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"Loperamide" and its full analogues: effectiveness and risks in the treatment of diarrhea. What does Loperamide help with and how to take the drug correctly

Formula: C29H33ClN2O2, chemical name: 4-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4-hydroxy-N,N-dimethyl-alpha,alpha-diphenyl-1-piperidine butanamide (as hydrochloride).
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents / gastrointestinal agents / antidiarrheals.
Pharmachologic effect: antidiarrheal.

Pharmacological properties

Loperamide interacts with opiate receptors located in the circular and longitudinal muscles of the intestinal wall and inhibits the release of prostaglandins and acetylcholine. Loperamide inhibits intestinal motility and increases intestinal transit time. Loperamide increases the tone of the anal sphincter, helps reduce the urge to defecate and retain feces. Loperamide inhibits the release of electrolytes and fluid into the intestinal lumen and/or stimulates their absorption from the intestine. IN high doses ah loperamide may reduce gastric formation of hydrochloric acid. The effect of loperamide develops quickly and lasts 4–6 hours.
After taking loperamide, there were no cases of drug dependence or tolerance. But morphine-like dependence was observed in monkeys when high doses of loperamide were used.
It is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (approximately 40% of the dose). Thanks to high degree biotransformation during the “first pass” through the liver and the high affinity of the drug for the receptors of the intestinal wall, the content of unchanged loperamide after using 2 mg of the drug is less than 2 ng/ml. Maximum concentration in the blood is achieved 2.5 hours after taking the solution and 5 hours after taking the capsules. Loperamide is 97% protein bound. The half-life is 9.1–14.4 hours (average approximately 10.8 hours). Loperamide is metabolized in the liver, mainly excreted in the form of metabolites in bile and feces, and partially excreted in the urine. In a study in rats (duration 1.5 years), no carcinogenic effect of loperamide was found when using doses exceeding the MRDC up to 133 times. Mutagenicity studies of loperamide have not been performed. In reproduction studies in rats, it was found that loperamide can cause decreased fertility in males and infertility in females when using high doses of the drug (150-200 times the MRDI). In reproduction studies in rabbits and rats, it was shown that when using doses of loperamide no more than 30 times higher than the MRDC, the drug does not harm the offspring and does not have teratogenic effects. It is not known whether loperamide passes into breast milk. In a study post - and prenatal development offspring of rats when using 40 mg/kg of loperamide in lactating females, a decrease in offspring survival was noted.


Symptomatic treatment of chronic and acute diarrhea, which is caused by changes in the qualitative composition of food and diet, impaired absorption and metabolism, as well as emotional, allergic, radiation, medicinal origin; for diarrhea infectious origin, How aid; ileostomy (to reduce the volume and frequency of stool, to make its consistency denser).

Method of administration of loperamide and dose

Loperamide is taken orally (regardless of food intake; the lingual tablet is placed on the tongue, after a few seconds it disintegrates, after which, without washing down with water, it is swallowed with saliva; capsules are taken with water, without chewing). The dosage regimen depends on the indications. Acute diarrhea, adults: 4 mg – initial dose, then after each shapeless stool 2 mg, 16 mg – maximum daily dose; chronic diarrhea, adults 4 mg/day. If there is no stool for more than 12 hours or normalization of stool consistency, therapy should be discontinued. Children 2–12 years old are prescribed under the supervision of a doctor, depending on age and body weight.
If at acute diarrhea constipation develops within 2 days, partial intestinal obstruction, abdominal bloating, or no clinical improvement is observed, then loperamide should be discontinued. At chronic diarrhea the use of loperamide is possible only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. Loperamide should be used with caution in young children due to the high sensitivity to the opiate-like properties of loperamide - effects on the central nervous system. nervous system. When treating diarrhea (especially in children), it is necessary to replenish the loss of electrolytes and fluids. Dehydration may cause changes in the response to loperamide. Loperamide should be used with caution in elderly patients (as the response to loperamide may vary and symptoms of dehydration may be masked). In patients with liver dysfunction, careful monitoring should be carried out for signs of toxic damage to the central nervous system (due to slower metabolism of loperamide). In patients with traveler's diarrhea, the decrease in intestinal motility, which is caused by loperamide, can cause a prolonged increase in temperature due to inhibition of the excretion of microorganisms (Salmonella, Shigella, some strains of Escherichia coli and others) and their penetration into the intestinal mucosa. During therapy with loperamide, extreme caution must be exercised when driving vehicles or operating machinery.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, diverticulosis, intestinal obstruction, pseudomembranous colitis, which is caused by taking antibacterial agents wide range actions; spicy ulcerative colitis, other conditions in which intestinal motility cannot be suppressed; acute dysentery (especially if there is blood in the stool and accompanied by hyperthermia) and others infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract(which are caused by, among others, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp.); age up to 6 years.

Restrictions on use

Severe liver dysfunction, age from 2 to 12 years (only under medical supervision).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You should not use loperamide during pregnancy (especially in the 1st trimester) and breastfeeding, since strictly controlled and adequate studies have not been conducted in lactating and pregnant women.

Side effects of loperamide

Digestive system: bloating, constipation, intestinal colic, discomfort or abdominal pain, nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, intestinal obstruction, additionally for lozenges: a tingling or burning sensation of the tongue that occurs immediately after taking the tablets;
nervous system: drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness;
allergic reactions: hives, skin rash, very rarely - bullous rash, including toxic epidermal necrolysis; anaphylactic shock;
others: urinary retention.

Interaction of loperamide with other substances

Concomitant use of loperamide with opioid analgesics may increase the risk of developing severe constipation. At sharing loperamide and cholestyramine may reduce the effectiveness of loperamide. When loperamide is used together with ritonavir, co-trimoxazole, the bioavailability of loperamide increases.


In case of an overdose of loperamide, the following occur: intestinal obstruction, depression of the central nervous system (drowsiness, miosis, stupor, muscle hypertonicity, respiratory depression, impaired coordination of movements).
Therapy: if necessary, use the antidote - naloxone. Given that the duration of action of loperamide is longer than that of naloxone, repeated use of naloxone is possible. It is also necessary to carefully and long-term (at least 1 day) observation of the patient and conduct symptomatic treatment, gastric lavage, taking activated carbon, artificial ventilation lungs (if necessary).

You can briefly explain what Loperamide does in a few words. This is a medicine against diarrhea. The product slows down intestinal motility and helps get rid of diarrhea. The drug is not recommended to be taken in cases where the cause loose stool are infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Release form, composition and packaging

Loperamide capsules and tablets are medicines in solid form. The capsule form has a gelatin shell, easily soluble in the gastrointestinal tract. The contents in powder form mix well with food mixtures. The tablets are easier to split if you need to use half the dose or less.

Composed of two dosage forms the content of the active ingredient - loperamide hydrochloride - is 2 mg. Capsules and tablets, 10 pcs. Packed in blisters made of metal foil and transparent plastic. One cardboard box contains 2 blisters.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Antidiarrheal medicine acts directly on the intestinal wall, causing muscle contraction in the lining. The main effect is a decrease in tone and peristalsis. Loperamide also slows down the process of movement of digested or semi-digested food.

Medicine increases tension in the annular muscle of the rectum. Thanks to increased tone, stool is better retained and the urge to defecate is less frequent. The removal of fluid from the intestines slows down, so water and ions of macro- and microelements are better absorbed.

The antidiarrheal agent acts quickly, increases the density and reduces the frequency of stools.

The drug mainly acts in the intestines. Therapeutic effect develops rapidly after taking Loperamide and persists for an average of 5 hours. The active ingredient is partially absorbed and penetrates into the blood. Loperamide hydrochloride enters the liver and is metabolized. Less than 1% enters the systemic circulation. After 11–12 hours, half of the metabolites are excreted in the stool.

What does Loperamide help with?

The drug is taken for acute and acute diarrhea. chronic course. The causes of loose stools, in addition to infections, are unusual and new foods in the diet, irregular nutrition, and various disorders of the intestinal absorption function. Accompanied by diarrhea food allergy and food intolerance (this is not the same thing), taking certain medications.

Along with feces and vomit, pathogenic microbes and their poisons are removed from the body. Loperamide inhibits the process without affecting its cause. Therefore, the treatment of diarrhea in acute intestinal infections (AI) with this remedy is considered inappropriate. Doctors prescribe gastrointestinal lavage and enemas to speed up the elimination of germs and toxins.

Instructions for use and dosage

The dosage regimen is slightly different in the first and subsequent days of illness. The age of the patient must be taken into account.

Treatment of diarrhea with Loperamide:

  • The initial dose for an adult for acute diarrhea is 2 tablets, which corresponds to 4 mg of loperamide hydrochloride.
  • Subsequently, if symptoms persist, you need to take 1 tablet after each bowel movement.
  • The starting dose for adults for chronic diarrhea is 2 mg.
  • Subsequently, it is recommended to adjust the dosage.

Stool 1 or 2 times a day is considered normal. If defecation occurs less frequently, then reduce the dose or stop treatment, provided that the stool consistency normalizes. Maximum permissible quantity tablets per day for adults - 8 pcs.

Children aged 4 to 6 years are given ½ tablet 3 or 4 times a day. This dosage regimen must be followed for 3 days. If the child is over 6 years old, then give one capsule or tablet three times a day. Teenagers 9–12 years old can take 1 tablet 4 times a day. When stool normalizes, treatment is stopped.

The active ingredient partially passes into breast milk. For this reason, it is not recommended to treat diarrhea with Loperamide during breastfeeding. A study of the effect of the drug on the fetus and child has not been conducted. Experts take into account the properties and pharmacokinetics of the drug. Loperamide may be taken during pregnancy if the therapy brings more tangible benefit to the mother than the potential negative impact on a fetus or child.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of several drugs may lead to changes in therapeutic and side effects. Loperamide interacts with narcotic painkillers. Using an antidiarrheal medication with opioid analgesics creates a risk of severe constipation. For the same reason, you should not take several medications for diarrhea at the same time.

Loperamide interacts with antiarrhythmic drugs, antifungal drugs- itraconazole, ketoconazole. Some medications make it easier for loperamide hydrochloride molecules to cross the blood-brain barrier. As a result, the concentration of this substance in the central nervous system may increase.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Loperamide should be avoided in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient and auxiliary components. Antidiarrheal medicine in the form of capsules is not given to a child under 6 years of age, tablets - up to 4 years of age.

Other contraindications:

  • acute diarrhea with fever, streaks of green and blood in the stool;
  • depression and lack of gastrointestinal motility;
  • salmonellosis and other acute infectious diseases;
  • severe flatulence;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • diverticula in the intestine;
  • acute ulcerative colitis;
  • constipation

Treatment with an antidiarrheal agent may be accompanied by side effects. The most common - flatulence, constipation, dry mouth, nausea - develop in 1 person out of 10. Very rarely (one in one hundred thousand people) drowsiness, dyspepsia, and allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes appear.

In case of an overdose, disturbances in coordination of movements, drowsiness, and muscle hypertonicity may occur. The most dangerous consequence non-compliance with the dose of Loperamide - intestinal obstruction. The antidote is naloxone. The victim needs to rinse the stomach and give intestinal sorbent ( Activated carbon or Enterosgel).

The cost of tablets produced by the Ozon Pharm company is only 9–10 rubles. Loperamide-Akrikhin capsules can be purchased in pharmacies for about 60 rubles. For comparison, here is the cost of the original drug Imodium - 460 rubles (20 pcs.) The drugs Lopedium and Diara (capsules and chewable tablets) also contain 2 mg of loperamide.

Analogues of drugs with identical composition have the same indications, dosage regimen and contraindications.

Fever, pus and blood in the stool indicate bacterial infection Gastrointestinal tract. In these cases, it is not advisable to take Loperamide. For ACI, it is better to take Enterofuril or Ecofuril. The active ingredient nifuroxazide has antimicrobial and antidiarrheal effects. They produce a suspension called Enterofuril for young children.

Which is better, Loperamide or Imodium?

The main benefit of tablets for the treatment of diarrhea is the normalization of stool. To give preference to one or another drug, you should know the composition, indications and methods of use. Loperamide imported or domestic production- generic. From this we can conclude that its price is lower compared to the original medicine.

Loperamide is much cheaper than Imodium, although the active ingredient and its content in tablets or capsules are the same.

Manufacturers original drug created a pharmaceutical composition, fulfilled all the necessary clinical researches. Then improved forms appeared. For example, an Imodium lozenge dissolves in the mouth in a few seconds. There is no need to drink water. Just put the tablet on your tongue, wait a couple of seconds, then swallow with saliva.

When choosing between Loperamide or Imodium, which is better to take for diarrhea, you need to remember the peculiarity of the active ingredient in the composition of the drugs. Loperamide hydrochloride stops diarrhea, but can be harmful if it is caused by bacterial or viral disease Gastrointestinal tract. Loose stools during acute intestinal infections help remove pathogens and toxins from the body.

Loperamide is a commonly used treatment for diarrhea. It is important to use the drug correctly and follow the dosage regimen. Uncontrolled intake leads to constipation. During treatment with an antidiarrheal agent, you need to drink more fluids.

Diarrhea in humans can occur due to various reasons, and this state lasts for several days. There are now many drugs available to normalize stool. All of them must be used as prescribed by a doctor, following the instructions. This is especially important when taking the drug Loperamide, an overdose of which can lead to intestinal obstruction or cardiac arrest. But still this medicine is on this moment the most popular antidiarrheal drug.

Features of treatment of diarrhea

Diarrhea, which many people know as diarrhea, is one of the most common types of intestinal disorders. Normally, a person should have stool 1-3 times a day. And bowel movements must be formalized. If a person goes to the toilet more often, and the stool is liquid, we can talk about diarrhea. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom that accompanies many pathologies.

But diarrhea can also be chronic. In this case, diarrhea occurs periodically and this condition lasts longer than a week. This happens with pancreatitis, colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and other pathologies. Typically, diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms of gastrointestinal damage.

The danger of diarrhea is that it leads to large losses of fluid from the body. This type of dehydration is very serious and can end fatal. Therefore, diarrhea should be treated as early as possible. But it is recommended to do this correctly, in accordance with the reason. For example, in case of poisoning, infectious diseases or with pancreatitis, you cannot simply eliminate diarrhea, as it helps remove bacteria and toxins from the body. In such cases, treatment of diarrhea should be comprehensive.

General characteristics of the drug

One of the most common means for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea is Loperamide capsules. Their use is justified to eliminate acute diarrhea caused by allergies or stress. In other cases, the drug is prescribed only as part of complex treatment. This can be explained by the features active substance drug. It was created by Belgian scientists in the 60s of the 20th century. The substance loperamide is an opiate, although it differs slightly from them in terms of its action. Unlike other opiates, it does not affect the central nervous system, does not relieve pain and does not cause depression of the nervous system. The action of loperamide applies only to intestinal receptors. Therefore, the drug based on it, “Imodium,” has been actively used to treat diarrhea since the 70s.

Now the substance loperamide is included in several medications for diarrhea. It is inexpensive, so such drugs are usually cheap. For example, you can buy a package of Loperamide at a pharmacy for about 20 rubles. The drug is sold without a prescription. For this reason, and also due to the fact that it is highly effective, Loperamide is very popular. The drug is available in capsules and tablets containing 2 mg of active substance. You can also find "Loperamide Akrikhin" on sale, the instructions for which indicate it more high efficiency. After all, this product in capsule form contains loperamide hydrochloride and Excipients, enhancing its effect.

Features of the drug's action

To cure diarrhea, you need to eliminate its causes. But sometimes it is still necessary to normalize intestinal motility and absorption of fluid in it. This is precisely what the action of Loperamide is aimed at. An overdose for this reason can lead to intestinal obstruction. In addition, the drug is metabolized and excreted by the liver, so it a large number of may lead to impairment of its functions.

The main effect of Loperamide is aimed at inhibiting intestinal motility. As a result, the production of prostaglandins is inhibited and the movement of food through the intestines slows down. The absorption of water and electrolytes is also reduced. This helps to normalize the process of feces formation. In addition, Loperamide increases the tone of the anal sphincter, which prevents bowel movements from coming out frequently and reduces the urge to defecate. Another effect of the drug is its ability to slow down the secretory function of the digestive tract. All this helps to normalize stool. The result after taking the drug comes quickly - within 20-30 minutes, and lasts up to 6 hours.

Indications for use of the drug

The use of "Loperamide Akrikhin" and its variety in tablets is indicated for diarrhea of various etiologies. The drug is used both independently and as part of complex treatment. But it is worth remembering that it does not affect the cause of diarrhea, but only relieves the symptoms. Indications for the use of Loperamide may include the following pathologies:

  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal infection;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • enteroviral or rotavirus infection;
  • disruption of food absorption due to climate change or habitual diet;
  • diarrhea due to an allergic reaction after taking medicines or stress;
  • chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by stool disorders.


An overdose of Loperamide is very dangerous, so it must be used with great caution. First of all, it is not recommended to take this medicine for more than 2-3 days. In addition, there are certain contraindications that limit the use of Loperamide:

  • pregnancy, especially in the first trimester;
  • the period of breastfeeding, as the drug penetrates into milk;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • severe liver pathologies;
  • ulcerative lesion mucous membrane, diverticulosis, intestinal obstruction;
  • bloating unknown etiology;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer during the period of exacerbation.

It is not recommended to take Loperamide for diarrhea caused by dysentery and other serious infections. After all, it slows down the excretion of feces, which can lead to the spread of infection. In addition, this drug does not combine with some antibiotics.

Side effects

If you take Loperamide correctly, it is well tolerated. But since this drug belongs to the group of opiates, it cannot be completely safe. Instructions for use with Loperamide capsules warn of the possibility of the following side effects:

  • rash, urticaria;
  • dizziness;
  • ventricular arrhythmia and other heart problems;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • intestinal colic;
  • flatulence;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • dry mouth;
  • urinary retention.

Most often, such reactions occur during an overdose of the drug.

How to take Loperamide

It is best to use this medication as directed by your doctor. Only healthy people can take it on its own for 1-2 days for diarrhea caused by overeating, climate change or stress. In other cases, only a doctor can determine how to take Loperamide, how many days to take it, and what medications to combine with it. It is usually recommended to take 2 tablets or capsules of the drug for the first time. Then you need to take 1 piece after each bowel movement, if the stool is liquid. But you can’t drink more than 16 mg per day, which is 8 tablets.

For chronic diarrhea, the instructions for using Loperamide for adults recommend drinking 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually by the doctor. If there is no stool for more than 12 hours or it has become formed, treatment with the drug must be stopped. If no improvement is observed within two days, it is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a doctor.

What does an overdose lead to?

Usually, if you follow your doctor's recommendations, no problems arise. But when long-term use or exceeding the daily dose, an overdose of loperamide may occur. In addition to intestinal obstruction, this condition may be accompanied by other phenomena. This is constriction of the pupils, impaired coordination of movements, convulsions, drowsiness, and breathing problems. Symptoms of depression of the nervous system and a state of stupor may develop. If an overdose of the drug occurs, it is necessary to take activated angle at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient’s body weight. After this, it is recommended to rinse the stomach. If this does not help, you need to consult a doctor. There is a drug that is an antagonist of loperamide - Naloxone. It is administered intramuscularly and quickly eliminates the symptoms of overdose. But it may need to be administered a second time, since loperamide is cleared from the body within 12 hours.

"Loperamide" for children

Instructions for use recommend taking the drug only after 12 years of age. But doctors sometimes prescribe it at more younger age. Although this only uses tablets, they are easier to break and measure the right dosage. Only a doctor can determine whether a child needs to take the drug and in what dosage. In no case should it be prescribed to children under 6 years of age due to the risk of developing serious side effects.

It is usually recommended to first give the child 1 tablet, then half. Children under 8 years of age can drink up to 4 mg per day, and from 9 to 12 - 6 mg. But apply in childhood The drug can only be used according to strict indications. Doctors have recently been trying not to prescribe it, as scientists have discovered that loperamide can cause paralytic scoliosis. After all, in addition to increasing the tone of the anus, it can increase the tone of the skeletal muscles of the lower back.

Features of application

Although this drug has no effect on the central nervous system, it may cause a slower reaction. Therefore, during treatment, you should try to avoid controlling vehicles and other dangerous mechanisms. It is necessary to take Loperamide only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage. In case of complex treatment, the drug cannot be combined with other drugs from the group of opioids or with analgesics. This can lead to overdose and cause intestinal obstruction. It is also prohibited to take Loperamide together with certain antibiotics, antihistamines and drugs that stimulate intestinal motility. That is why drugs for complex treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

Analogues of the drug

The drug "Loperamide" is not the only remedy based on this component. Several anti-diarrhea medications containing loperamide hydrochloride are now available. They come in tablets, capsules, chewable tablets, in syrup or drops. The most famous drugs are:

  • "Imodium."
  • "Lopedium".
  • "Diare."
  • "Enterobene".
  • "Suprilol".
  • "Laremid."

Loperamide, which we talk about on the www.site, is a drug that has antidiarrheal effects.

Composition and release form of Loperamide

The drug Loperamide is produced in capsules, where the active compound is loperamide hydrochloride, its dosage is 2 mg. In addition, the dosage form contains some formative components.

There is another dosage form of the antidiarrheal drug, which is presented in tablet form. You can buy the medicine in the over-the-counter department. The shelf life and shelf life of Loperamide is two years from the date of pharmaceutical manufacture of the drug.

How does Loperamide capsules and tablets work?

The antidiarrheal drug Loperamide reduces intestinal tone and motility, in addition, the passage of intestinal contents slows down, and the tone of the anal sphincter increases. The effect of the medicine occurs quite quickly. How long does Loperamide last? Its duration is 4 or 6 hours.

Absorption of the drug is 40%. How long does it take for Loperamide to work? The maximum concentration of the antidiarrheal agent is achieved after 2.5 hours. The half-life varies from nine to fourteen hours. The connection with blood proteins is 97 percent. The medication does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

The drug is almost completely metabolized in hepatocytes due to the conjugation process. Output medicine mainly in the intestines, only a small part - with urine.

What does Loperamide treat and what does it help with?

Indications for use of Loperamide are as follows. It is intended to treat diarrhea of different origins(allergic, emotional, in addition, medicinal and radiation). Prescribe medication when changing the diet, as well as the composition of food, in case of malabsorption.

In addition, the drug is prescribed to regulate bowel movements in persons with ileostomy. An antidiarrheal drug is used as an auxiliary medication in the treatment of loose stools in infectious diseases.

Is loperamide harmful? Contraindications for use

There are some conditions in which the antidiarrheal drug Loperamide is contraindicated for use: increased sensitivity to medication, lactose intolerance, lactation period, lactase deficiency, intestinal obstruction, glucose-galactose malabsorption, pseudomembranous enterocolitis, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, pregnancy, age under six years. The medicine is prescribed with caution for severe liver pathology.

Use of the drug Loperamide and dosage

Capsules and tablets for diarrhea Loperamide is used orally, and the dosage form is swallowed whole; tablets or capsules should be washed down boiled water to the required extent. Usually, the patient is initially prescribed 4 milligrams of the drug, after which they switch to a dosage of 2 mg.

Treatment of diarrhea at home in adults and children differs in dosage. The maximum daily dose of the antidiarrheal drug Loperamide for diagnosed diarrhea in adults is 0.016 grams, and children are not recommended to use more than 0.006 grams per day. If there is no loose stool for more than 12 hours, it is recommended to discontinue further use of the medication.

Loperamide overdose

The instructions for Loperamide also warn about the symptoms of an overdose: the patient may experience stupor, intestinal obstruction, loss of coordination, drowsiness may be observed, miosis is typical, in addition, the development of muscle hypertonicity, and respiratory depression is also possible.

Treatment of overdose: an antidote is prescribed; the patient’s stomach should first be rinsed. Prescribe symptomatic therapy if necessary. In this case, the patient must be under medical supervision for 48 hours.

Side effects Loperamide

The medicine for diarrhea Loperamide can provoke the development of allergic reactions, the patient will develop a skin rash, in addition, drowsiness or insomnia may occur, the patient complains of dizziness, which is characterized by the addition of hypovolemia and electrolyte disturbances.

Others negative manifestations can be expressed in the form of dryness of the oral mucosa, intestinal colic is added, gastralgia is not excluded, intestinal obstruction is sometimes noted, in addition, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, as well as nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, and possibly flatulence.

If any side effects develop, the patient must promptly consult a doctor who will correct healing process.

special instructions

If there is no antidiarrheal effect after two days of using the medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor. If abdominal bloating develops, as well as in the presence of constipation, the patient should refuse further use of the drug.

During the period of diarrhea, it is important for the patient to replenish the loss of fluid and essential electrolytes, and, if necessary, medicinal solutions can be administered parenterally.

What to replace or what analogue of Loperamide should I ask my pharmacist?

Other antidiarrheal drugs for adults and children: the drug Imodium, Superilop, Loperamide-Akri, Loperamide hydrochloride-Farmaplant, Loperamide Grindeks, in addition, Lopedium, Loperamide, Vero-Loperamide, Loperamide-Akrikhin, Loperacap, Enterobene, Laremid, Loperamide hydrochloride, Diarol, as well as Diara.


Loperamide should be used on the advice of a specialist. If it develops allergic reaction to use the medication, then the patient needs to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Which appeared so inopportunely before a wedding, important exams, during an urgent trip or a long-awaited vacation, it is difficult to find something more convenient to use than this inexpensive and effective drug. However, its use also has important nuances which must be taken into account.

Loperamide is an antidiarrheal agent

When taking, you must follow the instructions for use. It is recommended to start taking a double dose of 4 mg, moving from next appointment medications per dose 2 mg. However, if the diarrhea is not pronounced, you should not double the dose; it is better to start with 2 mg, and then be guided by your well-being. You should not take more than 16 mg of the drug per day. Features of the use of various dosage forms of loperamide:

  • capsules are taken with at least 250 ml of water;
  • Chewable tablets should not be swallowed without chewing them thoroughly;
  • The suspension should be shaken well before use, measuring it with a measuring spoon.

Take the drug on an empty stomach or during meals, trying to drink as much fluid as possible. There is no exact regimen for its use, unless loperamide is prescribed by a doctor as part of a comprehensive treatment.

If an overdose occurs, first of all you need to seek qualified medical advice, or at a minimum, call ambulance. This can be understood by the following symptoms: confusion, pain and bloating in the intestines, extremely rare urination.

If they are accompanied by swelling of the face, throat, itchy skin with red spots, perhaps this is how side effects from taking the drug manifest themselves in the form of Side effects can also manifest themselves as increased diarrhea, the appearance of blood in the stool. In such cases, delay is unacceptable; urgent medical consultation is needed. Such phenomena are extremely rare, the most that can occur when taking the drug is constipation for 1-3 days, slight lethargy, and rarely dizziness

Loperamide: indications for use

Loperamide: release form - tablets

Indications for the use of loperamide are diarrhea or The name of the drug itself and the name of the main active ingredient, its active base, are identical. They are similar in their effect and contain loperamide in such drugs as Enterobene, Laremid, Lopedium. Loperamide reduces the intensity of intestinal contractions, which consistently move the food bolus through it. Thanks to this, food does not rush through digestive tract at an unusual speed, both liquid and nutrients, the body does not become dehydrated.

In addition, under the influence of the drug, the amount of mucous secretion produced by the intestinal walls decreases, and the density of feces approaches normal. At the same time, the drug increases the tone of the anal sphincter, which almost completely eliminates the endless urge to defecate, these unpleasant symptoms of intestinal disorder.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it only removes unpleasant symptoms diarrhea, but cannot cope with its cause.

Before you start using loperamide, you need to be sure that diarrhea is not caused by food poisoning. It is in such cases that it is extremely undesirable to deal with diarrhea, because with the help of loose stools the body gets rid of bacteria and does not allow the products of bacteria and toxins to be absorbed into the blood. Indications for the use of loperamide may include conditions such as:

  • diarrhea caused by overload of the nervous system, stress (“bear disease”);
  • “traveler's diarrhea” caused by a change in climate and usual diet;
  • chronic intestinal diseases,
  • condition after chemotherapy;
  • when the contents of the intestine in severe diseases are excreted through an opening in the abdominal wall.

Without consulting a doctor, loperamide can be used only in the first and second cases, and even then if, in addition to diarrhea, there are no such symptoms: fever, headaches, blood in the stool, fever, abdominal pain.

Prohibitions and restrictions on taking loperamide

If the drug is taken short-term, only as a symptomatic remedy, then as soon as the stool returns to normal, its use should be stopped. Since loperamide may large doses has a depressing effect on the nervous system, it is forbidden to use it in children under 6 years of age and with extreme caution in adolescents under 12 years of age. The effect of the drug on the central nervous system is due to the ban on driving during treatment, as well as on driving. It should be taken into account that the period of elimination of the drug from the body is quite long, that is, long-term consequences are possible.

As for taking loperamide during pregnancy, it is better to refrain from this, especially the first 3 months. If it is absolutely necessary to use the drug, a pregnant woman should consult a doctor and minimize the dosage. The drug taken during breastfeeding reaches