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What do you know about organic baby food? Organic products for children: where to find and how to choose? LANDI Organic Baby Food - the best start for your baby

Organic orbioproducts- those that are grown and produced without the use of “chemistry” - industrial fertilizers, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and GMOs.

Why do children need organic products?

According to American studies cited by American doctors, children consume from 8 to 20 different toxic chemicals in their diet every day. The question of long-term impact on children's body has not yet been thoroughly studied. Studies conducted on adults suggest there is some link between pesticides and some types of cancer and neurological disorders.

Any pesticides are harmful to babies, because internal organs The child is still developing. Endocrine and immune system child, metabolism provides a weaker natural defense of the body than in adults. Sometimes exposure to a toxin can lead to irreversible changes in the most important biological processes in a child’s body.

Organic products contain more useful substances and vitamins.

Organic dairy products. Animals live in a clean area, spend a lot of time outdoors, and are not locked in a stuffy stall. They eat clean food without chemicals. They are not pumped with hormones and antibiotics. They are healthy. Accordingly, they provide a pure product - milk - which contains more easily digestible protein and vitamin C. When bottling and packaging, eco-standards are also observed, prohibiting any synthetic additives in the finished product.

Vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts. They are grown in the absence of fertilizers and soil - only clean manure and as a fertilizer. There should be earthworms in the soil, which provide air flow and nutrients to the roots of plants. As a result, we get vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and fiber.

Criteria for organic products

Eco-friendly products or “organic products” are products that:

  • do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), genetically modified products and their derivatives.
  • They do not contain chemically synthesized preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers and thickeners (E-additives).
  • Produced without the use of harmful technologies (ultrasonic treatment, chemical preservation, treatment with phenols and surfactants - superficially active substances, that is, cleaning agents, atomic fission, radiation treatment, gassing).
  • Do not contain raw materials of agricultural origin, grown using pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other agrochemicals, hormones and growth stimulants.
  • Do not contain raw materials of agricultural origin, grown near industrial centers.

Real situation

A product that has passed the necessary tests and received a certificate can be called organic. organic product . Each producing country has its own organic product quality certification marks. In Russia, certificates for bioproducts are issued by St. Petersburg () and. Companies issue certificates from foreign partners; there is no Russian certification for organic products yet. There is also an independent one national system eco-certification « Svyatobor» .

Certification specialists check all stages of production - from raw materials to packaging. That is organic cereal must be made from grain that has grown in soil that has not been treated with chemical fertilizers for at least two to three years.

Therefore, be careful when choosing unfamiliar Russian products with the inscriptions “made only from natural ingredients", "organic product", "bio product". Despite the prohibition on the use of such formulations without appropriate certification, some manufacturers take advantage of this.

How to find organic products?

By marking. If a product does not have an organic certification label, it cannot be called organic. Here are the labels for organic - eco-friendly clean products- who can be trusted.

We asked the author of the blog about active life mothers zatelo.ru Anna Belyaeva and the mother of little Yana, who has just begun feeding. Anna approached the matter with all diligence - more complete information about organic baby food, available in Russia, you will not find anywhere else.

Balanced composition, comfortable temperature, trusted manufacturer, availability at any time of the day - breast milk there are no shortcomings, and parents have unnecessary worries. Questions arise when the pediatrician advises introducing complementary foods.

Leaving aside discussions about pediatric and pedagogical complementary feeding, about kefir and zucchini, the ideal age for “adult” food, let's get acquainted with brands of organic baby food. In the end, supporters of “food from mom’s plate” at least offer children a jar of sweet and aromatic pear puree as a dessert.

Why is organic baby food important?

The independent life of the intestines begins at the moment when the obstetrician cuts the umbilical cord. born person. The intestines are still sterile, but after the first feeding, new settlers appear in it - bacteria. ABOUT good bacteria need to be taken care of. Now imagine that only three organs - the intestines, skin and lungs - are in direct contact with the outside world. And if such “communication” is obvious for the skin, then the connection between the intestines and environment we often forget.

Fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and antibiotics that are used in inorganic agriculture, remain in products even after processing. Unfortunately, our kids are especially sensitive to these substances. As a result - food allergies, frequent colds and other problems. But there are no chemicals in fruits, vegetables and grains grown on organic farms, but only benefits.

This review does not include Russian brands, since local manufacturers are in no hurry to undergo voluntary organic certification. This does not mean that vegetables are fertilized with pesticides or animals are fed antibiotics. But he doesn’t rule it out either. Therefore, we included in our list only those manufacturers whose products have an eco-safety mark - an organic product certificate.

Country of origin: USA.

Organic Certificate: USDA Organic.


  • single-component fruit and vegetable purees
  • two-component and multi-component purees, including those with the addition of cereals and meat
  • milk formulas

Ekaterina Kalaida, marketing manager at LANDI:"Our farms are in California, we harvest all year round. Therefore, our raw materials are only fresh fruits and vegetables, rather than the frozen foods or pastas that most other companies use.”

Price: applesauce, 113 grams, 75 rubles

The mothers with whom we spoke while preparing this material doubted whether LANDI was officially sold in Russia. Representatives of the company assured us that everything is official, and the appearance of such rumors is apparently associated with a change in distributor.

Fleur Alpine

Country of origin: UK, but products are manufactured in different countries.

Organic Certificate: "Eurolist"

Alexander Molchanov, development director at Fleur Alpine:“The Fleur Alpine ORGANIC brand belongs to British company FA Ecoline, which places orders for the production of baby food at the best specialized enterprises in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. We select the best European manufacturers."


  • herbal tea for children and nursing mothers
  • cookie
  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable purees
  • dairy-free porridge

Price: applesauce, 80 grams, from 60 rubles

Moms and dads, pay attention to the composition of individual products. For example, applesauce does not contain starch and sugar, but a jar of mango does contain these ingredients.

Country of origin: Germany.

Organic Certificate: German national sign "BIO Seal"


  • organic fruit, vegetable and meat puree

If having a certificate is of fundamental importance to you, do not forget to “scan” the packaging for signs of environmental safety. In accordance with organic food standards, HUMANA produces only purees. Everything listed below does not have environmental marks:

  • basic and medicinal infant formulas
  • herbal teas for nursing mothers and babies
  • milk and dairy-free porridges
  • drinking water

Price: applesauce, 125 grams, from 79 rubles

Country of origin: Hungary, but products are manufactured in different countries, including Russia.

Organic Certificate:"Eurolist"


In case ofHiPP let's say right away - please read the composition, since not all products of this brand are organic. For example, among dairy-free porridges, the only one, buckwheat, is not made from organic ingredients. And the rulerHiPP is impressive.

  • BIO and Combiotic milk formulas;
  • single-component and multi-component vegetable, fruit and meat purees;
  • porridges and milk porridges-desserts;
  • vegetable soups with added meat;
  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable juices;
  • teas, including BIO fennel tea;
  • cookies, including BIO cookies;
  • drinking water;
  • fruit tea for mothers, as well as bio-organic tea for nursing mothers;

Price: bananas and peaches in applesauce, 125 g from 60 rubles.

We're lucky, LookBio friend Olya Malysheva is the author of the cool blog Salatshop– visited the HiPP organic farm in Poland and the company’s plant in Kaliningrad region. Olya shared her impressions with us:

“On the HiPP organic farm in Poland, where we visited, only a portion of the vegetables are grown, which go into the production of the “organic” line. Therefore, I can only speak about what I saw with my own eyes. On this farm, every piece of land is used wisely, without the use of any pesticides. The company cares about both the soil and the working conditions of farmers. We also visited the HiPP company plant in the Kaliningrad region. There is very strict control at all stages of production. Each jar is scanned to eliminate the possibility of something foreign getting in. There is also a laboratory there that checks the quality of each batch.”


Country of origin: Slovakia

Organic Certificate: "Eurolist"


OrganicStar is a very interesting brand. All products are a few simple items. Purees and juices for the youngest children. Although...to be honest, as a dessert from applesauce Even adults don’t refuse.

  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable purees, as well as purees with the addition of cereals - 5 products in total.
  • single-component and multi-component fruit juices.

Price: applesauce, 100 grams, from 59 rubles

  • Organic farming - source of organic raw materials
  • Why is it important to use organic products in baby food?
  • Sources of raw materials for the production of HiPP baby food
  • Quality control of raw materials and finished products - a guarantee of safety
  • And yet - why HiPP?

if you have Small child If you occasionally feed bottled baby food, then you are familiar with HiPP brand food. While looking at the jar, most likely you did not pay attention to the round HiPP BIO sign placed on the label. What is this sign and why does it deserve special attention?

You've probably already come across the term "organic farming"- a method of farming without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators, in which only organic fertilizers and proper crop rotation are used, as well as biological methods of pest control. For example, with a five-year crop rotation cycle, clover, wheat, oats, buckwheat, vegetables are grown on the field in turn - and then clover again. This reduces the contamination of the soil by weeds, provides it with various nutrients and reduces the degree of natural depletion of the soil. To enrich the soil and increase productivity, manure is used as fertilizer in the fields.

Growing grains and vegetables organically is more labor intensive. Of course, modern mechanical methods of weed control are actively used, but at some stages manual labor is also required.

Since the use of insecticides in organic farming is prohibited, fight insect pests natural methods - creation favorable conditions for beneficial insects and birds. For example, grain harvesting is not carried out in the middle of the day, when bees are most active, because. may die during mechanical harvesting a large number of beneficial insects. And with Colorado potato beetles fight with neem tree oil.

In organic farming, large cattle most of the year it grazes on natural pastures in the open air. This allows the animals to be strong and healthy, as well as to consume a more varied diet. Domestic bird also grown in free-range conditions. During the cold season, animals receive biofeed grown in organic fields- the same clover used in the crop rotation system, as well as various grains and straw.

Why is it important to use organic products in baby food?

In addition to the fact that with organic farming the quality of the soil does not deteriorate, groundwater is not polluted - i.e. the ecological state of the environment does not suffer; products grown organically have a natural taste and are more beneficial for human health.

Infants and younger age especially vulnerable- even residual amounts of pesticides obtained from food negatively affect the baby’s health. That's why the use of organic products in baby food is the key to future health.

Sources of raw materials for the production of HiPP baby food

HiPP has long been working closely with organic farmers, whose farming methods allow us to grow the best raw materials, intelligently adapting to the natural cycle of nature. To produce baby food, HiPP uses only raw materials grown in accordance with European organic legislation, which contains clear requirements for the cultivation and production of environmentally friendly products. The quality of HiPP BIO goes beyond general requirements legislation for bioproducts - for this purpose, additional checks of raw materials and products are carried out for different stages production.

More than 8 thousand organic farmers in different countries produce organic fruits, organic vegetables and organic meat for HiPP. When purchasing raw materials that do not grow locally - for example, bananas - special importance is also attached to high organic quality.

To provide itself with naturally grown bananas, HiPP has created its own direct import system, which includes farms, located in the pristine high altitude jungle of Costa Rica. Plants in such farms do not grow crowded, but at a distance from each other - completely differently than on ordinary plantations. No pesticides or crop protection products are used in the cultivation of these bananas. If a plant is damaged by a fungal or other disease, it is enough to remove the diseased branch to avoid the spread of the disease.

Quality control of raw materials and finished products - a guarantee of safety

Immediately after delivery of raw materials intended for the production of HiPP baby food, the first checks for the presence of harmful substances are carried out, and if there are complaints, the goods are not accepted. Only raw materials that have been tested for the absence of about 1,200 prohibited residual substances are supplied to production. Only ingredients that have passed through multi-level system quality control. And only after this the jar receives the HiPP BIO organic quality mark.

HiPP baby food is produced in several factories located in Europe. In 2009 HiPP plant appeared in Russia - in the Kaliningrad region. Currently it is the only organic baby food production in the Russian Federation with its own vegetable storage, microbiological laboratories and autonomous water supply.

All HiPP products, which came off the assembly line of a Russian plant, manufactured according to uniform company standards, meeting the requirements of European legislation for organic products. A significant part of the raw materials for the production of baby food at the Kaliningrad plant is produced outside of Russia. Only a small part of it is supplied by Russian farmers - potatoes, carrots, parsnips. In the near future, domestic organic beef will begin to be used - bull calves have already been raised, production certification is currently being carried out.

Raw materials and finished products in the Russian Federation they undergo the same stages of quality control as at each HiPP plant. The contents of each jar are controlled more than 260 times - right up to inspection finished product before shipment to the client.

And yet - why HiPP?

The Hipp company dates back to the end of the 19th century, when the hereditary German confectioner Joseph Hipp created children's porridge for his own children - from ground crackers and milk. The porridge became famous among the neighbors and marked the beginning of a family enterprise. In 1956, one of Josef Hipp's sons started industrial production baby food in jars - first in cans, and then in glass. At the same time family farm gradually began to switch to organic farming.

The desire to produce products of the highest quality and constant concern for the preservation of the environment are the main principles of the success of HiPP today. " Highest quality and responsibility for the natural and healthy development of children are at the forefront for us,” comments Klaus Hipp, who heads the company together with his brother and sons. He personally vouches for the products produced by the company.

The material was prepared based on the results of a press tour to the HiPP organic farm located in Poland and a plant in the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation

Comment on the article “HiPP: organic products in baby food”

At the beginning of the last century, the phrase “organic nutrition” would have sounded as strange as “a bird with wings”: what’s the point of emphasizing the obvious - after all, at that time all products were organic.

Nowadays, the picture has changed radically: every year there is less and less fertile soil left on earth and clean water, and the number of “consumers” is only increasing.

In these conditions, it is most difficult for our children: their body can equally suffer from harmful bacteria, and from preservatives used in food production. That is why nutritionists suggest that parents teach their children to eat organic foods from childhood.

The life of vegetables

Today, every second tomato on our table is the fruit of scientific progress. How can you deliver a product fresh and safe from another country without chemicals? How can a small tomato survive in winter?

These questions are answered Genetic Engineering, chemical refining, deodorization and hydrogenation, radiation sterilization (pasteurization) of products, mineralization and vitaminization.

And in order for food to bring us joy, taste enhancers and flavors, sweeteners and preservatives are required. Sounds scary, doesn't it? But alas, this is the reality.

There is an alternative: these are organic products that are grown on “clean” land, without the use of chemical fertilizers.

To control pests, ideally physical barriers are used: noise, light, traps. But in reality, sometimes everything is different: in organic farming, pesticides made from plant materials are often used instead of synthetic ones. They are, of course, not so dangerous, but still.

Organic fruits and vegetables are grown from seeds adapted to local conditions, with fertilizers of plant or animal origin. In such production of products, chemical refining, deodorization, mineralization and radiation are prohibited. As well as the use of genetically modified ingredients.

The “Bio” or “Organic” sign on the label is a kind of “seal” indicating that the product has been subjected to serious biological tests and complies with the system voluntary certification country in which it was produced.

How to form good eating habits for your child
They are laid in the first year once and for the rest of their lives, and what exactly they will be - healthy or not very healthy depends on mommy!

Power circuit

The body of a newborn is like a sterile flask; there is nothing dangerous in it, but there are no substances necessary for any of us for life and normal development.

This is about beneficial bacteria- these eternal companions of man, performing many different functions.

They “work” as a biological barrier on the skin and in the lungs, participate in the development of immunity, promote the production of B vitamins necessary for normal metabolism, and vitamin K, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium, blood clotting and condition nervous system. And they are fighting their pathogenic “brethren” on all fronts.

And now attention: bacteria can enter the intestines only in one way - with food. That is why a nursing mother needs to eat right, and the baby’s first complementary foods should be extremely healthy, and therefore not contain dangerous impurities.

Zucchini from your beloved grandmother’s garden is, of course, very healthy, but it may well turn out to be harmful substances, because he did not undergo any checks.

Everything's under control

Manufacturers of organic matter are strikingly different from “agrochem” in their meticulous control over product quality. For example, at the HiPP baby food production plant in the Kaliningrad region, the contents of each of the 45 million jars produced annually undergo various checks more than 260 times!

Everything is under control: from soil analysis before sowing to complex tests of the taste qualities of the finished product.

In addition, factories where organic products are produced have their own microbiological laboratory, treatment facilities, autonomous water supply and even a special water treatment system.

HiPP is no exception, because all these are conditions for passing certification, which gives the right to produce organic products. Moreover, such enterprises are required to undergo certification annually, which is carried out by the independent organization BCSN Öko-Garantie GmbH (Germany).

A child refuses to eat: culinary tips
"I don't want to eat it!" - a familiar phrase for many parents! Our children, unfortunately, do not like to eat what is healthy. But there is still a solution.

We asked the author of the blog about the active life of a mother, zatelo.ru, Anna Belyaeva, and the mother of little Yana, who had just started complementary feeding, to conduct an audit of organic baby food. Anna approached the matter with all care - you will not find more complete information about organic baby food available in Russia anywhere.

Balanced composition, comfortable temperature, trusted manufacturer, availability at any time of the day - breast milk has no disadvantages, and parents have no unnecessary worries. Questions arise when the pediatrician advises introducing complementary foods.

Leaving aside discussions about pediatric and pedagogical complementary feeding, about kefir and zucchini, the ideal age for “adult” food, let's get acquainted with brands of organic baby food. In the end, supporters of “food from mom’s plate” at least offer children a jar of sweet and aromatic pear puree as a dessert.

Why is organic baby food important?

The independent life of the intestines begins the moment the obstetrician cuts the umbilical cord of a newly born person. The intestines are still sterile, but after the first feeding, new settlers appear in it - bacteria. Good bacteria need to be taken care of. Now imagine that only three organs - the intestines, skin and lungs - are in direct contact with the outside world. And if such “communication” is obvious for the skin, then we often forget about the connection between the intestines and the environment.

Fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and antibiotics that are used in non-organic agriculture remain in products even after processing. Unfortunately, our kids are especially sensitive to these substances. The result is food allergies, frequent colds and other problems. But there are no chemicals in fruits, vegetables and grains grown on organic farms, but only benefits.

This review does not include Russian brands, since local manufacturers are in no hurry to undergo voluntary registration. This does not mean that vegetables are fertilized with pesticides or animals are fed antibiotics. But it doesn't rule it out either. Therefore, we included in our list only those manufacturers whose products have an eco-safety mark - a certificate.

Country of origin: USA.

Organic Certificate: USDA Organic.


  • one-component fruit and vegetable purees
  • two-component and multi-component purees, including those with the addition of cereals and meat
  • milk formulas

Ekaterina Kalaida, marketing manager at LANDI: “Our farms are located in California and we harvest year-round. Therefore, our raw materials are only fresh fruits and vegetables, and not frozen products or pasta, which most other companies use.”

Price: applesauce, 113 grams, 75 rubles

The mothers with whom we spoke while preparing this material doubted whether LANDI was officially sold in Russia. Representatives of the company assured us that everything is official, and the appearance of such rumors is apparently associated with a change in distributor.

Fleur Alpine

Country of origin: UK, but products are manufactured in different countries.

Organic Certificate: "Eurolist"

Alexander Molchanov, development director at Fleur Alpine: “The Fleur Alpine ORGANIC brand belongs to the British company FA Ecoline, which places orders for the production of baby food at the best specialized enterprises in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. We select the best European manufacturers."


  • herbal tea for children and nursing mothers
  • cookie
  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable purees
  • dairy-free porridge

Price: applesauce, 80 grams, from 60 rubles

Moms and dads, pay attention to the composition of individual products. For example, applesauce does not contain starch and sugar, but a jar of mango does contain these ingredients.

Country of origin: Germany.

Organic Certificate: German national sign "BIO Seal"


  • organic fruit, vegetable and meat puree

If having a certificate is of fundamental importance to you, do not forget to “scan” the packaging for signs of environmental safety. In accordance with organic food standards, HUMANA produces only purees. Everything listed below does not have environmental marks:

  • basic and medicinal infant formulas
  • herbal teas for nursing mothers and babies
  • milk and dairy-free porridges
  • drinking water

Price: applesauce, 125 grams, from 79 rubles

Country of origin: Hungary, but products are manufactured in different countries, including Russia.

Organic Certificate:"Eurolist"


In case ofHiPP let's say right away - please read the composition, since not all products of this brand are organic. For example, among dairy-free porridges, the only one, buckwheat, is not made from organic ingredients. And the rulerHiPP is impressive.

  • BIO and Combiotic milk formulas;
  • single-component and multi-component vegetable, fruit and meat purees;
  • porridges and milk porridges-desserts;
  • vegetable soups with added meat;
  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable juices;
  • teas, including BIO fennel tea;
  • cookies, including BIO cookies;
  • drinking water;
  • fruit tea for mothers, as well as bio-organic tea for nursing mothers;

Price: bananas and peaches in applesauce, 125 g from 60 rubles.

We're lucky, LookBio friend Olya Malysheva is the author of the cool blog Salatshop– visited the HiPP organic farm in Poland and the company’s plant in the Kaliningrad region. Olya shared her impressions with us:

“On the HiPP organic farm in Poland, where we visited, only a portion of the vegetables are grown, which go into the production of the “organic” line. Therefore, I can only speak about what I saw with my own eyes. On this farm, every piece of land is used wisely, without the use of any pesticides. The company cares about both the soil and the working conditions of farmers. We also visited the HiPP company plant in the Kaliningrad region. There is very strict control at all stages of production. Each jar is scanned to eliminate the possibility of something foreign getting in. There is also a laboratory there that checks the quality of each batch.”


Country of origin: Slovakia

Organic Certificate: "Eurolist"


OrganicStar is a very interesting brand. All products are a few simple items. Purees and juices for the youngest children. Although... let’s be honest, even adults don’t refuse applesauce as a dessert.

  • single-component and multi-component fruit and vegetable purees, as well as purees with the addition of cereals - 5 products in total.
  • single-component and multi-component fruit juices.

Price: applesauce, 100 grams, from 59 rubles

What is organic nutrition? What about organic baby food???

Food products can be conditionally divided into three groups: firstly, food containing emulsifiers and flavoring additives, secondly, products containing GMOs, and organic products (other options: eco or bio) - completely purified, with high content of vitamins and nutrients, without any artificial, chemical or GMO additives.

A bio-cucumber grows in healthy manure and is not improved by pesticide-containing fertilizers; an eco-chicken, which produces eco-eggs and eco-chicken, grazes on a green meadow, not knowing what compound feed or a cramped chicken coop is. Such products are usually equipped with a symbol organic, bio or eco.

The labels mean the same thing depending on the country. Single labeling for everyone BIO food not yet, but today a unified form of labeling is being developed by the European Commission.

So far there is only unification of standard marking ORGANIC within the European Union.

For example, in Germany the icon for organic products is a hexagon with the designation “BIO” (from the German Biologische Agrikultur) inside.

In the USA, organic products are labeled " USDA ORGANIC"(United States Department of Agriculture).

In France it is a green square with with Latin letters"AB" ( Agriculture Biologique(Biological agriculture).

In Sweden, quality control of bio-products is carried out by the organization KRAV. Its standard is more stringent than the requirements provided for by European legislation. The license is issued directly by the Swedish Society for the Control of Agricultural Products.

ABG is represented in Austria and is the leading regulatory body for organic food production in Austria and neighboring countries.

Some organic products bear the EU symbol (the EU constellation icon topped with ears of corn).

The product packaging may simply say “ ORGANIC", without any certification badges at all.

However, despite the variety of labels, there will be one single rule for all organic products - such icons are placed only on those products that contain at least 95% organic ingredients!

Independent certifying bodies strictly control all production processes, from the grain planted in the soil to the control of organic goods displayed on the store shelf.

Everything new is well forgotten old. The same can be said about organic nutrition. There is nothing supernatural or new in it. No super technologies are used in its preparation. Bio nutrition is based on products that are grown naturally in environmentally friendly soil without the use of any pesticides, growth stimulants, or fertilizers. To ensure such conditions, fields for growing bio products are located far from roads and industrial zones. And in order to open such a production, you need to obtain a special certificate that will confirm that the soil is environmentally friendly.

As for the control of pests and diseases, everything is also simple here - insects are repelled by ultrasound and noise, special birds are housed nearby, and crop rotation systems are also used. In general, such enterprises employ real professionals in their field.

As for exotic crops, they are brought directly from the countries where they grow, and not from industrial places, but directly from natural plantations. The quality of the product is checked for compliance.

Organic milk and meat

It may be possible to grow vegetables and fruits in natural conditions, but how to get the exact same meat and milk? Also quite achievable goals. Cows graze most of the year in open meadows, eat ecologically clean grass if they get sick, treat them herbal preparations. Small calves are fed only mother's milk. Thus, the result is a wonderful, pure natural product.

How does food production take place?

We’ve sorted out the raw materials, but what about the production process itself, and how do you avoid preservatives? Most checks (and there are more than 200 of them) are carried out manually, and preservation is carried out using natural preservatives - citric acid, pectin, apple cider vinegar etc.

That's the whole secret of organic baby food - everything ingenious is simple. Of course, such products are much more expensive than regular ones, but when it comes to baby food, it’s better not to skimp.