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Five ways to whiten teeth at home. The most effective and safe methods of teeth whitening

A white smile is every person's dream. But in many cases this cannot be achieved with regular toothpaste. Then the whitening procedure comes to the rescue. But before you make it, you need to find out all the details about it. After all, many methods are not suitable for everyone. may not be useful. Before we look at everything, we need to know why the enamel darkens.

Why do teeth change color?

So, enamel can turn yellow due to the following reasons:

  1. Thinning of enamel. The issue here is the structure of the tooth. The crown consists of several parts: the upper translucent layer (enamel) and dentin, which is darker. Over the course of life, the top layer is gradually erased. As a result, dentin becomes more visible,
  2. Some foods and bad habits. Tobacco smoke has a negative effect on enamel. In addition, it darkens due to long-term use coffee and black tea, wine, carbonated drinks.
  3. (procedure for removing the nerve and filling the canal).

It is precisely these reasons that determine the methods by which it will be carried out effectively and safely.


In some cases, the procedure cannot be performed. Before using at-home teeth whitening methods, you need to consider everything possible contraindications for use:

  • Children's age up to 14 years. In this case, the enamel can be seriously damaged.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • High sensitivity of teeth. Bleaching can provoke a worsening of the situation, especially mechanical.
  • The presence of crowns, veneers or
  • Tooth color with inside(blood on the walls of the canal).
  • Natural brown or gray shade of enamel. Bleaching will simply be useless.

Types of whitening

Get beautiful smile you can use different methods. Teeth whitening is done in two ways:

  1. Mechanical. In this case, all external contaminants are removed from the surface of the tooth: plaque, stones or other deposits. An air-powder mixture is used here, which is directed onto the enamel in a strict stream. Since the powder is very fine, it practically does not damage the enamel. The advantage of this method is its low cost and the ability to clean teeth even in hard-to-reach places. This way removes stains from tea, coffee and tobacco smoke.
  2. Chemical. To carry out such procedures, carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is used. This is where dental tissue is lightened. It can be professional or home.

Features of ZOOM whitening

This technique is gaining more and more approval every day. Whitening Zoom-3 is a professional photo whitening that is performed in clinical settings. In this case, the dentist uses a special gel containing hydrogen peroxide, which is activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. As a result, active oxygen is released, which can penetrate deep into the enamel and even dentin.

Whitening Zoom-3 has some features:

  1. First, you need to consult a doctor who will examine the oral cavity. He must take into account all possible contraindications.
  2. Now the specialist will hide the face, lips, gums and other areas that may be exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The rays should only hit the teeth.
  3. Gel is applied to the crowns.
  4. Now you need to treat the upper and lower dentition with ultraviolet light at once. For this, a special stationary lamp is used. It emits waves of a strictly specified length. The duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.

The effect after such bleaching will not be long in coming. However, it must be preserved for as long as possible. To do this, you need to pay maximum attention to oral hygiene. To maintain the results obtained, you need to use a homemade whitening gel every six months to a year.

The advantages of this procedure are: quick effect(whiteness appears after the first visit to the doctor), control by a specialist, the ability to avoid dehydration, low level acidity of the gel (preserving the integrity of the enamel). However, after whitening, your teeth become very sensitive and your gums may become irritated.

Another type of enamel lightening that is performed in the dentist's office is Air-flow. This procedure is not a full-fledged whitening, but a regular cleaning of dental plaque.

Features of laser whitening

This process is basically similar to the previous one. Here, a special gel is also applied to the teeth, but its activation is carried out using a laser. Naturally, laser teeth whitening, the price of which is much higher than the cost of home remedies, is considered one of the safest methods.

In their work, specialists use several types of laser: gas, diode or erbium. The intensity and duration of irradiation are strictly controlled. However, after the procedure it is necessary to restore the enamel. A special gel is used for this.

The advantages of this procedure are:

  • Good efficiency.
  • No pain.
  • The quick result lasts for a long time.
  • Maximum security compared to other methods.

There are also disadvantages: increased sensitivity of the enamel after processing, as well as a fairly high cost. In any case, laser teeth whitening, the price of which starts from 13,000 rubles, is quite effective and popular.

Home methods

Despite the fact that today there are safe and effective methods of teeth whitening, some people continue to use old-fashioned recipes.

The following tools are considered very popular:

  1. It makes it possible to partially get rid of plaque and make the enamel lighter. However great effect this method will not work. Such pastes contain abrasive particles and can damage the enamel.
  2. Soda. It needs to be applied to the teeth. This recipe is quite effective. However, this product also scratches the surface of the tooth.
  3. Peroxide. The product is simply applied to the enamel for a while. Moreover, the longer the liquid stays on the teeth and the greater its concentration, the whiter the teeth will be. After the procedure, however, the sensitivity of the enamel increases and there is a possibility of gum damage.
  4. Wood ash. This remedy is quite effective, but not safe.

Traditional methods of teeth whitening should not be used too often.

Features of ultrasonic whitening

The safest teeth whitening methods involve the use of ultrasound technology. It is characterized by its high efficiency and minimal likelihood of damage to the enamel.

The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is expensive. In addition, it is more aimed at cleaning the surface of the crowns from plaque and stone. Teeth become smoother and cleaner. As for whitening, the effect is not that high. The fact is that teeth acquire their natural shade. That is, if natural whiteness has never existed, then it will not exist.

A huge advantage of ultrasonic treatment of enamel is that it becomes more receptive to other procedures. For example, after this you can do fluoridation of the crowns.

Despite the fact that ultrasound treatment is practically painless, in some cases anesthesia is still necessary.

How is intracanal bleaching performed?

There are cases when a person’s tooth begins to darken after a filling is installed. In this case, intracanal bleaching is performed. It provides for the following actions:

  1. Removing an old filling.
  2. Cleaning the channel (if necessary).
  3. Filling the tooth cavity with a special whitening gel, which should lighten the internal tissues.
  4. Removing the gel after some time (usually 2 weeks is enough).
  5. Re-filling the canal.

If after the first treatment the desired effect does not occur, the whitening procedure can be repeated. But this should be done only after caries has been cured. Otherwise, the patient may develop a serious allergic reaction.

Regardless of which methods are chosen, teeth whitening is best done under the supervision of a dentist. IN as a last resort We should not forget about these recommendations:

  • Any enamel lightening procedure requires some preparation. Teeth should be as healthy and undamaged as possible.
  • If used chemical method, then you need to keep the gel on the crowns exactly as long as indicated in the instructions.
  • After home whitening, it is advisable to see a specialist so that he can determine the condition of your teeth.
  • In the future, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the enamel to prevent it from darkening again.
  • Do not repeat whitening too often. 1-2 times a year is enough.

That's all the features of the procedure. Latest methods Teeth whitening is the key to a beautiful and healthy smile.

What and how to whiten teeth at home to achieve a snow-white smile?

Looking for an answer to this question, many people are convinced that their teeth need whitening.

In fact, there are very few people in the world whose natural tooth enamel color is perfectly white.

Most often, the natural shade of tooth enamel is yellow, blue and gray. This feature is determined by genetics, like the color of hair or eyes.

Trying to deceive nature by whitening teeth through mechanical action, a person only harms himself. After all, it is believed that the darker the natural enamel, the healthier and stronger the teeth.

You need to deal with the question of how to make your teeth whiter when there is a change in the color of the enamel.

The root cause of this is plaque deeply embedded in the tooth surface.

Such a plaque can be found in smoking people: when inhaling tobacco smoke, the resins it contains settle and are absorbed into the enamel, after which neither hygienic pastes with a whitening effect nor the most popular method of brushing teeth folk remedies cannot completely remove such sediment.

A person has to look for ways and means that will help whiten tooth enamel at home without harm to its structure.

With the help of home procedures, it is possible to achieve the return of its natural color, but if a person does not give up the bad habit, then over time his smile takes on a “smoky” appearance, and the smoker again has to resort to brushing his teeth with folk remedies.

The second common reason why the natural shade of teeth changes is excessive consumption of sweets.

Sweet foods are easily digestible carbohydrates, but when they enter the oral cavity, the microorganisms living there begin to intensively produce their waste products.

The microflora formed in the mouth negatively affects the tooth surface, as a result of which the enamel coating becomes thinner and dentin begins to appear from under it.

This is the name of the hard base of the teeth, which naturally has a yellow tint.

Darkening of tooth enamel occurs in lovers of strong tea and coffee and in those people who often drink drinks containing coloring pigments of natural origin, such as wine or juices.

Enamel acquires yellow plaque, can become speckled or dark-spotted with prolonged exposure to fluoride compounds in the body.

This happens due to atmospheric pollution, consumption of poor-quality water or food. Dentists call this phenomenon fluorosis.

The shade of the tooth surface quickly changes to yellow or grey colour as a result of excessive intake of tetracycline into the body.

The drug penetrates the body simultaneously with internal or external medications.

Tetracycline is contained in varying quantities in ointments for skin diseases, in tablets for pneumonia or cholera, it contains medicinal products from ulcers

Tetracycline does not cause caries, but it disrupts the formation of the structure of hard tissues of the body.

For this reason, medications with this component are not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

At-home teeth whitening can be harmful if you have fillings and thinned enamel.

Before you try any whitening recipe, you need to make sure that your existing fillings are firmly in place.

It happens that an aggressive whitening component penetrates into the gap between the filling and the dental tissue, as a result of which the tooth quickly begins to decay from the inside.

Dental whitening products

You can achieve rapid whitening of tooth enamel using special strips that have a brightening effect.

Today you can find strips on sale even for people diagnosed with hyperesthesia, that is, those suffering from increased tooth sensitivity.

This method allows you to lighten the enamel by 2-3 tones in a month. For this purpose, you need to stick whitening strips onto the surface of your teeth every day for 30 minutes.

With subsequent proper dental care, the result will last for at least two months, after which the enamel will become dark again.

The disadvantage of using whitening strips is a temporary increase in the sensitivity of the enamel - this condition is noted at the very beginning of the procedure.

There are expensive but more effective whitening strips available on the market. They can be tightly fixed on the teeth, which will allow a person to communicate on the phone without hindrance.

The use of such strips allows you to quickly lighten the enamel surface by almost six tones, and the whitening result lasts about a year.

This method could be called the best, but its use does not allow lightening the lateral surfaces of the teeth.

The best whitening effect can come from a gel that should be applied daily with a brush to the surface of the teeth. The gel hardens quickly, but subsequently dissolves under the influence of saliva.

Another modern way, which allows you to quickly and safely make your smile snow-white at home, involves the use of gel and mouth guards.

The mouth guard is a transparent plastic structure that is placed over the row of teeth that need to be whitened.

But first, its free space is filled with a brightening gel-like mass, which contains hydrogen peroxide.

Due to the tight fit of the plastic structure to the teeth, the gel cannot get into the oral mucosa.

Wearing a mouth guard is safe and effective, so you can wear it all evening. Of course, this factor will also depend on the sensitivity of the teeth.

You should not use a homemade whitening gel containing peroxide to whiten your teeth.

This remedy works effectively, but it is not safe. Homemade gel increases the risk of burns to the oral mucosa and has a destructive effect on the enamel, which subsequently prevents a person from eating cold and hot food without discomfort.

If there is a need to make teeth white, but the person is on the road, then it is better to pay attention to a whitening pencil.

But you should purchase a pencil that contains a gel that, after application, dissolves with saliva; as a result, you will not need to specifically remove it.

Operating principle of teeth cleaning systems

Recently, a modern teeth whitening system, for example White Light, has begun to gain popularity, which can be purchased at a pharmacy and used effectively at home.

According to people who have tried the effects of such a dental system, this is the most The best way make your teeth white, as the result obtained is similar to the result of professional cleaning.

Today, several companies produce such systems, so the consumer decides which product to use.

In any case, the selected system will be able to provide high-quality cleaning of the enamel surface at home.

After using the whitening system, your teeth become smooth, your smile becomes snow-white, and your breath becomes fresh.

But to achieve this effect, a person will have to undergo about 14 procedures. In this case, the first results of whitening can be noticed after the first cleaning.

The principle of operation of the dental system is very simple: during the procedure, the enamel and base of the tooth are exposed to active oxygen, which penetrates into dental tissue and pushes out the formed pigments from there.

The mentioned system is equipped with a small LED lamp, two lithium batteries, an upper and lower mouth guard, and two tubes of gel.

All this is packaged in a plastic package and comes with instructions that will help you quickly understand how to properly use this whitening product.

In order for the considered system to help make teeth white, you need to do the following:

  • brush your teeth using a manual brush and regular toothpaste;
  • The cavities of the upper and lower trays must be filled with gel from both tubes. The width of the strip should be no more than 0.5 cm;
  • You need to put the mouth guards on your teeth, close your mouth and clench your jaws so that you can feel the taste of mint in your mouth;
  • you need to open your mouth, then press the LED lamp to the mouth guard and turn it on. The lamp can be held with closed lips.

The LED will work for ten minutes, after which it will automatically turn off, but to improve the whitening effect, it is recommended to turn on the lamp again.

Thus, one session can last 20 minutes.

The procedure ends with rinsing the mouth; we must not forget about rinsing the mouthguard.

Such sessions should be carried out daily; the course itself can last 7–14 days, depending on the problems of the enamel surface.

Teeth whitening with folk remedies

To keep your teeth white, you can use folk remedies that our grandmothers used to lighten the enamel.

Judging by people's reviews, the most effective home whitening recipe comes down to using baking soda.

This whitening method involves mechanical action on the surface of the teeth.

For this purpose, an abrasive substance is applied to a piece of gauze folded in several layers, after which they begin to remove plaque from the teeth.

It follows from this that other folk remedies that involve the use of any abrasive to whiten teeth should also be used with caution.

Some people add baking soda to their toothpaste to keep their teeth white, but when used daily, this cleaning method negatively affects the structure of the surface coating of the teeth.

The method of cleaning teeth from plaque with activated carbon is also considered abrasive, so this not entirely safe, but effective product should be used no more than once a week.

A coal tablet is placed on a thick sheet of paper, then crushed into powder using a spoon; it is advisable that the coal grains be the same size, otherwise the largest grains will scratch the enamel. Brushing your teeth with activated carbon powder is done using a damp toothbrush.

A recipe for teeth whitening using oil is a success. tea tree. It should be noted right away that this recipe involves the use of 100% pure oil; it can be bought at any pharmacy.

Tea oil is safe; with its help you will not only be able to cope with old plaque on your teeth, but also remove tartar.

The recipe for using tea oil is as follows:

  • First, teeth are brushed with regular toothpaste;
  • Rinse your mouth and brush with warm water;
  • 2-3 drops of oil are dripped onto the brush and the tooth surface is evenly treated.

Upon completion of the procedure, the oral cavity is thoroughly rinsed.

This recipe will not appeal to everyone, since during the procedure there may be temporary numbness of the oral mucosa.

The next most popular recipe involves using hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. For this purpose, soda (1 tsp) is moistened with a 3% peroxide solution.

The resulting paste is used to clean the teeth for three minutes. It is not recommended to use this recipe more than twice a week.

The juice of regular lemon whitens tooth enamel very well.

The simplest recipe for removing dark plaque from enamel is to use a slice of lemon to wipe the surface of the teeth.

After this procedure, the mouth should be rinsed with warm water.

Whitening teeth at home without harm to health is quite difficult; it is better to entrust this process to a specialist.

Generally speaking, all methods of teeth whitening can be divided into two large groups: professional and home. Moreover, the latter have become very popular today, since few people like to go to the dentist one more time, even if he is not going to drill you into anything, much less “rip it out.”

However, before you begin your journey to a snow-white smile, it will be useful to first understand what types of teeth whitening exist today, how they fundamentally differ from each other, and which of them is the most effective. In addition, in the pursuit of effectiveness, we must not forget that many types of teeth whitening have a very negative effect on the condition of tooth enamel - and you also need to know about this in advance.

So if you were already planning to smear something on your teeth, rub them with something, or pour hydrogen peroxide on them, then we suggest putting off your chemical experiments for a while and approaching the issue more systematically.

On a note

Today we hear such types of teeth whitening as mechanical, ultrasonic, laser, photo whitening, intracanal, as well as whitening with pencils, trays, special strips, etc. To an unprepared person It may seem that there are just a lot of ways to lighten enamel, and that figuring it all out is very difficult.

In fact, everything is quite simple - all of the above methods of teeth whitening are essentially divided into chemical and mechanical.

Chemical teeth whitening is, simply put, the process of destroying colored organic compounds inside the enamel using special substances. In such cases, a certain chemical agent is always required that can destroy and discolor pigments (for example, oxidize them) that have appeared in the surface layer of tooth enamel over many years of smoking, drinking coffee, strong tea, red wine, etc.

Mechanical teeth whitening is, in fact, professional oral hygiene, which many dentists don’t even consider whitening (although the procedure gives a very pronounced visual effect). Imagine healthy white teeth, but covered in brown tartar and stained plaque. With the mechanical removal of all these unwanted deposits, a person can again sparkle with a snow-white smile - but no one actually whitened his teeth (enamel).

Professional hygiene may involve ultrasonic teeth whitening using special devices and scalers, teeth cleaning with an Air-Flow device, and removing plaque with special pastes. The benefit of professional cleaning for the average person is that it is relatively low price you can kill two birds with one stone: rid your teeth of tartar and plaque that injures the gums, creating risks of caries, and at the same time “lighten” your teeth by a shade or more without directly affecting the internal structures of the enamel.

Mechanical “whitening” of teeth: principle of operation

As noted above, mechanical teeth whitening is a method of lightening them in which dental deposits (tartar, plaque) are removed, which ultimately leads to the return of the natural color of the teeth.

Often, those people who have been growing “smoker’s plaque”, “coffee drinker plaque” on their teeth for years, as well as conglomerates of stones (most often on the lower front teeth) have long forgotten what their teeth should normally look like. clean teeth. In such cases, you should not look for peroxide-containing pencils or teeth whitening strips, but focus, first of all, on professional oral hygiene - this will give a much greater effect.

On a note

Among the mechanical methods of teeth whitening, the most common today is ultrasonic whitening. Despite active use For professional teeth cleaning also with Air-Flow devices, it is not yet possible to completely replace ultrasound. This is due to the fact that the Air-Flow device does not remove tartar, although it partly affects their “loosening”.

An important property of mechanical whitening is its relative safety for tooth enamel, after all, the main effect is not on the enamel, but on the deposits located on its surface.

However, there are often cases when, after carrying out the appropriate procedure, rather unpleasant consequences can appear. Due to the fact that the removal of tartar and plaque is often carried out against the background of periodontal diseases (for example, periodontitis), after the procedure is completed, the cervical areas of the teeth are actually unprotected. Before this, stones saved them from all types of irritants, but after their removal, the necks of the teeth begin to react with pain to cold, hot, etc. (this is confirmed by numerous reviews on the Internet).

This problem is most often solved by a periodontist, who treats the underlying disease and simultaneously carries out remineralization and deep fluoridation of hypersensitive enamel and (in some cases) root cement.

Below we will talk more about the use of so-called abrasive systems, the abrasive systems of which, if used ineptly, can cause considerable harm to teeth due to mechanical abrasion of the enamel.

When is teeth whitening really necessary and when is it unnecessary?

As practice shows, out of 10 people who turn to a dentist for a teeth whitening procedure, for only about 6-7 of them it will really be appropriate, and for the rest it will either be ineffective (since the enamel is already close to the natural shade) or extremely unsafe.

Cases in which whitening will be effective:

  • Presence of plaque and dental deposits;
  • Change in enamel shade due to age;
  • Acquired staining of hard tooth tissues yellow or brown.

Difficult to bleach:

  • Congenital enamel discoloration (for example, so-called tetracycline teeth);
  • Gray coloring;
  • Change in color of exposed dentin.

Staining due to plaque and tartar is eliminated by mechanical types of bleaching, and “internal” - by chemical ones.

Ultrasonic “whitening”

Mechanical teeth whitening with ultrasound allows you to remove supra- and subgingival tartar from all surfaces of the teeth using ultrasonic devices and scalers. In addition, ultrasonic whitening allows you to clean the so-called “smoker’s plaque”, which is almost impossible to remove with either home or professional brushes.

Due to ultrasonic vibrations at the end of a special tip, mechanical destruction of the structure of dental plaque and stone occurs, as well as its “unsticking” from the surface of the enamel. If you follow the basic instructions for professional oral hygiene, ultrasound does not damage the enamel, and there are usually no negative consequences from this type of whitening.

By doing ultrasonic cleaning teeth, water is supplied to the tooth through the tip: this is necessary to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Water helps prevent overheating of the tooth (this would lead to pulp necrosis), and also creates vortex flows due to the oscillatory movements of the tip, which improves the removal of tartar and plaque.

This is interesting

Ultrasonic is quite suitable for home mechanical teeth whitening. Toothbrush. The principle of its operation is approximately the same as in the case ultrasonic method whitening, but not as broad as in the dentist's chair.

The power of ultrasonic vibrations in such brushes is reduced - adapted for safe home use. As a result, an ultrasonic toothbrush allows, albeit in a gentle manner, to remove plaque quite effectively. However, it should be kept in mind that such brushes are not recommended for people with a pacemaker or pregnant women. Their use is limited in the presence of braces, veneers, crowns in the oral cavity, as well as large quantity fillings (due to the possible risk of “dislocating” them due to ultrasonic vibrations).

Air-Flow Technology

The essence of Air-Flow technology is the mechanical impact on an object (tooth surface) of a jet of air, water and ordinary baking soda released under high pressure. Thus, inside the Air-Flow apparatus there is sodium bicarbonate powder (regular baking soda, which in this case is used as an abrasive) and water-air channels.

Mixing water and soda occurs closer to the working part (tip) of the device. The device is fixed into the connector of the dental unit, and under high pressure, water mixed with powder is thrown onto the surface of the tooth enamel, cleaning it from even the densest plaque in seconds.

The convenience of teeth whitening using Air-Flow lies not only in the speed of treatment of one tooth, but also in the quality of such treatment. The jet released from the tip of the device easily penetrates even into tight spaces between teeth, cleans plaque under the gum, and effectively cleans teeth under structures, for example, under braces.

As a result, in about 30-40 minutes you can get teeth free of plaque and their natural color.

However, if you are planning to whiten your teeth using Air-Flow, you should remember that compared to ultrasound, this technology has reduced effectiveness against tartar. In addition, if you hold the tip of the device near one tooth for a long time (more than 3-4 seconds), it is possible not only to polish the enamel, but also to cause sensitivity after the procedure.

Additional mechanical methods of enamel lightening

Home methods of mechanical teeth whitening are perhaps the most popular among the population today, but at the same time they are not the most reliable and are even often dangerous for dental health.

Most often, in order to make teeth whiter, people try to use so-called whitening toothpastes. This is due to the fact that this idea is very attractive - you brush your teeth, and every day they become whiter and whiter...

At the same time, many do not even think that abrasive powders are introduced into most of these pastes as an active component, which actually actively remove plaque, but at the same time can also seriously damage the structure of the enamel (the enamel is simply gradually erased).

Uncontrolled long-term use of whitening pastes with a high abrasive effect almost always leads to increased tooth sensitivity and even the appearance of areas of damaged enamel in the form of depressions. Their localization is usually in the cervical region of the tooth.

This is interesting

The abrasiveness of toothpastes is characterized by a special index - RDA. For example, for ordinary toothpastes for daily use, this indicator can have the following values: about 20 for children, 45 for schoolchildren, 65 for adults with sensitive teeth. An RDA value of 75 – 150 is typical for whitening toothpastes with medium abrasiveness, and above 150 are already highly abrasive pastes.

On the toothpaste market you can find whitening toothpastes (for example), in which this indicator is not indicated at all, and their composition includes almost ordinary clay. Even short-term use of such pastes can have a very detrimental effect on tooth enamel.

From analyzing research results on whitening toothpastes, and even just reading reviews ordinary people, we can conclude that whitening toothpastes based on abrasives can help cope well with soft and even hard plaque, but at the same time, over a certain period of time, they can also damage tooth enamel.

Whitening toothpastes based on chemicals (for example, enzymes) do not affect dense plaque with the force required by real whitening, which means that the results of their use are questionable. However, there are many defenders of this type of paste who note the whitening effect (but this does not take into account the fact that manufacturers often add abrasive substances to help a person cope with plaque using ordinary “friction”, and the presence of various exotics in the recipe In this case, the paste turns out to be nothing more than a marketing ploy).

Currently, there are many adherents of teeth whitening with a brush with hard bristles. The principle is as simple as that of a classic whitening toothpaste: to increase the efficiency of removing not only soft plaque from teeth, but also the so-called “smoker’s plaque.” As a result of long-term use of such a brush (even without whitening toothpaste), sometimes teeth actually become whiter, and also more sensitive to all types of irritants (cold, hot) and, in addition, more fragile.

Therefore, dentists often find zones in such experimenters in the cervical region of the teeth. pathological abrasion(wedge-shaped defects). It’s hard to imagine what will happen to such a tooth in a couple of months if you add a highly abrasive whitening toothpaste to a hard-bristled toothbrush...

Chemical bleaching with different systems: pros and cons

Chemical teeth whitening with existing popular systems can be divided into professional and home. Professional (otherwise known as in-office) whitening has a good whitening effect due to high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or its derivatives, which are the active components of gels applied to the tooth surface.

Modern technologies for chemical teeth whitening also involve the use of activators that initiate the breakdown of peroxides with the release of active oxygen. It can be:

  • Warm;
  • Ultraviolet radiation;
  • Laser radiation;

etc. The use of activators enhances the whitening effect and also reduces the residence time of aggressive compounds in the oral cavity.

The most important advantage of in-office whitening (by any system) is the achievement of well-defined teeth whiteness in more than 70-80% of cases, and in just one visit. In certain situations, you can whiten your teeth not by half a tone or tone, but by 5-7 shades on the color scale.

The most important disadvantage of this type of whitening is the damage caused to the enamel, which, however, can be minimized by remineralization and fluoridation of the teeth after the procedure (but may also become one of the main causes of torment and suffering in the future). Violation of the protective properties of enamel during chemical teeth whitening is currently one of the main problems that scientists are still trying to solve.

How does professional chemical teeth whitening differ from home whitening?

Firstly, the concentration of bleaching agent for professional types of bleaching is much higher (usually 30-35%). “Home” concentrations – no more than 10-15%. This is due to the fact that at the dentist’s appointment there are more options for protecting the gums and oral mucosa from aggressive substances.

Secondly, real results from professional whitening can be obtained much faster (usually in one visit), but home methods (for example, wearing trays) can take 2 or more weeks.

Thirdly, professional types of whitening often involve additional activation of a chemical reaction using laser-based devices, ultraviolet radiation etc. – to achieve the most pronounced, fast and safe effect.

Dentist-controlled home whitening methods are based on the following operating principle:

  • special acid components etch the enamel in order to ensure its increased porosity and permeability;
  • and hydrogen peroxide (or its derivative) discolors the colored compounds in the pores of the enamel, as a result of which lightening occurs.

To ensure the safety of this type of teeth whitening, dentists make individual trays for the patient based on impressions, so that during the home procedure the gel is placed directly on the teeth, reducing the risk of gum burns.

The main plus is the reduced harm to the enamel (compared to in-office teeth whitening), and the minus is insignificant whitening rates, although such methods are quite suitable as a fixing procedure.

Professional and controlled home whitening cannot be carried out if there are carious teeth in the mouth, old and unusable fillings, plaque and tartar, as well as severe bleeding of the gums due to inflammation due to periodontitis. In such cases, it is advisable to first carry out sanitation (treatment) of carious lesions and replacement of fillings at a dentist-therapist, carry out professional oral hygiene with the removal of tartar and plaque, transfer periodontitis to a stage of stable remission at a specialist in diseases of the gums and oral mucosa - a dentist - periodontist, and only then think about teeth whitening.

Home methods of chemical whitening

In addition to controlled home teeth whitening using adapted whitening systems, there are also “amateur” options. similar procedure: whitening strips, pencils, trays, etc.

Whitening Pencil

A whitening pencil is a tube with a bleaching agent, and the shaft of the pencil itself, made in the form of a brush, brush or sponge, is used for application. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the composition is insignificant - 5-15%, but this is quite enough to cause chemical burns of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity if application safety precautions are violated.

Each person has individual characteristics of the structure of enamel and dentin, as a result of which it is impossible to accurately predict when exactly the undesirable consequences of the interaction of hydrogen peroxide with dental tissues in the form of increased sensitivity of teeth will appear (and whether they will appear at all). This can happen after 1-2 procedures, and in some cases – after 2 or more weeks.

The principle of using whitening pencils is simple - for this you should:

  • rinse your mouth;
  • wipe your teeth with a napkin;
  • apply gel;
  • sit with open mouth approximately 1-10 minutes (depending on the type of whitening pencil - the required time is indicated in the instructions for its use);
  • then wash off the gel with water.

As a rule, the course duration is up to 2 weeks (2 times a day). Moreover, the result can be determined not only by the effectiveness of the drug used, but also by the presence of bad habits(for example, smoking, frequent consumption of strong coffee).

Whitening strips

So-called whitening strips are polyethylene strips with a layer of a special composition, usually containing from 6 to 10% hydrogen peroxide. That is, as you already understand, this type of teeth whitening is also chemical.

The kit usually includes strips for the top and lower teeth. The principle of home whitening strips is that they are pressed against the teeth for about 30 minutes - during this time, chemical reactions take place, leading to a gradual discoloration of the colored compounds present in the enamel.

The effect of whitening with strips may not occur at all: neither in 7 days, nor in 2 weeks, and sensitivity, according to numerous reviews on forums on the Internet, occurs in every third person. Moreover, it often manifests itself not even in pain from cold and hot, but in the form of a piercing ache in the tooth while holding a strip on it - but people still endure it.

“I’m a coffee and tea lover, so when I read reviews on the Internet about whitening miracle strips, like a fool, I rushed to buy them through an online store. I ended up buying a set of Crest Whitestrips 3D White. It clearly stated that they were perfect even for sensitive teeth, and my teeth weren’t particularly sensitive, so I thought they would definitely be suitable.

After I put these strips on my teeth for the first time and took them off, it seemed as if my smile had become a little whiter, and there was no pain at all. On the second day, I again applied them to my teeth according to the instructions for half an hour. When I removed the strip, I almost fainted: a piece of gum actually came off above my front tooth. Like the skin of a sausage, the skin wrinkled and peeled off in a thick layer.

When I ran to the dentist with this problem for clarification, she explained to me that this was a serious chemical burn to the gums, since the gel from the strip somehow managed to get under it. As the doctor explained to me, such cases with homemade whitening strips and pencils are not uncommon. Since the root of my tooth was exposed, she advised me to have gum surgery costing 8,000 rubles! And what do you think, people, is it worth risking your gums in order to later pay off such a sum?

Ksenia, Moscow

Photo teeth whitening (ZOOM): advantages and disadvantages

Photo teeth whitening is an in-office chemical whitening technology, but with the activation of the process by ultraviolet light. It is also called the ZOOM technique or “cold” teeth whitening.

In “cold” whitening, a hydrogen peroxide-based gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and activated by an ultraviolet, halogen or LED lamp. The peroxide concentration is usually quite high, on average 25-35%.

Photobleaching is one of the most effective methods, as its technology is specifically aimed at improving results and reducing tooth sensitivity (by reducing exposure time). Light radiation allows:

  • increase the rate of decomposition of peroxide compounds with the release of active oxygen (which, in fact, plays a key role in the bleaching of colored substances);
  • allows you to reduce the exposure time of the gel, which, in turn, reduces its negative impact on the enamel.

After the organic pigments contained in the enamel are broken down, it becomes noticeably whiter. However, in some cases, one procedure may not be enough.

After photo-whitening (ZOOM), which can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour, fluoridation of teeth is performed to prevent sensitivity.

After photobleaching, you should limit the consumption of coloring foods and drinks (coffee, tea, wine, juices, chocolate, blueberries, blueberries, etc.), and in the first time after the procedure it is better not to consume them at all. This “white” diet after teeth whitening will allow you to maintain a white-toothed smile for as long as possible.

Sometimes the enamel becomes bleached in spots, which can be a very unpleasant moment that requires additional intervention. In addition, in addition to sensitivity from all types of irritants (up to severe pain) after the whitening procedure, it is often necessary to replace existing ones in the smile area, even good fillings, as they become visually yellower than whitened teeth.

Laser teeth whitening

Laser teeth whitening is a modern and fairly effective method of brightening teeth, which has been practiced for about 15 years. Numerous studies have shown that in most clinical cases it is indeed effective and relatively safe.

The principle of laser whitening is almost the same as with the photo-whitening method: a whitening composition based on hydrogen peroxide is applied to the surface of the teeth, but the active substance is activated not by ultraviolet lamps, but by a laser. A laser is a kind of catalyst that affects not only the speed of chemical reactions, but also their depth (completeness).

As with other types of professional teeth whitening, the dentist applies protective agents for the gums before the procedure to prevent burns to the mucous membranes, but errors in the work occur even in professional dentist. Even in numerous photographs of whitening (before and after), one can observe an interesting picture: before the procedure, the teeth were yellowish, but the gums pale pink, which is the norm. After whitening, the teeth became noticeably lighter, but hyperemia (redness) appeared along the edge of the gum, which indicates a marginal burn (which, however, usually disappears within one day).

This is interesting

Practicing dentists often use this harmless complication in the form of a marginal gum burn to their advantage. Redness of the gums after the whitening procedure is usually not noticed by the patient, but against the background of very reddened gums, the whitening effect looks many times more effective (due to the contrast). The teeth could be lightened by only 1 tone, but the reddened gums will visually emphasize the effect, and the patient remains satisfied. After all, the most important thing is the first positive impression.

  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • If you are allergic to hydrogen peroxide and other components of bleaching systems;
  • At diabetes mellitus and some diseases of the pancreas.

These contraindications are also typical for many other methods of teeth whitening. It must also be said that local contraindications for any professional whitening methods (except mechanical) are carious teeth, periodontal diseases in the acute stage, dental deposits (tartar, plaque), old and deteriorated fillings.

Stones and plaque will simply interfere with the chemical enamel whitening procedure, and are also the determining factor in the yellowness of teeth. Bad fillings can cause acute pain during the procedure, as hydrogen peroxide can penetrate microcracks in the filling deep into the tooth.

Periodontal diseases in the acute stage may worsen during the procedure and isolate sore gums difficult. Increased bleeding of gums, among other things, worsens the quality of whitening.

Carious teeth during whitening is in itself a violation of aesthetics. Why give yourself a snow-white smile if it will show off 1-2 carious teeth with “blackness” or even with a carious cavity. In addition, when applying the gel to carious teeth, a sharp increase in pain is possible, up to an acute attack.

On a note

It is not recommended to carry out bleaching in cases where it is impractical due to the natural light yellow color of the enamel. Typically, such teeth have a light yellow tint in the cervical area, white enamel in the middle and transparent closer to the cutting edge. Even if such teeth initially do not have increased sensitivity, then after whitening the maximum will be a half-tone lightening, but there will be big problems with treating dental hyperesthesia from various irritants (cold, hot, etc.) Often even warm water or food becomes the cause pain.

It is important to clearly understand that if teeth initially have increased sensitivity, then the whitening procedure can seriously aggravate the situation.

In-canal whitening

Intra-canal teeth whitening (in other words, endo-bleaching) is used if dead tooth acquires a dark shade due to its staining with substances formed during pulp necrosis, when pigments penetrate deep into the tissues dead tooth, or when it is stained with filling material.

In such cases, external influence on the tooth does not allow you to cope with the problem. But in-canal chemical bleaching allows you to solve this problem, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

“Since I was young, I always had white teeth, until I had a couple of caries treated between my front teeth by one, so to speak, “specialist.” Unfortunately, the doctor turned out to be a bigot, and I had to change the fillings, and in such a way that first the nerves were removed from the teeth, and then fillings were made. At first everything was fine, but after a year and a half I noticed that my front teeth began to change color to dirty yellow. This started to stress me out a lot, so I stopped smiling altogether.

After suffering for a couple of years, I began to look for a normal dentist. Some told me that crowns would help, others that laser whitening. A friend told me good doctor, who advised intra-canal whitening, since this is where the problem with tooth color comes from. First, they removed my old filling, injected a bleaching agent inside, and put in a temporary filling. I came to the next visit satisfied: the tooth had become much whiter, and all that was left was to put a permanent filling...”

Oksana, Voronezh

A bleaching agent based on carbamide peroxide, sodium perborate or hydrogen peroxide is usually applied inside the canal. The oxygen complex, in the process of a chemical reaction, discolors the colored compounds in the tooth tissues - thereby combating discoloration.

After endo-bleaching, the tooth acquires its natural color or becomes noticeably lighter. The success of intracanal whitening depends on the concentration of the whitening gel and the time it remains inside the tooth. The main thing here is to get to the dentist on time for a repeat appointment, since if there is a significant delay in time, the tooth may become too light.

Traditional methods of teeth whitening: harm or benefit?

Is it possible to whiten your teeth at home without using all these pencils, trays and whitening strips? Well, traditional methods Teeth whitening has been known for a long time, but their comparison with professional systems has shown questionable effectiveness and, most importantly, unsafeness (in some cases).

Dentist-controlled home whitening systems are not considered traditional methods. Likewise, at-home whitening strips, trays, pencils, and similar products are scientifically developed systems for home use, which in comparison with “grandmother’s” methods are not entirely safe, but more or less close to evidence-based medicine and often show certain results.


From history we can recall that charcoal was the most effective method of teeth whitening in Rus'. However, at present, this whitening technology is hopelessly outdated (usually today they try to whiten teeth with activated carbon, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets).

The idea of ​​using activated carbon for teeth whitening is based on its well-known ability to absorb various compounds from solutions (an excellent absorbent). For example, if you place an activated carbon tablet into an aqueous ink solution and stir, the solution will quickly become transparent.

However, with teeth everything is not so simple: it is foolish to hope that activated carbon will draw out the pigments that color it from the enamel. However, activated carbon will be quite capable of erasing plaque (including stained plaque), although with the same success you can simply brush your teeth thoroughly with toothpaste with an average abrasiveness.

By the way...

The line includes toothpaste containing charcoal - “Splat Blackwood”. And this paste is not the classic white color, but intense black. What can you do if the consumer really wants...

Baking soda – does it whiten teeth?

Baking soda can significantly increase the pH in the oral cavity, neutralizing acids, but whitening teeth with it at home will be very problematic.

Baking soda powder mixed with water (or saliva) is a medium-strength abrasive, so rubbing your teeth with it too intensely and frequently can easily lead to excessive abrasion of the enamel, which in turn will lead to increased tooth sensitivity (think Air-Flow technology , which was described above). Naturally, soda does not discolor the colored compounds present in the enamel, and a small whitening effect can only be due to the removal of the colored plaque present on the teeth, which again will be safer to do with a properly selected toothpaste.


Oddly enough, the use of strawberries is one of the most popular among the “berry-fruit” methods of teeth whitening practiced among the people.

The suggested whitening recipe is something like this:

  • You should take a strawberry;
  • Cut it in half;
  • Rub half of it over your teeth;
  • Leave for about 10 minutes;
  • Then brush your teeth with your usual toothpaste.

Let’s say right away that you obviously shouldn’t count on a pronounced whitening effect from using strawberries in this way. However, organic acids, which are also highly effective complexing agents, are ways to gradually “pull” calcium ions from the tartar matrix, thereby facilitating its loosening and subsequent abrasion with toothpaste.

However, with the same success, the long-term and regular action of organic acids will wash out calcium from healthy enamel - this can provoke the appearance of caries at the stage white spot in the smile zone, the problems from which without proper treatment can be much greater than the benefits of such a generally dubious procedure.

It’s better to just eat strawberries and rinse your mouth - this will give you much more benefits.

Teeth whitening according to Neumyvakin

Another specific type of teeth whitening is the so-called Neumyvakin whitening.

The recipe is as follows: you need to add 20 drops of pharmaceutical 3% hydrogen peroxide to 0.5 teaspoon of soda, and then a couple of drops lemon juice, then mix. The resulting paste is suggested to be used to rub not only the teeth, but also the gums inside and out using a cotton swab.

It is believed that this paste not only whitens teeth by removing tartar and plaque, but also heals gums. There are many fans of this type of whitening, but does it have any effect?

When soda (sodium bicarbonate) interacts with citric acid, sodium citrate is formed, which has complexing properties and is capable of firmly binding calcium ions, “extracting” them, for example, from tartar. Soda powder plays the role of a medium-strength abrasive, mechanically removing plaque (and partly tartar) from the enamel surface. Hydrogen peroxide has traditionally played the role of a chemical bleach, bleaching colored substances found in tartar, plaque and tooth enamel.

Thus, there seems to be common sense in teeth whitening according to Neumyvakin.

However, often this meaning quickly turns into “meaninglessness” if executed poorly in the hands of an ignorant person. For example, if the would-be experimenter has sensitive teeth, there are already wedge-shaped defects in the cervical area, but the slight yellow tint of the enamel forces him to frantically rub his teeth with Neumyvakin’s paste - in this case, the result will be very disastrous.

It’s another matter when a person has naturally healthy enamel, but the teeth are yellow (or even brown in places) from plaque and tartar - in this case, whitening according to Neumyvakin would be much more appropriate than in the situation described above.

By the way...

Toothpastes containing in their formulation pyrophosphates (complexing agents), carbamide peroxide and a medium-strength abrasive system (RDA in the range of 75-150) will, in fact, be a more advanced version of the paste prepared according to Neumyvakin.

We hope the information above will help you make the right decision regarding teeth whitening. If you already have some practical experience in this matter, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page.

Interesting video: criteria for high-quality teeth whitening and important nuances of this procedure

The dangers of home teeth whitening

Amazing snow-white smile is the object of desire for most people. After all, clean and white teeth are the key to beauty. How to whiten teeth at home using ordinary means at hand? As a rule, such a question arises in anticipation of an important meeting or event.

But it should be noted that some methods cannot boast of excellent results after the first use. In order to choose more for yourself suitable way self-whitening, it is necessary to analyze various methods for achieving white teeth.

Who should consider teeth whitening?

When discussing the issue of quick teeth whitening at home, there are representatives who simply do not understand why this action should be carried out at home when you can go to the dentist.

Experts have a number of suggestions for teeth whitening. Yes, some of them are expensive, but the results will be visible immediately.

We will talk about professional whitening methods later, but now we should name the categories of people who need home procedures.

We are talking about those people who suffer from problems with yellowness with a certain frequency. Of course, the dentist himself will not allow you to carry out special dental procedures every time - this will significantly damage the enamel.

The causes of characteristic yellowness also include in excess intake of tetracycline or fluoride into the body, which can be caused by the mother taking the first substance during pregnancy or by poor ecology ( fluoride penetration).

Rare cause of appearance yellow spots on the teeth is hidden in pathology in the form of underdevelopment of dental enamel tissues. In this case, it will only help qualified assistance psychologist.

5 ways to whiten your teeth at home, video:

Teeth whitening at home

It is possible to whiten your teeth at home without harm using natural products and pharmaceutical products that will not require serious financial investments, but will delight you with gentle and thorough cleansing.

Before getting down to business, you should study the complete instructions for using the selected product.


Teeth whitening with soda- the simplest and most effective method that can be easily applied at home. The method can also help in emergency situations when you suddenly receive an invitation to an important meeting.

Cleaning tooth enamel with baking soda can be done in three ways:

1. The first method refers to plaque removal that is traumatic for enamel - here should not be applied a large number of food product on cotton wool or cotton pad. This preparation is simply used to wipe teeth.

With excessive pressure, a significant thinning of the enamel occurs, as a result of which the teeth will begin to “react” to cold or hot, and drinking coffee, tea and other products with natural dyes will lead to “staining”.

2. The second method is the best and alternative option to protect your teeth from damage, but it is also used once a week.

Here, before the procedure, you should add a small amount of baking soda to your toothpaste. This method cleans teeth much better than the first, since you can “walk” through hard-to-reach places.

3. The third method involves using lemon. To prepare the composition, mix a teaspoon of soda with drops of lemon juice until the consistency of thick sour cream. This method should be used least often.

Also, do not forget to monitor the situation and pay close attention to the condition of your oral cavity after the procedure - soda and lemon quite thin the tooth enamel, which leads to increased sensitivity, and often pain.

Almost everyone can use soda to remove plaque; the main condition is its careful use. It is better to start with small quantities of the food product, gradually increasing its dosage to prepare the given compositions.

Hydrogen peroxide

Using hydrogen peroxide for cleansing is the most safe method. So, experts allow using the above whitening method once a day.

The effect of the procedure will follow quickly, and most importantly, it can last for a long time, since damage to the enamel does not occur, which means that the surface of the teeth remains protected.

So, teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide occurs in the following sequence:

  1. First, brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.
  2. Now rinse your mouth with a mixture prepared from 20-30 drops of 3% peroxide diluted in half a glass of clean water.
  3. Use cotton wool cotton swabs or disks. Soak the hygiene item you are using in peroxide and gently brush your teeth by hand.
  4. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain warm water.

Use this method of cleansing the mouth at night - this way it will be much faster and easier to achieve a positive result.

You can also use a slightly improved option for whitening and mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda. Add liquid to the baking soda until a paste-like mixture forms. Now you can use a toothbrush and brush your teeth with the composition. The main condition of the method used is thorough rinsing of the mouth.

Activated carbon

Surprisingly teeth whitening with activated carbon also effective and affordable. Here you just need to crush an activated carbon tablet in a saucer to a powdery state - this important aspect the entire procedure, since large particles can seriously damage tooth enamel.

The resulting powder is used simply: grab a small amount with a brush and brush your teeth with it.

From such a procedure the result will have to wait a long time. But, according to users of this method, the first results can be seen after a month of regular whitening.

By the way, the procedure can be carried out only 2-3 times a month, which will not bother the entire whitening process.


You can whiten your teeth with lemon immediately while consuming it. For example, if you are a lemon tea drinker, use this fact to benefit the beauty and purity of your smile.

While brewing tea, simply cut a piece of fruit and rub it on your teeth. After this, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly. Cleaning is carried out using the presented method. no more than once every 1-1.5 weeks.

You can also use a more labor-intensive method. To do this, add a few drops of fruit to the toothpaste. Such cleaning will not cause harm if it is carried out no more than once a week.

In the end, just chew a piece fresh fruit along with the peel. But this whitening method is suitable for those who love sour foods and those with insensitive tooth enamel. It may seem strange, but lemon also helps to cope with the problem of bleeding gums.

Tea tree oil

If we talk about procedures, we should mention safe whitening teeth. So, people with increased enamel sensitivity are better off using less tricky and dangerous methods.

Tea tree oil is suitable for them - a remedy that has gained particular popularity in folk medicine. The oil contains all microelements beneficial to the body, which also have a positive effect on the condition of tooth enamel.

And since the composition has antiseptic and antiviral properties, it is often used to treat diseases of the oral cavity in the form of stomatitis or simple elimination unpleasant odor from mouth.

Tea tree oil for teeth whitening is quite simple to use. Here, before the procedure, you should clean the enamel with toothpaste and a brush, and after that you can start using the oil. The composition is applied to a cotton pad or swab and thoroughly wiped the teeth.

During the procedure, a characteristic numbness of the tongue and the entire oral cavity is noted - this is a normal phenomenon that disappears within a few minutes after thoroughly rinsing the mouth.

These were the standard methods traditional medicine how to whiten teeth at home. Now we should consider several ways to remove yellowness related to traditional methods.

Some teeth whitening products

As it turns out in reality, the question of how to whiten teeth at home has not yet been fully resolved. There are several more effective methods for removing yellow discoloration that are easy to apply at home yourself.

This is about special means, the acquisition of which can be carried out in pharmacy points or in specialized stores.

As a rule, teeth whitening products are effective, but require large financial investments. Often such monetary costs do not meet the user's expectations.


The most common way is. The presented product gained popularity thanks to easy to use and long-lasting effect.

If you use the strips for a month at intervals according to the instructions for use, you can achieve a cleansing result that is 2-3 shades clearer than the existing one.

There are also more expensive brands that allow you to achieve a result that is 6 tones lighter in the same month, and there is no need in carrying out the second session will be within one and a half years.

Teeth Whitening Strips contain a special bleaching composition on their surface. The use of this product consists of simply gluing the strips and leaving them for half an hour.

If we talk about the disadvantages of using strips, they cannot clean hard-to-reach places, including simple crevices between teeth.


Special teeth whitening gel attracts with its high efficiency, but raises doubts due to the high cost of the drug.

Moreover, the gel should be used in such a way as to achieve the fastest possible result, because the application and effect of the composition is not long-lasting. The fact is that after application the gel begins to dissolve with saliva, and, therefore, is not highly effective composition through such use.

It’s another matter if you use special trays, which should be put on the teeth and pour whitening gel into the resulting cavity.

In this way, you should use the product with caution - there is a high probability of getting a burn to the enamel and gums.


An alternative to using gel is teeth whitening pencil.

Firstly, the pencil has a special brush, making the application process easy.

Secondly, You can apply the cleanser to your teeth at any time. convenient time and anywhere, but according to the instructions given.

It should be noted that, despite the ease of use, the composition contained in the pencil has a lower concentration compared to the gel. As a result, achieving the effect is more difficult, but also possible.

It is only important not to forget about application, and your smile will be dazzling for several months even with irregular use.

Teeth whitening at home, video:

Whitening at the dentist

It sounds depressing and sad, but it is quite difficult to achieve a “Hollywood smile” using the above methods.

There are several here effective ways which lead to a dazzling smile after the first procedure. Highlight photo whitening, laser and chemical whitening, each of which must be considered carefully, highlighting all the advantages and disadvantages.


Photobleaching is currently a novelty in dentistry. Here, hydrogen peroxide is also applied to the teeth, but they are exposed to a special halogen light, which leads to a chemical reaction in the form of the formation of oxygen from the composition and its active breakdown of the pigmentation of tooth enamel.

This use of halogen light leads to long-term positive results that can last for several years. The enamel and the teeth themselves are not damaged, which contributes to the growth of popularity.

A positive aspect of this procedure is the low cost of the procedure.

But the negative aspects include the duration of the procedure ( at least 1.5 hours) And bad taste in the mouth, the sensation lasts for several hours.

Laser whitening

Laser teeth whitening provides positive result and in the treatment of caries. Here the procedure consists of applying a composition based on the same hydrogen peroxide and exposure to a carbon dioxide laser.

Thanks to its interaction with the hydrogen composition, the effect of the second component is activated and enhanced. As a result, after just one procedure you can enjoy a dazzling smile for 6-7 years.

The positive aspects of laser whitening are its mild effect, as a result of which the teeth and enamel are not damaged at all.

But the negative point is the high cost of the product. Thus, the minimum cost of the procedure is 15 thousand rubles.

Chemical bleaching

Chemical teeth whitening entails a large number of dangerous and unpleasant consequences.

Recently, dentists have been using sodium perborate, a safe and effective whitening agent. external influence (heat or light). The procedure itself takes at least half an hour, but the effect will last at least 3-4 years.

In the above method, you should only select negative points, because there are few positive ones. Thus, chemical whitening can lead to troubles in the form of achieving a natural shade of teeth.

If it is white, then you will be pleased with the result. But if your teeth are naturally or for some reason dark or brown, you may be sad. By the way, a good specialist always warns about the consequences through the use of chemical bleaching.

Benefit or harm?

Before choosing a method, you should consider the question: Is teeth whitening harmful?. Of course, home whitening and dental procedures cannot be put on the same level.

Dentists use too concentrated formulations, which leads to tooth hypersensitivity due to damage to the enamel. Therefore, their choice should be approached thoroughly and especially carefully.

If we talk about home methods, then you simply need to maintain the specified frequency of procedures. To speed up the healing process of damaged enamel, you can use special drugs with the presence of a large number of mineral components that will quickly restore the structure of the upper layers of the tooth.

It's certainly worth putting in the effort to achieve a snow-white smile. But in this matter one should exercise caution and accuracy, since there is a high probability of damage and further long-term restoration of the tooth surface.

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Whatever you say, an open, snow-white smile captivates many; we can say that this is one of the components of a successful person. But it is not always possible to keep the enamel white. Due to external influences, poor care, and even due to addiction to coloring drinks, the enamel acquires a yellowish tint.

Luckily, many dental offices now offer several whitening options. Based on your preferences, a specialist will help lighten the enamel by several tones or make your teeth literally snow-white.

There are a number of methods to consider and then you can decide which teeth whitening is best.

What is photobleaching

Photobleaching is a modern way to make enamel lighter using a special gel, the particles of which become active when exposed to special lighting. At home, this method is not used, since it requires certain equipment in the form of a brightening lamp. The ability to whiten enamel by several tones (10-12) depends on the choice of gel.

Pros and cons of this method

Since the procedure may be contraindicated for a number of reasons, the dentist will decide whether to perform it. If there are no contraindications, then photo whitening will not only help lighten your teeth, but also strengthen them. The main advantages of the method include:

  • No risk of enamel damage.
  • Visible results immediately after the procedure.
  • A small number of contraindications to the procedure.
  • Almost complete absence of side effects.
  • The duration of the procedure is short (a photo-bleaching session lasts on average from 20 to 40 minutes).

The disadvantages of the method include, first of all, the price of photobleaching, so not every person can afford this procedure. In addition, there are a number of diseases for which this method cannot be applied. Therefore, you should definitely tell your dentist about all your illnesses. Here's a series pathological conditions and other reasons for which you will be refused the photobleaching procedure:

  1. There is an age barrier, so this method is not suitable for people under 20 years old.
  2. Allergy to the active components of the gel composition.
  3. Diseases of the dentition in which the enamel is quickly worn away.
  4. Presence of leaky seals.
  5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Photobleaching system

Photobleaching can be carried out in several ways:

  • Beyond Polus lamps. Cold light and two radiations are used - halogen and LED.
  • Luma Cool. LED lamps emit a cool stream of light. The whitening effect lasts up to several years.
  • Zoom. Ultraviolet lamps heat the enamel. This method is dangerous due to its destruction, but the effect lasts for years.
  • Luma-Arch. Halogen light is used, a gentle method, only problem areas are lightened.

Other methods of whitening tooth enamel

There are other effective types of whitening that are applicable not only in the dental office, but also at home. It's worth learning about them. Teeth whitening, which method is better? You decide.

Professional laser method

Laser whitening is performed in the dentist's office and is not much different from photo whitening. The difference is that the gel applied to the surface of the teeth begins its action not under the influence of light, but under the influence of a laser. Many experts recognize this method as the best among other types of whitening. But the patients themselves leave various reviews regarding laser lightening. But in any case, a consultation with a dentist is necessary, since laser method There are also a number of contraindications.

Whitening with chemicals at home

If the enamel darkens, you don’t have to run to the dentist; you can use lightening methods at home:

    • Mouthguards. In this case, a certain gel is purchased that contains a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide and carbide. These components are placed in the cavity of the mouthguard, which is pre-selected according to the size of the jaw. It is put on the teeth and the person walks with it for a certain time. This method is considered the most harmless.
    • The use of special strips and pencils. They contain chemical compounds, you can purchase them yourself. Before starting use, read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly. If there are contraindications, then under no circumstances use chemical pencils and lightening strips. It is worth warning immediately that the whitening effect appears gradually, but does not last long. Whitening strips are used as an additional way to lighten tooth enamel. They are convenient to carry with you and apply after eating coloring products.
    • Pastes with whitening effect. There are two types of such pastes. The first is a paste that independently removes dark pigment from the surface of the teeth. Such pastes contain a high percentage of abrasiveness and only eliminate dark spots and some tartar. Contraindications to its use are tooth hypersensitivity and rapid wear of enamel. The second is a paste that has lightening properties. The basis of such pastes is carbide peroxide. Such pastes are the most effective and safe for tooth enamel. But the main disadvantage of using such pastes is the short-term whitening result.

For all whitening methods there are certain rules that should be followed after the procedure. You should not eat it in the first days coloring products and drinks. Namely berries, mustard, tea, coffee, etc. Avoid smoking. In the future, take good care of your oral cavity. Talking about professional cleaning, it should be carried out twice a year. Use gentle whitening methods at home to ensure long-lasting results.

What is the best teeth whitening? There is no definite answer to this question, since everything is individual.