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When should you take pregnancy pills? Non-hormonal emergency contraceptives. Types of contraceptives

Most representatives of the fair sex do not rely on “maybe”, but take all available measures to prevent the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy. And yet no one is immune from the circumstances in which unprotected sex can happen. What actions should be taken in this situation? What contraceptives can be used after unprotected intercourse? This article is devoted to these issues.

Today it is hardly possible to meet a family in which the birth of a child was not planned in order to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. After all, the consequence is a barbaric method of artificially interrupting it. For this purpose, a lot of contraceptive methods have been developed and continue to be developed.

If you follow the instructions for their use and listen to the advice of doctors, you can avoid pregnancy in almost one hundred percent of cases. But no one is immune from force majeure circumstances. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes it is not possible to avoid unprotected sex.

It is precisely for such unforeseen cases that they exist. emergency types contraception - contraceptives, the use of which is intended after unprotected sexual intercourse. There are three ways to avoid pregnancy in this situation:

  • accept hormonal pills,
  • insert an intrauterine device,
  • apply douching.

There is also a fourth way - immediately after unprotected intercourse, insert contraceptive suppositories into the vagina. However, this is more of a fantasy, since in order to get the expected effect, this must be done within a maximum of one hundred seconds after the sperm enters the cervix. The same can be said about the effectiveness (or rather the lack thereof) of douching.

The expected result can be obtained if, after sexual intercourse, it is used as contraception intrauterine devices. But here two questions arise:

  • is it possible to do this in as soon as possible,
  • whether the lady intends to use this contraceptive in the future on an ongoing basis.

Whatever one may say, but the best remedy To prevent pregnancy immediately after unprotected intercourse, gestagenic and antigestagenic hormonal contraceptive pills are used.

Non-hormonal birth control pills are used before, not after, sexual intercourse.

Is it possible to take birth control pills after intercourse?

To the question whether it is possible to take hormonal contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse, you can give a clear answer: not only is it possible, but it is also necessary if you want to prevent pregnancy. They are not dangerous even for ladies who have health problems. But some side effects may still occur. This:

  • weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • pain in the lower abdomen,
  • irregular bleeding
  • increased breast sensitivity,
  • nausea.
FECs are intended for one-time use. Their frequent use leads to very disastrous consequences.

Any specialist, when asked by a patient whether it is possible to take hormonal contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse, will answer: it is possible, but wisely and only in extreme cases. in case of emergency. The studies conducted have not confirmed the possibility of them causing harm to the fetus if pregnancy does occur. Stop taking birth control pills after unprotected sex emergency contraception They can't either.

When should you take birth control pills after intercourse?

Depending on what kind of post-coital contraceptive pills we are talking about, they are used various schemes, which describe when and how much to drink after an unprotected act. But there is one thing that unites them all: you need to take the pills as soon as possible after sex. Only then can we hope that they will have the desired effect. The dosage regimen for the most popular drugs is as follows:

  1. Postinor is taken as follows: the first tablet - within 72 hours after sex, the second - twelve hours after the first.
  2. Eskinor F and Escapelle - one dose within seventy-two hours.
  3. Medicines containing mifepristone (Zhenale, Ginepristone, Mifolian, etc.) are taken once in one dose for a maximum of three days after sex. In this case, you should refrain from eating for two hours before and after consuming it.
  4. COC tablets with gestagen and estrogen are taken according to the so-called Yuzpe method: the first 72 hours - 2 or 4 tablets (depending on the amount of hormones they contain); after 12 hours - two or four more tablets.

Many modern women are taking birth control pills. To avoid getting pregnant and harming your health, you need to know which pills to take and how to take them.

Birth control pills consist of synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are produced naturally every woman has a small amount. Their production increases during pregnancy to suppress ovulation.

The estrogen and progesterone contained in birth control pills, when entering a woman’s body, inhibit the production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. As a result of the action of the pills, ovulation does not occur. Some types of birth control change the lining of the uterus, making it more viscous, which reduces the likelihood of egg implantation.

Birth control pills are divided into 2 types according to the type of hormone they contain:

  • Combined;
  • Progestin or mili-drinks.

Combined birth control pills contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone, while progestin pills contain only one hormone—progesterone.

How to take combined oral contraceptives

Combination pills begin on day 1 of the cycle and continue for 21 days. Then you need to take a break from use - 7 days. Pack of 21 active tablet and a schedule by day of the week so as not to miss an appointment. In some types of tablets there are 28 tablets in a package, 7 of which are inactive, which are taken when there should be a break, so as not to get confused.

How to take mili-pili (progestin pills) correctly

Progestin tablets come in packs of 28, all of which are active. They must be taken daily, 1 tablet, without breaks. There should be no more than 24 hours between tablets., so it’s better to take them at the same time.

In the first 2 weeks of starting treatment, you must use other methods of contraception. Mini-pills contain only the hormone progesterone and have a cumulative effect, so they are not yet effective during the first 14 days of use.

How to take non-hormonal birth control

Non-hormonal birth control comes in the form of vaginal pills, which are inserted directly into the vagina a few minutes before sexual intercourse. They contain substances that destroy sperm when they enter the vagina, and fertilization of the egg does not occur.

Unlike hormonal contraceptives, these pills are not dangerous to women's health, they can be used during pregnancy and lactation. A few minutes before sexual intercourse, you need to insert the tablet into the vagina and wait a while for it to melt. After administering the tablet, you should refrain from showering and washing with soap.

Non-hormonal birth control does not need to be taken on a schedule, but is not suitable for daily use. It is also worth considering that it is possible allergic reaction on the components of the drug, therefore at unpleasant sensations You should take a shower and no longer use these tablets.

How to take birth control pills for the first time

Gynecologists advise how to take birth control pills to avoid getting pregnant for the first time. You need to take the pill for the first time on day 1 of the menstrual cycle., then the effect will begin from the day of application. If you started taking contraceptives from the 2nd to 7th day of the cycle, then you need to take additional protection in the first week, since the effectiveness of the pills will be low during this period.

If you start taking contraceptives after the 7th day of the menstrual cycle, their effect will begin only after a month. During this month we need additional funds contraception to avoid getting pregnant.

How to take if you missed a dose

If you miss taking a combined contraceptive pill within 1-2 weeks of taking it, you should take it as soon as possible, while using other contraceptives for several days. When you miss a pill in the 3rd week, you also need to take it right away, skip the break for 7 days, that is, continue to take the pack until the end.

If, when you initially take birth control, you miss 1 day of your cycle, this is allowed, but you need to take additional protection in the first days of taking the pills.

Progestin-only contraceptive pills are taken strictly at the same time; a delay of no more than 3 hours is allowed. If you miss taking a pill, you need to drink it immediately and take the pill as scheduled, that is, you will have to take 2 tablets on 1 day. To avoid pregnancy, it is recommended to use other contraceptives for the next 2 days.

When more than 2 mini-pills are missed, their effectiveness decreases, so during sexual intercourse it is recommended to use other methods of protection until menstruation.

How to take birth control pills after intercourse for 24 hours

To avoid getting pregnant after sexual intercourse, you need to know how to take birth control pills. Medicines taken immediately after sex contain a lot of hormones. Under their influence, the uterus contracts strongly and miscarriage occurs.

You must take birth control within 3 days after sex. When taking pills in the first hours after intimacy, the likelihood of getting pregnant is very low. When contraceptives are taken on days 2-3, pregnancy is more likely to occur.

Features of reception after childbirth, if there is no menstruation

To prevent pregnancy from occurring in the first months after birth, it is also necessary to take proper precautions. You can start taking the pills no earlier than 4-6 weeks after birth, regardless of the presence of menstruation.

When breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use complex contraceptive pills, they affect milk production. You can start taking the mini-pill as early as 4 weeks. In the absence of lactation, it is possible to take pills from the 6th week after birth, even if menstruation has not resumed. In this case, preference should be given to complex oral contraceptives.

Oral contraceptives during breastfeeding

During lactation, a woman’s body produces the hormone prolactin, which suppresses the occurrence of ovulation, and, therefore, pregnancy does not occur. But it is worth remembering that this happens if breastfeeding is regular, at the child’s first request. When the intervals between feedings increase, less prolactin is produced and ovulation can begin at any time.

At this time, it is worth choosing contraceptives. During lactation, it is recommended to opt for progestin-based oral contraceptives. Mini-pills do not affect milk production and do not have negative action on the body of mother and child. After finishing breastfeeding you can switch to complex oral contraceptives.

How to take birth control for nulliparous women

To avoid getting pregnant and causing harm to your health, nulliparous women or young girls need to know how to take birth control pills correctly.

To avoid getting pregnant, it is important to read the instructions on how to take birth control pills, follow the dosage and time of administration.

For nulliparous girls complex oral contraceptives may be prescribed, in which there is no a large number of estrogen hormone. Or the choice can be made in favor of monocomponent mini-pill tablets containing only progesterone. Contraceptive pills are taken general instructions, there are no special features in application.

Birth control pills after abortion

Abortion is an operation, after which, as after any surgical intervention rehabilitation is needed. A woman should not become pregnant for some time after an abortion. Therefore, the use of contraception is necessary. Hormonal oral contraceptives can be started on the day of the abortion.

The pills will not only protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy, but will also help you set up hormonal background, including restoring the menstrual cycle and preventing inflammatory diseases in the reproductive system.

What is the likelihood of getting pregnant after taking birth control pills?

If you strictly follow the schedule for using contraceptives, then pregnancy most likely will not occur. When taking pills for some reason is irregular, 1 or more pills are missed, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases significantly. After stopping taking the pills, pregnancy can occur as early as the first menstrual cycle.

But you should remember that you need to finish the package you started and only then stop taking birth control pills. Doctors recommend waiting some time before planning to conceive so that a regular menstrual cycle can be established. If you have been taking oral contraceptives for a long time, a year or more, then pregnancy will not occur immediately.

Under the influence of hormones reproductive function was suppressed and it takes some time to recover. When taking birth control pills, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases with vomiting and diarrhea., especially if little time has passed since taking it. The tablet may not be fully absorbed and may not work. It is recommended to take another tablet during this period.

What foods reduce the effectiveness of birth control?

In order to avoid getting pregnant, you need to know how and in combination with what products to take birth control pills for their better absorption. When taking oral contraceptives, do not overuse fatty foods , since it is fats that to some extent inhibit the absorption of hormonal pills and reduce their effectiveness.

Also, you should not use decoctions and tinctures of some herbs, especially St. John's wort, boron uterus, and ginseng. They can also reduce the effect of using contraceptives. But foods rich in fiber, such as nuts, fruits, mushrooms, dried fruits, on the contrary, will help hormones be absorbed faster.

What medications reduce the effectiveness of birth control?

Efficiency birth control pills decreases when taking antibacterial drugs. There is no need to stop using oral contraceptives during treatment, but it is necessary to use additional contraception during and for 7-10 days after taking antibiotics.

Paracetamol and drugs containing it can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. Most often it is contained in medications for ARVI, flu and colds, so you need to carefully study the composition of the medications you take. Antidepressants and sorbents can affect the absorption of hormones. After taking it, you should wait a while and then take the contraceptive.

Bleeding when taken

How dangerous bleeding is when taking contraceptives is determined by the period when it began and its nature. Birth control pills contain hormones in different ratios, so it is necessary to choose the type that is more favorable for the body.

If on initial stages taking the pills caused spotting bloody issues- This is the period of adaptation of the body to the drug. If the discharge does not decrease, but becomes more abundant, this type hormonal contraceptives are not suitable. But you can’t just stop taking them; on the contrary, you should double the dose to 2 tablets per day until the bleeding stops.

Abrupt abandonment of contraceptives can also provoke uterine bleeding, therefore you should finish the packaging and only then stop taking it.

Missing several birth control pills can trigger the onset of bleeding; you should take the missed pills during this period and continue to take them as scheduled.


Birth control pills have the following contraindications:

  • vein diseases associated with thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure and other kidney diseases;
  • pancreatitis, especially in the acute phase;
  • liver diseases;
  • presence of tumors;
  • migraine;
  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Levonorgestrel contains a synthetic progestogen, which is present in emergency contraceptives. It is quickly absorbed by the body and begins to act within 1-3 hours after taking it.

It has positive reviews about effectiveness, but often appear side effects as:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

Drugs containing levonorgestrel cost from 350 to 550 rubles.

Mifepristone tablets

Mifepristone tablets are used for medication interruption pregnancy. You must be under medical supervision for 2 hours after administration. The active substance mifepristone provokes miscarriage; it must be used no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.

According to reviews, the effectiveness of drugs with mifepristone is very high, side effects are not often observed. The price of tablets containing mifepristone varies from 1200 to 1500 rubles.


"Postinor" are contraceptive pills that are taken for emergency termination of conception. To avoid getting pregnant, you should take Postinor no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, since the longer the period of time, the lower the effect. The preparation contains active substance levonorgestrel, which inhibits ovulation and changes the uterine lining.

Has mostly positive reviews high efficiency, but also noted Negative influence on the body, the drug provokes inflammatory processes V genitourinary system. The price of “Postinor” is 300-400 rubles.


The active ingredient in the drug "Escapelle" is levonorgestrel. The contraceptive is used as a means of emergency contraception, no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse. How longer gap time after unprotected sex, the lower the effectiveness.

Sometimes they appear in our lives unpleasant questions: what to do if you had unprotected sexual intercourse and accidentally tore condom, rape occurred, contact while intoxicated, unprotected contact with an unfamiliar partner or, excuse me, with a prostitute?

These cases require immediate adoption of appropriate preventive measures. venereal diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

Immediate measures for unprotected sex

After sexual intercourse, you need to wash your genitals thoroughly with soap as quickly as possible and go to the toilet to urinate. Next, be sure to treat the genitals antiseptic drug, such as miramistin or betadine. I draw your attention, friends, that these drugs are effective only if they are administered no later than 2 hours after the “happening”. Using a urological applicator, enter the contents of the bottle into urethra for 2-3 minutes: for men (2-3 ml), women (1-2 ml) and in the vagina (5-10 ml). Treat leather internal surfaces thighs, pubis, genitals. After the procedure, it is recommended not to urinate for 2 hours.

You need to go through as soon as possible drug prevention. Despite the fact that the effectiveness of drug prevention is almost one hundred percent, it will not protect against diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, etc. Therefore, after two weeks it is worth getting diagnosed for urethral infections - take a control test using the PCR method, and after a month and a half donate blood for antibodies to HIV, hepatitis and Treponema pallidum. During this time, avoid sexual relations with a regular sexual partner until you undergo an appropriate examination.

Screening for sexually transmitted diseases

When more than a few days have passed since contact, there is no point in carrying out drug prophylaxis. You will have to be examined by a venereologist. However, in order to be tested for STDs, you will have to wait 3-4 weeks.

Most sexually transmitted diseases (except gonorrhea) survive incubation period equal to approximately 3-4 weeks. Therefore, immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, it makes no sense to run to the laboratory. By the way, it is during the first 3-4 weeks of infection that symptoms of STDs do not appear.

Drug prevention after unprotected sexual intercourse

Drug prevention of unprotected sexual intercourse is rational for several days after sexual intercourse. In fact, this preventive treatment, preventing the development of many classic and new sexually transmitted diseases. Prevention of casual relationships is identical to the treatment regimen acute infection without complications.

Drug prophylaxis is prescribed only by a venereologist. An antibiotic will prevent the infection from developing into a disease.

A medicinal method of prevention is recommended especially if, a maximum of two days after unprotected sexual intercourse, it turns out that your partner is sick with one of these diseases: gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.

When can you resume sexual relations with your partner after drug prophylaxis?

Unprotected sexual intercourse is allowed approximately 5-6 days after preventive measures. Until this moment, it is MANDATORY to use a condom in contacts with a regular sexual partner. Drug prevention is carried out to avoid problems, including problems in relationships.

For which infections is drug prophylaxis effective?

Drug prophylaxis effectively prevents the development of diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis and trichomoniasis. However, it is worth remembering that in the world There are no medications to prevent infection with genital herpes, HIV or HPV(human papillomavirus) and some other diseases.

Is STD prevention with medication dangerous to your health?

Almost all drugs are used once, and intestinal dysbacteriosis does not have time to develop. To Negative consequences antibiotics have become apparent, a long course of antibiotics is required - a week or more.

The only danger of taking medications for prevention is allergies to medications. If you know medications, to which your body reacts with an allergy, be sure to inform your doctor about it.

How often can you use medication to prevent sexually transmitted diseases?

Since this is an extreme method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases, it cannot be carried out frequently, much less be an alternative to a condom.

What to do if a condom suddenly breaks or you have sex without contraception?

You need to use postcoital (emergency) contraception

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to take drugs such as Postinor or Escapelle! They disrupt hormonal levels and have a lot of side effects.

Taking Escapel (or Postinor) ALWAYS causes hormonal disturbances.
If you also use these drugs repeatedly, the risk of ovarian dysfunction increases, which reduces the possibility of pregnancy in the future.
DO NOT take these medications if you have an irregular cycle!

They are also CONTRAINDICATED for adolescents, as they disrupt the formation of the hormonal system.

If menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days or it differs from usual, you should consult a doctor and rule out pregnancy.

AS AN EMERGENCY POSTCOITAL CONTRACEPTION, you can use 3 tablets of a hormonal contraceptive, such as Rigevidon, Marvelon, Yarina, Zhanin (any, with a dose of estradiol in one tablet of 0.3 - 0.00), within 3 days (the sooner the better). 35 mg). And after 12 hours, take 3 more tablets.

This method can be used ONLY in emergency cases, no more than once a year!!!


No matter how we feel about casual relationships, they can happen to anyone. Those who put sex at the forefront may have a positive attitude towards casual relationships. First of all, there must be love. This is not only moral, but also good for health.

Be faithful. First of all, to yourself.

Dear friend!

With the current variety of contraceptives, from condoms and pills to intrauterine devices, the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.

However, it happens dangerous situations: a damaged condom, sexual intercourse not interrupted on time in the absence of any contraceptives... In such a case, there is also a method of protection - emergency contraception: birth control pills in the first 24 hours after the act can solve the problem.

What is emergency contraception

Any method used to prevent the possibility of pregnancy a few days after unprotected intercourse.

Usually it means the oral use of certain drugs, but the list of methods and techniques emergency contraception also includes, for example, the immediate introduction of a spiral (within one hundred and twenty hours after the act took place).

Usually, emergency contraception means a kind of miracle pill that will instantly eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. However, even in this area there are subtleties.

The most important thing: if you take birth control pills within 24 hours, their effectiveness will be the highest and will be up to 95%... but even in this case, sadly, the guarantee is not 100%.

The “magic pill” does not exist in just one form. The drugs are divided into two types, are based on different active ingredients and act according to different principles, albeit with the same result - stopping possible development pregnancy.

Types of birth control pills in the first 24 hours, their names:

  • Tablets containing the substance levonorgestrel. These are: "" and "Postinor";
  • Products based on another component, mifepristone - Zhenale, Agesta, Miropriston.

Both types of drugs affect the body in different ways.

The principle of action of drugs. The effect of both types of tablets has much in common - the development of ovulation is inhibited. Below are some differences.

Drugs whose active ingredient is levonorgestrel change the composition of the mucus in the cervical canal, making it difficult for sperm to pass through the canal. At the same time, two processes are launched that prevent the fertilized egg from entering the uterus: the fallopian tubes are affected, the number of their contractions is reduced, and therefore the delivery of the egg occurs more slowly, and at the same time the composition of the endometrium of the uterus changes.

Mifepristone-based drugs also change the properties of the endometrium, preventing it from transforming into the required state, and increase uterine contractions in order to remove an egg that has not yet implanted.

Are they suitable? vaginal tablets in SOS cases? Most existing vaginal contraceptives are not designed for emergency use after the act, since they have a completely different operating principle. Unfortunately, their effectiveness is unlikely to be greater than zero, which, however, is expected.

Review of emergency contraceptives

As is clear from the previous part of the article, emergency contraception is divided into types represented by several various drugs with its own shortcomings and advantages. We should stop and look at some of them in more detail.

  1. Postinor. The product belongs to those containing levonorgestrel. Considered one of the best of its kind. Volume active substance in one tablet is 0.75 mg, which is much higher than in tablets for “standard” contraception.

If you take the drug exactly according to the instructions, its effectiveness is at least 95%. However, the more time has passed since sexual intercourse, the less effective it will be and the higher the likelihood of still getting pregnant. At the end of the third day (i.e. after) its effectiveness is slightly more than fifty percent.

If you take these contraceptive pills within 24 hours after intercourse, and do not procrastinate, hoping for the best, then the effect is almost guaranteed.

Contraindications for Postinor are typical for conventional contraceptives. It is highly not recommended for cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis, any problems with blood clotting. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. From possible complications Bleeding from the uterus, abdominal pain, cycle disruptions, and migraines are noted.

  1. Escapelle. Belonging to the same group as the drug discussed above, this remedy contains twice as much active component; Thus, it is enough to take just one tablet. The side effects and contraindications of these two drugs are almost completely the same, with the exception that Escapelle is contraindicated in Crohn's disease and jaundice.

  1. Mifepristone. Now we move on to consider another type of contraception - mifepristone-based pills. This product is unique in that it is suitable for use with the purpose medical abortion. Thus, even if you do not take it within the standard three days after unprotected sex, you can use the drug to terminate an ongoing pregnancy, but not later than six weeks. As such, it is used only under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. The drug contains 200 mg of the active ingredient of the same name. Due to the presence of many side effects it can be used, even in the traditional way, only under the supervision of a physician.
  2. Agesta. Is complete analogue previous drug.
  3. Gynepristone. It differs from the two above-mentioned drugs only in the concentration of the active component, which does not allow for medical pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated in hepatic and renal failure, otherwise the contraindications are the same as all the drugs described above. Side effects may include allergies and cycle disorders.

The Yuzpe method involves the use of typical combined contraceptive drugs as emergency drugs and consists of taking them in an increased dosage. The effectiveness of the method is clearly lower than that of full-fledged emergency contraceptives, but with the correct dosage calculation, this method is quite workable.

Method of using tablets

The principle of using all drugs is the same - the faster, the better. The pill against unwanted pregnancy is taken within 24 hours after contact and in this case the result is almost guaranteed. The instructions indicate that the tablets are effective for three days after the act, but it also states that the later the drug was taken, the lower the likelihood of the result.

Benefits and Side Effects

Emergency contraception also has its advantages over planned contraception. For example, if we compare them with conventional combined hormonal drugs, in case of irregular sex life it is preferable to use a harmful pill once than to take slightly less harmful ones constantly - after all, both have an effect on hormonal levels.

The method of installing an intrauterine device has a serious drawback - the device is installed for a long time.

However, the side effects make you seriously think about whether it is worth using them at all or whether it would be better to take care reliable contraception in advance. These drugs have a serious effect on hormonal levels, disrupt the menstrual cycle, many of them have a negative effect on cardiovascular system, increase the likelihood of thrombosis (much stronger than combined “scheduled” drugs).

If the second type of funds is used incorrectly, there is a danger of developing severe consequences, up to the inability to get pregnant in the future.

Complications when taking such drugs are inevitable. Among the most common:

  • From the sides digestive system- nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • Uterine bleeding.

Due to the strong effect on hormonal levels, all medications should be taken only as directed by a doctor.


The list of contraindications to the use of these drugs is quite extensive. Among them:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • thrombosis,
  • anemia,
  • any abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys or liver,
  • unstable cycle
  • individual intolerance.

For any serious illnesses chronic course these means are also prohibited.

During pregnancy and lactation, taking any hormonal medications, with rare exceptions prescribed by a doctor, is highly discouraged. This group of drugs is prohibited for use at all.

Where can I buy?

Most of the products on the list are sold in almost any pharmacy. However, no one will sell them without presenting a prescription - all drugs containing hormones are dispensed only as prescribed by a doctor.

Drug prices are not particularly high. Products containing levonorgestrel are usually sold for 300-350 rubles per package containing two or one (depending on the amount of the active component) tablets. However, in the case of tablets of another group containing mifepristone, the situation is different: due to the danger of their use, all such drugs, with the exception of gynepristone, sold for 350-400 rubles. per package, have a cost of 5000 and above.

Gynecologists have ambivalent views on these drugs. Considering reviews of many side effects with the development of complications that can affect life in the future, doctors would rather not recommend this method. However, they do not unequivocally suggest abandoning it either - there are situations when this option is preferable.


Of course, it would be better to avoid using these drugs. With so many existing methods To prevent pregnancy, it is better to choose something less hazardous to health, and to be on the safe side, you can combine several methods.

However, sadly, the use of pills in the first 24 hours of pregnancy may be the only adequate solution to some situations. For the future, it’s worth remembering what to use traditional methods contraception, even routine hormonal pills, is much less harmful to health.

A practicing journalist, he tests recipes on himself.
Knows everything about men and traditional medicine.

Very often, during sexual intercourse, partners forget about contraception. After its completion, many women think about preventing pregnancy if it is unwanted. To solve this issue, there are contraceptives after sex.

Emergency postcoital contraception

One of the most quick ways contraception after sex is douching. This method includes washing with a spermicidal solution and warm water. The solution is prepared at home using acetic acid And lemon juice, which are diluted in low concentrations in warm water. At the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made douche solution, the effectiveness of which is much higher than the solution prepared by yourself. Douching can be done using a special rubber bulb (syringe). Since sperm penetrate into the fallopian tubes in about 90 seconds, this method should be applied immediately. Therefore, it is effective to use such a contraceptive immediately after sex, or within 5 minutes.

The procedure itself is hormonal and does not cause harm. female body, but girls who use douching should remember that a high concentration of solution ingredients can disrupt the internal microflora of the vagina and severely damage the mucous membrane. This may cause discomfort in the genital area female organs. Douching is harmless, but not so effective remedy emergency obstacle to pregnancy. What contraceptives still exist after sex?

If 5 days have not passed since the last unprotected sexual intercourse, it is used as contraception. intrauterine device. It is used mainly by women who have already given birth, or who have had abortions in the past. The uterine device can be inserted experienced doctor gynecologist. It is T-shaped and made of copper. It is placed for a fairly long period (up to 7 years). A woman must understand that during this period she will not have the opportunity to have children.

A vaginal smear is first taken for analysis. This remedy is considered in the most effective way emergency contraception. Despite this, it is not used often, due to the complexity of installation when individual approach for every occasion. The installation of the IUD is contraindicated for women with a history of inflammatory diseases.

What emergency contraceptive pills can be used after sex?

The female body is built in such a way that its entire reproductive function is completely subordinated to hormones. Modern medicine, as a result of numerous studies, learned to manage them. It is on this principle that emergency contraception is based.

Hormonal contraceptive pills after sex include progestogen and antigestagen drugs. Reception hormonal drugs changes the natural, functional cycles of a woman’s ovaries. This means that it is impossible to get pregnant (as a result of the follicle not maturing, ovulation does not occur). Birth control pills after sex affect various functions reproductive system: thicken the mucus in the cervical canal, which prevents the male seed from entering it, blocking the entrance to the fallopian tubes.

Progesterone is the main hormone included in postcoital contraceptive drugs (methods that facilitate termination of pregnancy at early stages by taking potent hormonal drugs and drugs). The effectiveness of the tablets reaches 98% guarantee of protection.

If up to 96 hours pass after intercourse, the following emergency hormonal postcoital contraceptives are used:

  1. Postinor. The most common progestin drug that has been used by women for a long time. It is effective in the first 48 hours (take 1 tablet immediately after sexual intercourse, 12 hours later, take another tablet). After taking it, you may experience sharp pains in the abdominal area, the functioning of the ovaries and menstrual cycles. Its composition contains a large number of hormones that affect all organs. These tablets are prohibited for use by women with unstable hormonal balance and underage girls.
  2. Escapelle. Refers to modern gestagenic postcoital contraceptives, but it is safer than Prostinor. Used during the first 96 hours after sex (one tablet is taken). Therefore, the sooner you take it, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy contraception.
  3. Zhenale (Ginepreston, Agest). Antigestagenic drug. The most common and effective modern remedy contraception, which women take after sex and for 72 hours (1 tablet).
  4. Mifepristone (Mifegin). The use of these tablets is effective for from one day to 8 weeks. Refers to potent abortifacients. This remedy is prescribed only by gynecologists who have permission to use it. It is not available for free sale.

After taking contraception after sex, a number of side effects may occur - constant dizziness, increased arterial pressure, nausea, acute vomiting reflex, fainting is possible.

Contraindications to the use of emergency hormonal postcoital contraceptive pills - severe form diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation, breast cancer, history of thrombosis, heavy smoking.

It should be remembered that emergency postcoital contraceptives are effective only in the first three days after sexual intercourse. They are used strictly in emergency cases. If the fertilization process has already passed, taking such drugs is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to take them as a frequent preventative method. Emergency postcoital contraceptive drugs can be used no more than once every 6 months, since this is a powerful hormonal blow to the female body. If it is used incorrectly (more than once/six months), irreparable processes may occur, the consequences of which will be difficult to correct or control.