over, does not resort to contraception. Considering that the viability of the egg is 2 days, we can assume that pregnancy occurred approximately 5 days before the woman expected her period.

If long cycles alternate with cycles less than 21 days long, then conception occurs even closer to the time when a woman is waiting for her period to begin. In this case, hormonal imbalance, which provoked a cycle disorder, can lead to partial detachment of the endometrium and the appearance of scanty bleeding on the due day. In this situation, there is a high probability that the embryo will not stay in the uterus and the pregnancy will be terminated.

Repeated ovulation

The existence of this phenomenon is usually explained by a genetic feature of the functioning reproductive system women. A similar phenomenon explains the birth of fraternal twins. Repeated ovulation can also occur with irregular sexual activity.

There is a sequential maturation of eggs, the onset of next ovulation with a break of several days. After the first egg dies and is released into the uterus, where the endometrium is about to detach, another one appears, ready for fertilization just before menstruation. Depending on the gap between their appearance, conception occurs 1-5 days before the start of menstruation. If the embryo manages to enter the uterine cavity, the chance of termination of pregnancy due to its rejection along with the endometrium is quite high.

Warning: A woman seeking to become pregnant should pay Special attention on the nature of menstruation, which begins almost immediately after sexual intercourse. If they are unusually short and scanty, this indicates possible conception. About 10 days after sexual intercourse, it becomes possible to confirm your assumptions using a pregnancy test.

Menstrual cycle too short

For example, with a cycle length of 19 days, ovulation occurs already on the 5th day. If sexual intercourse took place the previous day before menstruation, the sperm had time to enter the fallopian tube. If they were able to “survive” menstruation there and “wait” for the next egg to mature, then fertilization will take place after menstruation. The woman remains convinced that she managed to get pregnant immediately before her period. She finds out about this only after the next menstruation is delayed.

Stopping birth control pills

Their action is aimed at suppressing ovulation and thickening the mucus in the cervix (so that sperm cannot enter it).

The tablets are taken strictly according to the schedule (for 21 days, then take a break for 7 days, during which bleeding similar to menstrual bleeding appears). After stopping these medications for full recovery hormonal levels and reproductive function usually require 2-3 months. But sometimes ovulation occurs immediately, since ovarian activity increases significantly after artificial hormonal effects. In this case, a violation of the schedule will lead to the woman being able to become pregnant before her next menstruation.

Note: The fact that ovarian function improves after discontinuation of COCs is taken into account in the treatment of infertility. In some cases, a course of therapy contraception helps eliminate it.

The reason for pregnancy before menstruation is the withdrawal of hormone replacement therapy drugs.

Bloody discharge between periods

This phenomenon is observed, for example, in the presence of erosion or polyps of the cervix, fibroids and other diseases. A woman mistakes intermenstrual bleeding for menstruation. Unprotected sexual intercourse occurs on the most “inappropriate” days before such “menstruation”.

Probability of pregnancy on different days before menstruation (table)

In what cases does the likelihood of conceiving before menstruation increase?

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant on the eve of menstruation worries women of different ages. You can answer in the affirmative, especially in cases where the irregularity of the cycle is explained by the natural instability of hormonal levels.

The likelihood of fluctuations in cycle length and menstruation itself is increased in young women. Pregnancy often occurs even with the first sexual intercourse on the eve of menstruation. Physiological hormonal disruptions are observed in women at the very beginning of menopause, even before menopause, as well as in the period after childbirth, which increases the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

Another factor that contributes to conception in the few days before menstruation is the presence of a regular sexual partner. The female immune system perceives sperm as foreign elements, and therefore tries to shorten their lifespan. If sexual partners change frequently, then the vitality of sperm in a woman’s body is much lower than if she has a permanent partner and sexual contacts occur regularly. The chances of getting pregnant in this case are higher.

If the birth of a child is not planned, then you should not forget about contraception on any day of the cycle. There is no 100% guarantee that there are “safe” periods when it is completely impossible to get pregnant.

There is a possibility of getting pregnant before your period, and you need to remember this when planning a child, or, conversely, avoiding unwanted conception. Pregnancy can only occur during the period of ovulation, but for every woman this period has its own timing. The time when an egg can be fertilized by a sperm is calculated as follows: with a normal 28-day menstrual cycle, the ovulation period lasts from approximately day 11 to day 16. As the duration of the menstrual cycle increases or decreases, the date of ovulation also changes.

What is ovulation and how to determine it

Let us remind you that in order to get pregnant, you need special period when a mature egg enters the fallopian tube and is ready for fertilization. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, do you feel abdominal pain, a slight increase in body temperature, slight discharge and changes in mood? These are the main signs of ovulation, normal physiological symptoms accompanying a woman during the period when there is a possibility of becoming pregnant.

To properly plan a pregnancy, it is necessary to recognize the signs of ovulation, although the method based on observing your feelings is by no means the only way to determine it.

Basically, many women use the calendar diagnostic method. But this method good only when the menstrual cycle is fairly regular. With an irregular menstrual cycle, determining the period of ovulation is quite difficult.

The most reliable method of determination is, of course, ultrasound diagnostics, that is, pelvic ultrasound. The diagnostician monitors the growth of the follicle. Sometimes, when the follicle has not yet matured, a repeat ultrasound scan is required after some time.

Conception before menstruation

And yet, what is the probability of getting pregnant before your period, is it possible? It is known that the most favorable days for conception are approximately the middle between menstruation. And if the first half of the cycle can vary quite a lot in length, then the second half of the cycle always lasts 12-14 days. But is it possible to get pregnant before your period? Doctors answer this question positively, since menstruation also has periodic delays, and ovulation under the influence of some factors may occur later normal deadline, even when you are already waiting for the attack next menstruation. The reasons for changes in the timing of the ovulation period can be: stress, physical exercise, diets, unfavorable environmental conditions, changes in sexual life. Very often the intake of certain medicines, or even dietary supplements.

Ovulation is also influenced by factors such as age and presence chronic diseases. In the presence of diseases associated with the endocrine, reproductive systems, and metabolic disorders, menstruation is often irregular.

After childbirth, during lactational amenorrhea, ovulation may appear even before the first menstruation. So, you can get pregnant without wanting to.

Unusual tests

Today there are special rapid tests that react to the release of a hormone in the female body that is produced only during the period of ovulation. It's convenient, affordable, safe way for those who are planning a pregnancy.

About 15% of couples use the calendar method as protection against pregnancy.

But compared to all other methods, counting “hypothetically safe” days is the most unreliable and dubious method.

Why is this happening? After all, there is a widespread stereotype in society that pregnancy can occur in the middle of the cycle, taking into account a small error.

But as practice shows, pregnancy in in rare cases occurs in conditionally without dangerous days before and after menstruation. Why did the calendar method fail and completely discredit itself? Let’s try to find out and answer the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant before your period?”

To truly understand this problem, it is necessary to understand certain gynecological terms and physiological processes.

Normally, a woman's cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, with the first day being the onset of menstrual bleeding.

Why does menstruation begin?

A few days before the expected menstruation, there is a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen and. This decrease in hormones in the blood leads to a pronounced change in the blood supply to the surface layer of the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity), the vessels sharply narrow, necrosis and tissue rejection occur, which is manifested by the onset of bleeding.

The duration of menstruation depends on many factors:

  • cycle length;
  • contractility of the uterus;
  • activity of the blood coagulation system;
  • presence or absence gynecological diseases(, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, etc.);
  • level of sex hormones.

Despite ongoing menstruation, already on the second day of the cycle, releasing hormone is actively produced in the hypothalamus, which stimulates the biosynthesis of estrogen in the ovaries. Thanks to this, the processes of restoration of the uterine cavity mucosa begin from the 2-3rd day of menstruation.

Another very important indicator is the amount of bleeding. Too scanty (spotting) menstruation indicates incomplete rejection of the endometrium. As a result, in subsequent cycles the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus may exceed the norm (more than 14 mm in the middle of the cycle). This is a very important indicator for further understanding of fertility.

By the middle of the cycle, the height of the endometrium reaches its peak, which means that the surface of the uterus is as ready as possible for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

That is why these days, as a rule, ovulation occurs - the release of an egg from the dominant ovarian follicle.

But what mechanism “tells” the egg that at this very moment ideal conditions have been created in the uterus for its implantation?

In this case, there is an influence of the hormones of the hypothalamus, namely luteinizing hormone. Its peak in the blood just leads to ovulation.

Immediately after the egg is released from the follicular vesicle, it is ready for fertilization within 24-36 hours. At first glance, it sounds simple, and a logical conclusion suggests itself: in order to prevent pregnancy, it is enough to exclude sexual intercourse for 1-2 days throughout the entire cycle. But human body much more complex than probability theory.

When does pregnancy occur, and is ovulation related to cycle length?

Women are accustomed to hearing that ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle; with a 28-day cycle length, the moment of maturation of the egg occurs exactly on the 14-15th day.

But how many women actually have such an ideal cycle? The answer is simple - no. According to statistics, about 25-30% of women have certain cycle disorders. This means that for them the rule “ovulation in the middle of the cycle” is completely inapplicable.

If a woman’s cycle lasts 21-22 days, then ovulation can occur as early as 9-10 days.

On the contrary, with a 35-day cycle, the egg can mature only by the 18th day.

Probability of getting pregnant before menstruation: what factors should be present?

In order to get pregnant a week or a day before your period, you must have at least one of the following conditions:

  • Irregular cycle length.

A combination of long and short menstrual cycles.

  • Long menstrual cycle.
  • "Phenomenon late ovulation”, when the egg matures much later, even with a normal cycle length.
  • Scanty menstruation.

Preservation of endometrial thickness from one cycle to another.

  • High fertility of male sperm.

Cases have been recorded where fertilization occurred 3 days after intercourse, which is associated with high sperm motility.

  • It is a rare case that two dominant follicles, and therefore two eggs, mature at once, which increases the chances of getting pregnant in this particular cycle.
  • Taking medications that stimulate follicle growth, so-called ovarian stimulation.

Such cycles are also characterized by high fertility (fertilization).

As can be seen from the conditions necessary for conception before menstruation, irregular menstruation come first. In other words, conception before menstruation can occur in the following groups of women:

  • After the onset of the first menstruation (usually it takes about a year for the body to have regular periods).
  • The first 6 months after childbirth are also characterized by establishing menstruation.
  • Women near menopause.
  • Availability cystic formations ovaries and various hormonal dysfunction at any level (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, ovaries, etc.).
  • Women who are genetically prone to the maturation of several eggs in one cycle (usually their mothers or grandmothers carried multiple pregnancies).
  • Induced pregnancy (stimulation of ovulation with various drugs).

A deep and detailed study of the menstrual cycle reveals hidden possible organism, and also scientifically explains the “miracles” that happen to many women, namely: conceiving before menstruation is no longer a “myth” or “science fiction.”

Women with irregular cycle should know that they are primarily at risk.

Therefore the application calendar method It is absolutely contraindicated for them as protection. In the 21st century, obstetricians strive to “accustom” women to the idea that pregnancy should be exclusively desired, and therefore planned by both spouses. For this reason, issues of contraception should be approached more thoroughly and responsibly. The attending physician will help the woman choose the method of contraception that is ideal for her.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before your period or the day before your period worries almost every woman. Despite the abundance of information about contraception and ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy, many people still remain in the dark. There is a fairly popular opinion that during menstrual period a woman cannot become pregnant, but this statement is not true. But is it possible to get pregnant before your period or the day before your period? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors related to female physiology and dispel many common myths.

Learning to determine fertile days

Menstruation is a shedding of the endometrial layer, accompanied by bleeding. This happens at the end of the ovulation cycle due to the fact that the egg has not been fertilized. The ovulation cycle refers to the release of a mature egg from a woman’s ovary into the fallopian tube to enable fertilization. The most favorable days for this are called fertile.

The release of the egg often occurs in the middle of the cycle, the duration of which is absolutely individual for each woman. On average, this moment occurs on the 14th day of the cycle. To make conception more comfortable, the lining of the uterus thickens, creating a so-called “cushion”. From the moment the egg is released, the fertile period lasts approximately 5-6 days. Sperm activity most often does not exceed 3 days, and the egg’s ability to fertilize is 24 hours. Based on this, we can conclude that it is impossible to get pregnant immediately before your period. However, this statement has a number of contradictions.

Reasons that increase the likelihood of conceiving before menstruation

On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, but for many representatives of the fair sex, the duration of this period can be variable. The same goes for regularity. critical days. Thus, it is not possible to derive a single formula for determining fertility or the impossibility of conception. In addition, there are a number of other reasons that increase the likelihood of pregnancy before menstruation.

Individual characteristics of physiology

The calendar method of calculating fertility has long been considered unreliable, but many women continue to use it as their only method of contraception. The failure of this method is that the menstrual cycle tends to shift. This means that the duration and regularity of ovulation and menstruation are constantly subject to change.

For some women, the cycle is actually normal, which is 28-32 days, however, due to various external and internal factors this stability can be disrupted at any moment. The causes of irregularity can be various nervous overstrain, diseases, hormonal changes, unusual climatic conditions, change of sexual partner, irregular sex, and so on.

When calculating days that exclude conception using the calendar method, many women do not take into account the fact that those days that were safe in the last cycle may become fertile in this one. That is why individual physiological characteristics associated with the irregularity of menstrual cycles are one of the main reasons for pregnancy before menstruation.

Life span of sperm

There is a widespread belief that sperm inside the female body can exist for no more than 3 days. To some extent, this statement is not without meaning, but it is also impossible to call it true.

Often, when most sperm enter the uterus, they die under the influence of the environment within 2-4 days. This is due to the fact that the woman’s immune system recognizes foreign genetic material in them and, accordingly, destroys it for protection. But the lifespan of sperm can be much longer if the sexual partner is constant. The immune system women gradually adapt to male reproductive cells and over time react to their presence less aggressively. Thus, the life span of sperm can increase from 5 to 8 days.

From the above it follows that it is not advisable to count on the short-term vital activity of male reproductive cells during unprotected sexual intercourse before menstruation. This is especially true if the sexual partner is constant.

Possibility of re-ovulation

When answering the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before your period or the day before your period, many experts indicate re-ovulation as one of the most common reasons.

At first glance, the fact of the existence of repeated ovulation seems to be something impossible, but this phenomenon is quite common. This process often causes the development of heterozygous twins. In most cases, women do not notice the manifestations of repeated ovulation, considering the symptoms of this phenomenon to be signs of something else. The main manifestations of the second ovulation are the following conditions:

  • noticeable swelling of the mammary glands and an increase in their sensitivity;
  • increase in body temperature during sleep ();
  • increased level libido;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Repeated ovulation can occur at any time during the cycle, which significantly increases the likelihood of conception even the day before your period.

Also, this phenomenon is inextricably linked with the existence of “habitual” sperm. Thus, when a second period of ovulation occurs, sperm that have remained active for several days can successfully fertilize a new egg.

Use of hormonal contraceptives

Many girls and women in most cases do not even think about whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation or the day before menstruation, considering it almost impossible. To ensure absolute safety, many of them accept hormonal contraceptives, hoping for their undeniable effectiveness. However, if you stop taking medications before your period, the chance of getting pregnant increases several times.

This effect is due to the fact that the principle of action of all hormonal contraceptive medications is based on suppressing the maturation and release of the egg. In other words, these contraceptives inhibit the ovulation process, which is undoubtedly positive effect to prevent unwanted pregnancy. This is due to hormonal blocking of the pituitary-ovarian connection, which regulates the process of egg formation.

However, if you stop taking medications immediately before your period, the risk of maturation and the release of two or more eggs capable of fertilization increases significantly. This fact serves as a significant reason for the development of pregnancy on any day before menstruation, which makes taking hormonal drugs contraception is not reliable enough.

This effect can still be avoided if you take hormonal contraceptive medications as prescribed experienced doctor based on a preliminary examination. At strict adherence With a plan for using hormonal contraception drawn up by a specialist, the risk of unwanted conception is significantly reduced.

Myths and reality

Due to female body prone to instability of the menstrual cycle, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before menstruation or the day before menstruation. It is also almost impossible to determine favorable and unfavorable days for conception, which negates the possibility of a calendar method of contraception or pregnancy planning. Constantly measuring the body, regularly keeping a menstrual diary, using all kinds of hormonal contraception and other methods of preventing unwanted conception before menstruation can only slightly reduce the likelihood. However, despite all of the above, today there are many myths associated with the possibility of preventing pregnancy through unprotected intercourse before menstruation.

Safe sexual intercourse a few days before menstruation

Many women practice unprotected sexual intercourse one, two or even three days before their period, considering this to be absolutely safe in the matter of unwanted pregnancy. However, multiple clinical researches prove that the probability of conception during this period is present, although not too high. This is due to many physiological factors in the woman’s body and various external influences. Therefore, the myth of complete safety unprotected sex a few days before menstruation can be considered completely refuted.

Use of hormonal contraceptives

Another significant misconception about pregnancy before menstruation is the use of hormonal contraception. Many girls and women believe that long-term use of this type of medication has an accumulation effect and interrupting or stopping taking contraceptives for a short time will not affect the effectiveness of the drugs. However, this statement is completely unreliable. In reality, interrupting the use of hormonal contraceptives leads to a decrease in their therapeutic effect, and here complete failure they significantly increase the likelihood of pregnancy. As mentioned above, due to cessation of use, the formation of several viable eggs is possible due to the rapid return to normal of the woman’s hormonal levels. Because of this effect, many doctors use hormonal contraceptive medications to treat infertility in women. Thus, this myth is also considered refuted.

First sexual intercourse

One of the strangest and at the same time popular myths is the assertion that the first sexual intercourse one or two days before menstruation cannot lead to pregnancy. The strangeness of this misconception lies primarily in the fact that we're talking about specifically about the first sexual intercourse on the eve of menstruation, which makes it a little fantastic and completely unscientific. The fact is that absolutely any unprotected sex can lead to unwanted conception, regardless of the order of the acts. That is, pregnancy can occur both for the first and tenth time. According to statistics, the probability of conception on such days varies from 1% to 10% depending on physiological characteristics woman's body.

That is why, for greater confidence in the impossibility of getting pregnant before menstruation or even the day before the start of menstruation, it is necessary to choose the right and reliable way contraception. Best choice Today, condoms are used, as they protect not only from unwanted conception, but also from many sexually transmitted diseases.

Conception before menstruation

Research shows that the chance of getting pregnant exists on absolutely any day of the cycle. The most favorable period for this is the period of ovulation, but on other days this opportunity remains with a lower percentage. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before your period or the day before your period is definitely positive. We must also not forget that after the critical days, the likelihood of pregnancy increases sharply, and in the case of unprotected sexual intercourse with a regular partner before menstruation, conception may well occur. This is due to the fact that sperm can remain viable throughout the entire period of menstrual bleeding.

Based on the above material, we can conclude that it is quite possible to become pregnant before your period or the day before your period. That is why it is better to contact qualified specialist and choose the most appropriate and reliable method of contraception.