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Strengthening teeth with special varnishes and artificial enamel. How to protect your teeth from staining products

What stains teeth - list of staining products

The color of tooth enamel depends not only on regular hygiene procedures. The chosen diet also has an equally important influence on the change in its shade. There are products that can give teeth a certain shade - from light yellow to dark brown.

The mechanism of changing the shade of tooth enamel

The whiteness and shine of teeth is ensured by the presence of a protective layer - enamel. If you do not care for your teeth daily and at the proper level, buildup occurs. pathogens V oral cavity.

These bacteria feed mainly on small food debris that is present between the teeth after eating. During this process, acid is released, which contributes to the erosion of the top layer of enamel. And this, in turn, leads to the exposure of pores into which the coloring substances found in some products are perfectly absorbed. It is worth considering in more detail the question of what products have similar properties. So, what stains teeth:

  • tea. The most harmful effects Traditional black tea affects the color of tooth enamel. Take, for example, a cup in which black tea has been poured for several hours. There will probably be a dark border on its walls. Fruity black teas also have teeth-staining properties. And the safest in this regard are white and green teas;
  • wine. Red wine has a dark burgundy hue and is rich in tannins. This contributes to the staining of tooth enamel, which, among other things, also becomes susceptible to cold and hot food. As for white wine, it may not seem so harmless to the color of your teeth. It contains certain type acids that provoke intense formation of microcracks in tooth enamel. Therefore, after some time, teeth may acquire a yellowish or grayish tint;
  • coffee. Fans of this drink most often become owners of teeth whose enamel has acquired a yellow or light brown tint. The thing is that coffee contains a large amount of heavy carbohydrates, sugar and cocoa butter. These components settle on the enamel along the gums, which promotes the formation and proliferation of bacteria. Eventually, this plaque hardens and turns into tartar. In addition, excessive coffee consumption causes dry mouth, which undoubtedly affects the condition of the gums;
  • berries. Berries such as blueberries, blue grapes, blueberries, mulberries, cranberries, cherries have a lot of substances that are beneficial for the body. But their abuse threatens to change the shade of tooth enamel. This is due to the presence in their peel and pulp of a significant concentration of acids and natural pigment;
  • sauces and seasonings. Many sauces and seasonings contribute to the staining of teeth. dark color. For example, tomato-based sauces, curry seasoning, soy sauce - these products are not recommended to be abused. Natural dyes and the high concentration of acids contained in their composition are perfectly absorbed into tooth enamel. After eating them, you should brush your teeth or rinse your mouth;
  • carbonated drinks. This category of products is considered a real “killer” of tooth enamel. After all, these drinks contain acids such as phosphoric, tartaric, citric, malic, and also glucose. These acids and sugars corrode tooth enamel, which gradually develops microcracks. Carbonated drinks that have a “poisonous” color are considered the most harmful to teeth.

This does not mean that the products described above should be completely excluded from your diet, especially since they are rich in useful material, vitamins and microelements. You just need to somewhat limit their use, thereby preserving the natural whiteness and dazzling shine of your smile.

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Eating a variety of foods every day, few people realize that they have a direct effect on tooth enamel. There are those that strengthen dental tissue and make teeth whiter. But often we include in our diet those foods that change the color of tooth enamel.

Why does enamel change color?

The main reason teeth are stained is because the top layer of enamel wears away and exposes the pores. Chromogens– organic pigments present in products – easily penetrate into the enamel prisms, settling to the very bottom of the pores.

Penetration can be facilitated by exposure to acids that some foods contain, as they loosen the enamel structure and expand open pores.

Causes of thinning enamel may include:

  • age changes in dental tissue;
  • pathological enamel abrasion;
  • frequent use acid-containing products.

Photo: what teeth look like after eating blueberries

List of substances

To protect your teeth from staining, you need to know exactly which products can change the shade of your crowns. Each of them has its own mechanism and intensity of impact on the enamel.


On this moment tea is the most coloring product, as it contains a high concentration of active pigments - tannins. Their main feature is that when they come into contact with enamel, they form a durable communication with cells dental tissue.

If you do not brush your teeth immediately after drinking tea or at least rinse your mouth, then tannins penetrate to the very bottom of the pores and after some time lead to yellowing of the teeth.

Black tea has the greatest coloring effect. Fruity is only slightly inferior to it. The safest and even useful option will be green or rare White tea.


Coffee, like tea, contains tannins, although in smaller quantities. Despite the small concentration of pigment, coffee is capable violate acid-base balance . This leads to the proliferation of bacteria and the formation of a hard bacterial plaque.

This combination of factors leads to deep pigmentation of crowns, which cannot be removed by normal cleaning. Frequent consumption of coffee and lack of timely cleansing lead to the fact that the enamel acquires a yellow or light brown tint.


There is an opinion that only red wines have coloring ability, but this is not entirely true. Both red and white varieties have the same effect on tooth discoloration.

The mechanism of action of wine is that when it is consumed, not only pigments, but also natural acids, which increase the porosity of the enamel.

Enlarged pores when drinking red wine are filled immediately pigment. White wine does not produce coloring as such, but coloring elements from other products easily penetrate into the loosened enamel.

Too frequent drinking wine leads to deterioration of enamel quality and changing its color to dark yellow.


Despite the great benefits of berry, fruit or vegetable juices, some of them can lead to staining of crowns. Most contain natural pigment substances and acids. Depending on the type of juice, the crowns may acquire a yellow, bluish, brown or red tint.

Juices from dark-colored berries, fruits and vegetables have the strongest coloring effect: blueberries, beets, blueberries. As a rule, pigmentation can be easily removed with toothpaste, brushing and dental rinses.


Carbonated lemonades are among the most dangerous products, leading to rapid darkening and destruction of the top layer of crowns. They include sugar in high concentration and several at once various acids, which act aggressively on the surface of the teeth.

This set is complemented by artificial dyes, which quickly settle in enamel prisms and give it a dark tint. With timely cleaning, pigments can be removed without much difficulty. But in the absence of this, in addition to darkening, the crown can be affected by caries.


Most berries do not affect the color of teeth. Some even promote whitening. But among them there are species that provoke temporary darkening enamels. These berries include black currants, blackberries, and blueberries.

They give teeth a gray or bluish color. This pigment quickly loses its color intensity under the influence of saliva, but when regular use may cause yellow discoloration.


This vegetable contains the highest concentration of chromogens. Even strong, dense enamel cannot resist them in such quantities. With regular use, deep staining of the crowns occurs, which subsequently gives the teeth a lasting dark yellow tint.


Depending on the ingredients in the sauces, they can also change the color of the tooth. Has a particularly active effect soy sauce. They also have the property of coloring sauces made with tomatoes.

This ability is explained by the presence of a large amount of pigments and acids in the sauce. After their exposure, the color can be restored normal cleaning using a toothbrush.


Even in ancient times, many spices were used as paints, diluted with water. They had good resistance to sunlight and mechanical stress. Can greatly change the shade of crowns curry and turmeric, giving them a pronounced yellow color.

Frequent use of these spices will lead to the need to resort to professional whitening, since their pigments can penetrate into the deepest layer enamels.


Turnip is one of the foods whose pigments increase their activity after heat treatment. After eating the vegetable, the crown acquires a yellowish tint, which can be easily removed with a brush.

Food colors in sweets

The richest in food coloring are all kinds of candies, marmalades and caramels. The artificial pigment is capable of permanently coloring teeth and destroy their surface due to great content Sahara. This leads not only to severe darkening of the crowns, but also to caries damage.

What whitens crowns?

Not all products can change the shade of the crown for the worse. Some of them can lighten the enamel:

  1. Apples. Thanks to their high acid concentration, apples neutralize pigments. In addition, apples contain microelements that promote whitening of crowns in the deepest layers.
  2. Pears. In their action they are similar to apples. Lightening crowns follows the same principle.
  3. Cucumbers. The main component of cucumbers is water. Due to the complex effect of vegetable fibers and water, the pigment is washed out from the pores of the dental tissue.
  4. Strawberry is the leader among whitening products. Teeth lightening occurs due to the action of acid.
  5. Orange, which contains three types of acids: citric, ascorbic and pectic. This combination allows you to restore the whiteness of your teeth in a short period of time.
  6. Carrot. Due to its fibrous structure and the presence of a large number of microelements, this vegetable is able to mechanically remove the pigmented layer and strengthen the crowns.

Avoid discoloration of enamel during use coloring products and minimize negative impact Some tips will help with crowns.

Is it possible to avoid staining?

You can avoid tooth pigmentation by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to replace all coloring drinks plain water or mineral water. If this is not possible, then it is necessary after them rinse your mouth with water;
  • should not be included this type of product on the evening menu, because at this time of day salivary glands reduce saliva production and its quality deteriorates;
  • Best used for drinking drinks cocktail straws. This will reduce the likelihood of them getting on your teeth;
  • if possible it is necessary as soon as possible brush your teeth using paste and brush;
  • regularly carry out preventive bleaching using whitening paste and rinses.

This video talks about ten healthy products for teeth:

What foods should you not brush your teeth after?

In some situations, using a brush and paste directly after consuming certain products is unacceptable. These include acid-containing species:

  • sauces;
  • fruits;
  • wine;
  • soda;
  • berries.

These products can soften and loosen enamel. Exposure to it with a brush will lead to additional deformation of the surface, which contributes to the accumulation of bacteria and the occurrence of inflammation of the periodontium and dental tissue.

Maintaining the effect after lightening

In situations where staining cannot be avoided, bleaching is resorted to. This procedure allows you to return the enamel to its natural whiteness certain period time.

To prolong the whitening effect as long as possible, you must follow some rules:

  1. In the first few days Do not consume dyeing products, since the enamel at this stage is still too weak and cannot resist the pigments.
  2. During the same period you can't use lipstick.
  3. During 10 days dental care should be gentle with using a soft brush and non-abrasive paste.
  4. After strengthening the enamel It is recommended to periodically include it in cleansing procedures whitening paste.
  5. The cleaning procedure should be carried out regularly and using additional equipment: floss, rinses, irrigator.
  6. Recommended get rid of bad habits and eliminate foods with artificial colors from your diet.

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Although tea is considered a healthy drink, when it comes to teeth, it is not the best the best choice. Dentists say that tea—especially black tea—stains your teeth, even more than coffee. However, recent studies confirm that even herbal and white teas can destroy enamel and stain teeth.


They're delicious, but colorful sauces like soy sauce, tomato sauce and curry sauce will significantly stain your teeth. Eat lighter, creamier sauces and rinse or brush your teeth after each use.

Sports drinks

Acidic foods and drinks can also lead to tooth discoloration. A recent study found that highly acidic drinks - such as sports drinks or energy drinks - can erode tooth enamel, thereby discoloring teeth. Limit your consumption of these drinks. In this case, water is the best choice - according to at least, for your teeth.


If any food or drink can stain your tablecloth, then so can your teeth. , an acidic drink with highly pigmented molecules such as tannins and chromogens, discolor teeth. White wine is an even more acidic drink, which can also lead to staining.


The berries contain pigmented molecules that destroy tooth enamel. This is why blueberries, blackberries, cherries, pomegranates, and other brightly colored fruits can stain your teeth. Juices and cakes made with these fruits can also stain your teeth. Fruits with less pigmentation—such as white grapes and white cranberries—are less likely to harm your teeth.

Soda, Cola and other carbonated drinks

The acid and chromogens in these drinks can cause severe staining of your teeth. Even light-colored sodas contain a fair amount of acid. The acidity in some carbonated drinks is so high that it is actually comparable to the acidity found in batteries. Many of these drinks contain additives that lead to erosive effects.

Lollipops and candies

If your favorite candy is such as caramel, chewing gum, or popsicles stain your tongue, you can be sure that your teeth will also stain. Fortunately, if you don't eat these types of candies often, your teeth are safe.


Minimize Products

Blueberries, blackberries, and tomato sauce are rich in antioxidants. If you want to continue eating these foods, just try replacing them with less acidic ones, e.g. cauliflower, apples, grapefruit and melon.

From the moment when man became intelligent, as civilization developed, people tried to distinguish themselves from the crowd in various ways.

The priority at all times has been to emphasize one’s individuality in appearance. The standards of beauty changed, but the only indicator that remained was beautiful and healthy teeth.

Beauty and health in this case are identical concepts. Today's society, with its increasing emphasis on healthy image life and natural nutrition, gives great importance dental health and aesthetic appearance.

Monitoring the condition of enamel has become mandatory and prestigious. The presence of a huge number of teeth whitening techniques and methods does not make it unnecessary to exclude from the diet foods that can affect the condition and color of tooth enamel.

Natural color consists of two components. The first is enamel - it is considered one of the most durable tissues and is responsible for protecting teeth from damage, but to a much lesser extent for color.

If the enamel is not damaged and is sufficiently mineralized (normally it consists of 97% inorganic substances), it refracts light waves and teeth appear whiter.

If in force various reasons, the enamel becomes thin, and the color of the main tooth tissue - dentin - shines through it. It consists of two-thirds salts, mainly calcium and phosphorus, organic substances, and water, which makes it opaque.

Dentin color, the second component of tooth color, is caused by yellow-brown pigments.

Discoloration can be caused by both changes in the microporous structure of the enamel and changes in the composition of dentin.

IN natural conditions There are no perfectly white teeth. Dentists determine color using the Vita scale, consisting of 16 shades, and identify quite a few factors that influence this indicator. The main ones are the following:

  1. Genetically determined. Structure and color - hereditary factors, also depend on race.
  2. Availability systemic diseases accompanied by darkening or discoloration (Addison's disease, jaundice, hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, some infectious diseases).
  3. Condition of the enamel-dentin junction of the tooth, which directly affects the optical properties.
  4. Inevitable age-related changes , directly related to a decrease in the body’s ability to recover, including bone tissue.
  5. Impact external factors , namely drugs and food products of organic origin containing chromophoric groups in their molecules (for example, pigments).

The most interesting are the possibilities of minimizing the impact of external factors on teeth, which is the focus of this article.

The mechanism of operation of chromogens

As has already been said, in organic products contains pigments (chromogens), which include chromorphic groups, whose structure influences the properties of light refraction.

As a result of complex chemical dissociation processes, chromogens penetrate into the enamel micropores and through them into the dentin tissue and displace or replace primarily calcium ions.

This substitution results in a change in optical properties and a visible color change.

The thinning of enamel and its demineralization is caused by oral bacteria, which in the process of life process sugar into lactic acid. In turn, the acid forms small porous holes on the enamel. They are filled with the pigmented agents of the products.

Chromogens are a common occurrence in the structure of organic substances. Most foods that people are used to eating contain them to a greater or lesser extent.

We list the most common foods that can in one way or another affect the color of teeth:

  • tea and coffee;
  • fruit juices and berries;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • red wine;
  • chocolate;
  • candies with food coloring;
  • sauces, seasonings and spices;
  • beet.

Of course, this is far from full list, but let’s try to understand the impact of these beloved products on our teeth.

Coffee and tea

Chromogenic groups active substances, contained in these dark drinks, can settle on the enamel of the teeth and give them a darker color. At the same time, complex organic substances tannins, polyphenols yellow color, promote the processes of dissociation of chromogens.

Important! Instant coffee, thanks to repeated processing, contains large quantity dissociatively active ingredients and has a stronger effect on the enamel than natural.

Not only black, but also green and white tea contain substances with chromogenic groups.

Fruit juices and berries

Fruit acids and sugars chemical exposure very aggressive on enamel. They contribute to the softening and friability of the enamel.

Chromogens, which are contained in brightly colored, especially red, fruits and fruit and berry juices, are easier to penetrate into the pores of the enamel and into the deeper dentin.

Carbonated drinks

The main enemy of enamel is the acidity of drinks. The acidity in soda is so high that it is equal to the level in batteries.

Acidity increases the likelihood of enamel erosion. Pigmented agents can easily penetrate micropores.

Acid, sugar, chromogens and phosphorus compounds can change color.

Red wine

We think that red wine affects the enamel more than white wine. However, both white and red wine contain the same yellow polyphenols, tannins.

But the color of wine depends on anthocyanins - plant glycosides that give color to dark grape varieties. Acidic wines containing chromogens increase the risk of enamel staining.

Find out more about it - recipes and useful tips.

In this article you will find fair reviews about adult dental vitamins in tablets.


Recent research by scientists has proven that cocoa beans contain substances that are more effective in strengthening enamel than fluoride.

In addition, the antiseptics of cocoa beans suppress the proliferation of streptococcal and glucan bacteria, which live in dental plaque and provoke the development of caries.

Important! All of the above applies only to dark chocolate, which contains 60% cocoa beans. All other types of chocolate contain increased content sugars and much less cocoa bean extract.

Candy with food coloring

If candies stain your tongue, there is no doubt that they contain aggressive food colorings.

Sauces, seasonings and spices

Bright tomato sauces, curry sauces - they are delicious. But don't forget increased acidity common to most tomato sauces, which leads to the formation of stains on the enamel.

The red color of tomatoes comes from natural flavonoids, which are chromogens. Recently popular soy sauces and balsamic vinegar also contain pigmented components and have an acidic environment.


Beetroot exclusively healthy vegetable. Contains antioxidants, glucosinolates, indoles, rich folic acid. One drawback is the very aggressive natural chromatogen of the flavonoid group.

Has a strong coloring effect. However, you should not neglect it. After eating beets, simply rinse your mouth.

If it is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of eating your favorite foods, then you will be interested in several practical advice that reduce the risk of developing tooth discoloration:

  1. Do not drink coffee and tea too hot, do not alternate with cold water. Changes in heat and cold are no less destructive to enamel than the development of plaque.
  2. Minimize consumption of bright berries(blackberries, blueberries), replacing them with lighter ones (apples, melons, grapefruits). You should not abuse juices, especially not freshly squeezed ones. Play it safe by rinsing your mouth.
  3. Be careful when consuming carbonated liquids. If you can't resist sweet carbonated drinks, use a straw. It's simple, effective, and does not harm the enamel.
  4. Less sugar is the motto of the modern generation. Eliminate candies like toffee and those containing unnatural dyes from your diet. It definitely won't get any worse.
  5. When using sauces and bright spices We can recommend combining them with broccoli and lettuce, which will minimize the harm caused.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that products that stain teeth should not remain in the oral cavity for a long time. After drinking a drink or product containing pigmented particles, it is advisable to rinse your mouth.

Important! It is not recommended to brush your teeth within half an hour after eating food. During the period of eating food, a low pH (acidic) environment is created in the mouth to activate the enzymes of the digestive system.

The other side of such an environment is the softening of the enamel. Additional mechanical stress can lead to destruction of the enamel.

The video presents Additional Information about products harmful to teeth.

Maintaining the whitening effect

  1. Visit your dentist regularly.
  2. Take care of your teeth. There are special devices for cracking nuts.
  3. Get rid of bruxism (creaking at night). This habit leads to thinning and the formation of microcracks.
  4. Don't forget to floss after every meal.

As we all know, fruits are extremely healthy: this is an axiom. Fresh fruits are strongly associated in our minds with health, and this association is almost impossible to destroy. And it’s not necessary - except that you should take into account some features of the impact of fruits on the color of our tooth enamel: some food products do not make teeth darker, but on the contrary, preserve their color, while other products are best avoided. And among them there are many fruits!

Fruits and teeth: risk groups

As you know, most fruits and vegetables contain natural pigments - coloring substances. For example, carrots, peaches, melons, pumpkin - carotenoids, tomatoes and peppers - lycopene (it belongs to the same carotenoids, only not yellow or orange, but red), plums, blueberries, blackberries - anthocyanins, giving them characteristic shades of blue.

Pigmented molecules - chromogens, contained in food and drinks, easily settle on the surface of the teeth. This is also facilitated by tannins (the same tannins), which are contained in high concentrations in coffee, tea, red wine, many vegetables and fruits. Of course, provided normal hygiene oral cavity, no foods can permanently stain tooth enamel yellow or blue, even if you eat kilograms of them.

However, in the case of teeth whitening, especially medical (more powerful than home whitening), tooth enamel it is easier to “absorb” third-party substances, and in this case, pigmented fruits can become a problem. Naturally, many people who have whitened their teeth are concerned about how to maintain the results, so in this case, it is better to avoid certain fruits. Among the foods that change the shade of enamel or make teeth darker are carotene-containing fruits and vegetables (carrots, mangoes, pumpkin, etc.), as well as berries with a rich blue color - blueberries, blueberries, currants.

In general, all gifts of nature that have a rich and dark color, especially such as blackberries, blueberries, blueberries, cherries, mulberries, can lead to staining of tooth enamel. Among vegetables, beets are considered a powerful dye due to their high content of chromogens. Therefore, in order to prevent the formation of persistent dark plaque on the teeth, it is recommended to brush your teeth after eating beets.

Drinks to avoid

Also, carefully watch what you drink, especially if you like fresh drinks. Drinks that stain a white shirt - like coffee or tea - will also stain your teeth. Therefore, after the teeth whitening procedure, exclude sweet carbonated drinks such as Coca-Cola, as well as coffee, tea, and red wine from your diet for some time. By the way, even soy sauce is dangerous in this regard: many seasonings that have a yellow or brown tint are also on the list of foods that stain teeth. Because of bright color and high acid content, tomato-based sauces are harmful to teeth. Chocolate and caramel from their color also lead to darkening of the enamel. Some medications, such as a number of antibiotics, can also cause discoloration of tooth enamel.

Fruits and teeth: positive effects are controversial

In general, proper nutrition is most important factor protection not only of the visible surface of the teeth, but also of their part hidden under the gums: it helps general health oral cavity, normalizes the local microflora and protects against the destructive effects of aggressive substances on the enamel from the outside. And fruits are an integral part proper nutrition.

Hard fruits and vegetables such as apples, cauliflower, asparagus, carrots, celery, etc. act like a natural exfoliant, mechanically removing plaque as we chew. The problem is that our teeth and gums have become accustomed to soft, processed foods and have stopped functioning normally, resulting in plaque and poor circulation. Just a couple of hard vegetables or fruits a day - and your gums are guaranteed good massage, and teeth are cleaned from harmful, unaesthetic plaque. In addition, such vegetables stimulate the secretion of saliva, which constantly washes the oral cavity and reduces the number of germs and bacteria.

Also, many hard fruits promote the production of saliva, which neutralizes acids and protects teeth. And lactic and other fruit acids, found in the vast majority of fruits, kill many pathogenic bacteria and thus prevent periodontal disease. So lemons, oranges, grapefruits and apples are definite friends for our teeth. (But still remember that no fruit can replace toothbrush!)

Particular emphasis should be placed, perhaps, on apples: scientists have found that one apple contains one and a half times more antioxidants than are contained in three oranges or eight bananas. Besides Apple juice neutralizes those oral bacteria that contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel and tooth structure. In addition, many foods rich in calcium, for example, not only cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream, but also all varieties of cabbage and spinach, help keep teeth white and stronger.

However, on the other hand, caries is caused by “acid-loving” bacteria, so you shouldn’t overdo it with these fruits either. Dairy products, as well as seeds or nuts, help neutralize them: they form in the oral cavity alkaline environment, which to some extent neutralizes the acid that causes caries. Cheese has similar properties. Therefore, it is believed that such foods are best eaten last at each meal.

In addition, excessively sour fruits (especially concentrated juices) eaten in large quantities, destroy enamel, especially if you brush your teeth immediately after using them. Acid plus mechanical stress causes a kind of erosion. Therefore, the first prevention is to try to drink all juices (even white wine or water with lemon) through a straw, and also never brush your teeth right away (it is better to wait 10-20 minutes). Also, to neutralize excessive active action acids after eating sour fruits and berries (oranges, pineapples, kiwis, etc.), you can rinse your mouth with alkaline mineral water(you can use regular drinking water, but the effect will not be the same).